Year 2023,
, 39 - 50, 31.12.2023
Francesca Balossi Restelli
Gian Maria Di Nocera
Elisa Biancifiori
Metin Batihan
Meral Başaran Mutlu
The paper describes and analyses the domestic quarter in Late Chalcolithic 3-4 Arslantepe (3900/3800-3400 BCE), characterized by the construction and continued use of pebbled streets. The few comparisons with contemporary sites in neighbouring regions testify to a shared tradition of settlement planning and building technology, possibly covering the Upper and Middle Euphrates, Khabur and Upper Mesopotamia in general, even though no real standardization of architecture is seen. Next to the expected house installations and artifacts, ritual pits and burials under the floors of the houses are the expression of the symbolic value embodied by the domestic space. These will be briefly presented and commented.
- Alessio M., Bella F., Improta S., Belluomini G.,
Calderoni G., Cortesi C., ve Turi B. (1976).
University of Rome Carbon-Dates XIV.
Radiocarbon, 18(3), 321-349.
- Alessio M., Allegri L., Azzi C., Bella F., Calderoni G.,
Cortesi C., Improta S., ve Petrone V. (1983). 14C
Dating of Arslantepe, Origini, 12(2), 575-580.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2006a). The Development of
‘Cultural Regions’ in the Neolithic of the Near
East: the dark Faced Burnished Ware Horizon,
BAR Publishing, S1482.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2006b). Local Late Chalcolithic
(LC3) occupation at Zeytinli Bahçe (Birecik,
Șanli-Urfa): the ceramic production. Anatolian
Studies, 56, 17-46.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2012). At the Roots of the Late
Chalcolithic Society in the Anatolian Euphrates
Valley. Origini, 34, 41-58.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2015). Hearth and home.
Interpreting fire installations at Arslantepe, Eastern
Turkey, from the fourth to the beginning of the
second millennium BCE. Paléorient, 41(1), 127-
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2019). Arslantepe Period VII. The
Development of a Ceremonial/Political Centre in
the First Half of the Fourth Millennium BCE (Late
Chalcolithic 3-4). Sapienza Università di Roma.
- Balossi Restelli, F., ve Erdal, Y. (2019). Late
Chalcolithic Burials and Funerary Rituals. In F.
Balossi Restelli (Ed.), Arslantepe Period VII. The
Development of a Ceremonial/Political Centre
in the First Half of the Fourth Millennium BCE
(Late Chalcolithic 3-4) (pp. 222-259). Sapienza
Università di Roma.
- Bernbeck, R., ve Costello, S. (2011). Yenice Yanı: Bir
Geç Kalkolitik – Demir Çağ Köyü’nde Sondaj
Çalışmaları. In N. Tuna ve O. Doonan (Eds.),
Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak
Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi
2002 Yılı Çalışmaları, Cilt II (pp. 653-674).
- Bernbeck, R., Pollock, S., ve Coursey, C. (1999). The
Halaf settlement at Kazane Höyük. Anatolica,
25(0), 109-147. https://doi.org/10.2143/
- Calderoni G., Caneva I., Cazzella A., Frangipane M., ve
Petrone V. (1994). Department of Earth Sciences
at the University of Rome Radiocarbon Dates III.
Radiocarbon, 36(1), 143-152.
- Carter, R., Wengrow, D., Saber, S. A., Hamarashi, S. J.,
Shepperson, M., Roberts, K., Lewis, M. P., Marsh, A.,
Carretero, L. G., Sosnowska, H., D’Amico, A.,
Sagan, W., ve Lockyear, K. (2020). The later
prehistory of the Shahrizor Plain, Kurdistan region
of Iraq: Further investigations at Gurga Chiya and
Tepe Marani. Iraq, 82, 41-71. https://doi.org/10.1017/
- Colantoni, C., ve Ur, J. A. (2011). The architecture and
pottery of a late third-millennium residential quarter
at Tell Hamoukar, north-eastern Syria. Iraq, 73, 21-
69. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0021088900000073
- Di Nocera G.M., (2000). Radiocarbon datings from
Arslantepe and Norşuntepe: the Fourth-Third
Millenium absolute Chronology in the Upper
Euphrates and Transcaucasian Region. In C. Marro,
H. Hauptmann (Eds.), Chronologies des Pays du
Caucase et de l’Euphrate aux IVe-IIIe Millenaire (pp.
73-93). De Boccard.
- Emberling, G., ve McDonald, H. (2003). Excavations at
Tell Brak 2001-2002: Preliminary report. Iraq, 65, 1.
- Esin, U. (1986). Doğu Anadolu’da Bulunan Obeyd Tipi
Çanak Çömlek ve Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazısı.
IX. Türk Tarih Kongresinden Ayrı Basım, 81-91.
- Esin, U. (1989). An Early Trading Centre in Eastern
Anatolia. In K. Emre, M. Mellink, B. Hrouda, ve N.
Özgüç (Eds.), Anatolia and the Ancient Near East
Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç (pp. 135-141). Türk
Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
- Esin, U., ve Harmankaya, S. (1987). 1985 Deǧirmentepe
(Malatya, Imamlı Köyü) Kurtarma Kazısı, VIII. Kazı
Sonuçları Toplantısı I, 95-137.
- Frangipane, M. (1993). Local Components in the
Development of Centralized Societies in Syro-
Anatolian Region. In M. Frangipane, H. Hauptmann,
M. Liverani, P. Matthie, M. Mellink (Eds.), Between
the Rivers and over the Mountains, Archaeologica
Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicata,
(pp. 133-161). Sapienza Università di Roma.
- Frangipane, M. (1997). A 4th-millennium temple/
palace complex at Arslantepe-Malatya. north-south
relations and the formation of early state societies
in the northern regions of greater Mesopotamia.
Paléorient, 23(1), 45-73. https://doi.org/10.3406/
- Frangipane, M. (2003). Developments in fourthmillennium
public architecture in the Malatya
plain: from simple tripartite to complex and
bipartite pattern. In M. Özdoǧan, H. Hauptmann,
ve N. Başgelen (Eds.), From Village to Cities,
Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin (pp. 147-169).
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
- Gurdil, B. (2005). Architecture and social complexity
in the late Ubaid period: a study of the built
environment of Değirmentepe in East Anatolia.
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.
- Hauptmann, H. (1976). Die Grabungen auf dem
Norşun-tepe, 1972. Keban Project 1973 Activities,
Keban Project Publication series 1, 6, 71-90.
- Hackley, L.D, Yıldırım, B., ve Steadman, S. (2021).
Not Seeing Is Believing: Ritual Practice and
Architecture at Chalcolithic Çadır Höyük
in Anatolia. Religions, 12, 665. https://doi.
- Mallowan, M. E., ve Rose, J. C. (1935). Excavations at
tall Arpachiyah, 1933. Iraq, 2(1), 1-178. https://
- Marfoe, L., ve Ingraham, M.L. (1990). Excavation
Areas and Stratigraphy: Area A. In G. Algaze
(Ed.), Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia
- Vol. II: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban
Höyük (pp. 23-118). University of Chicago.
- Marro C., ve Yılmaz, Y. (2018). The Infant Jar-
Burials From the Late Chalcolithic Village of
Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan): A
Mesopotamian Tradition? In A. Batmaz, G.
Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz ve A. Robinson
(Eds.), Context and Connection. Studies on the
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour
of Antonio Sagona (pp. 29-48). Peeters.
- Mignardi, S., De Vito, C., Botticelli, M., Favero, G.,
Balossi Restelli, F., Marinacci, L., Alkhasoneh, S.,
ve Medeghini, L. (2021). Lime production in the
late chalcolithic period: The case of Arslantepe
(Eastern Anatolia). Heritage, 4(1), 91-104.
- Palmieri, A. (1969). Recenti dati sulla stratigrafia di
Arslantepe. Origini, 3, 7-66.
- Palmieri, A. (1973). Scavi nell’area sud-occidentale di
Arslantepe. Origini, 7, 55-179.
- Palmieri, A.M. (1978). Studio sedimentologico
dell’area nord-occidentale di Arslantepe (Malatya,
Turchia). Quaderno de la Ricerca Scientifica,
100, 353-64.
- Parker, B. J., Foster, C. P., Nicoll, K., Kennedy, J. R.,
Graham, P., Smith, A., Hopwood, D. E.,
Hopwood, M., Butler, K., Healey, E.,
Uzel, M. B., ve Jensen, R. (2009). The upper
Tigris archaeological research project (UTARP).
Anatolica, 35(0), 85-152. https://doi.org/10.2143/
- Peyronel, L., ve Vacca, A. (2015). Northern Ubaid and
Late Chalcolithic 1–3 Periods in the Erbil Plain.
New Insights from Recent Researches at Helawa,
Iraqi Kurdistan. Origini, 37, 89–127.
- Reichel, C.D. (2009). Hamoukar. Oriental Institute
2008-2009 Annual Report, 77-87.
- Skourtanioti, E., Erdal, Y. S., Frangipane, M.,
Balossi Restelli, F., Yener, K. A., Pinnock, F.,
Matthiae, P., Özbal, R., Schoop, U., Guliyev, F.,
Akhundov, T., Lyonnet, B., Hammer, E. L.,
Nugent, S. E., Burri, M., Neumann, G. U.,
Penske, S., Ingman, T., Akar, M., …ve Krause, J.
(2020). Genomic history of Neolithic to Bronze
Age Anatolia, northern Levant, and southern
Caucasus. Cell, 181(5), 1158-1175.e28. https://
- Steadman, S. R., S. Arbuckle, B., ve McMahon, G.
(2018). Pivoting east. Documenta Praehistorica,
45, 64-85. https://doi.org/10.4312/dp.45.6
- Stein, G.J. (1996). Producers, Patrons, and Prestige:
Craft Specialists and Emergent Elites. In B.
Wailes (Ed.), Craft Specialization and Social
Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe (pp.
25-38). University of Pennsylvania.
- Stein, G., Eedens, C., Pearce Edens, J., Boden, K.,
Laneri, N., Özbal, H., Earl, B., Adriaens, A. M., ve
Pittman, H. (1998). Southeast Anatolia before the
Uruk expansion. Anatolica, 24, 143-193. https://doi.
- Vacca, A., ve Peyronel, L. (2022). Towards a Definition
of the Late Chalcolithic Period in the Erbil Plain.
The Contribution of the Helawa Pottery Sequence.
In J.S. Baldi, M. Iamoni, L. Peyronel, ve P. Sconzo
(Eds.), Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia in
Context: Papers from a Workshop held at the 11th
ICAANE in Munich, April 5th, 2018, Subartu, 48
(pp. 85-103). Brepols.
- Tobler, A. J. (1950). Excavations at Tepe Gawra, II,
University of Pennsylvania.
- Vignola, C., Marzaioli, F., Balossi Restelli, F.,
Di Nocera, G. M., Frangipane, M., Masi, A.,
Passariello, I., Sadori, L., ve Terrasi, F. (2019).
Changes in the near eastern chronology between the
5th and the 3rd millennium BC: New AMS 14C dates
from Arslantepe (Turkey). Nuclear Instruments
and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 456, 276-
282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2019.01.033
- Vignola, C., Masi, A., Balossi Restelli, F.,
Frangipane, M., Marzaioli, F., Passariello, I.,
Stellato, L., Terrasi, F., ve Sadori, L. (2017). δ 13
C and δ 15 N from 14 C-AMS dated cereal grains
reveal agricultural practices during 4300–2000 BC
at Arslantepe (Turkey). Review of Palaeobotany and
Palynology, 247, 164-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
- Yıldırım, B., Hackley, L. D., ve Steadman, S. R. (2018).
Sanctifying the house: Child burial in prehistoric
Anatolia. Near Eastern Archaeology, 81(3), 164-
173. https://doi.org/10.5615/neareastarch.81.3.0164
Year 2023,
, 39 - 50, 31.12.2023
Francesca Balossi Restelli
Gian Maria Di Nocera
Elisa Biancifiori
Metin Batihan
Meral Başaran Mutlu
Bu çalışmada Arslantepe’nin Geç Kalkolitik Çağ 3-4 (MÖ 3900/3800-3400) evrelerinde inşa edilen ve çakıl taşlı sokakların sürekli kullanımıyla karakterize edilen domestik mahalle tanımlanmakta ve analiz edilmektedir. Komşu bölgelerdeki çağdaş yerleşmelerle yapılan karşılaştırmalar sayesinde her ne kadar mimaride gerçek bir standartlaşma görülmese de muhtemelen Yukarı ve Orta Fırat, Habur ve Yukarı Mezopotamya’yı kapsayan ortak bir yerleşim planlaması ve inşaat teknolojisi geleneği olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ev donanımları ve materyallerin yanı sıra, ev tabanlarının altındaki ritüel çukurlar ve gömütler, domestik mekanın somutlaştırdığı sembolik değerin ifadesi olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada bahsi geçen bu konular kısaca sunulacak ve yorumlanacaktır.
Supporting Institution
Sapienza Università di Roma
- Alessio M., Bella F., Improta S., Belluomini G.,
Calderoni G., Cortesi C., ve Turi B. (1976).
University of Rome Carbon-Dates XIV.
Radiocarbon, 18(3), 321-349.
- Alessio M., Allegri L., Azzi C., Bella F., Calderoni G.,
Cortesi C., Improta S., ve Petrone V. (1983). 14C
Dating of Arslantepe, Origini, 12(2), 575-580.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2006a). The Development of
‘Cultural Regions’ in the Neolithic of the Near
East: the dark Faced Burnished Ware Horizon,
BAR Publishing, S1482.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2006b). Local Late Chalcolithic
(LC3) occupation at Zeytinli Bahçe (Birecik,
Șanli-Urfa): the ceramic production. Anatolian
Studies, 56, 17-46.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2012). At the Roots of the Late
Chalcolithic Society in the Anatolian Euphrates
Valley. Origini, 34, 41-58.
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2015). Hearth and home.
Interpreting fire installations at Arslantepe, Eastern
Turkey, from the fourth to the beginning of the
second millennium BCE. Paléorient, 41(1), 127-
- Balossi Restelli, F. (2019). Arslantepe Period VII. The
Development of a Ceremonial/Political Centre in
the First Half of the Fourth Millennium BCE (Late
Chalcolithic 3-4). Sapienza Università di Roma.
- Balossi Restelli, F., ve Erdal, Y. (2019). Late
Chalcolithic Burials and Funerary Rituals. In F.
Balossi Restelli (Ed.), Arslantepe Period VII. The
Development of a Ceremonial/Political Centre
in the First Half of the Fourth Millennium BCE
(Late Chalcolithic 3-4) (pp. 222-259). Sapienza
Università di Roma.
- Bernbeck, R., ve Costello, S. (2011). Yenice Yanı: Bir
Geç Kalkolitik – Demir Çağ Köyü’nde Sondaj
Çalışmaları. In N. Tuna ve O. Doonan (Eds.),
Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak
Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi
2002 Yılı Çalışmaları, Cilt II (pp. 653-674).
- Bernbeck, R., Pollock, S., ve Coursey, C. (1999). The
Halaf settlement at Kazane Höyük. Anatolica,
25(0), 109-147. https://doi.org/10.2143/
- Calderoni G., Caneva I., Cazzella A., Frangipane M., ve
Petrone V. (1994). Department of Earth Sciences
at the University of Rome Radiocarbon Dates III.
Radiocarbon, 36(1), 143-152.
- Carter, R., Wengrow, D., Saber, S. A., Hamarashi, S. J.,
Shepperson, M., Roberts, K., Lewis, M. P., Marsh, A.,
Carretero, L. G., Sosnowska, H., D’Amico, A.,
Sagan, W., ve Lockyear, K. (2020). The later
prehistory of the Shahrizor Plain, Kurdistan region
of Iraq: Further investigations at Gurga Chiya and
Tepe Marani. Iraq, 82, 41-71. https://doi.org/10.1017/
- Colantoni, C., ve Ur, J. A. (2011). The architecture and
pottery of a late third-millennium residential quarter
at Tell Hamoukar, north-eastern Syria. Iraq, 73, 21-
69. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0021088900000073
- Di Nocera G.M., (2000). Radiocarbon datings from
Arslantepe and Norşuntepe: the Fourth-Third
Millenium absolute Chronology in the Upper
Euphrates and Transcaucasian Region. In C. Marro,
H. Hauptmann (Eds.), Chronologies des Pays du
Caucase et de l’Euphrate aux IVe-IIIe Millenaire (pp.
73-93). De Boccard.
- Emberling, G., ve McDonald, H. (2003). Excavations at
Tell Brak 2001-2002: Preliminary report. Iraq, 65, 1.
- Esin, U. (1986). Doğu Anadolu’da Bulunan Obeyd Tipi
Çanak Çömlek ve Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kazısı.
IX. Türk Tarih Kongresinden Ayrı Basım, 81-91.
- Esin, U. (1989). An Early Trading Centre in Eastern
Anatolia. In K. Emre, M. Mellink, B. Hrouda, ve N.
Özgüç (Eds.), Anatolia and the Ancient Near East
Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç (pp. 135-141). Türk
Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
- Esin, U., ve Harmankaya, S. (1987). 1985 Deǧirmentepe
(Malatya, Imamlı Köyü) Kurtarma Kazısı, VIII. Kazı
Sonuçları Toplantısı I, 95-137.
- Frangipane, M. (1993). Local Components in the
Development of Centralized Societies in Syro-
Anatolian Region. In M. Frangipane, H. Hauptmann,
M. Liverani, P. Matthie, M. Mellink (Eds.), Between
the Rivers and over the Mountains, Archaeologica
Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicata,
(pp. 133-161). Sapienza Università di Roma.
- Frangipane, M. (1997). A 4th-millennium temple/
palace complex at Arslantepe-Malatya. north-south
relations and the formation of early state societies
in the northern regions of greater Mesopotamia.
Paléorient, 23(1), 45-73. https://doi.org/10.3406/
- Frangipane, M. (2003). Developments in fourthmillennium
public architecture in the Malatya
plain: from simple tripartite to complex and
bipartite pattern. In M. Özdoǧan, H. Hauptmann,
ve N. Başgelen (Eds.), From Village to Cities,
Studies Presented to Ufuk Esin (pp. 147-169).
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
- Gurdil, B. (2005). Architecture and social complexity
in the late Ubaid period: a study of the built
environment of Değirmentepe in East Anatolia.
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.
- Hauptmann, H. (1976). Die Grabungen auf dem
Norşun-tepe, 1972. Keban Project 1973 Activities,
Keban Project Publication series 1, 6, 71-90.
- Hackley, L.D, Yıldırım, B., ve Steadman, S. (2021).
Not Seeing Is Believing: Ritual Practice and
Architecture at Chalcolithic Çadır Höyük
in Anatolia. Religions, 12, 665. https://doi.
- Mallowan, M. E., ve Rose, J. C. (1935). Excavations at
tall Arpachiyah, 1933. Iraq, 2(1), 1-178. https://
- Marfoe, L., ve Ingraham, M.L. (1990). Excavation
Areas and Stratigraphy: Area A. In G. Algaze
(Ed.), Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia
- Vol. II: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban
Höyük (pp. 23-118). University of Chicago.
- Marro C., ve Yılmaz, Y. (2018). The Infant Jar-
Burials From the Late Chalcolithic Village of
Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan): A
Mesopotamian Tradition? In A. Batmaz, G.
Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz ve A. Robinson
(Eds.), Context and Connection. Studies on the
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour
of Antonio Sagona (pp. 29-48). Peeters.
- Mignardi, S., De Vito, C., Botticelli, M., Favero, G.,
Balossi Restelli, F., Marinacci, L., Alkhasoneh, S.,
ve Medeghini, L. (2021). Lime production in the
late chalcolithic period: The case of Arslantepe
(Eastern Anatolia). Heritage, 4(1), 91-104.
- Palmieri, A. (1969). Recenti dati sulla stratigrafia di
Arslantepe. Origini, 3, 7-66.
- Palmieri, A. (1973). Scavi nell’area sud-occidentale di
Arslantepe. Origini, 7, 55-179.
- Palmieri, A.M. (1978). Studio sedimentologico
dell’area nord-occidentale di Arslantepe (Malatya,
Turchia). Quaderno de la Ricerca Scientifica,
100, 353-64.
- Parker, B. J., Foster, C. P., Nicoll, K., Kennedy, J. R.,
Graham, P., Smith, A., Hopwood, D. E.,
Hopwood, M., Butler, K., Healey, E.,
Uzel, M. B., ve Jensen, R. (2009). The upper
Tigris archaeological research project (UTARP).
Anatolica, 35(0), 85-152. https://doi.org/10.2143/
- Peyronel, L., ve Vacca, A. (2015). Northern Ubaid and
Late Chalcolithic 1–3 Periods in the Erbil Plain.
New Insights from Recent Researches at Helawa,
Iraqi Kurdistan. Origini, 37, 89–127.
- Reichel, C.D. (2009). Hamoukar. Oriental Institute
2008-2009 Annual Report, 77-87.
- Skourtanioti, E., Erdal, Y. S., Frangipane, M.,
Balossi Restelli, F., Yener, K. A., Pinnock, F.,
Matthiae, P., Özbal, R., Schoop, U., Guliyev, F.,
Akhundov, T., Lyonnet, B., Hammer, E. L.,
Nugent, S. E., Burri, M., Neumann, G. U.,
Penske, S., Ingman, T., Akar, M., …ve Krause, J.
(2020). Genomic history of Neolithic to Bronze
Age Anatolia, northern Levant, and southern
Caucasus. Cell, 181(5), 1158-1175.e28. https://
- Steadman, S. R., S. Arbuckle, B., ve McMahon, G.
(2018). Pivoting east. Documenta Praehistorica,
45, 64-85. https://doi.org/10.4312/dp.45.6
- Stein, G.J. (1996). Producers, Patrons, and Prestige:
Craft Specialists and Emergent Elites. In B.
Wailes (Ed.), Craft Specialization and Social
Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe (pp.
25-38). University of Pennsylvania.
- Stein, G., Eedens, C., Pearce Edens, J., Boden, K.,
Laneri, N., Özbal, H., Earl, B., Adriaens, A. M., ve
Pittman, H. (1998). Southeast Anatolia before the
Uruk expansion. Anatolica, 24, 143-193. https://doi.
- Vacca, A., ve Peyronel, L. (2022). Towards a Definition
of the Late Chalcolithic Period in the Erbil Plain.
The Contribution of the Helawa Pottery Sequence.
In J.S. Baldi, M. Iamoni, L. Peyronel, ve P. Sconzo
(Eds.), Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia in
Context: Papers from a Workshop held at the 11th
ICAANE in Munich, April 5th, 2018, Subartu, 48
(pp. 85-103). Brepols.
- Tobler, A. J. (1950). Excavations at Tepe Gawra, II,
University of Pennsylvania.
- Vignola, C., Marzaioli, F., Balossi Restelli, F.,
Di Nocera, G. M., Frangipane, M., Masi, A.,
Passariello, I., Sadori, L., ve Terrasi, F. (2019).
Changes in the near eastern chronology between the
5th and the 3rd millennium BC: New AMS 14C dates
from Arslantepe (Turkey). Nuclear Instruments
and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 456, 276-
282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2019.01.033
- Vignola, C., Masi, A., Balossi Restelli, F.,
Frangipane, M., Marzaioli, F., Passariello, I.,
Stellato, L., Terrasi, F., ve Sadori, L. (2017). δ 13
C and δ 15 N from 14 C-AMS dated cereal grains
reveal agricultural practices during 4300–2000 BC
at Arslantepe (Turkey). Review of Palaeobotany and
Palynology, 247, 164-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
- Yıldırım, B., Hackley, L. D., ve Steadman, S. R. (2018).
Sanctifying the house: Child burial in prehistoric
Anatolia. Near Eastern Archaeology, 81(3), 164-
173. https://doi.org/10.5615/neareastarch.81.3.0164