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Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 186 - 192, 29.08.2021


Aim: The COVID-19 "lockdown process" can cause weight gain due to sedentary lifestyle, dietary and sleep disturbances. In this study, we aimed to determine clinical and metabolic effects of weight change in obese patients caused by the quarantine.
Methods: This study included 44 patients with a BMI of 30 kg/m2. In the study, patients’ pre-quarantine metabolic parameters were obtained from hospital records. The metabolic parameters of the patients were measured again after quarantine. Patients were questioned about weight tracking, eating habits, exercise, and the need for hospital admission during quarantine.
Findings: Of the patients (n=44), 72.7% were women and mean age was 39.89±13.92 (18.00-61.00) years. The BMI of patients was 36 (30.70-46.00) kg/m² and 27.3% (n=12) of patients were morbidly obese. During the quarantine, patients' weight (p<0.001) and BMI (p<0.001) increased. Patients' dietary compliance changed from 27.3% to 13.6% (p:0.109) and home exercise from 29.5% to 31.8% (p: 0.999). 68.2% of patients tracked weight and 52.3% experienced increased appetite. Obese patients tracked their weight significantly more often than morbidly obese patients (p=0.027). Weight gain wasn’t associated with dietary compliance (p:0.609) and exercise (p:0.633). A significant increase in patients’ glucose, insulin, HOMA- IR and cholesterol (p<0.001 for each) was observed.
Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that the COVID -19 “Lockdown Process" increased BMI in obese patients regardless of diet and exercise. Consequently, a significant worsening was observed in obese patients' insulin resistance and lipid parameters. Active follow-up strategies for obese patients in possible quarantines can prevent the negative consequences.


  • 1)World Health Organization. Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic. Geneva: The World Health Organization; 2000. Technical Report Series no. 894.
  • 2) Hales K, Carroll MD et al. Prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among adults: United States, 2017‐2018. NCHS Data Brief, no. 360. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; 2020
  • 3) Richardson S, Hirsch JS, Narasimhan M et al. Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA. 2020; 323(20):2052-2059
  • 4) Dietz W, Santos-Burgoa C. Obesity and its Implications for COVID-19 Mortality. Obesity (Silver Sipring).2020;28(6):1005.
  • 5) Parameswaran K, Todd DC et al. Altered respiratory physiology in obesity. Can Respir J. 2006;13(4):203‐210.
  • 6) Liu M, He P et al. Clinical characteristics of 30 medical workers infected with new coronavirus pneumonia. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2020;43(0):16.
  • 7) Peng YD, Meng K et al. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of 112 cardiovascular disease patients infected by 2019-nCoV. Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi. 2020;48(6):450-455.
  • 8) Garg S, Kim L, Whitaker M, et al. Hospitalization rates and characteristics of patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019—COVID-NET, 14 states MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020.17;69(15):458-464.
  • 9) JP Almandoz,L Xie et al.Impact of COVID ‐19 Stay‐at‐Home Orders on Weight‐Related Behaviors Among Patients with Obesity. Clinical Obesty 2020;10(5):12386. 10) Sidor A,Rzymski P.Dietary Choices and Habits During COVID-19 Lockdown: Experience From Poland Nutrients 2020 ;12(6):1657.
  • 11) Zhang, J., Wu, W., Zhao, X. Et al. Recommended psychological crisis intervention response to the 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in China: a model of West China Hospital Precis Clin Med. 2020
  • 12) Sharafi, S.E., Garmaroudi, G. Et al. Prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with overweight and obesity. Obes. Med.2020;17:100169.
  • 13) Yılmaz C, Gökmen V. Neuroactive compounds in foods: occurrence, mechanism and potential health effects. Food Res Int 2020;128: 108744
  • 14) M Pellegrini, V Ponzo, R Rosato et al.Changes in Weight and Nutritional Habits in Adults with Obesity during the “Lockdown” Period Caused by the COVID-19 Virus Emergency . Nutrients 2020, 12(7), 2016

COVID-19 ‘Evde Kal’ Sürecinin Obez Hastalarının Klinik ve Metabolik Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi: Tek Merkez Kesitsel Çalışma

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 186 - 192, 29.08.2021


Amaç: COVİD-19’un ‘Evde Kal’ süreci obezite hastalarında hareketsiz bir yaşama, beslenme ve uyku bozukluğuna bağlı olarak kilo artışına neden olabilir.Biz bu çalışmada; karantina sürecinin obezite hastalarında oluşturduğu kilo değişiminin klinik ve metabolik etkilerini tespit etmeyi amaçladık.
Metod: Bu çalışmaya kliniğinimize ayaktan başvuran VKİ ≥30 kg/m2 olan 44 hasta dâhil edildi. Çalışmada karantina öncesi tarafımızca takip edilen hastaların metabolik parametreleri kayıtlı dosyalardan elde edildi. Bu hastaların karantina sonrası polikliniğimize ilk başvuruları sırasındaki metabolik parametreleri tekrar ölçüldü. Ayrıca hastaların karantina sürecinde ki kilo takibi ,beslenme alışkanlıkları, fiziksel aktiviteleri yüz yüze sorgulandı .
Bulgular: Hastaların (n=44) %72,7 ’si kadın , %27,3’ü erkeklerden oluşmaktaydı. Hastaların ortalama vücut kütle indeksleri (VKİ) 36 (30,70-46,00) kg/m² olup hastaların %27,3’ü (n=12)’ü morbid obezdi. Karantina sürecinde hastaların kilo (p<0,001) ve VKİ (p<0,001)’inde artış olduğu görüldü. Hastaların diyet uyumunun %27,3’den %13,6 (p:0,109)’a düştüğü, ev içi egzersiz durumunun ise %29,5 iken %31,8 (p:0.999) olduğu ayrıca %68,2’sinin kilo takibi yaptığı, %52,3’ünün iştah artışı yaşadığı tespit edildi. Obez hastaların morbid obezlere kıyasla anlamlı şekilde daha fazla kilo takibi yaptıkları görüldü (p=0,027). Hastaların kilo artışı diyet uyumu (p:0,609) ve egzersiz (p:0,633) ile ilişkili değildi. Karantina sürecinde hastaların glukoz (p:0,001), insülin (p<0,001), homa-IR (p<0,001) ve kolesterol (p<0,001) değerlerinde artış görüldü.
Sonuç : Bu çalışmada ‘Evde Kal Süreci’nin obez hastaların beslenme alışkanlığı ve egzersiz durumlarından bağımsız olarak VKİ’inde artış olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla ilişkili olarak obez hastaların insülin direnci ve lipid parametrelerinde belirgin bozulma gözlenmiştir. Bundan sonra olası karantina süreçlerinde obez hastalar için daha aktif takip stratejilerinin planlanması ; bu süreçte hastaların yaşadığı olumsuz sonuçların önüne geçebilir.


  • 1)World Health Organization. Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic. Geneva: The World Health Organization; 2000. Technical Report Series no. 894.
  • 2) Hales K, Carroll MD et al. Prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among adults: United States, 2017‐2018. NCHS Data Brief, no. 360. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; 2020
  • 3) Richardson S, Hirsch JS, Narasimhan M et al. Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA. 2020; 323(20):2052-2059
  • 4) Dietz W, Santos-Burgoa C. Obesity and its Implications for COVID-19 Mortality. Obesity (Silver Sipring).2020;28(6):1005.
  • 5) Parameswaran K, Todd DC et al. Altered respiratory physiology in obesity. Can Respir J. 2006;13(4):203‐210.
  • 6) Liu M, He P et al. Clinical characteristics of 30 medical workers infected with new coronavirus pneumonia. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2020;43(0):16.
  • 7) Peng YD, Meng K et al. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of 112 cardiovascular disease patients infected by 2019-nCoV. Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi. 2020;48(6):450-455.
  • 8) Garg S, Kim L, Whitaker M, et al. Hospitalization rates and characteristics of patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019—COVID-NET, 14 states MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020.17;69(15):458-464.
  • 9) JP Almandoz,L Xie et al.Impact of COVID ‐19 Stay‐at‐Home Orders on Weight‐Related Behaviors Among Patients with Obesity. Clinical Obesty 2020;10(5):12386. 10) Sidor A,Rzymski P.Dietary Choices and Habits During COVID-19 Lockdown: Experience From Poland Nutrients 2020 ;12(6):1657.
  • 11) Zhang, J., Wu, W., Zhao, X. Et al. Recommended psychological crisis intervention response to the 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in China: a model of West China Hospital Precis Clin Med. 2020
  • 12) Sharafi, S.E., Garmaroudi, G. Et al. Prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with overweight and obesity. Obes. Med.2020;17:100169.
  • 13) Yılmaz C, Gökmen V. Neuroactive compounds in foods: occurrence, mechanism and potential health effects. Food Res Int 2020;128: 108744
  • 14) M Pellegrini, V Ponzo, R Rosato et al.Changes in Weight and Nutritional Habits in Adults with Obesity during the “Lockdown” Period Caused by the COVID-19 Virus Emergency . Nutrients 2020, 12(7), 2016
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Damla Tüfekçi 0000-0001-5928-873X

Hulya Coskun This is me 0000-0002-7837-4251

Egemen Ünal 0000-0002-9939-9191

Yasemin Emür This is me 0000-0002-0645-2070

Ahmet Demir This is me 0000-0002-2282-3820

Muhammet Cüneyt Bilginer 0000-0002-7652-7648

İrfan Nuhoğlu This is me 0000-0003-0650-3242

Ozge Üçüncü This is me 0000-0003-4658-7778

Mustafa Koçak This is me 0000-0002-8269-2869

Publication Date August 29, 2021
Acceptance Date July 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Tüfekçi, D., Coskun, H., Ünal, E., Emür, Y., et al. (2021). Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, 5(2), 186-192.
AMA Tüfekçi D, Coskun H, Ünal E, Emür Y, Demir A, Bilginer MC, Nuhoğlu İ, Üçüncü O, Koçak M. Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study. Turk J Diab Obes. August 2021;5(2):186-192. doi:10.25048/tudod.946756
Chicago Tüfekçi, Damla, Hulya Coskun, Egemen Ünal, Yasemin Emür, Ahmet Demir, Muhammet Cüneyt Bilginer, İrfan Nuhoğlu, Ozge Üçüncü, and Mustafa Koçak. “Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 5, no. 2 (August 2021): 186-92.
EndNote Tüfekçi D, Coskun H, Ünal E, Emür Y, Demir A, Bilginer MC, Nuhoğlu İ, Üçüncü O, Koçak M (August 1, 2021) Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 5 2 186–192.
IEEE D. Tüfekçi, H. Coskun, E. Ünal, Y. Emür, A. Demir, M. C. Bilginer, İ. Nuhoğlu, O. Üçüncü, and M. Koçak, “Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study”, Turk J Diab Obes, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 186–192, 2021, doi: 10.25048/tudod.946756.
ISNAD Tüfekçi, Damla et al. “Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 5/2 (August 2021), 186-192.
JAMA Tüfekçi D, Coskun H, Ünal E, Emür Y, Demir A, Bilginer MC, Nuhoğlu İ, Üçüncü O, Koçak M. Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study. Turk J Diab Obes. 2021;5:186–192.
MLA Tüfekçi, Damla et al. “Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 186-92, doi:10.25048/tudod.946756.
Vancouver Tüfekçi D, Coskun H, Ünal E, Emür Y, Demir A, Bilginer MC, Nuhoğlu İ, Üçüncü O, Koçak M. Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study. Turk J Diab Obes. 2021;5(2):186-92.

Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity (Turk J Diab Obes) is a scientific publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Obesity and Diabetes Research and Application Center.

A Collaboration Protocol was signed between the Turkish Obesity Research Association and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University by taking an important step from the Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity. As the Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, we are proud to open the doors of a new era in scientific publishing. With the collaboration of the Turkish Obesity Research Association and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, our journal will now serve as a joint publication platform.

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