Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 230 - 261, 28.04.2022


Bu betimsel çalışmanın amacı, Türk akademisyenlerin medya okuryazarlığı çıktıları, değerlendirmesi, medya okuryazarlığı eğitiminin zorluklarına ilişkin algılarını ve yükseköğretimde bu zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için sundukları önerilerini araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın verileri, Türkiye’nin yedi coğrafi bölgesindeki üniversitelerde çalışan 41 Türk akademisyenden toplanmıştır. Veri toplamak için Schilder (2014) tarafından geliştirilen “Medya Okuryazarlığı Değerlendirme Anketi” kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, medya ve teknoloji ve medya okuryazarlığı eğitimi ile ilgilendiği için, iletişim fakültesinde ve eğitim fakültesi bölümlerinden de İngilizce Öğretmenliği, Bilgisayar Eğitimi ve Öğretim Teknolojileri alanlarında uzmanlığa sahip akademisyenler yer almıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları, biçimlendirici değerlendirmenin öne çıkan değerlendirme yöntemlerinden biri olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır ancak akademisyenlerin kullandığı çoğu değerlendirme yönteminin de zaman alıcı veya geliştirmesi karmaşık olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları ayrıca, akademisyenlerin öğrencilerin medya okuryazarlığını değerlendirmek için verdikleri yanıtları nasıl yorumlayacaklarından emin olmadıklarını ve eğiticilerin yetersiz eğitimini, sonuçları değerlendirmede bir zorluk olarak tanımladıklarını göstermektedir. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar, medya okuryazarlığı öğrenme çıktılarının yöneticiler tarafından değil, alandaki tüm paydaşların fikir birliği ile belirlenmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları ayrıca, öğrencilerin küreselleşen dünyada eleştirel olarak özerk vatandaşlar olabilmeleri için medya okuryazarlığı eğitiminde eleştirel okuryazarlık ve pedagojinin dikkate alınması gerektiğini ortaya çıkarmaktadır.


  • Altun, A. (2012). An overview of Unesco activities in connection with media literacy (1977-2009).
  • Belousa, I., & Stakle, A. (2010). Intercultural and media literacy: Global tendencies in metacontent of teacher education in Latvia. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 109-132.
  • Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds, possible worlds. Harvard University Press.
  • Bykov, I., & Medvedeva, M. (2020). Media literacy in the system of the secondary education in Russia. Revista Espacios, 41(48), 393-401.
  • Buckingham, D. (2003). Media education: Literacy, learning and contemporary culture. Polity Press.
  • Buckingham, D. (2019). The media education manifesto. Polity Press.
  • Bulger, M., & Davison, P. (2018). The promises, challenges, and futures of media literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 1-21.
  • Domine, V. (2007). “Doing technology” in the classroom: Media literacy as critical pedagogy. In R. A. Goldstein (Ed.), Useful theory: Making critical education practical (pp. 131–147). Peter Lang.
  • Duffy, T., & Jonassen, D. (1992). Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Duncan, B., D’Ippolito, J., Macpherson, C., & Wilson, C. (1998). Mass media and popular culture. Harcourt.
  • Dvorghets, O. S., & Shaturnaya, Y.A. (2015). Developing students’ media literacy in the English teaching context. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 200, 192-198.
  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed (M. R. Ramos, Trans.). Continuum.
  • French, S. D. (2020). Critical approaches to digital video composition and media literacy in preservice teacher and high school contexts: Understanding students’ perspectives. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Arkansas.
  • Gabai, S., & Ornager, S. (2014). Promoting intercultural dialogue between east and west through media literacy and pop culture. In J. M. Perez Tornero (Director), S. Tayie (Director), & S. Tejedor (Director) Media literacy and intercultural dialogue (pp. 43-59). Gabinete de Comunicacion y Educacion. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Hobbs, R., & Jensen, A. (2009). The past, present, and future of media literacy education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1(1), 1-11.
  • Hobbs, R. (2017). Teaching and learning in a post-truth world. Educational Leadership, 75(3), 26-31.
  • Iasevoli, B. (2018, March 22). Arming teens in the fight against fake news. Education Week.
  • Johnson, D., & Foertsch, M. (2000). Critical issue: Monitoring the school literacy program. Center for Literacy and Assessment at North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Jolls, T. (reviser). (2008). Literacy for the 21st century. An overview and orientation guide to media literacy education (2nd ed.). Center for Media Literacy.
  • Jolls, T. (2020, August). Media literacy in the time of Covid-19. Family Online Safety Institute.
  • Kahne, J., & Bowyer, B. (2019). Can media literacy education increase digital engagement in politics? Learning, Media and Technology, 44(2), 211–224.
  • Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and culture. Oxford University Press.
  • Lemish, D. (2015). Children and media: a global perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Mahn, H., & John-Steiner, V. (2013). Vygotsky and sociocultural approaches to teaching and learning. In I. B. Weiner, W. M. Reynolds, & G. E. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 7.). (pp. 117-146). John Wiley.
  • Martens, H. (2010). Evaluating media literacy education: concepts, theories and future directions. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2(1), 1-22.
  • Masterman, L. (1985). Teaching the media. Comedia.
  • Maxwell, G. S. (2001). Teacher observation in student assessment. Queensland School Curriculum Council.
  • McGrew, S., Breakstone, J., Ortega, T., Smith, M., & Wineburg, S. (2018). Can students evaluate online sources? Learning from assessments of civic online reasoning. Theory & Research in Social Education, 46(2), 165–193. https://doi:10.1080/00933104.2017.1416320
  • McLaren, P. (1995). Critical pedagogy and predatory culture: Oppositional politics in a postmodern era. Routledge.
  • McLaren, P. (1997). Revolutionary multiculturalism: Pedagogies of dissent for the new millennium. Westview Press.
  • Michallidis, P. (2010). New directions in global media literacy. The Journal of Media Literacy, 57(1&2), 39-41. ugd/24687f_ a9d2850ffa4f4ed6bbc2bb8edd9108ed.pdf
  • Mohebzadeh, Z., Emamjomeh, S. M. R., Assareh, A., & Hamidi, F. (2020). A comparative study of media literacy education curriculum in Canada, Iran, and The United States. Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 3(3), 737–756.
  • Moss, C. M., & Brookhart, S. M. (2019). Advancing formative assessment in every classroom: A guide for instructional leaders (2nd Ed.). ASCD.
  • National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). (2014). Key questions to ask when analyzing media messages. CZ2Zta2hvWkF0dG8/view
  • Nusche, D. (2013). Student assessment: Putting the learner at the centre. In Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment (pp. 139-269). OECD Publishing.
  • Perez Tornero, J. M. (2014). Media literacy: The cultural heritage of our time. In J. M. Perez Tornero (Director), S. Tayie (Director), & S. Tejedor (Director) Media literacy and intercultural dialogue (p.5). Gabinete de Comunicacion y Educacion. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Perry, K. H. (2012). What is literacy? – A critical overview of sociocultural perspectives. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 8(1), 50-71.
  • Polakevičová, I., & Lincényi, M. (2017). Implementation of media education in Europe-comparison between media education in different countries in Western and Central Europe. InterNaciones, 3(7), 87-102.
  • Schilder, E. A. M. (2014). Perceptions of media literacy assessment: A mixed methods study (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Schilder, E., & Redmond, T. (2019). Measuring media literacy inquiry in higher education: Innovation in assessment. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 11(2), 95-121.
  • Shapiro, H., & Celot, P. (2011). Testing and refining criteria to assess media literacy levels in Europe. Final Report. 4cbb53b5-689c-4996-b36b-e920df63cd40/language-en
  • Sherman, J. (2009). Using authentic video in the language classroom. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  • Silver, A. (2009). A European approach to media literacy: Moving toward an inclusive knowledge society. In Mapping Media Education in the World (pp. 11-13). New York: The United Nations-Alliance of Civilizations. Retrieved from http://www.revistacomunicar. com/verpdf.php?numero=32&articulo=32- 2009-05&idioma=en
  • Turin, O., & Friesem, Y. (2020). Is that media literacy?: Israeli and US media scholars’ perceptions of the field. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 12(1), 132-144. 12-1-10 UNESCO Türkiye Milli Komisyonu. (2019). Bilgi ve İletişim Komisyonu (CI) Raporu.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.
  • Yılmaz, A., & Taylan, A. (2016). Türkiye’de medya okuryazarlığının 10 yılı: Medya okuryazarlığını eleştirel okumak. In E. K. Durur (Ed.), Medya okuryazarlığı (pp.287-325). Siyasal Kitapevi.


Year 2022, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 230 - 261, 28.04.2022


This descriptive study investigates Turkish academicians' perceptions of the media literacy outcomes, assessment, and challenges of media literacy education, and their recommendations to overcome these challenges in higher education. Data were collected from 41 Turkish academicians working at Turkish universities from seven geographic regions. Data were collected via the "Media Literacy Assessment Questionnaire" which was developed by Schilder (2014). Participants were academicians with subject-area specialisation in English Language Teaching, Computer Education and Instructional Technology in the education faculty, and academicians with subject-area specialisation in the departments of communication faculty as these academicians were interested in media and technology and media literacy education. Results of the study reveal that formative assessment was a prominent assessment method; however, most assessment methods that the academicians used were also identified as time-consuming or complex to develop. Results also show that academicians were unsure about how to interpret students' responses to assess their media literacy and identified teachers' insufficient training as a challenge in assessing outcomes. Based on the data results obtained from this study, specifying learning outcomes beforehand shouldn't be accomplished by the force of administration, but should be determined by the consensus among all parties in the field. Results also reveal that critical literacy and pedagogy should be taken into account in media literacy education so that learners can become critically autonomous citizens in this globalised world.


  • Altun, A. (2012). An overview of Unesco activities in connection with media literacy (1977-2009).
  • Belousa, I., & Stakle, A. (2010). Intercultural and media literacy: Global tendencies in metacontent of teacher education in Latvia. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 109-132.
  • Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds, possible worlds. Harvard University Press.
  • Bykov, I., & Medvedeva, M. (2020). Media literacy in the system of the secondary education in Russia. Revista Espacios, 41(48), 393-401.
  • Buckingham, D. (2003). Media education: Literacy, learning and contemporary culture. Polity Press.
  • Buckingham, D. (2019). The media education manifesto. Polity Press.
  • Bulger, M., & Davison, P. (2018). The promises, challenges, and futures of media literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 1-21.
  • Domine, V. (2007). “Doing technology” in the classroom: Media literacy as critical pedagogy. In R. A. Goldstein (Ed.), Useful theory: Making critical education practical (pp. 131–147). Peter Lang.
  • Duffy, T., & Jonassen, D. (1992). Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Duncan, B., D’Ippolito, J., Macpherson, C., & Wilson, C. (1998). Mass media and popular culture. Harcourt.
  • Dvorghets, O. S., & Shaturnaya, Y.A. (2015). Developing students’ media literacy in the English teaching context. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 200, 192-198.
  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed (M. R. Ramos, Trans.). Continuum.
  • French, S. D. (2020). Critical approaches to digital video composition and media literacy in preservice teacher and high school contexts: Understanding students’ perspectives. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Arkansas.
  • Gabai, S., & Ornager, S. (2014). Promoting intercultural dialogue between east and west through media literacy and pop culture. In J. M. Perez Tornero (Director), S. Tayie (Director), & S. Tejedor (Director) Media literacy and intercultural dialogue (pp. 43-59). Gabinete de Comunicacion y Educacion. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Hobbs, R., & Jensen, A. (2009). The past, present, and future of media literacy education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 1(1), 1-11.
  • Hobbs, R. (2017). Teaching and learning in a post-truth world. Educational Leadership, 75(3), 26-31.
  • Iasevoli, B. (2018, March 22). Arming teens in the fight against fake news. Education Week.
  • Johnson, D., & Foertsch, M. (2000). Critical issue: Monitoring the school literacy program. Center for Literacy and Assessment at North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Jolls, T. (reviser). (2008). Literacy for the 21st century. An overview and orientation guide to media literacy education (2nd ed.). Center for Media Literacy.
  • Jolls, T. (2020, August). Media literacy in the time of Covid-19. Family Online Safety Institute.
  • Kahne, J., & Bowyer, B. (2019). Can media literacy education increase digital engagement in politics? Learning, Media and Technology, 44(2), 211–224.
  • Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and culture. Oxford University Press.
  • Lemish, D. (2015). Children and media: a global perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Mahn, H., & John-Steiner, V. (2013). Vygotsky and sociocultural approaches to teaching and learning. In I. B. Weiner, W. M. Reynolds, & G. E. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 7.). (pp. 117-146). John Wiley.
  • Martens, H. (2010). Evaluating media literacy education: concepts, theories and future directions. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2(1), 1-22.
  • Masterman, L. (1985). Teaching the media. Comedia.
  • Maxwell, G. S. (2001). Teacher observation in student assessment. Queensland School Curriculum Council.
  • McGrew, S., Breakstone, J., Ortega, T., Smith, M., & Wineburg, S. (2018). Can students evaluate online sources? Learning from assessments of civic online reasoning. Theory & Research in Social Education, 46(2), 165–193. https://doi:10.1080/00933104.2017.1416320
  • McLaren, P. (1995). Critical pedagogy and predatory culture: Oppositional politics in a postmodern era. Routledge.
  • McLaren, P. (1997). Revolutionary multiculturalism: Pedagogies of dissent for the new millennium. Westview Press.
  • Michallidis, P. (2010). New directions in global media literacy. The Journal of Media Literacy, 57(1&2), 39-41. ugd/24687f_ a9d2850ffa4f4ed6bbc2bb8edd9108ed.pdf
  • Mohebzadeh, Z., Emamjomeh, S. M. R., Assareh, A., & Hamidi, F. (2020). A comparative study of media literacy education curriculum in Canada, Iran, and The United States. Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 3(3), 737–756.
  • Moss, C. M., & Brookhart, S. M. (2019). Advancing formative assessment in every classroom: A guide for instructional leaders (2nd Ed.). ASCD.
  • National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). (2014). Key questions to ask when analyzing media messages. CZ2Zta2hvWkF0dG8/view
  • Nusche, D. (2013). Student assessment: Putting the learner at the centre. In Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment (pp. 139-269). OECD Publishing.
  • Perez Tornero, J. M. (2014). Media literacy: The cultural heritage of our time. In J. M. Perez Tornero (Director), S. Tayie (Director), & S. Tejedor (Director) Media literacy and intercultural dialogue (p.5). Gabinete de Comunicacion y Educacion. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Perry, K. H. (2012). What is literacy? – A critical overview of sociocultural perspectives. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 8(1), 50-71.
  • Polakevičová, I., & Lincényi, M. (2017). Implementation of media education in Europe-comparison between media education in different countries in Western and Central Europe. InterNaciones, 3(7), 87-102.
  • Schilder, E. A. M. (2014). Perceptions of media literacy assessment: A mixed methods study (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Schilder, E., & Redmond, T. (2019). Measuring media literacy inquiry in higher education: Innovation in assessment. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 11(2), 95-121.
  • Shapiro, H., & Celot, P. (2011). Testing and refining criteria to assess media literacy levels in Europe. Final Report. 4cbb53b5-689c-4996-b36b-e920df63cd40/language-en
  • Sherman, J. (2009). Using authentic video in the language classroom. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  • Silver, A. (2009). A European approach to media literacy: Moving toward an inclusive knowledge society. In Mapping Media Education in the World (pp. 11-13). New York: The United Nations-Alliance of Civilizations. Retrieved from http://www.revistacomunicar. com/verpdf.php?numero=32&articulo=32- 2009-05&idioma=en
  • Turin, O., & Friesem, Y. (2020). Is that media literacy?: Israeli and US media scholars’ perceptions of the field. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 12(1), 132-144. 12-1-10 UNESCO Türkiye Milli Komisyonu. (2019). Bilgi ve İletişim Komisyonu (CI) Raporu.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.
  • Yılmaz, A., & Taylan, A. (2016). Türkiye’de medya okuryazarlığının 10 yılı: Medya okuryazarlığını eleştirel okumak. In E. K. Durur (Ed.), Medya okuryazarlığı (pp.287-325). Siyasal Kitapevi.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Betül Altaş 0000-0003-1111-7231

Sevda Ünal 0000-0003-2754-4780

Publication Date April 28, 2022
Submission Date December 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 35 Issue: 1



Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education ©2025 by Bursa Uludag University is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0