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Year 2021, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 168 - 180, 29.12.2021


Süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde sürdürülebilir üretim ve verimlilik için en önemli faktörlerden biri döl verimidir. İşletme ölçeğine bağlı olarak, verimliliği artırabilmek için çeşitli yaklaşımlar kullanılmaktadır. Bunlar, seksüel aktivitenin gözlenmesi, sensör teknolojilerinin kullanımı, endokrin ölçümler ve hormon müdahaleleridir. Son elli yıl içinde, işletmelerdeki hayvan sayısının artışı, insan faktöründen kaynaklı kayıpları artırmıştır. Bu nedenle, sürülerde üremenin denetlenmesinde diğer teknolojik yaklaşımlara göre daha ucuz olan hormon uygulamaları yaygın hale gelmiştir. Bu amaçla prostaglandin F2-alfa (PGF2α) analogları, gonadotropin salıcı hormon (GnRH) analogları, progesteron, östradiol (E2), gebe kısrak serum gonadotropini (PMSG), insan koriyonik gonadotropini (hCG) gibi hormonlar veteriner hekimlikte geniş bir uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Üreme hormonlarının analog formlarının kullanımıyla çeşitli östrusun, foliküler gelişimin ve ovulasyonun senkronize edildiği programlar geliştirilmiştir. Bunların en yaygın kullanılanları, hedeflenmiş tohumlama programı, modifiye edilmiş hedef tohumlama programı, ov-synch, presenkronizasyon uygulanan ov-synch, progesteronla desteklenmiş ov-synch, double (çift) ov-synch programlarıdır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Adams, G. P., & Singh, J. (2021). Ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle. In, Richard M. Hopper DVM, Diplomat ACT. Editors. Bovine reproduction. 2nd ed. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; pp. 292-323.
  • Ahlawat, A. R., Ghodasara, S. N., Dongre, V. B., Gajbhiye, P. U., Murthy, K. S., Savaliya, K. B., & Vataliya, P. H. (2015). Estrus induction and conception rate with single and double dose of PGF2α in Jaffrabadi buffaloes. Asian J Anim Sci, 10(1), 54-57.
  • Alkar, A., Tibary, A., Wenz, J. R., Nebel, R. L., & Kasimanickam, R. (2011). Presynchronization with GnRH 7 days prior to resynchronization with CO-Synch did not improve pregnancy rate in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 76(6), 1036-1041.
  • Alvarez, R. H., Bayeux, B. M., Joaquim, D. A., Watanabe, Y. F., & Humblot, P. (2021). Antral follicle count, oocyte production and embryonic developmental competence of senescent Nellore (Bos indicus) cows. Theriogenology, 174, 27-35.
  • Ambrose, D. J., Schmitt, E. J., Lopes, F. L., Mattos, R. C., & Thatcher, W. W. (2004). Ovarian and endocrine responses associated with the treatment of cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cows with gonadotropin releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2α, with or without exogenous progesterone. Can Vet J, 45(11), 931.
  • Baranski, W., Nowicki, A., & Zduńczyk, S. (2021). Comparison of efficacy of Ovsynch protocol to single PGF2α administration in treatment of individual dairy cows with post-service subestrus. Pol J Vet Sci, 351-354.
  • Bartolome, J. A., Sozzi, A., McHale J., Mendelez, P., Arteche A. C. M., Silvestre F. T., Kelbert, D., Swift, K., Archbald, L. F., & Thatcher, W. W. (2005). Resynchronization of ovulation and timed insemination in lactating dairy cows, II: assigning protocols according to stages of the estrous cycle, or presence of ovarian cysts or anestrus. Theriogenology 63 (2005) 1628 - 1642.
  • Bergfeld, E. G. M., Kojima, F. N., Cupp, A. S., Wehrman, M. E., Peters, K. E., Mariscal, V., Sanchez, T., & Kinder, J. E. (1996). Changing dose of progesterone results in sudden changes in frequency of luteinizing hormone pulses and secretion of 17β-estradiol in bovine females. Biology Reprod, 54(3), 546-553.
  • Bihon, A., & Assefa, A. (2021). Prostaglandin based estrus synchronization in cattle: A review. Cogent Food Agric, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Bisinotto, R. S., Ribeiro, E. S., Martins, L. T., Marsola, R. S., Greco, L. F., Favoreto, M. G., Risco, C. A., Thatcher, W. W., & Santos, J. E. P. (2010). Effect of interval between induction of ovulation and artificial insemination (AI) and supplemental progesterone for resynchronization on fertility of dairy cows subjected to a 5-d timed AI program. J Dairy Sci, 93(12), 5798-5808.
  • Bisinotto, R. S., Ribeiro, E. S., & Santos, J. E. P. (2014). Synchronisation of ovulation for management of reproduction in dairy cows. Animal, 8(s1), 151-159.
  • Bo, G. A., Adams, G. P., Pierson, R. A., Tribulo, H. E., Caccia, M., & Mapletoft, R. J. (1994). Follicular wave dynamics after estradiol-17β treatment of heifers with or without a progestogen implant. Theriogenology, 41(8), 1555-1569.
  • Carvalho, P. D., Fuenzalida, M. J., Ricci, A., Souza, A. H., Barletta, R. V., Wiltbank, M. C., & Fricke, P. M. (2015). Modifications to Ovsynch improve fertility during resynchronization: Evaluation of presynchronization with gonadotropin-releasing hormone 6 d before initiation of Ovsynch and addition of a second prostaglandin F2α treatment. J Dairy Sci, 98(12), 8741-8752.
  • Crowe, M. A., Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2018). Reproductive management in dairy cows-the future. Ir Vet J, 71(1), 1-13.
  • DeJarnette, J. M., & Marshall, C. E. (2003). Effects of pre-synchronization using combinations PGF2α and (or) GnRH on pregnancy rates of Ovsynch-and Cosynch-treated lactating Holstein cows. Anim Reprod Sci, 77(1-2), 51-60.
  • Denicol, A. C., Lopes Jr, G., Mendonça, L. G. D., Rivera, F. A., Guagnini, F., Perez, R. V., Lima, J. R., Bruno, R. G. S., Santos, J. E. P., & Chebel, R. C. (2012). Low progesterone concentration during the development of the first follicular wave reduces pregnancy per insemination of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 95(4), 1794-1806.
  • Douthwaite, R., & Dobson, H. (2000). Comparison of different methods of diagnosis of cystic ovarian disease in cattle and an assessment of its treatment with a progesterone‐releasing intravaginaI device. Vet Rec, 147(13), 355-359.
  • Drillich, M., Tenhagen, B. A., & Heuwieser, W. (2000). Effect of one spontaneous estrus cycle (after synchronization with PGF2α) on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 54(9), 1389-1394.
  • Folman, Y., Kaim, M., Herz, Z., & Rosenberg, M. (1990). Comparison of methods for the synchronization of estrous cycles in dairy cows. 2. Effects of progesterone and parity on conception. J Dairy Sci, 73(10), 2817-2825.
  • Forde, N., Beltman, M. E., Lonergan, P., Diskin, M., Roche, J. F., & Crowe, M. A. (2011). Oestrous cycles in bos taurus cattle. Anim Reprod Sci, 124, 163-169.
  • Fortune, J. E., Rivera, G. M., & Yang, M. Y. (2004). Follicular development: the role of the follicular microenvironment in selection of the dominant follicle. Anim Reprod Sci, 82, 109-126.
  • Fricke, P. M., Guenther, J. N., & Wiltbank, M. C. (1998). Efficacy of decreasing the dose of GnRH used in a protocol for synchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 50(8), 1275-1284.
  • Fricke, P. M., Carvalho, P. D., Giordano, J. O., Valenza, A., Lopes, G., & Amundson, M. C. (2014a). Expression and detection of estrus in dairy cows: the role of new technologies. Animal, 8(s1), 134-143.
  • Fricke, P. M., Giordano, J. O., Valenza, A., Lopes Jr, G., Amundson, M. C., & Carvalho, P. D. (2014b). Reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows managed for first service using timed artificial insemination with or without detection of estrus using an activity-monitoring system. J Dairy Sci, 97(5), 2771-2781.
  • Ginther, O. (2000). Selection of the dominant follicle in cattle and horses. Anim Reprod Sci, 60, 61-79.
  • Ginther, O. J., Beg, M. A., Donadeu, F. X., & Bergfelt, D. R. (2003). Mechanism of follicle deviation in monovular farm species. Anim Reprod Sci, 78(3-4), 239-257.
  • Giordano, J. O., Fricke, P. M., Guenther, J. N., Lopes Jr, G., Herlihy, M. M., Nascimento, A. B., & Wiltbank, M. C. (2012a). Effect of progesterone on magnitude of the luteinizing hormone surge induced by two different doses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 95(7), 3781-3793.
  • Giordano, J. O., Wiltbank, M. C., Guenther, J. N., Pawlisch, R., Bas, S., Cunha, A. P., & Fricke, P. M. (2012b). Increased fertility in lactating dairy cows resynchronized with Double-Ovsynch compared with Ovsynch initiated 32 d after timed artificial insemination. J Dairy Sci, 95(2), 639-653.
  • Gordon, I. (2003). Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos. 2nd ed. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing International
  • Göçen, M., Kanca, H., Kafkas, Ö., & Güleç, F. M. (2021). Identification of ruminating behavior in cattle using 3 axis accelerometers sensor based ear tag. 6th National and 2nd International Herd Health and Management E-Congress (HHM-2021), Turkey, 2021, 151-152.
  • Gümen, A., Guenther, J. N., & Wiltbank, M. C. (2003). Follicular size and response to Ovsynch versus detection of estrus in anovular and ovular lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 86(10), 3184-3194.
  • Herlihy, M. M., Giordano, O.J., Souza, A. H., Ayres, H., Ferreirai R. M., Keskin, A., & Nascimento, A. B. (2012). Presynchronization with Double-Ovsynch improves fertility at first postpartum artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 95(12),7003–7014.
  • Keskin, A., Yilmazbas-Mecitoglu, G., Gumen, A., Karakaya, E., Darici, R., & Okut, H. (2010). Effect of hCG vs. GnRH at the beginning of the Ovsynch on first ovulation and conception rates in cyclic lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 74(4), 602-607.
  • Lamb, G. C., Stevenson, J.S., Kesler, D. J., Garverick, H. A., Brown, D. R., & Salfen, B. E. (2001). Inclusion of an intravaginal progesterone insert plus GnRH and prostaglandin F2α for ovulation control in postpartum suckled beef cows. J Anim Sci, 79(9), 2253-2259.
  • Lamb, G. C., Smith, M. F., Perry, G. A., Atkins, J. A., Risley, M. E., Busch, D. C., & Patterson, D. J. (2010). Reproductive endocrinology and hormonal control of the estrous cycle. The Bovine Practitioner, 18-26.
  • Lucy, M. C., McDougall, S., & Nation, D. P. (2004). The use of hormonal treatments to improve the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows in feedlot or pasture-based management systems. Anim Reprod Sci, 82, 495-512.
  • Lucy, M. C. (2007). The bovine dominant ovarian follicle. J Anim Sci, 85(suppl_13), E89-E99.
  • Macmillan, K. L., & Peterson, A. J. (1993). A new intravaginal progesterone releasing device for cattle (CIDR-B) for oestrous synchronisation, increasing pregnancy rates and the treatment of post-partum anoestrus. Anim Reprod Sci, 33(1-4), 1-25.
  • Macmillan, K. L., & Thatcher, W. W. (1991). Effects of an agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone on ovarian follicles in cattle. Biol Reprod, 45(6), 883-889.
  • McDougall, S. (2010). Effects of treatment of anestrous dairy cows with gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin, and progesterone. J Dairy Sci, 93(5), 1944-1959.
  • McDougall, S., Heuer, C., Morton, J., & Brownlie, T. (2014). Use of herd management programmes to improve the reproductive performance of dairy cattle. Animal, 8(s1), 199-210.
  • Mihm, M., Baguisi, A., Boland, M. P., & Roche, J. F. (1994). Association between the duration of dominance of the ovulatory follicle and pregnancy rate in beef heifers. J Reprod Infertil, 102(1), 123-130.
  • Mihm, M., Crowe, M. A., Knight, P. G., & Austin, E. J. (2002). Follicle wave growth in cattle. Reprod Domest Anim, 37(4), 191-200.
  • Murugavel, K., Yániz, J. L., Santolaria, P., López-Béjar, M., & López-Gatius, F. (2003). Prostaglandin based estrus synchronization in postpartum dairy cows: An Update. J Appl Res Vet Med, 1(1), 51-65.
  • Navanukraw, C., Redmer, D. A., Reynolds, L. P., Kirsch, J. D., Grazul-Bilska, A. T., & Fricke, P. M. (2004). A modified presynchronization protocol improves fertility to timed artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 87(5), 1551-1557.
  • Nebel, R. L., & Jobst, S. M. (1998). Evaluation of systematic breeding programs for lactating dairy cows: a review. J Dairy Sci, 81(4), 1169-1174.
  • Nowicki, A., Baranski, W., Baryczka, A., & Janowski, T. (2017). OvSynch protocol and its modifications in the reproduction management of dairy cattle herds–an update. J Vet Res, 61(3), 329.
  • Patterson, D. J., Nieman, N. M., Nelson, L. D., Nelson, C. F., Schillo, K. K., Bullock, K. D., Brophy, D. T., & Woods, B. L. (1997). Estrus synchronization with an oral progestogen prior to superovulation of postpartum beef cows. Theriogenology, 48(6), 1025-1033.
  • Pfeifer, L. F. M., Siqueira, L. G., Mapletoft, R. J., Kastelic, J. P., Adams, G. P., Colazo, M. G., & Singh, J. (2009). Effects of exogenous progesterone and cloprostenol on ovarian follicular development and first ovulation in prepubertal heifers. Theriogenology, 72(8), 1054-1064.
  • Pursley, J. R., Mee, M. O., & Wiltbank, M. C. (1995). Synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows using PGF2α and GnRH. Theriogenology, 44(7), 915-923.
  • Pursley, J. R., Wiltbank, M. C., Stevenson, J. S., Ottobre, J. S., Garverick, H. A., & Anderson, L. L. (1997). Pregnancy rates per artificial insemination for cows and heifers inseminated at a synchronized ovulation or synchronized estrus. J Dairy Sci, 80(2), 295-300.
  • Rhodes, F. M., McDougall, S., Burke, C. R., Verkerk, G. A., & Macmillan, K. L. (2003). Invited review: treatment of cows with an extended postpartum anestrous interval. J Dairy Sci, 86(6), 1876-1894.
  • Ribeiro, E. S., Bisinotto, R. S., Favoreto, M. G., Martins, L. T., Cerri, R. L. A., Silvestre, F. T., Grecoa, L. F., Thatchera, W. W., & Santos, J. E. P. (2012). Fertility in dairy cows following presynchronization and administering twice the luteolytic dose of prostaglandin F2α as one or two injections in the 5-day timed artificial insemination protocol. Theriogenology, 78(2), 273-284.
  • Romereim, S. M., Tenley, S. C., Abedal-Majed Majed, M. A., Bergman, J. W., Kurz, S. G., Davis, J. S., Wood, J. R., & Cupp, A. S. (2018). Letrozole: A Steroid-Free Estrous Synchronization Method. Nebraska Beef Cattle Reports. 960. Ryan, D. P., Snijders, S., Yaakub, H., & O’Farrell, K. J. (1995). An evaluation of estrus synchronization programs in reproductive management of dairy herds. J Anim Sci, 73(12), 3687-3695.
  • Schüller, L. K., Michaelis, I., & Heuwieser, W. (2017). Impact of heat stress on estrus expression and follicle size in estrus under field conditions in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 102, 48-53.
  • Schweinzer, V., Gusterer, E., Kanz, P., Krieger, S., Süss, D., Lidauer, L., Berger, A., Kickinger, F., Ohlschuster, M., Auer, W., Drillich, M., & Iwersen, M. (2019). Evaluation of an ear-attached accelerometer for detecting estrus events in indoor housed dairy cows. Theriogenology, 130, 19-25.
  • Souza, A. H., Ayres, H., Ferreira, R. M., & Wiltbank, M. C. (2008). A new presynchronization system (Double-Ovsynch) increases fertility at first postpartum timed AI in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 70(2), 208-215. Stevenson, J. S., Lucy, M. C., & Call, E. P. (1987). Failure of timed inseminations and associated luteal function in dairy cattle after two injections of prostaglandin F2-alpha. Theriogenology, 28(6), 937-946.
  • Stevenson, J. S. (2001). Reproductive management of dairy cows in high milk-producing herds. J Dairy Sci, 84, E128-E143.
  • Stevenson, J. L., Rodrigues, J. A., Braga, F. A., Bitente, S., Dalton, J. C., Santos, J. E. P., & Chebel, R. C. (2008). Effect of breeding protocols and reproductive tract score on reproductive performance of dairy heifers and economic outcome of breeding programs. J Dairy Sci, 91(9), 3424-3438.
  • Stevenson, J. S., Pulley, S. L., & Mellieon Jr, H. I. (2012). Prostaglandin F2α and gonadotropin-releasing hormone administration improve progesterone status, luteal number, and proportion of ovular and anovular dairy cows with corpora lutea before a timed artificial insemination program. J Dairy Sci, 95(4), 1831-1844.
  • Walsh, R. B., Kelton, D. F., Duffield, T. F., Leslie, K. E., Walton, J. S., & LeBlanc, S. J. (2007). Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum anovulatory condition in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 90(1), 315-324.
  • Webb, R., Nicholas, B., Gong, J. G., Campbell, B. K., Gutierrez, C. G., Garverick, H. A., & Armstrong, D. G. (2003). Mechanisms regulating follicular development and selection of the dominant follicle. Reprod Suppl, 61, 71-90 . Wiltbank, M. C., Gümen, A., & Sartori, R. (2002). Physiological classification of anovulatory conditions in cattle. Theriogenology, 57(1), 21-52.
  • Wiltbank, M. C., Sartori, R., Herlihy, M. M., Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Nascimento, A. B., Souza, A. H., Ayres, H., Cunha, A. P., Keskin, A., Guenther, J. N., & Gumen, A. (2011). Managing the dominant follicle in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 76(9), 1568-1582.


Year 2021, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 168 - 180, 29.12.2021


Reproduction is one of the most important factor for sustainability and productivity in dairy farm management. Depending on the capacity of the herds, various approaches are used in management. These are the visual observation of the sexual activities, adaptation of sensory technologies, endocrine measurements, and hormone interventions. In the last fifty years, managery of the herds had an effort to minimize the losses due to human-caused. Thus, the hormone applications, which are cheaper than the other technological approaches, are preferred by the farm managements. Reproductive hormones, such as prostaglandin-F2-alpha (PGF2α) analogues, gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues, progesterone, estradiol (E2), pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been widely used in veterinary medicine. By use of these reproductive hormones, the estrous cycle, follicular development, and ovulation can be synchronized in a schedule. The most commonly used programs are targeted insemination program, modified targeted insemination program, ov-synch, ov-synch with presynchronization, ov-synch supplemented with progesterone, and double (double) ov-synch program.

Project Number



  • Adams, G. P., & Singh, J. (2021). Ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle. In, Richard M. Hopper DVM, Diplomat ACT. Editors. Bovine reproduction. 2nd ed. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; pp. 292-323.
  • Ahlawat, A. R., Ghodasara, S. N., Dongre, V. B., Gajbhiye, P. U., Murthy, K. S., Savaliya, K. B., & Vataliya, P. H. (2015). Estrus induction and conception rate with single and double dose of PGF2α in Jaffrabadi buffaloes. Asian J Anim Sci, 10(1), 54-57.
  • Alkar, A., Tibary, A., Wenz, J. R., Nebel, R. L., & Kasimanickam, R. (2011). Presynchronization with GnRH 7 days prior to resynchronization with CO-Synch did not improve pregnancy rate in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 76(6), 1036-1041.
  • Alvarez, R. H., Bayeux, B. M., Joaquim, D. A., Watanabe, Y. F., & Humblot, P. (2021). Antral follicle count, oocyte production and embryonic developmental competence of senescent Nellore (Bos indicus) cows. Theriogenology, 174, 27-35.
  • Ambrose, D. J., Schmitt, E. J., Lopes, F. L., Mattos, R. C., & Thatcher, W. W. (2004). Ovarian and endocrine responses associated with the treatment of cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cows with gonadotropin releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2α, with or without exogenous progesterone. Can Vet J, 45(11), 931.
  • Baranski, W., Nowicki, A., & Zduńczyk, S. (2021). Comparison of efficacy of Ovsynch protocol to single PGF2α administration in treatment of individual dairy cows with post-service subestrus. Pol J Vet Sci, 351-354.
  • Bartolome, J. A., Sozzi, A., McHale J., Mendelez, P., Arteche A. C. M., Silvestre F. T., Kelbert, D., Swift, K., Archbald, L. F., & Thatcher, W. W. (2005). Resynchronization of ovulation and timed insemination in lactating dairy cows, II: assigning protocols according to stages of the estrous cycle, or presence of ovarian cysts or anestrus. Theriogenology 63 (2005) 1628 - 1642.
  • Bergfeld, E. G. M., Kojima, F. N., Cupp, A. S., Wehrman, M. E., Peters, K. E., Mariscal, V., Sanchez, T., & Kinder, J. E. (1996). Changing dose of progesterone results in sudden changes in frequency of luteinizing hormone pulses and secretion of 17β-estradiol in bovine females. Biology Reprod, 54(3), 546-553.
  • Bihon, A., & Assefa, A. (2021). Prostaglandin based estrus synchronization in cattle: A review. Cogent Food Agric, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Bisinotto, R. S., Ribeiro, E. S., Martins, L. T., Marsola, R. S., Greco, L. F., Favoreto, M. G., Risco, C. A., Thatcher, W. W., & Santos, J. E. P. (2010). Effect of interval between induction of ovulation and artificial insemination (AI) and supplemental progesterone for resynchronization on fertility of dairy cows subjected to a 5-d timed AI program. J Dairy Sci, 93(12), 5798-5808.
  • Bisinotto, R. S., Ribeiro, E. S., & Santos, J. E. P. (2014). Synchronisation of ovulation for management of reproduction in dairy cows. Animal, 8(s1), 151-159.
  • Bo, G. A., Adams, G. P., Pierson, R. A., Tribulo, H. E., Caccia, M., & Mapletoft, R. J. (1994). Follicular wave dynamics after estradiol-17β treatment of heifers with or without a progestogen implant. Theriogenology, 41(8), 1555-1569.
  • Carvalho, P. D., Fuenzalida, M. J., Ricci, A., Souza, A. H., Barletta, R. V., Wiltbank, M. C., & Fricke, P. M. (2015). Modifications to Ovsynch improve fertility during resynchronization: Evaluation of presynchronization with gonadotropin-releasing hormone 6 d before initiation of Ovsynch and addition of a second prostaglandin F2α treatment. J Dairy Sci, 98(12), 8741-8752.
  • Crowe, M. A., Hostens, M., & Opsomer, G. (2018). Reproductive management in dairy cows-the future. Ir Vet J, 71(1), 1-13.
  • DeJarnette, J. M., & Marshall, C. E. (2003). Effects of pre-synchronization using combinations PGF2α and (or) GnRH on pregnancy rates of Ovsynch-and Cosynch-treated lactating Holstein cows. Anim Reprod Sci, 77(1-2), 51-60.
  • Denicol, A. C., Lopes Jr, G., Mendonça, L. G. D., Rivera, F. A., Guagnini, F., Perez, R. V., Lima, J. R., Bruno, R. G. S., Santos, J. E. P., & Chebel, R. C. (2012). Low progesterone concentration during the development of the first follicular wave reduces pregnancy per insemination of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 95(4), 1794-1806.
  • Douthwaite, R., & Dobson, H. (2000). Comparison of different methods of diagnosis of cystic ovarian disease in cattle and an assessment of its treatment with a progesterone‐releasing intravaginaI device. Vet Rec, 147(13), 355-359.
  • Drillich, M., Tenhagen, B. A., & Heuwieser, W. (2000). Effect of one spontaneous estrus cycle (after synchronization with PGF2α) on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 54(9), 1389-1394.
  • Folman, Y., Kaim, M., Herz, Z., & Rosenberg, M. (1990). Comparison of methods for the synchronization of estrous cycles in dairy cows. 2. Effects of progesterone and parity on conception. J Dairy Sci, 73(10), 2817-2825.
  • Forde, N., Beltman, M. E., Lonergan, P., Diskin, M., Roche, J. F., & Crowe, M. A. (2011). Oestrous cycles in bos taurus cattle. Anim Reprod Sci, 124, 163-169.
  • Fortune, J. E., Rivera, G. M., & Yang, M. Y. (2004). Follicular development: the role of the follicular microenvironment in selection of the dominant follicle. Anim Reprod Sci, 82, 109-126.
  • Fricke, P. M., Guenther, J. N., & Wiltbank, M. C. (1998). Efficacy of decreasing the dose of GnRH used in a protocol for synchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 50(8), 1275-1284.
  • Fricke, P. M., Carvalho, P. D., Giordano, J. O., Valenza, A., Lopes, G., & Amundson, M. C. (2014a). Expression and detection of estrus in dairy cows: the role of new technologies. Animal, 8(s1), 134-143.
  • Fricke, P. M., Giordano, J. O., Valenza, A., Lopes Jr, G., Amundson, M. C., & Carvalho, P. D. (2014b). Reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows managed for first service using timed artificial insemination with or without detection of estrus using an activity-monitoring system. J Dairy Sci, 97(5), 2771-2781.
  • Ginther, O. (2000). Selection of the dominant follicle in cattle and horses. Anim Reprod Sci, 60, 61-79.
  • Ginther, O. J., Beg, M. A., Donadeu, F. X., & Bergfelt, D. R. (2003). Mechanism of follicle deviation in monovular farm species. Anim Reprod Sci, 78(3-4), 239-257.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences
Journal Section Review

Mehmet Cengiz 0000-0001-9913-3468

Vefa Tohumcu 0000-0003-4062-7513

Project Number Bulunmamaktadır
Publication Date December 29, 2021
Acceptance Date December 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Cengiz, M., & Tohumcu, V. (2021). SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE ÖSTRUS SİKLUSUNUN, FOLİKÜLER GELİŞİMİN ve OVULASYONUN HORMONAL KONTROLÜ. Veteriner Farmakoloji Ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 12(3), 168-180.

Cited By

Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni