Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 76 Sayı: 3, 251 - 286, 15.10.2018


Thanks to the implementation of the principles and reforms of Atatürk, “public
service” and “education” have become important values. Over time, urbanization
increased and migrations from the village to the city began. The increase
in the level of education and employment of women has especially given way to
great changes in the family structure and in the marital status. Marriages started
being postponed as education was given priority. This raised the age of marriage,
contributed to an increase in the number of bachelors and led to a reduction in
fertility. The fact that a woman with a higher education became knowledgeable,
autonomous and financially independent had an impact on divorces. Increase in
male deaths in Turkey for various reasons has enhanced the number of widows.
According to recent statistics of the Turkey Statistical Institute, over 25% of
the total population is single. We refer to as single the category of individuals
in their late adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and advanced
adulthood, who have never been married, divorced and widowed. The single
populations of different developmental periods and different bachelor status
reveal the existence of their own chronic stress and needs. This requires specific
assistance and services. I have defined the concept of “Singles Counselling” as
psycho-educational-social-benefits for single populations. In state policies, legal
regulations, scientific research and even provided psychological assistance, single
populations and single life are not sufficiently considered in Turkey. Based on
a justification of scientific literature, deficiencies in existing applications, the
needs and problems of single populations, and certain provisions of the The
Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, some legal recommendations for single
populations were presented in this compilation study.


  • Almeida, D. M./Kessler, R.C.: Everyday Stressors and Gender Differences in Daily Distress, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1998, 75:670-680. Antonucci, T.C.: Social supports and social relationships. In R. Binstock/L. George (Ed.), Handbook of aging and the social sciences, New York: Wiley, 1990, s. 205-227. Atkins, G.L.: The Economic Status of the Oldest Old, Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly/Health and Society 1985, 63:395-419. Aydın, K.B.: (2018), [Farklı gelişim dönemlerindeki hiç evlenmemiş bireylerin ihityaçları ve stres yaşantıları]. Yayınlanmamış çalışma. Aydın, K.B.: Model of autonomous-relational singles counseling (MARSC) in collectivist cultures: Turkey Model. Poster session presented at the 24th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology: Multiculturalism in a Global Perspective: Benefits and Challenges, The University of Guelph, Canada 2018f, July 1-5. Aydın, K.B.: Bekâr Danışmanlığı ve Özerk-İlişkisel Bekâr Danışmanlığı Modeli: Türkiye’de Yeni Bir Kavram, Araştırma, Uzmanlık ve Çalışma Alanı. TURAN-SAM 2017b, 9, 36,707-715. Aydın, K. B.: Genç-Yaşlı Dayanışması. Genç-Yaşlı Dayanışması Panelinde sunuldu. (Üniversite gençleri ve huzurevi yaşlıları birarada gerçekleştirildi.) Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Ankara 17 Mayıs 2017a. Aydın, K.B.: Sosyal destek ve önemi. In Kurtman Ersanlı (Ed), Hedefe Doğru İnsan:Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu, Samsun 2016, s. 506-522. Bachrach, L.L.: Marital status and mental disorder: An analytical reviexv (U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health, Series D., No. 3). Washington, DC: U.S. 1975. Baltaş, A./Baltaş, Z.: Stres ve başa çıkma yolları, 18. Bası, İstanbul 1998. Baruch, G., Barnett, R./Rivers, C.: Lifeprints: neu patterns of love and work for today’s women. New York 1983. Bird, C. E./Fremont, A. M.: Gender, Time Use, and Health, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1991, 32,114-129. Butrica, B.A./Iams, H.M.: Divorced women at retirement: Projections of economic well-beingin the near future. Social Security Bulletin 2000, 63(3): 3–12. Carr, D.S./Utz, R.: Late-life Widowhood in the United States:New Directions in Research and Theory, Ageing International 2002, 27:65-88. Coan J.A./Schaefer, H.S./Davidson, R.J. Lending a hand: Social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychol Sci., 2006,17 (12):1032-9. Culpan, O./Marzotto, T.: Changing Attitudes toward Work and Marriage: Turkey inTransition. Signs, 1982, (8)2, 337-351. Chiriboga, D.: Social supports. In G.L. Maddox (Ed.), The encyclopedia of aging, New York 2001, s. 962-965. Doherty, W.J./Jacobson, N.S.: Marriage and the family. In B.B. Wolman (Ed.) Handbook of developmental psychology, Englewood Cliffs 1982, s. 667-680. Elwert, F./Christakis, N.A.: Widowhood and race. American Sociological Review 2006, (71)1,16–41. Erikson, E.H.: Idendity and life cycle, New York 1980. Erman, T.: The Impact of Migration on Turkish Rural Women: Four Emergent Patterns, Gender and Society 1998, (12)2, 146-167. Freedman, E.: Neurotik problem in marriage, G.P. Sholever (Ed.), Handbook of marriage and marital therapy, New York 1981. Garfield, S.L./Sundland, D.M.: Prognostic scales in schizophrenia, Journal of Consulting Psychology 1966, 30, 18-24. Gerstel, N./Riessman, C.K./Rosenfield, S.: Explaining the Symptomatology of Separated and Divorced Women and Men: The Role of Material Conditions and Social Networks.” Social Forces 1985, 64:84-101. Gore, J.L., Kwan, L./ Saigal, C.S./Litwin, M.S.: Marriage and mortality in bladder carcinoma, Cancer 2005, 1, 4, s.1188-1194. Gove, W.R./Tudor, J.F.: Adult Sex Roles and Mental Illness, American Journal of Sociology 1973, 78: 812-835. Gubrium, J.F.: Being single in old age, International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1975. Glenn, N.D.: The contribution of marriage to the psychological well-being of males and females. Journal of Marriage and the Family 1975, 37, 594-600. Havighurst, R.J.: Developmental tasks and education (3. Baskı). Michigan Üniversitesi 1972. House, J.S./Lepkowski, J.M./Kinney, A.M./Mero, R.P./Kessler, R.C./ Herzog, A.R.: The Social Stratification of Aging and Health, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1994, 35:213-234. Hughes, M./Demo, D.: Self-Perceptions of Black Americans: Self-Esteem and Personal Efficacy, American Journal of Sociology 1989, 95:132-159. Johnston, M.W./Eklund, S.J.: Life-Adjustment of the Never-Married: A Review with Implications for Counseling. Journal Of Counseling And Development 1984, 63, S. 230-236. Kahn, R. L.: Aging and Social Support, in Aging from Birth to Death, M. W. Riley (ed.), Colorado 1979. Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K./Newton, T.L.: Marriage and health: His and hers. Psychological Bulletin 2001,127, 472-503. Lillard, L.A./Panis, C.W.A.: Marital status and mortality: The role of health. Demography 1996, 33, 3, s. 313–327. Menaghan, E.G./Lieberman, M.A.: Changes in Depression Following Divorce: A Panel Study.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 1986, 48, 319-328. Miech, R.A./Shanahan, M.J.: Socioeconomic Status and Depression over the Life Course, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2000, 41,162- 176. Mireault, M.,/de Man, A.F.: Suicidal ideation among the elderly: Personal variables, stress and social support, Social Behavior and Personality 1996, 24, 4, 385-392. Mirowsky, J.: Age and the Sense of Control, Social Psychology Quarterly 1995, 58,31-43. Mirowsky, J./Ross, C.E.: Social Patterns of Distress, Annual Review of Sociology 1986,12:23-45. Morris, C.G.: Psikolojiyi Anlamak (H.B. Ayvaşık, M. Sayıl, Çev. Ed.). Ankara 1996. Murray, J.E.: Marital protection and marital selection: Evidance from a historical- prospective sample of American men, Demography 2000, 37, 511-521. McLeod, J. D./Nonnemaker, J.M.: Social Stratification and Inequality. Pp. 321-344 in Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo C. Phelan (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health. New York 1999. Pearlin, L.I.: The Stress process revisited: Reflections on Concepts and Their Interrelationships.” Pp. 395-416 in Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo C. Phelan (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health, New York 1999. Pearlin, L.I.: Role Strains and Personal Stress, Psychosocial Stress 1983, 3-32. Pearlin, L.I./Joyce S.: Marital Status, Life-Strains, and Depression, American Sociological Review 1977, 42:704-715. Pudrovska, T.: Being Single In Late-Life: Single Strain, Moderating Resources, And Distress, Master of Arts 2004. Robertson, J.F.: Women in Midlife: Crisis, Reverberations and Support Networks, The Family Coordinator 1977, 27, s.375-382. Rogers, R.G./Hummer, R.A./Nam, C.B.: Living and dying in the USA, New York 2000. Rosenberg, M.: Self-Concept Research: A Historical Overview, Social Forces 1989, 68, s. 34-44. Ross, C.E.: Reconceptualizing Marital Status as a Continuum of Social Attachment, Journal of Marriage and the Family 1995, 57, s.129-140. Ross, C.E./Mirowsky, J.: Refining the Association between Education and Health: The Effects of Quantity, Credential, and Selectivity, Demography 1999, 36, s. 445-460. Rowland, D.T.: Demographic Methods and Concepts, New York, USA 2003. Sammon, J.D./Morgan, M./Djahangirian, O./Trinh, Q./Sun, M./Ghani, K.H./ Jeong, I.W./Jhaveri, J./Ehlert, M./Schmitges, J./Bianchi, M./Shariat, S.H./Perrotte, P./ Rogers, C.G./Peabody, J.O./Menon, M./Karakiewicz, P.I.: Marital status: A gender-independent risk factor for poorer survival after radical cystectomy 2012, 110, s.1301-1309. Simon, R. W.: Revisiting the Relationships among Gender, Marital Status, and Mental Health, American Journal of Sociology 2002, 107, 1065-1096. Schoenborn, C.A.: Marital status and health: United States, 1999–2002. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics No. 351. National Center for Health Statistics, United States 2004. Schulz, R.: The psychology of death, dying, and bereavement. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley 1978. Smith, J./Borchelt, M./ Maier, H./Jopp, D.: Health and Well-Being in the Young Old and Oldest Old, The Journal of Social Issues 2002, 58:715-732. Tamborini, C.R.: The Never-Married in old age: Projections and concerns for the near future. Social Security Bulletin 2007, 67, 2. Tezcan, S./Coşkun, Y.: Türkiye’de 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde kadınlarda ilkevlenme yaşı değişimi ve günümüz evlilik özellikleri, Nüfus Bilim Dergisi 2004, 26, 15-34. Turner, R. J./Lloyd, D.A./Roszell, P.: Personal Resources and the Social Distribution of Depression, American Journal of Community Psychology 1999, 27: 643-672. TÜİK (2017). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları http://www.tuik. 3 Ocak 2018 tarihinde elde edildi. TÜİK (2010-2016). Yaşam memnuniyeti araştırmaları sonuçları, (http://, 30 Haziran 2017 tarihinde elde edildi. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanlığı Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı. Aileye Yönelik Sosyal Yardım Programları ve Aile Yardımları Sigorta Komisyonu Raporu 2014, VI. Aile Şurası. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanlığı Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı 1998, III. Aile Şurası. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması-TNSA, Ankara 2008. Vaillant, G.E.: Aging well: Surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development, Boston 2002. Ward, R.A.: The never-married in later life, Journal of Gerontology 1979,34, 861-869. Waite, L.J./Gallagher, M.: The case for marriageWhy married people are happier, healthier, and better of financially, New York 2000. Wilcox, B.: Social support, life stress, and psychological adjustment: A test of the buffering hypothesis, American Journal of Community Psychology 1981, 9, 4, 371-386. Wilson, C.M./Oswald, A.J.: How does marriage affect physical and psychological health? A survey of the longitudinal evidence. Working paper, University of York and Warwick University 2002. Winch, R.W.: Mate-Selection: A Study of Complementary Needs, New York 1958. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası: Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi Baskanligi [TR] Erişim Tarihi: 01.08.2017

Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 76 Sayı: 3, 251 - 286, 15.10.2018


Türkiye’de Atatürk İlke ve İnkılaplarının hayata geçirilmesiyle birlikte, “halka
hizmet” ve “eğitim” önemli değerler haline geldi. Zaman içinde kentleşme
arttı ve köyden kente göçler başladı. Kadının, eğitim düzeyinin yükselmesi ve
çalışma hayatına atılması, aile yapısında ve medeni statülerde büyük değişim
yarattı. Eğitime öncelik verildiği için evlenmeler ertelendi. Bu da, evlenme
yaşını yükseltti, bekâr sayısını artırdı ve doğurganlığı azalttı. Yüksek öğrenim
görmüş kadının bilinçli, özerk ve gelir sahibi olması boşanmalarda etkili oldu.
Türkiye’de çeşitli nedenlerle erkek ölümlerinin artması dul kadın sayısını
artırdı. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun son birkaç yıla ait istatistiklerine göre,
toplam nüfusun %25’inden fazlası bekârdır. Bekâr sıfatıyla; son adolesan, genç
yetişkinlik, orta yetişkinlik ve ileri yetişkinlik dönemlerindeki “hiç evlenmemiş,
boşanmış ve eşi ölmüş” bireyler kastedilmektedir. Farklı gelişim dönemlerine ve
farklı bekârlık statülerine ait bekâr popülasyonların her birinin kendine özgü
kronik stresleri ve ihtiyaçları vardır. Bu durum, spesifik yardımları ve hizmetleri
gerektirmektedirler. Bekâr popülasyonlara yönelik psiko-eğitsel-sosyal yardımlar
için “Bekâr Danışmanlığı” kavramı kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye’de Devlet politikalarında,
yasal düzenlemelerde, bilimsel araştırmalarda ve hatta psikolojik
yardım uygulamalarında bekâr popülasyonlara ve bekâr yaşantısına yeterince
yoğunlaşılmamaktadır. Derleme niteliğindeki bu çalışmada; bilimsel literatür,
yasal uygulamalardaki eksiklikler, bekâr popülasyonların ihtiyaçları ve sorunları
ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası’nın bazı maddeleri gerekçe gösterilerek bekâr
popülasyonlar için bazı yasal öneriler sunuldu.


  • Almeida, D. M./Kessler, R.C.: Everyday Stressors and Gender Differences in Daily Distress, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1998, 75:670-680. Antonucci, T.C.: Social supports and social relationships. In R. Binstock/L. George (Ed.), Handbook of aging and the social sciences, New York: Wiley, 1990, s. 205-227. Atkins, G.L.: The Economic Status of the Oldest Old, Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly/Health and Society 1985, 63:395-419. Aydın, K.B.: (2018), [Farklı gelişim dönemlerindeki hiç evlenmemiş bireylerin ihityaçları ve stres yaşantıları]. Yayınlanmamış çalışma. Aydın, K.B.: Model of autonomous-relational singles counseling (MARSC) in collectivist cultures: Turkey Model. Poster session presented at the 24th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology: Multiculturalism in a Global Perspective: Benefits and Challenges, The University of Guelph, Canada 2018f, July 1-5. Aydın, K.B.: Bekâr Danışmanlığı ve Özerk-İlişkisel Bekâr Danışmanlığı Modeli: Türkiye’de Yeni Bir Kavram, Araştırma, Uzmanlık ve Çalışma Alanı. TURAN-SAM 2017b, 9, 36,707-715. Aydın, K. B.: Genç-Yaşlı Dayanışması. Genç-Yaşlı Dayanışması Panelinde sunuldu. (Üniversite gençleri ve huzurevi yaşlıları birarada gerçekleştirildi.) Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Ankara 17 Mayıs 2017a. Aydın, K.B.: Sosyal destek ve önemi. In Kurtman Ersanlı (Ed), Hedefe Doğru İnsan:Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu, Samsun 2016, s. 506-522. Bachrach, L.L.: Marital status and mental disorder: An analytical reviexv (U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health, Series D., No. 3). Washington, DC: U.S. 1975. Baltaş, A./Baltaş, Z.: Stres ve başa çıkma yolları, 18. Bası, İstanbul 1998. Baruch, G., Barnett, R./Rivers, C.: Lifeprints: neu patterns of love and work for today’s women. New York 1983. Bird, C. E./Fremont, A. M.: Gender, Time Use, and Health, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1991, 32,114-129. Butrica, B.A./Iams, H.M.: Divorced women at retirement: Projections of economic well-beingin the near future. Social Security Bulletin 2000, 63(3): 3–12. Carr, D.S./Utz, R.: Late-life Widowhood in the United States:New Directions in Research and Theory, Ageing International 2002, 27:65-88. Coan J.A./Schaefer, H.S./Davidson, R.J. Lending a hand: Social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychol Sci., 2006,17 (12):1032-9. Culpan, O./Marzotto, T.: Changing Attitudes toward Work and Marriage: Turkey inTransition. Signs, 1982, (8)2, 337-351. Chiriboga, D.: Social supports. In G.L. Maddox (Ed.), The encyclopedia of aging, New York 2001, s. 962-965. Doherty, W.J./Jacobson, N.S.: Marriage and the family. In B.B. Wolman (Ed.) Handbook of developmental psychology, Englewood Cliffs 1982, s. 667-680. Elwert, F./Christakis, N.A.: Widowhood and race. American Sociological Review 2006, (71)1,16–41. Erikson, E.H.: Idendity and life cycle, New York 1980. Erman, T.: The Impact of Migration on Turkish Rural Women: Four Emergent Patterns, Gender and Society 1998, (12)2, 146-167. Freedman, E.: Neurotik problem in marriage, G.P. Sholever (Ed.), Handbook of marriage and marital therapy, New York 1981. Garfield, S.L./Sundland, D.M.: Prognostic scales in schizophrenia, Journal of Consulting Psychology 1966, 30, 18-24. Gerstel, N./Riessman, C.K./Rosenfield, S.: Explaining the Symptomatology of Separated and Divorced Women and Men: The Role of Material Conditions and Social Networks.” Social Forces 1985, 64:84-101. Gore, J.L., Kwan, L./ Saigal, C.S./Litwin, M.S.: Marriage and mortality in bladder carcinoma, Cancer 2005, 1, 4, s.1188-1194. Gove, W.R./Tudor, J.F.: Adult Sex Roles and Mental Illness, American Journal of Sociology 1973, 78: 812-835. Gubrium, J.F.: Being single in old age, International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1975. Glenn, N.D.: The contribution of marriage to the psychological well-being of males and females. Journal of Marriage and the Family 1975, 37, 594-600. Havighurst, R.J.: Developmental tasks and education (3. Baskı). Michigan Üniversitesi 1972. House, J.S./Lepkowski, J.M./Kinney, A.M./Mero, R.P./Kessler, R.C./ Herzog, A.R.: The Social Stratification of Aging and Health, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1994, 35:213-234. Hughes, M./Demo, D.: Self-Perceptions of Black Americans: Self-Esteem and Personal Efficacy, American Journal of Sociology 1989, 95:132-159. Johnston, M.W./Eklund, S.J.: Life-Adjustment of the Never-Married: A Review with Implications for Counseling. Journal Of Counseling And Development 1984, 63, S. 230-236. Kahn, R. L.: Aging and Social Support, in Aging from Birth to Death, M. W. Riley (ed.), Colorado 1979. Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K./Newton, T.L.: Marriage and health: His and hers. Psychological Bulletin 2001,127, 472-503. Lillard, L.A./Panis, C.W.A.: Marital status and mortality: The role of health. Demography 1996, 33, 3, s. 313–327. Menaghan, E.G./Lieberman, M.A.: Changes in Depression Following Divorce: A Panel Study.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 1986, 48, 319-328. Miech, R.A./Shanahan, M.J.: Socioeconomic Status and Depression over the Life Course, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2000, 41,162- 176. Mireault, M.,/de Man, A.F.: Suicidal ideation among the elderly: Personal variables, stress and social support, Social Behavior and Personality 1996, 24, 4, 385-392. Mirowsky, J.: Age and the Sense of Control, Social Psychology Quarterly 1995, 58,31-43. Mirowsky, J./Ross, C.E.: Social Patterns of Distress, Annual Review of Sociology 1986,12:23-45. Morris, C.G.: Psikolojiyi Anlamak (H.B. Ayvaşık, M. Sayıl, Çev. Ed.). Ankara 1996. Murray, J.E.: Marital protection and marital selection: Evidance from a historical- prospective sample of American men, Demography 2000, 37, 511-521. McLeod, J. D./Nonnemaker, J.M.: Social Stratification and Inequality. Pp. 321-344 in Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo C. Phelan (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health. New York 1999. Pearlin, L.I.: The Stress process revisited: Reflections on Concepts and Their Interrelationships.” Pp. 395-416 in Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo C. Phelan (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health, New York 1999. Pearlin, L.I.: Role Strains and Personal Stress, Psychosocial Stress 1983, 3-32. Pearlin, L.I./Joyce S.: Marital Status, Life-Strains, and Depression, American Sociological Review 1977, 42:704-715. Pudrovska, T.: Being Single In Late-Life: Single Strain, Moderating Resources, And Distress, Master of Arts 2004. Robertson, J.F.: Women in Midlife: Crisis, Reverberations and Support Networks, The Family Coordinator 1977, 27, s.375-382. Rogers, R.G./Hummer, R.A./Nam, C.B.: Living and dying in the USA, New York 2000. Rosenberg, M.: Self-Concept Research: A Historical Overview, Social Forces 1989, 68, s. 34-44. Ross, C.E.: Reconceptualizing Marital Status as a Continuum of Social Attachment, Journal of Marriage and the Family 1995, 57, s.129-140. Ross, C.E./Mirowsky, J.: Refining the Association between Education and Health: The Effects of Quantity, Credential, and Selectivity, Demography 1999, 36, s. 445-460. Rowland, D.T.: Demographic Methods and Concepts, New York, USA 2003. Sammon, J.D./Morgan, M./Djahangirian, O./Trinh, Q./Sun, M./Ghani, K.H./ Jeong, I.W./Jhaveri, J./Ehlert, M./Schmitges, J./Bianchi, M./Shariat, S.H./Perrotte, P./ Rogers, C.G./Peabody, J.O./Menon, M./Karakiewicz, P.I.: Marital status: A gender-independent risk factor for poorer survival after radical cystectomy 2012, 110, s.1301-1309. Simon, R. W.: Revisiting the Relationships among Gender, Marital Status, and Mental Health, American Journal of Sociology 2002, 107, 1065-1096. Schoenborn, C.A.: Marital status and health: United States, 1999–2002. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics No. 351. National Center for Health Statistics, United States 2004. Schulz, R.: The psychology of death, dying, and bereavement. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley 1978. Smith, J./Borchelt, M./ Maier, H./Jopp, D.: Health and Well-Being in the Young Old and Oldest Old, The Journal of Social Issues 2002, 58:715-732. Tamborini, C.R.: The Never-Married in old age: Projections and concerns for the near future. Social Security Bulletin 2007, 67, 2. Tezcan, S./Coşkun, Y.: Türkiye’de 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde kadınlarda ilkevlenme yaşı değişimi ve günümüz evlilik özellikleri, Nüfus Bilim Dergisi 2004, 26, 15-34. Turner, R. J./Lloyd, D.A./Roszell, P.: Personal Resources and the Social Distribution of Depression, American Journal of Community Psychology 1999, 27: 643-672. TÜİK (2017). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları http://www.tuik. 3 Ocak 2018 tarihinde elde edildi. TÜİK (2010-2016). Yaşam memnuniyeti araştırmaları sonuçları, (http://, 30 Haziran 2017 tarihinde elde edildi. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanlığı Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı. Aileye Yönelik Sosyal Yardım Programları ve Aile Yardımları Sigorta Komisyonu Raporu 2014, VI. Aile Şurası. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanlığı Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı 1998, III. Aile Şurası. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması-TNSA, Ankara 2008. Vaillant, G.E.: Aging well: Surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development, Boston 2002. Ward, R.A.: The never-married in later life, Journal of Gerontology 1979,34, 861-869. Waite, L.J./Gallagher, M.: The case for marriageWhy married people are happier, healthier, and better of financially, New York 2000. Wilcox, B.: Social support, life stress, and psychological adjustment: A test of the buffering hypothesis, American Journal of Community Psychology 1981, 9, 4, 371-386. Wilson, C.M./Oswald, A.J.: How does marriage affect physical and psychological health? A survey of the longitudinal evidence. Working paper, University of York and Warwick University 2002. Winch, R.W.: Mate-Selection: A Study of Complementary Needs, New York 1958. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası: Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi Baskanligi [TR] Erişim Tarihi: 01.08.2017
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kâmile Bahar Aydın 0000-0002-7936-1487

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 76 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, K. B. (2018). Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 76(3), 251-286.
AMA Aydın KB. Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler. ABD. Ekim 2018;76(3):251-286. doi:10.30915/abd.471188
Chicago Aydın, Kâmile Bahar. “Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 76, sy. 3 (Ekim 2018): 251-86.
EndNote Aydın KB (01 Ekim 2018) Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 76 3 251–286.
IEEE K. B. Aydın, “Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler”, ABD, c. 76, sy. 3, ss. 251–286, 2018, doi: 10.30915/abd.471188.
ISNAD Aydın, Kâmile Bahar. “Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 76/3 (Ekim 2018), 251-286.
JAMA Aydın KB. Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler. ABD. 2018;76:251–286.
MLA Aydın, Kâmile Bahar. “Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, c. 76, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 251-86, doi:10.30915/abd.471188.
Vancouver Aydın KB. Bekâr Popülasyonlar İçin Önerilen Yasal Düzenlemeler. ABD. 2018;76(3):251-86.

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