Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 20, 103 - 117, 27.02.2018


tourism sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In an
environment of increasing competition, developing new types of tourism and
attracting more tourists in new destinations have become a serious advantage.
One of the most important types of the tourism sector is the tourism for physically
disabled individuals. The tourism for physically disabled individuals that
emerged with the engagement of physically disabled persons in touristic
activities is a brand-new tourism branch in Turkey whose infrastructure has not
been developed yet. There are more than 1 billion physically disabled persons
in the world and the tourism market of physically disabled individuals only in
Europe reached to 150 million Euros as of 2016. Silent tourism means a tourism
branch implying hearing impaired tourism. Hearing-impaired persons have been
chosen as the subject of this study since they do not require any additional
investments in travel and accommodation. The purpose of this study is to assess
the current state of supply and demand related to hearing-impaired person group
that does not require any investments in travel and accommodation and as the
target demand market hearing-impaired persons living in Europe and the USA have
been chosen. The study reveals that there is a significant number of
hearing-impaired persons in Turkey and in the world. The studies conducted in
Turkey demonstrate that there is a lack of investments in infrastructure aimed
at disabled persons in rest stops. One of the findings of this study is that
since the situation explained above does not hinder in any way tourism-oriented
at hearing-impaired persons the latter is the best-suited form of
disabled-oriented tourism for Turkey.


  • Action on Hearing Loss. (2016). Facts and Figures on Hearing Loss, Deafness and Tinnitus, (Erişim:12.08.2017).
  • Agovino, M., Casaccia, M., Garofalo, A. & Marchesano, K. (2017). Tourism and Disability in Italy. Limits and Opportunities”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 58-67.
  • Archbold, S., Lamb, B., O’Neill, C. & Atkins, J. (2014). “The Real Cost of Adult Hearing Loss: Reducing it Simpact by İncreasing Access to the Latest Hearing Technologies”, The Ear Foundation, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • ASHA, (2017). “The Prevalence and Incidence of Hearing Loss in Adults”, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • Aslan, E. & Güneş, G. (2014). Avrupalı Seçkin Destinasyonlar (EDEN) Kapsamında Engelsiz Şehirler ve Turizm: Ulusal Yazılı Medyada Engelsizlik Üzerine Bir Tarama. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-15, Ankara.
  • Ayyıldız, T., Atay, H. & Yazıcı, A. (2014). Konaklama İşletmelerinin Engelliler İçin Olanakları ve Yöneticilerin Görüşleri: Kuşadası Örneği. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 888-902, Ankara.
  • Bergier, B., Bergier, J., & Kubinska, Z. (2010). Environmental Determinants of Participation in Tourism and Recreation of People with Varying Degrees of Disability. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, (73), 1134-1140. doi:10.1080/15287394.2010.491042
  • Birdir, K., Karakan, H.İ., Çolak, O. & Kan, N. (2014). Gaziantep’in Engelli Turizmine İlişkin Durumunun Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 43-61.
  • Bizjak, B., Knezevic, M. & Cvetreznik, S. (2011). Attitude Change Towards Guests with Disabilities Reflections from Tourism Students. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3): 842-857.
  • Blichfeldt, B. & Nicolaisen, J. (2011). Disabled Travel: Not Easy, But Doable”,Current Issues in Tourism, 14(1), 79–102.
  • Bratucu, G., Chitu, I. B., Dinca, G., & Ştefen, M. (2016). Opinions of tourists regarding the accessibility for people with disabilities in the area of Braşov Country. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, 9(58), 73-82.
  • Breedt, T.F. & Bisschoff, C.A. (2012). The Need for Disabled Friendly Accommodation in South Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 6(41), 10534-10541.
  • Bulgan, G. (2015). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Engelli Turizmi ile İlgili Yapılan Çalışmalar. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 50, 102-125.
  • Card, J. A., Cole, S. T. & Humphrey, A.H. (2006). “A Comparison of the Accessibility and Attitudinal Barriers Model: Travel Providers and Travelers with Physical Disabilities”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 11(2), 161-175.
  • CUD Center for Universal Design. (2016). About Universal Design, (Erişim: 14.09.2017).
  • Çağlar, S. (2012). Engellilerin Erişebilirlik Hakkı ve Türkiye’de Erişebilirlikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 61(2), 541-598.
  • Daniels, M. J., Drogin Rodgers, E. B. & Wiggins, B. P. (2005). “Travel Tales: An Interpretive Analysis of Constraints and Negotiations to Pleasure Travel as Experienced by Persons with Physical Disabilities”. Tourism Management, 26(6), 919–930.
  • Darcy, S. & Dickson, J.T. (2009). “A Whole-Of-Life Approach to Tourism: The Case for Accessible Tourism Experiences”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 16(1), 32-44.
  • DDW. (2017). “The Philippines: Discovering Deaf Worlds”, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Diker O. & Çetinkaya A. (2016). Erişilebilir Turizm Açısından Safranbolu Turizm Destinasyonunun Uygunluğunun Değerlendirilmesi. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Özel Sayı:2, 111-125.
  • Duthey, B. (2013). Priority Medicines for Europe and the World: A Public Health Approach to Innovation, Background Paper 6.21 Hearing Loss. Geneva: WHO Int,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP (2009). Takayama Declaration on the Development of Communities-for-All in Asia and the Pacific, (Erişim: 14.09.2017).
  • EFHOH, (2015). “Hearing Loss: The Statistics”, European Federation of Hard of Hearing, (Erişim: 13.08.2017).
  • EHIMA, (2016). “Adult Hearing Loss: Europe's Growing Challenge”, Press Release, European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Assn,şim: 13.08.2017).
  • Ethnologue, (2017). “Chadian Sign Language”, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
  • EUD. (2017). “Full Member and Affiliated Members”, European Union of the Deaf, (Erişim: 13.08.2017).
  • Göktaş, P. & Bulgan, G. (2016). Turizm Sektöründe Engelliler ile İletişimin Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Bir Çalışma. Akademia, 4(3), 36-56.
  • Grady, J. & Ohlin, J.B. (2009). Equal Access to Hospitality Services for Guests with Mobility Impairments Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(1), 161-169.
  • Gröschl, S. (2007). An Exploration of HR Policies and Practices Affecting the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in the Hotel Industry in Major Canadian Tourism Destinations. Hospitality Management, 26(3): 666-686.
  • Harrington, T. (2010a). “Deaf Statistics: Europe”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2010b). “Deaf Statistics: Asia, the Middle East and Oceania”, Gallaudet University Library,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2010c). “Deaf Statistics: Africa & the Americas”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2014). “Deaf population of the U.S.”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
  • Hear-it, (2014). “Nearly 30 Million Brazilians Suffer from Hearing Problems”,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • IengLoi, K. and Hang Kong, W. (2015). “People with Disability (PwD) in the Tourism Industry: Concepts and Issues”, (Erişim: 16.09.2017).
  • Israeli, A.A., (2002). “A Preliminary Investigation of the Importance of Site Accessibility Factors for Disabled Tourists”, Journal of Travel Research, 41(1): 101-104.
  • İEF. (2014). “Başkan Mesajı”, İşitme Engelliler Federasyonu, (Erişim: 20.08.2017).
  • Kim, W.G., Stonesifer, H.W. & Han, J.S. (2012). Accommodating the Needs of Disabled Hotel Guests: Implications for Guests and Management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1311-1317.
  • Mihaela, B. C. (2012). Tourism Industry in Romania and The Needs of People with Disabilities. Economic Science Series, 21(1), 481-486.
  • Müftüoğlu, U. (2006). “Tekerlekli Sandalye Kullanan Bedensel Engellilerin Kentsel Mekanları Kullanım Olanaklarının Trabzon Kent Merkezi Örneği Üzerinde İncelenmesi”, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • NFD. (2016). “Social and Economic Costs of Hearing Loss in New Zealand”, The National Foundation for the Deaf Inc, https:/ (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • NIH. (2016). “Quick Statistics About Hearing”, National Institutes on Deafness, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • Olusanya, B., Neumann, J. K. & Saunders J. (2014). “The Global Burden of Disabling Hearing Impairment: A Call to Action”, Bull World Health Organ., 92(5), 367-373.
  • Öztürk, Y., Yaylı, A. & Yeşiltaş, M. (2008). “Is the Turkish Tourism Industry Ready for a Disabled Customer's Market?: The Views of Hotel and Travel Agency Managers”, Tourism Management, 29(2), 382-389.
  • Pehlivanoğlu B. (2012). Konaklama Yapılarının Engellilere Yönelik Oda Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi, İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2(4), 27-35.
  • Poria, Y., Reichel, A. & Brandt, Y. (2010). “The Flight Experiences of People with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study”. Journal of Travel Research, 49(2), 216–227.
  • Poria, Y., Reichel, A. & Brandt, Y. (2011). “Dimensions of Hotel Experience of People with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(5), 571-591.
  • Rahim, A.A. & Samad, N.A.A. (2010). Accessible Built Environment for the Elderly and Disabled in Malaysia: Hotels as Case Studies. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 15(2), 1-21.
  • Rummel, A. M. (2008). Travel by People with Physical Disabilities: A Diffusion Study Focused on Opinion Leadership, Michigan State University, Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource of Studies.
  • Statistic Canada, (2016). “Hearing Disabilities Among Canadians Aged 15 Years and Older, 2012”, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
  • Statistic SA, (2011). “Profile of Persons with Disabilities in South Africa”, (Erişim:19.08.2017).
  • Sahin, H. (2012). Engelli Bireylerin Konaklama Tesislerinden Memnuniyet Durumlarının İncelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
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Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 20, 103 - 117, 27.02.2018


Turizm sektörü, dünyanın en hızlı gelişen sektörlerden biridir. Artan
rekabet ortamında yeni turizm çeşitleri geliştirmek ve yeni destinasyonlarla
daha fazla turisti cezbetmek önemli bir avantaj halini almıştır. Turizm
sektörünün en önemli çeşitlerinden biri engelli turizmi pazarıdır. Engelli
bireylerin turistik aktiviteye katılması ile ortaya çıkan engelli turizmi, Türkiye
açısından oldukça yeni ve altyapısı henüz oluşturulamamış bir sektördür.
Dünya'da 1 milyarın üzerinde engelli birey bulunmakta ve sadece Avrupa'da engellilerin
oluşturduğu turizm pazarı 2016 yılı itibariyle 150 milyon Euro'ya ulaşmış
bulunmaktadır. Sessiz turizm ise, engelli bireyler içinde işitme engellilerin
oluşturduğu grubu ifade etmek için kullanılmıştır. Seyahat ve konaklama
konusunda herhangi bir ilave yatırıma ihtiyaç duymamaları sebebiyle işitme
engelliler çalışma konusu yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, engelliler arasında seyahat
ve konaklama için ayrı bir yatırım gerektirmeyen işitme engelli grubun engelli
turizm açısından talep ve arz olarak mevcut durumunu değerlendirmek üzere
yapılmış ve hedef talep pazarı olarak Avrupa ve ABD'de yaşayan özellikle işitme
engelliler seçilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma, Dünya ve Türkiye'de ciddi oranda
işitme engelli birey olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca Türkiye'de yapılan
çalışmalar, konaklama tesislerinde engellilere yönelik altyapı yatırımlarının
yetersizliğini tespit etmektedir. Sessiz turizm açısından ise bu durum herhangi
bir engel teşkil etmediğinden Türkiye açısından en uygun engelli turizmi çeşidinin
sessiz turizm olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Action on Hearing Loss. (2016). Facts and Figures on Hearing Loss, Deafness and Tinnitus, (Erişim:12.08.2017).
  • Agovino, M., Casaccia, M., Garofalo, A. & Marchesano, K. (2017). Tourism and Disability in Italy. Limits and Opportunities”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 58-67.
  • Archbold, S., Lamb, B., O’Neill, C. & Atkins, J. (2014). “The Real Cost of Adult Hearing Loss: Reducing it Simpact by İncreasing Access to the Latest Hearing Technologies”, The Ear Foundation, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • ASHA, (2017). “The Prevalence and Incidence of Hearing Loss in Adults”, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • Aslan, E. & Güneş, G. (2014). Avrupalı Seçkin Destinasyonlar (EDEN) Kapsamında Engelsiz Şehirler ve Turizm: Ulusal Yazılı Medyada Engelsizlik Üzerine Bir Tarama. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-15, Ankara.
  • Ayyıldız, T., Atay, H. & Yazıcı, A. (2014). Konaklama İşletmelerinin Engelliler İçin Olanakları ve Yöneticilerin Görüşleri: Kuşadası Örneği. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 888-902, Ankara.
  • Bergier, B., Bergier, J., & Kubinska, Z. (2010). Environmental Determinants of Participation in Tourism and Recreation of People with Varying Degrees of Disability. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, (73), 1134-1140. doi:10.1080/15287394.2010.491042
  • Birdir, K., Karakan, H.İ., Çolak, O. & Kan, N. (2014). Gaziantep’in Engelli Turizmine İlişkin Durumunun Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. 15.Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 43-61.
  • Bizjak, B., Knezevic, M. & Cvetreznik, S. (2011). Attitude Change Towards Guests with Disabilities Reflections from Tourism Students. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3): 842-857.
  • Blichfeldt, B. & Nicolaisen, J. (2011). Disabled Travel: Not Easy, But Doable”,Current Issues in Tourism, 14(1), 79–102.
  • Bratucu, G., Chitu, I. B., Dinca, G., & Ştefen, M. (2016). Opinions of tourists regarding the accessibility for people with disabilities in the area of Braşov Country. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, 9(58), 73-82.
  • Breedt, T.F. & Bisschoff, C.A. (2012). The Need for Disabled Friendly Accommodation in South Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 6(41), 10534-10541.
  • Bulgan, G. (2015). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Engelli Turizmi ile İlgili Yapılan Çalışmalar. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 50, 102-125.
  • Card, J. A., Cole, S. T. & Humphrey, A.H. (2006). “A Comparison of the Accessibility and Attitudinal Barriers Model: Travel Providers and Travelers with Physical Disabilities”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 11(2), 161-175.
  • CUD Center for Universal Design. (2016). About Universal Design, (Erişim: 14.09.2017).
  • Çağlar, S. (2012). Engellilerin Erişebilirlik Hakkı ve Türkiye’de Erişebilirlikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 61(2), 541-598.
  • Daniels, M. J., Drogin Rodgers, E. B. & Wiggins, B. P. (2005). “Travel Tales: An Interpretive Analysis of Constraints and Negotiations to Pleasure Travel as Experienced by Persons with Physical Disabilities”. Tourism Management, 26(6), 919–930.
  • Darcy, S. & Dickson, J.T. (2009). “A Whole-Of-Life Approach to Tourism: The Case for Accessible Tourism Experiences”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 16(1), 32-44.
  • DDW. (2017). “The Philippines: Discovering Deaf Worlds”, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Diker O. & Çetinkaya A. (2016). Erişilebilir Turizm Açısından Safranbolu Turizm Destinasyonunun Uygunluğunun Değerlendirilmesi. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Özel Sayı:2, 111-125.
  • Duthey, B. (2013). Priority Medicines for Europe and the World: A Public Health Approach to Innovation, Background Paper 6.21 Hearing Loss. Geneva: WHO Int,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP (2009). Takayama Declaration on the Development of Communities-for-All in Asia and the Pacific, (Erişim: 14.09.2017).
  • EFHOH, (2015). “Hearing Loss: The Statistics”, European Federation of Hard of Hearing, (Erişim: 13.08.2017).
  • EHIMA, (2016). “Adult Hearing Loss: Europe's Growing Challenge”, Press Release, European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Assn,şim: 13.08.2017).
  • Ethnologue, (2017). “Chadian Sign Language”, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
  • EUD. (2017). “Full Member and Affiliated Members”, European Union of the Deaf, (Erişim: 13.08.2017).
  • Göktaş, P. & Bulgan, G. (2016). Turizm Sektöründe Engelliler ile İletişimin Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Bir Çalışma. Akademia, 4(3), 36-56.
  • Grady, J. & Ohlin, J.B. (2009). Equal Access to Hospitality Services for Guests with Mobility Impairments Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(1), 161-169.
  • Gröschl, S. (2007). An Exploration of HR Policies and Practices Affecting the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in the Hotel Industry in Major Canadian Tourism Destinations. Hospitality Management, 26(3): 666-686.
  • Harrington, T. (2010a). “Deaf Statistics: Europe”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2010b). “Deaf Statistics: Asia, the Middle East and Oceania”, Gallaudet University Library,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2010c). “Deaf Statistics: Africa & the Americas”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • Harrington, T. (2014). “Deaf population of the U.S.”, Gallaudet University Library, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
  • Hear-it, (2014). “Nearly 30 Million Brazilians Suffer from Hearing Problems”,şim: 15.08.2017).
  • IengLoi, K. and Hang Kong, W. (2015). “People with Disability (PwD) in the Tourism Industry: Concepts and Issues”, (Erişim: 16.09.2017).
  • Israeli, A.A., (2002). “A Preliminary Investigation of the Importance of Site Accessibility Factors for Disabled Tourists”, Journal of Travel Research, 41(1): 101-104.
  • İEF. (2014). “Başkan Mesajı”, İşitme Engelliler Federasyonu, (Erişim: 20.08.2017).
  • Kim, W.G., Stonesifer, H.W. & Han, J.S. (2012). Accommodating the Needs of Disabled Hotel Guests: Implications for Guests and Management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1311-1317.
  • Mihaela, B. C. (2012). Tourism Industry in Romania and The Needs of People with Disabilities. Economic Science Series, 21(1), 481-486.
  • Müftüoğlu, U. (2006). “Tekerlekli Sandalye Kullanan Bedensel Engellilerin Kentsel Mekanları Kullanım Olanaklarının Trabzon Kent Merkezi Örneği Üzerinde İncelenmesi”, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • NFD. (2016). “Social and Economic Costs of Hearing Loss in New Zealand”, The National Foundation for the Deaf Inc, https:/ (Erişim: 15.08.2017).
  • NIH. (2016). “Quick Statistics About Hearing”, National Institutes on Deafness, (Erişim: 12.08.2017).
  • Olusanya, B., Neumann, J. K. & Saunders J. (2014). “The Global Burden of Disabling Hearing Impairment: A Call to Action”, Bull World Health Organ., 92(5), 367-373.
  • Öztürk, Y., Yaylı, A. & Yeşiltaş, M. (2008). “Is the Turkish Tourism Industry Ready for a Disabled Customer's Market?: The Views of Hotel and Travel Agency Managers”, Tourism Management, 29(2), 382-389.
  • Pehlivanoğlu B. (2012). Konaklama Yapılarının Engellilere Yönelik Oda Düzenlemelerinin İrdelenmesi, İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2(4), 27-35.
  • Poria, Y., Reichel, A. & Brandt, Y. (2010). “The Flight Experiences of People with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study”. Journal of Travel Research, 49(2), 216–227.
  • Poria, Y., Reichel, A. & Brandt, Y. (2011). “Dimensions of Hotel Experience of People with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(5), 571-591.
  • Rahim, A.A. & Samad, N.A.A. (2010). Accessible Built Environment for the Elderly and Disabled in Malaysia: Hotels as Case Studies. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 15(2), 1-21.
  • Rummel, A. M. (2008). Travel by People with Physical Disabilities: A Diffusion Study Focused on Opinion Leadership, Michigan State University, Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource of Studies.
  • Statistic Canada, (2016). “Hearing Disabilities Among Canadians Aged 15 Years and Older, 2012”, (Erişim: 19.08.2017).
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Zafer Yıldız 0000-0002-7520-1400

Savaş Yıldız 0000-0002-6630-2023

Sinem Bozyer 0000-0002-4769-7699

Publication Date February 27, 2018
Submission Date September 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 9 Issue: 20


APA Yıldız, Z., Yıldız, S., & Bozyer, S. (2018). İŞİTME ENGELLİ TURİZMİ (SESSİZ TURİZM): DÜNYA VE TÜRKİYE POTANSİYELİNE YÖNELİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 9(20), 103-117.
