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İstanbul’da Ulaşım Mekanları ile Toplu Taşıma Araçlarında Suç Korkusu ve Güvenlik Algısı Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Year 2021, Issue: 8, 9 - 34, 31.12.2021


Kentlerin sunduğu olanaklar sayesinde büyük kentlerde yaşamak bireylerin hayatlarını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Ancak hızlı kentleşme sonucu yerleşmelerin büyüyüp yayılmasıyla birlikte, toplu ulaşım kentli yaşamının vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmuştur. Gün içinde ulaşım amaçlı harcanan sürenin artması, kentlinin yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bireylerin günlük yaşamlarında kullandığı ulaşım mekanlarındaki kalite ve konforun en önemli bileşeni olan ‘güvenlik’ konuları da bu bağlamda gün geçtikçe önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kentte yaşama, ulaşım ve toplu ulaşım davranışı sırasında bireylerin güvenlik algısı ve suç korkusu incelenmektedir. Özellikle büyük kentlerdeki toplu taşıma yolcularının çeşitli nedenlerle ve çeşitli zamanlarda suç korkusuna maruz kaldıkları bilinmektedir. Yolculukların daha konforlu ve güvenli kılınabilmesi için kullanıcıların bu korkularının nerelerde ve neden olduğunun saptanması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada da bu korkuların saptanması amacıyla İstanbul kentinde iki üniversitenin öğrencilerinden oluşan 12 kişilik bir grup ile derinlemesine bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada toplu taşıma kullanan öğrencilerin evleri ve okulları arasındaki ulaşım mekanları ve toplu taşıma araçlarında duyumsadıkları korkular sorgulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler kamusal alanda ve toplu taşımada suçun ne olduğu, güvenliği etkileyen faktörler, güvende hissedilen ve hissedilmeyen yerlerin özellikleri ve genel olarak İstanbul’un güvenliğine ilişkin konular olmak üzere dört ana temada değerlendirilmiştir. Saptanan sonuçların bu konuda dünya literatüründe ortaya konulan sonuçlar ile örtüştüğü görülmektedir.


  • Bannister, J. and Fyfe, N. (2001) Introduction: fear and the city, Urban Studies, 38, pp. 807–813.
  • Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (1992). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Ceccato, V. (2017). Women's transit safety: Making connections and defining future directions in research and practice. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. 19. 276-287. 10.1057/s41300-017-0032-5.
  • Covington, J., Taylor, R. (1991). Fear of Crime in Urban Residential Neighborhoods: Implications of Between- and Within-Neighborhood Sources for Current Models. The Sociological Quarterly, 32(2), 231-249.
  • Crime Concern (2004) People’s conceptions of personal security and their concerns about crime on public transport: research findings. Department of Transport, London.
  • Çardak, B. (2012). Kadınların Suç Korkuları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi. Kasım 2012, cilt: 1, sayı:1, pp:23-45. Jandarma Basımevi. Ankara.
  • Çoklar, I., Solak, N. (2017). Suç korkusu: Tanım, ölçüm ve belirleyiciler. Nesne, 5(10), 311-328.
  • Dolan, P., Peasgood, T. (2007). Estimating the Economic and Social Costs of the Fear of Crime. The British Journal of Criminology, 47(1), 121–132.
  • Dolu, O., Uludağ, Ş., Doğutaş, C. (2010). Suç Korkusu: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Güvenlik Politikaları İlişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 65 (01), 057-081.
  • Elker, C. (2012). Ulaşım Politikalarına Çağdaş Yaklaşımla. Kentsel Planlama Ansiklopedik Sözlük. ed. M. Ersoy. Ninova Yayıncılık.
  • Erkan, N. Ç., (2015). Büyük Kentlerde Kadınların Korku Mekanları. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisi Açısından Suç ve Suç Korkusu. HEGEM Vakfı Yayınları: 51. Bilimsel ve Popüler Eserler Dizisi. ed. A. Solak, Ö. Solak, ISBN: 978-605-9104-05-0, s: 401-411, Ankara.
  • Erkan, N. Ç., Sevin, B. (2018). ERKAN, “Suç Korkusu Konusunda Bir İnceleme: Kadıköy Örneği”, Planlama Dergisi, ISSN 1300-7319, DOI: 10.14744/planlama. 2018.82787, TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası Yayını, Ankara.
  • Farrall, S., Bannister, J., Ditton, J., Gilchrist, E. (1997). Questioning the Measurement of the Fear of Crime. British Journal of Criminology, 37(4), 658-679.
  • Ferraro, K. F. (1995). Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Foster, S., Giles-Corti, B., Knuiman, M. (2010). Neighbourhood design and fear of crime: A social-ecological examination of the correlates of residents? Fear in new suburban housing developments. Health & Place, 16, 1156–1165.
  • Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1971). Public reaction to crime in the streets. The American Scholar, 40, 601-610.
  • Garofalo, J. (1981). The Fear of Crime: Causes and Consequences. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-). 72. 839. 10.2307/1143018.
  • Gekoski, A., Jacqueline, M., Gray, M.H., Horvath, S.E., Aliye, E., and Adler. J., (2015). ‘What works’ in reducing sexual harassment and sexual offences on public transport nationally and internationally: A rapid evidence assessment. Internationally.pdf. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  • Hale, C. (1993), 'Fear of Crime: A Review Of The Literature', Report to the Metropolitan Police Service Working Party on the Fear of Crime. Canterbury: Canterbury Business School, University of Kent.
  • Hamilton, K. and Jenkins, L. (2000) A gender audit for public transport: a new policy tool in the tackling of social exclusion, Urban Studies, 37, pp. 1793–1800.
  • Jackson, J. (2009). A Psychological Perspective on Vulnerability in the Fear of Crime. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15(4), 365-390.
  • Karasar, N. (1995). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: 3A Araştırma Eğitim Danışmanlık.
  • Koskela, H. (1997) Bold walk and breakings: women’s spatial confidence versus fear of vio¬lence. Gender, Place, and Culture, 4, 301–319.
  • Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (1999). Hot spots of bus stop crime: The importance of environmental attributes. Journal of the American Planning Association, 65 (4): 395-411.
  • Lynch, G. and Atkins, S. (1988) The influence of personal security fears on women’s travel pat¬terns. Transportation, 15, pp. 257–277.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-96.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Case study research in education: A qualitative approach. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.
  • Nasar, J. L., Fisher, B. (1993). Hot Spots of Fear and Crime: A Multi-method Investigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13(3), 187-206.
  • Newman, O. (1996). Creating Defensible Space. Institute for Community Design Analysis, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University.
  • Oskay, Ünsal. “Kent ve Kentlilik Üzerine”, Varlık, Sayı: 1036, Ocak 1994, ss. 2-7.
  • Pain, R. (1991) Space, sexual violence and social control: integrating geographical and feminist analyses of women’s fear of crime. Progress in Human Geography, 15, 415–31.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1987). How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA.
  • Ravenscroft, N., Uzzell, D., Leach, R. (2002). Danger ahead? The impact of fear of crime on people’s recreational use ofnonmotorised shared-use routes. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20, 741–756.
  • Ross, C. E. (1993). Fear of victimization and health. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 9, 159–175.
  • Ross, C. E., Jang, S. J. (2000). Neighborhood disorder,fear, and mistrust: The buffering role of social ties with neighbors. American Journal of Community Psychology, 28, 401–420.
  • Sacco, V.F. (1993). “Social support and the fear of crime”. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 35,187-196.
  • Skogan, W. (1986) Fear of crime and neighbour¬hood change, Crime and Justice, 8, 203–229.
  • Stanko, E. (1990) Everyday Violence: Women’s and Men’s Experience of Personal Danger. London: Pandora.
  • Tandoğan, O., Şimsek İlhan, B. (2016). Fear of Crime in Public Spaces: From the View of Women Living in Cities. Procedia Engineering. 161. 2011-2018. 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.795.
  • Tönnies, F.,(2001) Community and Civil Society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Trench, S., Oc, T. and Tiesdell, S. (1992) Safer cities for women: perceived risks and plan¬ning measures, Town Planning Review, 63, pp. 279–293.
  • Vanier, C. ve Jubainville, H. (2017). Feeling unsafe in public transportation: A profile analysis of female users in the Parisian region. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. 19. 251-263. 10.1057/s41300-017-0030-7.
  • Valentine, G. (1989) The Geography of Women’s Fear, Area, 21, pp. 385–390.
  • Walsh, B. (1999) Safety on public transport report. National Crime Prevention and the Crime Prevention Unit of the Attorney-General’s Department, South Australia.
  • Warr, M. (1984). Fear of Victimization: Why Are Women and the Elderly More Afraid?. Social Science Quarterly. 65.
  • Yavuz, N., ve Welch, E. W. (2010). Addressing Fear of Crime in Public Space: Gender Differences in Reaction to Safety Measures in Train Transit. Urban Studies, 47(12), 2491–2515.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2011). Göreve Yeni Başlayan Özel Dershane Öğretmenlerinin Kurumlarındaki Çalışma Koşullarına İlişkin Görüşleri. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11 (2), 635-650.

A Qualitative Study on University Students Perception of Fear of Crime and Security in Places with Transportation Functions in İstanbul

Year 2021, Issue: 8, 9 - 34, 31.12.2021


Today, public transportation has become an indispensable part of urban life. The increase in the time spent for transportation purposes during the day negatively affects the quality of life of individuals. 'Safety' issues, which are the most critical components of quality and comfort in places with transportation functions used by individuals in their daily lives, are gaining importance day by day in this context. It is essential to determine why and where users fear to make travels more comfortable and safer. In this study, individuals' perceptions of security and fear of crime during transportation and public transportation are explicitly examined by university students. To determine the fears felt during transportation behavior, qualitative research was conducted with 12 students from two universities in Istanbul. As a result of the data analysis, it was seen that the findings were gathered under four main themes: what is the crime in public space and public transport, the factors affecting security, the characteristics of places that are felt and not felt safe, and the issues related to the protection of Istanbul in general. All of the participants in the study stated that Istanbul has a security problem, and they defined physical violence as a source of fear at the forefront. However, they noted that stray animals, women, and cleanly dressed people create a sense of security. For the security perception of the space, cleaning, maintenance, inspection, and surveillance issues come to the fore. It is seen that the determined results coincide with the results revealed in the world literature on this subject.


  • Bannister, J. and Fyfe, N. (2001) Introduction: fear and the city, Urban Studies, 38, pp. 807–813.
  • Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (1992). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Ceccato, V. (2017). Women's transit safety: Making connections and defining future directions in research and practice. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. 19. 276-287. 10.1057/s41300-017-0032-5.
  • Covington, J., Taylor, R. (1991). Fear of Crime in Urban Residential Neighborhoods: Implications of Between- and Within-Neighborhood Sources for Current Models. The Sociological Quarterly, 32(2), 231-249.
  • Crime Concern (2004) People’s conceptions of personal security and their concerns about crime on public transport: research findings. Department of Transport, London.
  • Çardak, B. (2012). Kadınların Suç Korkuları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi. Kasım 2012, cilt: 1, sayı:1, pp:23-45. Jandarma Basımevi. Ankara.
  • Çoklar, I., Solak, N. (2017). Suç korkusu: Tanım, ölçüm ve belirleyiciler. Nesne, 5(10), 311-328.
  • Dolan, P., Peasgood, T. (2007). Estimating the Economic and Social Costs of the Fear of Crime. The British Journal of Criminology, 47(1), 121–132.
  • Dolu, O., Uludağ, Ş., Doğutaş, C. (2010). Suç Korkusu: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Güvenlik Politikaları İlişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 65 (01), 057-081.
  • Elker, C. (2012). Ulaşım Politikalarına Çağdaş Yaklaşımla. Kentsel Planlama Ansiklopedik Sözlük. ed. M. Ersoy. Ninova Yayıncılık.
  • Erkan, N. Ç., (2015). Büyük Kentlerde Kadınların Korku Mekanları. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisi Açısından Suç ve Suç Korkusu. HEGEM Vakfı Yayınları: 51. Bilimsel ve Popüler Eserler Dizisi. ed. A. Solak, Ö. Solak, ISBN: 978-605-9104-05-0, s: 401-411, Ankara.
  • Erkan, N. Ç., Sevin, B. (2018). ERKAN, “Suç Korkusu Konusunda Bir İnceleme: Kadıköy Örneği”, Planlama Dergisi, ISSN 1300-7319, DOI: 10.14744/planlama. 2018.82787, TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası Yayını, Ankara.
  • Farrall, S., Bannister, J., Ditton, J., Gilchrist, E. (1997). Questioning the Measurement of the Fear of Crime. British Journal of Criminology, 37(4), 658-679.
  • Ferraro, K. F. (1995). Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Foster, S., Giles-Corti, B., Knuiman, M. (2010). Neighbourhood design and fear of crime: A social-ecological examination of the correlates of residents? Fear in new suburban housing developments. Health & Place, 16, 1156–1165.
  • Furstenberg, F. F., Jr. (1971). Public reaction to crime in the streets. The American Scholar, 40, 601-610.
  • Garofalo, J. (1981). The Fear of Crime: Causes and Consequences. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-). 72. 839. 10.2307/1143018.
  • Gekoski, A., Jacqueline, M., Gray, M.H., Horvath, S.E., Aliye, E., and Adler. J., (2015). ‘What works’ in reducing sexual harassment and sexual offences on public transport nationally and internationally: A rapid evidence assessment. Internationally.pdf. Accessed 28 July 2020.
  • Hale, C. (1993), 'Fear of Crime: A Review Of The Literature', Report to the Metropolitan Police Service Working Party on the Fear of Crime. Canterbury: Canterbury Business School, University of Kent.
  • Hamilton, K. and Jenkins, L. (2000) A gender audit for public transport: a new policy tool in the tackling of social exclusion, Urban Studies, 37, pp. 1793–1800.
  • Jackson, J. (2009). A Psychological Perspective on Vulnerability in the Fear of Crime. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15(4), 365-390.
  • Karasar, N. (1995). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: 3A Araştırma Eğitim Danışmanlık.
  • Koskela, H. (1997) Bold walk and breakings: women’s spatial confidence versus fear of vio¬lence. Gender, Place, and Culture, 4, 301–319.
  • Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (1999). Hot spots of bus stop crime: The importance of environmental attributes. Journal of the American Planning Association, 65 (4): 395-411.
  • Lynch, G. and Atkins, S. (1988) The influence of personal security fears on women’s travel pat¬terns. Transportation, 15, pp. 257–277.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-96.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Case study research in education: A qualitative approach. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.
  • Nasar, J. L., Fisher, B. (1993). Hot Spots of Fear and Crime: A Multi-method Investigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13(3), 187-206.
  • Newman, O. (1996). Creating Defensible Space. Institute for Community Design Analysis, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University.
  • Oskay, Ünsal. “Kent ve Kentlilik Üzerine”, Varlık, Sayı: 1036, Ocak 1994, ss. 2-7.
  • Pain, R. (1991) Space, sexual violence and social control: integrating geographical and feminist analyses of women’s fear of crime. Progress in Human Geography, 15, 415–31.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1987). How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA.
  • Ravenscroft, N., Uzzell, D., Leach, R. (2002). Danger ahead? The impact of fear of crime on people’s recreational use ofnonmotorised shared-use routes. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20, 741–756.
  • Ross, C. E. (1993). Fear of victimization and health. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 9, 159–175.
  • Ross, C. E., Jang, S. J. (2000). Neighborhood disorder,fear, and mistrust: The buffering role of social ties with neighbors. American Journal of Community Psychology, 28, 401–420.
  • Sacco, V.F. (1993). “Social support and the fear of crime”. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 35,187-196.
  • Skogan, W. (1986) Fear of crime and neighbour¬hood change, Crime and Justice, 8, 203–229.
  • Stanko, E. (1990) Everyday Violence: Women’s and Men’s Experience of Personal Danger. London: Pandora.
  • Tandoğan, O., Şimsek İlhan, B. (2016). Fear of Crime in Public Spaces: From the View of Women Living in Cities. Procedia Engineering. 161. 2011-2018. 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.795.
  • Tönnies, F.,(2001) Community and Civil Society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Trench, S., Oc, T. and Tiesdell, S. (1992) Safer cities for women: perceived risks and plan¬ning measures, Town Planning Review, 63, pp. 279–293.
  • Vanier, C. ve Jubainville, H. (2017). Feeling unsafe in public transportation: A profile analysis of female users in the Parisian region. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. 19. 251-263. 10.1057/s41300-017-0030-7.
  • Valentine, G. (1989) The Geography of Women’s Fear, Area, 21, pp. 385–390.
  • Walsh, B. (1999) Safety on public transport report. National Crime Prevention and the Crime Prevention Unit of the Attorney-General’s Department, South Australia.
  • Warr, M. (1984). Fear of Victimization: Why Are Women and the Elderly More Afraid?. Social Science Quarterly. 65.
  • Yavuz, N., ve Welch, E. W. (2010). Addressing Fear of Crime in Public Space: Gender Differences in Reaction to Safety Measures in Train Transit. Urban Studies, 47(12), 2491–2515.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2003). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Yılmaz, K. ve Altınkurt, Y. (2011). Göreve Yeni Başlayan Özel Dershane Öğretmenlerinin Kurumlarındaki Çalışma Koşullarına İlişkin Görüşleri. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 11 (2), 635-650.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Nilgün Çolpan Erkan 0000-0002-4252-4764

Ferda Şule Kaya 0000-0002-8415-8002

Kağan Güney 0000-0003-0711-1881

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 8


APA Erkan, N. Ç., Kaya, F. Ş., & Güney, K. (2021). İstanbul’da Ulaşım Mekanları ile Toplu Taşıma Araçlarında Suç Korkusu ve Güvenlik Algısı Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma. Vankulu Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi(8), 9-34.