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A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Educational Games

Yıl 2022, , 724 - 740, 30.11.2022


In this study, it was aimed to examine a total of 254 articles about educational games in the WoS database between 2012-2021 in terms of bibliometric indicators. For this purpose, the keywords used in the articles, the cited studies, the density of co-citations according to the time course, the distribution of cited journals, the country and affiliation co-operations were analyzed by social network analysis. It is determined that the largest keyword set is "educational computer game". When the most cited studies are examined, it is seen that these studies focus on topics such as computer and digital games, game-based learning. While studies on performance-based game-based learning were mostly cited in 2012, it has been noted that the most cited subjects in recent years are studies on digital, mobile and computer-based games. It has been seen that the most cited journal in scientific studies on educational games is "Computer & Education". It has been determined that the most important place in the cooperation between countries belongs to the USA, Spain and Taiwan, respectively. In terms of corporate collaborations, it has been seen that the "National Taiwan University of Science and Technology" in Taiwan is in an important and critical position that allows other institutions to stay in contact.


  • Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., and Caprasecca, A. (2009). Allocative efficiency in public research funding: Can bibliometrics help?. Research Policy, 38(1), 206–215.
  • Adıgüzel, H. Ö. (1993). Play and its relation with creative drama. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Aksoy, A. B. (2020). Erken çocukluk döneminde oyun ve oyunun gelişimsel katkıları [Play and its developmental contributions in early childhood]. In A.B. Aksoy and H. Dere-Çiftçi (Eds.), Erken çocukluk döneminde oyun [Play in early childhood] (pp. 1-19). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Al, U., and Çoştur, R. (2007). Bibliometric profile of Turkish Journal of Psychology. Turkish Librariansip, 21(2), 142–163.
  • Al, U., and Tonta, Y. (2004). Citation analysis: Sources cited in dissertations completed at Hacettepe University Department of Librarianship. Information World, 5(1), 19–47.
  • Anastasiadis, T., Lampropoulos, G., and Siakas, K. (2018). Digital game-based learning and serious games in education. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 4(12), 139–144.
  • Annetta, L., Mangrum, J., Holmes, S., Collazo, K., and Cheng, M. T. (2009). Bridging realty to virtual reality: Investigating gender effect and student engagement on learning through video game play in an elementary school classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 31(8), 1091–1113.
  • Bali, M. (2021). Examination of big data studies in the field of tourism with bibliometric analysis technique. Master Thesis, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli.
  • Baş, Ö., Kuzu O., and Gök, B. (2020). The effects of mind games on higher level thinking skills in gifted students. Journal of Education and Future, (17), 1–13.
  • Becker, K. (2021). What’s the difference between gamification, serious games, educational games, and game-based learning?. Academia Letters, Article 209.
  • British Journal of Educational Technology (2022). BERA. Retrieved in April, 12, 2022, from
  • Borgman, C. L., and Furner, J. (2002). Scholarly communication and bibliometrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 36(1), 2–72.
  • Bozdoğan, A. E. (2020). A Bibliometric Evaluation of Published Educational Research Papers on “Planetariums” Based on Web of Science Database. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(27), 150–173.
  • Buckley, P., and Doyle, E. (2016). Gamification and student motivation. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1162–1175.
  • Caliskan, N., Kuzu, O., and Kuzu, Y. (2017). The development of a behavior patterns rating scale for preservice teachers. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(1), 130–142.
  • Chen, C. (2004). Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 101, 5303-5310.
  • Chen, C. (2006). CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359–377.
  • Chen, C. (2014). The citespace manual. College of Computing and Informatics, 1, 1–84.
  • Chen, C. M., and Kuljis, J. (2009). The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolutions in physics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 435–446.
  • Clark, D. B., Tanner-Smith, E. E., and Killingsworth, S. S. (2016). Digital games, design, and learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 86(1), 79–122.
  • Computers & Education. (2022). Elsevier. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from
  • Computers & Education Authors. (2022). Elsevier. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from
  • Connolly, T. M., Boyle, E. A., MacArthur, E., Hainey, T., and Boyle, J. M. (2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers & Education, 59(2), 661–686.
  • Coştu, S., Aydın, S., and Filiz, M. (2009). Students' conceptions about browser-gamebased learning in mathematics education: TTNetvitamin case. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1, 1848–1852.
  • de-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., and Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82–91.
  • Demirci, A. (2014). Literatür taraması [Literature review]. In Y. Arı and İ. Kaya (Eds.), Coğrafya araştırma yöntemleri [Geography research methods] (pp. 73–108). Balıkesir: Coğrafyacılar Derneği Yayınları.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2010). Eğitim sözlüğü [Education dictionary] (4th edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2015). Öğretme sanatı [Didactics] (22nd edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Denny, P. (2013, April 27-May 2). The effect of virtual achievements on student engagement. In S. Bodker, S. Brewster, P. Baudisch, M. Beaudouin-Lafon ve W.E. Mackay (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 763–772), Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Domínguez, A., Saenz-De-Navarrete, J., De-Marcos, L., Fernandez-Sanz, L., PageS, C., and MartiNez-HerraIz, J. J. (2013). Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes. Computers & Education, 63, 380–392.
  • Duran, E., and Tufan, B. S. (2017). İlkokul Türkçe ders kitaplarında oyun ve oyuncakların kullanımı. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 16–28.
  • Güneş, F. (2015). Game-based learning approach. Turkish Studies, 10(11), 773–786.
  • Hamari, J., Shernoff, D. J., Rowe, E., Coller, B., Asbell-Clarke, J., and Edwards, T. (2016). Challenging games help students learn: An empirical study on engagement, flow and immersion in game-based learning. Computers in human behavior, 54, 170–179.
  • Hanus, M. D., and Fox, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom: A longitudinal study on intrinsic motivation, social comparison, satisfaction, effort, and academic performance. Computers & education, 80, 152–161.
  • Holden, G., Rosenberg, G., and Barker, K. (2005). Bibliometrics: A potential decision making aid in hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions. Social work in health care, 41(3-4), 67–92.
  • Horzum, M. B., Ayas, T., and Çakır-Balta, Ö. (2008). Computer game addiction scale for children. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 3(30), 76–88.
  • Kaptan, F. ve Korkmaz, H. (1999). İlköğretimde Fen Bilgisi öğretimi [Science teaching in primary education]. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Karnes, F. A., and Bean, S. M. (2009). Methods and materials for teaching the gifted (3rd edition). USA: Prufrock Press Inc.
  • Kaya, Ü. (2007). The effect of the game technique on the achievement in teaching English at elementary school level. Master Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Ke, F. (2008). Computer games application within alternative classroom goal structures: Cognitive, metacognitive, and affective evaluation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 56, 539–556.
  • Kolb, A. Y., Kolb, D. A., Passarelli, A., and Sharma, G. (2014). On becoming an experiential educator: The educator role profile. Simulation & Gaming, 45(2), 204–234
  • Kirriemuir, J., and McFarlane, A. (2004). Literature review in games and learning. Lyon: HAL Open Science.
  • Kuğuoğlu, S., and Kürtüncü-Tanır, M. (2006). Therapeutic use of play according to developmental stage. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 22(1), 293–304.
  • Kukul, V. (2013). Eğitsel dijital oyunlar [Educational digital games]. In M. A. Ocak (Ed.), Oyunla ilgili tarihsel gelişmeler ve yaklaşımlar [Historical developments and approaches about the game] (pp. 20–31). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Kuzu, O. (2022). Dijital çağda matematik öğretiminde önemli bir ihtiyaç: Oyun tabanlı öğrenme [An important need in mathematics teaching in the digital age: Game-based learning]. In B. Gülbahar (Ed.), Eğitimin güncel konuları üzerine [On current issues of education] (pp. 259-289). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kuzu, O., and Sıvacı, S. Y. (2018). Dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile teknoloji okuryazarlığı arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between digital game addiction and technology literacy]. In I. International multidisciplinary digital addiction congress e-book, (pp. 69–78). Bursa: Kuzgun Kitap.
  • Kuzu, Y., Kuzu, O., and Gelbal, S. (2019). Investigation of TEOG and LGS systems in terms of students’, teachers’, parents’ and teacher parents’ opinions. Ahi Evran University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 5(1), 112–130.
  • Li, K., Rollins, J., and Yan, E. (2018) Web of Science use in published research and review papers 1997–2017: A selective, dynamic, cross-domain, content-based analysis. Scientometrics, 115, 1–20.
  • Mamat, A. R., Mohamed, F. S., Mohamed, M. A., Rawi, N. M., and Awang, M. I. (2018). Silhouette index for determining optimal k-means clustering on images in different color models. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.14), 105–109.
  • Meşe C., and Dursun, Ö.Ö. (2017). Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları [Educational technology readings]. In H. F. Odabaşı, B. Akkoyunlu and A. İşman (Eds.), Oyunlaştırmanın kuramsal temelleri [Theoretical foundations of gamification] (pp. 371–399). Vadi Grafik Tasarım ve Reklamcılık Ltd.Şti.
  • Naik, N. (2014). A Comparative evaluation of game-based learning: digital or nondigital games? European Conference on Games Based Learning, 2, 437-445.
  • Narin, F. (1976). Evaluative bibliometrics: The use of publication and citation analysis in the evaluation of scientific activity. Washington, D.C: Computer Horizons.
  • Özüdoğru, G. (2021). Digital storytelling in education from teachers’ perspectives. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 10(2), 445–454.
  • Papastergiou, M. (2009). Digital game-based learning in high school computer science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation. Computers & Education, 52(1), 1-12.
  • Patra, S. K., Bhattacharya, P., and Verma, N. (2006). Bibliometric study of literature on bibliometrics. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 26(1), 27–32.
  • Qian, M., and Clark, K. R. (2016). Game-based Learning and 21st century skills: A review of recent research. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 50–58.
  • Rousseeuw, P. J. (1987). Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 20, 53–65.
  • Sardone, N. B., and Devlin-Scherer, R. (2009). Teacher candidates’ views of digital games as learning devices. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 47–67.
  • Sutton-Smith, B. (1997). The ambiguity of play. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Şahhüseyinoğlu, D. (2007). Educational games for developing critical thinking skills: pre-service English language teachers’ views. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32, 266–273.
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Eğitsel Oyunlar İle İlgili Yapılan Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Bir Analizi

Yıl 2022, , 724 - 740, 30.11.2022


Bu çalışmada 2012-2021 yılları arasında WoS veri tabanında yer alan eğitsel oyunlar ile ilgili toplam 254 makale bibliyometrik göstergeler açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, makalelerde kullanılan anahtar kelimeler, atıf yapılan çalışmalar, ortak atıfların zaman akışına göre yoğunluğu, atıf yapılan dergilerin dağılımı, ülke ve kurum işbirlikleri sosyal ağ analizi ile çözümlenmiştir. En büyük anahtar kelime kümesinin “educational computer game” olduğu belirlenmiştir. En çok atıf alan çalışmalar incelendiğinde ise bu çalışmaların bilgisayar ve dijital oyunlar, oyun tabanlı öğrenme gibi konular üzerine odaklandığı görülmüştür. 2012 yılında daha çok performansa dayalı oyun tabanlı öğrenme ile ilgili çalışmalar atıf almışken son yıllarda en çok atıf alan konular dijital, mobil ve bilgisayar tabanlı oyunlar üzerine olan çalışmalar olduğu dikkatleri çekmiştir. Eğitsel oyunlar ile ilgili yapılan bilimsel çalışmalarda en çok atıf alan derginin “Computer & Education” olduğu görülmüştür. Ülkeler arası iş birlikteliğinde en önemli yerin sırasıyla Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne İspanya’ya ve Taiwan’a ait olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kurum iş birliktelikleri açısından ise Tayvan’da yer alan “National Taiwan University of Science and Technology” ‘nın diğer kurumların ilişki içinde kalmasını sağlayan önemli ve kritik bir konumda olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Abramo, G., D’Angelo, C. A., and Caprasecca, A. (2009). Allocative efficiency in public research funding: Can bibliometrics help?. Research Policy, 38(1), 206–215.
  • Adıgüzel, H. Ö. (1993). Play and its relation with creative drama. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Aksoy, A. B. (2020). Erken çocukluk döneminde oyun ve oyunun gelişimsel katkıları [Play and its developmental contributions in early childhood]. In A.B. Aksoy and H. Dere-Çiftçi (Eds.), Erken çocukluk döneminde oyun [Play in early childhood] (pp. 1-19). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Al, U., and Çoştur, R. (2007). Bibliometric profile of Turkish Journal of Psychology. Turkish Librariansip, 21(2), 142–163.
  • Al, U., and Tonta, Y. (2004). Citation analysis: Sources cited in dissertations completed at Hacettepe University Department of Librarianship. Information World, 5(1), 19–47.
  • Anastasiadis, T., Lampropoulos, G., and Siakas, K. (2018). Digital game-based learning and serious games in education. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 4(12), 139–144.
  • Annetta, L., Mangrum, J., Holmes, S., Collazo, K., and Cheng, M. T. (2009). Bridging realty to virtual reality: Investigating gender effect and student engagement on learning through video game play in an elementary school classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 31(8), 1091–1113.
  • Bali, M. (2021). Examination of big data studies in the field of tourism with bibliometric analysis technique. Master Thesis, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli.
  • Baş, Ö., Kuzu O., and Gök, B. (2020). The effects of mind games on higher level thinking skills in gifted students. Journal of Education and Future, (17), 1–13.
  • Becker, K. (2021). What’s the difference between gamification, serious games, educational games, and game-based learning?. Academia Letters, Article 209.
  • British Journal of Educational Technology (2022). BERA. Retrieved in April, 12, 2022, from
  • Borgman, C. L., and Furner, J. (2002). Scholarly communication and bibliometrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 36(1), 2–72.
  • Bozdoğan, A. E. (2020). A Bibliometric Evaluation of Published Educational Research Papers on “Planetariums” Based on Web of Science Database. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(27), 150–173.
  • Buckley, P., and Doyle, E. (2016). Gamification and student motivation. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1162–1175.
  • Caliskan, N., Kuzu, O., and Kuzu, Y. (2017). The development of a behavior patterns rating scale for preservice teachers. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(1), 130–142.
  • Chen, C. (2004). Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 101, 5303-5310.
  • Chen, C. (2006). CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359–377.
  • Chen, C. (2014). The citespace manual. College of Computing and Informatics, 1, 1–84.
  • Chen, C. M., and Kuljis, J. (2009). The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolutions in physics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 435–446.
  • Clark, D. B., Tanner-Smith, E. E., and Killingsworth, S. S. (2016). Digital games, design, and learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 86(1), 79–122.
  • Computers & Education. (2022). Elsevier. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from
  • Computers & Education Authors. (2022). Elsevier. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from
  • Connolly, T. M., Boyle, E. A., MacArthur, E., Hainey, T., and Boyle, J. M. (2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers & Education, 59(2), 661–686.
  • Coştu, S., Aydın, S., and Filiz, M. (2009). Students' conceptions about browser-gamebased learning in mathematics education: TTNetvitamin case. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1, 1848–1852.
  • de-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., and Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82–91.
  • Demirci, A. (2014). Literatür taraması [Literature review]. In Y. Arı and İ. Kaya (Eds.), Coğrafya araştırma yöntemleri [Geography research methods] (pp. 73–108). Balıkesir: Coğrafyacılar Derneği Yayınları.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2010). Eğitim sözlüğü [Education dictionary] (4th edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2015). Öğretme sanatı [Didactics] (22nd edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Denny, P. (2013, April 27-May 2). The effect of virtual achievements on student engagement. In S. Bodker, S. Brewster, P. Baudisch, M. Beaudouin-Lafon ve W.E. Mackay (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 763–772), Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Domínguez, A., Saenz-De-Navarrete, J., De-Marcos, L., Fernandez-Sanz, L., PageS, C., and MartiNez-HerraIz, J. J. (2013). Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes. Computers & Education, 63, 380–392.
  • Duran, E., and Tufan, B. S. (2017). İlkokul Türkçe ders kitaplarında oyun ve oyuncakların kullanımı. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 16–28.
  • Güneş, F. (2015). Game-based learning approach. Turkish Studies, 10(11), 773–786.
  • Hamari, J., Shernoff, D. J., Rowe, E., Coller, B., Asbell-Clarke, J., and Edwards, T. (2016). Challenging games help students learn: An empirical study on engagement, flow and immersion in game-based learning. Computers in human behavior, 54, 170–179.
  • Hanus, M. D., and Fox, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom: A longitudinal study on intrinsic motivation, social comparison, satisfaction, effort, and academic performance. Computers & education, 80, 152–161.
  • Holden, G., Rosenberg, G., and Barker, K. (2005). Bibliometrics: A potential decision making aid in hiring, reappointment, tenure and promotion decisions. Social work in health care, 41(3-4), 67–92.
  • Horzum, M. B., Ayas, T., and Çakır-Balta, Ö. (2008). Computer game addiction scale for children. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 3(30), 76–88.
  • Kaptan, F. ve Korkmaz, H. (1999). İlköğretimde Fen Bilgisi öğretimi [Science teaching in primary education]. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Karnes, F. A., and Bean, S. M. (2009). Methods and materials for teaching the gifted (3rd edition). USA: Prufrock Press Inc.
  • Kaya, Ü. (2007). The effect of the game technique on the achievement in teaching English at elementary school level. Master Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Ke, F. (2008). Computer games application within alternative classroom goal structures: Cognitive, metacognitive, and affective evaluation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 56, 539–556.
  • Kolb, A. Y., Kolb, D. A., Passarelli, A., and Sharma, G. (2014). On becoming an experiential educator: The educator role profile. Simulation & Gaming, 45(2), 204–234
  • Kirriemuir, J., and McFarlane, A. (2004). Literature review in games and learning. Lyon: HAL Open Science.
  • Kuğuoğlu, S., and Kürtüncü-Tanır, M. (2006). Therapeutic use of play according to developmental stage. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 22(1), 293–304.
  • Kukul, V. (2013). Eğitsel dijital oyunlar [Educational digital games]. In M. A. Ocak (Ed.), Oyunla ilgili tarihsel gelişmeler ve yaklaşımlar [Historical developments and approaches about the game] (pp. 20–31). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Kuzu, O. (2022). Dijital çağda matematik öğretiminde önemli bir ihtiyaç: Oyun tabanlı öğrenme [An important need in mathematics teaching in the digital age: Game-based learning]. In B. Gülbahar (Ed.), Eğitimin güncel konuları üzerine [On current issues of education] (pp. 259-289). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kuzu, O., and Sıvacı, S. Y. (2018). Dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile teknoloji okuryazarlığı arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between digital game addiction and technology literacy]. In I. International multidisciplinary digital addiction congress e-book, (pp. 69–78). Bursa: Kuzgun Kitap.
  • Kuzu, Y., Kuzu, O., and Gelbal, S. (2019). Investigation of TEOG and LGS systems in terms of students’, teachers’, parents’ and teacher parents’ opinions. Ahi Evran University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 5(1), 112–130.
  • Li, K., Rollins, J., and Yan, E. (2018) Web of Science use in published research and review papers 1997–2017: A selective, dynamic, cross-domain, content-based analysis. Scientometrics, 115, 1–20.
  • Mamat, A. R., Mohamed, F. S., Mohamed, M. A., Rawi, N. M., and Awang, M. I. (2018). Silhouette index for determining optimal k-means clustering on images in different color models. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.14), 105–109.
  • Meşe C., and Dursun, Ö.Ö. (2017). Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları [Educational technology readings]. In H. F. Odabaşı, B. Akkoyunlu and A. İşman (Eds.), Oyunlaştırmanın kuramsal temelleri [Theoretical foundations of gamification] (pp. 371–399). Vadi Grafik Tasarım ve Reklamcılık Ltd.Şti.
  • Naik, N. (2014). A Comparative evaluation of game-based learning: digital or nondigital games? European Conference on Games Based Learning, 2, 437-445.
  • Narin, F. (1976). Evaluative bibliometrics: The use of publication and citation analysis in the evaluation of scientific activity. Washington, D.C: Computer Horizons.
  • Özüdoğru, G. (2021). Digital storytelling in education from teachers’ perspectives. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 10(2), 445–454.
  • Papastergiou, M. (2009). Digital game-based learning in high school computer science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation. Computers & Education, 52(1), 1-12.
  • Patra, S. K., Bhattacharya, P., and Verma, N. (2006). Bibliometric study of literature on bibliometrics. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 26(1), 27–32.
  • Qian, M., and Clark, K. R. (2016). Game-based Learning and 21st century skills: A review of recent research. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 50–58.
  • Rousseeuw, P. J. (1987). Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 20, 53–65.
  • Sardone, N. B., and Devlin-Scherer, R. (2009). Teacher candidates’ views of digital games as learning devices. Issues in Teacher Education, 18(2), 47–67.
  • Sutton-Smith, B. (1997). The ambiguity of play. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Şahhüseyinoğlu, D. (2007). Educational games for developing critical thinking skills: pre-service English language teachers’ views. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32, 266–273.
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Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Yasemin Kuzu 0000-0003-4301-2645

Okan Kuzu 0000-0003-2466-4701

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Kuzu, Y., & Kuzu, O. (2022). A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Educational Games. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(3), 724-740.