Research Article
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Governing the Exception, Negotiating Justice: The Law of the Mountains, Feud Settlements, and Hybrid Punishments in Shkodra

Year 2024, Issue: 5, 59 - 86, 31.12.2024


A primary concern for governors appointed to Shkodra from the 1850s onward was to tackle the prevailing custom of blood feuds and the issue of fugitive murderers arising from this practice. To eliminate feuds, which were historically legitimized by the Geg Albanians’ ancient customary laws, called the Kanun of Dukagjini or the law of the mountains (cibal), local authorities set up a multilayered and plural legal regime. In this context, mountain tribes affiliated with the Cibal Commission, which was created under local government supervision in Shkodra, and certain other districts, were officially permitted to operate outside the Ottoman judicial system and implement the law of the cibal, including such retributive measures as house-burning and property confiscation. In areas not officially governed by the law of the cibal, on the other hand, a more complex picture emerged, a picture shaped by recurrent collective settlements of feuds. In peaceful settlements, the scope of which was subject to negotiations between tribal elders (rüesa) and the governor and documented in written contracts, not only was reconciliation facilitated between the feuding parties, but hybrid criminal procedures were also invented, and their enforcement was shared between the Ottoman courts and the rüesa. This system eclectically juxtaposed the Ottoman laws and the cibal laws. Thus, those who could not be punished within the framework of the former would be punished according to the latter. This article aims to explore this exceptional legal regime in Shkodra in the second half of the 19th century, a period marked by centralization in Ottoman judicial and administrative structures and an increasing emphasis on the principle of legality.


  • Arşiv Belgeleri
  • T.C Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
  • Bâb-ı Âlî Evrak Odası (BEO)
  • Cevdet Adliye (C.ADL)
  • Cevdet Dahiliye (C.DH)
  • Dahiliye Islahat (DH.TMIK.S)
  • Dahiliye İdare (DH.İD)
  • Dahiliye Mektubî Kalemi (DH.MKT)
  • Dahiliye Muamelat (DH.TMIK.M)
  • Dahiliye Şifre Kalemi (DH.ŞFR)
  • Hariciye Mektubî Kalemi (HR.MKT)
  • Hariciye Tercüme Odası (HR.TO)
  • İradeler Dahiliye (İ.DH)
  • İradeler Hususi (İ.HUS)
  • İradeler Meclis-i Mahsus (İ.MMS)
  • İradeler Meclis-i Vâlâ (İ.MVL)
  • Meclis-i Vâlâ (MVL)
  • Meclis-i Vükela Mazbataları (MV)
  • Rumeli Müfettişliği İşkodra Evrakı (TFR.I.İŞ)
  • Rumeli Müfettişliği Kosova Evrakı (TFR.I.KV)
  • Sadaret Amedi Kalemi Evrakı (A.AMD)
  • Sadaret Mektubî Kalemi Evrakı (A.MKT)
  • Sadaret Mukavelenameler (A.DVN.MKL)
  • Sadaret Mühimme Kalemi Evrakı (A.MKT.MHM)
  • Sadaret Name-i Hümayun Evrakı (A.DVN.NMH)
  • Sadaret Umum Vilayat Evrakı (A.MKT.UM)
  • Şura-yı Devlet (ŞD)
  • Yıldız Askeri Maruzat (Y.PRK.ASK)
  • Yıldız Esas Evrakı (Y.EE)
  • Yıldız Hususi Evrak (Y.HUS)
  • Yıldız Mütenevvi Maruzat (Y.MTV)
  • Yıldız Resmi Maruzat (Y.A.RES)
  • Yıldız Umumi (Y.PRK.UM)
  • Yıldız Yaveran ve Maiyyet-i Seniyye Erkan-ı Harbiye Dairesi (Y.PRK.MYD)
  • Kitap, Makale ve Tezler
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  • Ali Galib. Arnavudluk ve Arnavudların Ahvâline Dair Tarih. Yazma eser, y.y ve y.t yok.
  • Amara, Ahmad. “The Ottoman Tanzimat in the Palestinian Frontier of Beersheba (1850-1917)”, Living in the Ottoman Lands: Identities, Administration and Warfare. Ed. H. Kılıçarslan, Ö. F. Can ve B. Çağlar, 126-155. İstanbul: Kronik Books, 2021.
  • Aykut, Ebru. “Alternative Claims on Justice and Law: Rural Arson and Poison Murder in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire”. Doktora Tezi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2011.
  • ________ “Revisiting the Basic Legal Principles of the Tanzimat in Light of a Customary Practice: House-Burning and Usul-i Cibâl”. The Making of Law in the Ottoman Space (1800-1914), international workshop, 26-27 May 2015, Paris (yayımlanmamış bildiri).
  • ________ “Toxic Murder, Female Poisoners, and the Question of Agency at the Late Ottoman Law Courts, 1840-1908”. Journal of Women’s History 28 (3), 2016, 114-137.
  • ________ “Negotiating Justice and Law: Albanian Customary Law in the Age of Ottoman Centralization (1850s-early 1900s)”. The 14th ICOSEH, 24-27 July 2017, Sofia (yayımlanmamış bildiri).
  • ________ “Judicial Reforms, Sharia Law, and the Death Penalty in the Late Ottoman Empire”. JOTSA 4 (1), 2017, 7-29.
  • ________ “Negotiating Justice and Law: Albanian Customary Law in the Age of Ottoman Centralization”. Comparative Seminar on Legal Transformations in 19th and Early 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire, Max Planck Institute, 31 May 2021, online (yayımlanmamış konuşma metni).
  • Balcı, Ramazan. “The Ottoman Practices of the Kanun of Dukagjini: The Method of Cibal”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 26 (1), 2016, 31-49.
  • Barakat, Nora. “Regulating Land Rights in Late Nineteenth-Century Salt: The Limits of Legal Pluralism in Ottoman Property Law”. JOTSA 2 (1), 2015, 101-119.
  • Barkey, Karen. “Aspects of Legal Pluralism in the Ottoman Empire”, Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850. Ed. L.
  • Benton and R. J. Ross, 83-107. New York, London: NYU Press, 2013.
  • Bayraktar, Uğur. “Reconsidering Local versus Central: Empire, Notables, and Employment in Ottoman Albania and Kurdistan, 1835-1878”. IJMES 52, 2020, 685-701.
  • ________ “Feud, Law, and Society in Mid-Nineteenth Century Northern Albania”. Die Welt des Islams 63 (3), 2023, 269-301.
  • Bedii Nuri. “Arnavutluk’ta Kan Gütmek Âdeti”, Şehbâl 59, 15 Ağustos 1328 (28 Ağustos 1912), 208-209.
  • ________ “Arnavutluk Teşkilât-ı İctimâiyyesi. Teşkilât-ı İdariyye ve Kanuniyye”, Şehbâl 62, 1 Teşrinievvel 1328 (1 Ekim 1912), 272-273.
  • ________ “Arnavutluk Teşkîlât-ı İçtimâiyyesi: Cibal Kanûnu”, Şehbâl 64, 1 Teşrinisani 1328 (14 Aralık 1912), 304-305. Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von ve Bertham Turner. “Legal Pluralism, Social Theory, and the State”. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 50 (3), 2018, 255-274.
  • Blumi, Isa. “Capitulations in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Shifting Parameters of Russian and Austrian Interests in Ottoman Albania, 1878-1912”. Oriente Moderno 22 (83), no. 3, 2003, 635-647. ________ Reinstating the Ottomans. Alternative Balkan Modernities, 1800-1912. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ________ Ottoman Refugees, 1878-1939. Migration in a Post-Imperial World. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
  • Cevdet Paşa, Tezâkir 13-20. Yay. Haz. C. Baysun, Ankara: TTK, 1991.
  • Clayer, Nathalie. Aux origines du nationalisme Albanais. Paris: Karthala, 2007.
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İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra'da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri

Year 2024, Issue: 5, 59 - 86, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, 19. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren İşkodra’da kurumsal adalet mekanizmalarıyla Arnavut kanunlarının adaleti tesis mekanizmalarının -cibal usulünün- karşılaşma, temas ve etkileşim anlarına yakından bakmayı, böylelikle Tanzimat sonrası hukuki merkeziyetçilik ve hukuki çoğulluk tartışmalarına ceza hukuku ve adaleti merceğinden katkıda bulunmayı amaçlıyor. Makalede evvela İşkodra’da hakim istisnaî hukuk rejiminin zeminini oluşturan koşullar ve bu rejimin belkemiğini teşkil eden Cibal Komisyonu ve cibal usulü üzerinde duracak, ayrıca cibal usulüne istinaden uygulanan cezalardan hane ihrakını sosyo-hukuki bağlamına yerleştirmeye çalışacağım. Ardından yine İşkodra’da akdedilen umumi sulh sözleşmelerine odaklanarak sulh koşullarının müzakere edildiği süreçte icat edilen hibrit usulleri istisnaî yönetimin bir unsuru olarak inceleyeceğim. Nihayet bölgedeki hukuki çoğulluğun yol açtığı ihtilaflı durumlara ve yine buradan beslenen adalet taleplerine birkaç örnekle değindikten sonra, 1908 ertesi militer şiddet ve sıkıyönetim koşullarında Dukakin Kanunu/cibal usulünün kanunlaştırılmasına yönelik yarım kalmış teşebbüsten bahsederek makaleyi bitireceğim.


  • Arşiv Belgeleri
  • T.C Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
  • Bâb-ı Âlî Evrak Odası (BEO)
  • Cevdet Adliye (C.ADL)
  • Cevdet Dahiliye (C.DH)
  • Dahiliye Islahat (DH.TMIK.S)
  • Dahiliye İdare (DH.İD)
  • Dahiliye Mektubî Kalemi (DH.MKT)
  • Dahiliye Muamelat (DH.TMIK.M)
  • Dahiliye Şifre Kalemi (DH.ŞFR)
  • Hariciye Mektubî Kalemi (HR.MKT)
  • Hariciye Tercüme Odası (HR.TO)
  • İradeler Dahiliye (İ.DH)
  • İradeler Hususi (İ.HUS)
  • İradeler Meclis-i Mahsus (İ.MMS)
  • İradeler Meclis-i Vâlâ (İ.MVL)
  • Meclis-i Vâlâ (MVL)
  • Meclis-i Vükela Mazbataları (MV)
  • Rumeli Müfettişliği İşkodra Evrakı (TFR.I.İŞ)
  • Rumeli Müfettişliği Kosova Evrakı (TFR.I.KV)
  • Sadaret Amedi Kalemi Evrakı (A.AMD)
  • Sadaret Mektubî Kalemi Evrakı (A.MKT)
  • Sadaret Mukavelenameler (A.DVN.MKL)
  • Sadaret Mühimme Kalemi Evrakı (A.MKT.MHM)
  • Sadaret Name-i Hümayun Evrakı (A.DVN.NMH)
  • Sadaret Umum Vilayat Evrakı (A.MKT.UM)
  • Şura-yı Devlet (ŞD)
  • Yıldız Askeri Maruzat (Y.PRK.ASK)
  • Yıldız Esas Evrakı (Y.EE)
  • Yıldız Hususi Evrak (Y.HUS)
  • Yıldız Mütenevvi Maruzat (Y.MTV)
  • Yıldız Resmi Maruzat (Y.A.RES)
  • Yıldız Umumi (Y.PRK.UM)
  • Yıldız Yaveran ve Maiyyet-i Seniyye Erkan-ı Harbiye Dairesi (Y.PRK.MYD)
  • Kitap, Makale ve Tezler
  • Ahmet Şerif. Arnavudluk’da, Sûriye’de, Trablusgarb’de Tanîn, Cilt II. Yay. Haz. M. Ç. Börekçi. Ankara: TTK, 1999.
  • Akiba, Jun. “The Administration of Justice in Ottoman Libya, 1835-1911”. Yayımlanmamış makale, 2012 (
  • Ali Galib. Arnavudluk ve Arnavudların Ahvâline Dair Tarih. Yazma eser, y.y ve y.t yok.
  • Amara, Ahmad. “The Ottoman Tanzimat in the Palestinian Frontier of Beersheba (1850-1917)”, Living in the Ottoman Lands: Identities, Administration and Warfare. Ed. H. Kılıçarslan, Ö. F. Can ve B. Çağlar, 126-155. İstanbul: Kronik Books, 2021.
  • Aykut, Ebru. “Alternative Claims on Justice and Law: Rural Arson and Poison Murder in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire”. Doktora Tezi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2011.
  • ________ “Revisiting the Basic Legal Principles of the Tanzimat in Light of a Customary Practice: House-Burning and Usul-i Cibâl”. The Making of Law in the Ottoman Space (1800-1914), international workshop, 26-27 May 2015, Paris (yayımlanmamış bildiri).
  • ________ “Toxic Murder, Female Poisoners, and the Question of Agency at the Late Ottoman Law Courts, 1840-1908”. Journal of Women’s History 28 (3), 2016, 114-137.
  • ________ “Negotiating Justice and Law: Albanian Customary Law in the Age of Ottoman Centralization (1850s-early 1900s)”. The 14th ICOSEH, 24-27 July 2017, Sofia (yayımlanmamış bildiri).
  • ________ “Judicial Reforms, Sharia Law, and the Death Penalty in the Late Ottoman Empire”. JOTSA 4 (1), 2017, 7-29.
  • ________ “Negotiating Justice and Law: Albanian Customary Law in the Age of Ottoman Centralization”. Comparative Seminar on Legal Transformations in 19th and Early 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire, Max Planck Institute, 31 May 2021, online (yayımlanmamış konuşma metni).
  • Balcı, Ramazan. “The Ottoman Practices of the Kanun of Dukagjini: The Method of Cibal”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 26 (1), 2016, 31-49.
  • Barakat, Nora. “Regulating Land Rights in Late Nineteenth-Century Salt: The Limits of Legal Pluralism in Ottoman Property Law”. JOTSA 2 (1), 2015, 101-119.
  • Barkey, Karen. “Aspects of Legal Pluralism in the Ottoman Empire”, Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850. Ed. L.
  • Benton and R. J. Ross, 83-107. New York, London: NYU Press, 2013.
  • Bayraktar, Uğur. “Reconsidering Local versus Central: Empire, Notables, and Employment in Ottoman Albania and Kurdistan, 1835-1878”. IJMES 52, 2020, 685-701.
  • ________ “Feud, Law, and Society in Mid-Nineteenth Century Northern Albania”. Die Welt des Islams 63 (3), 2023, 269-301.
  • Bedii Nuri. “Arnavutluk’ta Kan Gütmek Âdeti”, Şehbâl 59, 15 Ağustos 1328 (28 Ağustos 1912), 208-209.
  • ________ “Arnavutluk Teşkilât-ı İctimâiyyesi. Teşkilât-ı İdariyye ve Kanuniyye”, Şehbâl 62, 1 Teşrinievvel 1328 (1 Ekim 1912), 272-273.
  • ________ “Arnavutluk Teşkîlât-ı İçtimâiyyesi: Cibal Kanûnu”, Şehbâl 64, 1 Teşrinisani 1328 (14 Aralık 1912), 304-305. Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von ve Bertham Turner. “Legal Pluralism, Social Theory, and the State”. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 50 (3), 2018, 255-274.
  • Blumi, Isa. “Capitulations in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Shifting Parameters of Russian and Austrian Interests in Ottoman Albania, 1878-1912”. Oriente Moderno 22 (83), no. 3, 2003, 635-647. ________ Reinstating the Ottomans. Alternative Balkan Modernities, 1800-1912. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ________ Ottoman Refugees, 1878-1939. Migration in a Post-Imperial World. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
  • Cevdet Paşa, Tezâkir 13-20. Yay. Haz. C. Baysun, Ankara: TTK, 1991.
  • Clayer, Nathalie. Aux origines du nationalisme Albanais. Paris: Karthala, 2007.
  • Dareste, Rodolphe. “Les Anciennes Coutumes Albanaises”. Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger 27 (4), Juillet-Août 1903, 477-496.
  • Degrand, A[lexandre]. Souvenirs de la Haute-Albanie. Paris, 1901.
  • Deringil, Selim. “‘They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery’: The Late Ottoman Empire and the Post-Colonial Debate”. Comparative Studies in Society and History 45, 2003, 311-342.
  • Durham, Edith. High Albania. London: Edward Arnold, 1909.
  • Duvergier, J[ean]. B[aptiste]. Code pénal annoté. Édition de 1832. Paris, 1833.
  • Düstûr, Tertib 1, Cilt 1. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire, 1289 (1871).
  • Düstûr, Tertib 1, Cilt 4. İstanbul: Mahmud Bey Matbaası, 1299 (1881).
  • E. H. “Tâdil-i Kavânin Münâsebetiyle: Leka yahud Cibal Kanunu”, Arnavud 6, 4 Şubat 1325 (17 Şubat 1910).
  • Ekinci, Ekrem Buğra. Osmanlı Hukuku. İstanbul: Arı Sanat Yayınları, 2008.
  • Elsie, Robert. Historical Dictionary of Albania. Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth: The Scarecrow Press, 2010.
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There are 111 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Historical Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru Aykut

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 21, 2024
Acceptance Date December 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 5


APA Aykut, E. (2024). İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi(5), 59-86.
AMA Aykut E. İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri. TT Akademi. December 2024;(5):59-86.
Chicago Aykut, Ebru. “İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar Ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri”. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi, no. 5 (December 2024): 59-86.
EndNote Aykut E (December 1, 2024) İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi 5 59–86.
IEEE E. Aykut, “İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri”, TT Akademi, no. 5, pp. 59–86, December 2024.
ISNAD Aykut, Ebru. “İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar Ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri”. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi 5 (December 2024), 59-86.
JAMA Aykut E. İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri. TT Akademi. 2024;:59–86.
MLA Aykut, Ebru. “İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar Ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri”. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi, no. 5, 2024, pp. 59-86.
Vancouver Aykut E. İstisnayı Yönetmek, Adaleti Müzakere Etmek: İşkodra’da Cibal Kanunu, Umumi Sulhlar ve Hibrit Cezalandırma Usulleri. TT Akademi. 2024(5):59-86.

Greetings with Our Fifth Issue!

We are delighted to present the latest issue of Toplumsal Tarih Akademi journal. This issue marks the fifth since the journal began its journey in December 2022, but it stands out as the first to not center around a thematic dossier. It also represents our initial experience transitioning from editorial assistants to full editors of the journal. We ask for your forgiveness in advance for any shortcomings.

We extend our gratitude to our former editors, Yaşar Tolga Cora and Nurşen Gürboğa, who rapidly transformed the journal into one of the key publications of the History Foundation. We also thank the former President of the History Foundation and the journal’s former editor-in-chief, Mehmet Ö. Alkan, for his pioneering role in launching the journal. We are fully aware of the responsibility placed on our shoulders to carry the journal forward. With the support of our Editorial Board members and an expanding team of editors, we aim to fulfill this responsibility to the best of our ability.

At this point, we wish to thank our new section editors, who took on the responsibility of shaping the journal with us at the September 2024 Editorial Board meeting, marking the transition in the journal’s management. Our thanks go to Gülhan Balsoy and Cihangir Gündoğdu, who joined as book review editors, and Deniz Türker, who is now overseeing the document review section. We are immensely grateful for their energetic contributions to the process. While Nurşen Gürboğa has passed on the role of editor to us, she continues as the journal’s editor-in-chief. Her guidance and the bridges she builds with the History Foundation’s administration are invaluable to us. We also extend our gratitude to Emre Erkan, our Turkish language editor, who worked meticulously and swiftly to prepare articles for publication, and to our layout editor, Aşkın Yücel Seçkin, for her careful and prompt efforts. Our heartfelt thanks also go to our anonymous referees, the unseen heroes who guide our authors through their revisions.

Our decision to produce this issue with free-topic articles, coupled with changes in our management structure during the process, resulted in some delays. We are particularly grateful to our authors for their patience and understanding.

This issue features four research articles, three document reviews, four book reviews, and an obituary. Let us first introduce the research articles in our fifth issue. The first, authored by Nurhan Davutyan, is titled “The Ottoman Moratorium of 1875 could have been Prevented.” This study provides a fresh perspective on the developments leading to the establishment of the Ottoman Public Debt Administration, which violated the fiscal sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire. Drawing on extensive resources and statistical analysis, Davutyan argues that financial measures proposed by Mehmed Emin Ali Pasha in 1867 could have averted the moratorium if implemented earlier, rather than in 1879.

The second article is a collaborative work by Murat Tülek, Jean-François Pérouse, and Funda Ferhanoğlu, titled “Jacques Pervititch before 1922.” This detailed study focuses on the early life and career of Pervititch, a pivotal figure in Istanbul’s cartographic history, before he began creating insurance maps of the city. Rich with visual materials, including one featured on our cover, the article offers valuable insights into Pervititch’s family life, professional development, and early maps.

Our third research article, “Governing the Exception, Negotiating Justice: The Law of the Mountains, Feud Settlements, and Hybrid Punishments in Shkodra,” takes us to the Albanian lands of the late Ottoman period. In this study, Ebru Aykut examines Ottoman governance strategies amidst local mountain laws and centralization efforts. By applying Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality to a series of cases, the article sheds light on fascinating historical events in Shkodra, offering a rewarding read for our audience.

The fourth article bridges natural history and historical research. Titled ““Why the Cormorant?” A 19th-Century Ottoman Intellectual's Perspective on the Lexical History of Karabatak,” Tarkan Murat Akkaya analyzes an 1899 newspaper article on the cormorant bird. This engaging piece explores the origins of bird names, contributing a unique perspective to the field of nomenclature, specifically regarding the cormorant.

Under the editorial guidance of Deniz Türker, our document review section aims to draw attention to overlooked historical documents and present creative interpretations of them. Filiz Yazıcıoğlu’s study highlights the significance of petitions as sources, examining those written by a telegraph operator, Mehmet Tevfik Bey, during the reign of Abdul Hamid II. Mertkan Karaca reviews a 1909 article by Halil Edhem Bey, brother of Osman Hamdi Bey, shedding light on the history of the Imperial Museum, now the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Aysel Yıldız examines two letters that narrate the remarkable life of a Janissary, İbrahim Ben Ali, born in Istanbul in 1756, who endured captivity in Russia and eventually emigrated to the United States.

Our book review section, edited by Gülhan Balsoy and Cihangir Gündoğdu, features analyses of recent publications focusing on various periods of Ottoman and Republican history. Ekrem Yener reviews Ümit Kurt’s Kanun ve Nizam Dairesi’nde Soykırım Teknokratı Mustafa Reşat Mimaroğlu’nun İzinde Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Devlet Mekanizması, while Melis Cankara critiques Uğur Zekeriya Peçe’s Island and Empire: How Civil War in Crete Mobilized the Ottoman World. Ayşe Hilal Uğurlu examines Ali Akyıldız’s Mabeyn-i Hümayun: Osmanlı Saray Teşkilatının Modernleşmesi, and Numan Deniz discusses Nir Shafir’s The Order and Disorder of Communication: Pamphlets and Polemics in Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire.

Finally, our obituary section commemorates historian, teacher, and writer Necdet Sakaoğlu, known for his work on local, urban, Seljuk, Ottoman, and educational history. Fahri Aral honors his memory with a heartfelt piece.

According to our Editorial Board's decision, the journal will now publish themed issues in June and open-call issues in December. We encourage you to follow the calls for papers announced on DergiPark and the History Foundation’s website. The deadline for submissions to our December 2025 issue is June 15, 2025, through the DergiPark system.

We value the development of social historiography and the creation of platforms for free and critical thought, especially for publishing high-quality Turkish articles. Toplumsal Tarih Akademi aims to combine the History Foundation’s long-standing tradition of critical publishing with the international standards of academic publishing. To this end, we are actively pursuing the indexing of our journal in national and international databases. Your constructive criticism and contributions are vital to us, and we eagerly await your feedback.

Enjoy reading and have a wonderful year ahead.

Editors of Toplumsal Tarih Akademi
Firuzan Melike Sümertaş & Sırrı Emrah Üçer