Effects of Topical Terebinth Berry Oil and Different Experimental Mixtures on Wound Healing in Japanese Quails (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)
Year 2017,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 69 - 74, 20.08.2017
Nihat Şındak
Mustafa Barış Akgül
Ali Gülaydın
Zelal Karakoç
The aim
of the presented study is to investigate the effects of terebinth oil and
different experimental mixtures used topically in wound healing in Japanese
quails. 42 days old 30 adult Japanese quail animals were used as live animal
materials. The animals were divided into 5 groups each of containing 6 animals.
Experimental scar involving skin and subcutaneous connective tissue of
approximately 2 cm in diameter with each grubus scalpel was created and treated
with the prepared mixtures. The injuries were monitored daily and measurements
were made with digital calipers during dressing changes. On days 3th,
7th, 10th and 13th after the wound was
created, biopsy specimens were taken from all groups to include intact tissue
from the wound area and histopathologically examined. The data obtained were
analyzed statistically. The group in which the earliest healing was formed was
group II, followed by group I, group III, group IV and control group,
respectively. Histological evaluations revealed that the epithelialization
process was observed in group I and group II in a shorter time than the other
groups. As a result of the study, it has been concluded scientifically that the
mixture of menengic oil conventionally used by the public and pomade containing
50% Centella asiatica extract has positive effects on wound healing in quails.
- Alpay S, Bakır AS, Hazar Aİ, Güneş J, İzmir M, Ortaylı N, Polat S (2001). Dermatoloji In: Farma List Türkiye Tıbbi İlaç Rehberi, Güneş B (Ed), 753, Farma Tıp Yayıncılık, Ankara.
Baytop T (1984). Therapy with medicinal plants in Turkey. Istanbul University Publications Pub. No: 3255, Faculty of Pharmacy Pub. No: 40, Istanbul.
Biswas TK, Mukherjee B (2003). Plant medicines of Indian origin for wound healing activity: A Review. Lower Extr Wounds, 2, 25-39.
Brinkhaus B (1998). Centella asiatica in traditional and modern phytomedicine - a pharmacological and clinical profile - Part I: Botany chemistry preparations. Perfusion, 11, 466-474.
Brinkhaus B (1998). Centella asiatica in traditional and modern phyto-medicine - a pharmacological and clinical profile - Part II: Pharmacological and therapeutic profile, conclusions. Perfusion, 11, 508-520.
Dhifi W, Mnif W, Ouerhani B, Ghrissi K (2012). Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil from the seeds of pistacia terebinthus grown in Tunisia. J Essent Oil Bear Pl, 15, 582-588.
Garcia F, Blanco J, Carretero P, Herrero D, Juste S, Garces M, Perez R, Fuentes M (1999). Anaphylactic reactions to topical rifamycin. Allergy, 54, 527-528.
Gençcelep M, Aslan L, Yüksel H, Karasu A, Bakır B (2001). Otolog fibrin yapıştırıcının açık yara tedavisinde iyileşme üzerine etkisi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 12, 101-104.
Gerard CB, Terence JR, Chı-Keong O (1999). Traditional aproaches to wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology, 17, 93-98.
Geronemus RG, Mertz PM, Eaglstein WH (1979). Wound healing: The effects of topical antimicrobial agents. Arch Dermatol, 115, 1311-1314.
Göçer H (2013). Antioxidant properties of terebinth (pistacia terebin thus l.) seeds. IJAR, 5, 120-124.
Gökalp Özkorkmaz E, Özay Y (2009). Yara iyileşmesi ve yara iyileşmesinde kullanılan bazı bitkiler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 2, 63-67.
Biricik HS, Hayat A, Eraslan H, Tursun G (2004). Bir köpekte tissupor yara pedi ile kronik yara tedavisi: vaka takdimi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 75-77.
Topçu G, Ay M, Bilici A, Sarıkürkcü C, Öztürk M, Ulubelen A (2007). A new flavone from antioxidant extracts of Pistacia terebinthus. Food Chemistry, 103, 816-822.
Hacıbekiroğlu I, Köseoğlu Yılmaz P, Haimi N, Kılınç E, Tolan V, Kolak U (2015). In vitro biological activities and fatty acid profiles of Pistacia terebinthus fruits and Pistacia khinjuk seeds. Natural Product Researc, 29, 444-446.
Kallehave F, Gottrup F (1996). Topical antibiotics used in the treatment of complex wounds. J Wound Care, 5, 158-160.
Khalil EA, Afifi FU, Al-Hussaini M (2007). Evaluation of the wound healing effect of some Jordanian traditional medicinal plants formulated in Pluronic F127 using mice (Musmusculus). J Ethnopharmacol, 109, 104-112.
Kumar B, Vijayakumar M, Govindarajan R, Pushpangadan P (2007). Ethnopharmacological approaches to wound healing – Exploring medicinal plants of India. J Ethnopharmacol, 114, 103-113.
Lubadie RP (1989). An ethnopharmacognostic approach to the search for immunomodulators of plant origin. Planta Med, 55, 339-348.
Maquart FX, Bellon G, Gillery P, Wegrowski Y (1990). Stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblast cultures by a triterpene extracted from Centella asiatica. Connect Tissue Res, 24, 107-120.
Moylan JA (1980). The proper use of local antimicrobial agents in wounds. World J. Surg, 4, 433-437.
Özcan MM, Tzakou O, Couladis M (2009). Essential oil composition of the turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus L.) fruits growing wild in Turkey. Food Chem, 114, 282-285.
Saydam İM, Yılmaz S, Seven E (2005). Topikal olarak uygulanan nitrofurazon ve rifamisin’in tam kalınlıkta yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkileri. CÜ Tıp Fak Derg, 27, 113-120.
Schmidt C, Fronza M, Goettert M, Geller F, Luik S, Flores EMM, Bittencourt CF, Zanetti GD, Heinzmann BM, Laufer S, Merfort I (2009). Biological studies on Brazilian plants used in wound healing. J Ethnopharmacol, 122, 523-532.
Shukla A, Rasik AM, Jain GK, Shankar R, Kulashrestha DK, Dhawan BN (1999). In vitro and in vivo wound healing activity of asiaticoside isolated from Centella asiatica. J Ethnopharmacol, 65, 1-11.
Ward RS, Saffle JR (1995). Topical agents in burn and wound care. Physical Therapy, 75, 526-538.
Yoshikawa, M (2001). Recent research on herbal medicines—characterization of bioactive constituents. Fragrance Journal, 29, 13-23.
Japon Bıldırcınlarında (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Topikal Olarak Uygulanan Menengiç Yağı ve Farklı Deneysel Karışımlarının Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkileri
Year 2017,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 69 - 74, 20.08.2017
Nihat Şındak
Mustafa Barış Akgül
Ali Gülaydın
Zelal Karakoç
çalışmanın amacı; Japon bıldırcınlarında yara iyileşmesinde topikal kullanılan
menengiç yağı ve farklı deneysel karışımlarının etkilerini araştırmaktır.
Çalışmada hayvan materyalini 42 günlük, 30 adet ergin Japon bıldırcın
oluşturdu. Her grupta 6 adet hayvan olacak şekilde 5 gruba ayrıldı. Her gruba
bisturi ile yaklaşık 2 cm çapında deri ve deri altı bağ dokusunu kapsayan
deneysel yara oluşturuldu ve hazırlanan karışımlar ile tedavi uygulandı.
Yaralar günlük olarak izlendi ve pansuman değişimleri esnasında dijital kumpas
yardımı ile ölçümü yapıldı. Yara oluşturulan günden sonra 3., 7., 10. ve 13.
günlerde tüm gruplardan yara bölgesinden sağlam dokuyu da içine alacak şekilde
biyopsi örnekleri alındı ve histopatolojik olarak incelendi. Araştırmada elde edilen
veriler istatistiki olarak analiz edildi. En erken iyileşmenin şekillendiği
grubun, grup II olduğu ve sırasıyla bunu grup I, grup III, grup IV ve kontrol
grubunun takip ettiği saptandı. Histolojik değerlendirmelerde grup I ve grup II’ de
diğer gruplara göre epitelizasyon sürecinin daha kısa sürede izlendiği
saptandı. Çalışma sonucunda geleneksel olarak halk arasında kullanılan menengiç
yağının ve %50 oranında Centella asiatica
ekstratı içeren pomad karışımının bilimsel olarak bıldırcınlarda yara iyileşmesi
üzerine olumlu etkilerinin olduğu kanaatine varıldı.
- Alpay S, Bakır AS, Hazar Aİ, Güneş J, İzmir M, Ortaylı N, Polat S (2001). Dermatoloji In: Farma List Türkiye Tıbbi İlaç Rehberi, Güneş B (Ed), 753, Farma Tıp Yayıncılık, Ankara.
Baytop T (1984). Therapy with medicinal plants in Turkey. Istanbul University Publications Pub. No: 3255, Faculty of Pharmacy Pub. No: 40, Istanbul.
Biswas TK, Mukherjee B (2003). Plant medicines of Indian origin for wound healing activity: A Review. Lower Extr Wounds, 2, 25-39.
Brinkhaus B (1998). Centella asiatica in traditional and modern phytomedicine - a pharmacological and clinical profile - Part I: Botany chemistry preparations. Perfusion, 11, 466-474.
Brinkhaus B (1998). Centella asiatica in traditional and modern phyto-medicine - a pharmacological and clinical profile - Part II: Pharmacological and therapeutic profile, conclusions. Perfusion, 11, 508-520.
Dhifi W, Mnif W, Ouerhani B, Ghrissi K (2012). Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil from the seeds of pistacia terebinthus grown in Tunisia. J Essent Oil Bear Pl, 15, 582-588.
Garcia F, Blanco J, Carretero P, Herrero D, Juste S, Garces M, Perez R, Fuentes M (1999). Anaphylactic reactions to topical rifamycin. Allergy, 54, 527-528.
Gençcelep M, Aslan L, Yüksel H, Karasu A, Bakır B (2001). Otolog fibrin yapıştırıcının açık yara tedavisinde iyileşme üzerine etkisi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 12, 101-104.
Gerard CB, Terence JR, Chı-Keong O (1999). Traditional aproaches to wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology, 17, 93-98.
Geronemus RG, Mertz PM, Eaglstein WH (1979). Wound healing: The effects of topical antimicrobial agents. Arch Dermatol, 115, 1311-1314.
Göçer H (2013). Antioxidant properties of terebinth (pistacia terebin thus l.) seeds. IJAR, 5, 120-124.
Gökalp Özkorkmaz E, Özay Y (2009). Yara iyileşmesi ve yara iyileşmesinde kullanılan bazı bitkiler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 2, 63-67.
Biricik HS, Hayat A, Eraslan H, Tursun G (2004). Bir köpekte tissupor yara pedi ile kronik yara tedavisi: vaka takdimi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 15, 75-77.
Topçu G, Ay M, Bilici A, Sarıkürkcü C, Öztürk M, Ulubelen A (2007). A new flavone from antioxidant extracts of Pistacia terebinthus. Food Chemistry, 103, 816-822.
Hacıbekiroğlu I, Köseoğlu Yılmaz P, Haimi N, Kılınç E, Tolan V, Kolak U (2015). In vitro biological activities and fatty acid profiles of Pistacia terebinthus fruits and Pistacia khinjuk seeds. Natural Product Researc, 29, 444-446.
Kallehave F, Gottrup F (1996). Topical antibiotics used in the treatment of complex wounds. J Wound Care, 5, 158-160.
Khalil EA, Afifi FU, Al-Hussaini M (2007). Evaluation of the wound healing effect of some Jordanian traditional medicinal plants formulated in Pluronic F127 using mice (Musmusculus). J Ethnopharmacol, 109, 104-112.
Kumar B, Vijayakumar M, Govindarajan R, Pushpangadan P (2007). Ethnopharmacological approaches to wound healing – Exploring medicinal plants of India. J Ethnopharmacol, 114, 103-113.
Lubadie RP (1989). An ethnopharmacognostic approach to the search for immunomodulators of plant origin. Planta Med, 55, 339-348.
Maquart FX, Bellon G, Gillery P, Wegrowski Y (1990). Stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblast cultures by a triterpene extracted from Centella asiatica. Connect Tissue Res, 24, 107-120.
Moylan JA (1980). The proper use of local antimicrobial agents in wounds. World J. Surg, 4, 433-437.
Özcan MM, Tzakou O, Couladis M (2009). Essential oil composition of the turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus L.) fruits growing wild in Turkey. Food Chem, 114, 282-285.
Saydam İM, Yılmaz S, Seven E (2005). Topikal olarak uygulanan nitrofurazon ve rifamisin’in tam kalınlıkta yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkileri. CÜ Tıp Fak Derg, 27, 113-120.
Schmidt C, Fronza M, Goettert M, Geller F, Luik S, Flores EMM, Bittencourt CF, Zanetti GD, Heinzmann BM, Laufer S, Merfort I (2009). Biological studies on Brazilian plants used in wound healing. J Ethnopharmacol, 122, 523-532.
Shukla A, Rasik AM, Jain GK, Shankar R, Kulashrestha DK, Dhawan BN (1999). In vitro and in vivo wound healing activity of asiaticoside isolated from Centella asiatica. J Ethnopharmacol, 65, 1-11.
Ward RS, Saffle JR (1995). Topical agents in burn and wound care. Physical Therapy, 75, 526-538.
Yoshikawa, M (2001). Recent research on herbal medicines—characterization of bioactive constituents. Fragrance Journal, 29, 13-23.