Research Article
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Ponte Molino Kapısının Nokta Bulutundan WebGL Tabanlı Dijital Dokümantasyonunun Üretimi

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 112 - 121, 30.12.2024


Son yıllarda fotogrametrik tekniklerle elde edilen verilerin dijital dokümantasyon projelerinde hızlı bir şekilde sunulması ve paylaşılması büyük önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, İtalya'nın Padova şehrindeki tarihi öneme sahip Ponte Molino Kapısı’nın dijital dokümantasyonu yapılmıştır. MÖ 40-30 yıllarına tarihlenen bu yapı, bir yersel lazer tarayıcı (TLS) ile taranmış ve kapsamlı bir nokta bulutu oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler, Potree yazılımı kullanılarak WebGL tabanlı bir ortamda görselleştirilmiş ve çevrimiçi sunum için uygun hale getirilmiştir. Çalışma, Potree’nin nokta bulutu verilerini hiyerarşik bir yapıda işleme ve görselleştirme yeteneklerini, ayrıca kültürel miras varlıklarının sanal ortamda paylaşılması ve etkileşimli olarak incelenmesi için sunduğu avantajları ortaya koymaktadır. Bu yaklaşım, GIS, arazi modelleme ve kentsel planlama gibi alanlarda geniş bir uygulama potansiyeline sahiptir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, Potree’nin nokta bulutu verilerini %80 oranında küçülterek hiyerarşik bir yapıda işleme ve görselleştirme yeteneklerini, ayrıca kültürel miras varlıklarının sanal ortamda paylaşılması ve etkileşimli olarak incelenmesi için sunduğu avantajları ortaya koymaktadır. Sonuçlar, elde edilen verilerin düşük dosya boyutuna indirgenerek çevrimiçi erişilebilir hale getirildiğini ve bu sürecin kültürel mirasın korunması ile erişilebilirliğini %60 daha verimli kıldığını göstermektedir.


  • Amirebrahimi, S., Rajabifard, A. J. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2012). An integrated web-based 3D modeling and visualization platform to support sustainable cities. 1, 299-304.
  • Apollonio, F. I., Fantini, F., Garagnani, S., & Gaiani, M. (2021). A Photogrammetry-Based Workflow for the Accurate 3D Construction and Visualization of Museums Assets. Remote Sensing, 13(3). doi:10.3390/rs13030486
  • Boutsi, A.-M., Ioannidis, C., & Soile, S. (2019). An Integrated Approach to 3D Web Visualization of Cultural Heritage Heterogeneous Datasets. Remote Sensing, 11(21). doi:10.3390/rs11212508
  • Carey, C., Romero, J., Laefer, D. F. J. T. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2021). New potree shader capabilities for 3d visualization of behaviors near covid-19 rich healthcare facilities. 46, 61-66.
  • Dall’Asta, A., Leoni, G., Meschini, A., Petrucci, E., & Zona, A. (2019). Integrated approach for seismic vulnerability analysis of historic massive defensive structures. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 35, 86-98. doi:
  • de Kleijn, M., Clevis, K., García González, J., Roling, M., Jongsma, J., de Hond, R., . . . Moormann, E. M. (2024). Art and archaeology in an interactive time-traveling online and museum experience. A case study on the Via Appia Antica. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 33, e00342. doi:
  • Döş, M. E., & Yiğit, A. Y. J. T. F. D. (2023). Küçük ölçekli tarihi eserlerin fotogrametri yöntemi ile 3B modellenmesi ve web tabanlı görselleştirilmesi. 5(1), 20-28.
  • Drap, P., Grussenmeyer, P., Gaillard, G., Curtinot, P.-Y., & Seinturier, J. (2004). Presentation of the web based ARPENTEUR tools: towards a Photogrammetry based Heritage Information System. Paper presented at the XXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
  • Fascia, R., Barbieri, F., Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., & Pinto, L. (2024). FROM 3D SURVEY TO DIGITAL REALITY OF A COMPLEX ARCHITECTURE: A DIGITAL WORKFLOW FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE PROMOTION. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 205-212. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-2-W4-2024-205-2024
  • Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Rivieri, C., Dondi, M., Pinto, L. J. T. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2023). REDISCOVERING CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES BY INTERACTIVE 3D EXPLORATION: A PRACTICAL REVIEW OF OPEN-SOURCE WEBGL TOOLS. 48, 661-668.
  • Gobbetti, E., & Marton, F. (2004). Layered point clouds: a simple and efficient multiresolution structure for distributing and rendering gigantic point-sampled models. Computers & Graphics, 28(6), 815-826. doi:
  • Guarnieri, A., Vettore, A., & Pontin, M. (2005). A volumetric approach for 3D surface reconstruction. Paper presented at the Proc., CIPA 2005, 20th Int. Symp.
  • Jung, J., Fei, S., Tuinstra, M., Yang, Y., Wang, D., Song, C., . . . Zhao, L. (2024). Data to science: an open-source online platform for managing, visualizing, and publishing UAS data. Paper presented at the Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IX.
  • Klepárník, R., & Sedlácek, J. J. J. D. L. A. (2021). UAV Photogrammetry, Lidar or WebGL? A Comparison of Spatial Data Sources for Landscape Architecture. 6, 220-229.
  • La Guardia, M., & Koeva, M. (2023). Towards Digital Twinning on the Web: Heterogeneous 3D Data Fusion Based on Open-Source Structure. Remote Sensing, 15(3). doi:10.3390/rs15030721
  • Makineci, H. B., & Erdal, K. (2021). Documentation of Cultural Heritage with Backpack LiDAR Usage on Photogrammetric Purpose. [Sırt Lidarının Fotogrametrik Amaçlı Kullanımıyla Kültürel Mirasın Dokümantasyonu]. Türkiye Lidar Dergisi, 3(1), 1-6. doi:10.51946/melid.921032
  • Martinez-Rubi, O., Verhoeven, S., Van Meersbergen, M., Van Oosterom, P., GonÁalves, R., & Tijssen, T. (2015). Taming the beast: Free and open-source massive point cloud web visualization. Paper presented at the Capturing Reality Forum.
  • Masciotta, M. G., Morais, M. J., Ramos, L. F., Oliveira, D. V., Sánchez-Aparicio, L. J., & González-Aguilera, D. (2021). A Digital-based Integrated Methodology for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage: The Experience of HeritageCare Project. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 15(6), 844-863. doi:10.1080/15583058.2019.1668985
  • Nguyen, M.-T., Nguyen, H.-K., Vo-Lam, K.-D., Nguyen, X.-G., & Tran, M.-T. (2016). Applying virtual reality in city planning. Paper presented at the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 8th International Conference, VAMR 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings 8.
  • Quintilla-Castán, M., Martínez-Aranda, S., & Agustín-Hernández, L. (2022). Digital 3D inventory for the promotion and conservation of the architectural heritage. Retrieved from
  • Rusinkiewicz, S., & Levoy, M. (2000). QSplat: a multiresolution point rendering system for large meshes. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques.
  • Sánchez-Aparicio, L. J., Masciotta, M.-G., García-Alvarez, J., Ramos, L. F., Oliveira, D. V., Martín-Jiménez, J. A., . . . Monteiro, P. (2020). Web-GIS approach to preventive conservation of heritage buildings. Automation in Construction, 118, 103304. doi:
  • Scheiblauer, C. (2014). Interactions with gigantic point clouds.
  • Scheiblauer, C., Wimmer, M. J. C., & Graphics. (2011). Out-of-core selection and editing of huge point clouds. 35(2), 342-351.
  • Schultz, R. B., Kerski, J. J., & Patterson, T. C. (2008). The Use of Virtual Globes as a Spatial Teaching Tool with Suggestions for Metadata Standards. Journal of Geography, 107(1), 27-34. doi:10.1080/00221340802049844
  • Schütz, M. (2015). Potree: Rendering large point clouds in web browsers. Technische Universität Wien,
  • Schütz, M., Ohrhallinger, S., & Wimmer, M. (2020). Fast Out‐of‐Core Octree Generation for Massive Point Clouds. Paper presented at the Computer Graphics Forum.
  • Schütz, M., & Wimmer, M. (2015, 28 Sept.-2 Oct. 2015). High-quality point-based rendering using fast single-pass interpolation. Paper presented at the 2015 Digital Heritage.
  • Szujó, G., Biber, Z., Gál, V., & Szabó, B. (2023). MaGISter-mine: A 2D and 3D web application in the service of mining industry. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 116, 103167. doi:
  • Wand, M., Berner, A., Bokeloh, M., Fleck, A., Hoffmann, M., Jenke, P., . . . Schilling, A. (2007). Interactive Editing of Large Point Clouds. Paper presented at the PBG@ Eurographics.
  • Wimmer, M., & Scheiblauer, C. (2006). Instant Points: Fast Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds. Paper presented at the PBG@ SIGGRAPH.

Production of WebGL Based Digital Documentation of Ponte Molino Gate From Point Cloud

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 112 - 121, 30.12.2024


In recent years, the rapid presentation and sharing of data obtained through photogrammetric techniques have gained significant importance in digital documentation projects. This study focuses on the digital documentation of the historically significant Ponte Molino Gate in Padova, Italy. Dating back to 40–30 BC, this structure was scanned using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), resulting in the creation of a comprehensive point cloud. The obtained data was visualized using Potree, a WebGL-based software, and prepared for online presentation. The study highlights Potree's capabilities in processing and visualizing point cloud data within a hierarchical structure, as well as its advantages in facilitating the virtual sharing and interactive exploration of cultural heritage assets. This approach demonstrates broad application potential in fields such as GIS, terrain modeling, and urban planning. The results indicate that Potree effectively reduces point cloud data size by 80% while retaining its hierarchical structure, thereby enabling efficient visualization and presentation. The findings also show that the data was reduced to a minimal file size for online accessibility, improving the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage by 60%.

Ethical Statement

In the study, the author/s declare that there is no violation of research and publication ethics and that the study does not require ethics committee approval.


The authors would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Marco Piragnolo from CIRGEO for providing the TLS data free of charge and for all his support.


  • Amirebrahimi, S., Rajabifard, A. J. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2012). An integrated web-based 3D modeling and visualization platform to support sustainable cities. 1, 299-304.
  • Apollonio, F. I., Fantini, F., Garagnani, S., & Gaiani, M. (2021). A Photogrammetry-Based Workflow for the Accurate 3D Construction and Visualization of Museums Assets. Remote Sensing, 13(3). doi:10.3390/rs13030486
  • Boutsi, A.-M., Ioannidis, C., & Soile, S. (2019). An Integrated Approach to 3D Web Visualization of Cultural Heritage Heterogeneous Datasets. Remote Sensing, 11(21). doi:10.3390/rs11212508
  • Carey, C., Romero, J., Laefer, D. F. J. T. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2021). New potree shader capabilities for 3d visualization of behaviors near covid-19 rich healthcare facilities. 46, 61-66.
  • Dall’Asta, A., Leoni, G., Meschini, A., Petrucci, E., & Zona, A. (2019). Integrated approach for seismic vulnerability analysis of historic massive defensive structures. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 35, 86-98. doi:
  • de Kleijn, M., Clevis, K., García González, J., Roling, M., Jongsma, J., de Hond, R., . . . Moormann, E. M. (2024). Art and archaeology in an interactive time-traveling online and museum experience. A case study on the Via Appia Antica. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 33, e00342. doi:
  • Döş, M. E., & Yiğit, A. Y. J. T. F. D. (2023). Küçük ölçekli tarihi eserlerin fotogrametri yöntemi ile 3B modellenmesi ve web tabanlı görselleştirilmesi. 5(1), 20-28.
  • Drap, P., Grussenmeyer, P., Gaillard, G., Curtinot, P.-Y., & Seinturier, J. (2004). Presentation of the web based ARPENTEUR tools: towards a Photogrammetry based Heritage Information System. Paper presented at the XXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
  • Fascia, R., Barbieri, F., Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., & Pinto, L. (2024). FROM 3D SURVEY TO DIGITAL REALITY OF A COMPLEX ARCHITECTURE: A DIGITAL WORKFLOW FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE PROMOTION. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 205-212. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-2-W4-2024-205-2024
  • Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Rivieri, C., Dondi, M., Pinto, L. J. T. I. A. o. t. P., Remote Sensing, & Sciences, S. I. (2023). REDISCOVERING CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES BY INTERACTIVE 3D EXPLORATION: A PRACTICAL REVIEW OF OPEN-SOURCE WEBGL TOOLS. 48, 661-668.
  • Gobbetti, E., & Marton, F. (2004). Layered point clouds: a simple and efficient multiresolution structure for distributing and rendering gigantic point-sampled models. Computers & Graphics, 28(6), 815-826. doi:
  • Guarnieri, A., Vettore, A., & Pontin, M. (2005). A volumetric approach for 3D surface reconstruction. Paper presented at the Proc., CIPA 2005, 20th Int. Symp.
  • Jung, J., Fei, S., Tuinstra, M., Yang, Y., Wang, D., Song, C., . . . Zhao, L. (2024). Data to science: an open-source online platform for managing, visualizing, and publishing UAS data. Paper presented at the Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IX.
  • Klepárník, R., & Sedlácek, J. J. J. D. L. A. (2021). UAV Photogrammetry, Lidar or WebGL? A Comparison of Spatial Data Sources for Landscape Architecture. 6, 220-229.
  • La Guardia, M., & Koeva, M. (2023). Towards Digital Twinning on the Web: Heterogeneous 3D Data Fusion Based on Open-Source Structure. Remote Sensing, 15(3). doi:10.3390/rs15030721
  • Makineci, H. B., & Erdal, K. (2021). Documentation of Cultural Heritage with Backpack LiDAR Usage on Photogrammetric Purpose. [Sırt Lidarının Fotogrametrik Amaçlı Kullanımıyla Kültürel Mirasın Dokümantasyonu]. Türkiye Lidar Dergisi, 3(1), 1-6. doi:10.51946/melid.921032
  • Martinez-Rubi, O., Verhoeven, S., Van Meersbergen, M., Van Oosterom, P., GonÁalves, R., & Tijssen, T. (2015). Taming the beast: Free and open-source massive point cloud web visualization. Paper presented at the Capturing Reality Forum.
  • Masciotta, M. G., Morais, M. J., Ramos, L. F., Oliveira, D. V., Sánchez-Aparicio, L. J., & González-Aguilera, D. (2021). A Digital-based Integrated Methodology for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage: The Experience of HeritageCare Project. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 15(6), 844-863. doi:10.1080/15583058.2019.1668985
  • Nguyen, M.-T., Nguyen, H.-K., Vo-Lam, K.-D., Nguyen, X.-G., & Tran, M.-T. (2016). Applying virtual reality in city planning. Paper presented at the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 8th International Conference, VAMR 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings 8.
  • Quintilla-Castán, M., Martínez-Aranda, S., & Agustín-Hernández, L. (2022). Digital 3D inventory for the promotion and conservation of the architectural heritage. Retrieved from
  • Rusinkiewicz, S., & Levoy, M. (2000). QSplat: a multiresolution point rendering system for large meshes. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques.
  • Sánchez-Aparicio, L. J., Masciotta, M.-G., García-Alvarez, J., Ramos, L. F., Oliveira, D. V., Martín-Jiménez, J. A., . . . Monteiro, P. (2020). Web-GIS approach to preventive conservation of heritage buildings. Automation in Construction, 118, 103304. doi:
  • Scheiblauer, C. (2014). Interactions with gigantic point clouds.
  • Scheiblauer, C., Wimmer, M. J. C., & Graphics. (2011). Out-of-core selection and editing of huge point clouds. 35(2), 342-351.
  • Schultz, R. B., Kerski, J. J., & Patterson, T. C. (2008). The Use of Virtual Globes as a Spatial Teaching Tool with Suggestions for Metadata Standards. Journal of Geography, 107(1), 27-34. doi:10.1080/00221340802049844
  • Schütz, M. (2015). Potree: Rendering large point clouds in web browsers. Technische Universität Wien,
  • Schütz, M., Ohrhallinger, S., & Wimmer, M. (2020). Fast Out‐of‐Core Octree Generation for Massive Point Clouds. Paper presented at the Computer Graphics Forum.
  • Schütz, M., & Wimmer, M. (2015, 28 Sept.-2 Oct. 2015). High-quality point-based rendering using fast single-pass interpolation. Paper presented at the 2015 Digital Heritage.
  • Szujó, G., Biber, Z., Gál, V., & Szabó, B. (2023). MaGISter-mine: A 2D and 3D web application in the service of mining industry. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 116, 103167. doi:
  • Wand, M., Berner, A., Bokeloh, M., Fleck, A., Hoffmann, M., Jenke, P., . . . Schilling, A. (2007). Interactive Editing of Large Point Clouds. Paper presented at the PBG@ Eurographics.
  • Wimmer, M., & Scheiblauer, C. (2006). Instant Points: Fast Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds. Paper presented at the PBG@ SIGGRAPH.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Journal Section Research Articles

Büşranur Güvercin 0009-0007-1451-5573

Kasım Erdal 0000-0001-6024-7361

Hasan Bilgehan Makineci 0000-0003-3627-5826

Alberto Guarnieri 0000-0002-9483-289X

Early Pub Date December 18, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 16, 2024
Acceptance Date December 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


IEEE B. Güvercin, K. Erdal, H. B. Makineci, and A. Guarnieri, “Production of WebGL Based Digital Documentation of Ponte Molino Gate From Point Cloud”, TJRS, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 112–121, 2024, doi: 10.51489/tuzal.1567394.

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