Research Article
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Determination of Potential Geothermal Areas in Konya Seydişehir District Using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 26 - 34, 30.06.2024


Today, one of the main challenges that countries face in their economic and social development efforts is to ensure access to cheap, clean and reliable energy resources. Especially the damages caused by fossil fuels and major environmental problems such as global warming increase the need for renewable energy sources. Turkey is among the richest countries in the world in terms of geothermal energy potential. Our country has great geothermal potential, ranking first in Europe and seventh in the world. Seydişehir district of Konya province is a residential area that has attracted attention in recent years with its geothermal energy potential and developments in the field of thermal tourism and the process of exploring geothermal areas is ongoing. In this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which is a GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis method (MCDA), was used to identify potential geothermal areas. All criteria used for the AHP method were determined by taking expert opinion and literature research. The potential geothermal map of the region was produced by combining the weighted layers of the standardized data according to AHP. With such a study, it is foreseen that the geothermal potential areas identified in the region will constitute an important infrastructure inventory for local governments and decision-makers in terms of evaluating and developing geothermal resources and providing suggestions for investments to be made in order to bring the maximum capacity to the national economy.


  • Abuzied, S. M., Kaiser, M. F., Shendi, E. A. H. & Abdel-Fattah, M. I. (2020). Multi-criteria decision support for geothermal resources exploration based on remote sensing, GIS and geophysical techniques along the Gulf of Suez coastal area, Egypt. Geothermics, 88, 101893. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101893
  • Arık, F. (2011). Konya’da Bulunan Enerji Kaynakları ve Potansiyeli (in Turkish). 1. Konya Kent Sempozyumu, Konya, Turkey, 26-27.
  • Brunsell N. A. & Gillies, R.R. (2003). Length scale analysis of surface energy fluxes derived from remote sensing, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(6), 1212–1219. 525-7541(2003)004<1212:LSAOSE>2.0.CO;2
  • Bulut, M. & Filiz, Ş. (2005). Bayındır jeotermal sahasının hidrojeolojisi, hidrokimyası ve izotopik özellikleri (İzmir, Batı Anadolu, Türkiye) (in Turkish). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, (131), 63-78.
  • Deo, R. C. & Şahin, M. (2017). Forecasting long-term global solar radiation with an ANN algorithm coupled with satellite-derived (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) for regional locations in Queensland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 828-848.
  • Kiavarz, M. & Jelokhani-Niaraki, M. (2017). Geothermal prospectivity mapping using GIS-based Ordered Weighted Averaging approach: A case study in Japan’s Akita and Iwate provinces. Geothermics, 70, 295-304.
  • Kilic, F. C. (2016). Geothermal energy in Turkey. Energy & Environment, 27(3-4), 360-376.
  • Kömürcü, M. İ. & Akpınar, A. (2009). Importance of geothermal energy and its environmental effects in Turkey. Renewable energy, 34(6), 1611-1615.
  • Li, X., Huang, C., Chen, W., Li, Y., Han, J., Wang, X., Bai, X., Yin, Z., Li, X., Hou, P. & Tong, J. (2023). GIS model for geothermal advantageous target selection. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6024. s41598-023-32785-0
  • Meng, F., Liang, X., Xiao, C. & Wang, G. (2021). Geothermal resource potential assessment utilizing GIS-based multi criteria decision analysis method. Geothermics, 89, 101969.
  • Noorollahi, Y., Ghasempour, R. & Jalilinasrabady, S. (2015). A GIS based integration method for geothermal resources exploration and site selection. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 33(2), 243-257.
  • Noorollahi, Y., Itoi, R., Fujii, H. & Tanaka, T. (2007). GIS model for geothermal resource exploration in Akita and Iwate prefectures, northern Japan. Computers & geosciences, 33(8), 1008-1021.
  • Nwaiwu, U., Leach, M. & Liu, L. (2023). Development of an Improved Decision Support Tool for Geothermal Site Selection in Nigeria Based on Comprehensive Criteria. Energies, 16(22), 7602.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1990). How to make a decision: the analytic hierarchy process. European journal of operational research, 48(1), 9-26.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2004). Decision Making - The Analytic Hierarchy and Network Processes (AHP/ANP). Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 13(1), 1-35.
  • Saaty, T. L., 1980, Saaty, T. L. (1980). The analytic hierarchy process: planning, priority setting, resource allocation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 24(3), 287-234.
  • Şener, E. & Şener, Ş. (2021). Exploration of geothermal potential using integrated fuzzy logic and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in Ağrı, Eastern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(9), 1134-1150. 10.3906/yer-2105-18
  • Serpen, U., Aksoy, N., Öngür, T. & Korkmaz, E. D. (2009). Geothermal energy in Turkey: 2008 update. Geothermics, 38(2), 227-237.
  • Solanky, V., Singh, S. & Katiyar, S. K. (2018) Land Surface Temperature Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data, In Hydrologic Modeling: Select Proceedings of ICWEES-2016, Singapore, 343-351.
  • Tinti, F., Kasmaee, S., Elkarmoty, M., Bonduà, S. & Bortolotti, V. (2018). Suitability evaluation of specific shallow geothermal technologies using a GIS-Based multi criteria decision analysis implementing the analytic hierarchic process. Energies, 11(2), 457. en11020457
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  • Xu, L., Wu, W., Qian, J., Huang, S., Xie, B., Hu, T., Lang, X., He, B. & Hu, C. (2023). Analysis of geothermal potential in Hangjiahu area based on remote sensing and geographic information system. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1031665. https: //
  • Yalcin, M., & Gul, F. K. (2017). A GIS-based multi criteria decision analysis approach for exploring geothermal resources: Akarcay basin (Afyonkarahisar). Geothermics, 67, 18-28.
  • Yalcin, M., Sari, F. & Yildiz, A. (2023). Exploration of potential geothermal fields using MAXENT and AHP: A case study of the Büyük Menderes Graben. Geothermics, 114, 102792. https://
  • Yousefi, H., Ehara, S. & Noorollahi, Y. (2007). Geothermal potential site selection using GIS in Iran. In Proceedings of the 32nd workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 174-182.

Konya Seydişehir İlçesinde CBS Tabanlı Potansiyel Jeotermal Alanların Belirlenmesi için Çok Ölçütlü Karar Analizi Kullanımı

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 26 - 34, 30.06.2024


Günümüzde, ülkelerin ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınma çabalarında karşılaştıkları temel sorunlardan biri, ucuz, temiz ve güvenilir enerji kaynaklarına erişimi sağlamaktır. Özellikle fosil yakıtların yaydığı zararlar ve küresel ısınma gibi büyük çevresel sorunlar, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına olan ihtiyacı artırmaktadır. Türkiye, jeotermal enerji potansiyeli bakımından dünya genelinde zengin ülkeler arasında yer almaktadır. Ülkemiz, Avrupa'da birinci, dünyada ise yedinci sırada yer alarak büyük bir jeotermal potansiyele sahiptir. Konya ili Seydişehir ilçesi, son yıllarda jeotermal enerji potansiyeli ve termal turizm alanındaki gelişimleriyle dikkat çeken ve jeotermal alanları araştırma süreci devam eden bir yerleşim bölgesidir. Bu çalışmada, potansiyel jeotermal alanların tespiti için CBS tabanlı Çok Kriterli Karar Analiz yöntemi olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHP) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. AHP yöntemi için kullanılan tüm ölçütler uzman görüşü alınarak ve literatür araştırmaları sonucu oluşturulmuştur. Belirlenen kriterler AHP'ye göre standartlaştırılmış verilerin ağırlıklı katmanları birleştirilerek bölgenin potansiyel jeotermal haritası üretilmiştir. Böyle bir çalışma ile bölgedeki belirlenen jeotermal potansiyel alanların ülke ekonomisine maksimum kapasite ile kazandırılması amacıyla jeotermal kaynakların değerlendirilmesi, geliştirilmesi ve yapılacak yatırımlar için öneriler sunulması noktasında yerel yönetimler ve karar vericiler için önemli bir altlık envanter oluşturacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Abuzied, S. M., Kaiser, M. F., Shendi, E. A. H. & Abdel-Fattah, M. I. (2020). Multi-criteria decision support for geothermal resources exploration based on remote sensing, GIS and geophysical techniques along the Gulf of Suez coastal area, Egypt. Geothermics, 88, 101893. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101893
  • Arık, F. (2011). Konya’da Bulunan Enerji Kaynakları ve Potansiyeli (in Turkish). 1. Konya Kent Sempozyumu, Konya, Turkey, 26-27.
  • Brunsell N. A. & Gillies, R.R. (2003). Length scale analysis of surface energy fluxes derived from remote sensing, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(6), 1212–1219. 525-7541(2003)004<1212:LSAOSE>2.0.CO;2
  • Bulut, M. & Filiz, Ş. (2005). Bayındır jeotermal sahasının hidrojeolojisi, hidrokimyası ve izotopik özellikleri (İzmir, Batı Anadolu, Türkiye) (in Turkish). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, (131), 63-78.
  • Deo, R. C. & Şahin, M. (2017). Forecasting long-term global solar radiation with an ANN algorithm coupled with satellite-derived (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) for regional locations in Queensland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 828-848.
  • Kiavarz, M. & Jelokhani-Niaraki, M. (2017). Geothermal prospectivity mapping using GIS-based Ordered Weighted Averaging approach: A case study in Japan’s Akita and Iwate provinces. Geothermics, 70, 295-304.
  • Kilic, F. C. (2016). Geothermal energy in Turkey. Energy & Environment, 27(3-4), 360-376.
  • Kömürcü, M. İ. & Akpınar, A. (2009). Importance of geothermal energy and its environmental effects in Turkey. Renewable energy, 34(6), 1611-1615.
  • Li, X., Huang, C., Chen, W., Li, Y., Han, J., Wang, X., Bai, X., Yin, Z., Li, X., Hou, P. & Tong, J. (2023). GIS model for geothermal advantageous target selection. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6024. s41598-023-32785-0
  • Meng, F., Liang, X., Xiao, C. & Wang, G. (2021). Geothermal resource potential assessment utilizing GIS-based multi criteria decision analysis method. Geothermics, 89, 101969.
  • Noorollahi, Y., Ghasempour, R. & Jalilinasrabady, S. (2015). A GIS based integration method for geothermal resources exploration and site selection. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 33(2), 243-257.
  • Noorollahi, Y., Itoi, R., Fujii, H. & Tanaka, T. (2007). GIS model for geothermal resource exploration in Akita and Iwate prefectures, northern Japan. Computers & geosciences, 33(8), 1008-1021.
  • Nwaiwu, U., Leach, M. & Liu, L. (2023). Development of an Improved Decision Support Tool for Geothermal Site Selection in Nigeria Based on Comprehensive Criteria. Energies, 16(22), 7602.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1990). How to make a decision: the analytic hierarchy process. European journal of operational research, 48(1), 9-26.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2004). Decision Making - The Analytic Hierarchy and Network Processes (AHP/ANP). Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 13(1), 1-35.
  • Saaty, T. L., 1980, Saaty, T. L. (1980). The analytic hierarchy process: planning, priority setting, resource allocation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 24(3), 287-234.
  • Şener, E. & Şener, Ş. (2021). Exploration of geothermal potential using integrated fuzzy logic and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in Ağrı, Eastern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 30(9), 1134-1150. 10.3906/yer-2105-18
  • Serpen, U., Aksoy, N., Öngür, T. & Korkmaz, E. D. (2009). Geothermal energy in Turkey: 2008 update. Geothermics, 38(2), 227-237.
  • Solanky, V., Singh, S. & Katiyar, S. K. (2018) Land Surface Temperature Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data, In Hydrologic Modeling: Select Proceedings of ICWEES-2016, Singapore, 343-351.
  • Tinti, F., Kasmaee, S., Elkarmoty, M., Bonduà, S. & Bortolotti, V. (2018). Suitability evaluation of specific shallow geothermal technologies using a GIS-Based multi criteria decision analysis implementing the analytic hierarchic process. Energies, 11(2), 457. en11020457
  • URL-1: 77 [Access Date: 01.10.2023]
  • URL-2: 7 [Access Date: 09.10.2023]
  • URL-3: Fehir [Access Date: 21.11.2023]
  • URL-4:[Access Date: 11.10.2023]
  • URL-5: [Access Date: 11.10.2023]
  • URL-6: dsat-9 [Access Date: 21.11.2023]
  • Xu, L., Wu, W., Qian, J., Huang, S., Xie, B., Hu, T., Lang, X., He, B. & Hu, C. (2023). Analysis of geothermal potential in Hangjiahu area based on remote sensing and geographic information system. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1031665. https: //
  • Yalcin, M., & Gul, F. K. (2017). A GIS-based multi criteria decision analysis approach for exploring geothermal resources: Akarcay basin (Afyonkarahisar). Geothermics, 67, 18-28.
  • Yalcin, M., Sari, F. & Yildiz, A. (2023). Exploration of potential geothermal fields using MAXENT and AHP: A case study of the Büyük Menderes Graben. Geothermics, 114, 102792. https://
  • Yousefi, H., Ehara, S. & Noorollahi, Y. (2007). Geothermal potential site selection using GIS in Iran. In Proceedings of the 32nd workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 174-182.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning
Journal Section Research Articles

Münevver Gizem Gümüş 0000-0003-4606-2277

Süleyman Savaş Durduran 0000-0003-0509-4037

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date January 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


IEEE M. G. Gümüş and S. S. Durduran, “Determination of Potential Geothermal Areas in Konya Seydişehir District Using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis”, TJRS, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 26–34, 2024, doi: 10.51489/tuzal.1400620.

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