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A Content Analysis of Ideal(ized) Masculin(ity)’s Image in Men’s Magazines (A Sample of Men’s Health-FHM-Esquire-GQ Turkey)

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 20, 140 - 164, 01.12.2013


In this study, in the context of masculinity and men, a content analysis of ideal(ized) masculin(ity)’s image in men’s magazines has been done, and men’s magazines have been examined for messages regarding to masculinity and men related to bodily appearance by categorized the content of a sample of men’s magazines. Representations of masculinity and male were the focus of content analysis, and the main theme was masculin(ity)’s image. June, July and August issues (published between May 2013 and September 2013) of four different men’s magazines -Men’s Health, FHM (For Him Magazine), Esquire, GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly) Turkish editions- have been selected for content analysis. In analysis, a purposive sampling approach has been adopted and each publication has been determined by three main criteria which are genre of magazine, popularity and gender of readership. A sample of men’s magazines are men’s (lifestyle) magazines that was defined as popular magazines concerned with leisure, fashion, culture, health, sport and fitness particularly and that had an male target audience. The unit of content analysis consisted of the entire magazine, from front cover to back cover, including all written texts and advertisements. Men’s magazines have been analyzed in their entirety in order to give provide an overall understanding of how masculinity and men were being presented within each different men’s magazine. Systematic comparison of the contents of the written text and advertisement included in these four men’s magazines revealed that idealized masculin(ity)’s image offered to male readers is more lean, muscular and well groomed, and that men’s magazines conformed to idealized masculin(ity)’s image that designates particular men’s images


  • Alexander, Susan M. (2003). “Stylish Hard Bodies: Branded Masculinity in Men’s Health Magazine.” Sociological Perspectives 46 (4): 535-554.
  • Attwood, Feona (2005). “Tits and Ass and Porn and Fighting: Male Heterosexuality in Magazines for Men.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 8 (1): 83-100.
  • Aydoğan, Filiz (2008). “Erkeklerin Tüketici Kitleler Haline Getirilmesinde Erkek Dergilerinin Rolü ve İçerik Analizi.” Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 (29): 239-246.
  • Batı, Uğur (2007). “Postmodernism, Consumption and Fashion: The Representation of Ideal Men Throughout the Fashion in Turkish Magazine Advertisements.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi 30: 19-36.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2004). “Ironic Discourse: Evasive Masculinity in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Men and Masculinities 7 (1): 3-21.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2003a). “Introduction: Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2003b). “Ambiguous Masculinities: Heroism and Anti-Heorism in the Men’s Lifestyle Magazine.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2002). “Is There Anything ‘New’ About These Lads? The Textual and Visual Construction of Masculinity in Men’s Magazines.” Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture. Lia Litosseliti ve Jane Sunderland (eds.) içinde.
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Boni, Federico (2002). “Framing Media Masculinities: Men’s Lifestyle Magazines and the Biopolitics of the Male Body.” European Journal of Communication 17 (4): 465-478.
  • Craig, Steve (1992). “Considering Men and the Media.” Men, Masculinity and the Media. Steve Craig (ed.) içinde. London: Sage.
  • Crewe, Ben (2003). Representing Men: Cultural Production and Producers in the Men’s Magazine Market. Oxford-New York: Berg.
  • Dworkin, Shari L. ve Wachs, Faye L. (2009). Body Panic: Gender, Health and the Selling of Fitness. New York: New York University Press.
  • Edwards, Tim (1997). Men in the Mirror: Men’s Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society. London: Cassell.
  • Elliott, Richard ve Elliott, Christine (2005). “Idealized Images of the Male Body in Advertising: A Reader‐ Response Exploration.” Journal of Marketing Communications 11 (1): 3-19.
  • Erdoğan, İlker (2013). “Erkek Dergilerinde Sağlıklı Erkek Neden İdeal Erkektir? Men’s Health Dergisinde Hegemonik Erkeklik ve Popüler Sağlık Söylemi.” Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi: İletişim (Sağlık İletişimi Özel Sayısı) 3: 133-154.
  • Erdoğan, İlker (2011). “Erkek Dergilerinde (Men’s Health-FHM-Esquire Türkiye Örneğinde) Hegemonik Erkek(lik), Beden Politikaları ve Yeni Erkek İmajı.” Medyada Hegemonik Erkek(lik) ve Temsil. İlker Erdoğan (ed.) içinde. İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • Frederick, David A. vd. (2005). “Do Representations of Male Muscularity Differ in Men’s and Women’s Magazines?” Body Image 2 (1): 81-86.
  • Giet, Sylvette (2006). Özgürleşin! Bu Bir Emirdir: Kadın ve Erkek Dergilerinde Beden. İdil Engindeniz (çev.) İstanbul: Dharma.
  • Gill, Rosalind vd. (2005). “Body Projects and the Regulation of Normative Masculinity.” Body&Society 11 (1): 37-62.
  • Gill, Rosalind (2003). “Power and the Production of Subjects: A Genealogy of the New Man and the New Lad.”
  • Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Grogan, Sarah ve Richards, Helen (2002). “Body Image: Focus Groups with Boys and Men.” Men and Masculinities 4 (3): 219-232.
  • Hall, Matthew ve Gough, Brendan (2011). “Magazine and Reader Constructions of ‘Metrosexuality’ and Masculinity: A Membership Categorisation Analysis.” Journal of Gender Studies 20 (1): 67-86.
  • Jackson, Peter vd. (2001). Making Sense of Men’s Magazines. Oxford-Malden: Polity.
  • Kolbe, Richard H. ve Albanese, Paul J. (1997). “The Functional Integration of Sole-Male Images into Magazine Advertisements.” Sex Roles 36 (11-12): 813-836.
  • Kolbe, Richard H. ve Albanese, Paul J. (1996). “Man to Man: A Content Analysis of Sole-Male Images in MaleAudience Magazines.” Journal of Advertising 25 (4): 1-20.
  • Kula Demir, Nesrin (2009). “Erkek Dergilerindeki Reklam Fotoğraflarında (Yeniden) Üretilen Metroseksüel Kimlik.” Erkek Kimliğinin Değişe(meye)n Halleri. Huriye Kuruoğlu (ed.) içinde. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2005a). “The Male Body Ideal: Perspectives of Readers and Non-Readers of Fitness Magazines.” The Journal of Men’s Health&Gender 2 (2): 223-229.
  • Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2005b). “Burn Fat, Build Muscle: A Content Analysis of Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness.” International Journal of Men’s Health 4 (2): 187-200.
  • Law, Cheryl ve Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2002). “Cultural Standards of Attractiveness: A 30-Year Look at Changes in Male Images in Magazines.” Journalism&Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (3): 697-711.
  • Leit, Richard A. vd. (2002). “The Media’s Representation of the Ideal Male Body: A Cause for Muscle Dysmorphia?” International Journal of Eating Disorders 31 (3): 334-338.
  • Lorenzen, Lisa A. vd. (2004). “Brief Report: Exposure to Muscular Male Models Decreases Men’s Body Satisfaction.” Sex Roles 51: 743-748.
  • Newman, Christy (2005). “Healthy, Wealthy and Globalized? Reader Letters to Australian Men’s Health Magazine.” Journal of Media&Cultural Studies 19 (2): 299-313.
  • Nixon, Sean (2001). “Resignifying Masculinity: From New Man to New Lad.” British Cultural Studies. David Morley ve Kevin Robins (eds.) içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Nixon, Sean (1996). Hard Looks: Masculinities, Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption. London: UCL.
  • Osgerby, Bill (2003). “A Pedigree of the Consuming Male: Masculinity, Consumption and the American Leisure Class.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Pope, Harrison vd. (2000). The Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession. New York: The Free.
  • Pringle, Richard (2005). “Masculinities, Sport and Power: A Critical Comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian Inspired Theoretical Tools.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 29 (3): 256-278.
  • Ricciardelli, Rosemary vd. (2010). “Investigating Hegemonic Masculinity: Portrayals of Masculinity in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Sex Roles 63: 64-78.
  • Rohlinger, Deana A. (2002). “Eroticizing Men: Cultural Influences on Advertising and Male Objectification.” Sex Roles 46 (3-4): 61-74.
  • Shaw, Ping vd. (2012). “Masculinity Representations in Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Ads: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Comparison.” Advances in Advertising Research: Current Insights and Future Trends. Martin Eisend, Tobias Langner ve Shintaro Okazaki (eds.) içinde. European Advertising Academy.
  • Stevenson, Nick vd. (2000). “The Politics of New Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 3 (3): 366-385.
  • Stibbe, Arran (2004). “Health and the Social Construction of Masculinity in Men’s Health Magazine.” Men and Masculinities 7 (1): 31-51.
  • Strelan, Peter ve Hargreaves, Duane (2005). “Reasons for Exercise and Body Esteem: Men’s Responses to Self-Objectification.” Sex Roles 53 (7-8): 495-503.
  • Tan, Yue vd. (2013). “The Construction of Masculinity: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Advertisements.” Sex Roles 69: 237-249.
  • Taylor, Laramie D. (2006). “College Men, Their Magazines and Sex.” Sex Roles 55: 693-702.
  • Taylor, Laramie D. (2005). “All for Him: Articles about Sex in American Lad Magazines.” Sex Roles 52 (3-4): 153-163.
  • Vigorito, Anthony J. ve Curry, Timothy J. (1998). “Marketing Masculinity: Gender Identity and Popular Magazines.” Sex Roles 39: 135-152.
  • Wienke, Chris (1998). “Negotiating the Male Body: Men, Masculinity and Cultural Ideals.” The Journal of Men’s Studies 6 (3): 255-287.
  • Yuan, Sam T. H. ve Shaw, Ping (2011). “Masculinities on Display: An Analysis of New Men’s Image Presented in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines (1997-2006).” Mass Communication Research 107: 207-243.

Erkek Dergilerinde (Men’s Health-FHM-Esquire-GQ Türkiye Örneğinde) İdeal(leştirilen) Erkek(lik) İmajının İçerik Çözümlemesi

Yıl 2013, Sayı: 20, 140 - 164, 01.12.2013


Bu çalışmada, erkeklik ve erkekler bağlamında, erkek dergilerinde ideal(leştirilen) erkek(lik) imajının içerik çözümlemesi yapılmış ve bedensel görünümle ilgili olarak erkekliğe ve erkeklere ilişkin mesajları ortaya koyabilmek için örneklemi oluşturan dergilerin içeriği kategorileştirilerek incelenmiştir. İçerik çözümlemesinin odak noktasında, erkeklik ve erkek temsilleri yer almış, erkek(lik) imajı ise ana temayı oluşturmuştur. İçerik çözümlemesi için dört farklı erkek dergisinin -Men’s Health, FHM (For Him Magazine),Esquire, GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly) Türkiye baskılarıHaziran, Temmuz ve Ağustos sayıları (Mayıs 2013 ve Eylül 2013 tarihleri arasında yayımlanan) seçilmiştir. Çözümlemede, amaca yönelik örnekleme yaklaşımı benimsenmiş ve örneklemde yer alan dergiler, dergi türü, popülerlik ve okurların toplumsal cinsiyeti olmak üzere üç ana kriter dikkate alınarak belirlenmiştir. Örneklemde yer alan dergiler, özellikle boş zaman, moda, kültür, sağlık, spor ve formda olma ile ilgili popüler dergiler olarak tanımlanan ve hedef izler kitlesini erkeklerin oluşturduğu erkek (yaşam biçimi) dergileridir. Tüm yazılı metinler ve reklamlar dahil olmak üzere ön kapaktan arka kapağa kadar derginin tüm sayfaları, içerik çözümlemesinin araştırma birimini oluşturmuştur. Farklı erkek dergilerinde, erkekliğin ve erkeklerin nasıl sunulduğunu tüm yönleriyle anlayabilme olanağı sağladığı için erkek dergilerinin tüm sayfaları çözümlenmiştir. Bu dört erkek dergisinde yer alan yazılı metin ve reklam içeriklerinin sistematik olarak karşılaştırılması, erkek okurlara sunulan idealleştirilmiş erkek(lik) imajının, daha zayıf/ince, kaslı ve iyi giyimli/bakımlı olduğunu ve erkek dergilerinin, erkeklerin kendi imajlarını belirleyen ya da tanımlayan idealleştirilmiş erkek(lik) imajı ile uyumlu olduğunu ortaya koymuştur


  • Alexander, Susan M. (2003). “Stylish Hard Bodies: Branded Masculinity in Men’s Health Magazine.” Sociological Perspectives 46 (4): 535-554.
  • Attwood, Feona (2005). “Tits and Ass and Porn and Fighting: Male Heterosexuality in Magazines for Men.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 8 (1): 83-100.
  • Aydoğan, Filiz (2008). “Erkeklerin Tüketici Kitleler Haline Getirilmesinde Erkek Dergilerinin Rolü ve İçerik Analizi.” Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 (29): 239-246.
  • Batı, Uğur (2007). “Postmodernism, Consumption and Fashion: The Representation of Ideal Men Throughout the Fashion in Turkish Magazine Advertisements.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi 30: 19-36.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2004). “Ironic Discourse: Evasive Masculinity in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Men and Masculinities 7 (1): 3-21.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2003a). “Introduction: Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2003b). “Ambiguous Masculinities: Heroism and Anti-Heorism in the Men’s Lifestyle Magazine.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Benwell, Bethan (2002). “Is There Anything ‘New’ About These Lads? The Textual and Visual Construction of Masculinity in Men’s Magazines.” Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture. Lia Litosseliti ve Jane Sunderland (eds.) içinde.
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Boni, Federico (2002). “Framing Media Masculinities: Men’s Lifestyle Magazines and the Biopolitics of the Male Body.” European Journal of Communication 17 (4): 465-478.
  • Craig, Steve (1992). “Considering Men and the Media.” Men, Masculinity and the Media. Steve Craig (ed.) içinde. London: Sage.
  • Crewe, Ben (2003). Representing Men: Cultural Production and Producers in the Men’s Magazine Market. Oxford-New York: Berg.
  • Dworkin, Shari L. ve Wachs, Faye L. (2009). Body Panic: Gender, Health and the Selling of Fitness. New York: New York University Press.
  • Edwards, Tim (1997). Men in the Mirror: Men’s Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society. London: Cassell.
  • Elliott, Richard ve Elliott, Christine (2005). “Idealized Images of the Male Body in Advertising: A Reader‐ Response Exploration.” Journal of Marketing Communications 11 (1): 3-19.
  • Erdoğan, İlker (2013). “Erkek Dergilerinde Sağlıklı Erkek Neden İdeal Erkektir? Men’s Health Dergisinde Hegemonik Erkeklik ve Popüler Sağlık Söylemi.” Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi: İletişim (Sağlık İletişimi Özel Sayısı) 3: 133-154.
  • Erdoğan, İlker (2011). “Erkek Dergilerinde (Men’s Health-FHM-Esquire Türkiye Örneğinde) Hegemonik Erkek(lik), Beden Politikaları ve Yeni Erkek İmajı.” Medyada Hegemonik Erkek(lik) ve Temsil. İlker Erdoğan (ed.) içinde. İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • Frederick, David A. vd. (2005). “Do Representations of Male Muscularity Differ in Men’s and Women’s Magazines?” Body Image 2 (1): 81-86.
  • Giet, Sylvette (2006). Özgürleşin! Bu Bir Emirdir: Kadın ve Erkek Dergilerinde Beden. İdil Engindeniz (çev.) İstanbul: Dharma.
  • Gill, Rosalind vd. (2005). “Body Projects and the Regulation of Normative Masculinity.” Body&Society 11 (1): 37-62.
  • Gill, Rosalind (2003). “Power and the Production of Subjects: A Genealogy of the New Man and the New Lad.”
  • Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Grogan, Sarah ve Richards, Helen (2002). “Body Image: Focus Groups with Boys and Men.” Men and Masculinities 4 (3): 219-232.
  • Hall, Matthew ve Gough, Brendan (2011). “Magazine and Reader Constructions of ‘Metrosexuality’ and Masculinity: A Membership Categorisation Analysis.” Journal of Gender Studies 20 (1): 67-86.
  • Jackson, Peter vd. (2001). Making Sense of Men’s Magazines. Oxford-Malden: Polity.
  • Kolbe, Richard H. ve Albanese, Paul J. (1997). “The Functional Integration of Sole-Male Images into Magazine Advertisements.” Sex Roles 36 (11-12): 813-836.
  • Kolbe, Richard H. ve Albanese, Paul J. (1996). “Man to Man: A Content Analysis of Sole-Male Images in MaleAudience Magazines.” Journal of Advertising 25 (4): 1-20.
  • Kula Demir, Nesrin (2009). “Erkek Dergilerindeki Reklam Fotoğraflarında (Yeniden) Üretilen Metroseksüel Kimlik.” Erkek Kimliğinin Değişe(meye)n Halleri. Huriye Kuruoğlu (ed.) içinde. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2005a). “The Male Body Ideal: Perspectives of Readers and Non-Readers of Fitness Magazines.” The Journal of Men’s Health&Gender 2 (2): 223-229.
  • Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2005b). “Burn Fat, Build Muscle: A Content Analysis of Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness.” International Journal of Men’s Health 4 (2): 187-200.
  • Law, Cheryl ve Labre, Magdala Peixoto (2002). “Cultural Standards of Attractiveness: A 30-Year Look at Changes in Male Images in Magazines.” Journalism&Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (3): 697-711.
  • Leit, Richard A. vd. (2002). “The Media’s Representation of the Ideal Male Body: A Cause for Muscle Dysmorphia?” International Journal of Eating Disorders 31 (3): 334-338.
  • Lorenzen, Lisa A. vd. (2004). “Brief Report: Exposure to Muscular Male Models Decreases Men’s Body Satisfaction.” Sex Roles 51: 743-748.
  • Newman, Christy (2005). “Healthy, Wealthy and Globalized? Reader Letters to Australian Men’s Health Magazine.” Journal of Media&Cultural Studies 19 (2): 299-313.
  • Nixon, Sean (2001). “Resignifying Masculinity: From New Man to New Lad.” British Cultural Studies. David Morley ve Kevin Robins (eds.) içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Nixon, Sean (1996). Hard Looks: Masculinities, Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption. London: UCL.
  • Osgerby, Bill (2003). “A Pedigree of the Consuming Male: Masculinity, Consumption and the American Leisure Class.” Masculinity and Men’s Lifestyle Magazines. Bethan Benwell (ed.) içinde. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell.
  • Pope, Harrison vd. (2000). The Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession. New York: The Free.
  • Pringle, Richard (2005). “Masculinities, Sport and Power: A Critical Comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian Inspired Theoretical Tools.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 29 (3): 256-278.
  • Ricciardelli, Rosemary vd. (2010). “Investigating Hegemonic Masculinity: Portrayals of Masculinity in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” Sex Roles 63: 64-78.
  • Rohlinger, Deana A. (2002). “Eroticizing Men: Cultural Influences on Advertising and Male Objectification.” Sex Roles 46 (3-4): 61-74.
  • Shaw, Ping vd. (2012). “Masculinity Representations in Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Ads: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Comparison.” Advances in Advertising Research: Current Insights and Future Trends. Martin Eisend, Tobias Langner ve Shintaro Okazaki (eds.) içinde. European Advertising Academy.
  • Stevenson, Nick vd. (2000). “The Politics of New Men’s Lifestyle Magazines.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 3 (3): 366-385.
  • Stibbe, Arran (2004). “Health and the Social Construction of Masculinity in Men’s Health Magazine.” Men and Masculinities 7 (1): 31-51.
  • Strelan, Peter ve Hargreaves, Duane (2005). “Reasons for Exercise and Body Esteem: Men’s Responses to Self-Objectification.” Sex Roles 53 (7-8): 495-503.
  • Tan, Yue vd. (2013). “The Construction of Masculinity: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Advertisements.” Sex Roles 69: 237-249.
  • Taylor, Laramie D. (2006). “College Men, Their Magazines and Sex.” Sex Roles 55: 693-702.
  • Taylor, Laramie D. (2005). “All for Him: Articles about Sex in American Lad Magazines.” Sex Roles 52 (3-4): 153-163.
  • Vigorito, Anthony J. ve Curry, Timothy J. (1998). “Marketing Masculinity: Gender Identity and Popular Magazines.” Sex Roles 39: 135-152.
  • Wienke, Chris (1998). “Negotiating the Male Body: Men, Masculinity and Cultural Ideals.” The Journal of Men’s Studies 6 (3): 255-287.
  • Yuan, Sam T. H. ve Shaw, Ping (2011). “Masculinities on Display: An Analysis of New Men’s Image Presented in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines (1997-2006).” Mass Communication Research 107: 207-243.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

İlker Erdoğan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 20

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, İ. (2013). Erkek Dergilerinde (Men’s Health-FHM-Esquire-GQ Türkiye Örneğinde) İdeal(leştirilen) Erkek(lik) İmajının İçerik Çözümlemesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(20), 140-164.

Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.