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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 55 - 75, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, Hristiyanlığın Afrika’daki kökenleri ve ilerleyişine dair kapsamlı bir tarihçe sunmaktadır. Ancak, kapsamı daraltmak adına hikâyenin büyük bir kısmı dışarıda bırakılmıştır. Bunun yerine, sömürge döneminde Hristiyanlığın temelleri ve gelişimi ele alınmış, özellikle de bağımsızlıktan sonraki 60 yıl içinde Hristiyanlığın yayılmasında meydana gelen önemli büyümeye odaklanılmıştır. Peki, sömürge dönemi ve sonrasında Afrika’da Hristiyanlığın bu denli hızlı büyümesine ve yayılmasına neden olan unsurlar nelerdir? Bu sorunun cevabı birden çok faktörü içermekle birlikte, bunların başında Batı eğitimine duyulan ihtiyaç gelmektedir. Avrupa’lı sömürgeci misyonerler, Batı eğitimini sömürgelerde yaygınlaştırmada öncülük etmiş ve bu eğitim, Hristiyanlık öğretisinin yayılmasında ve halkın tüm seviyelerde sömürge sisteminin bir parçası haline getirilmesinde etkili olmuştur. Batı eğitimi, halkların ekonomik olarak hayatta kalması için gerekli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Bir Hristiyan misyon okuluna kabul edilmek ise çoğu zaman başvuran kişinin Hristiyanlığa geçiş yapmasını şart koşmuştur. Bağımsızlıktan sonra, tüm Hristiyan mezhepleri, Avrupalı misyonerlerin yerini alan Afrikalı misyonerlerin çabaları sayesinde büyük bir gelişim göstermiştir. Günümüzde, Afrika’da Hristiyanlık anlayışı açısından Pentekostal hareketin, diğer tüm Hristiyanlık biçimlerini açık ara geride bıraktığını vurgulamak önemlidir.


  • AMA. Anglican Missions Africa, Equipping, Empowering, Releasing. P. O. Box 12713 G.P.O, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • ARNOLD, T.W. The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Mus- lim Faith. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Adam Publishers & Distrib- uters, Shandar Market, Chitli Qabar, Delhi-6, India.
  • ASEKA, Eric Masinde (2005), Transformational Leadership in East Africa, Politics,Ideology and Community. Fountain Publishers Ltd, Kampala.
  • BOAHEN, A. Adu (1987), African Perspectives on Colonialism. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • BROCKLEMANN, Carl (1964 Reprint), History of the Islamic Peoples, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, England.
  • BOAH, Harry (1964), A Brief History of Islam, Daystar Press, Nigeria.
  • CANNUYER, Christian (1957). Coptic Egypt: The Christians of the Nile. Englishtranslation © 2001 Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York.
  • CLOWNEY, Edmund P. Clowney (1995). The Church: Contours of Christian Theol- ogy, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, U.S.A.
  • COPTIC ORTHODOX ANSWERS: St. Mark the Apostle, the Founder of the Coptic Church.[, November 22, 2024].
  • EPISCOPAL (2023). The Episcopal Church [ globalpartnerships/women-ordination-vote-passed-in-the-church-of-the-prov-ince-of-central-africa/ November 2024.]
  • ESV. Unless otherwise mentioned, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®) copyright © 2001 by Crossway, A publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Used by permission. All rights reserved.
  • EUSEBIUS, Paul L. Maier, translator: EUSEBIUS: The Church History. (1999, 2007). Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.
  • GOODREADS [, October 2, 2024).
  • GORDON, April A.-Gordon, Donald L. Editors (2001), Understanding Contempo- rary Africa, Third Edition. Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • GORDON CONWELL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Christianity in its Global Context, 1970–2020. [ ityinitsGlobalContext.pdf, November 22, 2024.Status of Global Christianity, 2024, in the Context of 1900–2050 [https://www. content/uploads/sites/13/2024/01/Status-of-Glob- al-Christianity-2024.pdf, November 11, 2024.] African Christianity,[ sites/13/2019/04/2ChristianityinitsGlobalContext.pdf, November 11, 2024.],22.]
  • HASTINGS, Adrian (1999), (Editor). A World History of Christianity. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, [Reference Chapter 6 on Africa by Kevin Ward.]
  • HOURINI, ALBERT (1992). A History of the Arab Peoples. Warner Books, New York, Boston.
  • IRVIN, Dale T.-Sunquist, Scott W. (2003), History of the World Christian Movement, Volume 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453. Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001 (Third Printing).
  • JENKINS, Phillip (2008). The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Gold- en Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia—and How It Died. HarperOne™ an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
  • KENYATTA, Jomo (2015), Facing Mount Kenya. Kenway Publications, Nairobi,Kenya, 1938; 12th Reprint.
  • KRAEMER, H. (1961), The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.
  • LA CROIX INTERNATIONAL. Compiled by Global Pulse staff January 15th, 2016. Kenyan government wants pastors to have theology degrees. [https:// tors-to-have-theology-degrees/2471, November 22, 2024]
  • LADD, George Eldon (1975 Second Printing). A Theology of the New Testament, W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • MBITI, John S. (1989), African Religions and Philosophy, Second Revised and En- larged Edition. London, U.K: Heinemann.
  • MCBIRNIE, William Steuart (1973). The Search for the Twelve Apostles. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.
  • O’DONOVAN, Wilbur (1997), Biblical Christianity in African Perspective. Oasis In- ternational Ltd.
  • PEW RESEARCH CENTER: Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distri- bution of the World’s Christian Population, 2/7 [ religion/2011/12/19/global-christianity-exec/ November 11, 2024.]
  • PROJECT CANTERBURY. The Missionary Career of Dr. Krapf. London: Gilbert and Rivington, 1882. [ html, November 12, 2024.
  • RICHARDSON, Alan and BOWDEN, John. (1983), The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology. SCM Press Ltd., Charismatic: 91, Pentecostalism: 437.
  • SMITH, William (1884), L.L.D. A Dictionary of the Bible. (Revised and edited by Rev. F. N and M. A. Peloubet), The John C Winston Company Published, Unit-ed Kingdom.
  • STANFORD, [, October 16, 2024.] THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF ISLAM VOL 2. (1970) Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London N.W. 1.
  • WARIBOKO, Nimi (2017), Pentecostalism in Africa: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, [https//, November 11, 2024], 5/23.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 55 - 75, 31.12.2024


This essay provides an introduction to the sweeping of history of the origins and progress of Christianity in Africa. In the interest of narrowing the scope, it is necessary that much of the story has been omitted. The main focus has instead been on the origins and progress of Christianity during the colonial period, particularly highlighting the enormous growth that has occurred in the spread of Christianity over the last 60 years since independence. What prompted the enormous growth and spread of Christianity in Africa during the colonial period and beyond? The answer to this question is multi-faceted, with the need for Western education becoming paramount. European colonial missionaries pioneered Western education throughout the colonies, which in turn became the vanguard for Christian catechetical education and transformation of the people at all levels as operatives in the colonial system. Western education became necessary to the economic survival of peoples. Admittance into a Christian mission school often required the applicant to convert to Christianity. Since Independence, all Christian denominations have experienced much growth through African missionary effort, which is now in the hands of the African evangelists rather than in the hands of the Europeans. It is important to mention that in terms of the African expression of Christianity, the Pentecostal movement have today far outstripped all other forms of Christianity in Africa.


  • AMA. Anglican Missions Africa, Equipping, Empowering, Releasing. P. O. Box 12713 G.P.O, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • ARNOLD, T.W. The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Mus- lim Faith. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Adam Publishers & Distrib- uters, Shandar Market, Chitli Qabar, Delhi-6, India.
  • ASEKA, Eric Masinde (2005), Transformational Leadership in East Africa, Politics,Ideology and Community. Fountain Publishers Ltd, Kampala.
  • BOAHEN, A. Adu (1987), African Perspectives on Colonialism. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • BROCKLEMANN, Carl (1964 Reprint), History of the Islamic Peoples, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, England.
  • BOAH, Harry (1964), A Brief History of Islam, Daystar Press, Nigeria.
  • CANNUYER, Christian (1957). Coptic Egypt: The Christians of the Nile. Englishtranslation © 2001 Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York.
  • CLOWNEY, Edmund P. Clowney (1995). The Church: Contours of Christian Theol- ogy, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, U.S.A.
  • COPTIC ORTHODOX ANSWERS: St. Mark the Apostle, the Founder of the Coptic Church.[, November 22, 2024].
  • EPISCOPAL (2023). The Episcopal Church [ globalpartnerships/women-ordination-vote-passed-in-the-church-of-the-prov-ince-of-central-africa/ November 2024.]
  • ESV. Unless otherwise mentioned, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®) copyright © 2001 by Crossway, A publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Used by permission. All rights reserved.
  • EUSEBIUS, Paul L. Maier, translator: EUSEBIUS: The Church History. (1999, 2007). Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.
  • GOODREADS [, October 2, 2024).
  • GORDON, April A.-Gordon, Donald L. Editors (2001), Understanding Contempo- rary Africa, Third Edition. Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • GORDON CONWELL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Christianity in its Global Context, 1970–2020. [ ityinitsGlobalContext.pdf, November 22, 2024.Status of Global Christianity, 2024, in the Context of 1900–2050 [https://www. content/uploads/sites/13/2024/01/Status-of-Glob- al-Christianity-2024.pdf, November 11, 2024.] African Christianity,[ sites/13/2019/04/2ChristianityinitsGlobalContext.pdf, November 11, 2024.],22.]
  • HASTINGS, Adrian (1999), (Editor). A World History of Christianity. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, [Reference Chapter 6 on Africa by Kevin Ward.]
  • HOURINI, ALBERT (1992). A History of the Arab Peoples. Warner Books, New York, Boston.
  • IRVIN, Dale T.-Sunquist, Scott W. (2003), History of the World Christian Movement, Volume 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453. Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, 2001 (Third Printing).
  • JENKINS, Phillip (2008). The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Gold- en Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia—and How It Died. HarperOne™ an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
  • KENYATTA, Jomo (2015), Facing Mount Kenya. Kenway Publications, Nairobi,Kenya, 1938; 12th Reprint.
  • KRAEMER, H. (1961), The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.
  • LA CROIX INTERNATIONAL. Compiled by Global Pulse staff January 15th, 2016. Kenyan government wants pastors to have theology degrees. [https:// tors-to-have-theology-degrees/2471, November 22, 2024]
  • LADD, George Eldon (1975 Second Printing). A Theology of the New Testament, W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • MBITI, John S. (1989), African Religions and Philosophy, Second Revised and En- larged Edition. London, U.K: Heinemann.
  • MCBIRNIE, William Steuart (1973). The Search for the Twelve Apostles. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois.
  • O’DONOVAN, Wilbur (1997), Biblical Christianity in African Perspective. Oasis In- ternational Ltd.
  • PEW RESEARCH CENTER: Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distri- bution of the World’s Christian Population, 2/7 [ religion/2011/12/19/global-christianity-exec/ November 11, 2024.]
  • PROJECT CANTERBURY. The Missionary Career of Dr. Krapf. London: Gilbert and Rivington, 1882. [ html, November 12, 2024.
  • RICHARDSON, Alan and BOWDEN, John. (1983), The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology. SCM Press Ltd., Charismatic: 91, Pentecostalism: 437.
  • SMITH, William (1884), L.L.D. A Dictionary of the Bible. (Revised and edited by Rev. F. N and M. A. Peloubet), The John C Winston Company Published, Unit-ed Kingdom.
  • STANFORD, [, October 16, 2024.] THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF ISLAM VOL 2. (1970) Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Road, London N.W. 1.
  • WARIBOKO, Nimi (2017), Pentecostalism in Africa: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, [https//, November 11, 2024], 5/23.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Afrika Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ian Coulter 0009-0000-4923-8632

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Coulter, I. (2024). THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF CHRISTIANITY IN AFRICA. Akdeniz Havzası Ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 6(2), 55-75.

Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi Aralık Sayısı İçin Makale Kabulü Başladı

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, Aralık sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır.

Dergimiz, Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika’ya ilişkin tarih, kültür, siyaset, ekonomi, edebiyat, sosyoloji ve uluslararası ilişkiler gibi geniş bir yelpazede akademik çalışmalara yer vermektedir. İlgili alanlarda özgün araştırmalarını yayımlamak isteyen akademisyenler, araştırmacılar ve uzmanlar makalelerini gönderebilirler.

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