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Politics in the name of God and Jesus: Evangelicalism’s Rising İnfluence on U.S. Foreign Policy During Donald Trump’s Presidency Period

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 25, 15.10.2021


Evangelicalism, due to the reasons stemming from the American history and demographic structure, has shaped the worldview of the majority of American society and has shown its influence from the lowest level of society to the highest officials of the government. However, evangelical Christians are not religiously and politically monolithic. Although evangelicals can be found in almost every Protestant sect in the United States, there have been many different beliefs, various subcultures, and evangelicalism with opposing views. Since the early 1970s, evangelical groups with fundamentalist views, which are also called the neo-conservative right, have increased their visibility in public opinion both within churches and through the various non-governmental organisations which they have established and have become an influential force in US politics. This study examines the effects of these fundamentalist evangelical groups on the US policies towards the Middle East during the Donald Trump administration period. In this context, it tries to explain the interests perceptions of evangelicals as a pressure group in domestic and foreign policy, to define the foreign policy areas in which they are particularly interested, and to observe the interactions and connections of the evangelical movement with Donald Trump and other actors under his administration.


  • Ahmed, Akbar Shahid. “Khashoggi’s Murder Should Have Made Saudi Arabia A Pariah. 7 Men Made Sure That Didn’t Happen”. The Huffington Post (19 Ekim 2019).
  • Aljazeera. “Israel ‘willing to share’ Iran intelligence with Saudis” (16 Kasım 2017).
  • Aljazeera. “MBS: Palestinians should ‘accept Trump proposals or shut up’” (30 Nisan 2018).
  • Aljazeera. “Netanyahu says West Bank annexation plans still ‘on the table” (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Amos, Owen. “Why do US evangelicals support Trump's Jerusalem policy?”. BBC (5 Ocak 2018).
  • Bailey, Sarah Pulliam. “Pompeo: Perhaps Trump is, like the Bible’s Esther, meant to save the Jewish people from Iran”, The Washington Post (22 Mart 2019),
  • Ballmer, Randall. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Batrawy, Aya. “US Christian evangelical delegation meets Saudi crown prince”, The Associated Press (11 Eylül 2019).
  • Bird, Michael F. Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2013.
  • Black, Ian. “Why Israel is quietly cosying up to Gulf monarchies”, The Guardian (19 Mart 2019).
  • Boettner, Loraine. The Millennium. Philipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 1991)
  • Boorstein, Michelle. “Trump’s evangelical advisers meet with Saudi Crown Prince and discuss Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, “human rights,” spokesman says”. The Washington Post (2 Kasım 2018).
  • Breger, Marshall, Hammer, Leonard. Contested Sites in Jerusalem. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Bova, Gus. “Under Trump, Islamophobic Pastor John Hagee’s Star Rises Again”. Texas Observer (9 Ağustos 2018).
  • Boyer, Paul. When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1994).
  • Burke, Daniel. “Why evangelicals are 'ecstatic' about Trump's Jerusalem move”. CNN (6 Aralık 2017),
  • Carter, Jimmy. Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis. Newyork: Simon & Schuster, 2006.
  • Casper, Jayson. “The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian”. Christianity Today (15 Ocak 2020).
  • Cavari, Amnon, Freedman, Guy. From Bipartisan Agreement to Electoral Contest: Israel in US Elections. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
  • Cavari, A. Freedman, Guy. Partisan Cues and Opinion Formation on Foreign Policy. American Politics Research, 47 (1), 29–57, 2019.
  • Cavari, Amnon, Nyer, Elan. From Bipartisanship to Dysergia: Trends in Congressional Actions Toward Israel. Israel Studies, c.19, s.2 (1997): 7–48.
  • Chersterton, Gilbert K. What I saw in America. California: Create Space, 2016.
  • Cooper, Helene - Worth, Robert F. “In Arab Spring, Obama Finds a Sharp Test”. The New York Times (25 Eylül 2012),
  • Costa, Robert, Johnson, Jenna. “Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. endorses Trump“. (The Washington Post (26 Ocak 2016),
  • Council on Foreign Relations. “The Reagan Plan: U.S. Policy for Peace in the Middle East” (1 Eylül 1982).
  • Da Vinha, L. Competition, Conflict, and Conformity: Foreign Policy Making in the First Year of the Trump Presidency. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 49(2), 280–309, 2019.
  • Düz, Zehra Nur. “Bahrain's king: Deal with Israel ‘historic step’”. Anadolu Agency (21 Eylül 2020).
  • Entous, Adam. “Donald Trump's New World Order”. Newyorker (18 Haziran 2018).
  • Farrell, “What's in Trump's Middle East peace plan”. Reuters (28 Ocak 2020),
  • Fars News Agency. “Riyadh: Palestinians Should Come to Negotiating Table or Shut Up” (30 Nisan 2018).
  • Feuerwerger, Marvin C. Congress and Israel: Foreign Aid Decision-Making in the House of Representatives, 1969–1976. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.
  • Firstpost. “My number one priority is to dismantle the deal with Iran, it is catastrophic: Trump”. (22 Mart 2016),
  • Garnham, David. Factors Influencing Congressional Support Israel During the 93rd Congress. The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations. c.2, s.3 (1977), 23–45.
  • Gerson, Michael. “Trump is evangelicals "dream president". Here's why”. The Washington Post (1 Mayıs 2017),
  • Grossman, Michael Orlov, Matthews, Ronald Eric. Perspectives on the Legacy of George W. Bush. Newcastleupon- Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
  • Griswold, Eliza. Franklin Graham’s Uneasy Alliance With Donald Trump. The Newyorker (11 Eylül 2020),
  • Guez, Jack. “‘Stay strong Israel,’ Trump tweets as settlement row flares”. France24 (28 Aralık 2016).
  • Hankins, Barry. American Evangelicals: A Contemporary History of a Mainstream Religious Movement. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.
  • Henne, Peter. “US-Israeli Christian leader discusses peace process with Saudi crown prince”. Duckofminerva (13 Eylül 2019).
  • Herbers, John. “Religious Leaders tell of worry on Armageddon view ascribed to Reagan”. The Newyork Times (21 Ekim 1984).
  • Hirsch, M. “The Legal Status of Jerusalem Following the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Separation Barrier”. Israel Law Review. 38, 298–315, 2005.
  • Ignatius, David. “Bahrain’s diplomatic agreement with Israel is a building block toward Middle East stability”. The Washington Post (11 Eylül 2020).
  • IMFA, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PM Netanyahu addresses UN General Assembly (Ekim 2013).
  • Isserman Maurice, Kazin, Michael. America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Jaffe-Hoffman, Maayan. “How Trump traded annexation for his Christian base”. The Jerusalem Post (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Jewish Teleghraphic Agency. “Ford Backs off on His Former Proposal That the U.S. Move Its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem” (29 Ağustos 1974).
  • Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “Carter Reserves Decision on Moving U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem” (2 Eylül 1976).
  • Jones, Emily. “Trump Says He Moved US Embassy to Jerusalem ‘For the Evangelicals’”, The Christian Broadcasting Network (18 Ağustos 2020),
  • Kershner, Isabel, Halbfinger, David M. “Capital in Trump Mideast Plan Makes ‘a Joke’ of Palestinian Aspirations”. The New York Times (31 Ocak 2020).
  • Landau, Noa. “FULL TEXT: The Israel-UAE-Bahrain Abraham Accords Peace Agreement”, Haaretz (16 Eylül 2020).
  • Lahr, Angela M. Millennial dreams and apocalyptic nightmares: the Cold War origins of political evangelicalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Leonard, Robert. Visions of Apocalypse. Maryland: John Hopkins University Applied Physics Labaratory, 2010.
  • Lewis, Jeffrey. “That Secret Iranian ‘Nuclear Facility’ You Just Found? Not So Much”. Foreign Policy (3 Mart 2015).
  • Lipka, Michael. “More White Evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish People”. Pew Research Center (3 Ekim 2013). evangelicals-than-american-jews-say-god-gave-israel-to-the-jewish-people/. Marsden, George M. Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Martinez, Jessica - Smith, Gregory A. “How the faithful voted: A preliminary 2016 analysis, Pew Research Center (9 Kasım 2016).
  • Middle East Eye. “Israel and UAE held secret anti-Iran meeting at White House: Report” (4 Şubat 2020).
  • Mitchell, Chris. “Freedom Is Unfolding in This Arab Country: US Evangelicals Find UAE 'Treasure of Moderation'”. CBN News (31 Ekim 2018),
  • Mitchell, Chris. “Evangelical Leaders See the Untold Story of Saudi Arabia in 'Historic' Trip”. CBN News (13 Eylül 2019),
  • Noll, Mark A. “The American Revolution and Protestant Evangelicalism”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 23(3), 617-627, 1993.
  • Oldmixon, E. A., Rosenson, B. A., Wald, K. D. Conflict Over Israel: The Role of Religion, Race, Party and Ideology in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1997–2002. Terrorism and Political Violence, 17 (3), 407–426, 2005.
  • Paker, Peter. “An Embassy in Jerusalem? Trump Promises, but So Did Predecessors”. The New York Times (19 Kasım 2016).
  • PASIA, Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs. Documents on Jerusalem. Jerusalem: PASSIA Publication, 2007.
  • Pfeffer, Anshel. “Mossad Chief Reportedly Visited Saudi Arabia for Talks on Iran”. Haaretz (26 Temmuz 2010),, Andrew. Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy (London: Amazon Media, 2012).
  • Reuters. “Kosovo follows U.S., Guatemala in opening embassy in Jerusalem”. (14 Mart 2021),
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Secretary Pompeo’s Iran speech: Tehran hated it. But most Arab & Israeli leaders loved it. So did I. Here’s why” (23 Mayıs 2018).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C.. “Pompeo in Iowa makes case to Evangelical conference that Trump team is the most pro-Israel administration in US history. But makes no mention of annexation” (20 Temmuz 2020).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Israel and UAE agree to full normalisation of relations” (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Iran’s terror regime the “most terrible institution in the world,” US Secretary of State Pompeo tells” (29 Eylül 2020).
  • Sandeen, Ernest R. “The Roots of Fundamentalism: British and American Millenarianism”. Illionis: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
  • Sanger, David E. - Kirkpatrick, David D. “Behind Trump’s Termination of Iran deal is a Risky Bet”. The New York Times (8 Mayıs 2018),
  • Spector, Stephen. This Year in Jerusalem: Prophecy, Politics, and the U.S. Embassy in Israel. Journal of Church and State, 1–21, 2019.
  • Spiegel, Steven L. The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making American Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
  • Stewart, Katherine. “Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus”, The New York Times (31 Aralık 2018),, 31.07.2020.
  • Pompeo, Michael R. Being a Christian Leader (11 Ekim 2019).
  • The Economist. ”The politicisation of white evangelical Christianity is hurting it”. 28 Şubat 2019,
  • Trump, Donald. “Remarks at a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters”. 9 Mayıs 2018,
  • Trump, Donald. “State of the Union 2019: Read the full transcript”. CNN (6 Şubat 2019),
  • Wilner, Michael. “Trump supports $75m. additional aid to Israel beyond Obama-era MOU”. The Jerusalem Post (11 Eylül 2017).
  • Wintour, Patrick - Holmes, Oliver. “Mike Pence Chides US Allies at Warsaw Summit on Iran”. The Guardian (14 Şubat 2019).

Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 25, 15.10.2021


Amerikan tarihi ve demografik yapısından kaynağını alan nedenlerden ötürü evanjelizm, Amerikan toplumunun önemli bir çoğunluğunun dünya görüşünü şekillendirmiş ve toplumun en alt kademesinden devletin en üst düzey yetkililerine kadar etkisini göstermiştir. Ancak evanjelik Hıristiyanlar dini açıdan ve politik olarak yekpare olmamışlardır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde hemen her Protestan mezhebinde evanjelikler bulunabilmekle beraber birçok farklı inanç, çeşitli alt kültürler ve birbirine zıt görüşler taşıyan evanjelizmler söz konusu olmuştur. 1970’li yılların başından itibaren ise yeni muhafazakâr sağ olarak da adlandırılan ve gerek kiliselerde gerekse tesis ettikleri çeşitli sivil toplum organizasyonları aracılığıyla kamuoyunda görünürlükleri artan ve ABD siyasetinde etkili bir güç haline gelen köktenci görüşlere sahip evanjelik gruplar öne çıkmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışma, bu köktenci evanjelik grupların Donald Trump yönetimi döneminde ABD’nin Ortadoğu’ya yönelik izlediği politikalara etkisini incelemektedir. Bu kapsamda evanjeliklerin iç ve dış politikada bir baskı grubu olarak çıkar algılarını açıklama, özel olarak ilgilendiği dış politika alanlarını tanımlama ve Evanjelik hareketin Donald Trump ve yönetimindeki diğer isimlerle etkileşimleri ve bağlantılarını gözlemlemeye çalışmaktadır.


  • Ahmed, Akbar Shahid. “Khashoggi’s Murder Should Have Made Saudi Arabia A Pariah. 7 Men Made Sure That Didn’t Happen”. The Huffington Post (19 Ekim 2019).
  • Aljazeera. “Israel ‘willing to share’ Iran intelligence with Saudis” (16 Kasım 2017).
  • Aljazeera. “MBS: Palestinians should ‘accept Trump proposals or shut up’” (30 Nisan 2018).
  • Aljazeera. “Netanyahu says West Bank annexation plans still ‘on the table” (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Amos, Owen. “Why do US evangelicals support Trump's Jerusalem policy?”. BBC (5 Ocak 2018).
  • Bailey, Sarah Pulliam. “Pompeo: Perhaps Trump is, like the Bible’s Esther, meant to save the Jewish people from Iran”, The Washington Post (22 Mart 2019),
  • Ballmer, Randall. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Batrawy, Aya. “US Christian evangelical delegation meets Saudi crown prince”, The Associated Press (11 Eylül 2019).
  • Bird, Michael F. Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2013.
  • Black, Ian. “Why Israel is quietly cosying up to Gulf monarchies”, The Guardian (19 Mart 2019).
  • Boettner, Loraine. The Millennium. Philipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 1991)
  • Boorstein, Michelle. “Trump’s evangelical advisers meet with Saudi Crown Prince and discuss Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, “human rights,” spokesman says”. The Washington Post (2 Kasım 2018).
  • Breger, Marshall, Hammer, Leonard. Contested Sites in Jerusalem. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Bova, Gus. “Under Trump, Islamophobic Pastor John Hagee’s Star Rises Again”. Texas Observer (9 Ağustos 2018).
  • Boyer, Paul. When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1994).
  • Burke, Daniel. “Why evangelicals are 'ecstatic' about Trump's Jerusalem move”. CNN (6 Aralık 2017),
  • Carter, Jimmy. Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis. Newyork: Simon & Schuster, 2006.
  • Casper, Jayson. “The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian”. Christianity Today (15 Ocak 2020).
  • Cavari, Amnon, Freedman, Guy. From Bipartisan Agreement to Electoral Contest: Israel in US Elections. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
  • Cavari, A. Freedman, Guy. Partisan Cues and Opinion Formation on Foreign Policy. American Politics Research, 47 (1), 29–57, 2019.
  • Cavari, Amnon, Nyer, Elan. From Bipartisanship to Dysergia: Trends in Congressional Actions Toward Israel. Israel Studies, c.19, s.2 (1997): 7–48.
  • Chersterton, Gilbert K. What I saw in America. California: Create Space, 2016.
  • Cooper, Helene - Worth, Robert F. “In Arab Spring, Obama Finds a Sharp Test”. The New York Times (25 Eylül 2012),
  • Costa, Robert, Johnson, Jenna. “Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. endorses Trump“. (The Washington Post (26 Ocak 2016),
  • Council on Foreign Relations. “The Reagan Plan: U.S. Policy for Peace in the Middle East” (1 Eylül 1982).
  • Da Vinha, L. Competition, Conflict, and Conformity: Foreign Policy Making in the First Year of the Trump Presidency. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 49(2), 280–309, 2019.
  • Düz, Zehra Nur. “Bahrain's king: Deal with Israel ‘historic step’”. Anadolu Agency (21 Eylül 2020).
  • Entous, Adam. “Donald Trump's New World Order”. Newyorker (18 Haziran 2018).
  • Farrell, “What's in Trump's Middle East peace plan”. Reuters (28 Ocak 2020),
  • Fars News Agency. “Riyadh: Palestinians Should Come to Negotiating Table or Shut Up” (30 Nisan 2018).
  • Feuerwerger, Marvin C. Congress and Israel: Foreign Aid Decision-Making in the House of Representatives, 1969–1976. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.
  • Firstpost. “My number one priority is to dismantle the deal with Iran, it is catastrophic: Trump”. (22 Mart 2016),
  • Garnham, David. Factors Influencing Congressional Support Israel During the 93rd Congress. The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations. c.2, s.3 (1977), 23–45.
  • Gerson, Michael. “Trump is evangelicals "dream president". Here's why”. The Washington Post (1 Mayıs 2017),
  • Grossman, Michael Orlov, Matthews, Ronald Eric. Perspectives on the Legacy of George W. Bush. Newcastleupon- Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
  • Griswold, Eliza. Franklin Graham’s Uneasy Alliance With Donald Trump. The Newyorker (11 Eylül 2020),
  • Guez, Jack. “‘Stay strong Israel,’ Trump tweets as settlement row flares”. France24 (28 Aralık 2016).
  • Hankins, Barry. American Evangelicals: A Contemporary History of a Mainstream Religious Movement. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.
  • Henne, Peter. “US-Israeli Christian leader discusses peace process with Saudi crown prince”. Duckofminerva (13 Eylül 2019).
  • Herbers, John. “Religious Leaders tell of worry on Armageddon view ascribed to Reagan”. The Newyork Times (21 Ekim 1984).
  • Hirsch, M. “The Legal Status of Jerusalem Following the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Separation Barrier”. Israel Law Review. 38, 298–315, 2005.
  • Ignatius, David. “Bahrain’s diplomatic agreement with Israel is a building block toward Middle East stability”. The Washington Post (11 Eylül 2020).
  • IMFA, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PM Netanyahu addresses UN General Assembly (Ekim 2013).
  • Isserman Maurice, Kazin, Michael. America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Jaffe-Hoffman, Maayan. “How Trump traded annexation for his Christian base”. The Jerusalem Post (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Jewish Teleghraphic Agency. “Ford Backs off on His Former Proposal That the U.S. Move Its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem” (29 Ağustos 1974).
  • Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “Carter Reserves Decision on Moving U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem” (2 Eylül 1976).
  • Jones, Emily. “Trump Says He Moved US Embassy to Jerusalem ‘For the Evangelicals’”, The Christian Broadcasting Network (18 Ağustos 2020),
  • Kershner, Isabel, Halbfinger, David M. “Capital in Trump Mideast Plan Makes ‘a Joke’ of Palestinian Aspirations”. The New York Times (31 Ocak 2020).
  • Landau, Noa. “FULL TEXT: The Israel-UAE-Bahrain Abraham Accords Peace Agreement”, Haaretz (16 Eylül 2020).
  • Lahr, Angela M. Millennial dreams and apocalyptic nightmares: the Cold War origins of political evangelicalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Leonard, Robert. Visions of Apocalypse. Maryland: John Hopkins University Applied Physics Labaratory, 2010.
  • Lewis, Jeffrey. “That Secret Iranian ‘Nuclear Facility’ You Just Found? Not So Much”. Foreign Policy (3 Mart 2015).
  • Lipka, Michael. “More White Evangelicals than American Jews say God gave Israel to the Jewish People”. Pew Research Center (3 Ekim 2013). evangelicals-than-american-jews-say-god-gave-israel-to-the-jewish-people/. Marsden, George M. Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Martinez, Jessica - Smith, Gregory A. “How the faithful voted: A preliminary 2016 analysis, Pew Research Center (9 Kasım 2016).
  • Middle East Eye. “Israel and UAE held secret anti-Iran meeting at White House: Report” (4 Şubat 2020).
  • Mitchell, Chris. “Freedom Is Unfolding in This Arab Country: US Evangelicals Find UAE 'Treasure of Moderation'”. CBN News (31 Ekim 2018),
  • Mitchell, Chris. “Evangelical Leaders See the Untold Story of Saudi Arabia in 'Historic' Trip”. CBN News (13 Eylül 2019),
  • Noll, Mark A. “The American Revolution and Protestant Evangelicalism”. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 23(3), 617-627, 1993.
  • Oldmixon, E. A., Rosenson, B. A., Wald, K. D. Conflict Over Israel: The Role of Religion, Race, Party and Ideology in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1997–2002. Terrorism and Political Violence, 17 (3), 407–426, 2005.
  • Paker, Peter. “An Embassy in Jerusalem? Trump Promises, but So Did Predecessors”. The New York Times (19 Kasım 2016).
  • PASIA, Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs. Documents on Jerusalem. Jerusalem: PASSIA Publication, 2007.
  • Pfeffer, Anshel. “Mossad Chief Reportedly Visited Saudi Arabia for Talks on Iran”. Haaretz (26 Temmuz 2010),, Andrew. Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy (London: Amazon Media, 2012).
  • Reuters. “Kosovo follows U.S., Guatemala in opening embassy in Jerusalem”. (14 Mart 2021),
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Secretary Pompeo’s Iran speech: Tehran hated it. But most Arab & Israeli leaders loved it. So did I. Here’s why” (23 Mayıs 2018).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C.. “Pompeo in Iowa makes case to Evangelical conference that Trump team is the most pro-Israel administration in US history. But makes no mention of annexation” (20 Temmuz 2020).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Israel and UAE agree to full normalisation of relations” (13 Ağustos 2020).
  • Rosenberg, Joel C. “Iran’s terror regime the “most terrible institution in the world,” US Secretary of State Pompeo tells” (29 Eylül 2020).
  • Sandeen, Ernest R. “The Roots of Fundamentalism: British and American Millenarianism”. Illionis: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
  • Sanger, David E. - Kirkpatrick, David D. “Behind Trump’s Termination of Iran deal is a Risky Bet”. The New York Times (8 Mayıs 2018),
  • Spector, Stephen. This Year in Jerusalem: Prophecy, Politics, and the U.S. Embassy in Israel. Journal of Church and State, 1–21, 2019.
  • Spiegel, Steven L. The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making American Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
  • Stewart, Katherine. “Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus”, The New York Times (31 Aralık 2018),, 31.07.2020.
  • Pompeo, Michael R. Being a Christian Leader (11 Ekim 2019).
  • The Economist. ”The politicisation of white evangelical Christianity is hurting it”. 28 Şubat 2019,
  • Trump, Donald. “Remarks at a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters”. 9 Mayıs 2018,
  • Trump, Donald. “State of the Union 2019: Read the full transcript”. CNN (6 Şubat 2019),
  • Wilner, Michael. “Trump supports $75m. additional aid to Israel beyond Obama-era MOU”. The Jerusalem Post (11 Eylül 2017).
  • Wintour, Patrick - Holmes, Oliver. “Mike Pence Chides US Allies at Warsaw Summit on Iran”. The Guardian (14 Şubat 2019).
Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Onur Mert Özçelik 0000-0002-0708-7941

Mehmet Akif Okur 0000-0001-5095-6113

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özçelik, O. M., & Okur, M. A. (2021). Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 16(2), 1-25.
AMA Özçelik OM, Okur MA. Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. Ekim 2021;16(2):1-25. doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.871002
Chicago Özçelik, Onur Mert, ve Mehmet Akif Okur. “Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail Ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 16, sy. 2 (Ekim 2021): 1-25.
EndNote Özçelik OM, Okur MA (01 Ekim 2021) Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 16 2 1–25.
IEEE O. M. Özçelik ve M. A. Okur, “Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi”, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 2, ss. 1–25, 2021, doi: 10.17550/akademikincelemeler.871002.
ISNAD Özçelik, Onur Mert - Okur, Mehmet Akif. “Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail Ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 16/2 (Ekim 2021), 1-25.
JAMA Özçelik OM, Okur MA. Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2021;16:1–25.
MLA Özçelik, Onur Mert ve Mehmet Akif Okur. “Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail Ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi”. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 1-25, doi:10.17550/akademikincelemeler.871002.
Vancouver Özçelik OM, Okur MA. Trump Yönetimi Döneminde ABD’nin İsrail ve İran Politikası: Köktenci Evanjeliklerin Etkisi. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 2021;16(2):1-25.

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