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Oylum Höyük Orta Tunç Çağı II Seramik Fırını

Year 2024, Volume: 88 Issue: 313, 663 - 695, 06.12.2024


Türkiye’de sayıları her geçen gün artan arkeolojik çalışmalar neticesinde seramik üretimi hakkında yeni bilgilere ulaşılmaktadır. Ancak, özellikle bazı bölge ve dönemlere ilişkin seramik üretim sürecine ait arkeolojik kanıtlar henüz yeterli değildir. Piroteknik teknolojisinin bir ürünü olan seramik fırınları hakkında bildiklerimiz artsa da prehistorik ve protohistorik dönemlerde bu teknolojiye bağlı üretimin boyutları, seramik fırınlarının yerleşme ve bölgesel ölçekte yoğunlukları, dağılımı, gelişimi, konteksleri; kısacası rolleri hakkında söyleyebileceklerimiz şu an için sınırlıdır. Oylum Höyük’te 2020 yılında açığa çıkarılan ve Orta Tunç Çağı II’ye tarihlenen seramik fırını, Anadolu, Mezopotamya ve Levant’taki çağdaşları arasında, şimdiye kadar tespit edilmiş ve fiziki durumu en iyi korunmuş seramik fırını olarak kabul edilebilir. Bu sayede seramik fırını teknolojisi ve gelişimini hakkında önemli bilgiler elde edilmiştir. Kül çukuru, yanma odası ve pişirme odası olmak üzere üç bölümden oluşan fırın, kemerli bir yanma odası ve dairesel planlı bir pişirme odası olan yukarı çekişli bir fırın olarak tanımlanabilir. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar Oylum Höyük seramik fırınının Levant Bölgesi fırınları ile yakın benzerlikler gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur. OTÇ I’de muhtemelen idari işlevi olan anıtsal bir yapı ilen temsil edilen alan, OTÇ II’nin erken evresinde birçok piroteknik ünitenin bulunduğu endüstriyel üretim alanı olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Alanın farklı kullanımına ilişkin farklı yorumlar geliştirilebilir. Ancak, burada yerleşim organizyonu ile ilgili radikal bir değişimin olduğu kesin bir şekilde söylenebilir.


  • Alizadeh, Abbas, “A Protoliterate Pottery Kiln from Chogha Mish”, Iran, Vol. 23/ No. 1, 1985, pp. 39-50.
  • Ay, Eyyüp, “Yukarı Dicle Bölgesinde Müslümantepe’de Açığa Çıkarılan Bir Hurri- Mitanni Tapınağı ve Ortaya Koyduğu Yeni Bulgular”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 20/No. 2, 2021, pp. 338-361.
  • Aykurt, Ayşegül, “Kocabaş Tepe Seramik Fırını”, Hayat Erkanal’a Armağan: Kültürlerin Yansıması/Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections, ed. Betül Avunç, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006, pp. 113-119.
  • Aykurt, Ayşegül-Erkanal, Hayat, “Archaeological Evidence for an Early Second Millennium BC Potter’s Kiln at Liman Tepe”, Belleten, Vol. LXXX/No. 287, 2016, pp. 1-22.
  • Badre, Leila, Les figurines anthropomorphes en terre cuite à l’Age du Bronze en Syrie, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris 1980.
  • Bliss, F. Jones, A Mound of Many Cities. Tell El Hesy Excavated, The Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, London 1898.
  • Bonacossi, D. Morandi, “The Central Mound of the Qatna Acropolis in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Operation J” Akkadica, Vol. 124/No. 1, 2003, pp. 97-120.
  • Casana, Jesse, “Pyrotechnic installations” in “Tell Kurdu Excavations 1999” Anatolica XXVI, 2000, pp. 55-58.
  • Crawford, Harriet E. W., “Some Fire Installations from Abu Salabikh, Iraq (Dedicated To The Memory Of Margaret Munn-Rankin)” Paléorient, Vol. 7/No. 2, 1981, pp. 105-114.
  • D’Agostino, Anacleto, “Kilns and Ovens from the 2nd millennium BC Settlement of Tell Barri (NE Syria)”, Proceedings of 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, (ICAANE), Vol 1, eds. Roger Matthews-John Curtis, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 421-446.
  • Dardeniz, Gonca-Girginer, K. Serdar-Girginer, O. Özlem, “A Pottery Kiln from Tatarlı Höyük (Adana, Turkey) and its Implications for Late Bronze Age Pottery Production in Cilicia and Beyond” Adalya 21, 2018, pp. 117-134.
  • Delcroix, Gilbert-Huot, Jean, L., “Les fours dits de potier dans I’Orient ancien” Syria 49, 1972, pp. 35-95.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük İçin Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi: Ulisum/Ullis/İllis”, Armizzi: Engin Özgen’e Armağan/Studies in Honor of Engin Özgen, eds. Atilla Engin- Barbara Helwing-Bora Uysal, Asitan Kitap, Ankara 2014, pp. 129-149.
  • Engin, Atilla, “A Middle Bronze Age Palace at Oylum Höyük and New Findings” Arslantepe I. Uluslararası Arkeoloji Sempozyumu Bildirileri / Arslantepe Proceedings of the I. International Archaeology Symposium, eds. Neslihan Durak-Marcella Frangipane, 2019, pp. 237-252.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük and Alalakh: Cultural Relations in The Second Millennium BC”, Alalakh and Its Neighbours. Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Supplement 55, eds. Kutlu Aslıhan Yener-Tara Ingman, Peeters Publishers, 2020, pp. 275-306.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük”, Prehistorik Dönemlerden Geç Antik Döneme Gaziantep Arkeolojisi, eds. Atilla Engin-Kutalmış Görkay, Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü, Gaziantep 2022, pp. 47-82.
  • Engin, Atilla-Özgen, Engin-Aşir, Macit-Ezer, Sabahattin-Kavak, Abdülhamit- Bozkurt, Aydoğan-Bozkurt, Derya-Doruk, E. Şenay, “Oylum Höyük 2018”, 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I, 2020, pp. 243-264.
  • Engin, Atilla-Atik, Şeniz-Özer, Ali, “Middle Bronze Age Vitreous Material of Oylum Höyük and New Findings”, ANNALES, du 21ᵉ Congrès de l’association Internationale Pour l’Histoire du Verre, ed. Orhan Sevindik, AIHV, Vadi Grafik Tasarım ve Reklamcılık Ltd. Şti., 2021, pp. 35-48.
  • Erkanal, Armağan, “Panaztepe Kazısının 1985 Yılı Sonuçları”, VIII. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I, 1987, pp. 253-262.
  • Ezer, Sabahattin, “Middle Bronze Age Pottery Kilns at Şaraga Höyük”, Belleten, Vol. LXXVII/S. 278, 2013, pp. 1-14.
  • Genç, Elif, “Tilbaşar Orta Tunç Çağı Mezarı Işığında Pişmiş Toprak Çıplak Kadın Figürinleri ile İlgili Bazı Düşünceler” Anadolu/Anatolia 45, 2019, pp. 81-112.
  • Glausiusz, Josie, “Paving Over the Past” Nature, News Feature, Vol. 582, 2020, pp. 474-477.
  • Günel, Sevinç, Panaztepe II, M.Ö 2. Bine Tarihlendirilen Panaztepe Seramiğinin Batı Anadolu ve Ege Arkeolojisindeki Yeri ve Önemi/Die Keramik von Panaztepe und Ihre Bedeutung für Westkleinasien und die Agais Im 2. Jahrtausend, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1999.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük 1981” Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, Vol. XXVI/No. 2, 1983, pp. 93-110.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük, 1983” Anatolian Studies 34, 1984, pp. 226-228.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük, 1984” Anatolian Studies 35, 1985, pp. 203-205.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük and Nevali Çori, 1986” Anatolian Studies 37, 1987, pp. 203-207.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Vier Jahrtausende Siedlungsgeschichte am mittleren Euphrat” Archäologie in Deutschland. 1, 1993, pp. 10-15.
  • Iamoni, Marco, “Pottery Production during the Third and Second Millennium B.C. in Western Syria. The Development of Ceramic Technology as a Result of the Rise of Qatna as a Regional Capital”, The Transmission of Technical Knowledge in The Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery. Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute at Athens. 23rd-25th November 2012, eds. Walter Gauß- Gudrun Klebinder-Constance von Rüden, 2015, pp. 183-206.
  • Iamoni, Marco-Bonacossi, D. Morandi, “The Middle Bronze Age I–III Pottery Sequence from the Italian Excavations at Mishrifeh/Qatna, Syria. Archaeological Contexts and Ceramic Evidence”, Berytus 54, 2011, pp. 181-212.
  • Kletter, Raz, “A Middle Bronze Age II Site West of Tell Qasile”, Atiqod 53, 2006, pp. 65-128.
  • Kletter, Raz-De-Groot, Alon, “Excavating to Excess? Implications of the Last Decade of Archaeology in Israel”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. 14/No. 1, 2001, pp. 76-85.
  • Kletter, Raz-Gorzalczany, Amir, “A Middle Bronze Age II Type of Pottery Kiln from Coastal Plain of Israel” Levant 33, 2001, pp. 95-104.
  • Kulakoğlu, Fikri-Güllüce, Hamza-Sertok, M. Kemal-Squadrone, F. Flomena, “Gaziantep Kalehöyük 2003 Excavations”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Volume 2: Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages, Excavations Reports, eds. Hartmut Kühne- Rainer M. Czichon- Florian Janoscha Kreppner, 2008, pp. 345-352.
  • Majidzadeh, Yousef, “The Development of the Pottery Kiln in Iran from Prehistoric to Historical Periods”, Paléorient 3, 1975, pp. 207-221.
  • Matney, Timothy- Roaf, Michael- MacGinnis, John- McDonald, Helen “Archaeological Excavations at Ziyaret Tepe, 2000 and 2001”, Anatolica XXVIII, 2002, pp. 47-89.
  • Matney, Timothy-Rainville, Lynn, “Archaeological Investigations at Ziyaret Tepe 2003-2004”, Anatolica XXXI, 2005, pp. 19-68.
  • Moorey, Peter, R. S., Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1994.
  • Oates, David-Oates, Joan-McDonald, Helen, Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, London 1997.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara-Engin, Atilla-Niewenhuyse, Olivier-Spoor, Richard, “Oylum Höyük 1997-1998. Die spätchalkolithische Siedlung auf der Westterrasse”, Anatolia Antiqua 7, 1999, pp. 19-67.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara, “Ausgrabungen auf dem Oylum Höyük, 1997- 2000. Zweiter vorläufiger Bericht”, İstanbuler Mitteilungen 51, 2001, pp. 61-136.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara, “On the Shifting Border Between Mesopotamia and the West: Seven Seasons of Joint Turkish-German Excavations at Oylum Höyük”, Anatolica XXIX, 2003, s. 61-85.
  • Özgüç, Nimet, Samsat. Sümeysat, Samosata, Kumaha, Hahha, Hahhum, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 2009.
  • Raymond, Amy, “The MBA Hearths and Kiln at Miletus”, Hayat Erkanal’a Armağan: Kültürlerin Yansıması/ Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections, ed. Betül Avunç, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006, pp. 612-617.
  • Rice, M. Prudence, Pottery Analysis. A Sourcebook, Second Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 1987.
  • Tosi, Maurizio, “Survey of Excavations in Iran during 1968-69, Shahr-i Sokhta” Iran 8, 1970, pp. 188-189.
  • Tosi, Maurizio, “Survey of Excavations in Iran during 1970-71, Shahr-i Sokhta Project: Tepe Rud-i Biyaban”, Iran 10, 1972, p. 175.
  • Yener, K. Aslıhan, Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1. The 2003-2004 Excavation Seasons, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Yener, K. Aslıhan-Edens, Christopher-Casana, Jesse-Diebold, Benjamin-Ekstrom, Heidi-Loyet, Michelle- Özbal, Rana, “Tell Kurdu Excavations 1999”, Anatolica XXVI, 2000, pp. 31-119.

Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük

Year 2024, Volume: 88 Issue: 313, 663 - 695, 06.12.2024


Despite the newly acquired information with increasing studies in Türkiye, archaeological evidence regarding ceramic production in some regions and periods is still not sufficient. Although our knowledge about prehistoric and protohistoric pyrotechnology increases, we can currently say little about the size of ceramic production, the settlement and regional density of pottery kilns, their distribution, development and contexts, in short their roles. The pottery kiln discovered at Oylum Höyük in 2020 and dated to Middle Bronze Age II is in good physical condition compared to its contemporaries in Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and the Levant. Oylum Höyük kiln is currently the best documented MBA kiln in Türkiye. Therefore, all its technological features could be identified, revealing valuable information for understanding pottery kiln technology and development. The kiln, consisting of three parts including ash pit, combustion chamber and firing chamber, can be described as an updraught kiln with an arched combustion chamber and a firing chamber with circular plan. Extensive data from the MBA pottery kilns unearthed in the Levant allows us to compare the Oylum Höyük kiln with its contemporaries and to conclude that it is typologically and technologically closer to the Levant kilns. The area, which was represented in the MBA I by a monumental structure probably with administrative function, started to be used as an industrial production site with several pyrotechnic installations in the early phase of MBA II. We can say with certainty that there was a radical change in the settlement organization.


  • Alizadeh, Abbas, “A Protoliterate Pottery Kiln from Chogha Mish”, Iran, Vol. 23/ No. 1, 1985, pp. 39-50.
  • Ay, Eyyüp, “Yukarı Dicle Bölgesinde Müslümantepe’de Açığa Çıkarılan Bir Hurri- Mitanni Tapınağı ve Ortaya Koyduğu Yeni Bulgular”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 20/No. 2, 2021, pp. 338-361.
  • Aykurt, Ayşegül, “Kocabaş Tepe Seramik Fırını”, Hayat Erkanal’a Armağan: Kültürlerin Yansıması/Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections, ed. Betül Avunç, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006, pp. 113-119.
  • Aykurt, Ayşegül-Erkanal, Hayat, “Archaeological Evidence for an Early Second Millennium BC Potter’s Kiln at Liman Tepe”, Belleten, Vol. LXXX/No. 287, 2016, pp. 1-22.
  • Badre, Leila, Les figurines anthropomorphes en terre cuite à l’Age du Bronze en Syrie, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris 1980.
  • Bliss, F. Jones, A Mound of Many Cities. Tell El Hesy Excavated, The Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, London 1898.
  • Bonacossi, D. Morandi, “The Central Mound of the Qatna Acropolis in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Operation J” Akkadica, Vol. 124/No. 1, 2003, pp. 97-120.
  • Casana, Jesse, “Pyrotechnic installations” in “Tell Kurdu Excavations 1999” Anatolica XXVI, 2000, pp. 55-58.
  • Crawford, Harriet E. W., “Some Fire Installations from Abu Salabikh, Iraq (Dedicated To The Memory Of Margaret Munn-Rankin)” Paléorient, Vol. 7/No. 2, 1981, pp. 105-114.
  • D’Agostino, Anacleto, “Kilns and Ovens from the 2nd millennium BC Settlement of Tell Barri (NE Syria)”, Proceedings of 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, (ICAANE), Vol 1, eds. Roger Matthews-John Curtis, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 421-446.
  • Dardeniz, Gonca-Girginer, K. Serdar-Girginer, O. Özlem, “A Pottery Kiln from Tatarlı Höyük (Adana, Turkey) and its Implications for Late Bronze Age Pottery Production in Cilicia and Beyond” Adalya 21, 2018, pp. 117-134.
  • Delcroix, Gilbert-Huot, Jean, L., “Les fours dits de potier dans I’Orient ancien” Syria 49, 1972, pp. 35-95.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük İçin Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi: Ulisum/Ullis/İllis”, Armizzi: Engin Özgen’e Armağan/Studies in Honor of Engin Özgen, eds. Atilla Engin- Barbara Helwing-Bora Uysal, Asitan Kitap, Ankara 2014, pp. 129-149.
  • Engin, Atilla, “A Middle Bronze Age Palace at Oylum Höyük and New Findings” Arslantepe I. Uluslararası Arkeoloji Sempozyumu Bildirileri / Arslantepe Proceedings of the I. International Archaeology Symposium, eds. Neslihan Durak-Marcella Frangipane, 2019, pp. 237-252.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük and Alalakh: Cultural Relations in The Second Millennium BC”, Alalakh and Its Neighbours. Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Supplement 55, eds. Kutlu Aslıhan Yener-Tara Ingman, Peeters Publishers, 2020, pp. 275-306.
  • Engin, Atilla, “Oylum Höyük”, Prehistorik Dönemlerden Geç Antik Döneme Gaziantep Arkeolojisi, eds. Atilla Engin-Kutalmış Görkay, Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü, Gaziantep 2022, pp. 47-82.
  • Engin, Atilla-Özgen, Engin-Aşir, Macit-Ezer, Sabahattin-Kavak, Abdülhamit- Bozkurt, Aydoğan-Bozkurt, Derya-Doruk, E. Şenay, “Oylum Höyük 2018”, 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I, 2020, pp. 243-264.
  • Engin, Atilla-Atik, Şeniz-Özer, Ali, “Middle Bronze Age Vitreous Material of Oylum Höyük and New Findings”, ANNALES, du 21ᵉ Congrès de l’association Internationale Pour l’Histoire du Verre, ed. Orhan Sevindik, AIHV, Vadi Grafik Tasarım ve Reklamcılık Ltd. Şti., 2021, pp. 35-48.
  • Erkanal, Armağan, “Panaztepe Kazısının 1985 Yılı Sonuçları”, VIII. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I, 1987, pp. 253-262.
  • Ezer, Sabahattin, “Middle Bronze Age Pottery Kilns at Şaraga Höyük”, Belleten, Vol. LXXVII/S. 278, 2013, pp. 1-14.
  • Genç, Elif, “Tilbaşar Orta Tunç Çağı Mezarı Işığında Pişmiş Toprak Çıplak Kadın Figürinleri ile İlgili Bazı Düşünceler” Anadolu/Anatolia 45, 2019, pp. 81-112.
  • Glausiusz, Josie, “Paving Over the Past” Nature, News Feature, Vol. 582, 2020, pp. 474-477.
  • Günel, Sevinç, Panaztepe II, M.Ö 2. Bine Tarihlendirilen Panaztepe Seramiğinin Batı Anadolu ve Ege Arkeolojisindeki Yeri ve Önemi/Die Keramik von Panaztepe und Ihre Bedeutung für Westkleinasien und die Agais Im 2. Jahrtausend, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1999.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük 1981” Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, Vol. XXVI/No. 2, 1983, pp. 93-110.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük, 1983” Anatolian Studies 34, 1984, pp. 226-228.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük, 1984” Anatolian Studies 35, 1985, pp. 203-205.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Lidar Höyük and Nevali Çori, 1986” Anatolian Studies 37, 1987, pp. 203-207.
  • Hauptmann, Harald, “Vier Jahrtausende Siedlungsgeschichte am mittleren Euphrat” Archäologie in Deutschland. 1, 1993, pp. 10-15.
  • Iamoni, Marco, “Pottery Production during the Third and Second Millennium B.C. in Western Syria. The Development of Ceramic Technology as a Result of the Rise of Qatna as a Regional Capital”, The Transmission of Technical Knowledge in The Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery. Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute at Athens. 23rd-25th November 2012, eds. Walter Gauß- Gudrun Klebinder-Constance von Rüden, 2015, pp. 183-206.
  • Iamoni, Marco-Bonacossi, D. Morandi, “The Middle Bronze Age I–III Pottery Sequence from the Italian Excavations at Mishrifeh/Qatna, Syria. Archaeological Contexts and Ceramic Evidence”, Berytus 54, 2011, pp. 181-212.
  • Kletter, Raz, “A Middle Bronze Age II Site West of Tell Qasile”, Atiqod 53, 2006, pp. 65-128.
  • Kletter, Raz-De-Groot, Alon, “Excavating to Excess? Implications of the Last Decade of Archaeology in Israel”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. 14/No. 1, 2001, pp. 76-85.
  • Kletter, Raz-Gorzalczany, Amir, “A Middle Bronze Age II Type of Pottery Kiln from Coastal Plain of Israel” Levant 33, 2001, pp. 95-104.
  • Kulakoğlu, Fikri-Güllüce, Hamza-Sertok, M. Kemal-Squadrone, F. Flomena, “Gaziantep Kalehöyük 2003 Excavations”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Volume 2: Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages, Excavations Reports, eds. Hartmut Kühne- Rainer M. Czichon- Florian Janoscha Kreppner, 2008, pp. 345-352.
  • Majidzadeh, Yousef, “The Development of the Pottery Kiln in Iran from Prehistoric to Historical Periods”, Paléorient 3, 1975, pp. 207-221.
  • Matney, Timothy- Roaf, Michael- MacGinnis, John- McDonald, Helen “Archaeological Excavations at Ziyaret Tepe, 2000 and 2001”, Anatolica XXVIII, 2002, pp. 47-89.
  • Matney, Timothy-Rainville, Lynn, “Archaeological Investigations at Ziyaret Tepe 2003-2004”, Anatolica XXXI, 2005, pp. 19-68.
  • Moorey, Peter, R. S., Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1994.
  • Oates, David-Oates, Joan-McDonald, Helen, Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods, British School of Archaeology in Iraq, London 1997.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara-Engin, Atilla-Niewenhuyse, Olivier-Spoor, Richard, “Oylum Höyük 1997-1998. Die spätchalkolithische Siedlung auf der Westterrasse”, Anatolia Antiqua 7, 1999, pp. 19-67.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara, “Ausgrabungen auf dem Oylum Höyük, 1997- 2000. Zweiter vorläufiger Bericht”, İstanbuler Mitteilungen 51, 2001, pp. 61-136.
  • Özgen, Engin-Helwing, Barbara, “On the Shifting Border Between Mesopotamia and the West: Seven Seasons of Joint Turkish-German Excavations at Oylum Höyük”, Anatolica XXIX, 2003, s. 61-85.
  • Özgüç, Nimet, Samsat. Sümeysat, Samosata, Kumaha, Hahha, Hahhum, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 2009.
  • Raymond, Amy, “The MBA Hearths and Kiln at Miletus”, Hayat Erkanal’a Armağan: Kültürlerin Yansıması/ Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections, ed. Betül Avunç, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006, pp. 612-617.
  • Rice, M. Prudence, Pottery Analysis. A Sourcebook, Second Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 1987.
  • Tosi, Maurizio, “Survey of Excavations in Iran during 1968-69, Shahr-i Sokhta” Iran 8, 1970, pp. 188-189.
  • Tosi, Maurizio, “Survey of Excavations in Iran during 1970-71, Shahr-i Sokhta Project: Tepe Rud-i Biyaban”, Iran 10, 1972, p. 175.
  • Yener, K. Aslıhan, Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1. The 2003-2004 Excavation Seasons, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Yener, K. Aslıhan-Edens, Christopher-Casana, Jesse-Diebold, Benjamin-Ekstrom, Heidi-Loyet, Michelle- Özbal, Rana, “Tell Kurdu Excavations 1999”, Anatolica XXVI, 2000, pp. 31-119.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Sabahattin Ezer 0000-0002-9244-5802

Publication Date December 6, 2024
Submission Date May 16, 2024
Acceptance Date August 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 88 Issue: 313


APA Ezer, S. (2024). Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük. BELLETEN, 88(313), 663-695.
AMA Ezer S. Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük. TTK BELLETEN. December 2024;88(313):663-695. doi:10.37879/ttkbelleten.1597340
Chicago Ezer, Sabahattin. “Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük”. BELLETEN 88, no. 313 (December 2024): 663-95.
EndNote Ezer S (December 1, 2024) Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük. BELLETEN 88 313 663–695.
IEEE S. Ezer, “Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 88, no. 313, pp. 663–695, 2024, doi: 10.37879/ttkbelleten.1597340.
ISNAD Ezer, Sabahattin. “Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük”. BELLETEN 88/313 (December 2024), 663-695.
JAMA Ezer S. Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük. TTK BELLETEN. 2024;88:663–695.
MLA Ezer, Sabahattin. “Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük”. BELLETEN, vol. 88, no. 313, 2024, pp. 663-95, doi:10.37879/ttkbelleten.1597340.
Vancouver Ezer S. Middle Bronze Age II Pottery Kiln at Oylum Höyük. TTK BELLETEN. 2024;88(313):663-95.