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Öğrencilerin Bakış Açılarından: Türkiye’de İngilizceyi Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğrenenlerin İngilizce Öğreten Öğretim Elemanlarıyla ilgili Metaforları

Year 2017, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 419 - 442, 20.12.2017


Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerinin İngilizce öğretim elemanlarına yönelik algılarının metaforlar aracılığıyla belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla, Türkiye'de bir devlet üniversitesinde 16 farklı bölüme kayıtlı 148 öğrenciden "benim öğretmenim........gibidir, çünkü............." şeklindeki bir ifadeyi doldurmaları yoluyla öğrencilerin İngilizce öğretim elemanları ile ilgili metaforları elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde, a) isimlendirme, b) ayıklama, c) analiz birimlerimi belirleme d) kategorilere ayırma ve e) verilerin nicel analizi şeklinde 5 adımdan oluşan metafor analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır (Saban, Koçbeker & Saban, 2007). Verilerin analizinde metafor kullanımına uygun olmayan ifadelerin ayıklanmasından sonra 153 metafor 9 ayrı kavramsal temaya ayrılmıştır. 40 metaforla en yüksek kategori ‘yetiştirici olarak öğretmen’ kategorisiyken, bunu 37 metaforla ‘iyi kalpli biri olarak öğretmen’ kategorisi takip etmiştir. Kız ve erkek öğrencilerin ortaya koydukları metaforlar göz önüne alındığında ise, erkek öğrencilerin İngilizce öğretim elemanlarının iyi kalpli olma ve bilgi sağlama özelliklerini ortaya koyarken, kız öğrencilerin ise onların yetiştirici özelikleri üzerinde durdukları görülmektedir.


  • Akbari, M. (2013). Metaphors about EFL teachers' roles: A case of Iranian non-English-major students. Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 1(2), 100-112.
  • Cameron, L., & Low, G. D. (1999). Metaphor. Language Teaching, 32, 77-96.
  • Clarken, R. H, (1997). Five metaphors for educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, the USA.
  • Crandall, J. A. (2000). Language teacher education. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 20, 34-55. Demirtaş, H., & Çoban, D. (2014). Metaphors of the college students about instructors. Kastamonu Education Journal, 3, 1279–1300.
  • Fırat, M., & Kabakçı Yurdakul, I. (2012). University metaphors: A study of academicians’ perspectives. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2(2), 1-13.
  • Guerrero, M. C. M. de, & Villamil, O. S. (2002). Metaphorical conceptualizations of ESL teaching and learning. Language Teaching Research, 6, 95-120
  • Hasim, Z., Mohani, T., Mohtar, T., Barnard, R., Zakaria, A. R., and Bernard, R. (2013). Metaphors used by Malaysian teachers-in-training : Implications for language teacher education. Creative Education-Scientific Research, 4(9), 74–77.
  • İnceçay, V. (2015). “The foreign language classroom is like an airplane” metaphorical conceptualizations of teachers’ beliefs. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 6, 74–96.
  • Kamberi, L. (2014). Using metaphors in language teaching and learning. European Journal of Research on Education, Special Issue: Contemporary Studies in Education, 92–97.
  • Kesen, A. (2010). Foreign language teacher on the spot: A study on metaphorical images of EFL teachers and learners. Çukurova Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 19(2), 185–191.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2001). Toward a post-method pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly, 35(4), 537-560.
  • Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago, IL and London, UK: The Chicago University Press. Mantiri, O. (2015). Key to Language Learning Success. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4 (1), 14-18.
  • Metaphor [Def. 1]. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, n.d. 25 March 2016.
  • Nikitina, L., & Furuoka, F. (2008). “A language teacher is like…”examining Malaysian students’ perceptions of language teachers through metaphor analysis. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5(2), 192–205.
  • Oktay, Y. B., & Osam, U. V. (2013). Viewing foreign language teachers’ roles through the eyes of teachers and students. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 44, 249–261.
  • Oxford, R. L., Tomlinson, S., Barcelos, A., Harrington, C., Lavine, R. Z., and Saleh, A. (1998). Clashing metaphors about classroom teachers: Toward a systematic typology for the language teaching field. System, 26, 3-50. 441
  • Pierson, C. (2008). Reflections on educational metaphors for teaching English as a second language to adult learners. Journal of Lifelong Learning, 17, 51–61.
  • Saban, A., Kocbeker, B. N., and Saban, A. (2007). Prospective teachers' conceptions of teaching and learning revealed through metaphor analysis. Learning and Instruction, 17(2), 123-139.
  • Sayar, E. (2014). Investigating EFL teachers’ and their students’ conceptions of professional teacher identity through metaphor analysis (Unpublished MA Thesis). Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu.
  • Shuell, T. J. (1990). Teaching and learning as problem solving. Theory into Practice, 29, 102-108. Wang, Q., & Castro, C. D. (2010). Classroom interaction and language output. English Language Teaching, 3(2), 175–186.
  • Yob, I. M. (2003). Thinking constructively with metaphors. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 22, 127-138.

From Students' Perspectives: EFL Learners' Metaphors about English Instructors in Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 419 - 442, 20.12.2017


The purpose of this study is to understand university preparatory class students' mental images about their English language instructors through metaphors. With regard to this aim, 148 students enrolled in 16 different programs were required to write metaphors on the metaphor elicitation task including the statement "my English instructor is like........................because.................................". Metaphor analysis technique including naming, elimination, deciding unit of analysis, categorization, quantitative analysis of data was employed for the analysis. 153 metaphors were sorted into 9 conceptual themes. While ‘teacher as nurturer’ was the leading category with 40 metaphors, ‘teacher as someone good-hearted’ followed it with 37 metaphors. It was seen that male participants emphasized good-hearted nature of language instructors and their ability to provide knowledge whereas female participants focused on their teachers’ nurturer side. A closer interaction between the instructors and students could be attributed to the reason why students mostly had positive views concerning their language instructors.


  • Akbari, M. (2013). Metaphors about EFL teachers' roles: A case of Iranian non-English-major students. Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 1(2), 100-112.
  • Cameron, L., & Low, G. D. (1999). Metaphor. Language Teaching, 32, 77-96.
  • Clarken, R. H, (1997). Five metaphors for educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, the USA.
  • Crandall, J. A. (2000). Language teacher education. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 20, 34-55. Demirtaş, H., & Çoban, D. (2014). Metaphors of the college students about instructors. Kastamonu Education Journal, 3, 1279–1300.
  • Fırat, M., & Kabakçı Yurdakul, I. (2012). University metaphors: A study of academicians’ perspectives. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2(2), 1-13.
  • Guerrero, M. C. M. de, & Villamil, O. S. (2002). Metaphorical conceptualizations of ESL teaching and learning. Language Teaching Research, 6, 95-120
  • Hasim, Z., Mohani, T., Mohtar, T., Barnard, R., Zakaria, A. R., and Bernard, R. (2013). Metaphors used by Malaysian teachers-in-training : Implications for language teacher education. Creative Education-Scientific Research, 4(9), 74–77.
  • İnceçay, V. (2015). “The foreign language classroom is like an airplane” metaphorical conceptualizations of teachers’ beliefs. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 6, 74–96.
  • Kamberi, L. (2014). Using metaphors in language teaching and learning. European Journal of Research on Education, Special Issue: Contemporary Studies in Education, 92–97.
  • Kesen, A. (2010). Foreign language teacher on the spot: A study on metaphorical images of EFL teachers and learners. Çukurova Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 19(2), 185–191.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2001). Toward a post-method pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly, 35(4), 537-560.
  • Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago, IL and London, UK: The Chicago University Press. Mantiri, O. (2015). Key to Language Learning Success. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4 (1), 14-18.
  • Metaphor [Def. 1]. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, n.d. 25 March 2016.
  • Nikitina, L., & Furuoka, F. (2008). “A language teacher is like…”examining Malaysian students’ perceptions of language teachers through metaphor analysis. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5(2), 192–205.
  • Oktay, Y. B., & Osam, U. V. (2013). Viewing foreign language teachers’ roles through the eyes of teachers and students. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 44, 249–261.
  • Oxford, R. L., Tomlinson, S., Barcelos, A., Harrington, C., Lavine, R. Z., and Saleh, A. (1998). Clashing metaphors about classroom teachers: Toward a systematic typology for the language teaching field. System, 26, 3-50. 441
  • Pierson, C. (2008). Reflections on educational metaphors for teaching English as a second language to adult learners. Journal of Lifelong Learning, 17, 51–61.
  • Saban, A., Kocbeker, B. N., and Saban, A. (2007). Prospective teachers' conceptions of teaching and learning revealed through metaphor analysis. Learning and Instruction, 17(2), 123-139.
  • Sayar, E. (2014). Investigating EFL teachers’ and their students’ conceptions of professional teacher identity through metaphor analysis (Unpublished MA Thesis). Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu.
  • Shuell, T. J. (1990). Teaching and learning as problem solving. Theory into Practice, 29, 102-108. Wang, Q., & Castro, C. D. (2010). Classroom interaction and language output. English Language Teaching, 3(2), 175–186.
  • Yob, I. M. (2003). Thinking constructively with metaphors. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 22, 127-138.
There are 22 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ali Erarslan

Mehmet Asmalı

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Submission Date December 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Erarslan, A., & Asmalı, M. (2017). From Students’ Perspectives: EFL Learners’ Metaphors about English Instructors in Turkey. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 30(2), 419-442.

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