Research Article
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Year 2020, , 167 - 174, 21.06.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin Yunanistan ile Ege anlaşmazlığı konusundaki uzun zamandır devam eden sorunlu ilişkilerini ve bu anlaşmazlığın Avrupa Birliği (AB)- Türkiye ilişkileri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. İlk olarak Ege meselesinin Yunanistan ve Türkiye ile AB ve Türkiye arasındaki temel sorunlardan biri olduğu tartışılmaktadır. Doğu Akdeniz'in kaynakları ve statüsü üzerinde artan tartışmalar nedeniyle, Türkler ve Yunanlılar arasında Ege ve Akdeniz denizleri üzerinde kendi hakimiyet bölgelerini kurma ve genişletme mücadelesi Yunanistan ile Türkiye ve Türkiye ile AB arasında temel bir sorun olmaya devam edeceği not edilmektedir. İkinci olarak, AB ile Türkiye arasındaki sorunlu ilişkilerin, AB'nin Türk-Yunan çatışmasına ve Türkiye'nin Ege ve Akdeniz'e yönelik politikaları üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olmasına engel teşkil ettiği öne sürülmektedir. Bu nedenle, AB-Türkiye ilişkilerinin kalitesi ve hızının Türkiye-Yunanistan arasında uzun zamandır devam eden anlaşmazlıkların çözümünde ve Türkiye’nin Ege ve Akdeniz meselelerine yönelik politikasının dönüşümünde belirleyici olacağı not edilmektedir.




  • Akçam, T. (2001). From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide. New York: Zed Book Ltd.
  • Arıkan, H. (2003). Turkey and the EU: An Awkward Candidate for EU Membership? Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
  • Aydınlı, E. (2006). The Turkish Military’s March Toward Europe. Foreign Affairs, 85(1), 45-77.
  • Aydin, M. &. (2007). Europeanization through EU Conditionality: Understanding New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 9(3), 263-274.
  • Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2003). Conceptualising the domestic impact of Europe. In K. Featherstone, & C. Radaelli, The Politics of Europeanization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Başbuğ, i. (2005, April 14). Başbuğ: ‘Casus Belli Politikamiz’ [Basbug: Casus Belli Remains Our Policy]. Radical.
  • Başlar, E. (2001, July 12). Two Facts of the Aegean Sea Dispute. Retrieved from Turksih Weekly:
  • Bilge, A. (2000). Büyük Duş, Türk-Yunan Siyasi İlişkileri [Megali Idea: Turkish-Greek Political Relations] . Ankara: 21. Yüzyıl Yayınları.
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  • Bilgin, P. (2005). Turkey’s Changing Security Discourses: The Challenge of Globalisation. European Journal of Political Research, 44(1), 174-201.
  • Birand, M. (1991). Turkey and the ‘Davos Process’: Experiences and Prospects. In D. Constas, The Greek Turkish Conflict in the 1990s (pp. 27-39). New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • Birand, M. (2000). Turkiye’nin Avrupa Macerasi 1959–1999 [Turkey’s European Venture]. İstanbul: Doğan Kitapcılık.
  • Commission, E. (1996). Dubine European Council Presidency Conclusion. Dubline:
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  • Davutoğlu, A. (2001). Stratejik Derinlik (strategic Depth). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Dietrich, J. (2003). The Serves Syndrome: Turkish Foreign Policy and its Historical Legacy. American Diplomacy, 8(2), 21-34.
  • Diez, T., & Rumelili, B. (2004). Open the Door: Turkey and the European Union. The World Today, 60(4), 18-35.
  • Emerson, M., & Tocci, N. (2004). Turkey As a Bridgehead and Spearhead: Integrating EU and Turkish Foreign Policy. Turkish Political Quaterly, 3(3), 1-18.
  • Evin, A. (2005). Changing Greek Perspectives on Turkey: An Assessment of the Post Earthquake Rapprochement. In A. Carkoglu, &
  • B. Rubin, Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente. London: Routledge.
  • Gündüz, A. (2001). Greek-Turkish Disputes: How to Resolve Them? In D. Keridis, & D. Triantaphyllou, Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization. Everett: MA: Mrassey's.
  • Güvenç, S. (1998). Turkey's Changing Perception of Greece's Membership in the European Union: 1981-98. Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, 4(1), 30-103.
  • Gross, L. (1977). The Dispute Between Greece and Turkey Concerning the Continental Shelf in the Aegean. The American Journal of İnternational Law, 71(1), 31-59.
  • Hatipoğlu, M. (1997). Yakin Tarihte Türkiye ve Yunanistan: 1923-1954. Ankara: Siyasay Kitabevi. (1999, December 10-11). Helsinki Summit Presidency Conclusion. European Union. Helsinki: European Parliament. Retrieved from
  • Helsinki Summit Presidency Conclusion:
  • Hereclides, A. (2001). Greece and the Threat from the East. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Ifantis, K. (2005). Greece’s Turkish Dilemmas: There and Back Again. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 5(3), 379-394.
  • Keridis, D. (2001). Domestic Developments and Foreign Policy’. In D. Keridis, & D. Triantaphyllou, Greek Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization. Everett: MA: Brassey's.
  • Kirişci, K., & Carkoglu, A. (2003). Perceptions of Greeks and Greek-Turkish Rapprochement by the Turkish Public. In A. Carkoglu, & B.
  • Rubin, Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente. London: Frank Cass.
  • Oniş, Z. (2000). Luxembourg, Helsinki and Beyond: Turkey-EU Relations. Government and Opposition, 35(4), 463-483.
  • Ozel, S. (2004). Turkish-Greek Dialogue of the Business Community. In T. Belge, Voices for the Future: Civic Dialogue Between Turks and Greeks. İstanbul: Bilge University Pree.
  • Parliament, E. (1997). Luxembourg Summit Presidency Conclusion. Luxembourg:
  • Rumelili, B. (2003). Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU. European Journal of International Relations, 9(2), 213-248.
  • Rumelili, B. (2007). Transforming Conflicts on EU Borders. The Case of Greek-Turkish Relations. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45(1), 105-126.
  • Uğur, M. (1999). The European Union and Turkey: An Anchor/Credibility Dilemma. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Year 2020, , 167 - 174, 21.06.2020


The aim of this paper is to investigate Turkey’s longstanding problematic relations with Greece regarding the Aegean dispute and the impact from this dispute on the EU-Turkey relations and vice-versa. İt argues that, first, the Aegean Sea issue is one of the main problems between Greece and Turkey as well as the European Union (EU) and Turkey. Due to the increasing debates over the sources and statues of Aegean Sea and East Mediterranean, the struggle between the Turks and Greeks to establish and extend their zones of jurisdiction over the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas maintain to be a fundamental issue between Greece and Turkey and the EU and Turkey. Second, the problematic relationship between the EU and Turkey prevents the EU from having a positive impact on the Turkish-Greek conflict as well as Turkey’s policy toward the Aegean issue. The quality and peace of EU-Turkey relations are and will be, therefore, determinant in the solution of this longstanding dispute between sides as well as the transformation of Turkey’s policy toward the Aegean issue.


  • Akçam, T. (2001). From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide. New York: Zed Book Ltd.
  • Arıkan, H. (2003). Turkey and the EU: An Awkward Candidate for EU Membership? Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
  • Aydınlı, E. (2006). The Turkish Military’s March Toward Europe. Foreign Affairs, 85(1), 45-77.
  • Aydin, M. &. (2007). Europeanization through EU Conditionality: Understanding New Era in Turkish Foreign Policy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 9(3), 263-274.
  • Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (2003). Conceptualising the domestic impact of Europe. In K. Featherstone, & C. Radaelli, The Politics of Europeanization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Başbuğ, i. (2005, April 14). Başbuğ: ‘Casus Belli Politikamiz’ [Basbug: Casus Belli Remains Our Policy]. Radical.
  • Başlar, E. (2001, July 12). Two Facts of the Aegean Sea Dispute. Retrieved from Turksih Weekly:
  • Bilge, A. (2000). Büyük Duş, Türk-Yunan Siyasi İlişkileri [Megali Idea: Turkish-Greek Political Relations] . Ankara: 21. Yüzyıl Yayınları.
  • Bilgic, T., & Karatzas, P. (2004). The Contraction in Greece-Turkey Triangle: Rapprochements at the Edges. Retrieved from Econturk.
  • Bilgin, P. (2005). Turkey’s Changing Security Discourses: The Challenge of Globalisation. European Journal of Political Research, 44(1), 174-201.
  • Birand, M. (1991). Turkey and the ‘Davos Process’: Experiences and Prospects. In D. Constas, The Greek Turkish Conflict in the 1990s (pp. 27-39). New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • Birand, M. (2000). Turkiye’nin Avrupa Macerasi 1959–1999 [Turkey’s European Venture]. İstanbul: Doğan Kitapcılık.
  • Commission, E. (1996). Dubine European Council Presidency Conclusion. Dubline:
  • Commission, E. (1998-2019). Progression Reports on Turkey. Brussels: Official Journal of the European Communities.
  • Commission, E. (2001). Accession Partnership Document. Brussels: Official Journal of the European Communities.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2001). Stratejik Derinlik (strategic Depth). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Dietrich, J. (2003). The Serves Syndrome: Turkish Foreign Policy and its Historical Legacy. American Diplomacy, 8(2), 21-34.
  • Diez, T., & Rumelili, B. (2004). Open the Door: Turkey and the European Union. The World Today, 60(4), 18-35.
  • Emerson, M., & Tocci, N. (2004). Turkey As a Bridgehead and Spearhead: Integrating EU and Turkish Foreign Policy. Turkish Political Quaterly, 3(3), 1-18.
  • Evin, A. (2005). Changing Greek Perspectives on Turkey: An Assessment of the Post Earthquake Rapprochement. In A. Carkoglu, &
  • B. Rubin, Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente. London: Routledge.
  • Gündüz, A. (2001). Greek-Turkish Disputes: How to Resolve Them? In D. Keridis, & D. Triantaphyllou, Greek-Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization. Everett: MA: Mrassey's.
  • Güvenç, S. (1998). Turkey's Changing Perception of Greece's Membership in the European Union: 1981-98. Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, 4(1), 30-103.
  • Gross, L. (1977). The Dispute Between Greece and Turkey Concerning the Continental Shelf in the Aegean. The American Journal of İnternational Law, 71(1), 31-59.
  • Hatipoğlu, M. (1997). Yakin Tarihte Türkiye ve Yunanistan: 1923-1954. Ankara: Siyasay Kitabevi. (1999, December 10-11). Helsinki Summit Presidency Conclusion. European Union. Helsinki: European Parliament. Retrieved from
  • Helsinki Summit Presidency Conclusion:
  • Hereclides, A. (2001). Greece and the Threat from the East. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Ifantis, K. (2005). Greece’s Turkish Dilemmas: There and Back Again. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 5(3), 379-394.
  • Keridis, D. (2001). Domestic Developments and Foreign Policy’. In D. Keridis, & D. Triantaphyllou, Greek Turkish Relations in the Era of Globalization. Everett: MA: Brassey's.
  • Kirişci, K., & Carkoglu, A. (2003). Perceptions of Greeks and Greek-Turkish Rapprochement by the Turkish Public. In A. Carkoglu, & B.
  • Rubin, Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Detente. London: Frank Cass.
  • Oniş, Z. (2000). Luxembourg, Helsinki and Beyond: Turkey-EU Relations. Government and Opposition, 35(4), 463-483.
  • Ozel, S. (2004). Turkish-Greek Dialogue of the Business Community. In T. Belge, Voices for the Future: Civic Dialogue Between Turks and Greeks. İstanbul: Bilge University Pree.
  • Parliament, E. (1997). Luxembourg Summit Presidency Conclusion. Luxembourg:
  • Rumelili, B. (2003). Liminality and Perpetuation of Conflicts: Turkish-Greek Relations in the Context of Community-Building by the EU. European Journal of International Relations, 9(2), 213-248.
  • Rumelili, B. (2007). Transforming Conflicts on EU Borders. The Case of Greek-Turkish Relations. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45(1), 105-126.
  • Uğur, M. (1999). The European Union and Turkey: An Anchor/Credibility Dilemma. Aldershot: Ashgate.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Erol Kalkan

Publication Date June 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kalkan, E. (2020). THE LONGSTANDING DISPUTE BETWEEN TURKEY AND GREECE: THE AEGEAN ISSUE. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(28), 167-174.


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