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Knowledge Levels of Nursing Students About Robotic Surgery and Robotic Surgery Nursing

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 28 - 39, 19.04.2023


This descriptive study was conducted to determine the knowledge level of the Nursing Department’s students about robotic surgery and robotic nurses. The study was carried out with 478 nursing students between March 2022 and May 2022 in a foundation university. The study data were collected through face-to-face interviews via a questionnaire form. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistical methods, Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal Wallis test. It was found that 84.3% of the students were interested in technology and 79.3% of the students heard of the term robotic surgery before. Most of the students stated that their knowledge level about robotic surgery and robotic surgery nursing was partially sufficient (73%). It was also found that more than half of the students (56.7%) knew about the existence of the field of robotic surgery in nursing. Although most of the students heard the term robotic surgery, majority of the student’s level of knowledge was partly sufficient and they got knowledge mostly from the internet. Informing nursing students about robotic surgery will help students gain professional and technological knowledge and skills in the nursing profession and help them in their career planning.


  • Ak, G., Gürsoy, B., Yenidünya, F., Yıldırım, M., & Çatal, E. (2017, August 23-25). Investigation of knowledges, attitudes and behaviors of nurses and nursing students in different generations about robotic surgery. [Presentation abstract]. IMCOFE, Rome, Italy.
  • Başaran, F., & Koşgeroğlu, N. (2020). Reflections of Gender Inequality on Nursing Profession. GÜSBD, 9(3), 293-299.
  • Başar, F., Çiçek, S. & Yeşildere-Sağlam, H. (2019). The knowledge of nursing department students about human papilloma virus and vaccine. OPUS- International Journal of Society Research, 10(17), 123-138.
  • Çelik, S. (2011). The role of a nurse in robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery. Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 28(2), 83-86.
  • Çetin, F. (2018). Cerrahide yeni teknolojiler, robotik cerrahi. 4. Sterilizasyon Ameliyathane Dezenfeksiyon Sempozyumu. Antalya, 120-212, Retrieved from on 26 June 2022.
  • Cingöl, N., Çelebi, E., Zengin, S., & Karakaş, M. (2018). The investigation of compassion level of nursing students in a health. Klinik Psikiyatri, 21, 61-67.
  • Cepolina, F. & Razzoli, R. P. (2022). An introductory review of robotically assisted surgical systems. Int J Med Robotics, 18(4), 2409.
  • Fischer, G. S., & Hoffman, A. H. (2010, April 26). Perceptions of surgical robotics. Retrieved from: on 26 June 2022.
  • Giedelman, C., Moschovas, M.C., Bhat, S., Brunelle, L., Ogaya-Pinies, G., & Palmer, K.J. (2021). Establishing a successful robotic surgery program and improving operating room efficiency: literature review and our experience report. Journal of Robotic Surgery, 15, 435-42.
  • Gündoğdu, F., Boztaş, E. N., Güler, E., Akbaba, A., & Varsoyoğlu, S. (2020). Determining the level of time management skills of nursing students and social media addiction. KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 5-16.
  • Kahraman A.B., Ozansoy Tuncdemir, N., & Özcan, A. (2015). Profession perseption of male students who study nursery in context of social gender. Journal of Sociological Research, 18(2), 108-144.
  • Kang, M. J., De Gagne, J. C., & Kang, H. S. (2016). Perioperative nurses’ work experience with robotic surgery a focus group study. Comput Inform Nurs., 34(4), 152-158.
  • Karaismailoğlu, D., & Çilingir, D. (2020, October 22-24). Robotic surgery nursing. [Presentation abstract]. 2nd International Innovative Nursing Congress-1st Innovative Nursing Students Symposium, Online.
  • Kılınç_Akman, E., Balcı, F., & Kanan N. (2022). The Importance of using the second safe surgical checklist to robot-assisted surgery (the second “time-out”). Fenerbahce University Journal of Health Sciences, 2(2), 539-547.
  • Kürtüncü, M., & Kurt, A. (2020). Problems of nursing students in distance education in the covid-19 pandemia period. Eurasian Journal of Research in Social and Economics, 7(5), 66-77.
  • Lichosik, D., Astolfi, D., Granata, M., Arnaboldi, C., Simone, C., & Magon, G. (2015). 919 Robots: Nurse’s role in high-tech surgical theatres. European Journal of Cancer, 51(3), 145.
  • Mack, M.J. (2001). Minimally invasive and robotic surgery. JAMA, 285(5), 568–572.
  • Mankan, T., & Kaşıkçı, M. K. (2015). The knowledge level of nurses related to prevention of hospital infections. İnönü University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(1), 11-16.
  • Markar, S. R., Kolic, I., Karthikesalingam, A. P, Wagner, O., & Hagen, M. E. (2012). International survey study of attitudes towards robotic surgery. J. Robotic Surg., 6(3), 231-235.
  • Martins, R. C., Trevilato, D. D., Jost, M. T., & Caregnato, R. C. A. (2019). Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(3), 795-800. 10.1007/s11701-011-0301-8
  • Morris, B. (2005). Robotic surgery: applications, limitations, and impact on surgical education. Med. Gen. Med., 7(3), 72.
  • Okgün Alcan, A., Soyer, O., Van Giersbergen, M. Y., Solak. M., & Yoltay, H. E. (2019). Nurses’ opinions on robotic surgery. Kocaeli University Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 5-9.
  • Palep, J.H. (2009). Robotic assisted minimally invazive surgery. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Porto, C. S. T., & Çatal E. (2021). A comparative study of the opinions, experiences and individual innovativeness characteristics of operating room nurses on robotic surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(12), 4755-4767.
  • Raheem, A. A., Song, H. J., Chang, K. D., Choi, Y. D., & Rha, K. H. (2017). Robotic nurse duties in the urology operative room: 11 years of experience. AJUR, 4, 116-123.
  • Shah, J., Vyas, A., & Vyas, D. (2014). The history of robotics in surgical specialties. Am J Robot Surg., 1(1), 12-20.
  • Sutherland, J., & Fischer, G. S. (2011). Perceptions of surgical robotics. Analysis and study design. Retrieved from: in 26 June 2022.
  • Terkeş, N., Çelik, F., Taşdelen, F., & Kılıç, M.H. (2018). Determination of use of developing technologies of nurses working in intensive care unit and their attitudes towards technology. The Journal of Intensive Care Nursing, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Uslu, Y., Altınbaş, Y., Özercan, T., & Van Giersbergen, M. Y. (2019). The process of nurse adaptation to robotic surgery: a qualitative study. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 15, 1-7. 10.1002/rcs.1996.5
  • Watanabe, G. (2014). Robotic surgery. Springer.
  • Wilson, F. R., Pan, W., & Schumsky, D. A. (2012). Recalculation of the critical values for Lawshe’s content validity ratio. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 45, 197–210.
  • Yaşar, O., Karadağ, N., & Özsezer-Kaymak, G. (2018). Investigation of healthy lifestyle behaviors of nursing department students. Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 7(3), 82-87.
  • Yavuz-Karamanoglu, A. & Demir-Korkmaz, F. (2013). Responsibilities of nurses in robotic heart surgery practices. Türkiye Clinics Journal of Nursing Science, 5(2), 105-114.

Knowledge Levels of Nursing Students About Robotic Surgery and Robotic Surgery Nursing

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 28 - 39, 19.04.2023


Bu tanımlayıcı araştırma, Hemşirelik Bölümü öğrencilerinin robotik cerrahi ve robotik hemşireler hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, bir vakıf üniversitesinde Mart 2022 ile Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında 478 hemşirelik öğrencisi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri, anket formu aracılığıyla yüz yüze görüşme yoluyla toplanmıştır. Veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistiksel yöntemler, Mann-Whitney U Testi ve Kruskal Wallis-H Testi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin %84.3'ünün teknolojiye ilgi duyduğu ve %79.3'ünün robotik cerrahi terimini daha önce duyduğu saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin çoğunluğu robotik cerrahi ve robotik cerrahi hemşireliği ile ilgili bilgi düzeylerinin kısmen yeterli olduğunu (%73) belirtmiştir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin yarısından fazlasının (%56.7) hemşirelikte robotik cerrahi alanının varlığından haberdar olduğu saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin çoğu robotik cerrahi terimini duymasına rağmen, öğrencilerin bilgi düzeylerinin kısmen yeterli olduğu ve çoğunlukla internetten bilgi edindiği görülmüştür. Hemşirelik öğrencilerine robotik cerrahi hakkında bilgi verilmesi, öğrencilerin hemşirelik mesleğine ilişkin mesleki ve teknolojik bilgi ve becerileri kazanmalarına ve kariyer planlamalarına yardımcı olacaktır.


  • Ak, G., Gürsoy, B., Yenidünya, F., Yıldırım, M., & Çatal, E. (2017, August 23-25). Investigation of knowledges, attitudes and behaviors of nurses and nursing students in different generations about robotic surgery. [Presentation abstract]. IMCOFE, Rome, Italy.
  • Başaran, F., & Koşgeroğlu, N. (2020). Reflections of Gender Inequality on Nursing Profession. GÜSBD, 9(3), 293-299.
  • Başar, F., Çiçek, S. & Yeşildere-Sağlam, H. (2019). The knowledge of nursing department students about human papilloma virus and vaccine. OPUS- International Journal of Society Research, 10(17), 123-138.
  • Çelik, S. (2011). The role of a nurse in robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery. Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 28(2), 83-86.
  • Çetin, F. (2018). Cerrahide yeni teknolojiler, robotik cerrahi. 4. Sterilizasyon Ameliyathane Dezenfeksiyon Sempozyumu. Antalya, 120-212, Retrieved from on 26 June 2022.
  • Cingöl, N., Çelebi, E., Zengin, S., & Karakaş, M. (2018). The investigation of compassion level of nursing students in a health. Klinik Psikiyatri, 21, 61-67.
  • Cepolina, F. & Razzoli, R. P. (2022). An introductory review of robotically assisted surgical systems. Int J Med Robotics, 18(4), 2409.
  • Fischer, G. S., & Hoffman, A. H. (2010, April 26). Perceptions of surgical robotics. Retrieved from: on 26 June 2022.
  • Giedelman, C., Moschovas, M.C., Bhat, S., Brunelle, L., Ogaya-Pinies, G., & Palmer, K.J. (2021). Establishing a successful robotic surgery program and improving operating room efficiency: literature review and our experience report. Journal of Robotic Surgery, 15, 435-42.
  • Gündoğdu, F., Boztaş, E. N., Güler, E., Akbaba, A., & Varsoyoğlu, S. (2020). Determining the level of time management skills of nursing students and social media addiction. KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 5-16.
  • Kahraman A.B., Ozansoy Tuncdemir, N., & Özcan, A. (2015). Profession perseption of male students who study nursery in context of social gender. Journal of Sociological Research, 18(2), 108-144.
  • Kang, M. J., De Gagne, J. C., & Kang, H. S. (2016). Perioperative nurses’ work experience with robotic surgery a focus group study. Comput Inform Nurs., 34(4), 152-158.
  • Karaismailoğlu, D., & Çilingir, D. (2020, October 22-24). Robotic surgery nursing. [Presentation abstract]. 2nd International Innovative Nursing Congress-1st Innovative Nursing Students Symposium, Online.
  • Kılınç_Akman, E., Balcı, F., & Kanan N. (2022). The Importance of using the second safe surgical checklist to robot-assisted surgery (the second “time-out”). Fenerbahce University Journal of Health Sciences, 2(2), 539-547.
  • Kürtüncü, M., & Kurt, A. (2020). Problems of nursing students in distance education in the covid-19 pandemia period. Eurasian Journal of Research in Social and Economics, 7(5), 66-77.
  • Lichosik, D., Astolfi, D., Granata, M., Arnaboldi, C., Simone, C., & Magon, G. (2015). 919 Robots: Nurse’s role in high-tech surgical theatres. European Journal of Cancer, 51(3), 145.
  • Mack, M.J. (2001). Minimally invasive and robotic surgery. JAMA, 285(5), 568–572.
  • Mankan, T., & Kaşıkçı, M. K. (2015). The knowledge level of nurses related to prevention of hospital infections. İnönü University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(1), 11-16.
  • Markar, S. R., Kolic, I., Karthikesalingam, A. P, Wagner, O., & Hagen, M. E. (2012). International survey study of attitudes towards robotic surgery. J. Robotic Surg., 6(3), 231-235.
  • Martins, R. C., Trevilato, D. D., Jost, M. T., & Caregnato, R. C. A. (2019). Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(3), 795-800. 10.1007/s11701-011-0301-8
  • Morris, B. (2005). Robotic surgery: applications, limitations, and impact on surgical education. Med. Gen. Med., 7(3), 72.
  • Okgün Alcan, A., Soyer, O., Van Giersbergen, M. Y., Solak. M., & Yoltay, H. E. (2019). Nurses’ opinions on robotic surgery. Kocaeli University Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 5-9.
  • Palep, J.H. (2009). Robotic assisted minimally invazive surgery. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Porto, C. S. T., & Çatal E. (2021). A comparative study of the opinions, experiences and individual innovativeness characteristics of operating room nurses on robotic surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(12), 4755-4767.
  • Raheem, A. A., Song, H. J., Chang, K. D., Choi, Y. D., & Rha, K. H. (2017). Robotic nurse duties in the urology operative room: 11 years of experience. AJUR, 4, 116-123.
  • Shah, J., Vyas, A., & Vyas, D. (2014). The history of robotics in surgical specialties. Am J Robot Surg., 1(1), 12-20.
  • Sutherland, J., & Fischer, G. S. (2011). Perceptions of surgical robotics. Analysis and study design. Retrieved from: in 26 June 2022.
  • Terkeş, N., Çelik, F., Taşdelen, F., & Kılıç, M.H. (2018). Determination of use of developing technologies of nurses working in intensive care unit and their attitudes towards technology. The Journal of Intensive Care Nursing, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Uslu, Y., Altınbaş, Y., Özercan, T., & Van Giersbergen, M. Y. (2019). The process of nurse adaptation to robotic surgery: a qualitative study. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 15, 1-7. 10.1002/rcs.1996.5
  • Watanabe, G. (2014). Robotic surgery. Springer.
  • Wilson, F. R., Pan, W., & Schumsky, D. A. (2012). Recalculation of the critical values for Lawshe’s content validity ratio. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 45, 197–210.
  • Yaşar, O., Karadağ, N., & Özsezer-Kaymak, G. (2018). Investigation of healthy lifestyle behaviors of nursing department students. Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 7(3), 82-87.
  • Yavuz-Karamanoglu, A. & Demir-Korkmaz, F. (2013). Responsibilities of nurses in robotic heart surgery practices. Türkiye Clinics Journal of Nursing Science, 5(2), 105-114.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kıymet Öztepe Yeşilyurt 0000-0003-4106-8864

Merve Özsoy Durmaz 0000-0003-2132-9529

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztepe Yeşilyurt, K., & Özsoy Durmaz, M. (2023). Knowledge Levels of Nursing Students About Robotic Surgery and Robotic Surgery Nursing. Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 28-39.

Dergimiz; Türk Medline, Sobiad Atıf Dizini, Türk Eğitim İndeksi, Türkiye Atıf Dizini (Turkiye Citation Index)' te taranmaktadır.

Dergimizin Önceki Editörleri:

2017-2019: Doç. Dr. Rıdvan Karabulut

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Elif Tuba KOÇ, aniden aramızdan ayrıldığı güne kadar, dergimize Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği alanında alan editörü olarak önemli katkılar sağladı. Onun çaba ve gayretini, değerli emeğini ve aziz hatırasını saygı, sevgi ve özlemle anıyoruz.