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Yıl 2024, Sayı: 47, 238 - 265, 28.08.2024


This study conducts a meta-analysis of nominal phrases with "drama" as the head noun and modifier, aiming to clarify the terminology within the field of drama education and address discrepancies in term usage across various linguistic contexts. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research analyzes the frequency and usage patterns of drama-related terms in the British National Corpus (BNC) and Google Scholar. Significant disparities were found, indicating broader usage and diverse applications in Google Scholar compared to the BNC. The study highlights the need for standardized terminology to enhance communication and comparability in academic research. By defining key terms such as "drama activity," "drama play," and "educational drama," the analysis contributes to reducing ambiguities and fostering a more coherent dialogue within drama studies, thereby facilitating more effective educational practices and interdisciplinary collaboration.


  • Alam, S., Karim, M. R., & Ahmad, F. (2020). Process drama as a method of pedagogy in ESL classrooms: articulating the inarticulate. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(1), 255-272.
  • Anderson, M. (2011). Masterclass in drama education: Transforming teaching and learning. A&C Black.
  • Bain, A. (1869). English Composition and Rhetoric. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Retrieved on 7.12.2023 from
  • Batdi, V., & Elaldi, S. (2020). Effects of Drama Method on Social Communication Skills: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 6(3), 435-457.
  • Beaven, A., & Alvarez, I. (2014). Non-formal drama training for in-service language teachers. Scenario: Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education, 8(1).
  • Belliveau, G., & Kim, W. (2013). Drama in L2 learning: A research synthesis. Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 7(2), 7-27.
  • Biber, D., & Gray, B. (2011). Grammatical change in the noun phrase: The influence of written language use. English Language & Linguistics, 15(2), 223-250.
  • Boal, A. (1974). Theatre of the Oppressed. Pluto Press.
  • Bolton, G. (1979). Towards a theory of drama in education. London: Longman.
  • Bowell, P., & Heap, B. S. (2001). Planning Process Drama: Enriching teaching and learning. David Fulton Publishers.
  • Brockett, O. G., & Hildy, F. J. (2008). History of the Theatre. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Activity. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • Chukueggu, C. O. C. (2012). The use of drama and dramatic activities in English language teaching. The Crab: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts, 7, pp. 151- 159. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • De Haan, P. (1989). Postmodifying clauses in the English noun phrase: A corpus-based study. Rodopi. 3.
  • Dryer, M. S. (2007). Noun phrase structure. Language Typology and Syntactic Description, 2, 151-205.
  • Durrant, P., & Brenchley, M. (2023). Development of noun phrase complexity across genres in children’s writing. Applied Linguistics, 44(2), 239-264.
  • Dümenci, S. and Keçeci, A. (2014). Creative drama: can it be used to nursing education. Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2), 1320.
  • Ekinci, Ü. (2019). Teaching English through Drama and Drama Techniques in ESL Classrooms. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya. Retreived December 15, 2023, from
  • Fleming, M. (2012). Arts in Education and Creativity: A Review of the Literature. Arts Council England.
  • Freeman, G. D., Sullivan, K., & Fulton, C. R. (2003). Effects of creative drama on self-concept, social skills, and problem behavior. The Journal of Educational Research, 96(3), 131-138.
  • Fromkin, V., Robert R. & Nina H. (2003). An Introduction to Language. (7th. ed.) Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
  • Heathcote, D., & Bolton, G. (1995). Drama for learning: Dorothy Heathcote’s mantle of the expert approach to education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
  • Hernandez, H. P. (2023). Nouns as nominal premodifiers in disciplinary research articles written by Filipino research writers: A cross-investigation. International Journal of Language Studies, 17(1).
  • Hulse, B. and Owens, A. (2017). Process drama as a tool for teaching modern languages: supporting the development of creativity and innovation in early professional practice. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(1), 17-30.
  • Jackson, T. (1993). Learning through theatre: New perspectives on theatre in education. Routledge. Lan, G., Zhang, Q., Lucas, K., Sun, Y., & Gao, J. (2022). A corpus-based investigation on noun phrase complexity in L1 and L2 English writing. English for Specific Purposes, 67, 4-17.
  • Linklater, K. (1976). Freeing the Natural Voice. Drama Publishers.
  • Mardas, G. and Magos, K. (2020). drama in education and its influence on adolescents’ empathy. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 1(1), 74-85. Martin, A., Ratitamkul, T., Abels, K., Adger, D., & Culbertson, J. (2019). Cross-linguistic evidence for cognitive universals in the noun phrase. Linguistics Vanguard, 5(1).
  • Mavroudis, N., & Bournelli, P. (2019). The Contribution of Drama in Education to the Development of Skills Improving the Interpersonal Relations of Multicultural Classroom Students. Journal of Educational Issues, 5(2), 42-57.
  • Murray, K., Reis-Jorge, J., & Regan, J. (2021). Becoming a process drama practitioner: an exploratory study of higher education language teachers in Japan Language Teaching Research,136216882110609.
  • Nilson, J. (2021). Drama and critical intercultural language pedagogy. Scenario - Journal for Performative Teaching Learning Research, XV(2), 47-62.
  • O’Toole, J., & Dunn, J. (2002). Pretending to learn: Helping children learn through drama. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
  • Özbek, G. (2014). Drama in education: Key conceptual features. Sodobna Pedagogika, 65(131), 28-43. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • Pavis, P. (1998). Dictionary of the Theatre: Terms, Concepts, and Analysis. University of Toronto Press.
  • Piazzoli, E. (2010). Process drama and intercultural language learning: an experience of contemporary Italy. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15(3), 385-402.
  • Piazzoli, E. (2012). Engage or entertain? the nature of teacher/participant collaboration in process drama for additional language teaching. Scenario - A Journal for Performative Teaching Learning Research, VI(2), 28-46.
  • Soydan, S. B., & Erbay, F. (2013). The methods applied by pre-school teachers to raise the curiosity of children and their views. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(13), 997-1008.
  • Spolin, V. (1986). Theatre Games for the Classroom: A Teacher’s Handbook. Northwestern University Press.
  • Wagner, B. J. (1998). Educational Drama and Language Arts: What Research Shows. Heinemann.
  • Zakopoulos, V., Makri, A., Ntanos, S., & Tampakis, S. (2023). Drama/Theatre Performance in Education through the Use of Digital Technologies for Enhancing Students’ Sustainability Awareness: A Literature Review. Sustainability, 15(18).


Yıl 2024, Sayı: 47, 238 - 265, 28.08.2024


Bu çalışma, drama eğitimi alanındaki terminolojiye açıklık getirmeyi ve çeşitli dilsel bağlamlarda terim kullanımındaki tutarsızlıkları ele almayı amaçlayan, baş isim ve niteleyici olarak "drama" içeren nominal ifadelerin bir meta-analizini gerçekleştirmektedir. Nicel bir yaklaşım kullanan araştırma, British National Corpus (BNC) ve Google Scholar'daki drama ile ilgili terimlerin sıklığını ve kullanım şekillerini analiz etmektedir. Google Scholar'da BNC'ye kıyasla daha geniş kullanım ve farklı uygulamalara işaret eden önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Çalışma, akademik araştırmalarda iletişimi ve karşılaştırılabilirliği artırmak için standartlaştırılmış terminolojiye duyulan ihtiyacı vurgulamaktadır. Analiz, "drama etkinliği", "drama oyunu" ve "eğitsel drama" gibi anahtar terimleri tanımlayarak, belirsizlikleri azaltmaya ve drama çalışmaları içinde daha tutarlı bir diyaloğu teşvik etmeye katkıda bulunmakta, böylece daha etkili eğitim uygulamaları ve disiplinler arası işbirliğini kolaylaştırmaktadır.


  • Alam, S., Karim, M. R., & Ahmad, F. (2020). Process drama as a method of pedagogy in ESL classrooms: articulating the inarticulate. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(1), 255-272.
  • Anderson, M. (2011). Masterclass in drama education: Transforming teaching and learning. A&C Black.
  • Bain, A. (1869). English Composition and Rhetoric. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Retrieved on 7.12.2023 from
  • Batdi, V., & Elaldi, S. (2020). Effects of Drama Method on Social Communication Skills: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 6(3), 435-457.
  • Beaven, A., & Alvarez, I. (2014). Non-formal drama training for in-service language teachers. Scenario: Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education, 8(1).
  • Belliveau, G., & Kim, W. (2013). Drama in L2 learning: A research synthesis. Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 7(2), 7-27.
  • Biber, D., & Gray, B. (2011). Grammatical change in the noun phrase: The influence of written language use. English Language & Linguistics, 15(2), 223-250.
  • Boal, A. (1974). Theatre of the Oppressed. Pluto Press.
  • Bolton, G. (1979). Towards a theory of drama in education. London: Longman.
  • Bowell, P., & Heap, B. S. (2001). Planning Process Drama: Enriching teaching and learning. David Fulton Publishers.
  • Brockett, O. G., & Hildy, F. J. (2008). History of the Theatre. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Activity. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • Chukueggu, C. O. C. (2012). The use of drama and dramatic activities in English language teaching. The Crab: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts, 7, pp. 151- 159. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • De Haan, P. (1989). Postmodifying clauses in the English noun phrase: A corpus-based study. Rodopi. 3.
  • Dryer, M. S. (2007). Noun phrase structure. Language Typology and Syntactic Description, 2, 151-205.
  • Durrant, P., & Brenchley, M. (2023). Development of noun phrase complexity across genres in children’s writing. Applied Linguistics, 44(2), 239-264.
  • Dümenci, S. and Keçeci, A. (2014). Creative drama: can it be used to nursing education. Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2), 1320.
  • Ekinci, Ü. (2019). Teaching English through Drama and Drama Techniques in ESL Classrooms. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya. Retreived December 15, 2023, from
  • Fleming, M. (2012). Arts in Education and Creativity: A Review of the Literature. Arts Council England.
  • Freeman, G. D., Sullivan, K., & Fulton, C. R. (2003). Effects of creative drama on self-concept, social skills, and problem behavior. The Journal of Educational Research, 96(3), 131-138.
  • Fromkin, V., Robert R. & Nina H. (2003). An Introduction to Language. (7th. ed.) Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
  • Heathcote, D., & Bolton, G. (1995). Drama for learning: Dorothy Heathcote’s mantle of the expert approach to education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
  • Hernandez, H. P. (2023). Nouns as nominal premodifiers in disciplinary research articles written by Filipino research writers: A cross-investigation. International Journal of Language Studies, 17(1).
  • Hulse, B. and Owens, A. (2017). Process drama as a tool for teaching modern languages: supporting the development of creativity and innovation in early professional practice. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(1), 17-30.
  • Jackson, T. (1993). Learning through theatre: New perspectives on theatre in education. Routledge. Lan, G., Zhang, Q., Lucas, K., Sun, Y., & Gao, J. (2022). A corpus-based investigation on noun phrase complexity in L1 and L2 English writing. English for Specific Purposes, 67, 4-17.
  • Linklater, K. (1976). Freeing the Natural Voice. Drama Publishers.
  • Mardas, G. and Magos, K. (2020). drama in education and its influence on adolescents’ empathy. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 1(1), 74-85. Martin, A., Ratitamkul, T., Abels, K., Adger, D., & Culbertson, J. (2019). Cross-linguistic evidence for cognitive universals in the noun phrase. Linguistics Vanguard, 5(1).
  • Mavroudis, N., & Bournelli, P. (2019). The Contribution of Drama in Education to the Development of Skills Improving the Interpersonal Relations of Multicultural Classroom Students. Journal of Educational Issues, 5(2), 42-57.
  • Murray, K., Reis-Jorge, J., & Regan, J. (2021). Becoming a process drama practitioner: an exploratory study of higher education language teachers in Japan Language Teaching Research,136216882110609.
  • Nilson, J. (2021). Drama and critical intercultural language pedagogy. Scenario - Journal for Performative Teaching Learning Research, XV(2), 47-62.
  • O’Toole, J., & Dunn, J. (2002). Pretending to learn: Helping children learn through drama. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
  • Özbek, G. (2014). Drama in education: Key conceptual features. Sodobna Pedagogika, 65(131), 28-43. Retrieved December 13, 2023, from
  • Pavis, P. (1998). Dictionary of the Theatre: Terms, Concepts, and Analysis. University of Toronto Press.
  • Piazzoli, E. (2010). Process drama and intercultural language learning: an experience of contemporary Italy. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15(3), 385-402.
  • Piazzoli, E. (2012). Engage or entertain? the nature of teacher/participant collaboration in process drama for additional language teaching. Scenario - A Journal for Performative Teaching Learning Research, VI(2), 28-46.
  • Soydan, S. B., & Erbay, F. (2013). The methods applied by pre-school teachers to raise the curiosity of children and their views. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(13), 997-1008.
  • Spolin, V. (1986). Theatre Games for the Classroom: A Teacher’s Handbook. Northwestern University Press.
  • Wagner, B. J. (1998). Educational Drama and Language Arts: What Research Shows. Heinemann.
  • Zakopoulos, V., Makri, A., Ntanos, S., & Tampakis, S. (2023). Drama/Theatre Performance in Education through the Use of Digital Technologies for Enhancing Students’ Sustainability Awareness: A Literature Review. Sustainability, 15(18).
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İkinci Bir Dil Olarak İngilizce, Dil Kullanım Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Süleyman Başaran 0000-0002-3262-098X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

APA Başaran, S. (2024). A META ANALYSIS OF NOMINAL PHRASES WITH DRAMA AS HEAD NOUN AND MODIFIER. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(47), 238-265.