Investigation of Wear Properties of Calcite and Pine Sawdust Filled Polyester Matrix Composite
Year 2024,
Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 583 - 594, 30.08.2024
İlyas Kartal
Yalçın Boztoprak
Hilal Selimoğlu
Although thermoplastics are more common as matrix materials in polymer composites, thermosets such as epoxy and polyester are also used. The aim of this study is to investigate the wear properties of composite samples produced by adding pine sawdust, a natural waste material, as well as calcite into polyester resin, which is widely used in the industry. Calcite (calcium carbonate) is used extensively in the industry as an inorganic filler. Pine sawdust is especially produced as a natural waste in the furniture sector. These two fillers were added to the matrix at different rates. The resulting mixture was poured into an open teflon mold and composite samples were prepared. Water absorption was examined by keeping the samples in water for 22 hours, wear properties were examined by applying the pin-on-disc method and hardness properties were examined by using the Shore D method. SEM analysis was performed for fractured surfaces. Wear test results showed that wear increased with the increase in the amount of sawdust and decreased with the increase in the amount of calcite. In the Shore D hardness test, it was observed that hardness increased especially due to the increase in the amount of calcite. In the water absorption test, it was observed that water absorption increased with the decrease of calcite and increase of sawdust ratio in composite samples.
- Anosike Francis, E.N., Obianyo, I.I., Salami, O.W., Ihekweme, G.O., Ofem, M.I., Olorunnisola, A.O. ve Onwualu, A.P. (2022) Physical-mechanical properties of wood based composite reinforced with recycled polypropylene and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) husk, Cleaner Materials, 5, 100101.
- Bhong, M., Khan, T.K.H., Devade, K., Krishna, B.V., Sura, S., Eftikhaar, H.K., Thethi, H.P., Gupta, N. (2023) Review of composite materials and applications, Materials Today: Proceedings,
- Borah, P. ve Samanta, S. (2022) Wear behaviour of glass/jute hybrid epoxy composites with addition of fillers, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(1), 54- 67, DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2020.1793270
- Boztoprak, Y., ve Gjergjizi, B. (2021) An overview of palm fiber reinforced composites, Innovative Technology Applications in Engineering Sciences, 224-248.
- Demirer, H., Kartal, İ., Yıldırım, A., ve Büyükkaya, K. (2018) The utilisability of ground hazelnut shell as filler in polypropylene composites. Acta Physica Polonica A, 134, 254-256.
- Hsissou, R., Seghiri, R., Benzekri, Z., Hilali, M., Rafik, M. ve Elharfi, A. (2021) Polymer composite materials: A comprehensive review, Composite Structures, 262 (113640),
- Kartal, İ., Boztoprak,Y., Bilici, M.K., Çakır, M. (2006) Epoksi-Polyester Karışımlarının Aşınma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, 13. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Kartal, İ., Naycı, G., ve Demirer, H. (2019) Cam ve bambu lifleriyle takviyelendirilmiş vinilester kompozitlerinin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 3(1), 34-37.
- Kartal, İ. (2020) Effect of hornbeam sawdust size on the mechanical properties of polyethylene composites, Emerging Materials Research, 9(3), 979-984.
- Kartal, İ. ve Beşkardeşler, İ. (2023) The utilisability of ground pistachio shells with calcite filler in polyester-based composite materials, 4. International Printıng Technologıes Symposıum, 5-6
October 2023, Istanbul
- Kartal, İ. ve Büyük, B (2023) Ağaç talaşı dolgulu geri dönüşüm polipropilen kompozitlerinin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, 2nd International Materials Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Congress, 156-162.
- Kartal, İ. ve Özcan, Z. (2023) Gürgen ağacı talaşı dolgulu epoksi matrisli kompozit yapıların mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 7(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.36287/ijmsit.7.1.1
- Kartal, İ. ve Selimoğlu, H. (2023) Usability of pine sawdust and calcite together as filler in polyester composites, International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 9(3), 267-273. DOI: 10.22399/ijcesen.1335325
- Khoaele, K.K., Gbadeyan, O.J., Chunilall, V. Ve Sithole, B. (2023) A review on waste wood reinforced polymer composites and their processing for construction materials, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 16(1), 104-116, DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2023.2214162
- Koyuncu, M. (2022). Experimental investigation of epoxy matrix and pine sawdust reinforced wood-polymer composite materials, BioResources, 17(1), 1161-1172, DOI: 10.15376/biores.17.1.1161.1172
- Kumari, R., Ito, H. ve Takatani, M. (2007) Fundamental studies on wood/cellulose–plastic composites: Effects of composition and cellulose dimension on the properties of cellulose/PP composite, Journal of Wood Science, 53, 470-480, DOI: 10.1007/s10086-007-0889-5
- Kusuktham, B. (2019) Mechanical properties and morphologies of high density polyethylene reinforced with calcium carbonate and sawdust compatibilized with vinyltriethoxysilane, Silicon, 11, 1997–2013.
- Marques, M., Gonçalves, L.F.F.F., Martins, C.I., Vale, M. ve Duarte, F.M. (2022) Effect of polymer type on the properties of polypropylene composites with high loads of spent coffee grounds, Waste Management, 154, 232-244.
- Maysa, A., Mohamed, N.A., Shaltout, A.A., El, M., (2011), The effect of gamma irradiation and particle size of CaCO3 on the properties of HDPE/EPDM blends, Arabian Journal of Chemistry., 4, 71– 77, DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2010.06.022
- Moritzer, E. ve Richters, M. (2021) Injection molding of wood-filled thermoplastic polyurethane, Journal of Composites Science, 5, 316.
- Narlıoğlu, N., Çetin, N.S., Alma, M.H. (2018) Karaçam testere talaşının polipropilen kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerine etkisi, Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1 (1), 38-45,
- Neher, B., Nova, N.T., Hossain, R., Gafur, M.A. ve Ahmed, F. (2020) Fabrication and characterization on physico-mechanical and structural properties of sawdust reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) composites, Materials Sciences and Applications, 11, 644-658.
- NİDAŞ A.Ş. TDS, 3#enhanced-tds, Erişim Tarihi: 27.07.2024
- Penczek, P., Czub, P., Pielichowski, J. (2005) Unsaturated Polyester Resins: Chemistry and Technology. In: Crosslinking in Materials Science. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 184. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Pokhrel, G., Gardner, D.J. ve Han, Y. (2021) Properties of wood–plastic composites manufactured from two different wood feedstocks: Wood flour and wood pellets, Polymers, 13(16), 2769.
- Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L., Sasikala, G., Balaji, D., Saravanakumar, A., Bhuvaneswari, V. ve Bhoopathi, R. (2022) A critical review on wood-based polymer composites: processing, properties, and prospects, Polymers, 14 (3), 589.
- Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L., Srinivasan, N., Kumar, D. & Balaji, D. (2022). Influence of filler material on properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A review. ePolymers, 22(1), 898-916.
- Ratna, D. (2009) Handbook of Thermoset Resins, Smither Rapra, UK.
- Singh, M.K., Mohanty, A.K. ve Misra, M. (2023) Upcycling of waste polyolefins in natural fiber and sustainable filler-based biocomposites: A study on recent developments and future perspectives, Composites Part B: Engineering, 263, 110852,
- Taşdemir, M., Koçak, D., Merdan, N., Usta, İ. ve Akalın, M. (2013) Recycled polyamide- 6/waste silk & cotton fibre polymer composites: Effect of fibre length, Marmara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(4), 157-166.
- Thomas, B., Hosur, M. ve Chirayil, C.J. (2019) Unsaturated Polyester Resins Fundamentals, Design, Fabrication and Applications, Elsevier Inc.
- Unal, H., Sen, U. ve Mimaroglu A. (2005) Abrasive wear behaviour of polymeric materials, Materials & Design, 26(8), 705-710,
Year 2024,
Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 583 - 594, 30.08.2024
İlyas Kartal
Yalçın Boztoprak
Hilal Selimoğlu
Polimer kompozitlerde matris malzemesi olarak termoplastikler daha yaygın olsa da epoksi ve polyester gibi termosetlerin kullanımı da mevcuttur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, endüstride yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan polyester reçinesi içerisine kalsit ilavesinin yanı sıra doğal bir atık malzeme olan çam talaşını ilave ederek üretilen kompozit numunelerin aşınma özelliklerini incelemektir. Kalsit (kalsiyum karbonat), inorganik dolgu maddesi olarak endüstride yoğun kullanıma sahiptir. Çam talaşı ise özellikle mobilyacılık sektöründe doğal atık olarak çıkmaktadır. Bu iki dolgu malzemesi matrise farklı oranlarda ilave edilmiştir. Elde edilen karışım açık teflon kalıba dökülerek kompozit numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Numunelerin 22 saat suda bekletilmesiyle su absorbsiyonu, pin on disk yöntemi uygulanarak aşınma özellikleri ve Shore D yöntemiyle sertlik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kırık yüzeyler için SEM analizi yapılmıştır. Aşınma testi sonuçları talaş miktarının artmasıyla aşınmanın arttığını, kalsit miktarının artmasıyla aşınmanın azaldığını göstermiştir. Shore D sertlik testinde ise özellikle kalsit miktarının artışına bağlı olarak sertliğin arttığı görülmüştür. Su absorbsiyon testinde ise kompozit numunelerde kalsitin azalması ve talaş oranının artmasıyla su absorbsiyonunun arttığı gözlenmiştir.
- Anosike Francis, E.N., Obianyo, I.I., Salami, O.W., Ihekweme, G.O., Ofem, M.I., Olorunnisola, A.O. ve Onwualu, A.P. (2022) Physical-mechanical properties of wood based composite reinforced with recycled polypropylene and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) husk, Cleaner Materials, 5, 100101.
- Bhong, M., Khan, T.K.H., Devade, K., Krishna, B.V., Sura, S., Eftikhaar, H.K., Thethi, H.P., Gupta, N. (2023) Review of composite materials and applications, Materials Today: Proceedings,
- Borah, P. ve Samanta, S. (2022) Wear behaviour of glass/jute hybrid epoxy composites with addition of fillers, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(1), 54- 67, DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2020.1793270
- Boztoprak, Y., ve Gjergjizi, B. (2021) An overview of palm fiber reinforced composites, Innovative Technology Applications in Engineering Sciences, 224-248.
- Demirer, H., Kartal, İ., Yıldırım, A., ve Büyükkaya, K. (2018) The utilisability of ground hazelnut shell as filler in polypropylene composites. Acta Physica Polonica A, 134, 254-256.
- Hsissou, R., Seghiri, R., Benzekri, Z., Hilali, M., Rafik, M. ve Elharfi, A. (2021) Polymer composite materials: A comprehensive review, Composite Structures, 262 (113640),
- Kartal, İ., Boztoprak,Y., Bilici, M.K., Çakır, M. (2006) Epoksi-Polyester Karışımlarının Aşınma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, 13. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Kartal, İ., Naycı, G., ve Demirer, H. (2019) Cam ve bambu lifleriyle takviyelendirilmiş vinilester kompozitlerinin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 3(1), 34-37.
- Kartal, İ. (2020) Effect of hornbeam sawdust size on the mechanical properties of polyethylene composites, Emerging Materials Research, 9(3), 979-984.
- Kartal, İ. ve Beşkardeşler, İ. (2023) The utilisability of ground pistachio shells with calcite filler in polyester-based composite materials, 4. International Printıng Technologıes Symposıum, 5-6
October 2023, Istanbul
- Kartal, İ. ve Büyük, B (2023) Ağaç talaşı dolgulu geri dönüşüm polipropilen kompozitlerinin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, 2nd International Materials Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Congress, 156-162.
- Kartal, İ. ve Özcan, Z. (2023) Gürgen ağacı talaşı dolgulu epoksi matrisli kompozit yapıların mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 7(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.36287/ijmsit.7.1.1
- Kartal, İ. ve Selimoğlu, H. (2023) Usability of pine sawdust and calcite together as filler in polyester composites, International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 9(3), 267-273. DOI: 10.22399/ijcesen.1335325
- Khoaele, K.K., Gbadeyan, O.J., Chunilall, V. Ve Sithole, B. (2023) A review on waste wood reinforced polymer composites and their processing for construction materials, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 16(1), 104-116, DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2023.2214162
- Koyuncu, M. (2022). Experimental investigation of epoxy matrix and pine sawdust reinforced wood-polymer composite materials, BioResources, 17(1), 1161-1172, DOI: 10.15376/biores.17.1.1161.1172
- Kumari, R., Ito, H. ve Takatani, M. (2007) Fundamental studies on wood/cellulose–plastic composites: Effects of composition and cellulose dimension on the properties of cellulose/PP composite, Journal of Wood Science, 53, 470-480, DOI: 10.1007/s10086-007-0889-5
- Kusuktham, B. (2019) Mechanical properties and morphologies of high density polyethylene reinforced with calcium carbonate and sawdust compatibilized with vinyltriethoxysilane, Silicon, 11, 1997–2013.
- Marques, M., Gonçalves, L.F.F.F., Martins, C.I., Vale, M. ve Duarte, F.M. (2022) Effect of polymer type on the properties of polypropylene composites with high loads of spent coffee grounds, Waste Management, 154, 232-244.
- Maysa, A., Mohamed, N.A., Shaltout, A.A., El, M., (2011), The effect of gamma irradiation and particle size of CaCO3 on the properties of HDPE/EPDM blends, Arabian Journal of Chemistry., 4, 71– 77, DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2010.06.022
- Moritzer, E. ve Richters, M. (2021) Injection molding of wood-filled thermoplastic polyurethane, Journal of Composites Science, 5, 316.
- Narlıoğlu, N., Çetin, N.S., Alma, M.H. (2018) Karaçam testere talaşının polipropilen kompozitlerin mekanik özelliklerine etkisi, Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1 (1), 38-45,
- Neher, B., Nova, N.T., Hossain, R., Gafur, M.A. ve Ahmed, F. (2020) Fabrication and characterization on physico-mechanical and structural properties of sawdust reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) composites, Materials Sciences and Applications, 11, 644-658.
- NİDAŞ A.Ş. TDS, 3#enhanced-tds, Erişim Tarihi: 27.07.2024
- Penczek, P., Czub, P., Pielichowski, J. (2005) Unsaturated Polyester Resins: Chemistry and Technology. In: Crosslinking in Materials Science. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 184. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Pokhrel, G., Gardner, D.J. ve Han, Y. (2021) Properties of wood–plastic composites manufactured from two different wood feedstocks: Wood flour and wood pellets, Polymers, 13(16), 2769.
- Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L., Sasikala, G., Balaji, D., Saravanakumar, A., Bhuvaneswari, V. ve Bhoopathi, R. (2022) A critical review on wood-based polymer composites: processing, properties, and prospects, Polymers, 14 (3), 589.
- Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L., Srinivasan, N., Kumar, D. & Balaji, D. (2022). Influence of filler material on properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A review. ePolymers, 22(1), 898-916.
- Ratna, D. (2009) Handbook of Thermoset Resins, Smither Rapra, UK.
- Singh, M.K., Mohanty, A.K. ve Misra, M. (2023) Upcycling of waste polyolefins in natural fiber and sustainable filler-based biocomposites: A study on recent developments and future perspectives, Composites Part B: Engineering, 263, 110852,
- Taşdemir, M., Koçak, D., Merdan, N., Usta, İ. ve Akalın, M. (2013) Recycled polyamide- 6/waste silk & cotton fibre polymer composites: Effect of fibre length, Marmara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(4), 157-166.
- Thomas, B., Hosur, M. ve Chirayil, C.J. (2019) Unsaturated Polyester Resins Fundamentals, Design, Fabrication and Applications, Elsevier Inc.
- Unal, H., Sen, U. ve Mimaroglu A. (2005) Abrasive wear behaviour of polymeric materials, Materials & Design, 26(8), 705-710,