Investigation of The Effects of Earthquake Characteristics on Slope Stability Using Model Slope
Year 2022,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 785 - 802, 31.08.2022
İnan Keskin
Fatih Karataş
Selman Kahraman
In this study, the design of safe slopes was investigated, which is one of the main topics in geotechnical engineering. Another factor that should be considered in the design of safe slopes is seismic loads in addition to static loads. As part of the study, a series of slope stability analyzes were performed using finite element software by applying earthquakes with different characteristics to the model slope, which was designed with the intention of investigating slope behavior under seismic loads. The model slope designed in this context was analyzed with 12 real earthquake record data that occurred in different regions with different scenarios and had many station measurements. As a result, the effects of these earthquakes on the stability of the designed model slope were pointed out and the points that should be considered to obtain safer and more economical results in slope design in the direction of the obtained data.
- 1. Akçakal, Ö. (2009). Şev stabilitesi analizinde geri hesap yöntemi ve bir vaka analizi. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- 2. Alemdag, S., Kaya A., Karadag, M, Gurocak, Z., Bulu, F., (2015) Utilization of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods for the stability analysis of the slope debris: An example of the Kalebasi District (NE Turkey). J African Earth Sci 106:134–146.
- 3. Atabey. E., (2000) Deprem, Eğitim Ser. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara
- 4. Chen, W.F., Mizuno, E., (1990) Nonlinear analysis in soil mechanics : theory and implementation. Elsevier; Distributor for the U.S. and Canada Elsevier Science Pub., Amsterdam; New York NY U.S.A.
- 5. Doğan, B., Karakaş, A., (2013) Geometry of co-seismic surface ruptures and tectonic meaning of the 23 October 2011 Mw 7.1 Van earthquake (East Anatolian Region, Turkey). J Struct Geol 46:99–114.
- 6. Duncan, J., Wright, S.G, Brandon, T.L., (2014) Soil Strength and Slope Stability, 2. Wiley
- 7. Görüm, T., (2016) 23 Ekim 2011 Van Depreminin Tetiklediği Heyelanlar. Türk Coğrafya Dergı̇sı̇ 0:29–36.
- 8. Harp, E.L., Jibson, R.W., (1996) Landslides triggered by the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake. Bull Seismol Soc Am 86:S319–S332.
- 9. Huanlong, H., Gor, M., Moayedi, H., Foong, L.K., (2022) Slope stability analysis using black widow optimization hybridized with artificial neural network. Smart Struct Syst 29:523–533.
- 10. Ishihara. K., (1986) Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes. Collect Pap Dep Civ Eng Tokyo 24:1–56.
- 11. Kanik, M., Ersoy, H., (2019) Evaluation of the engineering geological investigation of the Ayvali dam site (NE Turkey). Arab J Geosci 12:.
- 12. Keefer, D.K., (1984) Landslides caused by earthquakes. GSA Bull 95:406–421.
- 13. Kramer, S.L., (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Inc, New Jersey
- 14. Newmark, N.M., (1965) Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments. Geotechnique 15:139–160.
- 15. Nova-Roessig, L., Sitar, N., (2006) Centrifuge Model Studies of the Seismic Response of Reinforced Soil Slopes. J Geotech Geoenvironmental Eng 132:388–400.
- 16. Olgun, M., Acar, M., (2009) Deprem Kuvvetleri Etkisi Altındaki Şevlerin Stabilizesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi. J FacEngArch Selcuk Univ, v 24:
- 17. Özacar, A., Kaymakcı, N., Akkar, S., Azari, A., Sandıkkaya, A., Kale, Ö., Ay, b.Ö., (2011) 23 Ekim 2011 Mw 7.2 Van Depremi Sismik ve Yapısal Hasara İlişkin Saha Gözlemleri. RAPOR NO: METU/EERC 2011-04 Ankara
- 18. Rathje, E.M., Bray, J.D., (2001) One- And two-dimensional seismic analysis of solid-waste landfills. Can Geotech J 38:850–862.
- 19. Taher, N.R., Gör, M., Aksoy, H.S., Awlla, H.A., (2022) Numerical investigation of the effect of slope angle and height on the stability of a slope composed of sandy soil Kumlu zeminden oluşan bir şevin
stabilitesine şev açısı ve yüksekliğinin etkisinin sayısal olarak incelenmesi. 12:664–675.
- 20. URL1 (2021) Internet Data Reports for Earthquakes. In: Cent. Eng. Strong Motion Data.
- 21. Wartman. J., Bray, J.D., Seed, R.B, (2001) Shaking Table Experiment of a Model Slope Subjected to a Pair of Repeated Ground Motions
- 22. Yilmaz, I., Ekemen, T., Yildirim, M., Keskin, İ., Özdemir, G., (2006) Failure and flow development of a collapse induced complex landslide: The 2005 Kuzulu (Koyulhisar, Turkey) landslide hazard. Environ Geol 49:467–476.
- 23. Zienkiewicz, O.C., (2005) The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Sixth edit. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
Year 2022,
Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 785 - 802, 31.08.2022
İnan Keskin
Fatih Karataş
Selman Kahraman
Bu çalışmada, geoteknik mühendisliğinin başlıca konuları arasında yer alan güvenli şevlerin tasarımı konusu incelenmiştir. Güvenli şevlerin tasarımı için dikkat edilmesi gereken statik yükler kadar önemli bir diğer etken ise, sismik yüklerdir. Sismik yükler altında şev davranışının irdelenmesi niyetiyle tasarlanmış olan model şeve farklı özellikteki depremler etki ettirilerek sonlu eleman yazılımı ile bir dizi şev stabilite analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda tasarlanan model şev, farklı özelliklerdeki senaryolar ile çeşitli bölgelerde meydana gelmiş, çok sayıda istasyon ölçümleri bulunan 12 adet gerçek deprem kayıt verisi ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu depremlerin tasarlanmış olan model şevin stabilitesine olan etkileri ortaya koyulmuş ve elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda şev tasarımında daha güvenli ve daha ekonomik sonuçlar alınması için dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlara değinilmiştir.
- 1. Akçakal, Ö. (2009). Şev stabilitesi analizinde geri hesap yöntemi ve bir vaka analizi. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- 2. Alemdag, S., Kaya A., Karadag, M, Gurocak, Z., Bulu, F., (2015) Utilization of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods for the stability analysis of the slope debris: An example of the Kalebasi District (NE Turkey). J African Earth Sci 106:134–146.
- 3. Atabey. E., (2000) Deprem, Eğitim Ser. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara
- 4. Chen, W.F., Mizuno, E., (1990) Nonlinear analysis in soil mechanics : theory and implementation. Elsevier; Distributor for the U.S. and Canada Elsevier Science Pub., Amsterdam; New York NY U.S.A.
- 5. Doğan, B., Karakaş, A., (2013) Geometry of co-seismic surface ruptures and tectonic meaning of the 23 October 2011 Mw 7.1 Van earthquake (East Anatolian Region, Turkey). J Struct Geol 46:99–114.
- 6. Duncan, J., Wright, S.G, Brandon, T.L., (2014) Soil Strength and Slope Stability, 2. Wiley
- 7. Görüm, T., (2016) 23 Ekim 2011 Van Depreminin Tetiklediği Heyelanlar. Türk Coğrafya Dergı̇sı̇ 0:29–36.
- 8. Harp, E.L., Jibson, R.W., (1996) Landslides triggered by the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake. Bull Seismol Soc Am 86:S319–S332.
- 9. Huanlong, H., Gor, M., Moayedi, H., Foong, L.K., (2022) Slope stability analysis using black widow optimization hybridized with artificial neural network. Smart Struct Syst 29:523–533.
- 10. Ishihara. K., (1986) Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes. Collect Pap Dep Civ Eng Tokyo 24:1–56.
- 11. Kanik, M., Ersoy, H., (2019) Evaluation of the engineering geological investigation of the Ayvali dam site (NE Turkey). Arab J Geosci 12:.
- 12. Keefer, D.K., (1984) Landslides caused by earthquakes. GSA Bull 95:406–421.
- 13. Kramer, S.L., (1996) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Inc, New Jersey
- 14. Newmark, N.M., (1965) Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments. Geotechnique 15:139–160.
- 15. Nova-Roessig, L., Sitar, N., (2006) Centrifuge Model Studies of the Seismic Response of Reinforced Soil Slopes. J Geotech Geoenvironmental Eng 132:388–400.
- 16. Olgun, M., Acar, M., (2009) Deprem Kuvvetleri Etkisi Altındaki Şevlerin Stabilizesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi. J FacEngArch Selcuk Univ, v 24:
- 17. Özacar, A., Kaymakcı, N., Akkar, S., Azari, A., Sandıkkaya, A., Kale, Ö., Ay, b.Ö., (2011) 23 Ekim 2011 Mw 7.2 Van Depremi Sismik ve Yapısal Hasara İlişkin Saha Gözlemleri. RAPOR NO: METU/EERC 2011-04 Ankara
- 18. Rathje, E.M., Bray, J.D., (2001) One- And two-dimensional seismic analysis of solid-waste landfills. Can Geotech J 38:850–862.
- 19. Taher, N.R., Gör, M., Aksoy, H.S., Awlla, H.A., (2022) Numerical investigation of the effect of slope angle and height on the stability of a slope composed of sandy soil Kumlu zeminden oluşan bir şevin
stabilitesine şev açısı ve yüksekliğinin etkisinin sayısal olarak incelenmesi. 12:664–675.
- 20. URL1 (2021) Internet Data Reports for Earthquakes. In: Cent. Eng. Strong Motion Data.
- 21. Wartman. J., Bray, J.D., Seed, R.B, (2001) Shaking Table Experiment of a Model Slope Subjected to a Pair of Repeated Ground Motions
- 22. Yilmaz, I., Ekemen, T., Yildirim, M., Keskin, İ., Özdemir, G., (2006) Failure and flow development of a collapse induced complex landslide: The 2005 Kuzulu (Koyulhisar, Turkey) landslide hazard. Environ Geol 49:467–476.
- 23. Zienkiewicz, O.C., (2005) The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Sixth edit. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann