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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 154 - 168, 30.12.2020



  • Bâjî, Sulaymân bin Khalaf. (2005). Al-İḥkâm al-Fuṣûl fî ’Aḥkâm al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: ‘Umrân ‘Alî al-‘Arabî. Benghazi: Dâr al-Kutub al-Waṭaniyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, ‘Abd al-‘Azîz bin Ahmad bin Muhammad.(1997). Kashf al-’Asrâr ‘an ’Uṣûl Fakhr al-’Islâm al-Bazdawî. Reviewed by ‘Abdullah Maḥmûd Muhammad ‘Umar. Beirût: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, Muhammad bin Ismâ‘îl. (1424AH). Ṣahîḥ al-Bukhârî. Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najâh, n.edn.
  • Ghazâlî, Muhâmmad bin Muhammad. (1413AH). Al-Mustaṣfa fî ‘Ilm ’Uṣûl al-Fiqh. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al- ‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn. Ibn Qudâmah, ‘Abdullah bin Ahmad. (1978). Mukhtasar Minhâj al-Qasidîn. Damascus: Dâr al-Bayân, n.edn.,
  • Jassâs, Ahmad bin ‘Ali al-Rızâ. (1988). Al-Fuṣûl fî al-’Usûl. Reviewed by: Qâsim al-Nashmî. Kuwait: Wizârah al-Awqâf wa al-Shu’ûn al-Islâmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Mâlikî, al-Husayn ibn Rashîq. (2001). Lubâb al-Maḥṣûl fî ‘Ilm al-’Uṣûl. Beirut: Dâr al-’IÍyâ’ al-Turâth al- ‘Arabî, 1st edn.
  • Marâghî, ‘Abdullah Musṭafâ. (n.d). Al-Fatḥ al-Mubîn fî Ṭabaqât al-’Uṣûliyyîn. Sudan: Anṣâr al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah, n.edn.
  • Muslim, ibn al-Ḥajjâj al-Naysabûrî. (n.d). Ṣahîh Muslim. Lebanon: Dâr al-Âfâq, n.ed
  • Nawawîn Yahyâ bin Sharaf. (1392AH). Al-Minhâj Sharḫ Ṣaḥîḥ Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjâj. Beirut: Dâr Iḥyâ’ al-Turâth al-‘Arabî, 2nd edn.
  • Raysûnî, Ahmad. (1995). Naẓariyyah al-Maqâṣid ‘ind al-’Imâm al-Shâṭibî. USA: Al-Ma‘had al-‘Âlamî li al-Fikr al-’Islâmî, 4th edn.
  • Sam‘ânî, Mansûr bin Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Jabbâr. (1998). QawâÏi‘ al-’Adillah fî al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: Muhammad Hasan ’Ismâ‘il al-Shâfi‘. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Shâṭibî, Mûsâ bin ’Ibrâhâm bin Lakhmn. (1992). al-’I‘tiÎṣâm. KSA: Dâr ibn ‘Affân, n.edn.
  • Ṭabarânî, Sulaymaân bin Ahmad bin ’Ayyub. (1984). Musnad al-Shâmî. Beirut: Mu’assasah al-Risaâlah, 1st edn.
  • Tanbaktî, Ahmad Baba Ahmad. (2000). Nayl al-’Ibtihâj bi Taṭrîz al-Dibâj. Lebanon: Dâr al-Kutub, 1st edn.
  • Tirmidhî, Muhammad bin ‘Isâ bin Sawrah. (1975). Sunan al-Tirmidhî. Cairo: Sharkah wa Maṭba‘ah Muṣṭafâ al-Halabî al-Bâbâ, 2nd edn. Uṣbuḥî, Mâlik bin ’Anas. (1985). Muwaṭṭa’. Beirut: Dâr ’Iḥyâ’ al-Turath al-‘Arabî, n.edn.
  • Zirklî, Khayr al-Dîn bin Mahmûd bin Muhammad. (2002). al-A‘lâm. Cairo: Dâr al-‘Ilm li al-Milyûn, 15th edn.

الإباحة بين الغزالي و الشاطبي

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 154 - 168, 30.12.2020


يتناول هذا البحث نظرية أصولية وهي نظرية الإباحة . والإباحة كما عدها أكثر العلماء من الأحكام
التكليفية وبها مسائل كثيرة تكلم فيها العلماء، إجمالاً للفائدة رأى الباحثُ أن يقارن بين مفهوم الإباحة عند إمامين كبيرين من أئمة أصول الفقه وهما الغزالى، والشاطبى رحمهما الله تعالي من حيث التعريف، والأنواع، وأوجه التشابه، والافتراق عند كل منهما. وسلك الباحثُ المنهجَ الاستقرائي وذلك بجمع المادة العلمية الخاصة بالإباحة عند الغزالى و الشاطبي، وكذلك المنهج التحليلى وفيه يعرض الباحث المادة العلمية مع شرح القضية العلمية بتحليل النصوص والاستفادة من هذه النصوص لاستنباط ماهية الإباحة عند العالمين، وأوجه التشابه، والافتراق بينمها.
و أتبع الباحثُ بحثَه بعدة نتائج وتوصيات، ومن أهم النتائج أن الغزالى قسم المباح إلى قسمين فقط بينما قسمه الشاطبي إلى أربعة أقسام باعتبارات مختلفة أبرزها بحسب النية وهو قسم جديد أحسب أنه لم يسبقه إليه أحد.بينما أهم التوصيات وهي وصية عامة لعموم المكلفين هى كيفية الاستفادة من المباحات فى الحياة الدنيا فهي بالنية تعد قسم من أقسام الحكم التكليفى التي يثاب المرء عليه


  • Bâjî, Sulaymân bin Khalaf. (2005). Al-İḥkâm al-Fuṣûl fî ’Aḥkâm al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: ‘Umrân ‘Alî al-‘Arabî. Benghazi: Dâr al-Kutub al-Waṭaniyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, ‘Abd al-‘Azîz bin Ahmad bin Muhammad.(1997). Kashf al-’Asrâr ‘an ’Uṣûl Fakhr al-’Islâm al-Bazdawî. Reviewed by ‘Abdullah Maḥmûd Muhammad ‘Umar. Beirût: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, Muhammad bin Ismâ‘îl. (1424AH). Ṣahîḥ al-Bukhârî. Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najâh, n.edn.
  • Ghazâlî, Muhâmmad bin Muhammad. (1413AH). Al-Mustaṣfa fî ‘Ilm ’Uṣûl al-Fiqh. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al- ‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn. Ibn Qudâmah, ‘Abdullah bin Ahmad. (1978). Mukhtasar Minhâj al-Qasidîn. Damascus: Dâr al-Bayân, n.edn.,
  • Jassâs, Ahmad bin ‘Ali al-Rızâ. (1988). Al-Fuṣûl fî al-’Usûl. Reviewed by: Qâsim al-Nashmî. Kuwait: Wizârah al-Awqâf wa al-Shu’ûn al-Islâmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Mâlikî, al-Husayn ibn Rashîq. (2001). Lubâb al-Maḥṣûl fî ‘Ilm al-’Uṣûl. Beirut: Dâr al-’IÍyâ’ al-Turâth al- ‘Arabî, 1st edn.
  • Marâghî, ‘Abdullah Musṭafâ. (n.d). Al-Fatḥ al-Mubîn fî Ṭabaqât al-’Uṣûliyyîn. Sudan: Anṣâr al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah, n.edn.
  • Muslim, ibn al-Ḥajjâj al-Naysabûrî. (n.d). Ṣahîh Muslim. Lebanon: Dâr al-Âfâq, n.ed
  • Nawawîn Yahyâ bin Sharaf. (1392AH). Al-Minhâj Sharḫ Ṣaḥîḥ Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjâj. Beirut: Dâr Iḥyâ’ al-Turâth al-‘Arabî, 2nd edn.
  • Raysûnî, Ahmad. (1995). Naẓariyyah al-Maqâṣid ‘ind al-’Imâm al-Shâṭibî. USA: Al-Ma‘had al-‘Âlamî li al-Fikr al-’Islâmî, 4th edn.
  • Sam‘ânî, Mansûr bin Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Jabbâr. (1998). QawâÏi‘ al-’Adillah fî al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: Muhammad Hasan ’Ismâ‘il al-Shâfi‘. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Shâṭibî, Mûsâ bin ’Ibrâhâm bin Lakhmn. (1992). al-’I‘tiÎṣâm. KSA: Dâr ibn ‘Affân, n.edn.
  • Ṭabarânî, Sulaymaân bin Ahmad bin ’Ayyub. (1984). Musnad al-Shâmî. Beirut: Mu’assasah al-Risaâlah, 1st edn.
  • Tanbaktî, Ahmad Baba Ahmad. (2000). Nayl al-’Ibtihâj bi Taṭrîz al-Dibâj. Lebanon: Dâr al-Kutub, 1st edn.
  • Tirmidhî, Muhammad bin ‘Isâ bin Sawrah. (1975). Sunan al-Tirmidhî. Cairo: Sharkah wa Maṭba‘ah Muṣṭafâ al-Halabî al-Bâbâ, 2nd edn. Uṣbuḥî, Mâlik bin ’Anas. (1985). Muwaṭṭa’. Beirut: Dâr ’Iḥyâ’ al-Turath al-‘Arabî, n.edn.
  • Zirklî, Khayr al-Dîn bin Mahmûd bin Muhammad. (2002). al-A‘lâm. Cairo: Dâr al-‘Ilm li al-Milyûn, 15th edn.

Narrations of The Occasion of Revelation in Surah Al-Hijr: Analytical Study

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 154 - 168, 30.12.2020


This research aims at explaining the study of the occasions of revelation of surah al-Hijr in an analytical study with the help of books concerned with the subject of occasions of revelation. Contemplating the occasions of revelation of the verses specified in this research، one finds it extremely confusing to determine the sayings of scholars regarding the occasion for revelation، and their comparison among these narrations. This represents a challenge for researchers in this field، especially that there are scholars who believe that there are some verses in the Qur’an، including surah al-Hijr، for which there is no occasion of revelation. Indeed، there are those who excluded surah al-Hijr from their books which they have written on the occasions of revelation. Thus، this study comes to unveil the opinions of scholars and solve this problem by illustrating the existing proofs of the occasions of revelation of some verses in surah al-Hijr. This is accomplished by inducing and deducing those proofs from heritage books، and other books that addressed the occasions of revelation in Qur’an science. The scholars of Hadith have written Ahadith and stated their narrations in their explanation، some of these narrations have even been traced. Books of exegesis also stated such narrations through which some exegetists accomplished their interpretation of some verses and traced the narrations of the occasion of revelation. They have also explained that these are the occasions for revealing those verses، though they differed in terms of the level of authenticity of these narrations. Having illustrated the nature of this research، the research will address the use of the deductive and analytical approaches، and the expected result will be based on research and tracing books as well as proving that some verses of surah al-Hijr do have occasions of revelation.


  • Bâjî, Sulaymân bin Khalaf. (2005). Al-İḥkâm al-Fuṣûl fî ’Aḥkâm al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: ‘Umrân ‘Alî al-‘Arabî. Benghazi: Dâr al-Kutub al-Waṭaniyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, ‘Abd al-‘Azîz bin Ahmad bin Muhammad.(1997). Kashf al-’Asrâr ‘an ’Uṣûl Fakhr al-’Islâm al-Bazdawî. Reviewed by ‘Abdullah Maḥmûd Muhammad ‘Umar. Beirût: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Bukhârî, Muhammad bin Ismâ‘îl. (1424AH). Ṣahîḥ al-Bukhârî. Beirut: Dar Tawq al-Najâh, n.edn.
  • Ghazâlî, Muhâmmad bin Muhammad. (1413AH). Al-Mustaṣfa fî ‘Ilm ’Uṣûl al-Fiqh. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al- ‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn. Ibn Qudâmah, ‘Abdullah bin Ahmad. (1978). Mukhtasar Minhâj al-Qasidîn. Damascus: Dâr al-Bayân, n.edn.,
  • Jassâs, Ahmad bin ‘Ali al-Rızâ. (1988). Al-Fuṣûl fî al-’Usûl. Reviewed by: Qâsim al-Nashmî. Kuwait: Wizârah al-Awqâf wa al-Shu’ûn al-Islâmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Mâlikî, al-Husayn ibn Rashîq. (2001). Lubâb al-Maḥṣûl fî ‘Ilm al-’Uṣûl. Beirut: Dâr al-’IÍyâ’ al-Turâth al- ‘Arabî, 1st edn.
  • Marâghî, ‘Abdullah Musṭafâ. (n.d). Al-Fatḥ al-Mubîn fî Ṭabaqât al-’Uṣûliyyîn. Sudan: Anṣâr al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah, n.edn.
  • Muslim, ibn al-Ḥajjâj al-Naysabûrî. (n.d). Ṣahîh Muslim. Lebanon: Dâr al-Âfâq, n.ed
  • Nawawîn Yahyâ bin Sharaf. (1392AH). Al-Minhâj Sharḫ Ṣaḥîḥ Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjâj. Beirut: Dâr Iḥyâ’ al-Turâth al-‘Arabî, 2nd edn.
  • Raysûnî, Ahmad. (1995). Naẓariyyah al-Maqâṣid ‘ind al-’Imâm al-Shâṭibî. USA: Al-Ma‘had al-‘Âlamî li al-Fikr al-’Islâmî, 4th edn.
  • Sam‘ânî, Mansûr bin Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Jabbâr. (1998). QawâÏi‘ al-’Adillah fî al-’Uṣûl. Reviewed by: Muhammad Hasan ’Ismâ‘il al-Shâfi‘. Beirut: Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1st edn.
  • Shâṭibî, Mûsâ bin ’Ibrâhâm bin Lakhmn. (1992). al-’I‘tiÎṣâm. KSA: Dâr ibn ‘Affân, n.edn.
  • Ṭabarânî, Sulaymaân bin Ahmad bin ’Ayyub. (1984). Musnad al-Shâmî. Beirut: Mu’assasah al-Risaâlah, 1st edn.
  • Tanbaktî, Ahmad Baba Ahmad. (2000). Nayl al-’Ibtihâj bi Taṭrîz al-Dibâj. Lebanon: Dâr al-Kutub, 1st edn.
  • Tirmidhî, Muhammad bin ‘Isâ bin Sawrah. (1975). Sunan al-Tirmidhî. Cairo: Sharkah wa Maṭba‘ah Muṣṭafâ al-Halabî al-Bâbâ, 2nd edn. Uṣbuḥî, Mâlik bin ’Anas. (1985). Muwaṭṭa’. Beirut: Dâr ’Iḥyâ’ al-Turath al-‘Arabî, n.edn.
  • Zirklî, Khayr al-Dîn bin Mahmûd bin Muhammad. (2002). al-A‘lâm. Cairo: Dâr al-‘Ilm li al-Milyûn, 15th edn.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Arapça
Bölüm Makaleler

Mohamed Abdelshafy

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdelshafy, M. (2020). الإباحة بين الغزالي و الشاطبي. Academic Knowledge, 3(2), 154-168.


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