Research Article
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A healthy lifestyle of student youth in the context of a dangerous social and environmental environment in Ukraine

Year 2024, , 68 - 78, 30.06.2024


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sufficient physical activity contributes to the preservation of health and self-improvement of student youth. Today in Ukrainian universities, there is a decrease in the number of hours for physical education and a transition to distance learning, which negatively affects the health, level of physical fitness and motivation of young people. The transfer of physical education to a distance form of education caused the need to find new forms and methods of teaching, taking into account new rules for the organization of physical culture and health activities of students in order to preserve their health in extremely limited conditions motor loads. The purpose of our research was to study the factors of a healthy lifestyle of student youth in the context of a dangerous social and ecological environment in Ukraine. 28 first-year students took part in the research. The work used a complex of general scientific theoretical methods: the method of analyzing scientific literature, synthesis, systematization, generalization, the method of surveying applicants (online in the Google Forms application), testing the profile of a healthy lifestyle, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the testing showed that during the year, under the influence of the change in the socio-ecological state of the environment caused by military actions in Ukraine, four indicators reliably (probably) changed among students: Health Responsibility (HR), Physical Activity (PA), Nutrition (N), Spiritual Growth (SG) and Stress Management (SM), (p<0.05). It was determined that the behavioral constructs (HR, PA, and N) and the cognitive-emotional component of student youth (SG, IR and SM) are above average and change as a result of the adverse socioeconomic environment. When students choose physical activity, preference is given to aerobic exercises, which have a positive effect on relieving a stressful situation, and breathing exercises from yoga when overcoming panic attacks.


  • Anikeev, D. M. (2009). Problems of formation of an able-bodied mode of life of student's youth. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2, 6-9.
  • Algahtani, F. D. (2020). Healthy Lifestyle among Ha'il University Students, Saudi Arabia. Int J Pharm Res Allied Sci, 9(1), 160-167.
  • Chou, Z. (2007). A view of holistic health. The Journal of Nursing (Hu Li Za Zhi), 54(3), 20-26.
  • Chu, T., Liu, X., Takayanagi, S., Matsushita, T., & Kishimoto, H. (2023). Association between mental health and academic performance among university undergraduates: The interacting role of lifestyle behaviors. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 32(1), e1938.
  • Eremenko, N. P., Kovaleva, N. V., & Uzhvenko, V. A. (2023). Mental health of student youth of Ukraine during the war. Trends and Prospects of the Development of Science and Education in the Conditions of Globalization: coll. of science Pereyaslav Ave, 92, 90-93.
  • Fuchko, O. L. (2023). Study of psycho-emotional states of pedagogical workers and students of higher education in the period of pandemic and war. Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 4(163), 221-225.
  • Fed, I. A., & Bondarchuk, V. (2023). A holistic view of health as a fundamental characteristic of the health-preserving priorities of the future physical education teacher. In The 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and technology: problems, prospects and innovations” (May 11-13, 2023) CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan, 285 [Ukrainian].
  • Griban, G.P., Yavorska, T. Ye., Tkachenko, P. P., Kuvaldina, O. V., Dikhtiarenko, Z. M., Yeromenko, E. A., Lytvynenko, A. M., Hresa, N. V., Okhrimenko, I. M., Ovcharuk, I. S., & Prontenko, K. V. (2020). Motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. Wiadomości Lekarskie, LXXIII(6), 1199–1206.
  • Golubeva, V., Uskova, S., & Prus, N. (2022). Physical education as a means of forming a culture of health in students of higher education institutions. Scientific journal National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 8(153), 7-9.
  • García-Pérez, L., Villodres, G. C., & Muros, J. J. (2023). Differences in healthy lifestyle habits in university students as a function of academic area. J Public Health (Oxf), 45(2), 513-522.
  • Henning, M. A., Kragelof, C, U., Dryer, R., Moir, F., Bilington, R., & Hill, A. G. (2018). Wellbeing in higher education: Cultivating a healthy lifestyle among faculty and students. Routledge.
  • Horodetska, O. O., Dmytrenko, S.M., Khurtenko, O. V., Romanenko, O. I., & Herasymyshyn, V. P. (2023). Ways of forming a healthy lifestyle in higher education students. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 6(166), 32-36.
  • Imas, Y. V., Dutchak, M. V., Andrieieva, O. V., Kashuba, V. O., Kensytska, I. L., & Sadovskyi, O. O. (2018). Modern approaches to the problem of values’ formation of students’ healthy lifestyle in the course of physical training. Physical Education of Students, 22(4), 182-189.
  • Ivanii, I. V. (2014). Methodological basis for the formation of physical culture personality. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 18(5), 32-36.
  • Jakobsdottir, G., Stefansdottir, R.S., Gestsdottir, S., Stefansson, V., Johannsson, E., Rognvaldsdottir, V., & Gisladottir, T. L. (2023). Changes in health-related lifestyle choices of university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations between food choices, physical activity and health. Plos One, 18(6), e0286345.
  • Kosheleva, O., Skrypchenko, I., Singh Ram Mohan, Porohnyavyi, A, Schastlyvets, V, & Lastovkin, V. (2021). Curricular analysis and student engagement as an indicator of the efficiency of the physical education system in university. Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 2, 415-427.
  • Kurapov, A., Danyliuk, I., Loboda, A., Kalaitzaki, A., Kowatsch, T., Klimash, T., & Predko, V. (2023). Six months into the war: a first-wave study of stress, anxiety, and depression among in Ukraine. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1190465.
  • Kaliuzhna, O. (2023). Vplyv tradytsiinoi ukrainskoi kukhni na formuvannia zdoroviazberihaiuchykh kompetentsii studentiv. [The influence of traditional Ukrainian cuisine on the formation of students' health-preserving competencies]. Aktualni pytannia prava ta sotsialno-ekonomichnykh vidnosyn, 484. [Ukrainian].
  • Lunov, V., Lytvynenko, O., Maltsev, O., & Zlatova, L. (2023). The impact of Russian military aggression on the psychological health of Ukrainian youth. Am Behav Sci 67(3), 426-448.
  • Mekhed, О., & Nosko, M. (2021). The biological and social fundamentals of healthy living of participants of the educational process. Bioresources and Human Health (A. Krynski, G. K. Tebug, S. Voloshanska, eds.). Częstochowa: Publishing House of Polonia University.
  • Moroz, L., & Oksiuta, I. (2023). Vplyv stresu na povedinku ta yakost navchannia studentiv v umovakh viiny. II Vseukrainska naukovo-praktychna internet-konferentsiia "Upravlinnia personalom u systemi menedzhmentu orhanizatsii: tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku": zbirnyk tez dopovidei. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 113. [Ukrainian].
  • Mokhunko, T. M., Havrylova, N. Ye., & Sabirov, O. S. (2023). The influence of physical and health activities on the lifestyle of students. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. 3(162), 290-293.
  • Ovcharenko, O. Y. (2023). The influence of modern distance education technologies on the formation of students' stress resistance during the war. Baltija Publishing. Republic of Poland.
  • Putrov, S. Y. (2017). Valeological discourse on formation, strengthening and preservation of human health. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 3К (84), 398-401.
  • Petrash, M. D., Strizhitskaya, O. Y., & Murtazina, I. R. (2018). Validation of the questionnaire “Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile” in the Russian Sample. Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 26(3), 164–190.
  • Pyvovarov, A. A., & Tsybrovskyi, A. I. (2022). Problemy zaniat iz fizychnoi kultury pid chas karantynu ta viiny. International Scientific Innovations in Human Life, 274-278. [Ukrainian].
  • Shandruk, S.K., Krupnyk, Z.I., & Osetrova, О.А. (2017). Issue of formation of responsible attitude to health in modern youth. Scientific Bulletin of Polissia, 3(11), 190-196.
  • Savchuk, P., Bakiko, I., Kovalchuk, V., & Savchuk, S. (2018). Health and healthy lifestyle: views, thoughts, relevance of research topic. Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1(41), 11–17.
  • Sánchez-Hernando, B., Antón-Solanas, I., Juárez-Vela, R., Gea-Caballero, V., Carboneres-Tafaner, M.I., Ferrer-Gracia, E., Gállego-Diéguez, J., Santolalla-Arnedo, I., & Gasch-Gallén, Á. (2021). Healthy lifestyle and academic performance in middle school students from the region of Aragón (Spain). Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 8624.
  • Skrypchenko, I. T. (2023). Students’ experience of using ergometer “Concept-2” during independent physical education in the process of education in university. Physical Culture in University Education: World Practice and Modern Trends: a collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Dnipro, April 13, 2023). DSUIA, 90.
  • Sharanova, Y. V. (2023). Educational process during wartime. The experience of overcoming stress by students of the american university in Beirut. Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 172-185.
  • Strnadová, V., Voborník, P., & Provazníková, K. (2023). Research on the symptoms of civilizational stress among university students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the ongoing economic crisis in the European region. In EDULEARN23 Proceedings (pp. 2878-2888). IATED.
  • Von Bothmer, M. I., & Fridlund, B. (2005). Gender differences in health habits and in motivation for a healthy lifestyle among Swedish university students. Nurs Health Sci, 7(2), 107-118.
  • Wei, C. N., Harada, K., Ueda, K., Fukumoto, K., Minamoto, K., & Ueda, A. (2012). Assessment of health-promoting lifestyle profile in Japanese university students. Environ Health Prev Med, 17(3), 222-227.
  • Zhytova, O., & Butuzova, L. (2023). Psychoemotional health of students in distance learning conditions. European Humanities Studies: State and Society, (1), 41-55.
  • Zabolotska, S., Zamishchak, M., Savchyn, M., Vasylenko, L., Zymianskyi, A., Bilozerska, S., Ozhubko, H., & Mashchak, S. (2023). Subjective Attitude to the Health of Ukrainian Youth during the War. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 14(1), 75-87.
Year 2024, , 68 - 78, 30.06.2024



  • Anikeev, D. M. (2009). Problems of formation of an able-bodied mode of life of student's youth. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2, 6-9.
  • Algahtani, F. D. (2020). Healthy Lifestyle among Ha'il University Students, Saudi Arabia. Int J Pharm Res Allied Sci, 9(1), 160-167.
  • Chou, Z. (2007). A view of holistic health. The Journal of Nursing (Hu Li Za Zhi), 54(3), 20-26.
  • Chu, T., Liu, X., Takayanagi, S., Matsushita, T., & Kishimoto, H. (2023). Association between mental health and academic performance among university undergraduates: The interacting role of lifestyle behaviors. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 32(1), e1938.
  • Eremenko, N. P., Kovaleva, N. V., & Uzhvenko, V. A. (2023). Mental health of student youth of Ukraine during the war. Trends and Prospects of the Development of Science and Education in the Conditions of Globalization: coll. of science Pereyaslav Ave, 92, 90-93.
  • Fuchko, O. L. (2023). Study of psycho-emotional states of pedagogical workers and students of higher education in the period of pandemic and war. Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 4(163), 221-225.
  • Fed, I. A., & Bondarchuk, V. (2023). A holistic view of health as a fundamental characteristic of the health-preserving priorities of the future physical education teacher. In The 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and technology: problems, prospects and innovations” (May 11-13, 2023) CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan, 285 [Ukrainian].
  • Griban, G.P., Yavorska, T. Ye., Tkachenko, P. P., Kuvaldina, O. V., Dikhtiarenko, Z. M., Yeromenko, E. A., Lytvynenko, A. M., Hresa, N. V., Okhrimenko, I. M., Ovcharuk, I. S., & Prontenko, K. V. (2020). Motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. Wiadomości Lekarskie, LXXIII(6), 1199–1206.
  • Golubeva, V., Uskova, S., & Prus, N. (2022). Physical education as a means of forming a culture of health in students of higher education institutions. Scientific journal National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 8(153), 7-9.
  • García-Pérez, L., Villodres, G. C., & Muros, J. J. (2023). Differences in healthy lifestyle habits in university students as a function of academic area. J Public Health (Oxf), 45(2), 513-522.
  • Henning, M. A., Kragelof, C, U., Dryer, R., Moir, F., Bilington, R., & Hill, A. G. (2018). Wellbeing in higher education: Cultivating a healthy lifestyle among faculty and students. Routledge.
  • Horodetska, O. O., Dmytrenko, S.M., Khurtenko, O. V., Romanenko, O. I., & Herasymyshyn, V. P. (2023). Ways of forming a healthy lifestyle in higher education students. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 6(166), 32-36.
  • Imas, Y. V., Dutchak, M. V., Andrieieva, O. V., Kashuba, V. O., Kensytska, I. L., & Sadovskyi, O. O. (2018). Modern approaches to the problem of values’ formation of students’ healthy lifestyle in the course of physical training. Physical Education of Students, 22(4), 182-189.
  • Ivanii, I. V. (2014). Methodological basis for the formation of physical culture personality. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 18(5), 32-36.
  • Jakobsdottir, G., Stefansdottir, R.S., Gestsdottir, S., Stefansson, V., Johannsson, E., Rognvaldsdottir, V., & Gisladottir, T. L. (2023). Changes in health-related lifestyle choices of university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations between food choices, physical activity and health. Plos One, 18(6), e0286345.
  • Kosheleva, O., Skrypchenko, I., Singh Ram Mohan, Porohnyavyi, A, Schastlyvets, V, & Lastovkin, V. (2021). Curricular analysis and student engagement as an indicator of the efficiency of the physical education system in university. Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 2, 415-427.
  • Kurapov, A., Danyliuk, I., Loboda, A., Kalaitzaki, A., Kowatsch, T., Klimash, T., & Predko, V. (2023). Six months into the war: a first-wave study of stress, anxiety, and depression among in Ukraine. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1190465.
  • Kaliuzhna, O. (2023). Vplyv tradytsiinoi ukrainskoi kukhni na formuvannia zdoroviazberihaiuchykh kompetentsii studentiv. [The influence of traditional Ukrainian cuisine on the formation of students' health-preserving competencies]. Aktualni pytannia prava ta sotsialno-ekonomichnykh vidnosyn, 484. [Ukrainian].
  • Lunov, V., Lytvynenko, O., Maltsev, O., & Zlatova, L. (2023). The impact of Russian military aggression on the psychological health of Ukrainian youth. Am Behav Sci 67(3), 426-448.
  • Mekhed, О., & Nosko, M. (2021). The biological and social fundamentals of healthy living of participants of the educational process. Bioresources and Human Health (A. Krynski, G. K. Tebug, S. Voloshanska, eds.). Częstochowa: Publishing House of Polonia University.
  • Moroz, L., & Oksiuta, I. (2023). Vplyv stresu na povedinku ta yakost navchannia studentiv v umovakh viiny. II Vseukrainska naukovo-praktychna internet-konferentsiia "Upravlinnia personalom u systemi menedzhmentu orhanizatsii: tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku": zbirnyk tez dopovidei. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 113. [Ukrainian].
  • Mokhunko, T. M., Havrylova, N. Ye., & Sabirov, O. S. (2023). The influence of physical and health activities on the lifestyle of students. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. 3(162), 290-293.
  • Ovcharenko, O. Y. (2023). The influence of modern distance education technologies on the formation of students' stress resistance during the war. Baltija Publishing. Republic of Poland.
  • Putrov, S. Y. (2017). Valeological discourse on formation, strengthening and preservation of human health. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 3К (84), 398-401.
  • Petrash, M. D., Strizhitskaya, O. Y., & Murtazina, I. R. (2018). Validation of the questionnaire “Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile” in the Russian Sample. Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 26(3), 164–190.
  • Pyvovarov, A. A., & Tsybrovskyi, A. I. (2022). Problemy zaniat iz fizychnoi kultury pid chas karantynu ta viiny. International Scientific Innovations in Human Life, 274-278. [Ukrainian].
  • Shandruk, S.K., Krupnyk, Z.I., & Osetrova, О.А. (2017). Issue of formation of responsible attitude to health in modern youth. Scientific Bulletin of Polissia, 3(11), 190-196.
  • Savchuk, P., Bakiko, I., Kovalchuk, V., & Savchuk, S. (2018). Health and healthy lifestyle: views, thoughts, relevance of research topic. Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1(41), 11–17.
  • Sánchez-Hernando, B., Antón-Solanas, I., Juárez-Vela, R., Gea-Caballero, V., Carboneres-Tafaner, M.I., Ferrer-Gracia, E., Gállego-Diéguez, J., Santolalla-Arnedo, I., & Gasch-Gallén, Á. (2021). Healthy lifestyle and academic performance in middle school students from the region of Aragón (Spain). Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18, 8624.
  • Skrypchenko, I. T. (2023). Students’ experience of using ergometer “Concept-2” during independent physical education in the process of education in university. Physical Culture in University Education: World Practice and Modern Trends: a collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Dnipro, April 13, 2023). DSUIA, 90.
  • Sharanova, Y. V. (2023). Educational process during wartime. The experience of overcoming stress by students of the american university in Beirut. Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 172-185.
  • Strnadová, V., Voborník, P., & Provazníková, K. (2023). Research on the symptoms of civilizational stress among university students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the ongoing economic crisis in the European region. In EDULEARN23 Proceedings (pp. 2878-2888). IATED.
  • Von Bothmer, M. I., & Fridlund, B. (2005). Gender differences in health habits and in motivation for a healthy lifestyle among Swedish university students. Nurs Health Sci, 7(2), 107-118.
  • Wei, C. N., Harada, K., Ueda, K., Fukumoto, K., Minamoto, K., & Ueda, A. (2012). Assessment of health-promoting lifestyle profile in Japanese university students. Environ Health Prev Med, 17(3), 222-227.
  • Zhytova, O., & Butuzova, L. (2023). Psychoemotional health of students in distance learning conditions. European Humanities Studies: State and Society, (1), 41-55.
  • Zabolotska, S., Zamishchak, M., Savchyn, M., Vasylenko, L., Zymianskyi, A., Bilozerska, S., Ozhubko, H., & Mashchak, S. (2023). Subjective Attitude to the Health of Ukrainian Youth during the War. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 14(1), 75-87.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Activity and Health
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Iryna Skrypchenko 0000-0001-5895-3099

Oleksandr Morhunov This is me 0000-0003-2259-3620

Ratko Pavlovıc 0000-0002-4007-4595

Kseniia Yarymbash This is me 0000-0003-4694-291X

Vlada Bilohur This is me 0000-0003-1053-2716

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date February 20, 2024
Acceptance Date May 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Skrypchenko, I., Morhunov, O., Pavlovıc, R., Yarymbash, K., et al. (2024). A healthy lifestyle of student youth in the context of a dangerous social and environmental environment in Ukraine. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 10(2), 68-78.

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