Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4, 69 - 105, 17.07.2020


The paper explains the withdrawal of The Gambia from the Commonwealth against the backdrop of developments in Southern Rhodesia during the unilateral declaration of independence (U.D.I.) era. It highlights how Britain reacted to affronts to rule of law, democracy, and human rights violation during U.D.I, while Africans were dispossessed and disenfranchised. Besides, the Southern Rhodesian 1923, 1961, and 1965 constitutions exacerbated the desolation of Africans by intensifying colonialism and racism. The O.A.U., The Government of Jamaica, and the United Nations were of assistance to Africans in Southern Rhodesia, during the siege, as the Commonwealth remained aloof in the face of racially motivated civil liberties abridgement. Against backgrounds of this nature, the present Gambian administration views Britain with caution when The Foreign Office announced an unprovoked travel ban on the country. While the Commonwealth has no direct meaningful impact on the lives of ordinary Gambians as its neo-colonial policies and British interests dovetail, the government considered it imperative to resign its membership.

Bu makale, tek taraflı bağımsızlık ilanı (U.D.I.) döneminde Güney Rodos'taki gelişmelerin zemininde Gambiya'nın Milletler Topluluğu'ndan çekilmesini açıklıyor. İngiltere'nin, ABD'de hukukun üstünlüğü, demokrasi ve insan hakları ihlallerine karşı nasıl tepki gösterdiğine dikkat çekerken, Afrikalılar mülksüzleştirildi ve haklarından mahrum edildi. Ayrıca, Güney Rodezya 1923, 1961 ve 1965 anayasaları, sömürgeciliği ve ırkçılığı yoğunlaştırarak Afrikalıların ıssızlığını şiddetlendirdi. O.A.U., Jamaika Hükümeti ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Commonwealth ırksal olarak motive edilmiş sivil özgürlüklerin kısalması karşısında uzak durduğundan, kuşatma sırasında Güney Rodos'taki Afrikalılara yardımcı oldular. Bu doğanın arka planına karşı, mevcut Gambiya yönetimi, Dışişleri Bakanlığı ülkeye karşı yasaklanmamış bir seyahat yasağı ilan ettiğinde İngiltere'yi dikkatle görüyor. Commonwealth'in sıradan Gambianların yaşamları üzerinde neo-sömürge politikaları ve İngiliz çıkarları bir araya geldiği için doğrudan anlamlı bir etkisi olmasa da, hükümet üyeliğini istifa etmenin zorunlu olduğunu düşünüyor.

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  • Aihe, D.O. (1971) Fundamental Human Rights and the Military Regime in Nigeria: What did the Courts Say? Journal of African Law, 15, 213-224.
  • Article 19 (1993) The Article 19 Freedom Of Expression Handbook International and Comparative Law, Standards and Procedures
  • Fairman, C. (1942) The Law of Martial Rule and the National Emergency. Harvard Law Review, Vol. 55, No 8. pp 1253-130.
  • Faulkner, Elizabeth A. (1994) The Right to Habeas Corpus: Only in the Other Americas. American University International Law Review Vol.9, No. 3. pp 653-687.
  • Hirsch, A. (2013) Gambia Quits the Commonwealth. The Guardian. › World › The Gambia .
  • Hopton, T. C. (1978): Grundnorm and Constitution: The Legitimacy of Politics McGIll Law Journal, Vol. 24 pp. 72-91.
  • Kandiah, D. M. (ed.) (2001) Rhodesian UDI. Institute of Contemporary British History, London.
  • Magaisa, T. Alex, (2010) The Land Question, and Transitional Justice in Zimbabwe: Law, Force, and History’s Multiple Victims.
  • Minnite, Lorraine C. “An Analysis of Voter Fraud in The United States” Adapted from the 2003 report Securing The Vote, by L. Minnite and D. Callahan, Dēmos: A Network for Ideas & Action.
  • Mkwentla, N K., (2001) Legal Effect of a Coup d’état on Traditional Constitutional Concepts. Master of Science Dissertation, Rhodes University.
  • Mushimbo, C. (2005) Land reform in post-independence Zimbabwe: a case of Britain’s neo-colonial Intransigence? (M. Sc. Diss., Graduate College of Bowling Green State University).
  • Ndakaripa, M. (2014) United States / European Union 'Sanctions' and the Contestation for Political Space Zimbabwe, 2000 to 2012. American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 4, No. 4.
  • Palley, C. (1966) The constitutional history and law of Southern Rhodesia, 1888-1965, with special reference to imperial control. (Oxford. Clarendon Press.). Paton, A. (1948) Cry, the Beloved Country. London: Jonathan Cape Publishers.
  • Reginald, A. (1975) Racism and apartheid in southern Africa Rhodesia. Paris U.N.E.S.C.O. Press.
  • Rhodesia - The National Library of Jamaica.
  • Roth, K. (2008) After Guantánamo: The Case against Preventive Detention. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp.9-16.
  • Ruhe, J., Davis H.J. (2003) Perceptions of Country Corruption: Antecedents and Outcomes Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.43, No 4. Pp. 275-288.
  • Sharpley, R., et al. (1996) Travel advice or trade embargo? The impacts and implications of official travel advice. Tourism Management Vol. 17, No.3 pp. 1-7.
  • Siollun, M. 2007 The Roller-Coaster Life of Murtala Mohammed. Nigeria Village Square.
  • Soviet Neivs, (1965) “Soviet Government Statement: The Situation in Southern Rhodesia,” No. 5206, pp. 70. asp.
  • Stone, G. R. (2006) civil liberties v. National security in the law’s open areas. Boston university law review vol. 86. Pp.1315-1334. ------------------ (2007) “National Security vs. Civil Liberties.” California Law Review. Vol. 95, No. 6, pp. 2203-2212.
  • The Corner House Briefing 19: (2000) Corruption, Privatization, and Multinationals.
  • United Nations, (1975). Decolonization: A publication of the U.N. Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization. Vol.11, no. 5
  • White, I. (2012) Postal voting and electoral fraud 2001-09” House of Commons Library, Parliament and Constitution Centre. SN/PC/3667.


Year 2020, Volume: 4, 69 - 105, 17.07.2020


Bu makale, tek taraflı bağımsızlık ilanı (U.D.I.) döneminde Güney Rodos'taki gelişmelerin zemininde Gambiya'nın Milletler Topluluğu'ndan çekilmesini açıklıyor. İngiltere'nin, ABD'de hukukun üstünlüğü, demokrasi ve insan hakları ihlallerine karşı nasıl tepki gösterdiğine dikkat çekerken, Afrikalılar mülksüzleştirildi ve haklarından mahrum edildi. Ayrıca, Güney Rodezya 1923, 1961 ve 1965 anayasaları, sömürgeciliği ve ırkçılığı yoğunlaştırarak Afrikalıların ıssızlığını şiddetlendirdi. O.A.U., Jamaika Hükümeti ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Commonwealth ırksal olarak motive edilmiş sivil özgürlüklerin kısalması karşısında uzak durduğundan, kuşatma sırasında Güney Rodos'taki Afrikalılara yardımcı oldular. Bu doğanın arka planına karşı, mevcut Gambiya yönetimi, Dışişleri Bakanlığı ülkeye karşı yasaklanmamış bir seyahat yasağı ilan ettiğinde İngiltere'yi dikkatle görüyor. Commonwealth'in sıradan Gambianların yaşamları üzerinde neo-sömürge politikaları ve İngiliz çıkarları bir araya geldiği için doğrudan anlamlı bir etkisi olmasa da, hükümet üyeliğini istifa etmenin zorunlu olduğunu düşünüyor.

Project Number



  • Aihe, D.O. (1971) Fundamental Human Rights and the Military Regime in Nigeria: What did the Courts Say? Journal of African Law, 15, 213-224.
  • Article 19 (1993) The Article 19 Freedom Of Expression Handbook International and Comparative Law, Standards and Procedures
  • Fairman, C. (1942) The Law of Martial Rule and the National Emergency. Harvard Law Review, Vol. 55, No 8. pp 1253-130.
  • Faulkner, Elizabeth A. (1994) The Right to Habeas Corpus: Only in the Other Americas. American University International Law Review Vol.9, No. 3. pp 653-687.
  • Hirsch, A. (2013) Gambia Quits the Commonwealth. The Guardian. › World › The Gambia .
  • Hopton, T. C. (1978): Grundnorm and Constitution: The Legitimacy of Politics McGIll Law Journal, Vol. 24 pp. 72-91.
  • Kandiah, D. M. (ed.) (2001) Rhodesian UDI. Institute of Contemporary British History, London.
  • Magaisa, T. Alex, (2010) The Land Question, and Transitional Justice in Zimbabwe: Law, Force, and History’s Multiple Victims.
  • Minnite, Lorraine C. “An Analysis of Voter Fraud in The United States” Adapted from the 2003 report Securing The Vote, by L. Minnite and D. Callahan, Dēmos: A Network for Ideas & Action.
  • Mkwentla, N K., (2001) Legal Effect of a Coup d’état on Traditional Constitutional Concepts. Master of Science Dissertation, Rhodes University.
  • Mushimbo, C. (2005) Land reform in post-independence Zimbabwe: a case of Britain’s neo-colonial Intransigence? (M. Sc. Diss., Graduate College of Bowling Green State University).
  • Ndakaripa, M. (2014) United States / European Union 'Sanctions' and the Contestation for Political Space Zimbabwe, 2000 to 2012. American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 4, No. 4.
  • Palley, C. (1966) The constitutional history and law of Southern Rhodesia, 1888-1965, with special reference to imperial control. (Oxford. Clarendon Press.). Paton, A. (1948) Cry, the Beloved Country. London: Jonathan Cape Publishers.
  • Reginald, A. (1975) Racism and apartheid in southern Africa Rhodesia. Paris U.N.E.S.C.O. Press.
  • Rhodesia - The National Library of Jamaica.
  • Roth, K. (2008) After Guantánamo: The Case against Preventive Detention. Foreign Affairs, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp.9-16.
  • Ruhe, J., Davis H.J. (2003) Perceptions of Country Corruption: Antecedents and Outcomes Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.43, No 4. Pp. 275-288.
  • Sharpley, R., et al. (1996) Travel advice or trade embargo? The impacts and implications of official travel advice. Tourism Management Vol. 17, No.3 pp. 1-7.
  • Siollun, M. 2007 The Roller-Coaster Life of Murtala Mohammed. Nigeria Village Square.
  • Soviet Neivs, (1965) “Soviet Government Statement: The Situation in Southern Rhodesia,” No. 5206, pp. 70. asp.
  • Stone, G. R. (2006) civil liberties v. National security in the law’s open areas. Boston university law review vol. 86. Pp.1315-1334. ------------------ (2007) “National Security vs. Civil Liberties.” California Law Review. Vol. 95, No. 6, pp. 2203-2212.
  • The Corner House Briefing 19: (2000) Corruption, Privatization, and Multinationals.
  • United Nations, (1975). Decolonization: A publication of the U.N. Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization. Vol.11, no. 5
  • White, I. (2012) Postal voting and electoral fraud 2001-09” House of Commons Library, Parliament and Constitution Centre. SN/PC/3667.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Temmuz 2019 Sayısı Makaleler

Akpojevbe Omasanjuwa 0000-0002-8005-3924

Project Number Nil
Publication Date July 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4


APA Omasanjuwa, A. (2020). THE GAMBIA vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Araştırma Dergisi, 4(8), 69-105.
Chicago Omasanjuwa, Akpojevbe. “THE GAMBIA Vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Araştırma Dergisi 4, no. 8 (July 2020): 69-105.
EndNote Omasanjuwa A (July 1, 2020) THE GAMBIA vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Araştırma Dergisi 4 8 69–105.
IEEE A. Omasanjuwa, “THE GAMBIA vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP”, yutad, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 69–105, 2020.
ISNAD Omasanjuwa, Akpojevbe. “THE GAMBIA Vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Araştırma Dergisi 4/8 (July 2020), 69-105.
MLA Omasanjuwa, Akpojevbe. “THE GAMBIA Vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP”. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Araştırma Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 8, 2020, pp. 69-105.
Vancouver Omasanjuwa A. THE GAMBIA vs. THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: A SOURED RELATIONSHIP. yutad. 2020;4(8):69-105.