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COVID-19 Karantinasında Aile İçi Şiddeti Konu Alan Kampanyaların Organon Modeli Üzerinden İncelenmesi

Yıl 2022, , 122 - 142, 29.06.2022


COVID-19 karantina döneminde aile içi şiddette yaşanan artış, pek çok kurum ve kuruluşu harekete geçirmiş ve karantina döneminde yaşanan aile içi şiddetin önlenmesi amacıyla çeşitli kampanyalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kampanyalar kapsamında hazırlanan kamu spotlarıyla karantina döneminde aile içi şiddete yönelik farkındalık oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada karantina döneminde aile içi şiddete karşı hazırlanan kampanyalardaki kamu spotlarında aile içi şiddetin nasıl sunulduğunun ve aile içi şiddetin önlenmesine yönelik hangi mesajların verildiğinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla çalışmada konuya ilişkin kamu spotlarındaki görsel ve yazılı göstergeler, Alman dilbilimci Karl Bühler’in Organon Modeli ışığında göstergebilimsel olarak incelenmiştir. Aile içi şiddeti konu alan sekiz kampanya (ABD, Endonezya, Fransa, Kolombiya, Portekiz ve Şili’den bir, Meksika’dan da iki kampanya) çalışma kapsamında incelenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgularda aile içi şiddete yönelik kamu spotlarında korku duygusunun ön plana çıkarılarak kamuoyunda aile içi şiddete karşı duyarlılık oluşturulmasının amaçlandığı ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Böylece kamu spotları üzerinden hem şiddete maruz kalan aile üyelerinin hem de aile içi şiddete tanık olan kişilerin aile içi şiddeti yetkililere bildirmesinin teşvik edilmeye çalışıldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Abuhammad, S. (2021). Violence against Jordanian women during COVID‐19 outbreak. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75(3), 1-7.
  • Aghamohseni, H., Hashemi Soltanieh, S., Dehghanizadeh, Z. and Rajezi Esfahani, S. (2021). Depression, Internet Addiction and Domestic Violence on Iranian Married Women during the COVID-19 Home Quarantine. Iranian Journal of War and Public Health, 13(2), 125-129.
  • Altun, F. (2021). Yüzyılın sağlık krizi olarak KOVİD-19’un toplumsal yaşama ve kadınların sosyoekonomik durumlarına etkileri. Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 51-73.
  • Bennett, E. R., Snyder, S., Cusano, J., McMahon, S., Zijdel, M., Camerer, K. and Howley, C. (2021). Supporting survivors of campus dating and sexual violence during COVID-19: A social work perspective. Social Work in Health Care, 60(1), 106-116.
  • Boserup, B., McKenney, M. and Elkbuli, A. (2020). Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38(12), 2753-2755.
  • Boxall, H., Morgan, A. and Brown, R. (2020). The prevalence of domestic violence among women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australasian Policing, 12(3), 38-46.
  • Bucerius, S. M., Roberts, B. W. and Jones, D. J. (2021). The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence and child abuse. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 6(2), 75-79.
  • Bullinger, L. R., Carr, J. B. and Packham, A. (2021). COVID-19 and crime: Effects of stay-at-home orders on domestic violence. American Journal of Health Economics, 7(3), 249-280.
  • Bühler, K. (2011). Theory of Language: The representational function of language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Cismaru, M. and Lavack, A. M. (2010). “Don't Suffer in Silence”-Applying the Integrated Model for Social Marketers to Campaigns Targeting Victims of Domestic Violence. Social Marketing Quarterly, 16(1), 97-129.
  • Cismaru, M. and Lavack, A. M. (2011). Campaigns targeting perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(4), 183-197.
  • Coulthard, P., Hutchison, I., Bell, J. A., Coulthard, I. D. and Kennedy, H. (2020). COVID-19, domestic violence and abuse, and urgent dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery care. British Dental Journal, 228(12), 923-926.
  • Dahal, M., Khanal, P., Maharjan, S., Panthi, B. and Nepal, S. (2020). Mitigating violence against women and young girls during COVID-19 induced lockdown in Nepal: a wake-up call. Globalization and Health, 16(1), 1-3.
  • Donagh, B. (2020). From unnoticed to invisible: the impact of CoViD-19 on children and young people experiencing domestic violence and abuse. Child Abuse Review, 29(4), 387-391.
  • Dosdale, C. and Skarparis, K. (2020). Supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Nursing, 29(20), 1159-1163.
  • Evans, M. L., Lindauer, M. and Farrell, M. E. (2020). A pandemic within a pandemic—Intimate partner violence during Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(24), 2302-2304.
  • Evans, D. P., Hawk, S. R. and Ripkey, C. E. (2021). Domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia before and during COVID-19. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 140-147.
  • Feiz Arefi, M., Babaei-Pouya, A. and Poursadeqiyan, M. (2020). The health effects of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work, 67(3), 523-527.
  • Hardyns, W., Keygnaert, I., Ponnet, K. and Vandeviver, C. (2020). Partner and domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis. Freedom from Fear, (16), 48-55.
  • Hsu, L. C. and Henke, A. (2021). COVID-19, staying at home, and domestic violence. Review of Economics of the Household, 19(1), 145-155.
  • John, N., Casey, S. E., Carino, G. and McGovern, T. (2020). Lessons never learned: crisis and gender‐based violence. Developing World Bioethics, 20(2), 65-68.
  • Krishnakumar, A. and Verma, S. (2021). Understanding domestic violence in india during CoViD-19: a routine activity approach. Asian Journal of Criminology, 16(1), 19-35.
  • Kumar, A. (2020). COVID-19 and domestic violence: A possible public health crisis. Journal of Health Management, 22(2), 192-196.
  • Liebman, A., Rhiney, K. and Wallace, R. (2020). To die a thousand deaths: COVID-19, racial capitalism, and anti-Black violence. Human Geography, 13(3), 331-335.
  • Lima, V. (2020). The role of local government in the prevention of violence against women and girls during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39, 84-87.
  • Lundin, R., Armocida, B., Sdao, P., Pisanu, S., Mariani, I., Veltri, A. and Lazzerini, M. (2020). Gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic response in Italy. Journal of Global Health, 10(2), 1-2.
  • Mattioli, A. V. and Ballerini Puviani, M. (2020). Lifestyle at time of COVID-19: How could quarantine affect cardiovascular risk. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 14(3), 240-242.
  • Meegaswatta, T. N. (2021). The Balancing Act: Employed Women Navigating the COVID-19 Lockdown in Sri Lanka. South Asian Survey, 28(1), 157-171.
  • Mittal, S. and Singh, T. (2020). Gender-based violence during COVID-19 pandemic: a mini-review. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 1, 1-7.
  • Muldoon, K. A., Denize, K. M., Talarico, R., Fell, D. B., Sobiesiak, A., Heimerl, M. and Sampsel, K. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and violence: rising risks and decreasing urgent care-seeking for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. BMC Medicine, 19(1), 1-9.
  • Nix, J. and Richards, T. N. (2021). The immediate and long-term effects of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders on domestic violence calls for service across six US jurisdictions. Police Practice and Research, 22(4), 1443-1451.
  • Ornell, F., Halpern, S. C., Dalbosco, C., Sordi, A. O., Stock, B. S., Kessler, F. and Telles, L. B. (2020). Domestic violence and drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pensando Familias, 24(1), 3-11.
  • Rahman, F. I. and Islam, M. R. (2021). Sexual violence against woman at quarantine center during coronavirus disease 2019 in Bangladesh: risk factors and recommendations. Women's Health, 17, 1-2.
  • Rauhaus, B. M., Sibila, D. and Johnson, A. F. (2020). Addressing the increase of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: A need for empathy, care, and social equity in collaborative planning and responses. The American Review of Public Administration, 50(6-7), 668-674.
  • Sacco, M. A., Caputo, F., Ricci, P., Sicilia, F., De Aloe, L., Bonetta, C. F., Cordasco, F., Scalise, C., Cacciatore, G., Zibetti, A. Gratteri, S. and Aquila, I. (2020). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence: The dark side of home isolation during quarantine. Medico-Legal Journal, 88(2), 71-73.
  • Sánchez, O. R., Vale, D. B., Rodrigues, L. and Surita, F. G. (2020). Violence against women during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An integrative review. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 151(2), 180-187.
  • Sediri, S., Zgueb, Y., Ouanes, S., Ouali, U., Bourgou, S., Jomli, R. and Nacef, F. (2020). Women’s mental health: acute impact of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence. Archives of women's mental health, 23(6), 749-756. Solórzano, D. A. N., Gamez, M. R. and Corcho, O. D. (2020). Gender violence on pandemic of COVID-19. International Journal of Health Sciences, 4(2), 10-18.
  • Spiranovic, C., Hudson, N., Winter, R., Stanford, S., Norris, K., Bartkowiak-Theron, I. and Cashman, K. (2021). Navigating risk and protective factors for family violence during and after the COVID-19 ‘perfect storm’. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 33(1), 5-18.
  • Steinhoff, A., Bechtiger, L., Ribeaud, D., Murray, A. L., Hepp, U., Eisner, M. and Shanahan, L. (2021). Self‐injury and domestic violence in young adults during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Trajectories, precursors, and correlates. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 560-575.
  • Suga, T. (2021). Response to domestic violence during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 129-132.
  • Usta, J., Murr, H. and El-Jarrah, R. (2021). COVID-19 Lockdown and the increased violence against women: understanding domestic violence during a pandemic. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 133-139.
  • Valentovičová, D. and Varečková, Ľ. (2014). Aesthetic aspect of Roman Jakobson’s communication theory. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10(1), 145-154.
  • Zhang, H. (2020). The influence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on family violence in China. Journal of Family Violence, 1-11.
  • Antonia. (2022a). “Misión”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Antonia. (2022b). “Nuestros Proyectos”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020a). “ABD’nin Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020b). “Endonezya’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020c). “Fransa’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020d). “Kolombiya’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020e). “Meksika’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Birinci Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020f). “Portekiz’in Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020g). “Şili’nin Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2021a). “Şiddet Konulu Reklamlar”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2021b). “Meksika’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu İkinci Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • APAV. (2022). “Quem Somos”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Demirel, E. (2020). “Aygaz ve UN Women Covid-19’la Mücadele Sürecinde Artan Aile İçi Şiddete Karşı Kadınların yanında”. adresinden 04.04.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • IED. (2022). “Présentation”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • LBH. (2022a). “Sejarah Berdirinya LBH APIK Jakarta & Fokus Kerja-kerja Kami Saat Ini”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • LBH. (2022b). “Tentang Kami”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • MAISA. (2022). “Inicio”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nonviolence. (2022a). “The Foundation Vision & Mission”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nonviolence. (2022b). “The Foundation The Story”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Save the Children. (2022a). “100 Years For Children”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Save the Children. (2022b). “Who We Are”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • WFMD. (2022). “Who We Are”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.

The Examination of Campaigns on Domestic Violence in the COVID-19 Quarantine through The Organon Model

Yıl 2022, , 122 - 142, 29.06.2022


The increase in domestic violence during the COVID-19 quarantine mobilized many institutions and organizations and various campaigns were carried out to prevent domestic violence experienced during the quarantine. With the public service announcements prepared within the scope of these campaigns, it was sought to raise awareness about domestic violence during the quarantine. In the study, it was aimed to reveal how domestic violence was presented in the public service announcements in the campaigns against domestic violence during the quarantine and what messages were given for the prevention of domestic violence. For this purpose, the visual and written indicators in the public service announcements related to the subject were analyzed semiotically in the light of the German linguist Karl Bühler's Organon Model. Eight campaigns on domestic violence (one from the USA, Indonesia, France, Colombia, Portugal and Chile, and two from Mexico) were examined within the scope of the study. In the findings obtained in the study, it was revealed that it was aimed to form awareness in the public opinion against domestic violence by highlighting the feeling of fear in public service announcements about domestic violence. Thus, it was concluded that both family members who were exposed to violence and people who witnessed domestic violence were sought to be encouraged to report domestic violence to the authorities through public service announcements.


  • Abuhammad, S. (2021). Violence against Jordanian women during COVID‐19 outbreak. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75(3), 1-7.
  • Aghamohseni, H., Hashemi Soltanieh, S., Dehghanizadeh, Z. and Rajezi Esfahani, S. (2021). Depression, Internet Addiction and Domestic Violence on Iranian Married Women during the COVID-19 Home Quarantine. Iranian Journal of War and Public Health, 13(2), 125-129.
  • Altun, F. (2021). Yüzyılın sağlık krizi olarak KOVİD-19’un toplumsal yaşama ve kadınların sosyoekonomik durumlarına etkileri. Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 51-73.
  • Bennett, E. R., Snyder, S., Cusano, J., McMahon, S., Zijdel, M., Camerer, K. and Howley, C. (2021). Supporting survivors of campus dating and sexual violence during COVID-19: A social work perspective. Social Work in Health Care, 60(1), 106-116.
  • Boserup, B., McKenney, M. and Elkbuli, A. (2020). Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38(12), 2753-2755.
  • Boxall, H., Morgan, A. and Brown, R. (2020). The prevalence of domestic violence among women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australasian Policing, 12(3), 38-46.
  • Bucerius, S. M., Roberts, B. W. and Jones, D. J. (2021). The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence and child abuse. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 6(2), 75-79.
  • Bullinger, L. R., Carr, J. B. and Packham, A. (2021). COVID-19 and crime: Effects of stay-at-home orders on domestic violence. American Journal of Health Economics, 7(3), 249-280.
  • Bühler, K. (2011). Theory of Language: The representational function of language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Cismaru, M. and Lavack, A. M. (2010). “Don't Suffer in Silence”-Applying the Integrated Model for Social Marketers to Campaigns Targeting Victims of Domestic Violence. Social Marketing Quarterly, 16(1), 97-129.
  • Cismaru, M. and Lavack, A. M. (2011). Campaigns targeting perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(4), 183-197.
  • Coulthard, P., Hutchison, I., Bell, J. A., Coulthard, I. D. and Kennedy, H. (2020). COVID-19, domestic violence and abuse, and urgent dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery care. British Dental Journal, 228(12), 923-926.
  • Dahal, M., Khanal, P., Maharjan, S., Panthi, B. and Nepal, S. (2020). Mitigating violence against women and young girls during COVID-19 induced lockdown in Nepal: a wake-up call. Globalization and Health, 16(1), 1-3.
  • Donagh, B. (2020). From unnoticed to invisible: the impact of CoViD-19 on children and young people experiencing domestic violence and abuse. Child Abuse Review, 29(4), 387-391.
  • Dosdale, C. and Skarparis, K. (2020). Supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Nursing, 29(20), 1159-1163.
  • Evans, M. L., Lindauer, M. and Farrell, M. E. (2020). A pandemic within a pandemic—Intimate partner violence during Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(24), 2302-2304.
  • Evans, D. P., Hawk, S. R. and Ripkey, C. E. (2021). Domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia before and during COVID-19. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 140-147.
  • Feiz Arefi, M., Babaei-Pouya, A. and Poursadeqiyan, M. (2020). The health effects of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work, 67(3), 523-527.
  • Hardyns, W., Keygnaert, I., Ponnet, K. and Vandeviver, C. (2020). Partner and domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis. Freedom from Fear, (16), 48-55.
  • Hsu, L. C. and Henke, A. (2021). COVID-19, staying at home, and domestic violence. Review of Economics of the Household, 19(1), 145-155.
  • John, N., Casey, S. E., Carino, G. and McGovern, T. (2020). Lessons never learned: crisis and gender‐based violence. Developing World Bioethics, 20(2), 65-68.
  • Krishnakumar, A. and Verma, S. (2021). Understanding domestic violence in india during CoViD-19: a routine activity approach. Asian Journal of Criminology, 16(1), 19-35.
  • Kumar, A. (2020). COVID-19 and domestic violence: A possible public health crisis. Journal of Health Management, 22(2), 192-196.
  • Liebman, A., Rhiney, K. and Wallace, R. (2020). To die a thousand deaths: COVID-19, racial capitalism, and anti-Black violence. Human Geography, 13(3), 331-335.
  • Lima, V. (2020). The role of local government in the prevention of violence against women and girls during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39, 84-87.
  • Lundin, R., Armocida, B., Sdao, P., Pisanu, S., Mariani, I., Veltri, A. and Lazzerini, M. (2020). Gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic response in Italy. Journal of Global Health, 10(2), 1-2.
  • Mattioli, A. V. and Ballerini Puviani, M. (2020). Lifestyle at time of COVID-19: How could quarantine affect cardiovascular risk. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 14(3), 240-242.
  • Meegaswatta, T. N. (2021). The Balancing Act: Employed Women Navigating the COVID-19 Lockdown in Sri Lanka. South Asian Survey, 28(1), 157-171.
  • Mittal, S. and Singh, T. (2020). Gender-based violence during COVID-19 pandemic: a mini-review. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 1, 1-7.
  • Muldoon, K. A., Denize, K. M., Talarico, R., Fell, D. B., Sobiesiak, A., Heimerl, M. and Sampsel, K. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and violence: rising risks and decreasing urgent care-seeking for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. BMC Medicine, 19(1), 1-9.
  • Nix, J. and Richards, T. N. (2021). The immediate and long-term effects of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders on domestic violence calls for service across six US jurisdictions. Police Practice and Research, 22(4), 1443-1451.
  • Ornell, F., Halpern, S. C., Dalbosco, C., Sordi, A. O., Stock, B. S., Kessler, F. and Telles, L. B. (2020). Domestic violence and drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pensando Familias, 24(1), 3-11.
  • Rahman, F. I. and Islam, M. R. (2021). Sexual violence against woman at quarantine center during coronavirus disease 2019 in Bangladesh: risk factors and recommendations. Women's Health, 17, 1-2.
  • Rauhaus, B. M., Sibila, D. and Johnson, A. F. (2020). Addressing the increase of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: A need for empathy, care, and social equity in collaborative planning and responses. The American Review of Public Administration, 50(6-7), 668-674.
  • Sacco, M. A., Caputo, F., Ricci, P., Sicilia, F., De Aloe, L., Bonetta, C. F., Cordasco, F., Scalise, C., Cacciatore, G., Zibetti, A. Gratteri, S. and Aquila, I. (2020). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence: The dark side of home isolation during quarantine. Medico-Legal Journal, 88(2), 71-73.
  • Sánchez, O. R., Vale, D. B., Rodrigues, L. and Surita, F. G. (2020). Violence against women during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An integrative review. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 151(2), 180-187.
  • Sediri, S., Zgueb, Y., Ouanes, S., Ouali, U., Bourgou, S., Jomli, R. and Nacef, F. (2020). Women’s mental health: acute impact of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence. Archives of women's mental health, 23(6), 749-756. Solórzano, D. A. N., Gamez, M. R. and Corcho, O. D. (2020). Gender violence on pandemic of COVID-19. International Journal of Health Sciences, 4(2), 10-18.
  • Spiranovic, C., Hudson, N., Winter, R., Stanford, S., Norris, K., Bartkowiak-Theron, I. and Cashman, K. (2021). Navigating risk and protective factors for family violence during and after the COVID-19 ‘perfect storm’. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 33(1), 5-18.
  • Steinhoff, A., Bechtiger, L., Ribeaud, D., Murray, A. L., Hepp, U., Eisner, M. and Shanahan, L. (2021). Self‐injury and domestic violence in young adults during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Trajectories, precursors, and correlates. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 560-575.
  • Suga, T. (2021). Response to domestic violence during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 129-132.
  • Usta, J., Murr, H. and El-Jarrah, R. (2021). COVID-19 Lockdown and the increased violence against women: understanding domestic violence during a pandemic. Violence and Gender, 8(3), 133-139.
  • Valentovičová, D. and Varečková, Ľ. (2014). Aesthetic aspect of Roman Jakobson’s communication theory. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10(1), 145-154.
  • Zhang, H. (2020). The influence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on family violence in China. Journal of Family Violence, 1-11.
  • Antonia. (2022a). “Misión”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Antonia. (2022b). “Nuestros Proyectos”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020a). “ABD’nin Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020b). “Endonezya’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020c). “Fransa’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020d). “Kolombiya’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020e). “Meksika’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Birinci Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020f). “Portekiz’in Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2020g). “Şili’nin Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2021a). “Şiddet Konulu Reklamlar”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • AOTW. (2021b). “Meksika’nın Aile İçi Şiddet Konulu İkinci Kampanyası”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • APAV. (2022). “Quem Somos”. adresinden 28.09.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Demirel, E. (2020). “Aygaz ve UN Women Covid-19’la Mücadele Sürecinde Artan Aile İçi Şiddete Karşı Kadınların yanında”. adresinden 04.04.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • IED. (2022). “Présentation”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • LBH. (2022a). “Sejarah Berdirinya LBH APIK Jakarta & Fokus Kerja-kerja Kami Saat Ini”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • LBH. (2022b). “Tentang Kami”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • MAISA. (2022). “Inicio”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nonviolence. (2022a). “The Foundation Vision & Mission”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Nonviolence. (2022b). “The Foundation The Story”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Save the Children. (2022a). “100 Years For Children”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Save the Children. (2022b). “Who We Are”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • WFMD. (2022). “Who We Are”. adresinden 26.02.2022 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Tuğba Baytimur 0000-0002-7069-3338

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Baytimur, T. (2022). COVID-19 Karantinasında Aile İçi Şiddeti Konu Alan Kampanyaların Organon Modeli Üzerinden İncelenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(37), 122-142.

Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.