Research Article
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The Long-Term Volatility Spillovers Between Egg and Feed Wheat Prices During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 741 - 753, 23.07.2022


Having spread all over the world and become effective in a very short period, COVID-19 has brought about negative effects on food supply and demand by breaking all supply chains. This study aims to determine the long-term volatility spillovers between egg and feed wheat markets in Turkey by using an exchange rate and COVID-19 as exogenous variables as well as to investigate whether these spillovers are asymmetric. The daily market data between 2010:01 and 2022:03 and the Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH (1, 1) model were used for the study . We determined that the conditional variances of egg and feed wheat return series are positively affected by both their shocks in the short run and their uncertainties in the long run. The conditional variances of egg and feed wheat return series were observed to have been positively affected by the uncertainties arising from the exchange rate in the long run, while they were negatively affected by the volatility caused by COVID-19. The depreciation of the Turkish Lira caused a reciprocating increase in the price levels of imported products, such as oil and derivatives, and of feed products which constitute a very important part of egg production costs. The increase in egg production costs, in return, consistently triggered egg prices upwards (with positive returns), causing an increase in uncertainty in the long run. This research provides a perspective for developing policy recommendations for food security if global food supply chains are broken due to any pandemic or a similar crisis (such as the Russia-Ukraine war).


  • Abouzid, M., El-Sherif, D. M., Eltewacy, N. K., Dahman, N. B. H., Okasha, S. A., Ghozy, S., and Islam, S. M. S. (2021). Influence of COVID-19 on lifestyle behaviors in the Middle East and North Africa Region: a survey of 5896 individuals. Journal of translational medicine, 19(1): 1-11.
  • Adewopo, J. B., Solano-Hermosilla, G., Colen, L., and Micale, F. (2021). Using crowd-sourced data for real-time monitoring of food prices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a pilot project in northern Nigeria. Global Food Security, 29, 100523.
  • Alvi, M., and Gupta, M. (2020). Learning in times of lockdown: how Covid-19 is affecting education and food security in India. Food Security, 12: 793-796.
  • Aman, F., and Masood, S. (2020). How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4): 121–123.
  • Amolegbe, K.B., Upton, J., Bageant, E., and Blom, S. (2021). Food price volatility and household food security: Evidence from Nigeria. Food Policy, 102, 102061.
  • Assefa, T.T., Meuwissen, M.P., and Oude Lansink, A.G. (2015). Price Volatility Transmission in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review. Agribusiness, 31: 3-13.
  • Baldwin, R., and di Mauro, B.W. (2020). Introduction. In R. Baldwin and B. W. di Mauro (Eds.), Economics in the Time of COVID-19. A CEPR Press eBook, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 1-30.
  • Barrett, C.B. (2020). Actions now can curb food systems fallout from COVID-19. Nature Food 1: 319–320.
  • Bartoli, A., Cavicchioli, D., Kremmydas, D., Rozakis, S., and Olper, A. (2016). The impact of different energy policy options on feedstock price and land demand for maize silage: The case of biogas in Lombardy. Energy Policy, 96: 351-363.
  • Burakov, D., (2016). Oil Prices. Exchange Rate and Prices for Agricultural Commodities. Empirical Evidence from Russia. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 8 (2): 33-47.
  • Cao, Y., and Cheng, S. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on multi-scale asymmetric spillovers between food and oil prices. Resources Policy, 74: 102364.
  • Chang, S.L., Harding, N., Zachreson, C., Cliff, O.M, and Prokopenko, M. (2020). Modelling transmission and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. Nature Communications, 11: 5710.
  • Cranfield, J. A. (2020). Framing consumer food demand responses in a viral pandemic. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2): 151-156.
  • CRISIL, (2020). The COVID-19 Fallout: quantifying first-cut impact of the pandemic. CRISIL, S&P Global Company Impact Note (March 19): 1–44.
  • De Sousa, A. (2020). Tracking COVID-19. Bloomberg News. 2020-coronavirus-dash/. Access date: 11.03.2022
  • FAO, (2020a). Urban food systems and COVID-19: The role of cities and local governments in responding to the emergency. Access date: 02.08.2020
  • FAO, (2020b). Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics. Access date: 24.02.2022
  • Grier, K. B., Henry, Ó. T., Olekalns, N., and Shields, K. (2004). The asymmetric effects of uncertainty on inflation and output growth. Journal of Applied econometrics, 19(5), 551-565.
  • Guellil, M.S., Belmokaddem, M., and Benbouziane, M. (2018). Volatility Linkages between Agricultural Commodity Prices, Oil Prices and Real USD Exchange Rate. Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa, 26: 71-83.
  • Gupta, S., Seth, P., Abraham, M., and Pingali, P. (2022). COVID-19 and women's nutrition security: panel data evidence from rural India. Economia Politica, 39(1): 157-184.
  • Hafez, H. M., Attia, Y. A., Bovera, F., El-Hack, A., Mohamed, E., Khafaga, A. F., and de Oliveira, M. C. (2021). Influence of COVID-19 on the poultry production and environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(33): 44833-44844.
  • Hahn, W. (2020). Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, Meat Production Increases Expected in 2021, LDP-M-312. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
  • Held, L. (2020). Food Distribution 101: What happens when the food supply is disrupted by a pandemic. Access date: 17.03.2022
  • Hernandez, M., Kim, S., Rice, B., and Vos, R. (2020). IFPRI’s new COVID-19 Food Price Monitor tracks warning signs of stress in local markets. International Food Policy Research Institute.
  • Hobbs, J. E. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic and meat supply chains. Meat science, 181: 108459.
  • Hunter, C.L., Kim, K. and Rubin, H. (2020). COVID-19 Economic Impacts: Beware of March A Day Romans Settled Debts. KPMG Economics. /kpmg/cl/pdf/2020-03-kpmg-chile-advisory-coronavirusmapping.pdf. Access date: 12.02.2022
  • Hwang, S., and Valls Pereira, P. L. (2006). Small sample properties of GARCH estimates and persistence. The European Journal of Finance, 12(6-7): 473-494.
  • Ivanov, D., and Dolgui, A. (2020). Viability of intertwined supply networks: extending the supply chain resilience angles towards survivability. A position paper motivated by COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Production Research, 58(10): 2904-2915.
  • Küçük, N. (2021). Metodolojik Yapı ve Özet Bakış Açısıyla Literatür, in E. Siverekli and G. Sarıışık (Eds.), UNİGAP Proje Raporu: Şanlıurfa-Adıyaman-Mardin Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliğinde Tarımsal Sanayi Stratejisi ve Uygulamaya Dayalı Eylem Planı. Ankara, Gazi Kitapevi, 7-11.
  • Laborde, D., Martin, W., and Vos, R. (2021). Impacts of COVID‐19 on global poverty, food security, and diets: Insights from global model scenario analysis. Agricultural Economics, 52(3): 375-390.
  • Laborde, D., Martin, W., and Vos, R. (2020). Estimating the poverty impact of COVID-19: The MIRAGRODEP and POVANA frameworks. IFPRI Technical Note, International Food Policy Research Institute.
  • Lawrence, J. D., Mintert, J. R., Anderson, J. D., and Anderson, D. P. (2008). Feed grains and livestock: impacts on meat supplies and prices. Choices, 23(316-2016-6897): 11-15.
  • Lusk, J. (2020). Meat and egg prices following the COVID‐19 outbreak. Access date: 08.03.2022
  • Lusk, J. L., Tonsor, G. T., and Schulz, L. L. (2021). Beef and pork marketing margins and price spreads during COVID‐19. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(1): 4-23.
  • Malone, T., Schaefer, K. A., and Lusk, J. L. (2021). Unscrambling US egg supply chains amid COVID-19. Food Policy, 101: 102046.
  • Narayanan, S., and Saha, S. (2021). Urban food markets and the COVID-19 lockdown in India. Global Food Security, 29: 100515.
  • Nazlioglu, S., and Soytas, U. (2012). Oil price, agricultural commodity prices, and the dollar, A panel cointegration and causality analysis. Energy Economics, 34 (4): 1098-1104.
  • Nicola, S., Ferrante, A., Cocetta, G., Bulgari, R., Nicoletto, C., Sambo, P., and Ertani, A. (2020). Food supply and urban gardening in the time of Covid-19. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 77(2) / 2020.
  • OEC, (2021). Trade, Complexity, and Rankings Updated to 2020. OEC, The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Access date: 19.02.2022
  • Özdemir, F.N., Urak, F., Bilgic, A., and Yavuz, F. (2020). Türkiye’de Koyun Eti, Besi Yemi, Benzin Reel Fiyatlarının ve Döviz Kurunun Koşullu Varyanslarındaki Oynaklığın VAR–Asimetrik BEKK–GARCH (1,1) Modeli İle Tahmin Edilmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23: 1270-1285.
  • Poppick, L. (2020). Public Health: The Effects of COVID-19 Will Ripple through Food Systems. Scientific American. %20gives%20way %20to,of%20those%20efforts%2C%20experts%20say. Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Pozo, V. F., and Schroeder, T. C. (2012). Price and volatility spillover between livestock and related commodity markets (No. 323-2016-11484). Pozo_Schroeder_2012.docx.pdf. Access date: 23.02.2022
  • Reardon, T., Mishra, A., Nuthalapati, C. S. R., Bellemare, M. F., and Zilberman, D. (2020). Covid-19’s disruption of India’s transformed food supply chains. Economic and Political Weekly, 55(18): 18-22.
  • Rezitis, A. N., and Ahammad, S. M. (2016). Investigating The Interdependency Of Agricultural Production Volatility Spillovers Between Bangladesh, India, And Pakistan. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 28(1): 32-54.
  • Schmidt, M. (2020). Corona and resource resilience—is efficiency still a desirable goal? Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Sidhoum, A.A., and Serra, T. (2016), Volatility Spillovers in the Spanish Food Marketing Chain: The Case of Tomato. Agribusiness, 32: 45-63.
  • Tejeda, H. A., and Goodwin, B. K. (2011). Dynamic price relationships in the grain and cattle markets, pre and post-ethanol mandate (No. 321-2016-10740). Access date: 24.02.2022
  • TSI (2022). Inflation & Price, Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products. Monthly Rate of Change of Subgroup (2015=100) (%). Turkish Statistical Institute Access date: 14.04.2022
  • Uddin, M. N., Alam, B., Islam, S. S., Arif, M., Alam, M. M., and Kabir, S. M. L. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on food safety and security in low and middle income countries. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 6(2): 130–137.
  • Umar, Z., Gubareva, M., Naeem, M., and Akhter, A. (2021). Return and volatility transmission between oil price shocks and agricultural commodities. PLoS One, 16(2): e0246886.
  • Urak, F., Bilgic, A., Dağdemir, V., and Özer, H. (2022a). Türkiye’de Döviz Kuru Bağlamında Dana Karkas, Kuzu Karkas ve Yemlik Buğday Piyasalarının Koşullu Varyanslarındaki Oynaklığın VAR (2)-Asimetrik BEKK-GARCH (1, 1) Modeli ile Tahmin Edilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1): 31-41.
  • Urak, F., Bilgic, A., Dağdemir, V., and Özer, H. (2022b). Türkiye’deki Kırmızı Et ve Yemlik Buğday Piyasaları Arasındaki Oynaklık Aktarımlarının Ampirik Olarak Ortaya Konulması. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi.
  • Vijlder, W.D (2020). The COVID-19 epidemic: Economic consequences, pervasive uncertainties, delayed recovery. BNP Paribas. Economic Research Department. Access date: 02.0.2022
  • VOA, (2020). Pakistani Poultry Farmer Sold $2M in Property to Pay Employees, Then Came COVID-19. Voice of America.
  • Wang, J., Shao, W., and Kim, J. (2020). Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the correlations between crude oil and agricultural futures. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 136: 109896.
  • WHO-EMRO, (2022). Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. Access date: 11.02.2022
  • World Bank, (2020). COVID-19 Household Monitoring Dashboard. Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Zaremba, A., Umar, Z., and Mikutowski, M. (2019). Inflation hedging with commodities: A wavelet analysis of seven centuries worth of data. Economics Letters, 181: 90-94.

Türkiye'de COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Yumurta ve Yemlik Buğday Fiyatları Arasındaki Uzun Dönem Oynaklık Yayılımları

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 741 - 753, 23.07.2022


Tüm dünyaya çok kısa sürede yayılan ve etkisini gösteren COVID-19, tüm tedarik zincirlerinin bozulmasına yol açarak gıda arz ve talebinde olumsuz etkiler meydana getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, döviz kuru ve COVID-19'un dışsal değişken olarak kabul edildiği bir durumda Türkiye'de yumurta ve yemlik buğday piyasaları arasındaki uzun dönem oynaklık yayılımlarını belirlemeyi ve bu yayılımların asimetrik olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Bu çalışmada 2010:01 ile 2022:03 arasındaki günlük piyasa verileri ve Asimetrik BEKK-GARCH (1, 1) modeli kullanılmıştır. Yumurta ve yemlik buğday getiri serilerinin koşullu varyanslarının hem kısa dönemdeki şoklardan hem de uzun dönemdeki belirsizliklerinden olumlu yönde etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Yumurta ve yemlik buğday getiri serilerinin koşullu varyanslarının uzun dönemde döviz kurundan kaynaklanan belirsizliklerden olumlu, COVID-19 kaynaklı oynaklıktan olumsuz etkilendiği gözlemlenmiştir. Türk Lirasında yaşanan değer kaybı, yumurta üretim maliyetlerinin çok önemli bir bölümünü oluşturan petrol ve türevleri gibi ithal ürünler ile yem ürünlerinin fiyat düzeylerinin karşılıklı olarak artmasına neden olmuştur. Buna karşılık yumurta üretim maliyetlerinin artması, yumurta fiyatlarını sürekli yukarı yönlü (pozitif getirilerle) hareket ettirmiş ve uzun vadede belirsizliğin artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu araştırma, herhangi bir pandemi veya benzeri (Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı gibi) bir kriz nedeniyle küresel gıda tedarik zincirlerinin bozulması durumunda gıda güvenliğine dair politika önerileri geliştirmek için bir perspektif sunmaktadır.


  • Abouzid, M., El-Sherif, D. M., Eltewacy, N. K., Dahman, N. B. H., Okasha, S. A., Ghozy, S., and Islam, S. M. S. (2021). Influence of COVID-19 on lifestyle behaviors in the Middle East and North Africa Region: a survey of 5896 individuals. Journal of translational medicine, 19(1): 1-11.
  • Adewopo, J. B., Solano-Hermosilla, G., Colen, L., and Micale, F. (2021). Using crowd-sourced data for real-time monitoring of food prices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a pilot project in northern Nigeria. Global Food Security, 29, 100523.
  • Alvi, M., and Gupta, M. (2020). Learning in times of lockdown: how Covid-19 is affecting education and food security in India. Food Security, 12: 793-796.
  • Aman, F., and Masood, S. (2020). How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(COVID19-S4): 121–123.
  • Amolegbe, K.B., Upton, J., Bageant, E., and Blom, S. (2021). Food price volatility and household food security: Evidence from Nigeria. Food Policy, 102, 102061.
  • Assefa, T.T., Meuwissen, M.P., and Oude Lansink, A.G. (2015). Price Volatility Transmission in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review. Agribusiness, 31: 3-13.
  • Baldwin, R., and di Mauro, B.W. (2020). Introduction. In R. Baldwin and B. W. di Mauro (Eds.), Economics in the Time of COVID-19. A CEPR Press eBook, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 1-30.
  • Barrett, C.B. (2020). Actions now can curb food systems fallout from COVID-19. Nature Food 1: 319–320.
  • Bartoli, A., Cavicchioli, D., Kremmydas, D., Rozakis, S., and Olper, A. (2016). The impact of different energy policy options on feedstock price and land demand for maize silage: The case of biogas in Lombardy. Energy Policy, 96: 351-363.
  • Burakov, D., (2016). Oil Prices. Exchange Rate and Prices for Agricultural Commodities. Empirical Evidence from Russia. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 8 (2): 33-47.
  • Cao, Y., and Cheng, S. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on multi-scale asymmetric spillovers between food and oil prices. Resources Policy, 74: 102364.
  • Chang, S.L., Harding, N., Zachreson, C., Cliff, O.M, and Prokopenko, M. (2020). Modelling transmission and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. Nature Communications, 11: 5710.
  • Cranfield, J. A. (2020). Framing consumer food demand responses in a viral pandemic. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2): 151-156.
  • CRISIL, (2020). The COVID-19 Fallout: quantifying first-cut impact of the pandemic. CRISIL, S&P Global Company Impact Note (March 19): 1–44.
  • De Sousa, A. (2020). Tracking COVID-19. Bloomberg News. 2020-coronavirus-dash/. Access date: 11.03.2022
  • FAO, (2020a). Urban food systems and COVID-19: The role of cities and local governments in responding to the emergency. Access date: 02.08.2020
  • FAO, (2020b). Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics. Access date: 24.02.2022
  • Grier, K. B., Henry, Ó. T., Olekalns, N., and Shields, K. (2004). The asymmetric effects of uncertainty on inflation and output growth. Journal of Applied econometrics, 19(5), 551-565.
  • Guellil, M.S., Belmokaddem, M., and Benbouziane, M. (2018). Volatility Linkages between Agricultural Commodity Prices, Oil Prices and Real USD Exchange Rate. Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa, 26: 71-83.
  • Gupta, S., Seth, P., Abraham, M., and Pingali, P. (2022). COVID-19 and women's nutrition security: panel data evidence from rural India. Economia Politica, 39(1): 157-184.
  • Hafez, H. M., Attia, Y. A., Bovera, F., El-Hack, A., Mohamed, E., Khafaga, A. F., and de Oliveira, M. C. (2021). Influence of COVID-19 on the poultry production and environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(33): 44833-44844.
  • Hahn, W. (2020). Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, Meat Production Increases Expected in 2021, LDP-M-312. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
  • Held, L. (2020). Food Distribution 101: What happens when the food supply is disrupted by a pandemic. Access date: 17.03.2022
  • Hernandez, M., Kim, S., Rice, B., and Vos, R. (2020). IFPRI’s new COVID-19 Food Price Monitor tracks warning signs of stress in local markets. International Food Policy Research Institute.
  • Hobbs, J. E. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic and meat supply chains. Meat science, 181: 108459.
  • Hunter, C.L., Kim, K. and Rubin, H. (2020). COVID-19 Economic Impacts: Beware of March A Day Romans Settled Debts. KPMG Economics. /kpmg/cl/pdf/2020-03-kpmg-chile-advisory-coronavirusmapping.pdf. Access date: 12.02.2022
  • Hwang, S., and Valls Pereira, P. L. (2006). Small sample properties of GARCH estimates and persistence. The European Journal of Finance, 12(6-7): 473-494.
  • Ivanov, D., and Dolgui, A. (2020). Viability of intertwined supply networks: extending the supply chain resilience angles towards survivability. A position paper motivated by COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Production Research, 58(10): 2904-2915.
  • Küçük, N. (2021). Metodolojik Yapı ve Özet Bakış Açısıyla Literatür, in E. Siverekli and G. Sarıışık (Eds.), UNİGAP Proje Raporu: Şanlıurfa-Adıyaman-Mardin Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliğinde Tarımsal Sanayi Stratejisi ve Uygulamaya Dayalı Eylem Planı. Ankara, Gazi Kitapevi, 7-11.
  • Laborde, D., Martin, W., and Vos, R. (2021). Impacts of COVID‐19 on global poverty, food security, and diets: Insights from global model scenario analysis. Agricultural Economics, 52(3): 375-390.
  • Laborde, D., Martin, W., and Vos, R. (2020). Estimating the poverty impact of COVID-19: The MIRAGRODEP and POVANA frameworks. IFPRI Technical Note, International Food Policy Research Institute.
  • Lawrence, J. D., Mintert, J. R., Anderson, J. D., and Anderson, D. P. (2008). Feed grains and livestock: impacts on meat supplies and prices. Choices, 23(316-2016-6897): 11-15.
  • Lusk, J. (2020). Meat and egg prices following the COVID‐19 outbreak. Access date: 08.03.2022
  • Lusk, J. L., Tonsor, G. T., and Schulz, L. L. (2021). Beef and pork marketing margins and price spreads during COVID‐19. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(1): 4-23.
  • Malone, T., Schaefer, K. A., and Lusk, J. L. (2021). Unscrambling US egg supply chains amid COVID-19. Food Policy, 101: 102046.
  • Narayanan, S., and Saha, S. (2021). Urban food markets and the COVID-19 lockdown in India. Global Food Security, 29: 100515.
  • Nazlioglu, S., and Soytas, U. (2012). Oil price, agricultural commodity prices, and the dollar, A panel cointegration and causality analysis. Energy Economics, 34 (4): 1098-1104.
  • Nicola, S., Ferrante, A., Cocetta, G., Bulgari, R., Nicoletto, C., Sambo, P., and Ertani, A. (2020). Food supply and urban gardening in the time of Covid-19. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 77(2) / 2020.
  • OEC, (2021). Trade, Complexity, and Rankings Updated to 2020. OEC, The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Access date: 19.02.2022
  • Özdemir, F.N., Urak, F., Bilgic, A., and Yavuz, F. (2020). Türkiye’de Koyun Eti, Besi Yemi, Benzin Reel Fiyatlarının ve Döviz Kurunun Koşullu Varyanslarındaki Oynaklığın VAR–Asimetrik BEKK–GARCH (1,1) Modeli İle Tahmin Edilmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 23: 1270-1285.
  • Poppick, L. (2020). Public Health: The Effects of COVID-19 Will Ripple through Food Systems. Scientific American. %20gives%20way %20to,of%20those%20efforts%2C%20experts%20say. Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Pozo, V. F., and Schroeder, T. C. (2012). Price and volatility spillover between livestock and related commodity markets (No. 323-2016-11484). Pozo_Schroeder_2012.docx.pdf. Access date: 23.02.2022
  • Reardon, T., Mishra, A., Nuthalapati, C. S. R., Bellemare, M. F., and Zilberman, D. (2020). Covid-19’s disruption of India’s transformed food supply chains. Economic and Political Weekly, 55(18): 18-22.
  • Rezitis, A. N., and Ahammad, S. M. (2016). Investigating The Interdependency Of Agricultural Production Volatility Spillovers Between Bangladesh, India, And Pakistan. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 28(1): 32-54.
  • Schmidt, M. (2020). Corona and resource resilience—is efficiency still a desirable goal? Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Sidhoum, A.A., and Serra, T. (2016), Volatility Spillovers in the Spanish Food Marketing Chain: The Case of Tomato. Agribusiness, 32: 45-63.
  • Tejeda, H. A., and Goodwin, B. K. (2011). Dynamic price relationships in the grain and cattle markets, pre and post-ethanol mandate (No. 321-2016-10740). Access date: 24.02.2022
  • TSI (2022). Inflation & Price, Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products. Monthly Rate of Change of Subgroup (2015=100) (%). Turkish Statistical Institute Access date: 14.04.2022
  • Uddin, M. N., Alam, B., Islam, S. S., Arif, M., Alam, M. M., and Kabir, S. M. L. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on food safety and security in low and middle income countries. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 6(2): 130–137.
  • Umar, Z., Gubareva, M., Naeem, M., and Akhter, A. (2021). Return and volatility transmission between oil price shocks and agricultural commodities. PLoS One, 16(2): e0246886.
  • Urak, F., Bilgic, A., Dağdemir, V., and Özer, H. (2022a). Türkiye’de Döviz Kuru Bağlamında Dana Karkas, Kuzu Karkas ve Yemlik Buğday Piyasalarının Koşullu Varyanslarındaki Oynaklığın VAR (2)-Asimetrik BEKK-GARCH (1, 1) Modeli ile Tahmin Edilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1): 31-41.
  • Urak, F., Bilgic, A., Dağdemir, V., and Özer, H. (2022b). Türkiye’deki Kırmızı Et ve Yemlik Buğday Piyasaları Arasındaki Oynaklık Aktarımlarının Ampirik Olarak Ortaya Konulması. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi.
  • Vijlder, W.D (2020). The COVID-19 epidemic: Economic consequences, pervasive uncertainties, delayed recovery. BNP Paribas. Economic Research Department. Access date: 02.0.2022
  • VOA, (2020). Pakistani Poultry Farmer Sold $2M in Property to Pay Employees, Then Came COVID-19. Voice of America.
  • Wang, J., Shao, W., and Kim, J. (2020). Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the correlations between crude oil and agricultural futures. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 136: 109896.
  • WHO-EMRO, (2022). Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. Access date: 11.02.2022
  • World Bank, (2020). COVID-19 Household Monitoring Dashboard. Access date: 06.03.2022
  • Zaremba, A., Umar, Z., and Mikutowski, M. (2019). Inflation hedging with commodities: A wavelet analysis of seven centuries worth of data. Economics Letters, 181: 90-94.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Nihat Küçük 0000-0002-1483-0422

Faruk Urak 0000-0002-2592-0589

Gürkan Bozma 0000-0003-4047-9012

Abdulbaki Bilgic 0000-0001-5946-0915

Publication Date July 23, 2022
Submission Date June 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Küçük, N., Urak, F., Bozma, G., Bilgic, A. (2022). The Long-Term Volatility Spillovers Between Egg and Feed Wheat Prices During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 9(3), 741-753.