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Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1-2, 1 - 21, 30.12.2024


The article sets out to illuminate the pressing mental health issue of muscle dysmorphia within the Turkish fitness and bodybuilding communities, paralleled by a concerning increase in the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). It seeks to unravel the depth of the knowledge gap that exists among Turkish medical professionals concerning this condition and its associated patterns of substance abuse. Through its exploration, the article identifies a notable deficiency in awareness and preparedness among healthcare providers in Turkey to effectively recognize and manage cases of muscle dysmorphia and steroid abuse. These deficiencies are further compounded by cultural attitudes, educational shortcomings, and systemic barriers that perpetuate a climate of silence and misinformation regarding these health concerns. In response to these findings, the article advocates for strategic interventions aimed at enhancing the understanding and capabilities of Turkish healthcare professionals. It calls for the development and implementation of comprehensive educational programs and the provision of adequate resources. Such measures are necessary to ensure that medical practitioners are well-equipped to detect and provide care for individuals grappling with the ramifications of muscle dysmorphia and the misuse of steroids and PEDs. The article’s originality lies in its synthesis of global research insights with the localized context of the Turkish healthcare landscape, offering a unique vantage point from which to argue for transformative changes in the medical handling of muscle dysmorphia and associated substance use. It presents a pioneering analysis of the cultural and systemic dynamics that influence the healthcare sector’s approach to these issues in Turkey, thereby contributing novel perspectives to the discourse and urging a shift towards a more knowledgeable and
proactive healthcare system.


  • Bégin, C., Turcotte, O. & Rodrigue, C. (2019). Psychosocial factors underlying symptoms of muscle dysmorphia in a non-clinical sample of men. Psychiatry Research, 272, 319-325.
  • Boguszewski, C. L. & Boguszewski, M. C. D. S. (2019). Growth hormone’s links to cancer. Endocrine reviews, 40(2), 558-574.
  • Bonnecaze, A. K., O’Connor, T. & Aloi, J. A. (2020). Characteristics and attitudes of men using anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS): a survey of 2385 men. American journal of men's health, 14(6), 1557988320966536.
  • Chaney, M. P. (2008). Muscle Dysmorphia, Self-esteem, and Loneliness among Gay and Bisexual Men. International Journal of Men's Health, 7(2).
  • Chung, B. (2001). Muscle dysmorphia: a critical review of the proposed criteria. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 44(4), 565-574.
  • Cunningham, M. L. & Griffiths, S. (2021). Appearance-and Performance-Enhancing Substances Including Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Boys and Men. Eating Disorders in Boys and Men, 149-165.
  • Cunningham, M. L., Griffiths, S., Mitchison, D., Mond, J. M., Castle, D. & Murray, S. B. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia: an overview of clinical features and treatment options. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31(4), 255-271.
  • Çağlayan, D. & Mitat, K. O. Z. (2020). Vücut geliştirme sporu ile ilgilenen kişilerde kas yoksunluğu belirtilerinin incelenmesi: Samsun ili örneği. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(4), 180-192.
  • Çarpar, M. C. & Şavran, T. G. (2019). Beden, kültür ve erkeklik: Vücut geliştirmenin eril bir alan olarak savunulması üzerine sosyolojik bir çalışma. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 264-288.
  • Dawes, J. & Mankin, T. (2004). Muscle dysmorphia. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 26(2), 24-25. Ersöz, G. (2021). Spor ve Egzersizde Yeme Bozuklukları ve Psikolojik Temelleri. Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 33-52.
  • Finsterer, J., Stöllberger, C. & Maeztu, C. (2016). Sudden cardiac death in neuromuscular disorders. International journal of cardiology, 203, 508-515.
  • Ganson, K. T. & Rodgers, R. F. (2022). Problematic muscularity-oriented behaviors: Overview, key gaps, and ideas for future research. Body Image, 41, 262-266.
  • Godfrey, R. & Quinlivan, R. (2016). Skeletal muscle disorders of glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Nature Reviews Neurology, 12(7), 393-402.
  • Graham, M. R., Evans, P., Davies, B. & Baker, J. S. (2008). AAS, growth hormone, and insulin abuse: psychological and neuroendocrine effects. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 4(3), 587-597.
  • Grieve, F. G. & Shacklette, M. D. (2012). Brief report on men's bodies and mood: correlates between depressive symptoms and muscle dysmorphia symptoms. North American Journal of Psychology, 14(3), 563-563.
  • Griffiths, S., Henshaw, R., McKay, F. H. & Dunn, M. (2017). Post-cycle therapy for performance and image enhancing drug users: A qualitative investigation. Performance enhancement & health, 5(3), 103-107.
  • Grugan, M. C. & Wright, K. J. (2023). Trait Perfectionism, Perfectionistic Self-Presentation, and Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Exercisers: A Structural Equation Modeling Strategy. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 1(aop), 1-16.
  • Hilkens, L., Cruyff, M., Woertman, L., Benjamins, J. & Evers, C. (2021). Social media, body image and resistance training: creating the perfect ‘me’with dietary supplements, anabolic steroids and SARM’s. Sports medicine-open, 7(1), 1-13.
  • Hohl, A., van de Sande Lee, S. & Ronsoni, M. F. (2023). Anabolic Steroid-Induced Hypogonadism. In Testosterone: From Basic to Clinical Aspects (pp. 267-279). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Keleş, S. B. (2013). Hipertansif Bireylerde Egzersizin Kan Basıncına Etkisi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 48(4), 119-130.
  • Khattab, N. R. & Mills, D. (2021). BDD Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Worldwide. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 45(5), 2491-2501.
  • Leone, J. E., Sedory, E. J. & Gray, K. A. (2005). Recognition and treatment of muscle dysmorphia and related body image disorders. Journal of athletic training, 40(4), 352.
  • Martenstyn, J. A., Aouad, P., Touyz, S. & Maguire, S. (2022). Treatment of compulsive exercise in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29(2), 143.
  • McLaughlan, M. K. (2022). The Omission of Anabolic Steroid and IPED Abuse in Fitness Industry Discourse: Seeking a Regulatory Approach to Combat This Online Harm. NEL Rev., 9, 94.
  • Mitchell, L., Murray, S. B., Cobley, S., Hackett, D., Gifford, J., Capling, L. & O’Connor, H. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia symptomatology and associated psychological features in bodybuilders and non-bodybuilder resistance trainers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 47, 233-259.
  • Mitchison, D., Mond, J., Griffiths, S., Hay, P., Nagata, J. M., Bussey, K., ... & Murray, S. B. (2022). Prevalence of muscle dysmorphia in adolescents: findings from the EveryBODY study. Psychological Medicine, 52(14), 3142-3149.
  • Murray, S. B. & Griffiths, S. (2015). Adolescent muscle dysmorphia and family-based treatment: A case report. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 20(2), 324-330.
  • Nagata, J. M., McGuire, F. H., Lavender, J. M., Brown, T. A., Murray, S. B., Compte, E. J., ... & Lunn, M. R. (2022). Appearance and performance-enhancing drugs and supplements (APEDS): Lifetime use and associations with eating disorder and muscle dysmorphia symptoms among cisgender sexual minority people. Eating behaviors, 44, 101595.
  • Nieuwoudt, J. E., Zhou, S., Coutts, R. A. & Booker, R. (2012). Muscle dysmorphia: Current research and potential classification as a disorder. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(5), 569-577.
  • Orrit, G. (2019). Muscle Dysmorphia: Predictive and protective factors in adolescents. Cuadernos de psicología del deporte, 19(3), 1-11.
  • Papazisis, G., Kouvelas, D., Mastrogianni, A. & Karastergiou, A. (2007). Anabolic androgenic steroid abuse and mood disorder: a case report. International journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 10(2), 291-293.
  • Phillips, K. A. & Hollander, E. (2008). Treating body dysmorphic disorder with medication: evidence, misconceptions, and a suggested approach. Body image, 5(1), 13-27.
  • Pope Jr, H. G., Gruber, A. J., Choi, P., Olivardia, R. & Phillips, K. A. (1997). Muscle dysmorphia: An underrecognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics, 38(6), 548-557.
  • Pope, C. G., Pope, H. G., Menard, W., Fay, C., Olivardia, R. & Phillips, K. A. (2005). Clinical features of muscle dysmorphia among males with body dysmorphic disorder. Body image, 2(4), 395-400.
  • Rohman, L. (2009a). The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eating Disorders, 17(3), 187-199.
  • Rohman, L. (2009b). The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eating Disorders, 17(3), 187-199.
  • Sandgren, S. S. & Lavallee, D. (2018). Muscle dysmorphia research neglects DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 23(3), 211-243.
  • Schneider, C., Agthe, M., Yanagida, T., Voracek, M. & Hennig-Fast, K. (2017). Effects of muscle dysmorphia, social comparisons and body schema priming on desire for social interaction: an experimental approach. BMC psychology, 5(1), 1-9.
  • Selvi, K. (2023). Yeterince kaslı değilim, kaslarımı daha fazla geliştirmeliyim: Kas dismorfisine detaylı bir bakış. Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 271-290.
  • Sreshta, N., Pope, H. G., Hudson, J. I. & Kanayama, G. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia (pp. 81-107). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tangen, J. O. & Møller, V. (2020). Scandinavian exceptionalism in anti-doping within sport: rooted in ideologies of social welfare and paternalism?. In Sport, Outdoor Life and the Nordic World (pp. 125-139). Routledge.
  • Ünal, M. (2022). Vücut geliştirme sporuyla ilgilenen üniversiteli erkek öğrencilerde bigoreksiya eğilimi ve sağlıklı beslenme tutumları ilişkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey).
  • Waldorf, M., Vocks, S., Düsing, R., Bauer, A. & Cordes, M. (2019). Body-oriented gaze behaviors in men with muscle dysmorphia diagnoses. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(2), 140.
  • Wilhelm, S., Phillips, K. A., Fama, J. M., Greenberg, J. L. & Steketee, G. (2011). Modular cognitive–behavioral therapy for body dysmorphic disorder. Behavior therapy, 42(4), 624-633.
  • Wroblewska, A. M. (1997). Androgenic-anabolic steroids and body dysmorphia in young men. Journal of Psychosomatic research, 42(3), 225-234.
  • Yiğiter, N. & Akçınar, F. (2023). Steroid Hormon Regülasyonu ve Egzersiz. Spor ve Egzersiz Metabolizmasına Güncel Bakış, 61.
  • Zheng, Y., Zhang, L., Shao, P. & Guo, X. (2021). The association of muscle dysmorphia, social physique anxiety, and body checking behavior in male college students with weight exercise. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 726032.

Türkiye’de Kas Dismorfisi ve Steroid Kullanımı

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1-2, 1 - 21, 30.12.2024


Bu makale, Türkiye'deki egzersiz ve vücut geliştirme toplulukları içinde artan bir sorun olan kas dismorfisi ve anabolik-androjenik steroidler (AAS) ile performans artırıcı ilaçların (PAİ) kullanımına dikkat çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda, bu durum ve ilişkili madde kötüye kullanımı konusunda Türk tıp profesyonelleri arasındaki bilgi eksikliğini ele almayı hedeflemektedir. Araştırma, Türk tıp topluluğunda kas dismorfisi ve steroid kötüye kullanımını tanıma ve ele alma konusunda ciddi bir farkındalık ve hazırlık eksikliği olduğunu bulmuştur. Bu eksiklikler, bu sağlık sorunlarına ilişkin devam eden sessizlik ve yanlış bilgilendirmeyi sürdüren kültürel tutumlar, eğitimsel yetersizlikler ve sistemsel engeller tarafından daha da kötüleşmektedir. Bu bulgular ışığında, makale Türkiye'deki sağlık profesyonelleri arasında farkındalığı ve anlayışı artırmaya yönelik stratejiler önermektedir. Tıp uzmanlarının, kas dismorfisi ve steroid/PAİ kullanımından etkilenen bireyleri tanımlayabilecek ve tedavi edebilecek araçlarla donatılmasını sağlamak için kapsamlı eğitim programlarının geliştirilmesi ve yeterli kaynakların sağlanması çağrısında bulunmaktadır. Makalenin özgünlüğü, küresel araştırma iç görülerini Türkiye'nin sağlık hizmetleri manzarasının özgül bağlamıyla birleştirmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu, tıbbi yaklaşımın kas dismorfisi ve ilişkili madde kullanımı sorunlarına nasıl dönüşebileceğine dair farklı bir bakış açısı sunarak, konu üzerine tartışmaya yeni perspektifler katmakta ve Türkiye'de daha bilgili ve proaktif bir sağlık sistemi yönünde bir değişiklik yapılmasını savunmaktadır.


  • Bégin, C., Turcotte, O. & Rodrigue, C. (2019). Psychosocial factors underlying symptoms of muscle dysmorphia in a non-clinical sample of men. Psychiatry Research, 272, 319-325.
  • Boguszewski, C. L. & Boguszewski, M. C. D. S. (2019). Growth hormone’s links to cancer. Endocrine reviews, 40(2), 558-574.
  • Bonnecaze, A. K., O’Connor, T. & Aloi, J. A. (2020). Characteristics and attitudes of men using anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS): a survey of 2385 men. American journal of men's health, 14(6), 1557988320966536.
  • Chaney, M. P. (2008). Muscle Dysmorphia, Self-esteem, and Loneliness among Gay and Bisexual Men. International Journal of Men's Health, 7(2).
  • Chung, B. (2001). Muscle dysmorphia: a critical review of the proposed criteria. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 44(4), 565-574.
  • Cunningham, M. L. & Griffiths, S. (2021). Appearance-and Performance-Enhancing Substances Including Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Boys and Men. Eating Disorders in Boys and Men, 149-165.
  • Cunningham, M. L., Griffiths, S., Mitchison, D., Mond, J. M., Castle, D. & Murray, S. B. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia: an overview of clinical features and treatment options. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31(4), 255-271.
  • Çağlayan, D. & Mitat, K. O. Z. (2020). Vücut geliştirme sporu ile ilgilenen kişilerde kas yoksunluğu belirtilerinin incelenmesi: Samsun ili örneği. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(4), 180-192.
  • Çarpar, M. C. & Şavran, T. G. (2019). Beden, kültür ve erkeklik: Vücut geliştirmenin eril bir alan olarak savunulması üzerine sosyolojik bir çalışma. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 264-288.
  • Dawes, J. & Mankin, T. (2004). Muscle dysmorphia. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 26(2), 24-25. Ersöz, G. (2021). Spor ve Egzersizde Yeme Bozuklukları ve Psikolojik Temelleri. Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 33-52.
  • Finsterer, J., Stöllberger, C. & Maeztu, C. (2016). Sudden cardiac death in neuromuscular disorders. International journal of cardiology, 203, 508-515.
  • Ganson, K. T. & Rodgers, R. F. (2022). Problematic muscularity-oriented behaviors: Overview, key gaps, and ideas for future research. Body Image, 41, 262-266.
  • Godfrey, R. & Quinlivan, R. (2016). Skeletal muscle disorders of glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Nature Reviews Neurology, 12(7), 393-402.
  • Graham, M. R., Evans, P., Davies, B. & Baker, J. S. (2008). AAS, growth hormone, and insulin abuse: psychological and neuroendocrine effects. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 4(3), 587-597.
  • Grieve, F. G. & Shacklette, M. D. (2012). Brief report on men's bodies and mood: correlates between depressive symptoms and muscle dysmorphia symptoms. North American Journal of Psychology, 14(3), 563-563.
  • Griffiths, S., Henshaw, R., McKay, F. H. & Dunn, M. (2017). Post-cycle therapy for performance and image enhancing drug users: A qualitative investigation. Performance enhancement & health, 5(3), 103-107.
  • Grugan, M. C. & Wright, K. J. (2023). Trait Perfectionism, Perfectionistic Self-Presentation, and Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Exercisers: A Structural Equation Modeling Strategy. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 1(aop), 1-16.
  • Hilkens, L., Cruyff, M., Woertman, L., Benjamins, J. & Evers, C. (2021). Social media, body image and resistance training: creating the perfect ‘me’with dietary supplements, anabolic steroids and SARM’s. Sports medicine-open, 7(1), 1-13.
  • Hohl, A., van de Sande Lee, S. & Ronsoni, M. F. (2023). Anabolic Steroid-Induced Hypogonadism. In Testosterone: From Basic to Clinical Aspects (pp. 267-279). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Keleş, S. B. (2013). Hipertansif Bireylerde Egzersizin Kan Basıncına Etkisi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 48(4), 119-130.
  • Khattab, N. R. & Mills, D. (2021). BDD Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Worldwide. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 45(5), 2491-2501.
  • Leone, J. E., Sedory, E. J. & Gray, K. A. (2005). Recognition and treatment of muscle dysmorphia and related body image disorders. Journal of athletic training, 40(4), 352.
  • Martenstyn, J. A., Aouad, P., Touyz, S. & Maguire, S. (2022). Treatment of compulsive exercise in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29(2), 143.
  • McLaughlan, M. K. (2022). The Omission of Anabolic Steroid and IPED Abuse in Fitness Industry Discourse: Seeking a Regulatory Approach to Combat This Online Harm. NEL Rev., 9, 94.
  • Mitchell, L., Murray, S. B., Cobley, S., Hackett, D., Gifford, J., Capling, L. & O’Connor, H. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia symptomatology and associated psychological features in bodybuilders and non-bodybuilder resistance trainers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 47, 233-259.
  • Mitchison, D., Mond, J., Griffiths, S., Hay, P., Nagata, J. M., Bussey, K., ... & Murray, S. B. (2022). Prevalence of muscle dysmorphia in adolescents: findings from the EveryBODY study. Psychological Medicine, 52(14), 3142-3149.
  • Murray, S. B. & Griffiths, S. (2015). Adolescent muscle dysmorphia and family-based treatment: A case report. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 20(2), 324-330.
  • Nagata, J. M., McGuire, F. H., Lavender, J. M., Brown, T. A., Murray, S. B., Compte, E. J., ... & Lunn, M. R. (2022). Appearance and performance-enhancing drugs and supplements (APEDS): Lifetime use and associations with eating disorder and muscle dysmorphia symptoms among cisgender sexual minority people. Eating behaviors, 44, 101595.
  • Nieuwoudt, J. E., Zhou, S., Coutts, R. A. & Booker, R. (2012). Muscle dysmorphia: Current research and potential classification as a disorder. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(5), 569-577.
  • Orrit, G. (2019). Muscle Dysmorphia: Predictive and protective factors in adolescents. Cuadernos de psicología del deporte, 19(3), 1-11.
  • Papazisis, G., Kouvelas, D., Mastrogianni, A. & Karastergiou, A. (2007). Anabolic androgenic steroid abuse and mood disorder: a case report. International journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 10(2), 291-293.
  • Phillips, K. A. & Hollander, E. (2008). Treating body dysmorphic disorder with medication: evidence, misconceptions, and a suggested approach. Body image, 5(1), 13-27.
  • Pope Jr, H. G., Gruber, A. J., Choi, P., Olivardia, R. & Phillips, K. A. (1997). Muscle dysmorphia: An underrecognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics, 38(6), 548-557.
  • Pope, C. G., Pope, H. G., Menard, W., Fay, C., Olivardia, R. & Phillips, K. A. (2005). Clinical features of muscle dysmorphia among males with body dysmorphic disorder. Body image, 2(4), 395-400.
  • Rohman, L. (2009a). The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eating Disorders, 17(3), 187-199.
  • Rohman, L. (2009b). The relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and muscle dysmorphia: a review. Eating Disorders, 17(3), 187-199.
  • Sandgren, S. S. & Lavallee, D. (2018). Muscle dysmorphia research neglects DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 23(3), 211-243.
  • Schneider, C., Agthe, M., Yanagida, T., Voracek, M. & Hennig-Fast, K. (2017). Effects of muscle dysmorphia, social comparisons and body schema priming on desire for social interaction: an experimental approach. BMC psychology, 5(1), 1-9.
  • Selvi, K. (2023). Yeterince kaslı değilim, kaslarımı daha fazla geliştirmeliyim: Kas dismorfisine detaylı bir bakış. Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 271-290.
  • Sreshta, N., Pope, H. G., Hudson, J. I. & Kanayama, G. (2017). Muscle dysmorphia (pp. 81-107). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tangen, J. O. & Møller, V. (2020). Scandinavian exceptionalism in anti-doping within sport: rooted in ideologies of social welfare and paternalism?. In Sport, Outdoor Life and the Nordic World (pp. 125-139). Routledge.
  • Ünal, M. (2022). Vücut geliştirme sporuyla ilgilenen üniversiteli erkek öğrencilerde bigoreksiya eğilimi ve sağlıklı beslenme tutumları ilişkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey).
  • Waldorf, M., Vocks, S., Düsing, R., Bauer, A. & Cordes, M. (2019). Body-oriented gaze behaviors in men with muscle dysmorphia diagnoses. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(2), 140.
  • Wilhelm, S., Phillips, K. A., Fama, J. M., Greenberg, J. L. & Steketee, G. (2011). Modular cognitive–behavioral therapy for body dysmorphic disorder. Behavior therapy, 42(4), 624-633.
  • Wroblewska, A. M. (1997). Androgenic-anabolic steroids and body dysmorphia in young men. Journal of Psychosomatic research, 42(3), 225-234.
  • Yiğiter, N. & Akçınar, F. (2023). Steroid Hormon Regülasyonu ve Egzersiz. Spor ve Egzersiz Metabolizmasına Güncel Bakış, 61.
  • Zheng, Y., Zhang, L., Shao, P. & Guo, X. (2021). The association of muscle dysmorphia, social physique anxiety, and body checking behavior in male college students with weight exercise. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 726032.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Duyusal Süreçler, Algı ve Performans, Sosyal Biliş, Davranışsal Epigenetik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Metin Çınaroğlu 0000-0001-6342-3949

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınaroğlu, M. (2024). Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey. Akademi Karabük Dergisi, 8(1-2), 1-21.
AMA Çınaroğlu M. Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey. AKADER. Aralık 2024;8(1-2):1-21.
Chicago Çınaroğlu, Metin. “Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey”. Akademi Karabük Dergisi 8, sy. 1-2 (Aralık 2024): 1-21.
EndNote Çınaroğlu M (01 Aralık 2024) Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey. Akademi Karabük Dergisi 8 1-2 1–21.
IEEE M. Çınaroğlu, “Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey”, AKADER, c. 8, sy. 1-2, ss. 1–21, 2024.
ISNAD Çınaroğlu, Metin. “Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey”. Akademi Karabük Dergisi 8/1-2 (Aralık 2024), 1-21.
JAMA Çınaroğlu M. Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey. AKADER. 2024;8:1–21.
MLA Çınaroğlu, Metin. “Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey”. Akademi Karabük Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1-2, 2024, ss. 1-21.
Vancouver Çınaroğlu M. Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroid Use in Turkey. AKADER. 2024;8(1-2):1-21.

Kıymetli Araştırmacılar,

15.01.2025 tarihinde başlayan makale gönderim süreci 30 Nisan 2025 tarihi itibarıyla sona erecektir. Bu tarihten sonra gönderilen çalışmalar işleme alınmayacak ve Aralık sayısı için değerlendirmeye tabi tutulacaktır. Ayrıca, yazım kuralları ve şablona uygun olmayan makaleler hakem sürecine dâhil edilmeyecektir.

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