Year 2024,
Issue: 34, 37 - 52, 28.06.2024
Eda Taşçı
Hale Yıldızay
Nazan Ünan
Merve Dağcı Tekin
Kütahya ilinin 25 km kuzeybatısında yer alan orta ölçekli bir höyük olan Seyitömer Höyük’te 1989 yılından beri aralıklarla arkeolojik kazılar gerçekleştirilmektedir. Kurtarma kazısı niteliği taşımakta olan Seyitömer Höyük kazısında höyüğün tamamının kazılması hedeflenmektedir. Yapılan kazılarda açılan tabakalar, bütün halinde ve mimari planları da ortaya çıkaran şekilde olması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Höyük’te gerçekleştirilen kurtarma kazısında Orta Tunç (MBA) ve Erken Tunç III (EBA III) dönemleri ve tabakaları ortaya çıkarılmıştır.
Bu çalışmada özellikle MBA ve EBA III tabakalarının yerleşim yeri ve mekânları içinden ele geçirilen yapılardaki kerpiç bünyeleri tanımlanarak adlandırılmıştır. Ele geçen dönemleri ve konumları belli mekanlardan alınan 10 adet kerpiç örneği karakterize edilerek dönemsel özellikleri analiz edilmiştir. Kerpiç numunelerine ait kimyasal kompozisyonlar X-ışını floresansı (XRF), mineralojik ve faz kompozisyonları X-ışını difraksiyonu (XRD) ile belirlenmiştir. Kerpiç örneklerinin yapısında bulunan bağ yapı özellikleri Fourier dönüşümlü kızılötesi spektroskopi (FTIR) analiz sonuçları ile kıyaslanarak teyit edilmiştir. Ayrıca dönemsel yangınlara maruz kalmış olduğu düşünülen kerpiç örneklerinin bazıları seçilerek SEM analizi ve EDX analizine tabi tutularak kerpiçlerde oluşan bozunma miktarındaki farklılıklar, dönemsel olarak kullanılan killerdeki yapısal farklılıklar ortaya konulmuştur.
Supporting Institution
Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi BAP
Project Number
DPU BAP 2021-03
The authors thank Mr. Serdar Unan, who is responsible for the Seyitomer Hoyuk Rescue Excavation for the period 2019-2021, for their support in providing the samples in this study, as well as Mehmet Akkas, MSc Engineer from İLTEM research center who carried out the analysis, and DPU BAP 2021-03 for their support for the project.
- Akkas, F., 2011. Investigating the Production
Possibilities of Fibre-Reinforced Mud Brick Panel
Wall. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of
Science, Master’s Thesis, İstanbul.
- Bilgen, A. N., 2012. Seyitomer Hoyuk 2011 Excavation
Report. Kutahya.
- Bilgen, A. N., Bilgen, Z., 2015. Middle Bronze Age
Settlement (IV. Layer). Seyitomer Hoyuk I, Pp.
61-118, İstanbul.
- Bilgen, A. N., Bilgen, Z., Cırakoglu, S., 2015. Early
Bronze Age Settlement (V. Layer). Seyitomer
Hoyuk I, Pp. 119-186, İstanbul.
- Dirican, T., Akyol, A. A., 2019. A Compilation Study
of Mud Brick Wall Construction Methods in
Anatolia. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (23), Pp. 117-
- Duran S., Cakırozu Civelek F., Aktuglu Y.K., 2016.
Roof and Facade Materials in Adobe Buildings;
Aksehir, Erdogdu, and Menderes Examples. 8.
National Roof & Facade Symposium, 2– 3 June
2016 Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts,
- İlaslı, A., 1996. Seyitomer Hoyugu 1993 Rescue
Excavations, 6. Mkks, 24- 26 Nisan 1995 Didim,
Ankara, S. 1-15.
- Khale, D., Chaudhary, R., 2007. Mechanism of
Geopolymerization and Factors Influencing ıts
Development: A Review, J Mater Sci, 42:729–746
- Melo, H. P., Cruz, A. J., Candeias, A., Mirão, J.,
Cardoso, A. M., Oliveira, M. J., & Valadas,
S., 2014. Problems of Analysis by FTIR of
Calcium Sulphate–Based Preparatory Layers:
The Case of a Group of 16th-Century Portuguese
Paintings. Archaeometry, 56(3), 513-526.
- Ormancı, Ö. Atasayar, Z., & Boso Hanyalı, Ö. 2024.
Investigating the Middle Iron Age ceramics
of Van Fortress through multi-analytical
techniques. Spectrochimica acta. Part A,
Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 313,
- Ozcan, N., 1986. Seyitomer (Kutahya) Palynological
Properties of Lignites. Dokuz Eylül University
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Master’s Thesis, İzmir.
- Ozdogan, M. 1996. From Cottage to Housing: Firsts in
Architecture. Housing and Settlement in Anatolia
from History to Present. Pp. 19-30, İstanbul.
- Panias, D., Giannopoulou, I. P., Perraki, T., 2007. Effect
of synthesis parameters on the mechanical properties
of fly ash-based geopolymers, Colloids and Surfaces
A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 301:246–254
- Perisic, N.; Maric-Stojanovic, M.; Andric, V.; Mioc,
U., 2016. Damjanovic, L. Physicochemical
Characterisation of Pottery from the Vinca Culture,
Serbia, Regarding the Firing Temperature and
Decoration Techniques. J. Serbian Chem. Soc. 81,
- Qiu, G., Li, G., Fan, X., Huang, Z.,2004. Activation and
removal of silicon in kaolinite by thermochemical
process. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy,
SCAND J METALL. 33. 121-128.
- Topbas, A., 1992. Kutahya Seyitomer Hoyugu Rescue
Excavation 1990. Iı. Mkks, 29- 30 April 1991
Ankara, Ankara, Pp. 11-27.
- Topbas, A., 1993. Seyitomer Hoyugu Salvage Excavation
in 1991. Iıı. Mkks, 27- 30 April 1992 Efes, Ankara,
Pp. 1-30.
- Topbas, A., 1994. Seyitomer Hoyugu 1992 Salvage
Excavation. Iv. Mkks, 26- 29 April 1993 Marmaris,
Ankara, Pp. 297-301.
- Unan, N., 2013. Material and Technical Evaluation of
Seyitomer Architecture. Kubaba 22, Pp. 7-19.
- Unan, N., 2019. Seyitomer Hoyuk Investigation of Grain
Production and Storage Activities in the Middle
Bronze Age. Kutahya Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve
Tarih Arastırmaları, Ankara, Pp. 111-126.
- Unan, S., Unan, N., Bilgic, H., Andac, M., 2020.
Seyitomer Hoyuk Rescue Excavation 2019. Kutahya
Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve Tarih Arastırmaları,
Ankara, Pp. 1-16.
- Unan, S., Unan, N., Bilgic, H., Andac, M., 2021.
Seyitomer Hoyuk Rescue Excavation Works for
2020, Kutahya Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve Tarih
Arastırmaları, Ankara, Pp. 1-19.
- Uz,V.,Deniz,S.,İssi,A.,Bilgen,A.N. 2015.Investigation
of the Roman period pottery production technology
from the Seyitömer Mound (Kutahya/Türkiye). WIT
Transactions on The Built Environment, 168, 627-
- Yanık, G., 1997. Geology, Mineralogy and Uses in
Ceramic Industry of Seyitomer (Kutahya) Comur
Basin Clays. Dumlupınar University Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences Master’s
Thesis, Kutahya.
- Yunsheng, Z., Wei, S., Zongjin, L., 2007. Preparation and
microstructure of K-PSDS geopolymeric binder,
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.
Aspects, 302:473–482.
- Yuzbasıoglu, N., 2010. The Development and
Characteristics of Seyitomer Civil Architecture.
Dumlupınar University, Institute of Social Sciences,
Department of Archeology, Unpublished Master’s
Thesis, Kutahya.
Analysis and Comparison of Mudbrick Building Materials from Seyitomer Hoyuk Early Bronze Age-III and Middle Bronze Age
Year 2024,
Issue: 34, 37 - 52, 28.06.2024
Eda Taşçı
Hale Yıldızay
Nazan Ünan
Merve Dağcı Tekin
Archaeological excavations have been carried out intermittently since 1989 in Seyitomer Hoyuk, a medium-sized mound located 25 km northwest of Kutahya. Seyitomer Hoyuk excavation, a salvage excavation, aims to excavate the entire pile. The layers unearthed during the excavations are essential in that they are as a whole and reveal the architectural plans. The Middle Bronze (MBA) and Early Bronze III (EBA-III) periods and layers were unearthed during the rescue excavation at the mound.
In this study, the mudbrick structures in the structures recovered from the settlements and spaces of the MBA and EBA-III layers were defined and named. 10 mudbrick samples taken from specific periods and locations were characterized, and their periodical properties were analyzed. Chemical compositions of mud brick samples were determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and mineralogical, and phase compositions were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The bond structure properties of the mud brick samples were confirmed by comparing them with the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis results. In addition, some of the mudbrick samples, which are thought to have been exposed to periodic fires, were selected and subjected to scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis and energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis, and the differences in the amount of deterioration in the mudbricks and the structural differences in the periodically used clays were revealed.
Project Number
DPU BAP 2021-03
- Akkas, F., 2011. Investigating the Production
Possibilities of Fibre-Reinforced Mud Brick Panel
Wall. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of
Science, Master’s Thesis, İstanbul.
- Bilgen, A. N., 2012. Seyitomer Hoyuk 2011 Excavation
Report. Kutahya.
- Bilgen, A. N., Bilgen, Z., 2015. Middle Bronze Age
Settlement (IV. Layer). Seyitomer Hoyuk I, Pp.
61-118, İstanbul.
- Bilgen, A. N., Bilgen, Z., Cırakoglu, S., 2015. Early
Bronze Age Settlement (V. Layer). Seyitomer
Hoyuk I, Pp. 119-186, İstanbul.
- Dirican, T., Akyol, A. A., 2019. A Compilation Study
of Mud Brick Wall Construction Methods in
Anatolia. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (23), Pp. 117-
- Duran S., Cakırozu Civelek F., Aktuglu Y.K., 2016.
Roof and Facade Materials in Adobe Buildings;
Aksehir, Erdogdu, and Menderes Examples. 8.
National Roof & Facade Symposium, 2– 3 June
2016 Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts,
- İlaslı, A., 1996. Seyitomer Hoyugu 1993 Rescue
Excavations, 6. Mkks, 24- 26 Nisan 1995 Didim,
Ankara, S. 1-15.
- Khale, D., Chaudhary, R., 2007. Mechanism of
Geopolymerization and Factors Influencing ıts
Development: A Review, J Mater Sci, 42:729–746
- Melo, H. P., Cruz, A. J., Candeias, A., Mirão, J.,
Cardoso, A. M., Oliveira, M. J., & Valadas,
S., 2014. Problems of Analysis by FTIR of
Calcium Sulphate–Based Preparatory Layers:
The Case of a Group of 16th-Century Portuguese
Paintings. Archaeometry, 56(3), 513-526.
- Ormancı, Ö. Atasayar, Z., & Boso Hanyalı, Ö. 2024.
Investigating the Middle Iron Age ceramics
of Van Fortress through multi-analytical
techniques. Spectrochimica acta. Part A,
Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 313,
- Ozcan, N., 1986. Seyitomer (Kutahya) Palynological
Properties of Lignites. Dokuz Eylül University
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Master’s Thesis, İzmir.
- Ozdogan, M. 1996. From Cottage to Housing: Firsts in
Architecture. Housing and Settlement in Anatolia
from History to Present. Pp. 19-30, İstanbul.
- Panias, D., Giannopoulou, I. P., Perraki, T., 2007. Effect
of synthesis parameters on the mechanical properties
of fly ash-based geopolymers, Colloids and Surfaces
A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 301:246–254
- Perisic, N.; Maric-Stojanovic, M.; Andric, V.; Mioc,
U., 2016. Damjanovic, L. Physicochemical
Characterisation of Pottery from the Vinca Culture,
Serbia, Regarding the Firing Temperature and
Decoration Techniques. J. Serbian Chem. Soc. 81,
- Qiu, G., Li, G., Fan, X., Huang, Z.,2004. Activation and
removal of silicon in kaolinite by thermochemical
process. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy,
SCAND J METALL. 33. 121-128.
- Topbas, A., 1992. Kutahya Seyitomer Hoyugu Rescue
Excavation 1990. Iı. Mkks, 29- 30 April 1991
Ankara, Ankara, Pp. 11-27.
- Topbas, A., 1993. Seyitomer Hoyugu Salvage Excavation
in 1991. Iıı. Mkks, 27- 30 April 1992 Efes, Ankara,
Pp. 1-30.
- Topbas, A., 1994. Seyitomer Hoyugu 1992 Salvage
Excavation. Iv. Mkks, 26- 29 April 1993 Marmaris,
Ankara, Pp. 297-301.
- Unan, N., 2013. Material and Technical Evaluation of
Seyitomer Architecture. Kubaba 22, Pp. 7-19.
- Unan, N., 2019. Seyitomer Hoyuk Investigation of Grain
Production and Storage Activities in the Middle
Bronze Age. Kutahya Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve
Tarih Arastırmaları, Ankara, Pp. 111-126.
- Unan, S., Unan, N., Bilgic, H., Andac, M., 2020.
Seyitomer Hoyuk Rescue Excavation 2019. Kutahya
Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve Tarih Arastırmaları,
Ankara, Pp. 1-16.
- Unan, S., Unan, N., Bilgic, H., Andac, M., 2021.
Seyitomer Hoyuk Rescue Excavation Works for
2020, Kutahya Arkeoloji, Sanat Tarihi Ve Tarih
Arastırmaları, Ankara, Pp. 1-19.
- Uz,V.,Deniz,S.,İssi,A.,Bilgen,A.N. 2015.Investigation
of the Roman period pottery production technology
from the Seyitömer Mound (Kutahya/Türkiye). WIT
Transactions on The Built Environment, 168, 627-
- Yanık, G., 1997. Geology, Mineralogy and Uses in
Ceramic Industry of Seyitomer (Kutahya) Comur
Basin Clays. Dumlupınar University Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences Master’s
Thesis, Kutahya.
- Yunsheng, Z., Wei, S., Zongjin, L., 2007. Preparation and
microstructure of K-PSDS geopolymeric binder,
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.
Aspects, 302:473–482.
- Yuzbasıoglu, N., 2010. The Development and
Characteristics of Seyitomer Civil Architecture.
Dumlupınar University, Institute of Social Sciences,
Department of Archeology, Unpublished Master’s
Thesis, Kutahya.