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Yıl 2021, , 359 - 369, 30.06.2021



Teşekkürler İyi çalışmalar dilerim


  • Özüpek, N. (2008). Sosyal Sorumluluk Halkla Ilişkiler (Vol. 2). (A. Kalender, & M. Fidan, Eds.) Konya: Tablet.
  • Akıncı, Z., & Vural, G. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility And Ethics . Gümüşhane Üniversity Faculty Of Communication Electronic Journal, 3(1), 4-5.
  • Aktan, C. (2007). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk. (C. Aktan , Ed.) İstanbul: İgiad.
  • Bartol, K., & Martin, D. (1994). Management 2. Baskı, London: . London: Mc Garw-Hill.
  • Bozyiğit, R., & Karaaslan, T. (1998). Çevre Bilgisi. Ankara, Türkiye: Nobel.
  • Capelle Blancard, G., & Petit, A. (2017). The Weighting Of CSR Dimensions: One Size Does Not Fit All. Business And Society Sage, 56(6), 919-943.
  • Carroll, A. (1979). A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model Of Corporate Performance. The Academy Of Management Review, 4(4), 499.
  • Dahlsrud, A. (2018). How Corporate Social Responsibility Is Defined: An Analysis Of 37 Definitions. . Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management, , 15(1), 1-13.
  • Davis, K., & Blomsstrom, R. (1975). Environment And Responsibility, Business And Society . New York: Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
  • De Kruijf, H., & Van Vuuren, D. (1998). Following Sustainable Development In Relation To The North-South Dialogue: Ecosystem Health And Sustainability Indicators. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety(40), 4-14.
  • Engin, Ö. (2004). Yeşil Pazarlama. Mevzuat , 7(78), 11-25.
  • Ertekin, K. (2011). Avrupa Birliği Çevre Politikaları Ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Arasındaki Ilişkinin Değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye.
  • Jacob, T., & Abel, R. (2002). Sustainable Development And Health: An Indian Perspective. Lancet 360, 24(638), 9.
  • Jeffery, J. (2006). Governance For A Sustainable Future, Public Health.
  • Keleş, R., & Hamamcı, C. (2002). Çevrebilim. Ankara, Türkiye: İmge.
  • Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2006). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk. (S. Kaçamak, Trans.) İstanbul: Mediacat.
  • Lu, Z., Chen, H., Hao, Y., Wang, J., Song, X., & Mok, T. M. (2017). The Dynamic Relationship Between Environmental Pollution, Economic Development And Public Health: Evidence From China. J. Clean. Prod.
  • Mcgee, J. (1998). Commentary On Corporate Strategies And Environmental Regulations: An Organizing Framework. Strategic Management Journal(19), 378.
  • Mutlu, A. (2006). Küresel Kamusal Mallar Bağlamında Sağlık Hizmetleri Ve Çevre Kirlenmesi: Üretim, Finansman Ve Yönetim Sorunları. 21.Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu: Kamu Maliyesinde Güncel Gelişmeler, (P. 13).
  • Noble, C. (2016). Green Social Work - The Next Frontier For Action. Social Alternatives.
  • Odenhal, S. (2008). Buyer Be Good. Alternatives Journal, 34(4), 27.
  • Okay, A. (1998). Halkla İlişkiler Aracı Olarak Sponsorluk. İstanbul: Epsilon.
  • Peltekoğlu, F. (2005). Halkla Ilişkiler Nedir. İstanbul, Türkiye: Beta.
  • Story, J., & Neves, P. (2015). When Corporate Social Responsibility Increases Performance: Exploring The Role Of Intrinsic And Extrinsic CSR Attribution. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(2), 111-124.
  • Şatır, Ç., & Öztekin, Z. (2005). Social Responsibility And Ethics . Journal Of Istanbul Üniversity Faculty Of Communication(22), 145.
  • Torlak, Ö. (2009). Modern Dünyada Yeşil Pazarlama Ne İfade Ediyor. Çerçeve Dergisi (Ocak), 108-112.
  • Ural , G. (1997). Halkla İlişkiler. İstanbul.
  • WHO . (1992). Our Planet, Our Health. Report Of The Who Comissio, Geneva.
  • Yücel, E. (2020). Canlılar Ve Çevre. Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Yazdi, S., & Khanalizadeh, B. (2017). Air Pollution, Economic Growth And Healthcare Expenditure. . Economic Research-Ekonomskaistraživanja, 30(1), 1181-1190.
  • Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası. (2020). X. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1. Ankara.

Environmental Awareness in Terms of Public Health: Corporate Responsibilities

Yıl 2021, , 359 - 369, 30.06.2021


Environmental issues are basically caused by limitless consumption of the environment by people to gain more together with the increasing population in the world as well as valuing their individual interests above the common interests and values of the society. As a result, the ecological balance is spoiled, environmental issues take on a global dimension. Many researches are conducted about environmental issues today and studies on this are encouraged. While some disciplines concentrate on environmental issues and continue their researches, emphasis is made increasingly on the interaction between human and environment in social life, and it is seen that sensitivity is increasing among enterprises in this matter. Environmental activities have rapidly got stronger and gained acceleration with the support of various national organizations. Such indicators draw and social responsibility areas of organizations in the general manner. Therefore, minimizing the environmental hazards became the most important factor to improve the reputation and image of corporations in the public opinion in addition to provide competition advantage to corporations. The aim of the study is to address environmental problems that threaten public health directly and in multiple ways; to take effective measures on environmental pollution at institutional level and to demonstrate the importance of implementation. As a result of the study, the redesign of policies that contain solutions to environmental problems that have become a global problem today; it is emphasized that international institutions should take a more active role and the importance of cooperation.


  • Özüpek, N. (2008). Sosyal Sorumluluk Halkla Ilişkiler (Vol. 2). (A. Kalender, & M. Fidan, Eds.) Konya: Tablet.
  • Akıncı, Z., & Vural, G. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility And Ethics . Gümüşhane Üniversity Faculty Of Communication Electronic Journal, 3(1), 4-5.
  • Aktan, C. (2007). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk. (C. Aktan , Ed.) İstanbul: İgiad.
  • Bartol, K., & Martin, D. (1994). Management 2. Baskı, London: . London: Mc Garw-Hill.
  • Bozyiğit, R., & Karaaslan, T. (1998). Çevre Bilgisi. Ankara, Türkiye: Nobel.
  • Capelle Blancard, G., & Petit, A. (2017). The Weighting Of CSR Dimensions: One Size Does Not Fit All. Business And Society Sage, 56(6), 919-943.
  • Carroll, A. (1979). A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model Of Corporate Performance. The Academy Of Management Review, 4(4), 499.
  • Dahlsrud, A. (2018). How Corporate Social Responsibility Is Defined: An Analysis Of 37 Definitions. . Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management, , 15(1), 1-13.
  • Davis, K., & Blomsstrom, R. (1975). Environment And Responsibility, Business And Society . New York: Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
  • De Kruijf, H., & Van Vuuren, D. (1998). Following Sustainable Development In Relation To The North-South Dialogue: Ecosystem Health And Sustainability Indicators. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety(40), 4-14.
  • Engin, Ö. (2004). Yeşil Pazarlama. Mevzuat , 7(78), 11-25.
  • Ertekin, K. (2011). Avrupa Birliği Çevre Politikaları Ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Arasındaki Ilişkinin Değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye.
  • Jacob, T., & Abel, R. (2002). Sustainable Development And Health: An Indian Perspective. Lancet 360, 24(638), 9.
  • Jeffery, J. (2006). Governance For A Sustainable Future, Public Health.
  • Keleş, R., & Hamamcı, C. (2002). Çevrebilim. Ankara, Türkiye: İmge.
  • Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2006). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk. (S. Kaçamak, Trans.) İstanbul: Mediacat.
  • Lu, Z., Chen, H., Hao, Y., Wang, J., Song, X., & Mok, T. M. (2017). The Dynamic Relationship Between Environmental Pollution, Economic Development And Public Health: Evidence From China. J. Clean. Prod.
  • Mcgee, J. (1998). Commentary On Corporate Strategies And Environmental Regulations: An Organizing Framework. Strategic Management Journal(19), 378.
  • Mutlu, A. (2006). Küresel Kamusal Mallar Bağlamında Sağlık Hizmetleri Ve Çevre Kirlenmesi: Üretim, Finansman Ve Yönetim Sorunları. 21.Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu: Kamu Maliyesinde Güncel Gelişmeler, (P. 13).
  • Noble, C. (2016). Green Social Work - The Next Frontier For Action. Social Alternatives.
  • Odenhal, S. (2008). Buyer Be Good. Alternatives Journal, 34(4), 27.
  • Okay, A. (1998). Halkla İlişkiler Aracı Olarak Sponsorluk. İstanbul: Epsilon.
  • Peltekoğlu, F. (2005). Halkla Ilişkiler Nedir. İstanbul, Türkiye: Beta.
  • Story, J., & Neves, P. (2015). When Corporate Social Responsibility Increases Performance: Exploring The Role Of Intrinsic And Extrinsic CSR Attribution. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(2), 111-124.
  • Şatır, Ç., & Öztekin, Z. (2005). Social Responsibility And Ethics . Journal Of Istanbul Üniversity Faculty Of Communication(22), 145.
  • Torlak, Ö. (2009). Modern Dünyada Yeşil Pazarlama Ne İfade Ediyor. Çerçeve Dergisi (Ocak), 108-112.
  • Ural , G. (1997). Halkla İlişkiler. İstanbul.
  • WHO . (1992). Our Planet, Our Health. Report Of The Who Comissio, Geneva.
  • Yücel, E. (2020). Canlılar Ve Çevre. Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Yazdi, S., & Khanalizadeh, B. (2017). Air Pollution, Economic Growth And Healthcare Expenditure. . Economic Research-Ekonomskaistraživanja, 30(1), 1181-1190.
  • Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası. (2020). X. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1. Ankara.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Şifa Elcil 0000-0002-9137-2816

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Elcil, Ş. (2021). Environmental Awareness in Terms of Public Health: Corporate Responsibilities. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(35), 359-369.

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