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Yoksulluk ve Suç: Ceza Adaleti Üzerine Sınıfsal Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2021, , 55 - 75, 27.12.2021


Ana akım kriminolojinin kabullerini sorgulayan eleştirel kriminoloji, pek çok kriminolojik perspektifi içeren bir çatı kavramdır. Her ne kadar Marx suçluluğa ilişkin özellikle çalışmamış olsa da eleştirel kriminolojinin kökleri onun yazdıklarına dayanır. Eleştirel kriminologlara göre; ceza adaleti sistemi üst sınıfların pozisyonlarını korumada ideolojik bir rol oynar. Öyle ki, kimi akademisyenler ceza adaleti sisteminin esasen yoksul insanları kontrol etmek amacıyla tasarlandığını savunurlar. İlk olarak, alt sınıftan bireylerin gerçekleştirdiği eylemlerin suç olarak etiketlenmesi daha olasıdır. İkinci olarak, ceza adaleti sisteminin üst sınıfa mensup bireylere kıyasla yoksul bireyleri soruşturması, yargılaması ve cezalandırması muhtemeldir. Bu makalede, Marksist kriminologların argümanları Türkçe ve İngilizce çalışmalar ışığında irdelenecektir.


  • Anderson, David A. (2011). The cost of crime. Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 7(3), 209-265.
  • Akciğer Kanserleri Derneği, Akciğer Sağlığı ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Türk Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği, Türkiye Kanser Enstitüsü̈ ve Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği. (2018). Türkiye’de akciğer kanseri.
  • Akers, Ronald L. (1999). Criminological theories: Introduction and evaluation. New York: Routledge.
  • Artuk, Mehmet E., Gökcen, A., Alşahin, M. E. ve Çakır, K. (2020). Ceza hukuku genel hükümler. Ankara: Adalet.
  • Barkan, Steven E. (2018). Criminology: A sociological understanding. New York: Pearson.
  • Betran, Ana P., Ye, J., Moller, A., Souza, Joao P. ve Zhang, J. (2021). Trends and projections of caesarean section rates: global and regional estimates. BMJ Global Health, 2021(6), 1-8.
  • Bonger, W. (1916). Criminality and economic conditions (H. P. Horton, Çev.). Boston: Little Brown.
  • Caravelis, C. ve Robinson, M. (2016). Social justice, criminal justice: The role of American law in effecting and preventing social change. New York: Routledge.
  • Carlin, Jerome E. ve Howard, J. (1965). Legal representation and class justice. UCLA Law Review, 12(2), 381-437.
  • Costelloe, Michael T. ve Michalowski, Raymond J. (2009). Social class and justice. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st century criminology: A reference handbook (pp. 153-161). California: Sage.
  • Cowling, M. (2008). Marxism and criminological theory: A critique and a toolkit. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Demirbaş, T. (2020). Kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Dolu, O. (2012). Suç teorileri: Teori, araştırma ve uygulamada kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Engels, F. (2010). İngiltere’de emekçi sınıfın durumu (Y. Fincancı, Çev.). Ankara: Sol.
  • Fattah, Ezzat A. (1997). Criminology: Past, present and future. London: Macmillan.
  • Frailing, K. ve Harper, Dee W. (2016). Fundamentals of criminology: New dimensions. Durham: Carolina Academic Press. Friedrichs, David O. (2009). Critical criminology. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st century criminology: A reference handbook (pp. 210-218). California: Sage.
  • Günşen İçli, T. (2019). Kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Heffernan, William C. ve Kleinig, J. (2000). Introduction. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 1-23). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hipp, John R. (2007). Income inequality, race and place: Does the distribution of race and class within neighborhoods affect crime rates?. Criminology, 45(3), 665-697.
  • Hudson, B. (2000). Punishing the poor: Dilemma of justice and difference. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 189-216). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Işıktaç, Y. (2020). Adalet psikolojisi. İstanbul: Sümer.
  • Johnson, Jeffery L. ve Johnson, Colleen F. (2001). Poverty and the death penalty. Journal of Economic Issues, 35(2), 517-523.
  • Karmen, A. (2000). Poverty, crime and criminal justice. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 25-46). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Karmen, A. (2015). Crime victims. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Kujala, P., Kallio, J. ve Niemela, M. (2019). Income inequality, poverty and fear of crime in Europe. Cross-Cultural Research, 53(2), 163-185.
  • Lynch, Michael J. (1994). Crime and Law. In P. McGuire ve D. McQuarie (Ed.), From the left bank to the mainstream: Historical debates and contemporary research in Marxist sociology (pp. 257-276), New York: General Hall.
  • Marx, K. ve Engels, F. (2013). Alman ideolojisi (T. Ok ve O. Geridönmez, Çev.). İstanbul: Evrensel.
  • Morgan, Rachel E. ve Truman, Jennifer L. (2020). Criminal victimization 2019. USA: Office of Justice Programs.
  • Mustard, David B. (2001). Racial, ethnic and gender disparities in sentencing: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts. The Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 285-314.
  • Newburn, T. (2017). Criminology. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Quinney, R. (1973). Critique of legal order. Boston: Little Brown.
  • Pantazis, C. (2000). ‘Fear of crime’, vulnerability and poverty. The British Journal of Criminology, 40(3), 414-436.
  • Reiman, J. (2001). The rich get richer and the poor get prison: Ideology, Class and Criminal Justice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Roche, S., Gordon, Mirta B. ve Depuiset, M. (2014). Case study: Sentencing violent juvenile offenders in color blind France: does ethnicity matter?. In S. Bucerius ve M. Tonry (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of ethnicity, crime and immigration (pp. 834-859). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schmalleger, F. (2014). Criminology. USA: Pearson.
  • Schram, Pamela J. ve Tibbetts, Stephen G. (2014). Introduction to criminology. London: Sage.
  • Scott-Hayward, Christine S. ve Fradella, Henry F. (2019). Punishing poverty: How bail and pretrial detention fuel inequalities in the criminal justice system. California: University of California Press.
  • Siegel, Larry J. (2014). Criminology: Theories, patterns and typologies. Boston: Cengage.
  • Simmons, Kami C. (2014). Future of the fourth amendment: The problem with privacy, poverty and policing. University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, 14(2), 240-272.
  • Sokullu Akıncı, R. F. (2011). Kriminoloji. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Taylor, I., Walton, P. ve Young, J. (1973). The new criminology: For a social theory of deviance. London: Routledge.
  • The Sentencing Project. (2013). Report of the sentencing project to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding racial disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System. Washington.
  • Thornberry, Terence P. (1973). Race, socioeconomic status and sentencing in juvenile justice system. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 64(1), 90-98.
  • Vold, George B., Bernard, Thomas J. ve Snipes Jeffrey B. (1998). Theoretical criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Walklate, S. (2007). Understanding criminology. Poland: Open University.
  • White, R. (2008). Crimes against natüre. Portland: Willan Publishing.
  • Williams III, Frank P. ve McShane, Marilyn D. (2018). Criminological theory. New York: Pearson.
  • Yay, Ozan D. (2021). Ceza yargılaması bakımından adil yargılanma hakkının uygulanmasında ayrımcılık yasağı ihlalleri izleme raporu. Yaşam Bellek Özgürlük Derneği.
Year 2021, , 55 - 75, 27.12.2021



  • Anderson, David A. (2011). The cost of crime. Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 7(3), 209-265.
  • Akciğer Kanserleri Derneği, Akciğer Sağlığı ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Türk Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği, Türkiye Kanser Enstitüsü̈ ve Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği. (2018). Türkiye’de akciğer kanseri.
  • Akers, Ronald L. (1999). Criminological theories: Introduction and evaluation. New York: Routledge.
  • Artuk, Mehmet E., Gökcen, A., Alşahin, M. E. ve Çakır, K. (2020). Ceza hukuku genel hükümler. Ankara: Adalet.
  • Barkan, Steven E. (2018). Criminology: A sociological understanding. New York: Pearson.
  • Betran, Ana P., Ye, J., Moller, A., Souza, Joao P. ve Zhang, J. (2021). Trends and projections of caesarean section rates: global and regional estimates. BMJ Global Health, 2021(6), 1-8.
  • Bonger, W. (1916). Criminality and economic conditions (H. P. Horton, Çev.). Boston: Little Brown.
  • Caravelis, C. ve Robinson, M. (2016). Social justice, criminal justice: The role of American law in effecting and preventing social change. New York: Routledge.
  • Carlin, Jerome E. ve Howard, J. (1965). Legal representation and class justice. UCLA Law Review, 12(2), 381-437.
  • Costelloe, Michael T. ve Michalowski, Raymond J. (2009). Social class and justice. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st century criminology: A reference handbook (pp. 153-161). California: Sage.
  • Cowling, M. (2008). Marxism and criminological theory: A critique and a toolkit. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Demirbaş, T. (2020). Kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Dolu, O. (2012). Suç teorileri: Teori, araştırma ve uygulamada kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Engels, F. (2010). İngiltere’de emekçi sınıfın durumu (Y. Fincancı, Çev.). Ankara: Sol.
  • Fattah, Ezzat A. (1997). Criminology: Past, present and future. London: Macmillan.
  • Frailing, K. ve Harper, Dee W. (2016). Fundamentals of criminology: New dimensions. Durham: Carolina Academic Press. Friedrichs, David O. (2009). Critical criminology. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st century criminology: A reference handbook (pp. 210-218). California: Sage.
  • Günşen İçli, T. (2019). Kriminoloji. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Heffernan, William C. ve Kleinig, J. (2000). Introduction. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 1-23). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hipp, John R. (2007). Income inequality, race and place: Does the distribution of race and class within neighborhoods affect crime rates?. Criminology, 45(3), 665-697.
  • Hudson, B. (2000). Punishing the poor: Dilemma of justice and difference. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 189-216). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Işıktaç, Y. (2020). Adalet psikolojisi. İstanbul: Sümer.
  • Johnson, Jeffery L. ve Johnson, Colleen F. (2001). Poverty and the death penalty. Journal of Economic Issues, 35(2), 517-523.
  • Karmen, A. (2000). Poverty, crime and criminal justice. In W. C. Heffernan ve J. Kleinig (Ed.), From social justice to criminal justice (pp. 25-46). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Karmen, A. (2015). Crime victims. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Kujala, P., Kallio, J. ve Niemela, M. (2019). Income inequality, poverty and fear of crime in Europe. Cross-Cultural Research, 53(2), 163-185.
  • Lynch, Michael J. (1994). Crime and Law. In P. McGuire ve D. McQuarie (Ed.), From the left bank to the mainstream: Historical debates and contemporary research in Marxist sociology (pp. 257-276), New York: General Hall.
  • Marx, K. ve Engels, F. (2013). Alman ideolojisi (T. Ok ve O. Geridönmez, Çev.). İstanbul: Evrensel.
  • Morgan, Rachel E. ve Truman, Jennifer L. (2020). Criminal victimization 2019. USA: Office of Justice Programs.
  • Mustard, David B. (2001). Racial, ethnic and gender disparities in sentencing: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts. The Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 285-314.
  • Newburn, T. (2017). Criminology. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Quinney, R. (1973). Critique of legal order. Boston: Little Brown.
  • Pantazis, C. (2000). ‘Fear of crime’, vulnerability and poverty. The British Journal of Criminology, 40(3), 414-436.
  • Reiman, J. (2001). The rich get richer and the poor get prison: Ideology, Class and Criminal Justice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Roche, S., Gordon, Mirta B. ve Depuiset, M. (2014). Case study: Sentencing violent juvenile offenders in color blind France: does ethnicity matter?. In S. Bucerius ve M. Tonry (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of ethnicity, crime and immigration (pp. 834-859). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schmalleger, F. (2014). Criminology. USA: Pearson.
  • Schram, Pamela J. ve Tibbetts, Stephen G. (2014). Introduction to criminology. London: Sage.
  • Scott-Hayward, Christine S. ve Fradella, Henry F. (2019). Punishing poverty: How bail and pretrial detention fuel inequalities in the criminal justice system. California: University of California Press.
  • Siegel, Larry J. (2014). Criminology: Theories, patterns and typologies. Boston: Cengage.
  • Simmons, Kami C. (2014). Future of the fourth amendment: The problem with privacy, poverty and policing. University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, 14(2), 240-272.
  • Sokullu Akıncı, R. F. (2011). Kriminoloji. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Taylor, I., Walton, P. ve Young, J. (1973). The new criminology: For a social theory of deviance. London: Routledge.
  • The Sentencing Project. (2013). Report of the sentencing project to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding racial disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System. Washington.
  • Thornberry, Terence P. (1973). Race, socioeconomic status and sentencing in juvenile justice system. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 64(1), 90-98.
  • Vold, George B., Bernard, Thomas J. ve Snipes Jeffrey B. (1998). Theoretical criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Walklate, S. (2007). Understanding criminology. Poland: Open University.
  • White, R. (2008). Crimes against natüre. Portland: Willan Publishing.
  • Williams III, Frank P. ve McShane, Marilyn D. (2018). Criminological theory. New York: Pearson.
  • Yay, Ozan D. (2021). Ceza yargılaması bakımından adil yargılanma hakkının uygulanmasında ayrımcılık yasağı ihlalleri izleme raporu. Yaşam Bellek Özgürlük Derneği.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Volkan Maviş 0000-0001-9182-3130

Publication Date December 27, 2021
Submission Date November 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Maviş, V. (2021). Yoksulluk ve Suç: Ceza Adaleti Üzerine Sınıfsal Bir Değerlendirme. ViraVerita E-Dergi(14), 55-75.