Research Article
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Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs

Year 2021, , 44 - 51, 17.12.2021


We investigated the effects of fire, grass and acacia age on the relative growth rate (RGR), relative neighbour effect (RNE), height and biomass of acacia and grass in the greenhouse condition. The experiment was arranged a completely randomized design with 10 replicates. Grass and shrubs were grown 17 weeks after establishment, thereafter, fire was applied, and observations were done 16 weeks later. Old grass tussock suppressed acacia seedling and sapling, but young grass facilitated acacia seedling and sapling. Young acacia suppressed the young grass but older acacia facilitated the growth of mature grass tussocks. After remove of biomass and the application of fire there was no significant effect but the height and biomass of all acacia seedlings were negatively affected by grasses In contrast to acacia, the effects of fire on the grass tussocks were reduced the above ground biomass.


We thank The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for supporting to Dr. Erkovan. We also thanks Dr. Knox, UNE and CMA.


  • Aide, T.M. and j. Cavelier, 1994. Barriers to loeland tropical forest restoration in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Restoration Ecology, 2: 219-229.
  • Bertness, M. and R.M. Callaway, 1994. Positive interactions in communities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 191-193.
  • Breshears, D.D., P.M. Rich, F.J. Barnes, and K. Campbell, 1997. Overstory imposed heterogeneity in solar radiation and soil moisture in a semiarid woodland. Ecological Applications, 7: 1201–1215.
  • Bullock, J.M. 2009. A long-term study of the roles of competition and facilitation in the establishment of an invasive pine following heathland fires. Journal of Ecology, 97: 646-656.
  • Chapman, S.B., R.J. Rose, and R.T. Clarke, 1989. The behaviour of populations of the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe): a modelling approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 26: 1059–1072.
  • Clarke, P.J. and K.J.E. Knox, 2009. Trade-offs in resource allocation that favour resprouting affect the competitive ability of woody seedlings in grassy communities, Journal of Ecology, 97: 1374–1382.
  • Cramer, M.D., S.B.M. Chimphango, A. van Cauter, M.S. Waldram, and W.J. Bond, 2007. Grass competition induces N2 fixation in some species of African Acacias. Journal of Ecology, 95: 1123–1133.
  • Cramer, M.D., A. van Cauter, and W.J. Bond, 2010. Growth of N2-fixing African savanna Acacia species is constrained by below-ground competition with grass. Journal of Ecology, 98: 156–167.
  • Erkovan, H.İ., A. Koc, and Y. Serin, 2003. Some vegetation properties of Bayburt (Turkey) province rangeland. Grassland Sciences in Europe, 8: 617-620.
  • Erkovan, H.I., M. Tan, M.B. Halitligil, and H. Kislal, 2008. Performance of white-clover grasses mixtures: Part-I Dry matter production, botanical composition, nitrogen use efficient, nitrogen rate and yield. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 20: 4071–4076.
  • Esque, T.C., J.P. Kaye, S.E. Eckert, L.A. DeFalco, and C.R. Tracy, 2010. Short-term soil inorganic N pulse after experimental fire alters invasive and native annual plant production in a Mojave Desert shrubland. Oecologia, 164: 253-263.
  • Gray, A.J. 1988. Demographic and genetic variation in a post-fire population of Agrostis curtisii. Acta Oecologia, 9: 31–41.
  • Gullap, M.K., S. Erkovan, H.I. Erkovan, and A. Koc, 2018. Effects of Fire on Litter, Forage Dry Matter Production, and Forage Quality in Steppe Vegetation of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 20: 61-70.
  • Herbel, C.H. and R.D. Pieper, 1991. Grazing Management. In Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resources and Reclamation (Ed. J.Skujin), Marcel Dekker, Inc., s, 361-385.
  • Higgins, S.I., W.J. Bond, and W.S.W. Trollope, 2000. Fire, resprouting and variability: a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna. Journal of Ecology, 88: 213-229.
  • Ishikawa, S.I. and N. Kachi, 2000. Differential salt tolerance of two Artemisia species growing in contrasting coastal habitats. Ecological Research 15: 241-247.
  • Jacquemyn, H., R. Brys, and M.G. Neubert, 2005. Fire increases invasive spread of Molinia caerulea mainly through changes in demographic parameters. Ecological Applications, 15: 2097–2108.
  • Kraaij, T. and D. Ward, 2006. Effects of rain, fire and grazing on tree recruitment and early survival in bush-encroached savanna, South Africa. Plant Ecology, 186: 235–246.
  • Kurokawa, H., D.A. Peltzer, and A. Wardle, 2010. Plant traits, leaf palatability and litter decomposability for co-occurring woody species differing in invasion status and nitrogen fixation ability. Functional Ecology, 24: 513-523.
  • Lawrence, R., B.M. Potts, and T.G. Whitham, 2003. Relative importance of plent ontogeny, host genetic variation, and leaf age for a common herbivore. Ecology, 84: 1171-1178.
  • Ludwig, F., H. De Kroon, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Berendse, 2001. The effect of nutrients and shade on tree–grass interactions on an East African savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12: 579–588.
  • Ludwig, F., T.E. Dawson, H. De Kroon, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Berendse, 2003. Hydraulic Lift in Acacia tortilis trees on an East African savanna. Oecologia, 134: 293–300.
  • Ludwig, F., H. De Kroon, and H.H.T. Prins, 2008. Impacts of savanna trees on forage quality for a large African herbivore. Oecologia, 155: 487–496.
  • Manning, P., P.D. Putwain, and N.R. Webb, 2004. Identifying and modelling the determinants of woody plant invasion of lowland heath. Journal of Ecology, 92: 868–881.
  • McNeill, A.M., C. Zhu, and I.R.P. Fillery, 1998. A new approach to guantifying the N benefit from pasture to succeeding wheat. Australian Journal of Agriculrural Research, 49: 427-436.
  • Nano, C.E.M. and P.J. Clarke, 2010. Woody-grass ratios in a grassy arid system are limited by multi-causal interactions of abiotic constraint, competition and fire. Oecologia, 162: 719-732.
  • Oksanen, L., M. Sammul, and M. Merike, 2006. On the indices of plant-plant competition and their pitfalls, Oikos, 112: 149-155.
  • Rees, M. and Q. Paynter, 1997. Biological control of Scotch broom: modeling the determinants of abundance and the potential impact of introduced insect herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34: 1203–1221.
  • Riginos, C., B.J. Grace, D.J. Augustine, and T.P. Young, 2009. Local versus landscape-scale effects of savanna trees on grasses. Journal of Ecology, 97: 1337-1345.
  • Scandrett, E. and C.H. Gimingham, 1989. A model of Calluna population dynamics – the effects of varying seed and vegetative regeneration. Vegetatio, 84: 143–152.
  • Scholes, R.J. and S.R. Archer, 1997. Tree-grass interactions in savannas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 28: 517-544.
  • Stokes, K.E., A.E. Allchin, J.M. Bullock, and A.R. Watkinson, 2004. Population responses of Ulex shrubs to fire in a lowland heath community. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15: 505–514.
  • Treydte, A.C., I.M.A. Heitkonig, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Ludwig, 2007. Trees enhance grass quality for herbivores in African savannas. Perspect Plant Ecology Evaluation Systematic, 8: 197–205.
  • Whalley, R.D.B. and R.W. Brown, 1973. A method for the collection and transport of native grasses from the field to the glasshouse. Journal of Range Management, 26: 376-377.
Year 2021, , 44 - 51, 17.12.2021



  • Aide, T.M. and j. Cavelier, 1994. Barriers to loeland tropical forest restoration in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Restoration Ecology, 2: 219-229.
  • Bertness, M. and R.M. Callaway, 1994. Positive interactions in communities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 191-193.
  • Breshears, D.D., P.M. Rich, F.J. Barnes, and K. Campbell, 1997. Overstory imposed heterogeneity in solar radiation and soil moisture in a semiarid woodland. Ecological Applications, 7: 1201–1215.
  • Bullock, J.M. 2009. A long-term study of the roles of competition and facilitation in the establishment of an invasive pine following heathland fires. Journal of Ecology, 97: 646-656.
  • Chapman, S.B., R.J. Rose, and R.T. Clarke, 1989. The behaviour of populations of the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe): a modelling approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 26: 1059–1072.
  • Clarke, P.J. and K.J.E. Knox, 2009. Trade-offs in resource allocation that favour resprouting affect the competitive ability of woody seedlings in grassy communities, Journal of Ecology, 97: 1374–1382.
  • Cramer, M.D., S.B.M. Chimphango, A. van Cauter, M.S. Waldram, and W.J. Bond, 2007. Grass competition induces N2 fixation in some species of African Acacias. Journal of Ecology, 95: 1123–1133.
  • Cramer, M.D., A. van Cauter, and W.J. Bond, 2010. Growth of N2-fixing African savanna Acacia species is constrained by below-ground competition with grass. Journal of Ecology, 98: 156–167.
  • Erkovan, H.İ., A. Koc, and Y. Serin, 2003. Some vegetation properties of Bayburt (Turkey) province rangeland. Grassland Sciences in Europe, 8: 617-620.
  • Erkovan, H.I., M. Tan, M.B. Halitligil, and H. Kislal, 2008. Performance of white-clover grasses mixtures: Part-I Dry matter production, botanical composition, nitrogen use efficient, nitrogen rate and yield. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 20: 4071–4076.
  • Esque, T.C., J.P. Kaye, S.E. Eckert, L.A. DeFalco, and C.R. Tracy, 2010. Short-term soil inorganic N pulse after experimental fire alters invasive and native annual plant production in a Mojave Desert shrubland. Oecologia, 164: 253-263.
  • Gray, A.J. 1988. Demographic and genetic variation in a post-fire population of Agrostis curtisii. Acta Oecologia, 9: 31–41.
  • Gullap, M.K., S. Erkovan, H.I. Erkovan, and A. Koc, 2018. Effects of Fire on Litter, Forage Dry Matter Production, and Forage Quality in Steppe Vegetation of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 20: 61-70.
  • Herbel, C.H. and R.D. Pieper, 1991. Grazing Management. In Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resources and Reclamation (Ed. J.Skujin), Marcel Dekker, Inc., s, 361-385.
  • Higgins, S.I., W.J. Bond, and W.S.W. Trollope, 2000. Fire, resprouting and variability: a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna. Journal of Ecology, 88: 213-229.
  • Ishikawa, S.I. and N. Kachi, 2000. Differential salt tolerance of two Artemisia species growing in contrasting coastal habitats. Ecological Research 15: 241-247.
  • Jacquemyn, H., R. Brys, and M.G. Neubert, 2005. Fire increases invasive spread of Molinia caerulea mainly through changes in demographic parameters. Ecological Applications, 15: 2097–2108.
  • Kraaij, T. and D. Ward, 2006. Effects of rain, fire and grazing on tree recruitment and early survival in bush-encroached savanna, South Africa. Plant Ecology, 186: 235–246.
  • Kurokawa, H., D.A. Peltzer, and A. Wardle, 2010. Plant traits, leaf palatability and litter decomposability for co-occurring woody species differing in invasion status and nitrogen fixation ability. Functional Ecology, 24: 513-523.
  • Lawrence, R., B.M. Potts, and T.G. Whitham, 2003. Relative importance of plent ontogeny, host genetic variation, and leaf age for a common herbivore. Ecology, 84: 1171-1178.
  • Ludwig, F., H. De Kroon, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Berendse, 2001. The effect of nutrients and shade on tree–grass interactions on an East African savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12: 579–588.
  • Ludwig, F., T.E. Dawson, H. De Kroon, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Berendse, 2003. Hydraulic Lift in Acacia tortilis trees on an East African savanna. Oecologia, 134: 293–300.
  • Ludwig, F., H. De Kroon, and H.H.T. Prins, 2008. Impacts of savanna trees on forage quality for a large African herbivore. Oecologia, 155: 487–496.
  • Manning, P., P.D. Putwain, and N.R. Webb, 2004. Identifying and modelling the determinants of woody plant invasion of lowland heath. Journal of Ecology, 92: 868–881.
  • McNeill, A.M., C. Zhu, and I.R.P. Fillery, 1998. A new approach to guantifying the N benefit from pasture to succeeding wheat. Australian Journal of Agriculrural Research, 49: 427-436.
  • Nano, C.E.M. and P.J. Clarke, 2010. Woody-grass ratios in a grassy arid system are limited by multi-causal interactions of abiotic constraint, competition and fire. Oecologia, 162: 719-732.
  • Oksanen, L., M. Sammul, and M. Merike, 2006. On the indices of plant-plant competition and their pitfalls, Oikos, 112: 149-155.
  • Rees, M. and Q. Paynter, 1997. Biological control of Scotch broom: modeling the determinants of abundance and the potential impact of introduced insect herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34: 1203–1221.
  • Riginos, C., B.J. Grace, D.J. Augustine, and T.P. Young, 2009. Local versus landscape-scale effects of savanna trees on grasses. Journal of Ecology, 97: 1337-1345.
  • Scandrett, E. and C.H. Gimingham, 1989. A model of Calluna population dynamics – the effects of varying seed and vegetative regeneration. Vegetatio, 84: 143–152.
  • Scholes, R.J. and S.R. Archer, 1997. Tree-grass interactions in savannas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 28: 517-544.
  • Stokes, K.E., A.E. Allchin, J.M. Bullock, and A.R. Watkinson, 2004. Population responses of Ulex shrubs to fire in a lowland heath community. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15: 505–514.
  • Treydte, A.C., I.M.A. Heitkonig, H.H.T. Prins, and F. Ludwig, 2007. Trees enhance grass quality for herbivores in African savannas. Perspect Plant Ecology Evaluation Systematic, 8: 197–205.
  • Whalley, R.D.B. and R.W. Brown, 1973. A method for the collection and transport of native grasses from the field to the glasshouse. Journal of Range Management, 26: 376-377.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany
Journal Section Research Articles

Halil İbrahim Erkovan 0000-0001-8511-0791

Publication Date December 17, 2021
Submission Date August 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Erkovan, H. İ. (2021). Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 2(2), 44-51.
AMA Erkovan Hİ. Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. December 2021;2(2):44-51. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.982024
Chicago Erkovan, Halil İbrahim. “Ontogeny and Fire Interact to Affect Competition Between Grass and Shrubs”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2, no. 2 (December 2021): 44-51.
EndNote Erkovan Hİ (December 1, 2021) Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2 2 44–51.
IEEE H. İ. Erkovan, “Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs”, Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 44–51, 2021, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.982024.
ISNAD Erkovan, Halil İbrahim. “Ontogeny and Fire Interact to Affect Competition Between Grass and Shrubs”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2/2 (December 2021), 44-51.
JAMA Erkovan Hİ. Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2021;2:44–51.
MLA Erkovan, Halil İbrahim. “Ontogeny and Fire Interact to Affect Competition Between Grass and Shrubs”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 2, no. 2, 2021, pp. 44-51, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.982024.
Vancouver Erkovan Hİ. Ontogeny and fire interact to affect competition between grass and shrubs. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2021;2(2):44-51.

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