Case Report
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Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi

Year 2019, Issue: 8, 115 - 150, 03.06.2019


Ülkemizde artan cinsel suçlar ve özellikle çocuk
istismarı vakaları bu suçları işleyenlere karşı kimyasal kastrasyon yönteminin
uygulanmasını gündeme getirmiştir. Gelişmiş ülkeler dâhil dünyanın pek çok
ülkesinde kabul gören bu uygulama konusunda ruh sağlığı çalışanları arasında
büyük bir tartışma süregitmektedir. Bu uygulamaya destekleyen faydacılık ekolü
bu tür suçların tekrar işlenmelerinin önlenmeleri, kapasite üstü doluluk
oranlarında faaliyet gösteren cezaevleri maliyetlerinin düşürülmeleri ve
kamuoyunda bu korkunç suçları işleyenlere hak ettikleri cezaların verildiği
imajının yaratılması gibi gerekçelere dayanmaktadır. Ancak k
imyasal kastrasyon ismi verilen uygulama aslında cerrahi bir müdahale
içermediğinden kastrasyon değildir. Bu uygulama aslında kimyasal kullanımıyla
insan vücudundaki testosteron düzeyini düşürmeyi hedefleyen bir hormon
tedavisidir. Bu uygulama tedavi alanına girdiğinde ise sadece hastalık kabul
edilen nedenlerle işlenen suçlarda geçerli olması ve etik koşulları yerine
getirmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada cinsel suçlular ve çocuk istismarcılarına
bazı ülkelerde hâlihazırda uygulanan ve ülkemizde uygulanması tartışılan
kimyasal kastrasyon yöntemi mesleki etik çerçevede analiz edilmektedir.


  • Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Adli İstatistikler, 2016”,
  • Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Adli İstatistikler, 2017”,
  • Albert Yupze, Richard Smith & Alfred Rademaker, “A multicenter clinical investigation employing ethinyl estradiol combined with dl-norgestrel as a postcoital contraceptive agent.” Fertility and sterility, 1982, V:37, pp.508-513.
  • Albrecht Langeluddeke A. Castration of Sexual Criminals. (Berlin: de Gruyter,1963).
  • Andrea Fossati, Fabio Madeddu & Cesare Maffei,” Borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse: A meta-analytic study,”. Journal of Personality Disorders, 1999, V:13, pp. 268-280.
  • American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). (Washington, DC., 2013).
  • Andre N. Sofair & Lauris C. Kaldjian, “Eugenic sterilization and a qualified Nazi analogy: The United States and Germany, 1930-1945,” The Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000, V:132, pp.312-319.
  • Barry M. Maletzky,” The paraphilias: Research and treatment”. In Peter E. Nathan & Jack M. Gorman (Eds.) A Guide to Treatments that Work, (New York: Oxford University Press,2002), pp.525-558.
  • Barry M. Maletzky & Cynthia Steinhauser, A 25-year follow-up of cognitive/behavioral therapy with 7,275 sexual offenders. Behavior Modification,2002, V: 26, pp.123-147
  • Carl G. Heller, William M. Laidlaw, Harvey, H.T., Nelson, D.L.,” The effects for progestational compounds of the reproductive processes of the human male,” Annals of New York Academy of Science, 1958, V:71, pp.649-655.
  • Center for Sex Offender Management, “Recidivism For Sex Offenders,”
  • Cesare Cremonocini, Lettie E. Viginati, E. & Anna Libroia, “Treatment of hirsutism and acne in women with two combinations of cyproterone acetate and ethinyloestradiol,” European Fertility, 1976, V:7, pp.299-314.
  • Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1.0, (Atlanta, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publications, 2008), pp.17-18.
  • Dan J. Stein, Eric Hollander, Donna T. Anthony, Franklin R. Schneider, Brian A. Fallon &Michael R. Liebowitz, “Serotonergic medications for sexual obsession, sexual addictions, and paraphilia”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1992, V:53, pp.267-271.
  • David Lisak & Paul Miller, “Repeat rape and multiple offending among undetected rapists”, Violence and Victims, 2002, V:17, pp.73-84.
  • David R. Rubinow & Peter J. Schmidt,” Androgens, brain and behavior,” American Journal Psychiatry, 1996, V:53, pp.974-984.Dean Kilpatrick, Benjamin Saunders, L, Lois J. Veronen, Connie L. Best & Judith M. Von,” Criminal victimization: Lifetime prevalence, reporting to police, and psychological impact”, Crime and delinquency, V:33, pp.479-489.
  • Emanuele A. Jannini, Emiliano Screponi, Eleonora Carosa, Mario Pepe, Francesco Lo Giudice, Francesco Trimarchi, et al. “Lack of sexual activity from erectile dysfunction is associated with a reversible reduction in serum testosterone,”. International Journal of Andrology and urology, 1999, V:22, pp.385-392.
  • Fred S. Berlin & Carl F. Meinecke, “Treatment of sex offenders with antiandrogenic medication: Conceptualization, review of treatment modalities and preliminary finding,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1981, V:147, pp.1089-1090.
  • Gene G. Abel & Joanne L. Rouleau, a.g.e s. 9-21
  • Gene G. Abel & Joanne L. Rouleau,” The nature and extent of sexual assault.” In William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.) Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories and the treatment of the offende, (New York: Plenum,1990), pp. 9-22
  • Georg K. Stürup, “Castration. The total treatment”, In Harvey L. P. Resnik & Marvin E. Wolfgang (Eds.), Sexual behaviors. Social, clinical and legal aspect, (Boston: Little, Brown,1972), pp.361-382.
  • Heine Hansen & Lise Lykke-Olesen,” Treatment of dangerous sexual offender in Denmark”. Journal pf Forensic Psychiatry, 1997, V:8, pp.95-199.
  • Howard G. Gottesman & Danie S. Schuber, “Low-dose oral medroxyprogesterone acetate in the management of paraphilias,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1993, V:54, pp.182-188.
  • Howard H. Kravitz, Thomas W. Haywood, Jonathan R. Kelly, “Medroxyprogesterone treatment for paraphiliacs,” Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 1995, V:23, pp.19-33.
  • James McGuire, “Criminal sanctions versus psychologically-based interventions with offenders: A comparative empirical analysis,” Psychology, Crime and Law, 2008, V:8, pp. 183-208.
  • Jan Volavka, Neurobiology of violence., (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.,1995).
  • Johan Petrak, J. & Elizabeth Clayton,” The prevalence of sexual assault in a genitourinary medicine clinic:. Service implications”. Genitourinological Medicine, 1995, pp. 98-102.
  • John M. W. Bradford, “The neurobiology, neuropharmacology, and pharmacological treatment of the paraphilias and compulsive sexual behavior,” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, V:46, pp.26-33.
  • John Money, “Use of androgen depleting hormone in the treatment of male sex offenders,” The Journal of Sex research, 1970, V:6, pp.165-172.
  • Karl R. Hanson, “Recidivism and age: Follow-up data from 4,673 sexual offenders.,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2002, V:17, pp.1046-1062.Kimberly Hanson and Christine Gidycz, “Evaluation of a sexual assault prevention program”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1993, pp.1046-1052.
  • Lawrence J. Cohen & Igor Galynker, “Clinical feature of pedophilia and implications for treatment.”, Journal of Clinical Psychiatric Practice, 2002, V: 8, pp. 276-289.
  • Linda E. Ledray,” Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) development and operation guide”, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime,1999.
  • Louis A. Southren, Gary G. Gordon, Jozef Vittek & Kurt Altman (1977). Effect of progestagens on androgen metabolism. In Luciano Martini & Marcella Motta (Eds.), Androgens and antiandrogens, (New York: Raven Press.1977), pp. 263-279,
  • Luk Gijs & Louis Gooren, “Hormonal and psychopharmacological interventions in the treatment of paraphilias: An update,” Journal of Sex Research, 1996, V:33, pp.273-290.
  • Martin P. Kafka, Robert Prentky, “Fluoxetine treatment of nonparaphilic sexual addictions and paraphilias in men..”Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1992, V:53,pp.351-358.
  • Matti Virkkunen, “CSF biochemistries, glucose metabolism, and diurnal activity rhythms in alcoholic, violent offenders, fire setters, and healthy volunteers”. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1994, V: 51, pp.20-27.
  • Michael C. Seto, Martin L. Lalumiere & Michael E. Kuban, “The sexual preferences of incest offenders”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1991, V:108, pp. 267-272.
  • Monica Davey & Abby Goodnough, “Doubts Rise as States Hold Sex Offenders After Prison: Costly Efforts Keep Ex-Convicts Off Streets, but Mandated Treatment Often Fails,” N.Y. TIMES, Mar 4, 2007, pp.11-13.
  • Nathaniel McConaghy,” Paedophilia: A review of the evidence,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,1998, V: 32, p p. 252-265.
  • Neuman, F. & Schleusener, A, “Pharmacology of cyproterone acetate with special reference to the skin,” In Richard Vokoer & Daniela Fanta (Eds.) The pharmacology of cyproterone acetate, combined with anti-androgenestrogen therapy in dermatology, (Brussels, Proceedings of Dianne Symposium,1980), p.1951.
  • Orestis Giotakos, Manolis Markianos, Nikos Vaidakis& George N. Chistodoulou, (2004). “Sex hormones and biogenic amine turnover of sex offenders in relation to their temperament and character dimensions”. Psychiatry Research, 2004, V:127, pp.185-193.
  • Patricia Frazier, “Rape trauma syndrome,” Modern scientific evidence: The law and science of expert testimony, In David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J. Sacks & Joseph Sanders (Eds.), (St. Paul: West Publishing, 1997), pp. 414-435.
  • Patricia Resick, Chloe Jordan, C, Steven A. Girelli, Kotsis C. Hutter & Susan Marhoefer-Dvorak, “A comparative outcome study of behavioral group therapy for sexual assault,” Behavior Therapy,1988, V: 19, pp. 385-401.Paul J. Gagne,” Treatment of sex offenders with medroxyprogesterone acetate,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1981, V: pp. 644-646.
  • Rennie vs. Klein, 462 F. Supp 1131, 1131 (D.N.J.1978).
  • Stacy Russell, Castration of Repeat Sexual Offenders: An International Comparative Analysis, 19 HOUS.
  • The U.S. Department of Justice, “Crime Report 2004”
  • Tony Ward, John McCormack, Steven M. Hudson, Devon Polaschek, 1997) Rape: Assessment and treatment. In Richard Laws, & William O’Donohue (Eds.) Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment, and treatment, (New York: Guilford,1997), pp.356-393
  • Ursula Laschet & Leonhard Laschet, “Psychopharmacotherapy of sex offenders with cyproterone acetate,” Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuropsychopharmakologic, 1971, V:4, pp.99-104.
  • Vernon L. Quinsey & Christopher M. Earls,” The Modification of Sexual Preferences”, in William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.) Handbook of Sexual Assault: Issues, Theories, and Treatment of the Offender. (New York: Plenum,1990).
  • Vincet J. Felitti, “Long-term medical consequences of incest, rape and molestation,” Southern Medical Journal, 1991, V:84, pp.328-331.
  • Walter J. Meyer, Cole Collier & Lee E. Emory, “Depo provera treatment for sex offending behavior: An evaluation of outcome”, Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry Law,1992, V: 20, pp.249-259.
  • William L. Baker.,” Castration of the male sex offender: A legally impermissible alternative,” Loyola Law Review, 1984, V:30, pp. 377-399.
  • Zindel V. Segal & Lana E. Stermac “The role of cognition on sexual assault”. In William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.), Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories and the treatment of the offender, (New York: Plenum,1990), pp.161-175.
Year 2019, Issue: 8, 115 - 150, 03.06.2019



  • Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Adli İstatistikler, 2016”,
  • Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Adli İstatistikler, 2017”,
  • Albert Yupze, Richard Smith & Alfred Rademaker, “A multicenter clinical investigation employing ethinyl estradiol combined with dl-norgestrel as a postcoital contraceptive agent.” Fertility and sterility, 1982, V:37, pp.508-513.
  • Albrecht Langeluddeke A. Castration of Sexual Criminals. (Berlin: de Gruyter,1963).
  • Andrea Fossati, Fabio Madeddu & Cesare Maffei,” Borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse: A meta-analytic study,”. Journal of Personality Disorders, 1999, V:13, pp. 268-280.
  • American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). (Washington, DC., 2013).
  • Andre N. Sofair & Lauris C. Kaldjian, “Eugenic sterilization and a qualified Nazi analogy: The United States and Germany, 1930-1945,” The Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000, V:132, pp.312-319.
  • Barry M. Maletzky,” The paraphilias: Research and treatment”. In Peter E. Nathan & Jack M. Gorman (Eds.) A Guide to Treatments that Work, (New York: Oxford University Press,2002), pp.525-558.
  • Barry M. Maletzky & Cynthia Steinhauser, A 25-year follow-up of cognitive/behavioral therapy with 7,275 sexual offenders. Behavior Modification,2002, V: 26, pp.123-147
  • Carl G. Heller, William M. Laidlaw, Harvey, H.T., Nelson, D.L.,” The effects for progestational compounds of the reproductive processes of the human male,” Annals of New York Academy of Science, 1958, V:71, pp.649-655.
  • Center for Sex Offender Management, “Recidivism For Sex Offenders,”
  • Cesare Cremonocini, Lettie E. Viginati, E. & Anna Libroia, “Treatment of hirsutism and acne in women with two combinations of cyproterone acetate and ethinyloestradiol,” European Fertility, 1976, V:7, pp.299-314.
  • Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1.0, (Atlanta, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publications, 2008), pp.17-18.
  • Dan J. Stein, Eric Hollander, Donna T. Anthony, Franklin R. Schneider, Brian A. Fallon &Michael R. Liebowitz, “Serotonergic medications for sexual obsession, sexual addictions, and paraphilia”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1992, V:53, pp.267-271.
  • David Lisak & Paul Miller, “Repeat rape and multiple offending among undetected rapists”, Violence and Victims, 2002, V:17, pp.73-84.
  • David R. Rubinow & Peter J. Schmidt,” Androgens, brain and behavior,” American Journal Psychiatry, 1996, V:53, pp.974-984.Dean Kilpatrick, Benjamin Saunders, L, Lois J. Veronen, Connie L. Best & Judith M. Von,” Criminal victimization: Lifetime prevalence, reporting to police, and psychological impact”, Crime and delinquency, V:33, pp.479-489.
  • Emanuele A. Jannini, Emiliano Screponi, Eleonora Carosa, Mario Pepe, Francesco Lo Giudice, Francesco Trimarchi, et al. “Lack of sexual activity from erectile dysfunction is associated with a reversible reduction in serum testosterone,”. International Journal of Andrology and urology, 1999, V:22, pp.385-392.
  • Fred S. Berlin & Carl F. Meinecke, “Treatment of sex offenders with antiandrogenic medication: Conceptualization, review of treatment modalities and preliminary finding,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1981, V:147, pp.1089-1090.
  • Gene G. Abel & Joanne L. Rouleau, a.g.e s. 9-21
  • Gene G. Abel & Joanne L. Rouleau,” The nature and extent of sexual assault.” In William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.) Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories and the treatment of the offende, (New York: Plenum,1990), pp. 9-22
  • Georg K. Stürup, “Castration. The total treatment”, In Harvey L. P. Resnik & Marvin E. Wolfgang (Eds.), Sexual behaviors. Social, clinical and legal aspect, (Boston: Little, Brown,1972), pp.361-382.
  • Heine Hansen & Lise Lykke-Olesen,” Treatment of dangerous sexual offender in Denmark”. Journal pf Forensic Psychiatry, 1997, V:8, pp.95-199.
  • Howard G. Gottesman & Danie S. Schuber, “Low-dose oral medroxyprogesterone acetate in the management of paraphilias,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1993, V:54, pp.182-188.
  • Howard H. Kravitz, Thomas W. Haywood, Jonathan R. Kelly, “Medroxyprogesterone treatment for paraphiliacs,” Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 1995, V:23, pp.19-33.
  • James McGuire, “Criminal sanctions versus psychologically-based interventions with offenders: A comparative empirical analysis,” Psychology, Crime and Law, 2008, V:8, pp. 183-208.
  • Jan Volavka, Neurobiology of violence., (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.,1995).
  • Johan Petrak, J. & Elizabeth Clayton,” The prevalence of sexual assault in a genitourinary medicine clinic:. Service implications”. Genitourinological Medicine, 1995, pp. 98-102.
  • John M. W. Bradford, “The neurobiology, neuropharmacology, and pharmacological treatment of the paraphilias and compulsive sexual behavior,” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, V:46, pp.26-33.
  • John Money, “Use of androgen depleting hormone in the treatment of male sex offenders,” The Journal of Sex research, 1970, V:6, pp.165-172.
  • Karl R. Hanson, “Recidivism and age: Follow-up data from 4,673 sexual offenders.,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2002, V:17, pp.1046-1062.Kimberly Hanson and Christine Gidycz, “Evaluation of a sexual assault prevention program”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1993, pp.1046-1052.
  • Lawrence J. Cohen & Igor Galynker, “Clinical feature of pedophilia and implications for treatment.”, Journal of Clinical Psychiatric Practice, 2002, V: 8, pp. 276-289.
  • Linda E. Ledray,” Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) development and operation guide”, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime,1999.
  • Louis A. Southren, Gary G. Gordon, Jozef Vittek & Kurt Altman (1977). Effect of progestagens on androgen metabolism. In Luciano Martini & Marcella Motta (Eds.), Androgens and antiandrogens, (New York: Raven Press.1977), pp. 263-279,
  • Luk Gijs & Louis Gooren, “Hormonal and psychopharmacological interventions in the treatment of paraphilias: An update,” Journal of Sex Research, 1996, V:33, pp.273-290.
  • Martin P. Kafka, Robert Prentky, “Fluoxetine treatment of nonparaphilic sexual addictions and paraphilias in men..”Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1992, V:53,pp.351-358.
  • Matti Virkkunen, “CSF biochemistries, glucose metabolism, and diurnal activity rhythms in alcoholic, violent offenders, fire setters, and healthy volunteers”. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1994, V: 51, pp.20-27.
  • Michael C. Seto, Martin L. Lalumiere & Michael E. Kuban, “The sexual preferences of incest offenders”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1991, V:108, pp. 267-272.
  • Monica Davey & Abby Goodnough, “Doubts Rise as States Hold Sex Offenders After Prison: Costly Efforts Keep Ex-Convicts Off Streets, but Mandated Treatment Often Fails,” N.Y. TIMES, Mar 4, 2007, pp.11-13.
  • Nathaniel McConaghy,” Paedophilia: A review of the evidence,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,1998, V: 32, p p. 252-265.
  • Neuman, F. & Schleusener, A, “Pharmacology of cyproterone acetate with special reference to the skin,” In Richard Vokoer & Daniela Fanta (Eds.) The pharmacology of cyproterone acetate, combined with anti-androgenestrogen therapy in dermatology, (Brussels, Proceedings of Dianne Symposium,1980), p.1951.
  • Orestis Giotakos, Manolis Markianos, Nikos Vaidakis& George N. Chistodoulou, (2004). “Sex hormones and biogenic amine turnover of sex offenders in relation to their temperament and character dimensions”. Psychiatry Research, 2004, V:127, pp.185-193.
  • Patricia Frazier, “Rape trauma syndrome,” Modern scientific evidence: The law and science of expert testimony, In David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J. Sacks & Joseph Sanders (Eds.), (St. Paul: West Publishing, 1997), pp. 414-435.
  • Patricia Resick, Chloe Jordan, C, Steven A. Girelli, Kotsis C. Hutter & Susan Marhoefer-Dvorak, “A comparative outcome study of behavioral group therapy for sexual assault,” Behavior Therapy,1988, V: 19, pp. 385-401.Paul J. Gagne,” Treatment of sex offenders with medroxyprogesterone acetate,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1981, V: pp. 644-646.
  • Rennie vs. Klein, 462 F. Supp 1131, 1131 (D.N.J.1978).
  • Stacy Russell, Castration of Repeat Sexual Offenders: An International Comparative Analysis, 19 HOUS.
  • The U.S. Department of Justice, “Crime Report 2004”
  • Tony Ward, John McCormack, Steven M. Hudson, Devon Polaschek, 1997) Rape: Assessment and treatment. In Richard Laws, & William O’Donohue (Eds.) Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment, and treatment, (New York: Guilford,1997), pp.356-393
  • Ursula Laschet & Leonhard Laschet, “Psychopharmacotherapy of sex offenders with cyproterone acetate,” Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuropsychopharmakologic, 1971, V:4, pp.99-104.
  • Vernon L. Quinsey & Christopher M. Earls,” The Modification of Sexual Preferences”, in William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.) Handbook of Sexual Assault: Issues, Theories, and Treatment of the Offender. (New York: Plenum,1990).
  • Vincet J. Felitti, “Long-term medical consequences of incest, rape and molestation,” Southern Medical Journal, 1991, V:84, pp.328-331.
  • Walter J. Meyer, Cole Collier & Lee E. Emory, “Depo provera treatment for sex offending behavior: An evaluation of outcome”, Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry Law,1992, V: 20, pp.249-259.
  • William L. Baker.,” Castration of the male sex offender: A legally impermissible alternative,” Loyola Law Review, 1984, V:30, pp. 377-399.
  • Zindel V. Segal & Lana E. Stermac “The role of cognition on sexual assault”. In William L. Marshall, David R. Laws, & Howard E. Barbaree (Eds.), Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories and the treatment of the offender, (New York: Plenum,1990), pp.161-175.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mert Akcanbaş 0000-0003-1811-2732

Publication Date June 3, 2019
Submission Date February 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 8


APA Akcanbaş, M. (2019). Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(8), 115-150.
AMA Akcanbaş M. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi. JOSOC. June 2019;(8):115-150.
Chicago Akcanbaş, Mert. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 8 (June 2019): 115-50.
EndNote Akcanbaş M (June 1, 2019) Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8 115–150.
IEEE M. Akcanbaş, “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi”, JOSOC, no. 8, pp. 115–150, June 2019.
ISNAD Akcanbaş, Mert. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8 (June 2019), 115-150.
JAMA Akcanbaş M. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi. JOSOC. 2019;:115–150.
MLA Akcanbaş, Mert. “Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 8, 2019, pp. 115-50.
Vancouver Akcanbaş M. Kimyasal Kastrasyon Yönteminin Etik Analizi. JOSOC. 2019(8):115-50.

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