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Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Yolunda Türkiye: Kentleşme, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Çevresel Kalite İlişkisi

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 43, 11 - 28, 30.01.2025


Çevresel sürdürülebilirlik, günümüz dünyasında kentleşme, enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki hassas dengeleri anlamayı gerektiren önemli bir konudur. Bu bağlamda, 1965-2021 dönemine ait verilerle Türkiye’de kentleşme, yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyümenin çevresel kalite üzerindeki etkileri analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada, ARDL sınır testi yöntemi kullanılarak uzun dönemli ilişkiler değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, kentleşmenin çevresel bozulmayı artırdığını, yenilenebilir enerji tüketiminin karbon salımını azalttığını ortaya koymaktadır. Özellikle yenilenebilir enerji yatırımları ve çevre dostu kalkınma stratejilerinin, çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından kritik öneme sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Türkiye, yenilenebilir enerji alanındaki projeleri ve sürdürülebilir kentleşme politikalarıyla dikkat çekmektedir. Güneş ve rüzgar enerjisi gibi projeler, hem ekonomik kalkınmayı desteklemekte hem de çevresel bozulmayı azaltmaktadır. Bu çabalar, ülkenin uluslararası iklim hedeflerine uyum sağlamasında stratejik bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye bağlamında sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve çevresel kalite arasındaki ilişkileri ele alarak literatüre önemli bir katkı sunmakta ve politika yapıcılara yol gösterici önerilerde bulunmaktadır.


  • Acar, S., Altıntaş, N., & Haziyev, V. (2023). The effect of financial development and economic growth on ecological footprint in Azerbaijan: an ARDL bound test approach with structural breaks. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 30(1), 41-59. ttps://
  • Addai, K., Serener, B., & Kirikkaleli, D. (2022). Empirical analysis of the relationship among urbanization, economic growth and ecological footprint: evidence from Eastern Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(19), 27749-27760.
  • Akyol, H., & Ağırkaya, M. B. (2024). The Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, Labor Force, Digitalization, Urbanization and Renewable Energy Consumption: Evidence from the EU and Selected Developing Countries. Research Square. 10.21203/
  • Amin, N., Shabbir, M. S., Song, H., & Abbass, K. (2024). Renewable energy consumption and its impact on environmental quality: A pathway for achieving sustainable development goals in ASEAN countries. Energy & Environment, 35(2), 644-662.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu, (2023), Commission staff working document Türkiye 2023 report, 11/SWD_2023_696%20T%C3%BCrkiye%20report.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2024.
  • Aydin, M., Sogut, Y., & Altundemir, M. E. (2023). Moving toward the sustainable environment of European Union countries: Investigating the effect of natural resources and green budgeting on environmental quality. Resources Policy, 83, 103737.
  • Aydin, M., Erdem, A., Sogut, Y., & Ahmed, Z. (2024). A path towards environmental sustainability: exploring the effects of technological innovation and investment freedom on load capacity factor. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-12.
  • Dickey, D. A., & Fuller, W. A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for an autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica, 49(4), 1057-1072.
  • Eweade, B. S., Akadiri, A. C., Olusoga, K. O., & Bamidele, R. O. (2024, February). The symbiotic effects of energy consumption, globalization, and combustible renewables and waste on ecological footprint in the United Kingdom. In Natural resources forum 48(1), 274-291.
  • Global Footprint Network, (2024), Carbon footprint, Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Kahraman, G. (2019). Türkiye’de kentleşmenin enerji tüketimi ve karbon salınımı üzerine etkisi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 9(3), 1559-1566.
  • Khan, I., Zhong, R., & Dong, Y. (2023). Examining the relationship between technological innovation, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emission: Dynamic panel data evidence from the Belt and Road countries. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(5), 18161-18180.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Godil, D. I., Quddoos, M. U., Yu, Z., Akhtar, M. H., & Liang, Z. (2021). Investigating the nexus between energy, economic growth, and environmental quality: A road map for the sustainable development. Sustainable Development, 29(5), 835-846.
  • Khan, I., Hou, F., Zakari, A., Tawiah, V., & Ali, S. A. (2022). Energy use and urbanization as determinants of China’s environmental quality: prospects of the Paris climate agreement. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(13), 2363-2386.
  • Kongkuah, M. (2024). Impact of Belt and Road countries’ renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on ecological footprint. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(4), 8709-8734.
  • Musah, M., Kong, Y., Mensah, I. A., Antwi, S. K., & Donkor, M. (2021). The connection between urbanization and carbon emissions: a panel evidence from West Africa. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 11525-11552.
  • Narayan, P. K. (2005). The saving and investment nexus for China: evidence from cointegration tests. Applied Economics, 37(17), 1979-1990.
  • Nguyen, Q. H. (2024). The influence of key economic globalization factors on economic growth and environmental quality: An empirical study in Southeast Asian countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 33(1), 57-75.
  • Olaoye, O. (2024). Environmental quality, energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from selected African countries. Green and Low-Carbon Economy, 2(1), 28-36.
  • Our World in Data. (2024), Renewable energy consumption Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Ozdemir, B. K., & Koç, K. (2020). Türkiye’de Karbon Emisyonları, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Ekonomik Büyüme. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(1), 66-86.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y., & Smith, R. J. (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289-326.
  • Roy, A. (2024). The impact of foreign direct investment, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, and natural resources on ecological footprint: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 18(1), 141-161. DOI 10.1108/IJESM-09-2022-0004
  • Shaheen, A., Sheng, J., Arshad, S., Salam, S., & Hafeez, M. (2020). The dynamic linkage between income, energy consumption, urbanization and carbon emissions in Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29(1). DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/95033
  •, (2024), Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The data are collected and smoothed by United Nations Population Division. Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  •, (2024), GDP (constant 2015 US$), Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Udemba, E. N., Shah, S. A. R., Philip, L. D., & Zhao, G. (2024). The mediating role of green energy and environmental policies in sustainable development for BRICS economies: A tripartite impact of entrepreneurial activities, urban development and economic growth on ecological footprint. Sustainable Development. 32(5), 4649-4670.
  • Usman, M., Jahanger, A., Makhdum, M. S. A., Balsalobre-Lorente, D., & Bashir, A. (2022). How do financial development, energy consumption, natural resources, and globalization affect Arctic countries' economic growth and environmental quality? An advanced panel data simulation. Energy, 241, 122515.
  • Ülger M.; Uçar M.; Atamer M. A.; Apaydın Ş. (2024). Kentleşme, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve İnovasyon ile Ekonomik Büyüme ve Ekolojik Ayak İzi Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri: Çok Yüksek İnsani Gelişme Düzeyindeki Ülkeler Örneği, Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 8(2), 449-462.
  • Wang, S., Xie, Z., Wu, R., & Feng, K. (2022). How does urbanization affect the carbon intensity of human well-being? A global assessment. Applied Energy, 312, 118798.
  • Wang, A., Rauf, A., Ozturk, I., Wu, J., Zhao, X., & Du, H. (2024). The key to sustainability: In-depth investigation of environmental quality in G20 countries through the lens of renewable energy, economic complexity and geopolitical risk resilience. Journal of Environmental Management, 352, 120045.
  • Vu, T. L., Paramaiah, C., Tufail, B., Nawaz, M. A., Xuyen, N. T. M., & Huy, P. Q. (2023). Effect of financial inclusion, eco-innovation, globalization, and sustainable economic growth on ecological footprint. Engineering Economics, 34(1), 46-60.
  • Zhang, Y., Zheng, K., Xia, F., & Cheng, Z. (2024). Fintech, natural resource rents, renewable energy consumption and environmental quality: A perspective of green economic recovery from BRICS economies. Resources Policy, 89, 104604. Zhang, X. Q. (2016). The trends, promises and challenges of urbanisation in the world. Habitat international, 54, 241-252.

Türkiye on The Path to Sustaınable Development: Relationship Between Urbanization, Renewable Energy and Environmental Quality

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 43, 11 - 28, 30.01.2025


Environmental sustainability is a crucial issue in today's world, requiring an understanding of the delicate balance between urbanization, energy consumption, and economic growth. In this context, the study analyzes the impact of urbanization, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth on environmental quality in Türkiye, using data from the 1965-2021 period. The ARDL bounds testing approach is employed to examine long-term relationships. The findings reveal that urbanization exacerbates environmental degradation, while renewable energy consumption significantly reduces carbon emissions. Investments in renewable energy and environmentally friendly development strategies are shown to be critical for achieving environmental sustainability. Türkiye stands out with its renewable energy projects and sustainable urbanization policies. Initiatives such as solar and wind energy projects support economic growth while mitigating environmental degradation. These efforts play a strategic role in aligning the country with international climate targets. This study contributes to the literature by addressing the relationships between sustainable development and environmental quality in the Turkish context and provides guiding recommendations for policymakers.


  • Acar, S., Altıntaş, N., & Haziyev, V. (2023). The effect of financial development and economic growth on ecological footprint in Azerbaijan: an ARDL bound test approach with structural breaks. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 30(1), 41-59. ttps://
  • Addai, K., Serener, B., & Kirikkaleli, D. (2022). Empirical analysis of the relationship among urbanization, economic growth and ecological footprint: evidence from Eastern Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(19), 27749-27760.
  • Akyol, H., & Ağırkaya, M. B. (2024). The Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, Labor Force, Digitalization, Urbanization and Renewable Energy Consumption: Evidence from the EU and Selected Developing Countries. Research Square. 10.21203/
  • Amin, N., Shabbir, M. S., Song, H., & Abbass, K. (2024). Renewable energy consumption and its impact on environmental quality: A pathway for achieving sustainable development goals in ASEAN countries. Energy & Environment, 35(2), 644-662.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu, (2023), Commission staff working document Türkiye 2023 report, 11/SWD_2023_696%20T%C3%BCrkiye%20report.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2024.
  • Aydin, M., Sogut, Y., & Altundemir, M. E. (2023). Moving toward the sustainable environment of European Union countries: Investigating the effect of natural resources and green budgeting on environmental quality. Resources Policy, 83, 103737.
  • Aydin, M., Erdem, A., Sogut, Y., & Ahmed, Z. (2024). A path towards environmental sustainability: exploring the effects of technological innovation and investment freedom on load capacity factor. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-12.
  • Dickey, D. A., & Fuller, W. A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for an autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica, 49(4), 1057-1072.
  • Eweade, B. S., Akadiri, A. C., Olusoga, K. O., & Bamidele, R. O. (2024, February). The symbiotic effects of energy consumption, globalization, and combustible renewables and waste on ecological footprint in the United Kingdom. In Natural resources forum 48(1), 274-291.
  • Global Footprint Network, (2024), Carbon footprint, Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Kahraman, G. (2019). Türkiye’de kentleşmenin enerji tüketimi ve karbon salınımı üzerine etkisi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 9(3), 1559-1566.
  • Khan, I., Zhong, R., & Dong, Y. (2023). Examining the relationship between technological innovation, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emission: Dynamic panel data evidence from the Belt and Road countries. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(5), 18161-18180.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Godil, D. I., Quddoos, M. U., Yu, Z., Akhtar, M. H., & Liang, Z. (2021). Investigating the nexus between energy, economic growth, and environmental quality: A road map for the sustainable development. Sustainable Development, 29(5), 835-846.
  • Khan, I., Hou, F., Zakari, A., Tawiah, V., & Ali, S. A. (2022). Energy use and urbanization as determinants of China’s environmental quality: prospects of the Paris climate agreement. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(13), 2363-2386.
  • Kongkuah, M. (2024). Impact of Belt and Road countries’ renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on ecological footprint. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(4), 8709-8734.
  • Musah, M., Kong, Y., Mensah, I. A., Antwi, S. K., & Donkor, M. (2021). The connection between urbanization and carbon emissions: a panel evidence from West Africa. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 11525-11552.
  • Narayan, P. K. (2005). The saving and investment nexus for China: evidence from cointegration tests. Applied Economics, 37(17), 1979-1990.
  • Nguyen, Q. H. (2024). The influence of key economic globalization factors on economic growth and environmental quality: An empirical study in Southeast Asian countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 33(1), 57-75.
  • Olaoye, O. (2024). Environmental quality, energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from selected African countries. Green and Low-Carbon Economy, 2(1), 28-36.
  • Our World in Data. (2024), Renewable energy consumption Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Ozdemir, B. K., & Koç, K. (2020). Türkiye’de Karbon Emisyonları, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Ekonomik Büyüme. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(1), 66-86.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y., & Smith, R. J. (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289-326.
  • Roy, A. (2024). The impact of foreign direct investment, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, and natural resources on ecological footprint: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 18(1), 141-161. DOI 10.1108/IJESM-09-2022-0004
  • Shaheen, A., Sheng, J., Arshad, S., Salam, S., & Hafeez, M. (2020). The dynamic linkage between income, energy consumption, urbanization and carbon emissions in Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29(1). DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/95033
  •, (2024), Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The data are collected and smoothed by United Nations Population Division. Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  •, (2024), GDP (constant 2015 US$), Erişim Tarihi: 01.11.2024.
  • Udemba, E. N., Shah, S. A. R., Philip, L. D., & Zhao, G. (2024). The mediating role of green energy and environmental policies in sustainable development for BRICS economies: A tripartite impact of entrepreneurial activities, urban development and economic growth on ecological footprint. Sustainable Development. 32(5), 4649-4670.
  • Usman, M., Jahanger, A., Makhdum, M. S. A., Balsalobre-Lorente, D., & Bashir, A. (2022). How do financial development, energy consumption, natural resources, and globalization affect Arctic countries' economic growth and environmental quality? An advanced panel data simulation. Energy, 241, 122515.
  • Ülger M.; Uçar M.; Atamer M. A.; Apaydın Ş. (2024). Kentleşme, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve İnovasyon ile Ekonomik Büyüme ve Ekolojik Ayak İzi Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri: Çok Yüksek İnsani Gelişme Düzeyindeki Ülkeler Örneği, Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 8(2), 449-462.
  • Wang, S., Xie, Z., Wu, R., & Feng, K. (2022). How does urbanization affect the carbon intensity of human well-being? A global assessment. Applied Energy, 312, 118798.
  • Wang, A., Rauf, A., Ozturk, I., Wu, J., Zhao, X., & Du, H. (2024). The key to sustainability: In-depth investigation of environmental quality in G20 countries through the lens of renewable energy, economic complexity and geopolitical risk resilience. Journal of Environmental Management, 352, 120045.
  • Vu, T. L., Paramaiah, C., Tufail, B., Nawaz, M. A., Xuyen, N. T. M., & Huy, P. Q. (2023). Effect of financial inclusion, eco-innovation, globalization, and sustainable economic growth on ecological footprint. Engineering Economics, 34(1), 46-60.
  • Zhang, Y., Zheng, K., Xia, F., & Cheng, Z. (2024). Fintech, natural resource rents, renewable energy consumption and environmental quality: A perspective of green economic recovery from BRICS economies. Resources Policy, 89, 104604. Zhang, X. Q. (2016). The trends, promises and challenges of urbanisation in the world. Habitat international, 54, 241-252.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekolojik İktisat, Uluslararası Finans, Şehir Ekonomisi ( Kent Ekonomisi)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Bağcı 0000-0002-2029-6641

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 43

Kaynak Göster

APA Bağcı, A. (2025). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Yolunda Türkiye: Kentleşme, Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Çevresel Kalite İlişkisi. TYB Akademi Dil Edebiyat Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(43), 11-28.