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Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement

Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 227 - 242, 17.06.2016


In this study, optimization of thermal insulation thickness applied to the external walls of buildings has been carried out comparatively based on the seasonal (space-heating and cooling) and the annual energy requirements considering solar radiation effect. This study has been performed for four degree-day regions of Turkey, namely, Iskenderun (in the first region), Istanbul (in the second region), Ankara (in the third region) and Ardahan (in the fourth region). By determining the sol-air temperatures for each region and maximizing the present worth value of seasonal and annual energy savings, the optimum thermal insulation thicknesses have been calculated. The effects of solar radiation on heating-cooling energy requirements, the variation of optimum insulation thicknesses and payback periods with respect to degree-day regions, the differences between the analyses based on seasonal and annual have been presented in tabular and graphical form.


  • Al-Sanea, S.A., Zedan, M. F., Al-Ajlan, S.A. (2005) Effect of electricity tariff on the optimum insulation-thickness in building walls as determined by a dynamic heat-transfer model, Applied Energy, 82, 313-330.
  • Al-Sanea, S.A., Zedan, M.F., Al-Ajlan, S.A., Abdul Hadi, A.S. (2003) Heat transfer characteristics and optimum insulation thickness for cavity walls, J Thermal Envelope and Building Science, 26(3), 285-307.
  • Aytac, A., Aksoy, U.T. (2006) The relation between optimum insulation thickness and heating cost on external walls for energy saving (in Turkish), Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 21(4), 753-758.
  • Bolatturk, A. (2006) Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building walls with respect to various fuels and climate zones in Turkey, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 1301-1309.
  • Bolatturk, A. (2008) Optimum insulation thicknesses for building walls with respect to cooling and heating degree-hours in the warmest zone of Turkey, Building and Environment, 43(6), 1055-1064.
  • Buyukalaca, O., Bulut, H., Yilmaz, T. (2001) Analysis of variable-base heating and cooling degree-days for Turkey, Applied Energy, 69, 269-283.
  • Cengel, Y.A. (1998) Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • CIBSE Building Energy Code (1982) Measurement of Energy Consumption and Comparison with Target for Existing Building and Services.
  • Comakli, K., Yuksel, B. (2003) Optimum insulation thickness of external walls for energy saving, Applied Thermal Engineering, 23, 473-479.
  • Comakli, K., Yuksel, B. (2004) Environmental impact of thermal insulation thickness in buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering, 24(6), 933-940.
  • Dombayci, O.A. (2007) The environmental impact of optimum insulation thickness for external walls of buildings, Building and Environment, 42, 3855-3859.
  • Duffie, J.A., Beckman, W.A. (1991) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 2nd ed. J. Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Hasan, A. (1999) Optimizing insulation thickness for buildings using life cycle cost, Applied Energy, 63, 115-124.
  • Kalfa, S.M., Yaşar, Y. (2015) Soğutma yüklerinin hesaplanmasında kullanılan yöntemler ve karşılaştırılması: İlköğretim okulu örneği (in Turkish), Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 20(2), 29-41.
  • Kaygusuz, K., Kaygusuz, A. (2002) Energy and sustainable development in Turkey, Part I: Energy utilization and sustainability, Energy Sources, 24, 483-498.
  • Kaynakli, O. (2008) A study on residential heating energy requirement and optimum insulation thickness, Renewable Energy, 33, 1164-1172.
  • Kilic, A., Ozturk, A. (1983) Solar Energy (in Turkish), Kipas Distribution Inc., Istanbul.
  • Mearig, T., Coffee, N., Morgan, M. (1999) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Handbook, State of Alaska, Department of Education & Early Development Education Support Services/Facilities, 1st ed.
  • Ozkahraman, H.T., Bolatturk, A. (2006) The use of tuff stone cladding in buildings for energy conservation, Construction and Building Materials, 20, 435-440.
  • Sisman, N., Kahya, E., Aras, N., Aras, H. (2007) Determination of optimum insulation thicknesses of the external walls and roof (ceiling) for Turkey’s different degree-day regions, Energy Policy, 35, 5151-5155.
  • Soylemez, M.S., Unsal, M. (1999) Optimum insulation thickness for refrigeration applications, Energy Conversion and Management, 40, 13-21.
  • Sukhatme, S.P. (1999) Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, 2nd ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
  • Tiris, M., Tiris, C., Ture, I.E. (1995) Diffuse solar radiation correlations: Applications to Turkey and Australia, Energy, 20, 745-749.
  • TS 3817 (1994) General Requirements for Solar Water Heaters. Turkish Standards Institution.
  • TS 825 (1999) Thermal Insulation in Building. Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Uca,r A. (2010) Thermoeconomic analysis method for optimization of insulation thickness for the four different climatic regions of Turkey, Energy, 35, 1854-1864.
  • Ucar, A., Balo, F. (2010) Determination of the energy savings and the optimum insulation thickness in the four different insulated exterior walls, Renewable Energy, 35(1), 88-94.
  • Usta, N., Ileri, A. (1999) Computerized economic optimization of refrigeration system design, Energy Conversion and Management, 40, 1089-1109.


Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 227 - 242, 17.06.2016


Bu çalışmada dış duvarlara uygulanan yalıtım kalınlığının optimizasyonu, güneş radyasyonu etkisiyle birlikte hacimsel ısıtma, soğutma ve yıllık enerji gereksinimleri dikkate alınarak yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki 4 derece-gün bölgesinde yer alan iller için yürütülmüştür: İskenderun (1. bölgede), İstanbul (2. bölgede), Ankara (3. bölgede) ve Ardahan (4. bölgede). Her bölge için güneş-hava sıcaklıkları belirlenerek sezonluk ve yıllık enerji tasarrufunu maksimize ederek optimum yalıtım kalınlıkları hesaplanmıştır. Güneş radyasyonunun ısıtma-soğutma enerji yüklerine etkisi, derece-gün bölgelerine göre optimum yalıtım kalınlıklarının ve geri ödeme sürelerinin değişimi, sezonluk ve yıllık analizler arasındaki farklar tablolar ve şekiller yardımıyla sunulmuştur.


  • Al-Sanea, S.A., Zedan, M. F., Al-Ajlan, S.A. (2005) Effect of electricity tariff on the optimum insulation-thickness in building walls as determined by a dynamic heat-transfer model, Applied Energy, 82, 313-330.
  • Al-Sanea, S.A., Zedan, M.F., Al-Ajlan, S.A., Abdul Hadi, A.S. (2003) Heat transfer characteristics and optimum insulation thickness for cavity walls, J Thermal Envelope and Building Science, 26(3), 285-307.
  • Aytac, A., Aksoy, U.T. (2006) The relation between optimum insulation thickness and heating cost on external walls for energy saving (in Turkish), Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 21(4), 753-758.
  • Bolatturk, A. (2006) Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building walls with respect to various fuels and climate zones in Turkey, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 1301-1309.
  • Bolatturk, A. (2008) Optimum insulation thicknesses for building walls with respect to cooling and heating degree-hours in the warmest zone of Turkey, Building and Environment, 43(6), 1055-1064.
  • Buyukalaca, O., Bulut, H., Yilmaz, T. (2001) Analysis of variable-base heating and cooling degree-days for Turkey, Applied Energy, 69, 269-283.
  • Cengel, Y.A. (1998) Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • CIBSE Building Energy Code (1982) Measurement of Energy Consumption and Comparison with Target for Existing Building and Services.
  • Comakli, K., Yuksel, B. (2003) Optimum insulation thickness of external walls for energy saving, Applied Thermal Engineering, 23, 473-479.
  • Comakli, K., Yuksel, B. (2004) Environmental impact of thermal insulation thickness in buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering, 24(6), 933-940.
  • Dombayci, O.A. (2007) The environmental impact of optimum insulation thickness for external walls of buildings, Building and Environment, 42, 3855-3859.
  • Duffie, J.A., Beckman, W.A. (1991) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 2nd ed. J. Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Hasan, A. (1999) Optimizing insulation thickness for buildings using life cycle cost, Applied Energy, 63, 115-124.
  • Kalfa, S.M., Yaşar, Y. (2015) Soğutma yüklerinin hesaplanmasında kullanılan yöntemler ve karşılaştırılması: İlköğretim okulu örneği (in Turkish), Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 20(2), 29-41.
  • Kaygusuz, K., Kaygusuz, A. (2002) Energy and sustainable development in Turkey, Part I: Energy utilization and sustainability, Energy Sources, 24, 483-498.
  • Kaynakli, O. (2008) A study on residential heating energy requirement and optimum insulation thickness, Renewable Energy, 33, 1164-1172.
  • Kilic, A., Ozturk, A. (1983) Solar Energy (in Turkish), Kipas Distribution Inc., Istanbul.
  • Mearig, T., Coffee, N., Morgan, M. (1999) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Handbook, State of Alaska, Department of Education & Early Development Education Support Services/Facilities, 1st ed.
  • Ozkahraman, H.T., Bolatturk, A. (2006) The use of tuff stone cladding in buildings for energy conservation, Construction and Building Materials, 20, 435-440.
  • Sisman, N., Kahya, E., Aras, N., Aras, H. (2007) Determination of optimum insulation thicknesses of the external walls and roof (ceiling) for Turkey’s different degree-day regions, Energy Policy, 35, 5151-5155.
  • Soylemez, M.S., Unsal, M. (1999) Optimum insulation thickness for refrigeration applications, Energy Conversion and Management, 40, 13-21.
  • Sukhatme, S.P. (1999) Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, 2nd ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
  • Tiris, M., Tiris, C., Ture, I.E. (1995) Diffuse solar radiation correlations: Applications to Turkey and Australia, Energy, 20, 745-749.
  • TS 3817 (1994) General Requirements for Solar Water Heaters. Turkish Standards Institution.
  • TS 825 (1999) Thermal Insulation in Building. Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Uca,r A. (2010) Thermoeconomic analysis method for optimization of insulation thickness for the four different climatic regions of Turkey, Energy, 35, 1854-1864.
  • Ucar, A., Balo, F. (2010) Determination of the energy savings and the optimum insulation thickness in the four different insulated exterior walls, Renewable Energy, 35(1), 88-94.
  • Usta, N., Ileri, A. (1999) Computerized economic optimization of refrigeration system design, Energy Conversion and Management, 40, 1089-1109.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ömer Kaynaklı

Faruk Kaynaklı This is me

Publication Date June 17, 2016
Submission Date April 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Kaynaklı, Ö., & Kaynaklı, F. (2016). Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 227-242.
AMA Kaynaklı Ö, Kaynaklı F. Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement. UUJFE. April 2016;21(1):227-242. doi:10.17482/uujfe.27323
Chicago Kaynaklı, Ömer, and Faruk Kaynaklı. “Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 21, no. 1 (April 2016): 227-42.
EndNote Kaynaklı Ö, Kaynaklı F (April 1, 2016) Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 21 1 227–242.
IEEE Ö. Kaynaklı and F. Kaynaklı, “Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement”, UUJFE, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 227–242, 2016, doi: 10.17482/uujfe.27323.
ISNAD Kaynaklı, Ömer - Kaynaklı, Faruk. “Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 21/1 (April 2016), 227-242.
JAMA Kaynaklı Ö, Kaynaklı F. Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement. UUJFE. 2016;21:227–242.
MLA Kaynaklı, Ömer and Faruk Kaynaklı. “Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, 2016, pp. 227-42, doi:10.17482/uujfe.27323.
Vancouver Kaynaklı Ö, Kaynaklı F. Determination of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thicknesses for External Walls Considering the Heating, Cooling and Annual Energy Requirement. UUJFE. 2016;21(1):227-42.

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