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STEM Uygulamalarının Kız Öğrencilerin STEM Tutum ve Mühendislik Algılarına Etkisi

Yıl 2018, , 842 - 884, 30.12.2018


Bu araştırmanın amacı, Fen Bilimleri
öğretim programına entegre edilmiş STEM uygulamalarının kız öğrencilerin STEM’e
yönelik tutumları ile mühendis-mühendisliğe yönelik görüşlerine etkisini
incelemektir. Araştırmada nitel ve nicel araştırma yöntemlerin birlikte yer
aldığı karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Nicel boyutta ön test-son test kontrol
gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Muş
ilinde yer alan bir İmam Hatip Kız Ortaokulu’nda öğrenim gören 87 öğrenci
oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada nicel veri toplama aracı olarak “STEM Tutum Ölçeği
(STÖ)”, nitel veri toplama aracı olarak “Mühendislik Bilgi Formu (MBF)”
kullanılmıştır. Veri analizleri sonucunda STEM uygulamalarının kız öğrencilerin
STEM’e yönelik tutumlarını geliştirmede etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca
uygulamalar öncesi mühendisliğin erkeklere yönelik bir meslek olduğu görüşüne
sahip olan öğrencilerin bazılarının, uygulamalar sonrası kadınların da mühendis
olabileceği yönünde görüşe sahip olmaya başladıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bununla
birlikte STEM uygulamalarının kızların mühendislik-matematik-fen arasında daha
fazla ilişki kurmalarına yardımcı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar
doğrultusunda, STEM uygulamalarına öğretim programlarına daha fazla yer
verilmesi ve kız öğrencilerle daha fazla STEM çalışmalarının yapılması


  • Akaygun, S. ve Tutak, F.A. (2016). “STEM Imagenes Revealing STEM Conceptions of Pre-Service Chemistry and Mathematics Teachers.” International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 4(1): 56-71.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem. Akademi
  • Can, A. (2014). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Capobıanco, B. M., Dıefes-Dux, H. A., Mena, I. ve Weller, J. (2011). “What is an Engineer? Implications of Elementary School Student Conceptions for Engineering Education.” Journal of Engineering Education, 100(2): 304-328.
  • Creswell, J. W. ve Plano Clark, V. L. (2015). Karma yöntem araştırmaları tasarımı ve yürütülmesi (Y. Dede & S. B. Demir, Çev.). Ankara: Anı.
  • Cunningham, C., Lachapelle, C. ve Lindgren-Streicher, A. (2005, June). Assessing elementary school students’ conceptions of engineering and technology. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, in Portland, OR.
  • Dasgupta, N. ve Stout, J. G. (2014). “Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEMING The Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM Careers.” Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1(1): 21-29.
  • Diekman, A. B., Brown, E. R., Johnston, A. M. ve Clark, E. K. (2010). “Seeking Congruity Between Goals and Roles: A New Look at Why Women Opt out of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careers.” Psychological Science, 21: 1051-1057.
  • Faber, M., Unfired, A., Wiebe, E. N., Corn, J. Townsend, L. W. ve Collins, T. L. (2013). Student attitudes toward STEM: The development of upper elementary school and middle/high school student surveys. 120th ASSE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta.
  • Field, A., (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Washington DC: SAGE.
  • The Girl Scout Research Instıtute. (2012). Generation STEM: What girls say about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Girl Scout: Randolph. documents/about-girl-scouts/research/generation_stem_full_report.pdf sayfasından 25 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Gonzalez, H. B. ve Kuenzi, J.J. (2012). Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: A primer. sayfasından 9 Haziran 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Hall, C., Dickerson, J., Batts, D., Kauffmann, P. ve Bosse, M. (2011). “Are We Missing Opportunities to Encourage Interest in STEM fields?.” Journal of Technology Education, 23(1): 32-46.
  • Hammack, R., Ivey, T. A., Utley, J. ve High, K. A. (2015). “Effect of an Engineering Camp on Students ‟ Perceptions of Engineering and Technology.” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 5(2): 10-21.
  • Hayden, K., Ouyang, Y, Scinski, L., Olszewski, B., ve Bielefeldt, T. (2011). “Increasing Student Interest and Attitudes in STEM: Professional Development and Activities to Engage and Inspire Learners.” Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(1): 47-69.
  • Haverlo, C. (2011). STEM development: A Study of 6th-12th grade girls' ınterest and confidence in mathematics and science. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Lowa State Universtiy, Lowa.
  • Hirsch, L. S., Carpinelli, J. D., Kimmel, H., Rockland, R. ve Bloom, J. (2007). The differential effects of pre-engineering curricula on middle school students’ attitudes to and knowledge of engineering careers. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee.
  • Hirsch, L.S., Kimmel, H., Rockland, R. ve Bloom, J. (2006). Using pre-engineering curricula in high school science and mathematics: A Follow-up study. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego.
  • Hudson, P., English, L. D. ve Dawes, L. (2012, Kasım). Catapulting into STEM education: Female students’ interactions within a middle school engineering project. 2nd International STEM in Education Conference, Beijing, China.
  • Kızılay, E. (2016). “Pre-service Science Teachers’ Opinions about STEM Disciplines and Education.” The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 47: 403-417.
  • Konrad A. M., Ritchie J. E., Lieb, P. ve Corrigall, E. (2000). “Sex Differences and Similarities in Job Attribute Preferences: A Meta-Analysis.” Psychological Bulletin, 126(4): 593-641.
  • Knight, M. ve Cunningham, C. (2004). “Draw an Engineer Test (DAET): Development of A Tool To Investigate Students’ Ideas about EngineersaAnd Engineering.” Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 19 June, Utah.
  • Miles, M. B. ve Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: a sourcebook of new methods. Newbury Park, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Moomaw, S. (2013). Teaching STEM in the early years: Activities for integrating science, technology, engineering, mathematics. Yorkton Court: Redleaf Press. National Science Foundation. (2003). New formulas for America’s workforce: Girls in science and engineering. Arlington, VA: Author.
  • Nosek, B. A., Banaji, M. R. ve Greenwald, A. G. (2002). “Math = Male, Me = Female, Therefore Math ≠ Me.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83: 44-59. Oware, E., Capobianco, B. ve Diefes-Dux, H. (2007). “Gifted Students’ Perceptions Of Engineers? A Study of Students in A Summer Outreach Program.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 25- 27 June, Hawaii.
  • Özdamar, K. (1999). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Özdoğru, E. (2013). “Fiziksel Olaylar Öğrenme Alanı İçin Lego Program Tabanlı Fen ve Teknoloji Eğitiminin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarılarına, Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine ve Fen ve Teknoloji Dersine Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi.” Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Seong-Hwan, C. (2013). “The Effect of Robots In Education Based on STEAM.” Journal of Korea Robotics Society, 8(1): 58-65.
  • Song, J. B., Shin, S. B. ve Lee, T. W. (2010). “A Study on Effectiveness of STEM Integration Education Using Educational Robot.” The Korean Society of Computer and Information, 15(6): 81-89.
  • Sung, E. S. ve Na, S. (2012). “The Effects of the integrated STEM Education on Science and Technology Subject Self-Efficacy And Attitude Toward Engineering In High School Students.” Korean Technology Education Association, 12(1): 255-274.
  • UNESCO Asia-Pacific Education Thematic Brief, (2016). Closing the gender gap in STEM: Drawing more girls and women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics. sayfasından 13 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (2015). Women in science. sayfasından 13 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Voutour, J. (2014). What is STEM education? – Definition and programs. sayfasından 25 Nisan 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Yamak, H., Bulut, N. ve Dündar, S. (2014). “5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri İle Fene Karşı Tutumlarına FeTeMM Etkinliklerinin Etkisi.” Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2): 249-265.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Şeçkin.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2016). An examination of the effects of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) applications and mastery learning integrated into the 7th grade science course. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Yıldırım, B. ve Selvi, M., (2015). “Adaptation of STEM Attitude Scale to Turkish”. Turkish Studies - International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(3): 1107-1120.
  • Yıldırım, B. ve Altun, Y. (2014, Haziran). “STEM Eğitimi Üzerine Derleme Çalışması: Fen Bilimleri Alanında Örnek Ders Uygulanmaları.” VI. International Congress of Education Research, 5-8 June, Ankara.
  • Zhou, J. (2010). What is STEM? Unpublished master thesis, Ohio University, Ohio.
  • Çepni, S. (Ed.) (2018). Kuramdan uygulamaya SYEAM+A+E eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.

The Effect of STEM Applications on Girls' STEM Attitude and Engineering Perception

Yıl 2018, , 842 - 884, 30.12.2018


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of
STEM practices integrated with the science curriculum on female students’ attitudes
towards STEM and their opinions on engineer and engineering.
The study group
is composed of 87 students who are studying at an Imam Hatip Girls Highschool
that is located in Muş city. A mixed method including qualitative and quantitative
research methods was used in the study. Quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest
control group was used in the quantitative dimension. “STEM Attitude Scale
(SAS)" was used as the quantitative data collection tool and
"Engineering Information Form (EIF)" was used as the qualitative data
collection tool. Data analysis has shown that STEM practice is effective in
improving girl students’ attitudes towards STEM. It was also found that some of
the students who had an opinion that engineering was a profession for men
before the practices had started to have an opinion that after the practices,
women might also be engineers. In addition, it was determined that STEM practices
helped girl students to establish more connections between engineering,
mathematics and science. In the light of these results, it is suggested that
more importance should be given in STEM practices in curriculums and more STEM
studies should be applied on girl students.


  • Akaygun, S. ve Tutak, F.A. (2016). “STEM Imagenes Revealing STEM Conceptions of Pre-Service Chemistry and Mathematics Teachers.” International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 4(1): 56-71.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem. Akademi
  • Can, A. (2014). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Capobıanco, B. M., Dıefes-Dux, H. A., Mena, I. ve Weller, J. (2011). “What is an Engineer? Implications of Elementary School Student Conceptions for Engineering Education.” Journal of Engineering Education, 100(2): 304-328.
  • Creswell, J. W. ve Plano Clark, V. L. (2015). Karma yöntem araştırmaları tasarımı ve yürütülmesi (Y. Dede & S. B. Demir, Çev.). Ankara: Anı.
  • Cunningham, C., Lachapelle, C. ve Lindgren-Streicher, A. (2005, June). Assessing elementary school students’ conceptions of engineering and technology. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, in Portland, OR.
  • Dasgupta, N. ve Stout, J. G. (2014). “Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEMING The Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM Careers.” Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1(1): 21-29.
  • Diekman, A. B., Brown, E. R., Johnston, A. M. ve Clark, E. K. (2010). “Seeking Congruity Between Goals and Roles: A New Look at Why Women Opt out of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Careers.” Psychological Science, 21: 1051-1057.
  • Faber, M., Unfired, A., Wiebe, E. N., Corn, J. Townsend, L. W. ve Collins, T. L. (2013). Student attitudes toward STEM: The development of upper elementary school and middle/high school student surveys. 120th ASSE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta.
  • Field, A., (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Washington DC: SAGE.
  • The Girl Scout Research Instıtute. (2012). Generation STEM: What girls say about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Girl Scout: Randolph. documents/about-girl-scouts/research/generation_stem_full_report.pdf sayfasından 25 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Gonzalez, H. B. ve Kuenzi, J.J. (2012). Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: A primer. sayfasından 9 Haziran 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Hall, C., Dickerson, J., Batts, D., Kauffmann, P. ve Bosse, M. (2011). “Are We Missing Opportunities to Encourage Interest in STEM fields?.” Journal of Technology Education, 23(1): 32-46.
  • Hammack, R., Ivey, T. A., Utley, J. ve High, K. A. (2015). “Effect of an Engineering Camp on Students ‟ Perceptions of Engineering and Technology.” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 5(2): 10-21.
  • Hayden, K., Ouyang, Y, Scinski, L., Olszewski, B., ve Bielefeldt, T. (2011). “Increasing Student Interest and Attitudes in STEM: Professional Development and Activities to Engage and Inspire Learners.” Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(1): 47-69.
  • Haverlo, C. (2011). STEM development: A Study of 6th-12th grade girls' ınterest and confidence in mathematics and science. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Lowa State Universtiy, Lowa.
  • Hirsch, L. S., Carpinelli, J. D., Kimmel, H., Rockland, R. ve Bloom, J. (2007). The differential effects of pre-engineering curricula on middle school students’ attitudes to and knowledge of engineering careers. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee.
  • Hirsch, L.S., Kimmel, H., Rockland, R. ve Bloom, J. (2006). Using pre-engineering curricula in high school science and mathematics: A Follow-up study. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego.
  • Hudson, P., English, L. D. ve Dawes, L. (2012, Kasım). Catapulting into STEM education: Female students’ interactions within a middle school engineering project. 2nd International STEM in Education Conference, Beijing, China.
  • Kızılay, E. (2016). “Pre-service Science Teachers’ Opinions about STEM Disciplines and Education.” The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 47: 403-417.
  • Konrad A. M., Ritchie J. E., Lieb, P. ve Corrigall, E. (2000). “Sex Differences and Similarities in Job Attribute Preferences: A Meta-Analysis.” Psychological Bulletin, 126(4): 593-641.
  • Knight, M. ve Cunningham, C. (2004). “Draw an Engineer Test (DAET): Development of A Tool To Investigate Students’ Ideas about EngineersaAnd Engineering.” Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 19 June, Utah.
  • Miles, M. B. ve Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: a sourcebook of new methods. Newbury Park, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Moomaw, S. (2013). Teaching STEM in the early years: Activities for integrating science, technology, engineering, mathematics. Yorkton Court: Redleaf Press. National Science Foundation. (2003). New formulas for America’s workforce: Girls in science and engineering. Arlington, VA: Author.
  • Nosek, B. A., Banaji, M. R. ve Greenwald, A. G. (2002). “Math = Male, Me = Female, Therefore Math ≠ Me.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83: 44-59. Oware, E., Capobianco, B. ve Diefes-Dux, H. (2007). “Gifted Students’ Perceptions Of Engineers? A Study of Students in A Summer Outreach Program.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 25- 27 June, Hawaii.
  • Özdamar, K. (1999). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi. Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Özdoğru, E. (2013). “Fiziksel Olaylar Öğrenme Alanı İçin Lego Program Tabanlı Fen ve Teknoloji Eğitiminin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarılarına, Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine ve Fen ve Teknoloji Dersine Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi.” Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Seong-Hwan, C. (2013). “The Effect of Robots In Education Based on STEAM.” Journal of Korea Robotics Society, 8(1): 58-65.
  • Song, J. B., Shin, S. B. ve Lee, T. W. (2010). “A Study on Effectiveness of STEM Integration Education Using Educational Robot.” The Korean Society of Computer and Information, 15(6): 81-89.
  • Sung, E. S. ve Na, S. (2012). “The Effects of the integrated STEM Education on Science and Technology Subject Self-Efficacy And Attitude Toward Engineering In High School Students.” Korean Technology Education Association, 12(1): 255-274.
  • UNESCO Asia-Pacific Education Thematic Brief, (2016). Closing the gender gap in STEM: Drawing more girls and women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics. sayfasından 13 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (2015). Women in science. sayfasından 13 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Voutour, J. (2014). What is STEM education? – Definition and programs. sayfasından 25 Nisan 2017 tarihinde sayfasından alınmıştır.
  • Yamak, H., Bulut, N. ve Dündar, S. (2014). “5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri İle Fene Karşı Tutumlarına FeTeMM Etkinliklerinin Etkisi.” Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2): 249-265.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Şeçkin.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2016). An examination of the effects of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) applications and mastery learning integrated into the 7th grade science course. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Yıldırım, B. ve Selvi, M., (2015). “Adaptation of STEM Attitude Scale to Turkish”. Turkish Studies - International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(3): 1107-1120.
  • Yıldırım, B. ve Altun, Y. (2014, Haziran). “STEM Eğitimi Üzerine Derleme Çalışması: Fen Bilimleri Alanında Örnek Ders Uygulanmaları.” VI. International Congress of Education Research, 5-8 June, Ankara.
  • Zhou, J. (2010). What is STEM? Unpublished master thesis, Ohio University, Ohio.
  • Çepni, S. (Ed.) (2018). Kuramdan uygulamaya SYEAM+A+E eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Bekir Yıldırım

Cumhur Türk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldırım, B., & Türk, C. (2018). STEM Uygulamalarının Kız Öğrencilerin STEM Tutum ve Mühendislik Algılarına Etkisi. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(30), 842-884.

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