Research Article
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Identity Politics in the Post-American World Order: ‘The Great America’ versus New China Identity

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 317 - 340, 31.10.2018


The realist paradigm in International Relations Theory argues that the recent rise of China as an economic power would push China to offensive politics as a ‘threat’ to other states. Specifically, to obstruct the rise of China as a regional hegemon the USA follows a containment strategy towards Beijing. Contrary to that, in the Chinese Studies it is claimed that peace and harmony policy in China’s foreign policy has been maintained since the Imperial period and it is highlighted that ‘the new China’ does not pursue great power politics. With a purpose of testing these rival argumentations, this study looks at the USA’s China threat perception from a perspectives of post-structuralism. For this aim, first it searches the historical evolution of China’s foreign policy and observes in which direction China has been rising in the 21th century. On doing so, this research exposes two findings: Despite China has a traditional pacifist foreign policy discourse, the USA’s perception of new Chinese identity as a ‘threat’ serves to its redefinition and empowerment of its place in the world in the 21th century; this perception of the USA paradoxically makes new China follow an ‘active defence strategy’ which would orient its foreign policy to offensive politics.


  • Ashley, Richard K. (1984). The Poverty of Neorealism. International Organizations, Cilt 38, No.2, ss.225-286.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem (2015). Post-Yapısalcı Yaklaşımlar ve Uluslararası İlişkilerin Temel Kavramları. Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 12, Sayı 46, ss. 153-168.
  • Baogang, He (2013). Working with China to Promote Democracy. The Washington Quarterly, Cilt 36, No 1, ss. 37-53.
  • Bergsten, C. Fred; Freeman, Charles; Lardy, Nicholas R. ve Mitchell, Derek J. (2008). China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities. Peterson Institute for International Economics and Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Bitzinger, Richard A. (2016). Double-Digit Defense Growth: What It Means for a Peaceful Rise,, Erişim: 28.10. 2017.
  • Blackwill, Robert D ve Tellis, Ashley J. (2015). Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China, The Council on Foreign Relations, Special Report No. 72 March.
  • Bo, Zhiyue, (2010). China’s Model of Democracy. International Journal of China Studies, Cilt 1, No 1, ss.102-124.
  • Bromley, Mark; Duchatel, Mathieu ve Holtom, Paul (2013). China’s Exports of Small Arms and Light Weapons, SIPRI Policy Paper, No. 38, Available at, s: 38, October, Erişim: 12.03.2017.
  • Buzan, Barry (2010). China in International Society: Is ‘Peaceful Rise’ Possible?. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Cilt 3, s. 5-36.
  • Campbell, David (1992). Writing Security: The United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity. University of Minosata Press.
  • Campbell, David (1998). National Deconstruction: Violence, Identity and Justice in Bosnia. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
  • Cao, Qing (2007). Confucian Vision of a New World Order?: Culturalist Discourse, Foreign Policy and the Press in Contemporary China. International Communication Gazette, Cilt 69, No 5, October, ss. 431-450.
  • Cheng, Joseph Y. S. (2012). Convincing the World of China’s Tradition to Pursue Universal Harmony. Journal of Chinese Political Science, Cilt 17, No 2, s. 165-185.
  • Cheng, Joseph Y.S. (1989). In China: Modernisation in the 1980s. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
  • Chen, Jian (2001). Mao’s China and the Cold War. Chapel Hill: The University of North Caroline Press.
  • Chen, Andrea (2015). China Charts Course for Blue-water Navy, Extending Reach into Open Seas, South China Morning Post, 26 May. Available at beijing-pledges-increase-range-role-navy-amid-tensions?page=all, Erişim: 02.02. 2017.
  • China Power Team (2015) What does China really spend on its military?, December 28, Erişim: 01.12.2017.
  • DefenseNews (2016) China Raises 2016 Defense Spending by 7.6%,, Erişim: 28.11.2016.
  • Der Derian, James (1987). On Diplomacy: A Geneaology of Western Estrangement. Oxford, Blackwell.
  • Devetak, Richard (2013). ‘Post-structuralism’ in Theories of International Relations. Scott Burchill et al (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Feng, Zhang (2011). The rise of Chinese exceptionalism in international relations. European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 19, No 2, ss. 305–328.
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1999). Tarihin Sonu ve Son İnsan. Gün Yayıncılık.
  • Graff, David A. ve Hingham, Robin (eds) (2012). A Military History of China. Lexington: the University Press of Kentucky.
  • Haass, Richard N. (2014). Yeni Amerika: Dış Politika İçeride Başlar. İstanbul: Tuti Kitap.
  • Hansen, Lene (2006). Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London and New York, Routledge.
  • Hasgüler, Mehmet ve Uludağ, M. Bülent (2005). Uluslararası Örgütler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Ikenberry, John (2008). The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive?. International Affairs, Cilt 87, No 1, ss. 23-37.
  • Jianjong, Yue (2008) Peaceful Rise of China: Myth or Reality? International Politics, Cilt 45, No 4, s.439-456
  • Kang, David (2012). East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute. Columbia University Press.
  • Larres, Klaus (2017). Donald Trump and America’s Grand Strategy: U.S. Foreign Policy toward Europe, Russia and China. Global Policy Journal, Erişim: 02.02.2018.
  • Layne, Christopher (2018). The US–Chinese power shift and the end of the Pax Americana. International Affairs, 94: 1, ss. 89–111.
  • Mearsheimer, John (1994). The False Promise of International Institutions. International Security, Cilt 19, No 3, Winter 1994/95, ss. 5-49.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2001). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. NY: Norton.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2004). Why China’s Rise Will Not Be Peaceful, September 17, , Erişim Tarihi: 10.08. 2015.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2006). China’s Unpeaceful Rise. Current History, Apr, 105, 690. s:160-162.
  • Ming, Wan (2012). China’s National Identity in Diplomacy: Non-interference in Internal Affairs. in; Gilbert Rozman, ed., East Asian National Identities: Common Roots and Chinese Exceptionalism, Stanford: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Stanford University Press.
  • Nathan, Andrew J. ve Ross, Robert S. (1997). The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress: China’s Search for Security. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • National Security Strategy of the United States of America, December 2017, , Erişim 25.02.2018.
  • Organski, Abramo F.K. (1958). World Politics. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Pekcan, Cemre (2017). Konfüçyüs Felsefesinin Dış Politikaya Etkisi Bağlamında 2003-2013 Yılları Arası Çin-ABD İlişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol.72, ss.1127-1155.
  • Pratnashree, Basu ve Chatterji, Rakhahari (2016). China’s Race for Arms. Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, 20(1), ss. 1–32. Raska, Michael (2014). Back to the Future: China’s Defence Industry Innovation Paths (RSIS Commentary, No. 229). Available at wp-content/uploads/2014/11/CO14229.pdf, 2014, Erişim: 10.02.2017.
  • Roskin, Michael G. (2014) Çağdaş Devlet Sistemleri: Siyaset, Coğrafya, Kültür. Ankara: Adres Yayınları, s:504. Ross, Robert (2006). Balance of Power Politics and the Rise of China: Accommodation and Balancing in East Asia. Security Studies, Cilt 15, No 3, ss. 355-395.
  • Schell, Orville ve Shirk, Susan L. (2017). US Policy Toward China: Recommendations to a New Administration, the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, The 21st Century China Centre: Task Force Report, February.
  • Shapiro, Michael J. (1988). The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography and Policy Analysis. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Shiping, Tang (2008). From Offensive to Defensive Realism: A Social Evolutionary Interpretation of China’s Security Strategy. in Robert S. Ross, Zhu Feng and Susan Leigh Star, eds, China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics, Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press.
  • SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs), Retrieved April 6, 2016, from http://armstrade., Erişim: 12.03.2017.
  • Walker, Robert B. J. (1993). Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, Stephen M. (1987). The Origins of Alliances. NY: Cornell Univesity Press.
  • World Report 2014: China, Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2017
  • World Report 2015: China, Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2017
  • Xie, Zhihai (2011). The Rise of China and Its Growing Role in International Organisations. ICCS Journal of Modern Chinese Studies, Cilt 4, No 1, ss. 85-96.
  • Xuetong, Yan (2006). The Rise of China and its Power Status. Chinese Journal of International Politics, Cilt 1, No 1, ss. 5-33.
  • Yongjin, Zhang (1991). China’s Entry into International Society: Beyond the Standard of ‘Civilisation’. Review of International Studies, Cilt 17, No 1, ss. 3-16.

Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 317 - 340, 31.10.2018


Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorilerinde realist paradigma son dönemde ekonomik bir güç olarak yükselişinin Çin’i diğer devletler için ‘tehdit’ oluşturan saldırgan politikalara iteceğini iddia etmektedir. Özellikle ABD, Çin’in bölgesel bir hegemon güç olmaması için Pekin’i çevreleme stratejisi izlemektedir. Buna karşı, Çin Çalışmalarında Çin dış politikasında barış ve uyum politikalarının imparatorluk döneminden beri sürdürüldüğü iddia edilmekte ve ‘yeni Çin’in’ büyük güç politikaları izlemediğinin altı çizilmektedir. Bu karşıt iddiaları sınamak amacıyla bu çalışma, ABD’nin Çin tehdidi algısına post-yapısalcı perspektifle bakmaktadır. Bunun amaçla, öncelikle Çin dış politikasını tarihsel olarak ele alıp 21. yüzyılda Çin yükselişinin ne yönde olduğunu araştırmaktadır. Bu araştırmayla iki sonuca ulaşılmaktadır: Çin’in geleneksel pasifist dış politika söylemine rağmen ABD’nin yeni Çin kimliğini kendine ‘tehdit’ olarak görmesi 21. yüzyılda ABD’nin dünyadaki yerini yeniden tanımlama ve güçlendirmesine de hizmet etmektedir; ABD’nin bu yaklaşımı paradoksal biçimde yeni Çin’i saldırgan politikalara yöneltebilecek ‘aktif savunma’ stratejisi izlemesine neden olmaktadır.


  • Ashley, Richard K. (1984). The Poverty of Neorealism. International Organizations, Cilt 38, No.2, ss.225-286.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem (2015). Post-Yapısalcı Yaklaşımlar ve Uluslararası İlişkilerin Temel Kavramları. Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 12, Sayı 46, ss. 153-168.
  • Baogang, He (2013). Working with China to Promote Democracy. The Washington Quarterly, Cilt 36, No 1, ss. 37-53.
  • Bergsten, C. Fred; Freeman, Charles; Lardy, Nicholas R. ve Mitchell, Derek J. (2008). China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities. Peterson Institute for International Economics and Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Bitzinger, Richard A. (2016). Double-Digit Defense Growth: What It Means for a Peaceful Rise,, Erişim: 28.10. 2017.
  • Blackwill, Robert D ve Tellis, Ashley J. (2015). Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China, The Council on Foreign Relations, Special Report No. 72 March.
  • Bo, Zhiyue, (2010). China’s Model of Democracy. International Journal of China Studies, Cilt 1, No 1, ss.102-124.
  • Bromley, Mark; Duchatel, Mathieu ve Holtom, Paul (2013). China’s Exports of Small Arms and Light Weapons, SIPRI Policy Paper, No. 38, Available at, s: 38, October, Erişim: 12.03.2017.
  • Buzan, Barry (2010). China in International Society: Is ‘Peaceful Rise’ Possible?. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Cilt 3, s. 5-36.
  • Campbell, David (1992). Writing Security: The United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity. University of Minosata Press.
  • Campbell, David (1998). National Deconstruction: Violence, Identity and Justice in Bosnia. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
  • Cao, Qing (2007). Confucian Vision of a New World Order?: Culturalist Discourse, Foreign Policy and the Press in Contemporary China. International Communication Gazette, Cilt 69, No 5, October, ss. 431-450.
  • Cheng, Joseph Y. S. (2012). Convincing the World of China’s Tradition to Pursue Universal Harmony. Journal of Chinese Political Science, Cilt 17, No 2, s. 165-185.
  • Cheng, Joseph Y.S. (1989). In China: Modernisation in the 1980s. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
  • Chen, Jian (2001). Mao’s China and the Cold War. Chapel Hill: The University of North Caroline Press.
  • Chen, Andrea (2015). China Charts Course for Blue-water Navy, Extending Reach into Open Seas, South China Morning Post, 26 May. Available at beijing-pledges-increase-range-role-navy-amid-tensions?page=all, Erişim: 02.02. 2017.
  • China Power Team (2015) What does China really spend on its military?, December 28, Erişim: 01.12.2017.
  • DefenseNews (2016) China Raises 2016 Defense Spending by 7.6%,, Erişim: 28.11.2016.
  • Der Derian, James (1987). On Diplomacy: A Geneaology of Western Estrangement. Oxford, Blackwell.
  • Devetak, Richard (2013). ‘Post-structuralism’ in Theories of International Relations. Scott Burchill et al (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Feng, Zhang (2011). The rise of Chinese exceptionalism in international relations. European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 19, No 2, ss. 305–328.
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1999). Tarihin Sonu ve Son İnsan. Gün Yayıncılık.
  • Graff, David A. ve Hingham, Robin (eds) (2012). A Military History of China. Lexington: the University Press of Kentucky.
  • Haass, Richard N. (2014). Yeni Amerika: Dış Politika İçeride Başlar. İstanbul: Tuti Kitap.
  • Hansen, Lene (2006). Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London and New York, Routledge.
  • Hasgüler, Mehmet ve Uludağ, M. Bülent (2005). Uluslararası Örgütler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Ikenberry, John (2008). The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive?. International Affairs, Cilt 87, No 1, ss. 23-37.
  • Jianjong, Yue (2008) Peaceful Rise of China: Myth or Reality? International Politics, Cilt 45, No 4, s.439-456
  • Kang, David (2012). East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute. Columbia University Press.
  • Larres, Klaus (2017). Donald Trump and America’s Grand Strategy: U.S. Foreign Policy toward Europe, Russia and China. Global Policy Journal, Erişim: 02.02.2018.
  • Layne, Christopher (2018). The US–Chinese power shift and the end of the Pax Americana. International Affairs, 94: 1, ss. 89–111.
  • Mearsheimer, John (1994). The False Promise of International Institutions. International Security, Cilt 19, No 3, Winter 1994/95, ss. 5-49.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2001). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. NY: Norton.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2004). Why China’s Rise Will Not Be Peaceful, September 17, , Erişim Tarihi: 10.08. 2015.
  • Mearsheimer, John (2006). China’s Unpeaceful Rise. Current History, Apr, 105, 690. s:160-162.
  • Ming, Wan (2012). China’s National Identity in Diplomacy: Non-interference in Internal Affairs. in; Gilbert Rozman, ed., East Asian National Identities: Common Roots and Chinese Exceptionalism, Stanford: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Stanford University Press.
  • Nathan, Andrew J. ve Ross, Robert S. (1997). The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress: China’s Search for Security. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • National Security Strategy of the United States of America, December 2017, , Erişim 25.02.2018.
  • Organski, Abramo F.K. (1958). World Politics. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Pekcan, Cemre (2017). Konfüçyüs Felsefesinin Dış Politikaya Etkisi Bağlamında 2003-2013 Yılları Arası Çin-ABD İlişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol.72, ss.1127-1155.
  • Pratnashree, Basu ve Chatterji, Rakhahari (2016). China’s Race for Arms. Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, 20(1), ss. 1–32. Raska, Michael (2014). Back to the Future: China’s Defence Industry Innovation Paths (RSIS Commentary, No. 229). Available at wp-content/uploads/2014/11/CO14229.pdf, 2014, Erişim: 10.02.2017.
  • Roskin, Michael G. (2014) Çağdaş Devlet Sistemleri: Siyaset, Coğrafya, Kültür. Ankara: Adres Yayınları, s:504. Ross, Robert (2006). Balance of Power Politics and the Rise of China: Accommodation and Balancing in East Asia. Security Studies, Cilt 15, No 3, ss. 355-395.
  • Schell, Orville ve Shirk, Susan L. (2017). US Policy Toward China: Recommendations to a New Administration, the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, The 21st Century China Centre: Task Force Report, February.
  • Shapiro, Michael J. (1988). The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography and Policy Analysis. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Shiping, Tang (2008). From Offensive to Defensive Realism: A Social Evolutionary Interpretation of China’s Security Strategy. in Robert S. Ross, Zhu Feng and Susan Leigh Star, eds, China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics, Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press.
  • SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs), Retrieved April 6, 2016, from http://armstrade., Erişim: 12.03.2017.
  • Walker, Robert B. J. (1993). Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, Stephen M. (1987). The Origins of Alliances. NY: Cornell Univesity Press.
  • World Report 2014: China, Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2017
  • World Report 2015: China, Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2017
  • Xie, Zhihai (2011). The Rise of China and Its Growing Role in International Organisations. ICCS Journal of Modern Chinese Studies, Cilt 4, No 1, ss. 85-96.
  • Xuetong, Yan (2006). The Rise of China and its Power Status. Chinese Journal of International Politics, Cilt 1, No 1, ss. 5-33.
  • Yongjin, Zhang (1991). China’s Entry into International Society: Beyond the Standard of ‘Civilisation’. Review of International Studies, Cilt 17, No 1, ss. 3-16.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Filiz Çoban Oran

Publication Date October 31, 2018
Submission Date March 7, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Çoban Oran, F. (2018). Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(2), 317-340.
AMA Çoban Oran F. Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’. USBdergi. October 2018;3(2):317-340. doi:10.31454/usb.476898
Chicago Çoban Oran, Filiz. “Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3, no. 2 (October 2018): 317-40.
EndNote Çoban Oran F (October 1, 2018) Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3 2 317–340.
IEEE F. Çoban Oran, “Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’”, USBdergi, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 317–340, 2018, doi: 10.31454/usb.476898.
ISNAD Çoban Oran, Filiz. “Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3/2 (October 2018), 317-340.
JAMA Çoban Oran F. Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’. USBdergi. 2018;3:317–340.
MLA Çoban Oran, Filiz. “Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 2, 2018, pp. 317-40, doi:10.31454/usb.476898.
Vancouver Çoban Oran F. Post-Amerikan Dünya Düzeninde Kimlik Politikaları: Yeni Çin Kimliğine Karşı ‘Büyük Amerika’. USBdergi. 2018;3(2):317-40.

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