Year 2021,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 202 - 218, 31.03.2021
Beril Baykal
Sevda Köse
Arzu Özsoy Özmen
Emine Ayhan
Yoksulluk ve servete ilişkin atıflar birbirinden ayrı düşünülememesi gereken çalışma alanlarıdır. İlgili alan yazın incelendiğinde yoksulluğa ilişkin atıfların tek taraflı olarak ele alındığı servete ilişkin atıfların ise genellikle göz ardı edildiği görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın amacı da yoksulluk ve servete ilişkin nedensel atıfları ve nedensel atıfların demografik değişkenlere göre değişip değişmediğini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla Kocaeli ilinde işgücü piyasasında bulunan ve rasgele seçilen 1010 kişiye yüzyüze anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, işgücü piyasasında bulunan kişilerin yoksulluğa ilişkin olarak yapısal nedenlere atıf yaptıkları, servete ilişkin olarak ise sebat, hırs gibi bireysel nedenlere atıf yaptıkları görülmüştür. Demografik değişkenlere göre sonuçlara bakıldığında ise yoksulluğun nedeni olarak kadınların erkeklerden daha çok yapısal nedenlere atıfta bulunduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Lise altı eğitim düzeyine sahip bireylerin servetin nedenini ayrıcalık olarak gördüğü sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 18-25 yaş grubundaki bireylerin yoksulluğa ilişkin kaderci, 34-41 yaş grubundaki bireylerin servete ilişkin yolsuzluk ve yozlaşmaya atıfta bulunduğu görülmüştür. Hane halkı geliri 0-2000 TL arasında olan bireylerin ve işsizlerin yoksulluğa ilişkin kaderci atıflarda bulunduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- Bullock, H. E. (1999). “Attributions forPoverty: A Comparison of Middle‐Class and Welfare Recipient Attitudes”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 29(10): 2059 – 2082.
- Bullock, H, E. (2004). From the frontlines of welfare reform: An analysis of socialworker and welfare recipient attitudes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 144: 571-588.
- Bullock, H., Williams, W.R. ve Limbert, W.M. (2003). “Predicting Support for Welfare Policies: The Impact of Attributions and Beliefs About Inequality”. Journal of Poverty,7: 35-56.
- Feagin, J. R. (1972).“Poverty: We Still Believe That God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”. Psychology Today, 6: 101-129.
- Grobler, W.C. J, ve Donga ,S.H. (2016).“ The Relationship Perception Of Causes Poverty and Household Characteristics.”International Journal Of Economics And Fiınance Studies,8(2): 129-146.
- Hunt, M.O. (1996). “The Individual, Society or Both? A Comparison of Black, Latino and White Beliefs About The Causes of Poverty”. Social Forces, 75(1): 293-322.
- Kreidl, M. (2000). “Perceptions of Poverty and Wealth in Western and Post-Communist Countries”. Socail Justice Research, 13(2):151-176.
- Landmane, D. ve Renge, V. (2010).“Attributions for Poverty, Attitudes Toward the Poor and Identification with the Poor Among Social Workers and Poor People”. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 11 (1,2): 37-50.
- Norcia, M ve Rissotto, A. (2011). “How Does Poverty Work? Reprensentations and Causal Attribution For Poverty and Wealth”, Internattional Journal of Social Sciencies and Humanity Studies, 3(1):1309-8063.
- Morçöl, G. (1997).“Lay Explanations For Poverty In Turkey And Their Determinants”. The Journal of Social Psychology, 137(6): 728-738.
- Nasser, R.M. ve Khashan, H. (2002). “Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty Comparing Three National Groups: Lebanon, Portugal, and South Africa”. Current Research in Social Psychology, 8(7): 101-119.
- Öniş,Z. ve Özçelik, E. (2019).“Küreselleşme, Servet Eşitsizliği ve Demokrasi Üçgeni Üzerine”. Çalışma ve Toplum, 60: 259 – 278.
- Özkul, M.ve Kanyılmaz G. (2012).“Yoksulluk ve Enformelleşme Bağlamında Ortaya Çıkan Bir Yaşam Tarzı ve Seyyar Satıcılar”. Süleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 17(1):27-61.
- Schneider, S. M. ve Castillo J. C. (2015).“Poverty Attributions and the Perceived Justice of Income Inequality: A Comparison of East and West Germany” Social Psychology Quarterly, 78(3): 263–282.
- Sen, A. (1983).“Poor, Relatively Speaking”. Oxford EconomicPapers, New Series, 35(2): 153-169.
- Smith, K. B. (1985).“I made It Because of Me: Beliefs About the Causes of Wealth and Poverty”. Sociological Spectrum, 5(3): 255- 267.
- Smith,K, B. ve Stone L. (1989). “Rags, Riches and Bootstraps Beliefs About the Causes of Wealth and Poverty”. The Sociological Quarterly,30(1):93-107.
- Solak, N. ve Göregenli, M. (2009).“Yoksulluğa İlişkin Nedensel Atıflar Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 12(24):72-89.
- Stacey, B. G., Singer, M. S. ve Ritchie, G. (1989). “The Perception of Poverty and Wealth among Teenage University Students Adolescence”. ProQuest Central,24(93): 193 – 207.
- Zucman, G. (2019). “Global WealthInequality”. Annual Review of Economics, 11:109-138.
- Kitaplar
Canbey Özgüler, V. (2014).Gelir, Servet ve Yoksulluk, İstanbul:CiniusPublication.
- Jordan, B. (1996). A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion; Oxford UK:Blackwell Publishers.
- Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç.ve Cemalcılar, Z. (2016). Dünden Bugüne İnsan ve İnsanlar Sosyal Psikolojiye Giriş, İstanbul: Evrim Yayınevi.
- Sen, A. (1981). Poverty and Famines An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. Oxford UK: Clarendon Press Oxford
- Tezler
Carlson, J. (2013). Making Sense of Poverty in Child Welfare: A Grounded Theory Informed Study of Public and Tribal Child WelfareWorkers’ Poverty Constructions, Perceptions of Causes and Praxis, PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minnesota.
Year 2021,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 202 - 218, 31.03.2021
Beril Baykal
Sevda Köse
Arzu Özsoy Özmen
Emine Ayhan
The attributions for poverty and wealth are fields of study that should not be considered separately. When the literature is examined, it is seen that the attributions poverty are dealt with unilaterally and that the attributions for wealth are generally ignored. The aim of this study is to determine whether the causal attributions for poverty and wealth differ according to demographic variables. For this purpose, a face-to-face questionnaire was applied to 1010 randomly selected people in the labor market in Kocaeli. According to the results, it has been observed that people in the labor market refer to structural attributions in relation to poverty, and to individual attributions such as perseverance and ambition in relation to wealth. Looking at the results according to demographic variables, it is revealed that women refer to structural attributions more than men as the cause of poverty. It has been concluded that individuals with an education level below high school consider the reason for wealth as a privilege. It has been observed that individuals in the 18-25 age group are fatalistic regarding poverty, while individuals in the 34-41 age group refer to corruption regarding wealth. It has been concluded that individuals with a household income between 0-2000 TL and the unemployed have fatalistic attributions for poverty.
- Bullock, H. E. (1999). “Attributions forPoverty: A Comparison of Middle‐Class and Welfare Recipient Attitudes”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 29(10): 2059 – 2082.
- Bullock, H, E. (2004). From the frontlines of welfare reform: An analysis of socialworker and welfare recipient attitudes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 144: 571-588.
- Bullock, H., Williams, W.R. ve Limbert, W.M. (2003). “Predicting Support for Welfare Policies: The Impact of Attributions and Beliefs About Inequality”. Journal of Poverty,7: 35-56.
- Feagin, J. R. (1972).“Poverty: We Still Believe That God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”. Psychology Today, 6: 101-129.
- Grobler, W.C. J, ve Donga ,S.H. (2016).“ The Relationship Perception Of Causes Poverty and Household Characteristics.”International Journal Of Economics And Fiınance Studies,8(2): 129-146.
- Hunt, M.O. (1996). “The Individual, Society or Both? A Comparison of Black, Latino and White Beliefs About The Causes of Poverty”. Social Forces, 75(1): 293-322.
- Kreidl, M. (2000). “Perceptions of Poverty and Wealth in Western and Post-Communist Countries”. Socail Justice Research, 13(2):151-176.
- Landmane, D. ve Renge, V. (2010).“Attributions for Poverty, Attitudes Toward the Poor and Identification with the Poor Among Social Workers and Poor People”. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 11 (1,2): 37-50.
- Norcia, M ve Rissotto, A. (2011). “How Does Poverty Work? Reprensentations and Causal Attribution For Poverty and Wealth”, Internattional Journal of Social Sciencies and Humanity Studies, 3(1):1309-8063.
- Morçöl, G. (1997).“Lay Explanations For Poverty In Turkey And Their Determinants”. The Journal of Social Psychology, 137(6): 728-738.
- Nasser, R.M. ve Khashan, H. (2002). “Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty Comparing Three National Groups: Lebanon, Portugal, and South Africa”. Current Research in Social Psychology, 8(7): 101-119.
- Öniş,Z. ve Özçelik, E. (2019).“Küreselleşme, Servet Eşitsizliği ve Demokrasi Üçgeni Üzerine”. Çalışma ve Toplum, 60: 259 – 278.
- Özkul, M.ve Kanyılmaz G. (2012).“Yoksulluk ve Enformelleşme Bağlamında Ortaya Çıkan Bir Yaşam Tarzı ve Seyyar Satıcılar”. Süleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 17(1):27-61.
- Schneider, S. M. ve Castillo J. C. (2015).“Poverty Attributions and the Perceived Justice of Income Inequality: A Comparison of East and West Germany” Social Psychology Quarterly, 78(3): 263–282.
- Sen, A. (1983).“Poor, Relatively Speaking”. Oxford EconomicPapers, New Series, 35(2): 153-169.
- Smith, K. B. (1985).“I made It Because of Me: Beliefs About the Causes of Wealth and Poverty”. Sociological Spectrum, 5(3): 255- 267.
- Smith,K, B. ve Stone L. (1989). “Rags, Riches and Bootstraps Beliefs About the Causes of Wealth and Poverty”. The Sociological Quarterly,30(1):93-107.
- Solak, N. ve Göregenli, M. (2009).“Yoksulluğa İlişkin Nedensel Atıflar Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 12(24):72-89.
- Stacey, B. G., Singer, M. S. ve Ritchie, G. (1989). “The Perception of Poverty and Wealth among Teenage University Students Adolescence”. ProQuest Central,24(93): 193 – 207.
- Zucman, G. (2019). “Global WealthInequality”. Annual Review of Economics, 11:109-138.
- Kitaplar
Canbey Özgüler, V. (2014).Gelir, Servet ve Yoksulluk, İstanbul:CiniusPublication.
- Jordan, B. (1996). A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion; Oxford UK:Blackwell Publishers.
- Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç.ve Cemalcılar, Z. (2016). Dünden Bugüne İnsan ve İnsanlar Sosyal Psikolojiye Giriş, İstanbul: Evrim Yayınevi.
- Sen, A. (1981). Poverty and Famines An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. Oxford UK: Clarendon Press Oxford
- Tezler
Carlson, J. (2013). Making Sense of Poverty in Child Welfare: A Grounded Theory Informed Study of Public and Tribal Child WelfareWorkers’ Poverty Constructions, Perceptions of Causes and Praxis, PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minnesota.