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Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması

Year 2021, , 1 - 19, 26.10.2021


Vahşet suçlarının yaşandığı durumlarda bölgedeki nüfusun çatışmadan ve/veya ülkeden kaçmaya çalışması
olağandır. Bu durum, ülkeleri içinde zorla yerinden edilmiş kişilerin (IDP) ve mültecilerin oluşmasına neden
olurken aynı zamanda bahsi geçen devletin sınırları içindeki nüfusu korumakta başarısız olduğunun, yani
koruma sorumluluğunu (R2P) yerine getiremediğinin önemli bir göstergesidir. Bu tür durumlarda, R2P
çerçevesinde uluslararası toplumun yalnızca vahşet suçlarını durdurmaya yönelik değil, zorla yerinden edilmiş
kişileri korumaya yönelik de sorumlulukları vardır. R2P’nin üç sütunlu uygulama stratejisi çerçevesinde bu
kişilerin korunmasının nasıl sağlanabileceğini ele alan bu makalede, prensibin tamamlayıcı bir koruma çerçevesi
ortaya koyduğu savunulmaktadır.


  • Acharya, Amitav (2013). “The R2P and Norm Diffusion: Towards A Framework of Norm Circulation”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 5, s. 466-479.
  • Achiume, Tendayi (2015). “Syria, Cost-Sharing and the Responsibility to Protect Refugees”, University of Minnesota Law Review, Cilt 100, No 2, s. 687-761.
  • Annan, Kofi (21 Mart 2005). “In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/59/2005.
  • Badescu, Cristina G. ve Thomas G. Weiss (2010). “Misrepresenting R2P and Advancing Norms: An Alternative Spiral?”, International Studies Perspectives, Cilt 11, No 4, s. 354-374.
  • Barbour, Brian ve Brian Gorlick (2008). “Embracing the ‘Responsibility to Protect’: A Repertoire of Measures Including Asylum for Potential Victims,” International Journal of Refugee Law, Cilt 20, No 4, s. 533-566.
  • Baxevanis, Christos (2018). “Crisis and the Greek Asylum System in the Framework of the EU-Turkey Agreement: Legal and Political Aspects”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 15, No 58, s. 81-91.
  • Bellamy, Alex J. (2008). “The Responsibility to Protect and the Problem of Military Intervention”, International Affairs, Cilt 84, No 4, s. 615-639.
  • Bellamy, Alex J. ve Edward C. Luck (2018). The Responsibility to Protect: From Promise to Practice. Cambridge, Polity.
  • Bellamy, Alex J., Sara E. Davies ve Luke Glanville (der.) (2011). The Responsibility to Protect and International Law. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publications.
  • BM Ekonomik ve Sosyal Konseyi (ECOSOC) (11 Şubat 1998). Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, (Erişim Tarihi 22 Eylül 2020).
  • BM Genel Kurulu (31 Ocak 1967). Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, United Nations, Treaty Series, Cilt 606.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (24 Ekim 2005). “2005 World Summit Outcome”, A/Res/60/1.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (12 Ocak 2009). “Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/63/677.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (28 Temmuz 1951). Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, United Nations Treaty Series, Cilt 189.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (28 Haziran 2011). “The Role of Regional and Subregional Arrangements in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/65/877-S/2011/393.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (25 Temmuz 2012). “Responsibility to Protect: Timely and Decisive Response”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/66/874-S/2012/578.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (9 Temmuz 2013). “Responsibility to Protect: State Responsibility and Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/67/929-S/2013/399.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (13 Haziran 2015). “A Vital and Enduring Commitment: Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/69/981-S/2015/500.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (10 Ağustos 2017). “Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Accountability for Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/71/1016-S/2017/556.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (10 Haziran 2019). “Responsibility to Protect: Lessons Learned for Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/73/898-S/2019/463.
  • BM İnsan Hakları Konseyi (8 Nisan 2014). “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs”, A/HRC/29/34/Add.1.
  • BMMYK (5 Mart 1992). 1992/73. Internally Displaced Persons, E/CN.4/1992/73.
  • BMMYK (18 Haziran 2020). “Figures at a Glance”, (Erişim Tarihi 22 Ekim 2020).
  • BMMYK (1 Mart 1996). “Interview: Dr. Francis M. Deng, advocate for the uprooted”, Refugees Magazine, Cilt 103 (IDPs), (Erişim Tarihi 11 Kasım 2020).
  • BMMYK (18 Kasım 2020). “Syrian Regional Refugee Response”, (Erişim tarihi 20 Kasım 2020).
  • BMMYK (8 Ocak 2021). “Libya”, Fact Sheet, (Erişim tarihi 10 Ocak 2021).
  • Chandler, David (2015). “The R2P Is Dead Long Live the R2P: The Successful Separation of Military Intervention from the Responsibility to Protect”, International Peacekeeping, Cilt 22, No 1, s. 1-5.
  • Charlesworth, Hilary (2010). “Feminist Reflections on the Responsibility to Protect”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 2, s. 232-249.
  • Coen, Alise (2015). “R2P, Global Governance, and the Syrian Refugee Crisis”, International Journal of Human Rights, Cilt 19, No 8, s. 1044-1058.
  • Cohen, Roberta (2006). “Strengthening Protection of IDPs: The UN’s Role”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 7, No 1, s. 101-109.
  • Council of the European Union (1 Aralık 2005). Directive 2005/85/EC.
  • Council of the European Union (29 Haziran 2013). Regulation 604/2013, OJ L. 180/31-180/59.
  • Cunliffe, Philip (2015). “From ISIS to ICISS: A Critical Return to the Responsibility to Protect Report”, Cooperation and Conflict, Cilt 51, No 2, s. 233-247.
  • Davies, Sarah E. ve Luke Glanville (der.) (2010). Protecting the Displaced: Deepening the Responsibility to Protect. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Deng, Francis M. ve Roberta Cohen (1998). Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement. Washington, Brookings Institution.
  • Edwards, Adrian (20 Haziran 2016). “Global forced displacement hits record high”, http://www. html (Erişim tarihi 3 Nisan 2019).
  • Erdoğan, M. Murat (2020). “‘Securitization from Society’ and ‘Social Acceptance’: Political PartyBased Approaches in Turkey to Syrian Refugees”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 17, No 68, s. 73-92.
  • Evans, Gareth (2008). The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All. Washington, DC, Brookings.
  • Fiott, Daniel ve Joachim Koops (der.) (2015). The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Francis, Angus (2012). “The Responsibility to Protect and the International Refugee Regime,” Angus Francis, Vesselin Popovski ve Charles Sampford (der.), Norms of Protection: Responsibilit to Protect, Protection of Civilians and Their Interaction. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, s. 215-233.
  • Gallagher, Adrian (2015). “The Promise of Pillar II: Analysing International Assistance under the Responsibility to Protect”, International Affairs, Cilt 91, No 6, s. 1259-1275.
  • Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. ve Jane McAdam (2007). The Refugee in International Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (2016). Debating the Future of the “Responsibility to Protect”: The Evolution of a Moral Norm. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (2019). “UN General Assembly Dialogues on the Responsibility to Protect and the Use of Force for Humanitarian Purposes”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 11, s. 323-326.
  • Hehir, Aidan (2019). Hollow Norms and the Responsibility to Protect. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Human Rights Watch (2016). “AB–Türkiye Arasındaki Göç ve Mülteciler Anlaşmasıyla İlgili Soru ve Cevaplar”, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Kasım 2019).
  • Hurwitz, Agnès (2009). The Collective Responsibility of States to Protect Refugees. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) (2001). The Responsibility to Protect: The Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. Ottawa, International Development Research Center.
  • Kalin, Walter (2008). “The Future of the Guiding Principles”, Ten Years of Guiding Principles: Forced Migration Review, s. 38-39.
  • Keridis, Dimitris (2018). “The Migration/Refugee Crisis and the (Un/Re)Making of Europe: Risks and Challenges for Greece”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 15, No 58, s. 69-80.
  • Kuperman, Alan J. (2013). “A Model Humanitarian Intervention? Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign”, International Security, Cilt 38, No 1, s. 105-136.
  • Kurban, Dilek (2006). “Ülke İçinde Yerinden Edilme Sorunu: Uluslararası Hukuktaki Gelişmeler ve Ülke Pratikleri”, Dilek Kurban, Deniz Yükseker, Ayşe Betül Çelik, Turgay Ünalan ve Tamer Aker (der.), Zorunlu Göç ile Yüzleşmek: Türkiye’de Yerinden Edilme Sonrası Vatandaşlığın İnşası. İstanbul, TESEV Yayınları, s. 55-63.
  • Maley, William (2015). “Humanitarian Law, Refugee Protection and the Responsibility to Protect”, Ramesh Thakur ve William Maley (der.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s. 249-265.
  • Mandacı, Nazif ve Gökay Özerim (2013). “Uluslararası Göçlerin Bir Güvenlik Konusuna Dönüşümü: Avrupa’da Radikal Sağ Partiler ve Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 10, No 39, s. 105-130.
  • Mencütek, Zeynep Şahin, N. Ela Gökalp Aras ve Bezen Balamir Coşkun (2020). “Turkey’s Response to Syrian Mass Migration: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 17, No 68, s. 93-111.
  • Peltonen, Hannes (2011). “Sovereignty as Responsibility, Responsibility to Protect and International Order: On Responsibility, Communal Crime Prevention and International Law”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 7, No 28, s. 59-81.
  • Phuong, Catherine (2009). “Identifying States’ Responsibilities towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Cilt 20, s. 1-12.
  • Souter, James (2016). “Good International Citizenship and Special Responsibilities to Protect Refugees”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Cilt 18, No 4, s. 795-811.
  • Stahn, Carsten (2007). “Responsibility to Protect: Political Rhetoric or Emerging Legal Norm?”, The American Journal of International Law, Cilt 101, No 1, s. 990-1020.
  • Thakur, Ramesh (2013). “R2P After Libya and Syria: Engaging Emerging Powers”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 36, No 2, s. 61-76.
  • Welsh, Jennifer (2013). “Norm Contestation and the Responsibility to Protect”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 5, s. 365-396.
  • Welsh, Jennifer (2015). “The Responsibility to Prevent: Assessing the Gap between Rhetoric and Reality”, Cooperation and Conflict, Cilt 18, s. 1-7.

The Protection of IDPs and Refugees within the Framework of the Responsibility to Protect

Year 2021, , 1 - 19, 26.10.2021


During mass atrocities, the population in the region usually tries to escape from the conflict and/or country.
While this leads to the emergence of IDPs and refugees, it is also an important indication of the state’s failure
to protect its population, i.e. its responsibility to protect (R2P). In such cases, the international community has
a responsibility not only to stop the atrocity crimes, but also to protect the forcibly displaced persons. In this
article analysing how these persons can be protected on the basis of R2P’s three-pillar implementation strategy,
it is argued that R2P provides a complementary protection framework.


  • Acharya, Amitav (2013). “The R2P and Norm Diffusion: Towards A Framework of Norm Circulation”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 5, s. 466-479.
  • Achiume, Tendayi (2015). “Syria, Cost-Sharing and the Responsibility to Protect Refugees”, University of Minnesota Law Review, Cilt 100, No 2, s. 687-761.
  • Annan, Kofi (21 Mart 2005). “In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/59/2005.
  • Badescu, Cristina G. ve Thomas G. Weiss (2010). “Misrepresenting R2P and Advancing Norms: An Alternative Spiral?”, International Studies Perspectives, Cilt 11, No 4, s. 354-374.
  • Barbour, Brian ve Brian Gorlick (2008). “Embracing the ‘Responsibility to Protect’: A Repertoire of Measures Including Asylum for Potential Victims,” International Journal of Refugee Law, Cilt 20, No 4, s. 533-566.
  • Baxevanis, Christos (2018). “Crisis and the Greek Asylum System in the Framework of the EU-Turkey Agreement: Legal and Political Aspects”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 15, No 58, s. 81-91.
  • Bellamy, Alex J. (2008). “The Responsibility to Protect and the Problem of Military Intervention”, International Affairs, Cilt 84, No 4, s. 615-639.
  • Bellamy, Alex J. ve Edward C. Luck (2018). The Responsibility to Protect: From Promise to Practice. Cambridge, Polity.
  • Bellamy, Alex J., Sara E. Davies ve Luke Glanville (der.) (2011). The Responsibility to Protect and International Law. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publications.
  • BM Ekonomik ve Sosyal Konseyi (ECOSOC) (11 Şubat 1998). Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, (Erişim Tarihi 22 Eylül 2020).
  • BM Genel Kurulu (31 Ocak 1967). Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, United Nations, Treaty Series, Cilt 606.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (24 Ekim 2005). “2005 World Summit Outcome”, A/Res/60/1.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (12 Ocak 2009). “Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/63/677.
  • BM Genel Kurulu (28 Temmuz 1951). Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, United Nations Treaty Series, Cilt 189.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (28 Haziran 2011). “The Role of Regional and Subregional Arrangements in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/65/877-S/2011/393.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (25 Temmuz 2012). “Responsibility to Protect: Timely and Decisive Response”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/66/874-S/2012/578.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (9 Temmuz 2013). “Responsibility to Protect: State Responsibility and Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/67/929-S/2013/399.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (13 Haziran 2015). “A Vital and Enduring Commitment: Implementing the Responsibility to Protect”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/69/981-S/2015/500.
  • BM Genel Kurulu–Güvenlik Konseyi (10 Ağustos 2017). “Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Accountability for Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/71/1016-S/2017/556.
  • BM Genel Kurulu-Güvenlik Konseyi (10 Haziran 2019). “Responsibility to Protect: Lessons Learned for Prevention”, Report of the Secretary-General, A/73/898-S/2019/463.
  • BM İnsan Hakları Konseyi (8 Nisan 2014). “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs”, A/HRC/29/34/Add.1.
  • BMMYK (5 Mart 1992). 1992/73. Internally Displaced Persons, E/CN.4/1992/73.
  • BMMYK (18 Haziran 2020). “Figures at a Glance”, (Erişim Tarihi 22 Ekim 2020).
  • BMMYK (1 Mart 1996). “Interview: Dr. Francis M. Deng, advocate for the uprooted”, Refugees Magazine, Cilt 103 (IDPs), (Erişim Tarihi 11 Kasım 2020).
  • BMMYK (18 Kasım 2020). “Syrian Regional Refugee Response”, (Erişim tarihi 20 Kasım 2020).
  • BMMYK (8 Ocak 2021). “Libya”, Fact Sheet, (Erişim tarihi 10 Ocak 2021).
  • Chandler, David (2015). “The R2P Is Dead Long Live the R2P: The Successful Separation of Military Intervention from the Responsibility to Protect”, International Peacekeeping, Cilt 22, No 1, s. 1-5.
  • Charlesworth, Hilary (2010). “Feminist Reflections on the Responsibility to Protect”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 2, s. 232-249.
  • Coen, Alise (2015). “R2P, Global Governance, and the Syrian Refugee Crisis”, International Journal of Human Rights, Cilt 19, No 8, s. 1044-1058.
  • Cohen, Roberta (2006). “Strengthening Protection of IDPs: The UN’s Role”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Cilt 7, No 1, s. 101-109.
  • Council of the European Union (1 Aralık 2005). Directive 2005/85/EC.
  • Council of the European Union (29 Haziran 2013). Regulation 604/2013, OJ L. 180/31-180/59.
  • Cunliffe, Philip (2015). “From ISIS to ICISS: A Critical Return to the Responsibility to Protect Report”, Cooperation and Conflict, Cilt 51, No 2, s. 233-247.
  • Davies, Sarah E. ve Luke Glanville (der.) (2010). Protecting the Displaced: Deepening the Responsibility to Protect. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Deng, Francis M. ve Roberta Cohen (1998). Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement. Washington, Brookings Institution.
  • Edwards, Adrian (20 Haziran 2016). “Global forced displacement hits record high”, http://www. html (Erişim tarihi 3 Nisan 2019).
  • Erdoğan, M. Murat (2020). “‘Securitization from Society’ and ‘Social Acceptance’: Political PartyBased Approaches in Turkey to Syrian Refugees”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 17, No 68, s. 73-92.
  • Evans, Gareth (2008). The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All. Washington, DC, Brookings.
  • Fiott, Daniel ve Joachim Koops (der.) (2015). The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Francis, Angus (2012). “The Responsibility to Protect and the International Refugee Regime,” Angus Francis, Vesselin Popovski ve Charles Sampford (der.), Norms of Protection: Responsibilit to Protect, Protection of Civilians and Their Interaction. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, s. 215-233.
  • Gallagher, Adrian (2015). “The Promise of Pillar II: Analysing International Assistance under the Responsibility to Protect”, International Affairs, Cilt 91, No 6, s. 1259-1275.
  • Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. ve Jane McAdam (2007). The Refugee in International Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (2016). Debating the Future of the “Responsibility to Protect”: The Evolution of a Moral Norm. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gözen Ercan, Pınar (2019). “UN General Assembly Dialogues on the Responsibility to Protect and the Use of Force for Humanitarian Purposes”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 11, s. 323-326.
  • Hehir, Aidan (2019). Hollow Norms and the Responsibility to Protect. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Human Rights Watch (2016). “AB–Türkiye Arasındaki Göç ve Mülteciler Anlaşmasıyla İlgili Soru ve Cevaplar”, (Erişim Tarihi 11 Kasım 2019).
  • Hurwitz, Agnès (2009). The Collective Responsibility of States to Protect Refugees. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) (2001). The Responsibility to Protect: The Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. Ottawa, International Development Research Center.
  • Kalin, Walter (2008). “The Future of the Guiding Principles”, Ten Years of Guiding Principles: Forced Migration Review, s. 38-39.
  • Keridis, Dimitris (2018). “The Migration/Refugee Crisis and the (Un/Re)Making of Europe: Risks and Challenges for Greece”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 15, No 58, s. 69-80.
  • Kuperman, Alan J. (2013). “A Model Humanitarian Intervention? Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign”, International Security, Cilt 38, No 1, s. 105-136.
  • Kurban, Dilek (2006). “Ülke İçinde Yerinden Edilme Sorunu: Uluslararası Hukuktaki Gelişmeler ve Ülke Pratikleri”, Dilek Kurban, Deniz Yükseker, Ayşe Betül Çelik, Turgay Ünalan ve Tamer Aker (der.), Zorunlu Göç ile Yüzleşmek: Türkiye’de Yerinden Edilme Sonrası Vatandaşlığın İnşası. İstanbul, TESEV Yayınları, s. 55-63.
  • Maley, William (2015). “Humanitarian Law, Refugee Protection and the Responsibility to Protect”, Ramesh Thakur ve William Maley (der.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s. 249-265.
  • Mandacı, Nazif ve Gökay Özerim (2013). “Uluslararası Göçlerin Bir Güvenlik Konusuna Dönüşümü: Avrupa’da Radikal Sağ Partiler ve Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 10, No 39, s. 105-130.
  • Mencütek, Zeynep Şahin, N. Ela Gökalp Aras ve Bezen Balamir Coşkun (2020). “Turkey’s Response to Syrian Mass Migration: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 17, No 68, s. 93-111.
  • Peltonen, Hannes (2011). “Sovereignty as Responsibility, Responsibility to Protect and International Order: On Responsibility, Communal Crime Prevention and International Law”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 7, No 28, s. 59-81.
  • Phuong, Catherine (2009). “Identifying States’ Responsibilities towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Cilt 20, s. 1-12.
  • Souter, James (2016). “Good International Citizenship and Special Responsibilities to Protect Refugees”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Cilt 18, No 4, s. 795-811.
  • Stahn, Carsten (2007). “Responsibility to Protect: Political Rhetoric or Emerging Legal Norm?”, The American Journal of International Law, Cilt 101, No 1, s. 990-1020.
  • Thakur, Ramesh (2013). “R2P After Libya and Syria: Engaging Emerging Powers”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 36, No 2, s. 61-76.
  • Welsh, Jennifer (2013). “Norm Contestation and the Responsibility to Protect”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Cilt 5, s. 365-396.
  • Welsh, Jennifer (2015). “The Responsibility to Prevent: Assessing the Gap between Rhetoric and Reality”, Cooperation and Conflict, Cilt 18, s. 1-7.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Gözen Ercan This is me 0000-0002-6713-1641

Selin Kul This is me 0000-0002-1102-4214

Publication Date October 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gözen Ercan, P., & Kul, S. (2021). Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 18(71), 1-19.
AMA Gözen Ercan P, Kul S. Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması. uidergisi. October 2021;18(71):1-19. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.947576
Chicago Gözen Ercan, Pınar, and Selin Kul. “Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin Ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 18, no. 71 (October 2021): 1-19.
EndNote Gözen Ercan P, Kul S (October 1, 2021) Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 18 71 1–19.
IEEE P. Gözen Ercan and S. Kul, “Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması”, uidergisi, vol. 18, no. 71, pp. 1–19, 2021, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.947576.
ISNAD Gözen Ercan, Pınar - Kul, Selin. “Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin Ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 18/71 (October 2021), 1-19.
JAMA Gözen Ercan P, Kul S. Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması. uidergisi. 2021;18:1–19.
MLA Gözen Ercan, Pınar and Selin Kul. “Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin Ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 71, 2021, pp. 1-19, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.947576.
Vancouver Gözen Ercan P, Kul S. Ülkeleri İçinde Yerinden Edilmiş Kişilerin ve Mültecilerin Koruma Sorumluluğu Çerçevesinde Korunması. uidergisi. 2021;18(71):1-19.