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Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu

Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 259, 919 - 962, 20.12.2006


Bir zamanların geleneksel Türk köşklerinin ve evlerinin kabul salonlarında, çalışma odalarında olduğu kadar camilerde de önemli birer aygıt olma ötesinde aksesuar olarak yer alan sanat değeri yüksek zarfları ile asma veya oturtma saatleri yanında zarif mücevher zincirle kıyafete iliştirilerek ceplerde taşınan ve adeta sahibinin sosyal sınıfını da simgeleyen mücevher muhafazalı cep saatleri bugün antika müzayede salonlarının nadide parçaları olarak önemlerini korumaktadır. Türkiye'de her ne kadar bağımsız bir saat müzesi olmasa da Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi'nde Hazine'nin bir bölümünü oluşturan Saatler Bölümü, Türkiye'deki en zengin saat koleksiyonu olarak önemlidir.


  • Abbott, G. F. (1920). Under the Turk in Constantinople, a Record of-Sir John Finch's Embassy 1674-1681, London.
  • Anonim (tarihsiz). A General Account of the Turkish Empire, 6 M, London.
  • Anonim. (1860). Relics of the Past - Curious Musical Instruments of the Sixteenth Century, Illustrated London News, Cilt 37, No:10555, s. 380.
  • Bağış, Ali İhsan (1983). Osmanlı Ticaretinde Gayri Müslimler 1750-1839, Ankara.
  • Baillie, G. H., Clutton, Cecil & Ilbert, C. A. eds. (1973). Brittens's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers, London.
  • Baillie, G. H. (1972). Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, London.
  • Baillie, G. H. (1951). Clocks and Watches, A Historical Bibliography, London.
  • Bent, J. Theodore (ed.) (1893). Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant 1- The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600; 2- Extracts from the Diaries of Dr.John Covel (1670-1679), London.
  • Bingül, Nurettin Rüştü (tarihsiz). Eski Eserler Ansiklopedisi, 2. Cilt, İstanbul: Tercüman 1001 Temel Eser, No: 95(2).
  • Brotton, Jerry (2002). The Renaissance Bazaar from the Silk Road to Michelangelo, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Bruton, Eric (1967). Clocks and Watches, 1400-1900, London.
  • Bş. Bk. Os. Ar. (Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri), Cevdet - Hariciye No: 5766
  • Bş. Bk. Os. Ar., Cevdet - Hariciye, No: 8330.
  • Bş. Bk. Os. Ar. Cevdet - Maliye, No: 7981.
  • Çeçen, Kazım (1990). Su Mühendisliği Tarihimize Ait Önemli Bir Eser, El Cezeri: "Uygulanmamış Her Teknik İlim Doğru ile Yanlış Arasındadır", Arredamento Dekorasyon, Ocak 1990, s. 74-82.
  • Dale, Rodney (1992). Timekeeping, Oxford - New York - Toronto: Oxford University Press.
  • Dallaway, J. (1797). Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, London.
  • Daniels, George & Markarian, Ohannes (1980). Watches and Clocks in-the Sir David Salomans Collection Including Scientific Instruments, Boxes and Automata, L. A. Meyer Memorial Institute for lslamic Art, London.
  • Davis, Natalie Zemon (2000). The Gift in Sixteenth-Century France, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dawson, Percy G. (1945). Clocks Made for the Turkish Market, Antique Collector, Part I May-June 1945. s. 96-99, Part II: Nov. -Dec. 1945, s. 208-212.
  • Dereli, Hamit (1951). Kraliçe Elizabeth Devrinde Türkler ve İngilizler, İstanbul
  • Eldem, Sedad Hakkı & Akozan, Feridun (1982). Topkapı Sarayı, İstanbul.
  • Epstein, Mordecai (1968). The English Levant Company: Its Foundation and Its History to 1640, London.
  • Evliya Çelebi (1896/97-1938). Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, İstanbul: İkdam Yayınları, Cilt I.
  • Gökyay, Orhan Şaik (1984). Zübdet'üt-Tevarih (Tarihlerin Özeti), Tarih ve Toplum, Sayı: 9, Eylül, s. 210-215.
  • Hakluyt, Richard (1904). The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nations, 1598-1600, Glasgow, 1904 (Reprinted edition), Vol.V.
  • Hill, Aaron (1743) A General History of the Ottoman Empire, Illustrated, with Useful Notes and Observations, London.
  • Jagger, Cederic (1988). The Artistry of the English Watch, London.
  • Köseoğlu, C. (1980). Hazine, İstanbul.
  • Kurz, Otto (1975). European Clocks and Watches in the Near East, London.
  • Kütükoğlu, M.S. (1978). "1009 (1600) Tarihli Narh Defterine Göre İstanbul' da Çeşitli Eşya ve Hizmet Fiyatları", Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı : 9, İstanbul, s. 1-86.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S. (1974). Osmanlı-İngiliz İktisadi Münasebetleri 1580- 1838, Ankara.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S. (1983). Osmanlılarda Narh Müessesesi ve 1640 Tarihli Narh Defteri, İstanbul.
  • Mayes, Stanley (1956). An Organ for the Sultan, London.
  • Meyer, W. (tarihsiz). Topkapı Sarayı Müzesindeki Saatlerin Kataloğu, İstanbul.
  • Motraye, Aubrey de la (1730). Travels Through Europe, Asia and Part of Africa, London.
  • Neave, Doriana L. (1978). Eski İstanbulda Hayat, Çev. Osman Öndeş, İstanbul: Tercüman Yayınları.
  • Negretti, Ciammpiero & Vecchi, Paolo de (1993). Les Collections Horlogerie, Paris: Celiv.
  • Özdemir, Kemal (1993). Osmanlı'dan Günümüze Saatler, İstanbul: TYT Bank.
  • Pakalın, Mehmet Zeki (1983). Osmanlı Tarih Deyimleri ve Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul, Cilt II.
  • Podea, I.I. (1938). A Contribution to the Study of Queen Elizabeth's Eastern Policy 1590-1593, London.
  • P.R.O., (Public Record Office, London), C.S.P. (Calendar of State Papers), Foreign Series 1553-1583, Vol.3/3, No: 773.
  • P.R.O, S.P. (State Papers), 11, 97.
  • P.R.O., List and Analysis of State Papers, Foreign Series, Elizabeth I, July 1590-91, Vol. II, No: 843. No: 857.
  • P.R.O., List and Analysis of State Papers, Foreign Series, Elizabeth I, Vol. IV, May 1592-June 1595, No: 691; S. P. 97, II.
  • P.R.O., C.S.P., Foreign Series, 1553-1583, Vol. 3/30, London.
  • P.R.O., S.P. (State Papers) 105/146, 1775-1778, London.
  • P.R.O., S.P., 105/167 & 168 (Impositions Paid in London on Outward Cargoes, 1672-1681, 1794-1710.
  • P.R.O., S.P., C.S.P., Venetians, 1592-1603, Vol: 9, London.
  • Redhouse Sözlüğü (1974). Redhouse Yeni Türkçe - İngilizce .Sözlük/ New Redhouse Turkish- English Dictonary, 2. baskı , İstanbul: Redhouse Yayınevi.
  • Reyhanlı, Tülay (1983). İngiliz Gezginlerine Göre XVI. Yüzyılda İstanbul'da Hayat 1582-1599, Ankara.
  • Rolt Mr. (1756). A New Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, London, Reprinted for T. Osborne and J. Shipton; J. Hodges; J. Newbery; G. Keith and B. Collins.
  • Rogers, Michael (1986). "Ottoman Luxury Trades and Their Regulations", Osmanistische Studien zur Wirtschafts - Und Sozialgeschichte, In Memoriam VanCo Bosleov Harausgegeben von Hans Majer (ed.), Otto Harassowitz - Wesbaden, s.135-155.
  • Skilliter, Susan (1984). "William Harborne, the First English Ambassador 1583-1588", Four Centuries of Turco, British Relations, William Hale & Ali İhsan Bağış (Eds.), North Humberside: The Eothen Press, s. 10-25.
  • T.S.A., (Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi), D. (Defter) No. 22.
  • T.S.A., D. No. 19A.
  • T.S.A., D. No: 8829.
  • T.S.A., E. (Evrak) No: 3961/16, 18.
  • Tuzcular, A. (1982). "Saatler", Sanat, Sayı: 7, Nisan 1982, s. 120-125.
  • Tuzcular, Aysel (1980). "Early Clocks and Watches in the Topkapı Saray", International Symposium on the Observatories in Islam, 18-23 September, 1977, İstanbul, s. 203-210.
  • Uzunçarşılı , İ. H. (1946). "19. Asır Başlarına Kadar Türk- İngiliz Münasebatına Dair Vesikalar", Belleten C. XIII, Sayı: 51, s. 573-650, Lev. LXVIII-LXXIV.
  • Walsh, Robert (1836). A Residence at Contantinople, Cilt II, London.
  • White, George (1998). The Clockmakers of London, London: Trustees of the Museums and Educational Trust of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.
  • Wood, Alfred C. (1964/1935). A History of the Levant Company, London, (2nd impression).
  • Wood, Edward J. (1866). Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times, London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
  • Yıldız, Netice (1987). İngiliz - Osmanlı Sanat Eseri Alış Verişi (1583-1914), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Yıldız, Netice (1990). Anglo-Turkish Relations and Turkish Influences on the British Social Life and Art, New Cyprus,June, s. 15-16.
  • Yıldız, Netice (1992). "Türk - İngiliz İlişkileri Sürecinde İngiliz Sanat ve Sosyal Yaşamındaki Türk Etkileri", Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 11, Aralık , s. 41-48.

British Clocks and Watches in the Ottoman Empire and Topkapı Palace

Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 259, 919 - 962, 20.12.2006


Ottoman - British relations started officially in 1583 by obtaining capitulations for trading in the Ottoman Empire with low rate of custom charges. Representatives of the trade companies, mainly the Turkey Company members acted as envoys or ambassadors for the arrangements to obtain the privileges. Therefore, they had to find means to approach the Turkish dignitaries, mainly by discovering how to please them. Arı important part of the ceremony held for the audience of the British ambassador was presentation of a packet of valuable gifts mainly containing an automata-clock and rich textiles, a fashion already introduced by other European ambassadors. Dallam's unforgettable organ clock sent by Queen Elizabeth I to Mehmed III was the most famous one of these gifts that created so much sensation in İstanbul as well as in European palaces. Manufacturing of automata-clocks for the decoration of the Ottoman and other eastern palaces became an important industry in the European nations from the beginning of the conquest of İstanbul until the first quarter of the 19th century. The rumours of the beauty of these gifts created a fashion in every part of the Ottoman Empire to use the clocks and watches as an important accessory in the interiors or as a jewel to complement the apparel of the people as the sign of the richness or official rank. The British merchants who tried to organise their trade at the utmost level to gain advantage, managed to establish a large business for the Turkish market by designing special clocks and watches to attract the taste of the Islamic or non-Islamic citizens of the Ottoman Empire. Although the majority of these clocks and watches did not survive, the collection of Topkapı Palace Museum displays the best collection of British clocks and watches of various sizes specially designed for the Sultans and the harem. These masterpieces displayed in the Section of Clocks and Watches of Topkapı Palace are also important to reflect the early appreciation of the western art in the Ottoman palace as well as the history of diplomacy and commerce between the two countries. Therefore, it is aimed to give a brief account of the importance of the clocks and watches among the diplomatic gifts as well as the trading of these luxury commodities in the Ottoman Empire by the British clock makers and merchants.


  • Abbott, G. F. (1920). Under the Turk in Constantinople, a Record of-Sir John Finch's Embassy 1674-1681, London.
  • Anonim (tarihsiz). A General Account of the Turkish Empire, 6 M, London.
  • Anonim. (1860). Relics of the Past - Curious Musical Instruments of the Sixteenth Century, Illustrated London News, Cilt 37, No:10555, s. 380.
  • Bağış, Ali İhsan (1983). Osmanlı Ticaretinde Gayri Müslimler 1750-1839, Ankara.
  • Baillie, G. H., Clutton, Cecil & Ilbert, C. A. eds. (1973). Brittens's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers, London.
  • Baillie, G. H. (1972). Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, London.
  • Baillie, G. H. (1951). Clocks and Watches, A Historical Bibliography, London.
  • Bent, J. Theodore (ed.) (1893). Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant 1- The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600; 2- Extracts from the Diaries of Dr.John Covel (1670-1679), London.
  • Bingül, Nurettin Rüştü (tarihsiz). Eski Eserler Ansiklopedisi, 2. Cilt, İstanbul: Tercüman 1001 Temel Eser, No: 95(2).
  • Brotton, Jerry (2002). The Renaissance Bazaar from the Silk Road to Michelangelo, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Bruton, Eric (1967). Clocks and Watches, 1400-1900, London.
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  • Bş. Bk. Os. Ar., Cevdet - Hariciye, No: 8330.
  • Bş. Bk. Os. Ar. Cevdet - Maliye, No: 7981.
  • Çeçen, Kazım (1990). Su Mühendisliği Tarihimize Ait Önemli Bir Eser, El Cezeri: "Uygulanmamış Her Teknik İlim Doğru ile Yanlış Arasındadır", Arredamento Dekorasyon, Ocak 1990, s. 74-82.
  • Dale, Rodney (1992). Timekeeping, Oxford - New York - Toronto: Oxford University Press.
  • Dallaway, J. (1797). Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, London.
  • Daniels, George & Markarian, Ohannes (1980). Watches and Clocks in-the Sir David Salomans Collection Including Scientific Instruments, Boxes and Automata, L. A. Meyer Memorial Institute for lslamic Art, London.
  • Davis, Natalie Zemon (2000). The Gift in Sixteenth-Century France, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dawson, Percy G. (1945). Clocks Made for the Turkish Market, Antique Collector, Part I May-June 1945. s. 96-99, Part II: Nov. -Dec. 1945, s. 208-212.
  • Dereli, Hamit (1951). Kraliçe Elizabeth Devrinde Türkler ve İngilizler, İstanbul
  • Eldem, Sedad Hakkı & Akozan, Feridun (1982). Topkapı Sarayı, İstanbul.
  • Epstein, Mordecai (1968). The English Levant Company: Its Foundation and Its History to 1640, London.
  • Evliya Çelebi (1896/97-1938). Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, İstanbul: İkdam Yayınları, Cilt I.
  • Gökyay, Orhan Şaik (1984). Zübdet'üt-Tevarih (Tarihlerin Özeti), Tarih ve Toplum, Sayı: 9, Eylül, s. 210-215.
  • Hakluyt, Richard (1904). The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nations, 1598-1600, Glasgow, 1904 (Reprinted edition), Vol.V.
  • Hill, Aaron (1743) A General History of the Ottoman Empire, Illustrated, with Useful Notes and Observations, London.
  • Jagger, Cederic (1988). The Artistry of the English Watch, London.
  • Köseoğlu, C. (1980). Hazine, İstanbul.
  • Kurz, Otto (1975). European Clocks and Watches in the Near East, London.
  • Kütükoğlu, M.S. (1978). "1009 (1600) Tarihli Narh Defterine Göre İstanbul' da Çeşitli Eşya ve Hizmet Fiyatları", Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı : 9, İstanbul, s. 1-86.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S. (1974). Osmanlı-İngiliz İktisadi Münasebetleri 1580- 1838, Ankara.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S. (1983). Osmanlılarda Narh Müessesesi ve 1640 Tarihli Narh Defteri, İstanbul.
  • Mayes, Stanley (1956). An Organ for the Sultan, London.
  • Meyer, W. (tarihsiz). Topkapı Sarayı Müzesindeki Saatlerin Kataloğu, İstanbul.
  • Motraye, Aubrey de la (1730). Travels Through Europe, Asia and Part of Africa, London.
  • Neave, Doriana L. (1978). Eski İstanbulda Hayat, Çev. Osman Öndeş, İstanbul: Tercüman Yayınları.
  • Negretti, Ciammpiero & Vecchi, Paolo de (1993). Les Collections Horlogerie, Paris: Celiv.
  • Özdemir, Kemal (1993). Osmanlı'dan Günümüze Saatler, İstanbul: TYT Bank.
  • Pakalın, Mehmet Zeki (1983). Osmanlı Tarih Deyimleri ve Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul, Cilt II.
  • Podea, I.I. (1938). A Contribution to the Study of Queen Elizabeth's Eastern Policy 1590-1593, London.
  • P.R.O., (Public Record Office, London), C.S.P. (Calendar of State Papers), Foreign Series 1553-1583, Vol.3/3, No: 773.
  • P.R.O, S.P. (State Papers), 11, 97.
  • P.R.O., List and Analysis of State Papers, Foreign Series, Elizabeth I, July 1590-91, Vol. II, No: 843. No: 857.
  • P.R.O., List and Analysis of State Papers, Foreign Series, Elizabeth I, Vol. IV, May 1592-June 1595, No: 691; S. P. 97, II.
  • P.R.O., C.S.P., Foreign Series, 1553-1583, Vol. 3/30, London.
  • P.R.O., S.P. (State Papers) 105/146, 1775-1778, London.
  • P.R.O., S.P., 105/167 & 168 (Impositions Paid in London on Outward Cargoes, 1672-1681, 1794-1710.
  • P.R.O., S.P., C.S.P., Venetians, 1592-1603, Vol: 9, London.
  • Redhouse Sözlüğü (1974). Redhouse Yeni Türkçe - İngilizce .Sözlük/ New Redhouse Turkish- English Dictonary, 2. baskı , İstanbul: Redhouse Yayınevi.
  • Reyhanlı, Tülay (1983). İngiliz Gezginlerine Göre XVI. Yüzyılda İstanbul'da Hayat 1582-1599, Ankara.
  • Rolt Mr. (1756). A New Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, London, Reprinted for T. Osborne and J. Shipton; J. Hodges; J. Newbery; G. Keith and B. Collins.
  • Rogers, Michael (1986). "Ottoman Luxury Trades and Their Regulations", Osmanistische Studien zur Wirtschafts - Und Sozialgeschichte, In Memoriam VanCo Bosleov Harausgegeben von Hans Majer (ed.), Otto Harassowitz - Wesbaden, s.135-155.
  • Skilliter, Susan (1984). "William Harborne, the First English Ambassador 1583-1588", Four Centuries of Turco, British Relations, William Hale & Ali İhsan Bağış (Eds.), North Humberside: The Eothen Press, s. 10-25.
  • T.S.A., (Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi), D. (Defter) No. 22.
  • T.S.A., D. No. 19A.
  • T.S.A., D. No: 8829.
  • T.S.A., E. (Evrak) No: 3961/16, 18.
  • Tuzcular, A. (1982). "Saatler", Sanat, Sayı: 7, Nisan 1982, s. 120-125.
  • Tuzcular, Aysel (1980). "Early Clocks and Watches in the Topkapı Saray", International Symposium on the Observatories in Islam, 18-23 September, 1977, İstanbul, s. 203-210.
  • Uzunçarşılı , İ. H. (1946). "19. Asır Başlarına Kadar Türk- İngiliz Münasebatına Dair Vesikalar", Belleten C. XIII, Sayı: 51, s. 573-650, Lev. LXVIII-LXXIV.
  • Walsh, Robert (1836). A Residence at Contantinople, Cilt II, London.
  • White, George (1998). The Clockmakers of London, London: Trustees of the Museums and Educational Trust of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.
  • Wood, Alfred C. (1964/1935). A History of the Levant Company, London, (2nd impression).
  • Wood, Edward J. (1866). Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times, London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
  • Yıldız, Netice (1987). İngiliz - Osmanlı Sanat Eseri Alış Verişi (1583-1914), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Yıldız, Netice (1990). Anglo-Turkish Relations and Turkish Influences on the British Social Life and Art, New Cyprus,June, s. 15-16.
  • Yıldız, Netice (1992). "Türk - İngiliz İlişkileri Sürecinde İngiliz Sanat ve Sosyal Yaşamındaki Türk Etkileri", Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 11, Aralık , s. 41-48.
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Netice Yıldız

Publication Date December 20, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 70 Issue: 259


APA Yıldız, N. (2006). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu. BELLETEN, 70(259), 919-962.
AMA Yıldız N. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu. TTK BELLETEN. December 2006;70(259):919-962. doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.919
Chicago Yıldız, Netice. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri Ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu”. BELLETEN 70, no. 259 (December 2006): 919-62.
EndNote Yıldız N (December 1, 2006) Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu. BELLETEN 70 259 919–962.
IEEE N. Yıldız, “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 259, pp. 919–962, 2006, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2006.919.
ISNAD Yıldız, Netice. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri Ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu”. BELLETEN 70/259 (December 2006), 919-962.
JAMA Yıldız N. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70:919–962.
MLA Yıldız, Netice. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri Ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu”. BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 259, 2006, pp. 919-62, doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.919.
Vancouver Yıldız N. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İngiliz Saatleri ve Topkapı Sarayı Koleksiyonu. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70(259):919-62.