Obez olan ve olmayan periodontitis hastalarında tükürük visfatin, leptin ve oksidatif stres belirteçlerinin değerlendirilmesi.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 270 - 279, 19.09.2022
Seval Ceylan Şen
Erkan Özcan
Nuriye Saygun
Taner Özgürtaş
Rashad Azızov
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı obez olan ve olmayan periodontitis hastalarında tükürükte leptin, visfatin, nitrik oksit (NO),total oksidan kapasite (TOK) ve total antioksidan kapasite (TAOK) düzeylerini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 20 obez periodontal sağlıklı (Grup I), 18 obez periodontitis (Grup II), 20 obez olmayan periodontal sağlıklı (Grup III) ve 20 obez olmayan periodontitis (Grup IV) olmak üzere toplam 78 birey dahil edildi. Periodontal klinik parametreler, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) ve bel çevresi ölçümleri kaydedildi. Tükürüğün biyokimyasal analizi için ELISA ve Griess yöntemleri kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Leptin ve TAOC düzeylerinin periodontal sağlıklı gruplarda (Grup I ve Grup III) periodontitis gruplarına (Grup II ve Grup IV) göre daha yüksek olduğu; visfatin, NO ve TOC düzeylerinin de periodontitis gruplarında periodontal olarak sağlıklı gruplara göre daha yüksek olduğu saptandı (P<0.01). NO düzeyi Grup I'de Grup III'e göre daha yüksekti (P<0.01). Grup II'deki visfatin ve NO düzeyleri grup IV'e göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti (sırasıyla P<0.01, P<0.05). Tüm gruplarda (yaş, sondalama derinliği ve VKİ'ye göre) leptin; NO ve TOK ile negatif korelasyon gösterdi ve bu durum, NO ve TOK'un sırasıyla %79 ve %74 varyansını açıklamaktaydı.
Sonuç: Leptin seviyelerindeki değişiklikler oksidatif stresi ve periodontal yıkıma yatkınlığı etkileyebilir. Ayrıca obez hastalarda visfatin ve NO değişiklikleri periodontal yıkımın şiddetini etkileyebilir
Sayın Editör;
‘Evaluation of salivary visfatin, leptin and oxidative stress markers in obese and non-obese periodontitis patients’ başlıklı araştırma makalemizi Ankara Diş Hekimleri Odası Klinik Bilimler Dergisi’ne değerlendirilmesi amacıyla göndermekten dolayı memnuniyet duyuyoruz. Değerli vaktiniz için teşekkür ederiz. Saygılarımızla,
Uzm. Dt. Seval CEYLAN ŞEN
- 1. Dentino A, Lee S, Mailhot J, Hefti AF. Principles of periodontology. Periodontology 2000. 2013; 61:16-53.
- 2. Suvan JE, Finer N, D'Aiuto F. Periodontal complications with obesity. Periodontol 2000. 2018;78(1):98-128.
- 3. Butiugin IA, Kornilova NV, Abramov OV. Comparative effectiveness study of local antioxidants in complex treatment of chronic periodontal disease. Stomatologia. 2013; 92:31-34.
- 4. Díaz CM, Bullon B, Ruiz-Salmerón RJ, Fernández-Riejos P, Fernández-Palacín A, Battino M, Cordero MD, Quiles JL, Varela-López A, Bullón P. Molecular inflammation and oxidative stress are shared mechanisms involved in both myocardial infarction and periodontitis. J Periodontal Res. 2020;55(4):519-528.
- 5. Deschner J, Eick S, Damanaki A, Nokhbehsaim M. The role of adipokines in periodontal infection and healing. Mol Oral Microbiol. 2014;29(6):258-69
- 6. Özcan E, Saygun NI, Serdar MA, Kurt N. Evaluation of the salivary levels of visfatin, chemerin, and progranulin in periodontal inflammation. Clin Oral Investig. 2015; 19:921-8.
- 7. Zheng B, Jiang J, Chen Y, Lin M, Du Z, Xiao Y, Luo K, Yan F. Leptin Overexpression in Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Promotes Periodontal Regeneration in a Rat Model of Osteoporosis. J Periodontol. 2017;88(8):808-818.
- 8. Delgadillo-Guzmán D, Quintanar-Escorza MA, Carrera-Gracia Mde L, Lares-Aseff I. Relation of leptin in plasma with oxidative damage in indigenous tepehuán and mestizo populations from Durango. Gac Med Mex. 2015; 151: 216-24.
- 9. Selvarajan S, Perumalsamy R, Emmadi P, Thiagarajan R, Namasivayam A. Association Between Gingival Crevicular Fluid Leptin Levels and Periodontal Status - A Biochemical Study on Indian Patients. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015; 9:48-53.
- 10. Brum RS, Duarte PM, Canto GL, Flores-Mir C, Benfatti CAM, Porporatti AL, Zimmermann GS. Biomarkers in biological fluids in adults with periodontitis and/or obesity: A meta-analysis .J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2020;24(3):191-215.
- 11. Yu PL, Wang C, Li W, Zhang FX. Visfatin Level and The Risk of Hypertension and Cerebrovascular Accident: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Horm Metab Res. 2019;51(4):220-229.
- 12. Oztas B, Sahin D, Kir H, Eraldemir FC, Musul M, Kuskay S, Ates N The effect of leptin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide-Y on serum TNF-α, Il-1β, Il-6, FGF-2, galanin levels and oxidative stress in an experimental generalized convulsive seizure model. Neuropeptides 2017;61:31-37.
- 13. Atawia RT, Bunch KL, Toque HA, Caldwell RB, Caldwell RW. Mechanisms of obesity-induced metabolic and vascular dysfunctions. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2019;1;24:890-934.
- 14. Türer ÇC, Balli U, Güven B, Çetinkaya BÖ, Keleş GÇ Visfatin levels in gingival crevicular fluid and serum before and after non-surgical treatment for periodontal diseases. J Oral Sci 2016;58(4): 491-499.
- 15. Abolfazli N, Jabali S, Saleh Saber F, Babaloo Z, Shirmohammadi A Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum and Salivary Concentrations of Visfatin in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2015;9(1): 11-7.
- 16. Szewczyk-Golec K, Rajewski P, Gackowski M, Mila-Kierzenkowska C, Wesołowski R, Sutkowy P, Pawłowska M, Woźniak A. Melatonin Supplementation Lowers Oxidative Stress and Regulates Adipokines in Obese Patients on a Calorie-Restricted Diet. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2017;8494107.
- 17. Virto L, Cano P, Jiménez-Ortega V, Fernández-Mateos P, González J, Esquifino AI, Sanz M. Obesity and periodontitis: An experimental study to evaluate periodontal and systemic effects of co-morbidity. J Periodontol 2018;89(2): 176-85.
- 18. Atabay VE, Lutfioğlu M, Avci B, Sakallioglu EE, Aydoğdu A. Obesity and oxidative stress in patients with different periodontal status: a case-control study. J Periodontal Res 2017;52(1): 51-60.
- 19. Al-Rawi NH, Shahid AM. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and lipid profile in the serum and saliva of individuals with coronary heart disease: is there a link with periodontal health? Minerva Stomatol. 2017;66(5):212-225.
- 20. Dursun E, Akalin FA, Genc T, Cinar N, Erel O, Yildiz BO Oxidative Stress and Periodontal Disease in Obesity. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(12): e3136.
- 21. Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964;22: 121-35.
- 22. Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963;21: 533-51.
- 23. Flaitz CM, Hicks MJ, Carter AB, Rossmann SN, Demmler GJ, Simon CL, Cron SG, Shearer WT, Kline MW. Saliva collection technique for cytologic, microbiologic and viral evaluation in pediatric HIV infection. ASDC J Dent Child 1998;65(5): 318-24.
- 24. Boyapati R, Chintalapani S, Ramisetti A, Salavadhi SS, Ramachandran R. Evaluation of Serum Leptin and Adiponectin in Obese Individuals with Chronic Periodontitis. Contemp Clin Dent. 2018;9(Suppl 2):S210-S214.
- 25. Zhu J, Guo B, Gan X, Zhang L, He Y, Liu B, Chen X, Zhang S, Yu H. Association of circulating leptin and adiponectin with periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Oral Health. 2017;29;17(1):104.
- 26. Vallejos A, Olivares P, Varela D, Echeverria C, Cabello-Verrugio C, Pérez-Leighton C, Simon F. Preventive Leptin Administration Protects Against Sepsis Through Improving Hypotension, Tachycardia, Oxidative Stress Burst, Multiple Organ Dysfunction, and Increasing Survival. Front Physiol. 2018;12;9:1800.
- 27. Naresh CK, Rao SM, Shetty PR, Ranganath V, Patil AS, Anu AJ. Salivary antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation product malondialdehyde and sialic acid levels among smokers and non-smokers with chronic periodontitis-A clinico-biochemical study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;30;8(9):2960-2964.
- 28. Wang Y, Andrukhov O, Rausch-Fan X. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant System in Periodontitis. Front Physiol. 2017;13;8:910.
- 29. Bailey JD, Diotallevi M, Nicol T, McNeill E, Shaw A, Chuaiphichai S, Hale A, Starr A, Nandi M, Stylianou E, McShane H, Davis S, Fischer R, Kessler BM, McCullagh J, Channon KM, Crabtree MJ. Nitric Oxide Modulates Metabolic Remodeling in Inflammatory Macrophages through TCA Cycle Regulation and Itaconate Accumulation. Cell Rep. 2019;28(1):218-230.e7.
- 30. Boşca AB, Miclăuş V, Ilea A, Câmpian RS, Rus V, Ruxanda F, Raţiu C, Uifălean A, Pârvu AE. Role of nitro-oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of experimental rat periodontitis. Clujul Med. 2016;89(1):150-9.
Evaluation of salivary visfatin, leptin and oxidative stress markers in obese and non-obese periodontitis patients.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 270 - 279, 19.09.2022
Seval Ceylan Şen
Erkan Özcan
Nuriye Saygun
Taner Özgürtaş
Rashad Azızov
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate leptin, visfatin, nitric oxide(NO), total oxidant capacity(TOC) and antioxidant capacity(TAOC) levels in saliva at obese and non-obese periodontitis patients.
Materials and Methods: Total of 78 individuals were included in study, 20 obese periodontal healthy(Group I), 18 obese periodontitis(Group II), 20 non-obese periodontal healthy(Group III) and 20 non-obese periodontitis(Group IV). Periodontal clinical parameters, body mass index(BMI) and waist circumference measurements were recorded.ELISA and Griess methods were used for biochemical analysis of saliva.
Results: It was determined that leptin and TAOC levels were higher in periodontal healthy groups than in the periodontitis groups; visfatin, NO and TOC levels were higher in periodontitis groups than periodontally healthy groups(P<0.01).The NO level was higher in Group I than in Group III(P<0.01). Visfatin and NO levels in group II were significantly higher than in group IV(P<0.01,P<0.05,respectively). In whole group(adjusted for age, probing depth and BMI)leptin showed negative correlation with NO and TOC, and this explained %79 and %74 variance of NO and TOC respectively.
Conclusions: The changes in leptin levels may affect the oxidative stress and the susceptibility to periodontal destruction.Also, the changes of visfatin and NO may affect the severity of periodontal destruction in obese patients.
- 1. Dentino A, Lee S, Mailhot J, Hefti AF. Principles of periodontology. Periodontology 2000. 2013; 61:16-53.
- 2. Suvan JE, Finer N, D'Aiuto F. Periodontal complications with obesity. Periodontol 2000. 2018;78(1):98-128.
- 3. Butiugin IA, Kornilova NV, Abramov OV. Comparative effectiveness study of local antioxidants in complex treatment of chronic periodontal disease. Stomatologia. 2013; 92:31-34.
- 4. Díaz CM, Bullon B, Ruiz-Salmerón RJ, Fernández-Riejos P, Fernández-Palacín A, Battino M, Cordero MD, Quiles JL, Varela-López A, Bullón P. Molecular inflammation and oxidative stress are shared mechanisms involved in both myocardial infarction and periodontitis. J Periodontal Res. 2020;55(4):519-528.
- 5. Deschner J, Eick S, Damanaki A, Nokhbehsaim M. The role of adipokines in periodontal infection and healing. Mol Oral Microbiol. 2014;29(6):258-69
- 6. Özcan E, Saygun NI, Serdar MA, Kurt N. Evaluation of the salivary levels of visfatin, chemerin, and progranulin in periodontal inflammation. Clin Oral Investig. 2015; 19:921-8.
- 7. Zheng B, Jiang J, Chen Y, Lin M, Du Z, Xiao Y, Luo K, Yan F. Leptin Overexpression in Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Promotes Periodontal Regeneration in a Rat Model of Osteoporosis. J Periodontol. 2017;88(8):808-818.
- 8. Delgadillo-Guzmán D, Quintanar-Escorza MA, Carrera-Gracia Mde L, Lares-Aseff I. Relation of leptin in plasma with oxidative damage in indigenous tepehuán and mestizo populations from Durango. Gac Med Mex. 2015; 151: 216-24.
- 9. Selvarajan S, Perumalsamy R, Emmadi P, Thiagarajan R, Namasivayam A. Association Between Gingival Crevicular Fluid Leptin Levels and Periodontal Status - A Biochemical Study on Indian Patients. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015; 9:48-53.
- 10. Brum RS, Duarte PM, Canto GL, Flores-Mir C, Benfatti CAM, Porporatti AL, Zimmermann GS. Biomarkers in biological fluids in adults with periodontitis and/or obesity: A meta-analysis .J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2020;24(3):191-215.
- 11. Yu PL, Wang C, Li W, Zhang FX. Visfatin Level and The Risk of Hypertension and Cerebrovascular Accident: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Horm Metab Res. 2019;51(4):220-229.
- 12. Oztas B, Sahin D, Kir H, Eraldemir FC, Musul M, Kuskay S, Ates N The effect of leptin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide-Y on serum TNF-α, Il-1β, Il-6, FGF-2, galanin levels and oxidative stress in an experimental generalized convulsive seizure model. Neuropeptides 2017;61:31-37.
- 13. Atawia RT, Bunch KL, Toque HA, Caldwell RB, Caldwell RW. Mechanisms of obesity-induced metabolic and vascular dysfunctions. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2019;1;24:890-934.
- 14. Türer ÇC, Balli U, Güven B, Çetinkaya BÖ, Keleş GÇ Visfatin levels in gingival crevicular fluid and serum before and after non-surgical treatment for periodontal diseases. J Oral Sci 2016;58(4): 491-499.
- 15. Abolfazli N, Jabali S, Saleh Saber F, Babaloo Z, Shirmohammadi A Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum and Salivary Concentrations of Visfatin in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2015;9(1): 11-7.
- 16. Szewczyk-Golec K, Rajewski P, Gackowski M, Mila-Kierzenkowska C, Wesołowski R, Sutkowy P, Pawłowska M, Woźniak A. Melatonin Supplementation Lowers Oxidative Stress and Regulates Adipokines in Obese Patients on a Calorie-Restricted Diet. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2017;8494107.
- 17. Virto L, Cano P, Jiménez-Ortega V, Fernández-Mateos P, González J, Esquifino AI, Sanz M. Obesity and periodontitis: An experimental study to evaluate periodontal and systemic effects of co-morbidity. J Periodontol 2018;89(2): 176-85.
- 18. Atabay VE, Lutfioğlu M, Avci B, Sakallioglu EE, Aydoğdu A. Obesity and oxidative stress in patients with different periodontal status: a case-control study. J Periodontal Res 2017;52(1): 51-60.
- 19. Al-Rawi NH, Shahid AM. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and lipid profile in the serum and saliva of individuals with coronary heart disease: is there a link with periodontal health? Minerva Stomatol. 2017;66(5):212-225.
- 20. Dursun E, Akalin FA, Genc T, Cinar N, Erel O, Yildiz BO Oxidative Stress and Periodontal Disease in Obesity. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(12): e3136.
- 21. Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964;22: 121-35.
- 22. Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963;21: 533-51.
- 23. Flaitz CM, Hicks MJ, Carter AB, Rossmann SN, Demmler GJ, Simon CL, Cron SG, Shearer WT, Kline MW. Saliva collection technique for cytologic, microbiologic and viral evaluation in pediatric HIV infection. ASDC J Dent Child 1998;65(5): 318-24.
- 24. Boyapati R, Chintalapani S, Ramisetti A, Salavadhi SS, Ramachandran R. Evaluation of Serum Leptin and Adiponectin in Obese Individuals with Chronic Periodontitis. Contemp Clin Dent. 2018;9(Suppl 2):S210-S214.
- 25. Zhu J, Guo B, Gan X, Zhang L, He Y, Liu B, Chen X, Zhang S, Yu H. Association of circulating leptin and adiponectin with periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Oral Health. 2017;29;17(1):104.
- 26. Vallejos A, Olivares P, Varela D, Echeverria C, Cabello-Verrugio C, Pérez-Leighton C, Simon F. Preventive Leptin Administration Protects Against Sepsis Through Improving Hypotension, Tachycardia, Oxidative Stress Burst, Multiple Organ Dysfunction, and Increasing Survival. Front Physiol. 2018;12;9:1800.
- 27. Naresh CK, Rao SM, Shetty PR, Ranganath V, Patil AS, Anu AJ. Salivary antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation product malondialdehyde and sialic acid levels among smokers and non-smokers with chronic periodontitis-A clinico-biochemical study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;30;8(9):2960-2964.
- 28. Wang Y, Andrukhov O, Rausch-Fan X. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant System in Periodontitis. Front Physiol. 2017;13;8:910.
- 29. Bailey JD, Diotallevi M, Nicol T, McNeill E, Shaw A, Chuaiphichai S, Hale A, Starr A, Nandi M, Stylianou E, McShane H, Davis S, Fischer R, Kessler BM, McCullagh J, Channon KM, Crabtree MJ. Nitric Oxide Modulates Metabolic Remodeling in Inflammatory Macrophages through TCA Cycle Regulation and Itaconate Accumulation. Cell Rep. 2019;28(1):218-230.e7.
- 30. Boşca AB, Miclăuş V, Ilea A, Câmpian RS, Rus V, Ruxanda F, Raţiu C, Uifălean A, Pârvu AE. Role of nitro-oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of experimental rat periodontitis. Clujul Med. 2016;89(1):150-9.