Investigation of Mycoviral double-stranded (ds) RNA in Rhizoctonia solaniIsolates from Cotton in Aydin Province/Turkey
Yıl 2020,
, 291 - 294, 31.12.2020
Sahra Hosseınalızadeh
Serap Açıkgöz
Ömer Erincik
Pathogenic forms of Rhizoctonia solani are known to attack many species of higher plants from different families. It is one of the causal agent of the damping-off and root rot of cotton. Thecurrentdamping-offmanagementpracticesare not satisfactoryforpreventingyieldlosses in cottonproduction. Hypovirulence, causedbyparticularmycoviruse species, is used in the management of certain plant diseases. The existence of mycoviral dsRNAs in the isolates of R. solani has been previously determined in various countries. ThisstudyaimedtoinvestigatedsRNAcontent in thecottonisolates of R. solanicollectedfromAydin Province. In total, 64 R. solani isolates collected from cotton seedlings exhibiting light damping-off symptoms were subjected to dsRNA analysis. The dsRNA electrophoretic pattern with the size of 12-18 kb were detected in six R. solani isolates. The virulence of these six isolates were compared with a dsRNA-free isolate in apple assay. Two R. solani isolates having dsRNA content caused smaller lesions in the inoculation point on apple fruit, which may be the indication of hypovirulence.
Destekleyen Kurum
This research was financially supported by the Scientific Research Project
Proje Numarası
BAP2016-ZR F16009
- Abdoulaye AH, Foda MF, Kotta-Loizou I (2019) Viruses infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctoniasolani.Viruses, 11:12, 1113.
- Agrios GN (1997) Plant Pathology.4th Ed, Academic Press, New York, USA.p. 606.
- Balijja A, Kvarnheden A, Turchetti T (2008) A non-phenol–chloroform extraction of double-stranded RNA from plant and fungal tissues.Journal of Virological Methods. 152: 32–37.
- Basal H, Karademir E, Goren HK, Sezener V, Dogan MN, Gencsoylu I, Erdogan O (2019) Cotton Production in Turkey and Europe. In: Cotton Production. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.pp.297-321.
- Bharathan N, Saso H, Gudipati L, Bharathan S, Whited K (2005) Double-stranded RNA: distribution and analysis among isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani AG-2 to -13. Plant Pathol. 54: 196–203.
- Erincik O, Döken MT, Açikgöz S, Ertan E (2008) Characterization of Cryphonectriaparasitica Isolates Collected from Aydın Province in Turkey, Phytoparasitica.36(3): 249-259.
- Finkler A, Koltin Y, Barash I, Sneh B, Pozniak D (1985) Isolation of a virus from virulent strains of Rhizoctoniasolani. Journal of General Virology, 66(6): 1221-1232.
- Milgroom MG, Cortesi P (2004) Biological control of chestnut blight with hypovirulence: a critical analysis. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 42: 311-338.
- Papavizas GC, Adams PB, Lumsden RD, Lewis JA, Dow RL, Ayers WA, Kantzes JG (1975) Ecology and epidemiology of Rhizoctoniasolani in field soil. Phytopathology, 65: 871-877.
- Sneh B, Jabaji-Hare S, Neate S, Dijst G (1996) Rhizoctoniaspecies: Taxonomy, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Pathology, and Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. p. 578.
- Supyani S, Hardjono SG (2014) Hypovirvlent isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani collected from Rice karanganyarergency, Central Java, Indonesia, ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 9:1.
- Ghabrial SA (2001) Fungal viruses. In O. Maloy and T. Murray, eds. Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1: 478-483.
- Zanzinger DH, Bandy BP, Tavantzis SM (1984) High frequency of finding double-stranded RNA in naturally occurring isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani. Journal of General Virology, 65(9): 1601-1605.
Aydın İlinde Pamukta Rhizoctonia solani İzolatlarında Mikoviral Çift Sarmallı (ds) RNA'nın Araştırılması
Yıl 2020,
, 291 - 294, 31.12.2020
Sahra Hosseınalızadeh
Serap Açıkgöz
Ömer Erincik
Rhizoctoniasolani’ninpatojenikizolatlarının, farklı familyalardan birçok bitki türünde hastalığa neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu patojen, pamukta çökertene ve kök çürüklüğüne neden olan fungal patojenlerin en önemlilerinden biridir. Günümüzde hastalığa karşı kullanılan mücadele yöntemleri hastalık nedeniyle oluşan verim kayıplarının önlenmesinde yeterli olmamaktadır. Geçmişte, farklı ülkelerden R. solaniizolatları üzerinde yapılan çalışmalarda mycoviraldsRNA’lerin varlığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Aydın ilinde pamuklardan toplanan R. solaniizolatlarınınmikoviraldsRNA içeriklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında, zayıf çökerten belirtileri gösteren pamuk fidelerinden elde edilmiş toplam 64 adet R. solaniizolatıdsRNA analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Altı R. solaniizolatında 12-18 kb büyüklüğünde dsRNAelektroforetikprofiller saptanmıştır.dsRNA pozitif 6 izolatınvirülensliğidsRNA-negatif bir izolat ile elma testinde karşılaştırılmıştır. İki dsRNA pozitif R. solani izolat elma üzerinde inokulasyon noktasında küçük lezyonlar oluşturmuştur ve bu durumun hipovirülenslik ile bir ilişkisi olabileceği düşünülmüştür.
Proje Numarası
BAP2016-ZR F16009
- Abdoulaye AH, Foda MF, Kotta-Loizou I (2019) Viruses infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctoniasolani.Viruses, 11:12, 1113.
- Agrios GN (1997) Plant Pathology.4th Ed, Academic Press, New York, USA.p. 606.
- Balijja A, Kvarnheden A, Turchetti T (2008) A non-phenol–chloroform extraction of double-stranded RNA from plant and fungal tissues.Journal of Virological Methods. 152: 32–37.
- Basal H, Karademir E, Goren HK, Sezener V, Dogan MN, Gencsoylu I, Erdogan O (2019) Cotton Production in Turkey and Europe. In: Cotton Production. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.pp.297-321.
- Bharathan N, Saso H, Gudipati L, Bharathan S, Whited K (2005) Double-stranded RNA: distribution and analysis among isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani AG-2 to -13. Plant Pathol. 54: 196–203.
- Erincik O, Döken MT, Açikgöz S, Ertan E (2008) Characterization of Cryphonectriaparasitica Isolates Collected from Aydın Province in Turkey, Phytoparasitica.36(3): 249-259.
- Finkler A, Koltin Y, Barash I, Sneh B, Pozniak D (1985) Isolation of a virus from virulent strains of Rhizoctoniasolani. Journal of General Virology, 66(6): 1221-1232.
- Milgroom MG, Cortesi P (2004) Biological control of chestnut blight with hypovirulence: a critical analysis. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 42: 311-338.
- Papavizas GC, Adams PB, Lumsden RD, Lewis JA, Dow RL, Ayers WA, Kantzes JG (1975) Ecology and epidemiology of Rhizoctoniasolani in field soil. Phytopathology, 65: 871-877.
- Sneh B, Jabaji-Hare S, Neate S, Dijst G (1996) Rhizoctoniaspecies: Taxonomy, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Pathology, and Control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. p. 578.
- Supyani S, Hardjono SG (2014) Hypovirvlent isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani collected from Rice karanganyarergency, Central Java, Indonesia, ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 9:1.
- Ghabrial SA (2001) Fungal viruses. In O. Maloy and T. Murray, eds. Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1: 478-483.
- Zanzinger DH, Bandy BP, Tavantzis SM (1984) High frequency of finding double-stranded RNA in naturally occurring isolates of Rhizoctoniasolani. Journal of General Virology, 65(9): 1601-1605.