Research Article
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Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region.

Year 2022, , 1 - 10, 26.06.2022


Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.); is an considerable component of natural range and grassland, besides producing sufficient forage in environmentally restricted fields. In order to for increase birdsfoot trefoil cultivation, it is necessary to the sufficient quantity produce quality seeds. The information regarding the row spacing and seeding rate is important for achieving yield targets and better economic returns of birdsfoot trefoil. Our field study was carried out in order to determine the optimum row spacing and seeding rate for seed production of Sarıyıldız 60 variety that new registrated in the semi-arid climate conditions of the Central Black Sea transition zone, where this plant was not grown before. The field experiment was conducted at the using a randomized complete block split-plot design with three replicates in 2017 to 2019 growing seasons. The study were tested four different (20,40, 60 and 80 cm) row spacings and (5, 10, 15 and 20 kg-ha-1) seeding rates. Results of connectedly analysis showed that row spacing and seeding rate aplication on that the effect of on seed yield and number of pods per plant, 1000 seed weight was significant statistically but didn’t have any significant effect on number of seed per pod and harvest index. The interaction between row spacing and seedin rate did not show any significant statistical be different on seed yield and yield components. In general accepted, the number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod, the weight of thousand seeds and the harvest index decreases with the increase in the seed rate in all row spacings. Results showed that seed yield increases with narrower row spacing. The mean data from the three years experimental showed that the highest seed yield was obtained with plants grown in 40-20 cm row spacing’s at a seeding rate of 10-15 kg-ha-1 (24.8 and 25.7 kg per ha in respectively).

Supporting Institution

The project was funded by the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Republic of Turkiye

Project Number



  • Açıkgöz, E., R. Hatıpoğlu., S. Altınok., C. Sancak., A. Tan., D. Uraz. 2002. Forage Crops Production and Its Problems www. Zmo. Org. tr/ images/ appendix/f6caf1f0ba788cd_ek, pdf?tipi=14 Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Anonymous 1993. Soil Survey Division Staff. “Soil survey manual.” Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18.
  • Anonymous 2006. Birdsfoot Trefoil. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SEREP). A program of UC Agriculture & Natural Resources. Web UC. Davis. https://ucanr. edu/sites/asi/db/covercrops.cfm cropid=7 Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Anonymous 2014. Grassland Index. A Searchable Catalogue of Grass and Forage Legumes. Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome, Italy Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Ayres J. F., W. M. Kelman., S. G. Wiedemann., L. A. Lane and B. E. Mc Corkell. 2008. Developing birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) varietieS for permanent pasture applications in low latitude regions of eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2008, 48, 488–498 10,1071/EA07114 0816-1089/08/40488
  • Basic, M. 2014. Application of pre-sowing inoculation of seed in the legume production, Diploma thesis, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (Croatia), pp. 8.
  • Brecke, B.J. 1995. Management of weeds. In: Peanut Health Management (Plant Health Management Series) Paperback – August 15, 1995 by H. A. Melouk (Author, Editor), F. M. Shokes (Editor) Item No. 42031
  • Bologna J.J., J.S. Rowarth., T.J. Fraser and G.D. Hill. 1996. Management of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) pastures for productivity and persistence proceedings agronomy society of N.Z. 26. 1996 s:17-21› uploads› files› 1996...pdf
  • Bush, T. 2002. Birdsfoot trefoil. Plant Fact Sheet. USDA, NRCS, Rose Lake Plant Materials Center, East Lansing, Michigan Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Chourkova, B. 2006. Investigation of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) populations and varieties grown in central northern Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 455-460
  • Churkova, B., V. Lingorski. 2011. Characterıstıcs of varıetıes and populatıons bırdsfoot trefoıl for seed yıeld under the soıl and weather growıng condıtıons of the Troyan regıon Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology 2-4 Available on-line at Churkova, B., T. Bozhanska., Y. Naydenova. 2016. feedıng value of bırd's–foot trefoıl (lotus cornıculatus l.) cultıvar under condıtıons of the central northern part of Bulgarıa. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology. DOI: 10.7904/2068–4738–VII(14)–38-45
  • Çınar, S., Y. Karadağ., T.Taşyürek., S. Gökalp., M. Özkurt. 2016. The determination of yield and quality of some perennial forage cultivars under Sivas ecological conditions. research ınstıtute for fıeld crops 2016, (research article) volume: 25 Issue: specıal ıssue-2):213-218.
  • Delic, D. 2014. Rhizobial bacteria in agricultural production of legumes, publisher: ınstitute of soil science, Belgrade, andrejevic foundation, Belgrade, 100.
  • Faırey, D.T. 1994. Seed production in birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus spp.. a review some limiting factors. p. 81-85. In Beuselınck P.R. and Roberts C.A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the first ınternational lotus symposium. 22-24 March, 1994. Missouri, USA Faırey, D. T and R. R. Smıth. 1999. Seed production in birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus species. ın: trefoil: the science an technology in Lotus. CSSA special publication number 28. USA pp:145-166.
  • Gatarıc, D., V. Radıc., B. Duric., M. Sarıc., Z. Colovıc and B. Petkovıc. 2013. Morphometric characteristics of lotus corniculatus L. genotypes. African Journal of Biotechnology vol. 12(35), pp. 5423-5426, 28 August. doı: 10,5897/ajb12.2302 ıssn 1684-5315 ©2013 academic journals Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Garcia-Diaz C.A and J.J. Steiner. 2014. Seed physıology, productıon & technology birdsfoot trefoil seed production: ın. plant-water status on reproductive development and seed yield. published in crop sci. 40.449–456 (2000)› 2704. (pdf) Birdsfoot trefoil seed production Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Garcıa, J., M. Rebuffo., F. Formoso and D, Astor. 1991. Producción de semilla forrajeras: tecnología en uso. [Forage seed production: tecnology in use] serie técnica Nº 2. Inıa, Colonia, Uruguay. 40 pp. [Spanish]
  • Guillen, R. 2007. Considerations in Lotus spp. seed production. Lotus newsletter, Argentina, Vol. 37, 47-51.
  • Hannaway, D., C. Larson., D. Myers and M. Cool. 2004. Forage fact sheet: orchardgrass. forage ınformation system. SpecID=5&use=Forage (Accessed December 10,2014).
  • Hare, M. D. 1984. Grasslands Maku” Lotus (Lotus pedunculatus (Cav.) Seed production: 2. effect of row spacings and population density on seed yields. journal of applied seed production, 2, 65-68.
  • Karadağ, Y., S. Çınar., T. Taşyürek., S. Gökalp., M. Özkurt. 2016. The determination of yield and quality of some perennial forage genotypes under Kazova-Tokat ecological conditions journal of field crops central research ınstitue (special issue-2) 25: 206-212.
  • Mazzantı, A., L. Montes., D. Mıñon., H. Sarlangue and C. Cheppı. 1988.Utilización del Lotus tenuis en establecimientos ganaderos de la Pampa Deprimida: resultados de una encuesta. [Utilization of Lotus tenuis in beef farms of Pampa Deprimida: survey results] Revista Argentina de Producción Animal, 8(5), 357-376. [Spanish]
  • McGraw, R. L., P. R. Beuselinck and K. T. Ingram. 1986. plant population density effects on seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil crop sci. 78:201-205. 9
  • Mc Graw, L.R., R.P. Beuselinck., R.R. Smith. 1986b. Effect of latitude on genotype x environment ınteractions for seed yield in birdsfoot trefoil. crop science, 26(3), 603-605.
  • McGraw, R.L and P.R. Beuselınck. 1987. Seeding rate effects on birdsfoot trefoil seed yields and plant population density journal of applıed seed productıon, vol. 5 41-44.
  • Özpınar, H., M. Avcı., A. Acar., S. Aksu., İ. Niksarlı., F. İnal., E. Ay., İ.İnal., F. D. Gündel., A.Aktaş., R. Hatipoğlu. 2019. Determination of yields of bird's-foot trefoil (lotus corniculatus l.) genotypes under mediterranean climatic conditions Anadolu, J. of aarı ıssn: 1300-0225 (print) e-ıssn: 2667-6087 (online), 29 (1): 15-24 doı: 10.18615/anadolu.568782
  • Pankıw, P, S. G. Bonın., J. A. C. Lıeverse. 1977. Effects of row spacing and seeding rates on seed yield in red clover, alsike clover and birdsfoot trefoil. can. j. plant sci. 57: 413-418.
  • Radıc,V., S.Vuckovıc.,D. Gatarıc., S. Prodanovıc., M. Drınıc., A. Kralj., D.Pajcın. 2014. Characterization of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) genotypes from the local population in Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2014 Bothalia- African Biodiversity and Conservation 44(6):98-105
  • Seaney, R.R and P.R. Henson. 1970. Birdsfoot trefoil. In N.C. Brady (ed.) Advances in Agron. 22:1–30. Acad. Press, Inc. New York.
  • Steiner, J.J., J.A. Leffel., G. Gingrich., S. Aldrich-Markham. 1995. Red clover seed production: ııı effect of herbage removal time under varied environments. crop science, 35, 1667-1675.
  • Stevovıc, V., D. Lazarevıc., D.Tomıc., R. Stanısavljevıc., D. Durovıc. 2013. Seed yıeld of bırdsfoot trefoıl (lotus cornıculatus L.) cultıvars ın the year of establıshment. ıv ınternational symposium Agrosym 2013“10.7251/agsy1303346S 346-350
  • Stevovıc, V., D. Lazarevıc., D. Dalibor Tomıc., D. Delıc., D. Durovıc. 2017. Pre-sowıng seed ınoculatıon ın the bırdsfoot trefoıl seed productıon Agrofor ınternational journal, vol. 2, ıssue no. 1, 2017 original scientific paper 10,7251 /agreng1701041s udc 631.53.01/.027
  • Turkington, R., G. D. Franco. 1980. The biology of Canadian weeds. 41 Lotus corniculatus, Canadian J. of plant sci.,60, pp. 965-979.
  • Ülgen, N., N.Yurtsever. 1995. Turkey fertilizer and fertilization guide ( 4th edition). T.C. Prime Ministry General Directorate Rural Services, Soil and Fertilizer Research Institue Publications no:209, Tecnical puplications no: T.66,s. 23 0, Ankara.
  • Vojin, S., D. Gataric., Z. Lakic., D. Markovic. 2001. The yield of forage and seed varieties domestic foot trefoil. archive of agricultural sciences, 62, pp. 53-60. [in Serbian]
  • Vuckovic, S., I. Stojanovic., S.Prodanovic., B.Cupina., T. Zivanovic., S. Vojin and S. Jelacic. 2006. Morphological and nutritional properties of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) autochthonous populations in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina genetic resources and crop evolution (2007) 54.421–428 óspringer 2006. doı 10.1007/s10722-006-0004-6
  • Waghorn, G. C. 2008. Beneficial and detrimental effects of dietary condensed tannins for sustainable sheep and goat production- progress and challenges. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 147 (1/3): 116-139
  • Winch, J.H. and H.A. Macdonald. 1961. Flower pod and seed development relative to the tımıng of the seed harvest of Vıkıng bırdsfoot trefoıl (Lotus corniculatus). Canadıan Journal of Plant Scıence Volume 41, Number 3, July 1961 s:523-532 // › doi › pdf › cjps61-079 Accessed: 12.02.2022
  • Yurtsever, N. 2011. Experimental Statistical Methods. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Ankara.
Year 2022, , 1 - 10, 26.06.2022


Project Number



  • Açıkgöz, E., R. Hatıpoğlu., S. Altınok., C. Sancak., A. Tan., D. Uraz. 2002. Forage Crops Production and Its Problems www. Zmo. Org. tr/ images/ appendix/f6caf1f0ba788cd_ek, pdf?tipi=14 Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Anonymous 1993. Soil Survey Division Staff. “Soil survey manual.” Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18.
  • Anonymous 2006. Birdsfoot Trefoil. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SEREP). A program of UC Agriculture & Natural Resources. Web UC. Davis. https://ucanr. edu/sites/asi/db/covercrops.cfm cropid=7 Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Anonymous 2014. Grassland Index. A Searchable Catalogue of Grass and Forage Legumes. Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome, Italy Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Ayres J. F., W. M. Kelman., S. G. Wiedemann., L. A. Lane and B. E. Mc Corkell. 2008. Developing birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) varietieS for permanent pasture applications in low latitude regions of eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2008, 48, 488–498 10,1071/EA07114 0816-1089/08/40488
  • Basic, M. 2014. Application of pre-sowing inoculation of seed in the legume production, Diploma thesis, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (Croatia), pp. 8.
  • Brecke, B.J. 1995. Management of weeds. In: Peanut Health Management (Plant Health Management Series) Paperback – August 15, 1995 by H. A. Melouk (Author, Editor), F. M. Shokes (Editor) Item No. 42031
  • Bologna J.J., J.S. Rowarth., T.J. Fraser and G.D. Hill. 1996. Management of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) pastures for productivity and persistence proceedings agronomy society of N.Z. 26. 1996 s:17-21› uploads› files› 1996...pdf
  • Bush, T. 2002. Birdsfoot trefoil. Plant Fact Sheet. USDA, NRCS, Rose Lake Plant Materials Center, East Lansing, Michigan Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Chourkova, B. 2006. Investigation of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) populations and varieties grown in central northern Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 455-460
  • Churkova, B., V. Lingorski. 2011. Characterıstıcs of varıetıes and populatıons bırdsfoot trefoıl for seed yıeld under the soıl and weather growıng condıtıons of the Troyan regıon Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology 2-4 Available on-line at Churkova, B., T. Bozhanska., Y. Naydenova. 2016. feedıng value of bırd's–foot trefoıl (lotus cornıculatus l.) cultıvar under condıtıons of the central northern part of Bulgarıa. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology. DOI: 10.7904/2068–4738–VII(14)–38-45
  • Çınar, S., Y. Karadağ., T.Taşyürek., S. Gökalp., M. Özkurt. 2016. The determination of yield and quality of some perennial forage cultivars under Sivas ecological conditions. research ınstıtute for fıeld crops 2016, (research article) volume: 25 Issue: specıal ıssue-2):213-218.
  • Delic, D. 2014. Rhizobial bacteria in agricultural production of legumes, publisher: ınstitute of soil science, Belgrade, andrejevic foundation, Belgrade, 100.
  • Faırey, D.T. 1994. Seed production in birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus spp.. a review some limiting factors. p. 81-85. In Beuselınck P.R. and Roberts C.A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the first ınternational lotus symposium. 22-24 March, 1994. Missouri, USA Faırey, D. T and R. R. Smıth. 1999. Seed production in birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus species. ın: trefoil: the science an technology in Lotus. CSSA special publication number 28. USA pp:145-166.
  • Gatarıc, D., V. Radıc., B. Duric., M. Sarıc., Z. Colovıc and B. Petkovıc. 2013. Morphometric characteristics of lotus corniculatus L. genotypes. African Journal of Biotechnology vol. 12(35), pp. 5423-5426, 28 August. doı: 10,5897/ajb12.2302 ıssn 1684-5315 ©2013 academic journals Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Garcia-Diaz C.A and J.J. Steiner. 2014. Seed physıology, productıon & technology birdsfoot trefoil seed production: ın. plant-water status on reproductive development and seed yield. published in crop sci. 40.449–456 (2000)› 2704. (pdf) Birdsfoot trefoil seed production Accessed: December 10,2014
  • Garcıa, J., M. Rebuffo., F. Formoso and D, Astor. 1991. Producción de semilla forrajeras: tecnología en uso. [Forage seed production: tecnology in use] serie técnica Nº 2. Inıa, Colonia, Uruguay. 40 pp. [Spanish]
  • Guillen, R. 2007. Considerations in Lotus spp. seed production. Lotus newsletter, Argentina, Vol. 37, 47-51.
  • Hannaway, D., C. Larson., D. Myers and M. Cool. 2004. Forage fact sheet: orchardgrass. forage ınformation system. SpecID=5&use=Forage (Accessed December 10,2014).
  • Hare, M. D. 1984. Grasslands Maku” Lotus (Lotus pedunculatus (Cav.) Seed production: 2. effect of row spacings and population density on seed yields. journal of applied seed production, 2, 65-68.
  • Karadağ, Y., S. Çınar., T. Taşyürek., S. Gökalp., M. Özkurt. 2016. The determination of yield and quality of some perennial forage genotypes under Kazova-Tokat ecological conditions journal of field crops central research ınstitue (special issue-2) 25: 206-212.
  • Mazzantı, A., L. Montes., D. Mıñon., H. Sarlangue and C. Cheppı. 1988.Utilización del Lotus tenuis en establecimientos ganaderos de la Pampa Deprimida: resultados de una encuesta. [Utilization of Lotus tenuis in beef farms of Pampa Deprimida: survey results] Revista Argentina de Producción Animal, 8(5), 357-376. [Spanish]
  • McGraw, R. L., P. R. Beuselinck and K. T. Ingram. 1986. plant population density effects on seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil crop sci. 78:201-205. 9
  • Mc Graw, L.R., R.P. Beuselinck., R.R. Smith. 1986b. Effect of latitude on genotype x environment ınteractions for seed yield in birdsfoot trefoil. crop science, 26(3), 603-605.
  • McGraw, R.L and P.R. Beuselınck. 1987. Seeding rate effects on birdsfoot trefoil seed yields and plant population density journal of applıed seed productıon, vol. 5 41-44.
  • Özpınar, H., M. Avcı., A. Acar., S. Aksu., İ. Niksarlı., F. İnal., E. Ay., İ.İnal., F. D. Gündel., A.Aktaş., R. Hatipoğlu. 2019. Determination of yields of bird's-foot trefoil (lotus corniculatus l.) genotypes under mediterranean climatic conditions Anadolu, J. of aarı ıssn: 1300-0225 (print) e-ıssn: 2667-6087 (online), 29 (1): 15-24 doı: 10.18615/anadolu.568782
  • Pankıw, P, S. G. Bonın., J. A. C. Lıeverse. 1977. Effects of row spacing and seeding rates on seed yield in red clover, alsike clover and birdsfoot trefoil. can. j. plant sci. 57: 413-418.
  • Radıc,V., S.Vuckovıc.,D. Gatarıc., S. Prodanovıc., M. Drınıc., A. Kralj., D.Pajcın. 2014. Characterization of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) genotypes from the local population in Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2014 Bothalia- African Biodiversity and Conservation 44(6):98-105
  • Seaney, R.R and P.R. Henson. 1970. Birdsfoot trefoil. In N.C. Brady (ed.) Advances in Agron. 22:1–30. Acad. Press, Inc. New York.
  • Steiner, J.J., J.A. Leffel., G. Gingrich., S. Aldrich-Markham. 1995. Red clover seed production: ııı effect of herbage removal time under varied environments. crop science, 35, 1667-1675.
  • Stevovıc, V., D. Lazarevıc., D.Tomıc., R. Stanısavljevıc., D. Durovıc. 2013. Seed yıeld of bırdsfoot trefoıl (lotus cornıculatus L.) cultıvars ın the year of establıshment. ıv ınternational symposium Agrosym 2013“10.7251/agsy1303346S 346-350
  • Stevovıc, V., D. Lazarevıc., D. Dalibor Tomıc., D. Delıc., D. Durovıc. 2017. Pre-sowıng seed ınoculatıon ın the bırdsfoot trefoıl seed productıon Agrofor ınternational journal, vol. 2, ıssue no. 1, 2017 original scientific paper 10,7251 /agreng1701041s udc 631.53.01/.027
  • Turkington, R., G. D. Franco. 1980. The biology of Canadian weeds. 41 Lotus corniculatus, Canadian J. of plant sci.,60, pp. 965-979.
  • Ülgen, N., N.Yurtsever. 1995. Turkey fertilizer and fertilization guide ( 4th edition). T.C. Prime Ministry General Directorate Rural Services, Soil and Fertilizer Research Institue Publications no:209, Tecnical puplications no: T.66,s. 23 0, Ankara.
  • Vojin, S., D. Gataric., Z. Lakic., D. Markovic. 2001. The yield of forage and seed varieties domestic foot trefoil. archive of agricultural sciences, 62, pp. 53-60. [in Serbian]
  • Vuckovic, S., I. Stojanovic., S.Prodanovic., B.Cupina., T. Zivanovic., S. Vojin and S. Jelacic. 2006. Morphological and nutritional properties of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) autochthonous populations in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina genetic resources and crop evolution (2007) 54.421–428 óspringer 2006. doı 10.1007/s10722-006-0004-6
  • Waghorn, G. C. 2008. Beneficial and detrimental effects of dietary condensed tannins for sustainable sheep and goat production- progress and challenges. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 147 (1/3): 116-139
  • Winch, J.H. and H.A. Macdonald. 1961. Flower pod and seed development relative to the tımıng of the seed harvest of Vıkıng bırdsfoot trefoıl (Lotus corniculatus). Canadıan Journal of Plant Scıence Volume 41, Number 3, July 1961 s:523-532 // › doi › pdf › cjps61-079 Accessed: 12.02.2022
  • Yurtsever, N. 2011. Experimental Statistical Methods. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Ankara.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Research Articles

Sezai Gökalp 0000-0001-9175-215X

Hüsyin Topal 0000-0003-3565-0428

Levent Yazici 0000-0002-6839-5366

Ömer Faruk Noyan 0000-0001-5451-6297

Yaşar Karadağ 0000-0002-0523-9470

Project Number TAGEM/TBAD/16/A03/P01/002.
Publication Date June 26, 2022
Submission Date February 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Gökalp, S., Topal, H., Yazici, L., Noyan, Ö. F., et al. (2022). Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 3(1), 1-10.
AMA Gökalp S, Topal H, Yazici L, Noyan ÖF, Karadağ Y. Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. June 2022;3(1):1-10. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1066960
Chicago Gökalp, Sezai, Hüsyin Topal, Levent Yazici, Ömer Faruk Noyan, and Yaşar Karadağ. “) in Tokat Region”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3, no. 1 (June 2022): 1-10.
EndNote Gökalp S, Topal H, Yazici L, Noyan ÖF, Karadağ Y (June 1, 2022) Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3 1 1–10.
IEEE S. Gökalp, H. Topal, L. Yazici, Ö. F. Noyan, and Y. Karadağ, “) in Tokat Region”., Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2022, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.1066960.
ISNAD Gökalp, Sezai et al. “) in Tokat Region”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3/1 (June 2022), 1-10.
JAMA Gökalp S, Topal H, Yazici L, Noyan ÖF, Karadağ Y. Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2022;3:1–10.
MLA Gökalp, Sezai et al. “) in Tokat Region”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 3, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1-10, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1066960.
Vancouver Gökalp S, Topal H, Yazici L, Noyan ÖF, Karadağ Y. Effects of Different Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Seed Yield and Some Yield Components of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Tokat Region. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2022;3(1):1-10.

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