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Samsun İli’ndeki bazı doğal ve egzotik ağaç ve çalı türlerinde arsenik birikimi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 13 - 17, 01.05.2019


Metalloidlerin özellikle arsenik (As) biyoakümülasyonunun kentsel ve kırsal alanlardaki doğal ve egzotik ağaç ve çalı türlerindeki konsantrasyonları pek çalışılmamıştır. Arsenik metaloidinin en önemli kaynaklarından biri taşıt emisyonları ve kömür yanmasıdır. Samsun ilindeki bazı doğal ve egzotik ağaç ve çalı türlerinde arsenik metaloidinin biyolojik birikimi incelenmiştir. Kirlilik gibi çalışmaların çoğu kurşun kirleticileri gibi yoğun kirlenmiş ortamlarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak, bu çalışmada kentsel ve kırsal ortamlarda bulunan bazı doğal ve egzotik ağaç ve çalı türlerinde yüksek arsenik konsantrasyonları bulunmuştur. İncelenen tüm türlerden, M. grandiflora dallarının en yüksek As konsantrasyonnuna sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. E. camaldulensis, P. abies, A. cyanophylla, C. vitalba ve L. vulgare türlerinde dal ve çiçeklere göre yapraklarda arsenik konsantrasyonu yüksek iken, O. europaea ve M. grandiflora türlerinde ise dalların yüksek arsenik konsantrasyonlarına sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Samsun şehir merkezi ve Atakum'da E. camaldulensis ve A. cyanophylla türlerinin yapraklarında benzer yüksek oranda arsenik konsantarasyonu bulunmuştur. M. grandiflora dalları ve L. vulgare yapraklarının yüksek arsenik konsantrasyonlarına sahip olmasından dolayı bu türler biyo-izleme çalışmalarında kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • Akan JC, Inuwa LB, Chellube ZM, Lawan B (2013). Heavy metals in leaf, stem bark of neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and roadside dust in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Environmental Pollution 2(1):88-95.
  • Alkorta I, Hernández-Allica J, Becerril JM, Amezaga I, Albizu I, Garbisu C (2004). Recent findings on the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with environmentally toxic heavy metals and metalloids such as zinc, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 3:71-90.
  • Allen SE, Grimshaw HM, Parkinson JA, Quarmby C, Roberts JD (1998). Chemical Analysis. In: Chapman SE (ed) Methods in Plant Ecology. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Allen SE (1989). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Materials. London: Blackwell.
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S (2010). Accumulation of arsenic and fluoride in lichen Pyxine cocoes (sw.) nyl., growing in the vicinity of coal-based thermal power plant at Raebareli, India. Journal of Experimental Sciences 1:37-40.
  • Bargagli R (1998). Trace elements in terrestrial plants: An ecophysiological approach to biomonitoring and biorecovery. Berlin: Springer.
  • Bergqvist C (2011). Arsenic accumulation in various plant types. Dissertation, Stockholm University.
  • Dias LE, Melo RF, de Mello JWV, Oliviera JA, Daniels WL (2010). Growth of seedlings of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), wand riverhemp (Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers.), and lead tree (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit) in an arsenic-contaminated soil. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 34:975-983.
  • Engin MS, Uyanik A, Kutbay HG (2015). Accumulation of heavy metals in water, Sediments and wetland plants of Kizilirmak Delta (Samsun, Turkey). International Journal of Phytoremediation 17:66-75.
  • Favas PJC, Pratas J, Prasad MNV (2013). Temporal variation in the arsenic and metal accumulation in the maritime pine tree grown on contaminated soils. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10:809-826.
  • Fishbein L (1981). Sources, transport and alterations of metal compounds: An Overview. I. Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and nickel. Environmental Health Perspectives 40:43-64.
  • Gerhard A (1999). Biomonitoring of Polluted Water - Reviews on Actual Topics. Environmental Research Forum. Switzerland: Scitech Publications.
  • Gill SS, Anjum NA, Ahmad I, Thangave lP, Sridevi G, Pacheco M, Duarte AC, Umar S, Khan NA, Pereira ME, (2012). In The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Contribution Towards Phytoremediation. London: Springer.
  • Gomes MP, Duarte DM, Miranda PLS, Barreto LC, Matheus MT, Garcia QS (2012). The effects of arsenic on the growth and nutritional status of Anadenanthera peregrina, a Brazilian savanna tree. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175:466-473.
  • Gonzaga MIS, Santos JAG, Ma LQ (2006). Arsenic phytoextraction and hyperaccumulation by fern species. Scientia Agricola 63:90-101.
  • Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babac MT, (2012). A checklist of the Flora of Turkey (vascular plants). Turkey: Publications of NezahatGokyigit Botanical Garden.
  • Hughes MF (2002). Arsenic toxicity and potential mechanism of action. Toxicology Letters 133:1-16.
  • Kabata-Pendias A (2010). Trace Elements in Soils and Plants, 4th edn. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Karimi N, Souri Z (2015). Effect of phosphorus on arsenic accumulation and detoxification in arsenic hyperaccumulator Isatis cappadocica. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 34:88–95.
  • Koch I, Wang LX, Ollson CA, Cullen WR, Reimer KJ (2000). The predominance of inorganic arsenic species in plants from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 34:22–26.
  • Korn MDGA, dos Santos DSS, Welz B, Vale MGR, Teixeira AP, de Castro Lima D, Ferreira SLC (2007). Atomic spectrometric methods for the determination of metals and metalloids in automotive fuels–a review. Talanta 73(1):1-11.
  • Meharg AA, Hartley-Whitaker J (2002). Arsenic uptake and metabolism in arsenic resistant and nonresistant plant species. New Phytologist 154:29–43.
  • Monaci F, Moni F, Lanciotti E, Grechi D, Bargagli R (2000). Biomonitoring of airborne metals in urban environments: New tracers of vehicle emission, in place of lead. Environmental Pollution 107:321-327.
  • Nagajyoti PJ, Lee KD, Sreekanth TVM (2010). Heavy metals, occurrence and toxicity for plants: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters 8:199-216.
  • Nkongolo KK Vaillancourt A, Dobrzeniecka S, Mehes M, Beckett P (2008). Metal content in soil and black spruce (Picea mariana) trees in the Sudbury region (Ontario, Canada): low concentration of arsenic, cadmium, and nickel detected near smelter sources. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 80:107–111.
  • Ozakı I, Watanabe I, Kuno K (2004). As, Sb and Hg distribution and pollution sources in the roadside soil and dust around Kamikochi, Chubu Sangaku National Park, Japan. Geochemical Journal 38:473-484.
  • Pal P, Chakrabortty S, Linnanen L (2014). Ananofiltration–coagulation integrated system for separation and stabilization of arsenic from groundwater. Science of The Total Environment 476:601-610.
  • Sadiq M, Alam I, El-Mubarek A, Al-Mohdhar HA (1989). Preliminary evaluation of metal pollution from wear of auto tires. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 42:743-748.
  • Samsun Security Directorate of Traffc Bureau (2012). Traffic density in Samsun in 2012.
  • Suzuki K, Yabuki T, Ono Y (2009). Roadside Rhododendron pulchrum leaves as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in traffic areas of Okayama, Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149:133-141.
  • Tomaševič M, Vukmirovič Z, Rajšič S, Tasič M, Stevanovič B (2005). Characterization of trace metal particles deposited on some deciduous tree leaves in an urban area. Chemosphere 61:753-760.
  • Tomaševič M, Anič M, Jovanovič LJ, Peric-Grujič A, Ristič M (2011). Deciduous tree leaves in trace elements biomonitoring: A contribution to methodology. Ecological Indicators 11:1689-1695.
  • Tu, C., Ma, L.Q., 2005. Effects of arsenic on concentration and distribution of nutrients in the fronds of the arsenic hyper accumulator Pteris vittata L.. Environmental Pollution 135:333–340.
  • Uddin ABMH, Khalid RS, Khan UA, Abbas SA (2013). Determination of arsenic content of available traditional medicines in Malaysia using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12:1053-1056.
  • Wei C, Morrison GM (1994). Platinium in road dust and urban river sediments. Science of The Total Environment 146/147:169-174.
  • Wuana RA, Okieimen FE (2011). Heavy metals in contaminated soils: A review of sources, chemistry, risks and best available strategies for remediation. ISRN Ecology 2011:1-20.
  • Xie Q, Yan X, Liao X, Li X (2009). The arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L.. Environmental Science and Technology 22:8488-8495.
  • Xing W, Zhnag H, Scheckel KG, Li L (2016). Heavy metal and metalloid concentrations in components of 25 wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties in the vicinity of lead smelters in Henan province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188(1):1-10.
  • Zhao FJ, McGrath SP, Meharg AA (2008). Arsenic as a food chain contaminant: mechanisms of plant uptake and metabolism and mitigation strategies. Annual Review of Plant Biology 61:535–59.

Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey)

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 13 - 17, 01.05.2019


The bioaccumulation of metalloids especially arsenic (As) concentrations in urban and suburban environments and bioaccumulation of As in natural and exotic tree and shrub species are not well-documented. One of the most significant sources of As are vehicular emissions and coal combustion. The bioaccumulation of As in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun and Atakum in Central Black Sea Region of Turkey is studied. Most of the studies about As pollution were carried out in heavily polluted environments such as lead smelters. However, high As concentrations were found for some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in urban and suburban environments in this study. It has been found that M. grandiflora twigs had the highest As concentrations in all of the studied species. Leaf As concentrations were found to be high in E. camaldulensis, P. abies, A. cyanophylla, C. vitalba, and L. vulgare as compared to twigs and flowers, while twigs of O. europaea and M. grandiflora had high As concentrations in Samsun center. E. camaldulensis and A. cyanophylla had high As concentrations in their leaves in Atakum similar to Samsun city center. M. grandiflora twigs and L. vulgare leaves can be used for biomonitoring studies due to high As concentrations in their tissues.


  • Akan JC, Inuwa LB, Chellube ZM, Lawan B (2013). Heavy metals in leaf, stem bark of neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and roadside dust in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Environmental Pollution 2(1):88-95.
  • Alkorta I, Hernández-Allica J, Becerril JM, Amezaga I, Albizu I, Garbisu C (2004). Recent findings on the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with environmentally toxic heavy metals and metalloids such as zinc, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 3:71-90.
  • Allen SE, Grimshaw HM, Parkinson JA, Quarmby C, Roberts JD (1998). Chemical Analysis. In: Chapman SE (ed) Methods in Plant Ecology. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Allen SE (1989). Chemical Analysis of Ecological Materials. London: Blackwell.
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S (2010). Accumulation of arsenic and fluoride in lichen Pyxine cocoes (sw.) nyl., growing in the vicinity of coal-based thermal power plant at Raebareli, India. Journal of Experimental Sciences 1:37-40.
  • Bargagli R (1998). Trace elements in terrestrial plants: An ecophysiological approach to biomonitoring and biorecovery. Berlin: Springer.
  • Bergqvist C (2011). Arsenic accumulation in various plant types. Dissertation, Stockholm University.
  • Dias LE, Melo RF, de Mello JWV, Oliviera JA, Daniels WL (2010). Growth of seedlings of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), wand riverhemp (Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers.), and lead tree (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit) in an arsenic-contaminated soil. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 34:975-983.
  • Engin MS, Uyanik A, Kutbay HG (2015). Accumulation of heavy metals in water, Sediments and wetland plants of Kizilirmak Delta (Samsun, Turkey). International Journal of Phytoremediation 17:66-75.
  • Favas PJC, Pratas J, Prasad MNV (2013). Temporal variation in the arsenic and metal accumulation in the maritime pine tree grown on contaminated soils. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10:809-826.
  • Fishbein L (1981). Sources, transport and alterations of metal compounds: An Overview. I. Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and nickel. Environmental Health Perspectives 40:43-64.
  • Gerhard A (1999). Biomonitoring of Polluted Water - Reviews on Actual Topics. Environmental Research Forum. Switzerland: Scitech Publications.
  • Gill SS, Anjum NA, Ahmad I, Thangave lP, Sridevi G, Pacheco M, Duarte AC, Umar S, Khan NA, Pereira ME, (2012). In The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Contribution Towards Phytoremediation. London: Springer.
  • Gomes MP, Duarte DM, Miranda PLS, Barreto LC, Matheus MT, Garcia QS (2012). The effects of arsenic on the growth and nutritional status of Anadenanthera peregrina, a Brazilian savanna tree. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175:466-473.
  • Gonzaga MIS, Santos JAG, Ma LQ (2006). Arsenic phytoextraction and hyperaccumulation by fern species. Scientia Agricola 63:90-101.
  • Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babac MT, (2012). A checklist of the Flora of Turkey (vascular plants). Turkey: Publications of NezahatGokyigit Botanical Garden.
  • Hughes MF (2002). Arsenic toxicity and potential mechanism of action. Toxicology Letters 133:1-16.
  • Kabata-Pendias A (2010). Trace Elements in Soils and Plants, 4th edn. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Karimi N, Souri Z (2015). Effect of phosphorus on arsenic accumulation and detoxification in arsenic hyperaccumulator Isatis cappadocica. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 34:88–95.
  • Koch I, Wang LX, Ollson CA, Cullen WR, Reimer KJ (2000). The predominance of inorganic arsenic species in plants from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 34:22–26.
  • Korn MDGA, dos Santos DSS, Welz B, Vale MGR, Teixeira AP, de Castro Lima D, Ferreira SLC (2007). Atomic spectrometric methods for the determination of metals and metalloids in automotive fuels–a review. Talanta 73(1):1-11.
  • Meharg AA, Hartley-Whitaker J (2002). Arsenic uptake and metabolism in arsenic resistant and nonresistant plant species. New Phytologist 154:29–43.
  • Monaci F, Moni F, Lanciotti E, Grechi D, Bargagli R (2000). Biomonitoring of airborne metals in urban environments: New tracers of vehicle emission, in place of lead. Environmental Pollution 107:321-327.
  • Nagajyoti PJ, Lee KD, Sreekanth TVM (2010). Heavy metals, occurrence and toxicity for plants: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters 8:199-216.
  • Nkongolo KK Vaillancourt A, Dobrzeniecka S, Mehes M, Beckett P (2008). Metal content in soil and black spruce (Picea mariana) trees in the Sudbury region (Ontario, Canada): low concentration of arsenic, cadmium, and nickel detected near smelter sources. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 80:107–111.
  • Ozakı I, Watanabe I, Kuno K (2004). As, Sb and Hg distribution and pollution sources in the roadside soil and dust around Kamikochi, Chubu Sangaku National Park, Japan. Geochemical Journal 38:473-484.
  • Pal P, Chakrabortty S, Linnanen L (2014). Ananofiltration–coagulation integrated system for separation and stabilization of arsenic from groundwater. Science of The Total Environment 476:601-610.
  • Sadiq M, Alam I, El-Mubarek A, Al-Mohdhar HA (1989). Preliminary evaluation of metal pollution from wear of auto tires. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 42:743-748.
  • Samsun Security Directorate of Traffc Bureau (2012). Traffic density in Samsun in 2012.
  • Suzuki K, Yabuki T, Ono Y (2009). Roadside Rhododendron pulchrum leaves as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in traffic areas of Okayama, Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149:133-141.
  • Tomaševič M, Vukmirovič Z, Rajšič S, Tasič M, Stevanovič B (2005). Characterization of trace metal particles deposited on some deciduous tree leaves in an urban area. Chemosphere 61:753-760.
  • Tomaševič M, Anič M, Jovanovič LJ, Peric-Grujič A, Ristič M (2011). Deciduous tree leaves in trace elements biomonitoring: A contribution to methodology. Ecological Indicators 11:1689-1695.
  • Tu, C., Ma, L.Q., 2005. Effects of arsenic on concentration and distribution of nutrients in the fronds of the arsenic hyper accumulator Pteris vittata L.. Environmental Pollution 135:333–340.
  • Uddin ABMH, Khalid RS, Khan UA, Abbas SA (2013). Determination of arsenic content of available traditional medicines in Malaysia using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12:1053-1056.
  • Wei C, Morrison GM (1994). Platinium in road dust and urban river sediments. Science of The Total Environment 146/147:169-174.
  • Wuana RA, Okieimen FE (2011). Heavy metals in contaminated soils: A review of sources, chemistry, risks and best available strategies for remediation. ISRN Ecology 2011:1-20.
  • Xie Q, Yan X, Liao X, Li X (2009). The arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L.. Environmental Science and Technology 22:8488-8495.
  • Xing W, Zhnag H, Scheckel KG, Li L (2016). Heavy metal and metalloid concentrations in components of 25 wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties in the vicinity of lead smelters in Henan province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188(1):1-10.
  • Zhao FJ, McGrath SP, Meharg AA (2008). Arsenic as a food chain contaminant: mechanisms of plant uptake and metabolism and mitigation strategies. Annual Review of Plant Biology 61:535–59.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Articles

Ali Demirayak Bu kişi benim

Hamdi Güray Kutbay

Burak Sürmen

Dudu Duygu Kılıç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2019
Kabul Tarihi 11 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirayak, A., Kutbay, H. G., Sürmen, B., Kılıç, D. D. (2019). Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey). Anatolian Journal of Botany, 3(1), 13-17.
AMA Demirayak A, Kutbay HG, Sürmen B, Kılıç DD. Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey). Ant J Bot. Mayıs 2019;3(1):13-17. doi:10.30616/ajb.499141
Chicago Demirayak, Ali, Hamdi Güray Kutbay, Burak Sürmen, ve Dudu Duygu Kılıç. “Arsenic Accumulation in Some Natural and Exotic Tree and Shrub Species in Samsun Provience (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 3, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2019): 13-17.
EndNote Demirayak A, Kutbay HG, Sürmen B, Kılıç DD (01 Mayıs 2019) Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey). Anatolian Journal of Botany 3 1 13–17.
IEEE A. Demirayak, H. G. Kutbay, B. Sürmen, ve D. D. Kılıç, “Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey)”, Ant J Bot, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 13–17, 2019, doi: 10.30616/ajb.499141.
ISNAD Demirayak, Ali vd. “Arsenic Accumulation in Some Natural and Exotic Tree and Shrub Species in Samsun Provience (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 3/1 (Mayıs 2019), 13-17.
JAMA Demirayak A, Kutbay HG, Sürmen B, Kılıç DD. Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey). Ant J Bot. 2019;3:13–17.
MLA Demirayak, Ali vd. “Arsenic Accumulation in Some Natural and Exotic Tree and Shrub Species in Samsun Provience (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, c. 3, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 13-17, doi:10.30616/ajb.499141.
Vancouver Demirayak A, Kutbay HG, Sürmen B, Kılıç DD. Arsenic accumulation in some natural and exotic tree and shrub species in Samsun Provience (Turkey). Ant J Bot. 2019;3(1):13-7.

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