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AB Ülkelerindeki Döngüsel Ekonomi Uygulamalarının Firma Performansına Etkisi Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma

Year 2023, , 37 - 52, 05.01.2023


Amaç: Döngüsel ekonomi bileşenlerinin firma performansına etkisini ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır.

Yöntem: Bu çalışmada döngüsel ekonomi ve firma performansı arasındaki ilişki 2020 yılında gerçekleştirilen Eurobarometer-SMEs, Start-ups, Scale-ups, and Entrepreneurship isimli çalışmanın veri seti kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmada döngüsel ekonomi bileşenleri; geri dönüşüm/yeniden kullanım, enerji tüketiminin azaltılması, enerjinin tasarruf edilmesi ve sürdürülebilir ürün üretimi olarak ele alınmıştır. Çalışma tüm Avrupa Birliği (AB) ülkeleri ve aday ülkelerde faaliyet gösteren Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli Firmalar (KOBİ’ler) için yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada bağımlı değişken olan cironun özelliğinden ötürü genelleştirilmiş sıralı logit yöntemi uygulanmıştır.

Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre; döngüsel ekonominin firma performansıyla olan ilişkisi anlamlı ve pozitiftir. Döngüsel ekonomi bileşenleri ayrı ayrı ele alındığında firmalar tüketimi azaltmak veya kaynak tasarrufu sağlamak gibi önlemlerin yanı sıra sürdürülebilirlik özelliği taşıyan ürün üretimine de yönlenmektedirler. Bu da geleceğe dair hem firma sahipleri hem de politika yapıcılar açısından sürdürülebilir ürün üretimi ve verimlilik ilişkisi ile ilgili önemli politika önerilerine işaret etmektedir.

Özgünlük: Döngüsel ekonomi ve firma performansı arasındaki ilişki hem AB ülkeleri hem de aday ülkelerin yer aldığı geniş kapsamlı ve güncel bir veri seti kullanılarak döngüsel ekonominin firma performansı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir.


  • Bag, S., Dhamija, P., Bryde, D.J. ve Singh, R.K. (2022). “Effect of Eco-Innovation on Green Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy Capability, and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises”, Journal of Business Research, 141, 60-72.
  • Bassi, F. ve Dias, J.G. (2019). “The Use Of Circular Economy Practices in SMEs across the EU”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,146, 523-33.
  • Binswanger, M. (2009). “Is There a Growth Imperative in Capitalist Economies? A Circular Flow Perspective”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 31, 707-727.
  • BMU (2018). “Waste Management in Germany 2018”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2022).
  • Brock, W. ve Scott,T. (2005). “Economic Growth and the Environment: A Review of Theory and Empirics”, Handbook of Economic Growth. Editor: Aghion, P. ve Durlauf, S. Birleşik Krallık,Elsevier, 1749-821.
  • Browne, D., O’Regan, B. ve Moles, R. (2009). “Use of Carbon Footprinting to Explore Alternative Household Waste Policy Scenarios in an Irish City-Region”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(2), 113-122.
  • Busu, M. ve Trica, C.L. (2019). “Sustainability of Circular Economy Indicators and Their Impact on Economic Growth of The European Union”, Sustainability, 11(19), 5481.
  • Busu, M. ve Gyorgy, A. (2016). “A. Real Convergence, Steps from Adherence to Integration”, Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18, 303-316.
  • Cai, Fan, R. (2019). “Regional Total Factor Energy Efficiency Evaluation of China: The Perspective of Social Welfare”, Sustainability, 11, 4093.
  • Cappa, F., Jeffrey, L., Oded N.,Luca, G. ve Maurizio P. (2016). “Activating Social Strategies: Face-to-Face Interaction in Technology-Mediated Citizen Science”, Journal of Environment Management, 182: 374-84. Circular Economy Club, (2019). year-in-review/, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.02.2022).
  • Clodnitchi, R. ve Busu, C. (2017). “Energy Poverty in Romania–Drivers, Effects and Possible Measures to Reduce its Effects and Number of People Affected”, International Conference on Business Excellence, Bükreş, Romanya, 138-45.
  • Cotae, C.E. (2015). “Regional Performances in the Context of a Transition towards the Circular Economy: Structuring the Assessment Framework”, Ecoforum Journal, 4, 1-5.
  • Cui, T. ve Zhang, Y. (2022). “Research on the Impact of Circular Economy on Total Factor Carbon Productivity in China”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 78780-78794.
  • Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., Mazzucchelli, A. ve Fiano, F. (2020). “Supply Chain Management in the Era of Circular Economy: The Moderating Effect of Big Data”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(2), 337-356.
  • Demirel, P. ve Danışman, G.O. (2019). “Eco‐Innovation And Firm Growth in the Circular Economy: Evidence from European Small and Medium‐Sized Enterprises”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(8), 1608-1618.
  • Döngüsel Ekonomi Rehberi (2020)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N.M. ve Hultink, E.J. (2017). “The Circular Economy–A New Sustainability Paradigm?”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757-768.
  • Geng Y., Jia F., Joseph S. ve Bing X. (2012). “Towards a National Circular Cconomy Indicator System in China: An Evaluation and Critical Analysis”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 23, 216-24.
  • George, D.A., Brian C.L. ve Yunmin, C. (2015). “A Circular Economy Model of Economic Growth”, Environmental Modelling & Software, 73, 60-63.
  • Ghisellini, P., Catia C. ve Sergio U. (2016). “A Review on Circular Economy: The Expected Transition to a Balanced Interplay of Environmental and Economic Systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11-32.
  • Gopal, A., Manu G., Serguei N. ve Matthew R. (2013). “The Impact of New Product Introduction on Plant Productivity in The North American Automotive Industry”, Management Science, 59, 2217-36.
  • Grossman, G. ve Krueger, A. (1995). “Economic Growth and the Environment”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 353-77.
  • Hart, S.L. ve Milstein, M.B. (1999). “Global Sustainability and the Creative Destruction of Industries”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 41, 23.
  • Henry, M., Bauwens, T., Hekkert, M. ve Kirchherr, J. (2019). “A Typology of Circular Start-Ups-An Analysis of 128 Circular Business Models”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 118528.
  • Horbach, J. ve Rammer, C. (2020). “Circular Economy Innovations, Growth and Employment at the Firm Level: Empirical Evidence from Germany”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(3), 615-625.
  • Kirchherr, J., Reike, D. ve Hekkert, M. (2017). “Conceptualizing the Circular Economy: an Analysis of 114 Definitions”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 127, 221-232.
  • Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A. ve Seppälä, J. (2018). “Circular Economy: The Concept and Its Limitations”, Ecological economics, 143, 37-46.
  • Kristoffersen, E., Mikalef, P., Blomsma, F. ve Li, J. (2021). “The Effects of Business Analytics Capability on Circular Economy Implementation, Resource Orchestration Capability, and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Production Economics, 239, 108-205.
  • Kwarteng, A., Simpson, S.N.Y. ve Agyenim-Boateng, C. (2021). “The Effects of Circular Economy Initiative Implementation on Business Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture”, Social Responsibility Journal, 18(7), 1311-1341.
  • Lieder, M. ve Rashid, A. (2016). “Towards Circular Economy Implementation: A Comprehensive Review in Context of Manufacturing Industry”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 115, 36-51.
  • Liu, L., Liang, Y., Song, Q. ve Li, J. (2017). “A Review of Waste Prevention through 3R Under the Concept of Circular Economy in China”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19(4), 1314-1323.
  • Lundvall, B. A. (1996). “The Social Dimension of the Learning Economy”, DRUID Working Papers, 96(1).
  • Lüdeke-Freund, F., Carroux, S., Joyce, A., Massa, L. ve Breuer, H. (2018). “The Sustainable Business Model Pattern Taxonomy-45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 15, 145-162.
  • Lyasnikov, N.V., Mikhail N.D., Vladimir D.S., Mikhail Y.V. ve Vera, G.A. (2014). “The National Innovation System: The Conditions of Its Making and Factors in Its Development”, Life Science Journal, 11, 535-538.
  • Moric, I., Jovanović, J.Š., Đoković, R., Peković, S. ve Perović, Đ. (2020). “The Effect of Phases of The Adoption of The Circular Economy on Firm Performance: Evidence From 28 EU Countries”, Sustainability, 12(6), 25-57.
  • Moriguchi, Y. (2007). “Material Flow Indicators to Measure Progress Toward a Sound Material-Cycle Society”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 9, 112-120.
  • OECD (2021)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Pearce, D.W. ve Turner, R.K. (1990). “Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment”, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Prieto-Sandoval, V.; Ormazabal, M.; Jaca, C. ve Viles, E. (2018). “Key Elements in Assessing Circular Economy Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 27, 1525-1534.
  • Rehman Khan, S.A., Yu, Z., Sarwat, S., Godil, D.I., Amin, S. ve Shujaat, S. (2021). “The Role of Block Chain Technology in Circular Economy Practices to Improve Organisational Performance”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 25(4-5), 605-622.
  • Rizos, V., Behrens, A., Kafyeke, T., Hirschnitz-Garbera ve M., Ioannou, A. (2015). “The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs”, CEPS Working Documents.
  • Rizos, V., Behrens, A., van der Gaast, W., Hofman, A., Ioannu, A., Kafyeke, T., Flamos, A., Rinaldi, R., Papadelis, S. ve Hirschnitz-Gabers, M. (2016). “Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models by Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs): Barriers and Enablers”, Sustainability, 8, 1212.
  • Sartal, A., Ozcelik, N. ve Rodriguez, M. (2020). “Bringing the Circular Economy Closer to Small and Medium Enterprises: Improving Water Circularity without Damaging Plant Productivity”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120363.
  • Stahel, W. ve Reday-Mulvey, G. (1976). “The Potential for Substituting Manpower for Energy, Report to the Commission of the European Communities”, Belçika.
  • Su, B., Heshmati, A. ve Yong G. (2013). “A Review of The Circular Economy in China: Moving from Rhetoric to Implementation”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 42, 215-227.
  • Taranic, I., Behrens, A. ve Topi, C. (2016). “Understanding the Circular Economy in Europe, From Resource Efficiency to Sharing Platforms: The CEPS Framework”, CEPS Special Reports, 143. TÜSİAD (2021)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Yang R. (2010). “Study on Institution Innovation of SEMs Circular Economy”, Economics Research Guide,75(1),183-185.
  • Yu, Z., Khan, S. A. R. ve Umar, M. (2021). “Circular Economy Practices and Industry 4.0 Technologies: A Strategic Move of Automobile Industry”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 31, 796-809.
  • Zamfir, A.M., Mocanu, C. ve Grigorescu, A. (2017).” Circular Economy and Decision Models among European SMEs”, Sustainability, 9, 1507.

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Circular Economy Practices on Firm Performance in EU Countries

Year 2023, , 37 - 52, 05.01.2023


Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of circular economy applications on firm performance.

In this study, the relationship between the circular economy and firm performance was examined using the dataset of the Eurobarometer-SMEs, Start-ups, Scale-ups, and Entrepreneurship study conducted in 2020. Circular economy components in the study includes recycling/reuse, reducing energy consumption, saving energy and producing sustainable products. The study was conducted for Small and Medium Sized Firms (SMEs) operating in all European Union (EU) countries. In the study, the generalized ordinal logit method was applied due to the characteristic of the dependent variable.

Results: According to the results of the study, the relationship between the circular economy and firm performance is significant and positive. In addition to the precautions such as reducing consumption and saving energy, firms have tendency to introduce sustainable products. This result indicates that policy actions should be designed targeting those actions by firm owners and policy makers.

Originality: The relationship between the circular economy and firm performance is examined using a comprehensive and up-to-date dataset including both EU countries and candidate countries, and the effect of the circular economy on firm performance.


  • Bag, S., Dhamija, P., Bryde, D.J. ve Singh, R.K. (2022). “Effect of Eco-Innovation on Green Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy Capability, and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises”, Journal of Business Research, 141, 60-72.
  • Bassi, F. ve Dias, J.G. (2019). “The Use Of Circular Economy Practices in SMEs across the EU”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,146, 523-33.
  • Binswanger, M. (2009). “Is There a Growth Imperative in Capitalist Economies? A Circular Flow Perspective”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 31, 707-727.
  • BMU (2018). “Waste Management in Germany 2018”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2022).
  • Brock, W. ve Scott,T. (2005). “Economic Growth and the Environment: A Review of Theory and Empirics”, Handbook of Economic Growth. Editor: Aghion, P. ve Durlauf, S. Birleşik Krallık,Elsevier, 1749-821.
  • Browne, D., O’Regan, B. ve Moles, R. (2009). “Use of Carbon Footprinting to Explore Alternative Household Waste Policy Scenarios in an Irish City-Region”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(2), 113-122.
  • Busu, M. ve Trica, C.L. (2019). “Sustainability of Circular Economy Indicators and Their Impact on Economic Growth of The European Union”, Sustainability, 11(19), 5481.
  • Busu, M. ve Gyorgy, A. (2016). “A. Real Convergence, Steps from Adherence to Integration”, Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18, 303-316.
  • Cai, Fan, R. (2019). “Regional Total Factor Energy Efficiency Evaluation of China: The Perspective of Social Welfare”, Sustainability, 11, 4093.
  • Cappa, F., Jeffrey, L., Oded N.,Luca, G. ve Maurizio P. (2016). “Activating Social Strategies: Face-to-Face Interaction in Technology-Mediated Citizen Science”, Journal of Environment Management, 182: 374-84. Circular Economy Club, (2019). year-in-review/, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.02.2022).
  • Clodnitchi, R. ve Busu, C. (2017). “Energy Poverty in Romania–Drivers, Effects and Possible Measures to Reduce its Effects and Number of People Affected”, International Conference on Business Excellence, Bükreş, Romanya, 138-45.
  • Cotae, C.E. (2015). “Regional Performances in the Context of a Transition towards the Circular Economy: Structuring the Assessment Framework”, Ecoforum Journal, 4, 1-5.
  • Cui, T. ve Zhang, Y. (2022). “Research on the Impact of Circular Economy on Total Factor Carbon Productivity in China”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 78780-78794.
  • Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., Mazzucchelli, A. ve Fiano, F. (2020). “Supply Chain Management in the Era of Circular Economy: The Moderating Effect of Big Data”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(2), 337-356.
  • Demirel, P. ve Danışman, G.O. (2019). “Eco‐Innovation And Firm Growth in the Circular Economy: Evidence from European Small and Medium‐Sized Enterprises”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(8), 1608-1618.
  • Döngüsel Ekonomi Rehberi (2020)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N.M. ve Hultink, E.J. (2017). “The Circular Economy–A New Sustainability Paradigm?”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757-768.
  • Geng Y., Jia F., Joseph S. ve Bing X. (2012). “Towards a National Circular Cconomy Indicator System in China: An Evaluation and Critical Analysis”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 23, 216-24.
  • George, D.A., Brian C.L. ve Yunmin, C. (2015). “A Circular Economy Model of Economic Growth”, Environmental Modelling & Software, 73, 60-63.
  • Ghisellini, P., Catia C. ve Sergio U. (2016). “A Review on Circular Economy: The Expected Transition to a Balanced Interplay of Environmental and Economic Systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 11-32.
  • Gopal, A., Manu G., Serguei N. ve Matthew R. (2013). “The Impact of New Product Introduction on Plant Productivity in The North American Automotive Industry”, Management Science, 59, 2217-36.
  • Grossman, G. ve Krueger, A. (1995). “Economic Growth and the Environment”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 353-77.
  • Hart, S.L. ve Milstein, M.B. (1999). “Global Sustainability and the Creative Destruction of Industries”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 41, 23.
  • Henry, M., Bauwens, T., Hekkert, M. ve Kirchherr, J. (2019). “A Typology of Circular Start-Ups-An Analysis of 128 Circular Business Models”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 118528.
  • Horbach, J. ve Rammer, C. (2020). “Circular Economy Innovations, Growth and Employment at the Firm Level: Empirical Evidence from Germany”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(3), 615-625.
  • Kirchherr, J., Reike, D. ve Hekkert, M. (2017). “Conceptualizing the Circular Economy: an Analysis of 114 Definitions”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 127, 221-232.
  • Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A. ve Seppälä, J. (2018). “Circular Economy: The Concept and Its Limitations”, Ecological economics, 143, 37-46.
  • Kristoffersen, E., Mikalef, P., Blomsma, F. ve Li, J. (2021). “The Effects of Business Analytics Capability on Circular Economy Implementation, Resource Orchestration Capability, and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Production Economics, 239, 108-205.
  • Kwarteng, A., Simpson, S.N.Y. ve Agyenim-Boateng, C. (2021). “The Effects of Circular Economy Initiative Implementation on Business Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture”, Social Responsibility Journal, 18(7), 1311-1341.
  • Lieder, M. ve Rashid, A. (2016). “Towards Circular Economy Implementation: A Comprehensive Review in Context of Manufacturing Industry”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 115, 36-51.
  • Liu, L., Liang, Y., Song, Q. ve Li, J. (2017). “A Review of Waste Prevention through 3R Under the Concept of Circular Economy in China”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19(4), 1314-1323.
  • Lundvall, B. A. (1996). “The Social Dimension of the Learning Economy”, DRUID Working Papers, 96(1).
  • Lüdeke-Freund, F., Carroux, S., Joyce, A., Massa, L. ve Breuer, H. (2018). “The Sustainable Business Model Pattern Taxonomy-45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 15, 145-162.
  • Lyasnikov, N.V., Mikhail N.D., Vladimir D.S., Mikhail Y.V. ve Vera, G.A. (2014). “The National Innovation System: The Conditions of Its Making and Factors in Its Development”, Life Science Journal, 11, 535-538.
  • Moric, I., Jovanović, J.Š., Đoković, R., Peković, S. ve Perović, Đ. (2020). “The Effect of Phases of The Adoption of The Circular Economy on Firm Performance: Evidence From 28 EU Countries”, Sustainability, 12(6), 25-57.
  • Moriguchi, Y. (2007). “Material Flow Indicators to Measure Progress Toward a Sound Material-Cycle Society”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 9, 112-120.
  • OECD (2021)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Pearce, D.W. ve Turner, R.K. (1990). “Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment”, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Prieto-Sandoval, V.; Ormazabal, M.; Jaca, C. ve Viles, E. (2018). “Key Elements in Assessing Circular Economy Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 27, 1525-1534.
  • Rehman Khan, S.A., Yu, Z., Sarwat, S., Godil, D.I., Amin, S. ve Shujaat, S. (2021). “The Role of Block Chain Technology in Circular Economy Practices to Improve Organisational Performance”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 25(4-5), 605-622.
  • Rizos, V., Behrens, A., Kafyeke, T., Hirschnitz-Garbera ve M., Ioannou, A. (2015). “The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs”, CEPS Working Documents.
  • Rizos, V., Behrens, A., van der Gaast, W., Hofman, A., Ioannu, A., Kafyeke, T., Flamos, A., Rinaldi, R., Papadelis, S. ve Hirschnitz-Gabers, M. (2016). “Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models by Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs): Barriers and Enablers”, Sustainability, 8, 1212.
  • Sartal, A., Ozcelik, N. ve Rodriguez, M. (2020). “Bringing the Circular Economy Closer to Small and Medium Enterprises: Improving Water Circularity without Damaging Plant Productivity”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120363.
  • Stahel, W. ve Reday-Mulvey, G. (1976). “The Potential for Substituting Manpower for Energy, Report to the Commission of the European Communities”, Belçika.
  • Su, B., Heshmati, A. ve Yong G. (2013). “A Review of The Circular Economy in China: Moving from Rhetoric to Implementation”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 42, 215-227.
  • Taranic, I., Behrens, A. ve Topi, C. (2016). “Understanding the Circular Economy in Europe, From Resource Efficiency to Sharing Platforms: The CEPS Framework”, CEPS Special Reports, 143. TÜSİAD (2021)., (Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2022).
  • Yang R. (2010). “Study on Institution Innovation of SEMs Circular Economy”, Economics Research Guide,75(1),183-185.
  • Yu, Z., Khan, S. A. R. ve Umar, M. (2021). “Circular Economy Practices and Industry 4.0 Technologies: A Strategic Move of Automobile Industry”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 31, 796-809.
  • Zamfir, A.M., Mocanu, C. ve Grigorescu, A. (2017).” Circular Economy and Decision Models among European SMEs”, Sustainability, 9, 1507.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Derya Fındık 0000-0002-3002-4391

Publication Date January 5, 2023
Submission Date April 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Fındık, D. (2023). AB Ülkelerindeki Döngüsel Ekonomi Uygulamalarının Firma Performansına Etkisi Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma. Verimlilik Dergisi37-52.

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