Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 177 - 195



  • Acemoglu, D., and Johnson, S. (2007) "Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth", J. Politi-Econ, 115: 925-985.
  • Alkan, Ö., and Ünver, Ş. (2020) "Türkiye’de E-Devlet Hizmetlerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi" , Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 34(4): 1431-1453.
  • Alkan, Ö., and Ünver, Ş. (2022) "Secondhand Smoke Exposure For Different Education Levels: Findings from a Large, Nationally Representative Survey in Türkiye", BMJ Open, 12:e057360.: 1-12.
  • Anagnostopoulos, F., and Niakas, D. (2010) "Job Burnout, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Sickness Absence in Greek Health Professionals", Eur. Psychol., 15: 132-141.
  • Avdic, D., and Johansson, P. (2013) "Gender Differences in Preferences Fo Health-Related Absences from Work", IZA Discussion Paper; 7480.
  • Bacak, B., and Yiğit, Y. (2010) "İşe Devamsızlığın Nedenleri, Ekonomik Sonuçları ve Azaltılması İçin Alınması Gereken Önlemler", Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 5(1): 29-44.
  • Becker, G. (1993) "Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education" , Chicago, IL, USA: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Bierla, I., Huver, B., and Richard, S. (2013) "New Evidence on Absenteeism Aand Presenteeism", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(7): 1536–1550.
  • Bloom, D., Canning, D., and Graham, B. (2003) "Longevity and Life-Cycle Savings", Swed. J. Econ, 105: 319-338.
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  • Boon, C., Belschak, F., Den Hartog, D., and Pijnenburg, M. (2014) "Perceived Human Resource Management Practices: Their Effect on Employee Absenteeism and Time Allocation at Work", J. Pers. Psychol, 13: 21-33.
  • Briand, C. M.-J.-A. (2007) "Work and Mental Health: Learning from Return-to Work Rehabilitation Programs Designed for Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders", International Journal of Law and Psychiatry , 30(4-5): 444-457.
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  • Corbiere, M., Mazaniello-Chezol, M., MF, B., Wathieu, E., Bouchard, R., and Panaccio A, e. a. (2020) "Stakeholders’ Role and Actions in the Return-to-Work Process of Workers on Sick-Leave due to Common Mental Disorders: A Scoping Review", J.Occup Rehabil, 30(3): 381-419.
  • Dekkers-Sanchez, P., Hoving, J., Sluiter, J., and Frings-Dresen, M. (2008) "Factors Associated with Long-Term Sick Leave in Sick-Listed Employees: A Systematic Review", Occup Environ Med, 65(3):153-157.
  • Doki, S., Sasahara, S., Hirai, Y., Oi, Y., and Matsuzaki, I. (2016) "Absenteeism due to Mental Health Problems and Systems for Return to Work: An Internet Based Unmatched Case–Control Study", Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 89: 1279–1287.
  • Egan, G. (2011) "An Investigation into The Causes of Absenteeism in ‘Company X’, Bachelor’s Thesis", National College of Ireland, Leinster.
  • Giminez-Nadal, J., Molina, J., and Velilla, J. (2018) "Commuting Time and Sick-Day Absence of US Workers", (IZA Discussion Paper No. 11700.
  • Glise, K., Hadzibajramovic, E., Jonsdottir, I., and G, J. A. (2010) "Self-Reported Exhaustion: A Possible Indicator of Reduced Work Ability and Increased Risk of Sickness Absence Among Human Service Workers", Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 83(5): 511-520.
  • Hassan, S., Wright, B., and Yuki, G. (2014) "Does Ethical Leadership Matter in Government? Effects on Organizational Commitment, Absenteeism, and Willingness to Report Ethical Problems", Public Adm. Rev, 74: 333-343.
  • Hilbe, J. M. (2014) "Modelling Count Data", United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Holmlund, L., Ljungberg, H. T., Bültmann, U., and Brämberg, E. B. (2024) "Navigating Work and Life– a Qualitative Exploration of Managers’ and Employees’ Views of Return-to-Work After Sick Leave due to Common Mental Disorders", BMC Public Health, 24(372): 1-12.
  • Huijs, J., Koppes, L., Taris, T., and Blonk, R. (2012) "Differences in Predictors of Return to Work Among Long-Term Sick-Listed Employees with Different Self-Reported Reasons for Sick Leave", J Occup Rehabil., 22(3): 301-311.
  • Hultin, H., Lindholm, C., Malfert, M., and Möller, J. (2012) "Short-Term Sick Leave and Future Risk of Sickness Absence and Unemployment —The Impact of Health Statu", BMC Public Health, 12: 861.
  • Ichino, A., and Moretti, E. (2009) "Biological Gender Differences, Absenteeism, and the Earnings Gap", American Economic Journal, 1(1): 183-218.
  • Jones, R. (2020) "NHS Sickness Absence in England: Hidden Patterns", Br. J. Hosp. Med, 26: 1-11.
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  • Karaaslan, K. Ç. (2021) "Analysis of Factors Affecting Individuals' Sources of Happiness with Multinomial Logistic Model", Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 12(3): 286-302.
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Year 2025, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 177 - 195


This study aims to determine the factors affecting the number of days individuals are absent from work due to health problems in the last 12 months by using the Poisson Regression Model, Negative Binomial Regression Model, Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression Model, and Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Model using the micro data sets of the Turkey Health Survey conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute in 2022. The model results indicate that the variables of age, marital status, education level, general health status, occupation, receiving psycho-social support health services from primary health care institutions, illness lasting/expected to last 6 months, and hypertension in the last 12 months are significant. It was found that women were absent from work more days than men, that the number of days individuals were absent from work decreased as their age increased, and that individuals were absent from work more as their general health worsened.


Kıymetli Hocam, Doktora tez danışmanım Prof. Dr. Ömer ALKAN’a teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.


  • Acemoglu, D., and Johnson, S. (2007) "Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth", J. Politi-Econ, 115: 925-985.
  • Alkan, Ö., and Ünver, Ş. (2020) "Türkiye’de E-Devlet Hizmetlerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi" , Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 34(4): 1431-1453.
  • Alkan, Ö., and Ünver, Ş. (2022) "Secondhand Smoke Exposure For Different Education Levels: Findings from a Large, Nationally Representative Survey in Türkiye", BMJ Open, 12:e057360.: 1-12.
  • Anagnostopoulos, F., and Niakas, D. (2010) "Job Burnout, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Sickness Absence in Greek Health Professionals", Eur. Psychol., 15: 132-141.
  • Avdic, D., and Johansson, P. (2013) "Gender Differences in Preferences Fo Health-Related Absences from Work", IZA Discussion Paper; 7480.
  • Bacak, B., and Yiğit, Y. (2010) "İşe Devamsızlığın Nedenleri, Ekonomik Sonuçları ve Azaltılması İçin Alınması Gereken Önlemler", Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 5(1): 29-44.
  • Becker, G. (1993) "Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education" , Chicago, IL, USA: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Bierla, I., Huver, B., and Richard, S. (2013) "New Evidence on Absenteeism Aand Presenteeism", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(7): 1536–1550.
  • Bloom, D., Canning, D., and Graham, B. (2003) "Longevity and Life-Cycle Savings", Swed. J. Econ, 105: 319-338.
  • Bockerman, P., and Ilmakunnas, P. (2008) "Interaction of Working Conditions, Job Satisfaction, and Sickness Absences: Evidence from a Representative Sample of Employees", Soc. Sci. Med, 67: 520-528.
  • Boon, C., Belschak, F., Den Hartog, D., and Pijnenburg, M. (2014) "Perceived Human Resource Management Practices: Their Effect on Employee Absenteeism and Time Allocation at Work", J. Pers. Psychol, 13: 21-33.
  • Briand, C. M.-J.-A. (2007) "Work and Mental Health: Learning from Return-to Work Rehabilitation Programs Designed for Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders", International Journal of Law and Psychiatry , 30(4-5): 444-457.
  • Bridges, S., and Mumford, K. (2001) "Absenteeism in the UK: A Comparison Across Genders", Manch. Sch, 69(3): 1463-6786.
  • Brox, J., and Froøystein, O. (2005) "Health-Related Quality of Life and Sickness Absence in Community Nursing Home Employees:Randomized Controlled Trial of Physical Exercise", Occup. Med, 55: 558-563.
  • Brunner, B., Igic, I., Keller, A., and Wieser, S. (2019) "Who Gains the Most from Improving Working Conditions? Health-Related Absenteeism and Presenteeism due to Stress at Work", Eur. J. Health Econ; 20: 1165-1180.
  • Bryan, M. L., Bryce, A. M., and Roberts, J. (2021) "The Effect of Mental and Physical Health Problems on Sickness Absence", The European Journal of Health Economics, 22: 1519-1533.
  • Cameron, A. C., and Trivedi, P. K. (2013) "Regression Analysis of Count Data", USA: Cambridge University Press. Casini, A., Godin, I., Clays, E., and F., K. (2013) "Gender Difference in Sickness Absence from Work: A Multiple Mediation Analysis of Psychosocial Factors", Eur. J. Public Health, 23: 635-642.
  • Corbiere, M., Mazaniello-Chezol, M., MF, B., Wathieu, E., Bouchard, R., and Panaccio A, e. a. (2020) "Stakeholders’ Role and Actions in the Return-to-Work Process of Workers on Sick-Leave due to Common Mental Disorders: A Scoping Review", J.Occup Rehabil, 30(3): 381-419.
  • Dekkers-Sanchez, P., Hoving, J., Sluiter, J., and Frings-Dresen, M. (2008) "Factors Associated with Long-Term Sick Leave in Sick-Listed Employees: A Systematic Review", Occup Environ Med, 65(3):153-157.
  • Doki, S., Sasahara, S., Hirai, Y., Oi, Y., and Matsuzaki, I. (2016) "Absenteeism due to Mental Health Problems and Systems for Return to Work: An Internet Based Unmatched Case–Control Study", Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 89: 1279–1287.
  • Egan, G. (2011) "An Investigation into The Causes of Absenteeism in ‘Company X’, Bachelor’s Thesis", National College of Ireland, Leinster.
  • Giminez-Nadal, J., Molina, J., and Velilla, J. (2018) "Commuting Time and Sick-Day Absence of US Workers", (IZA Discussion Paper No. 11700.
  • Glise, K., Hadzibajramovic, E., Jonsdottir, I., and G, J. A. (2010) "Self-Reported Exhaustion: A Possible Indicator of Reduced Work Ability and Increased Risk of Sickness Absence Among Human Service Workers", Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 83(5): 511-520.
  • Hassan, S., Wright, B., and Yuki, G. (2014) "Does Ethical Leadership Matter in Government? Effects on Organizational Commitment, Absenteeism, and Willingness to Report Ethical Problems", Public Adm. Rev, 74: 333-343.
  • Hilbe, J. M. (2014) "Modelling Count Data", United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Holmlund, L., Ljungberg, H. T., Bültmann, U., and Brämberg, E. B. (2024) "Navigating Work and Life– a Qualitative Exploration of Managers’ and Employees’ Views of Return-to-Work After Sick Leave due to Common Mental Disorders", BMC Public Health, 24(372): 1-12.
  • Huijs, J., Koppes, L., Taris, T., and Blonk, R. (2012) "Differences in Predictors of Return to Work Among Long-Term Sick-Listed Employees with Different Self-Reported Reasons for Sick Leave", J Occup Rehabil., 22(3): 301-311.
  • Hultin, H., Lindholm, C., Malfert, M., and Möller, J. (2012) "Short-Term Sick Leave and Future Risk of Sickness Absence and Unemployment —The Impact of Health Statu", BMC Public Health, 12: 861.
  • Ichino, A., and Moretti, E. (2009) "Biological Gender Differences, Absenteeism, and the Earnings Gap", American Economic Journal, 1(1): 183-218.
  • Jones, R. (2020) "NHS Sickness Absence in England: Hidden Patterns", Br. J. Hosp. Med, 26: 1-11.
  • Kalenkoski, C. (2020) "Initial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Employment and Hours of Self- Employed Coupled and Single Workers by Gender and Parental Status", IZA—Institute of Labor Economics, Bonn, Germany.
  • Karaaslan, K. Ç. (2021) "Analysis of Factors Affecting Individuals' Sources of Happiness with Multinomial Logistic Model", Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 12(3): 286-302.
  • Keus Van De Poll, M., Nybergh, L., Lornudd, C., Hagberg, J., L., B., Kwak, L., . . . Bergstrom, G. (2020) "Preventing Sickness Absence among Employees with Common Mental Disorders or Stress-Related Symptoms at Work: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Problem-Solving-Based Intervention Conducted by the Occupational Health Services", Occup. Environ. Med, 77: 454-461.
  • Kristensen, T., Jensen, S., Kreiner, S., and Mikkelsen, S. (2010) "Socioeconomic Status and Duration and Pattern of Sickness Absence", A1-Year Follow-up Study of 2331 Hospital Employees, BMC Public Health, 643.
  • Küçük, O., Özbek, A., and Küçük, N. (2015) "Sağlık Sorunları Sebebiyle İşgücü Kaybının Örgüt Performansına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma", Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19 (2): 311-332.
  • Laaksonen, M., Mastekaasa, A., Martikainen, P., Rahkonen, O., Piha, K., and Lahelma, E. (2010) "Gender Differences in Sickness Absence— The Contribution of Occupation and Workplace", Scand. J. Work Environ. Health, 36(5): 394–403.
  • Ladegaard, Y., Skakon, J., Elrond, A., and Netterstrøm, B. (2019) "How Do Line Managers Experience and Handle the Return to Work of Employees on Sick Leave due to Work-Related Stress? A One-Year Follow-Up Study", Disabil Rehabil. , 41(1): 44-52.
  • Mastekaasa, A., and Melsom, A. (2014) "Occupational Segregation and Gender Differences in Sickness Absence: Evidence from 17 European Countries", Eur. Sociol. Rev., 30(5): 582-594.
  • Mortensen, J., Dich, N., Lange, T., Alexanderson, K., M., G., Head, J., . . . Hulvej Rod, N. (2017) "Job Strain and Informal Caregiving as Predictors of Long Term Sickness Absence: A Longitudinal Multicohort Study Scand", J. Work Environ. Health, 43(1): 5-14.
  • Nielsen, K., and Yarker, J. (2023) "Employees’ Experience of Supervisor Behaviour– A Support or a Hindrance on Their Return-to-Work Journey with a CMD? A Qualitativestudy", Work Stress, 37(4): 487-508.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Family and Household Studies
Journal Section Articles

Şeyda Ünver 0000-0002-2310-4545

Early Pub Date March 24, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date September 13, 2024
Acceptance Date November 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


AMA Ünver Ş. INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. March 2025;23(1):177-195. doi:10.11611/yead.1549843
Chicago Ünver, Şeyda. “INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 23, no. 1 (March 2025): 177-95.
EndNote Ünver Ş (March 1, 2025) INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 23 1 177–195.
IEEE Ş. Ünver, “INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 177–195, 2025, doi: 10.11611/yead.1549843.
ISNAD Ünver, Şeyda. “INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS”. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 23/1 (March 2025), 177-195.
MLA Ünver, Şeyda. “INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING ABSENTEEISM DUE TO HEALTH PROBLEMS USING COUNT DATA MODELS”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1, 2025, pp. 177-95, doi:10.11611/yead.1549843.