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Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey)

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 33 - 43, 30.04.2018


This study was designed with an aim to observe the effect on the physiological parameters of epiphytic lichens of the climatic conditions, population and traffic activity in the sites. The study was carried out in thalli of Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach., Parmelia sulcata Taylor and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf collected from the urban and rural area. Six parameters (total protein, total carbohydrate, Chl-a, Chl-b, carotenoid content and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities were measured in thalli of epiphytic lichens. Protein content and GST activity were showed a negative correlation with rainfall and humidity, while positively correlation with temperature, population and the number of motor vehicles. GST activity was increased by increasing the level of pollution in sites, and Chl-a content decreased. Chl-a and carotenoids content were showed a positive correlation with rainfall and humidity, while negatively correlated with temperature, population and the number of motor vehicles. Total carbohydrate and Chl-b content in thalli of three epiphytic lichen species were not a significant correlation with climatic and anthropogenic parameters.


  • Anonymous, 2011. Environmental indicators 2010, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, General Directorate of Environmen Impact Assessment, Permitting and Inspection, Department of Environmental Inventroy and Information Management, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2012. Provincial road traffic and travel information 2008–2012. Annual average daily traffic value and transport information according to provincial road traffic zone, Traffic Safety Department Presidency, Transportation Studies Branch Manager, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2013. Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) (TurkStat, Turkey’s Statistical Yearbook, 2013) Ayrault, S., Clochiatti, R., Carrot, F., Daudin, L. and Bennett, J.P., 2007. Factors to consider for trace element deposition biomonitoring surveys with lichen transplants. Science of the Total Environment, 372, 717–727.
  • Bowman, B.P., Snell, T.W., and Cochrone, B.J., 1990. Isolation and purification of glutathione S-transferase from Brachionus plicatilis and B. calyciflorus (Rotifera). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part B), 95, 619–629.
  • Bradford, M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of micrograms quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72, 248–254.
  • Carreras, H.A., Gudino, G.L. and Pignata, M.L., 1998. Comparative biomonitoring of atmospheric quality in five zones of Cordoba city (Argentina) employing the transplanted lichen Usnea sp. Environmental Pollution, 103, 317-325.
  • Carreras, H.A. and Pignata, M.L., 2001. Comparison among air pollutants, meteorological conditions and some chemical parameters in the transplanted lichen Usnea amblyoclada. Environmental Pollution, 111, 45–52.
  • Conti, M.E. and Cecchetti, G., 2001. Biological monitoring: lichens as bioindicators of air pollution assessment – a review. Environmental Pollution, 114, 471–92.
  • Fernandez-Salegui, A.B., Calatayud, A., Terron, A. and Barreno, E.M., 2006. Chlorophyll a fluorescence in transplants of Parmelia sulcata Taylor near a power station (La Robla, León, Spain). The Lichenologist, 38(5), 457–468.
  • Ferrat, L., Barelli, M.G., Martini, C.P. and Romeo, M., 2003. Mercury and non-protein thiol compounds in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part C), 134, 147–155.
  • Frati, L., Caprasecca, E., Santoni, S., Gaggi, C., Guttova, A., Gaudino, S., Pati, A., Rosamilia, S., Pirintsos, S.A. and Loppi, S., 2006. Effects of NO2 and NH3 from road traffic on epiphytic lichens. Environmental Pollution, 142, 58–64.
  • Garty, J., Karary, Y. and Harel, J., 1992. Effect of low pH, heavy metals and anions on chlorophyll degradation in the lichen Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl. Environ. Exp. Bot., 32, 229–241.
  • Garty, J., Tamir, O., Hassid, I., Eshel, A., Cohen, Y., Karnieli, A. and Orlovsky, L., 2001. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll integrity, and spectral reflectance in lichens exposed to air pollution. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30, 884–893.
  • Gauslaa, Y., Kopperud, C. and Solhaund, K.A., 1996. Optimal quantum yield of photosystem II and chlorophyll degradation of Lobaria pulmonaria in relation to pH. Lichenologist, 28, 267–278.
  • Gilbert, N.L., Woodhouse, S., Stieb, D.M. and Brook, J.R., 2003. Ambient nitrogen dioxide and distance from a major highway. Science of the Total Environment, 312, 43–46.
  • Gilbert, N.L., Goldberg, M.S., Brook, J.R. and Jerrett, M., 2007. The influence of highway traffic on ambient nitrogen dioxide concentrations beyond the immediate vicinity of highways. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2670–2673.
  • Giordani, P., Brunialti, G. and Alleteo, D., 2002. Effects of atmospheric pollution on lichen biodiversity (LB) in a Mediterranean region (Liguria, northwest Italy). Environmental Pollution, 118, 53–64.
  • Giordani, P., 2007. Is the diversity of epiphytic lichens a reliable indicator of air pollution? A case study from Italy. Environmental Pollution, 146, 317–323.
  • Giordano, S., Adamo, P., Sorbo, S. and Vingiani, S., 2005. Atmospheric trace metal pollution in the Naples urban area based on results from moss and lichen bags. Environmental Pollution, 136, 431–42.
  • Gombert, S., Asta, J. and Seaward, M.R.D., 2003. Correlation between the nitrogen concentration of two epiphytic lichens and the traffic density in an urban area. Environmental Pollution, 123, 281–290.
  • Habig, H.W., Pabst, J.M. and Jakoby, W.B., 1974. Glutathione S-Transferase: The first enzymatic step in mercapturic acid formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 249, 7130–7139.
  • Haffner, E., Lomsky, B., Hynek, V., Hallgren, J.E., Batı, F. and Pfanz, H., 2001. Air pollution and lichen physiology. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 131, 185–201.
  • Jeffrey, S.W. and Humprey, G.F., 1975. New spectrophometric equations for determining chlorophyll a, b, c1, and c2 in higher plants, algae and natural populations. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen, 167, 191–194.
  • Karaer, F., 2011. The environment status report of TR41 region. Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency (BEBKA).
  • Laurentin, A. and Edwards, C.A., 2003. A microtiter modification of the Anthrone-Sulphuric acid colorimetric assay for glucose-based carbohydrates. Analytical Biochemistry, 315, 143–145.
  • Lackovic, A., Guttova, A., Backor, M., Pisut, P. and Pisut, I., 2013. Response of Evernia prunastri to urban environmental conditions in Central Europe after the decrease of air pollution. The Lichenologist, 45(1), 89–100.
  • Lichtenthaler, H.K. and Wellburn, A.R., 1985. Determination of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf in different solvents. Biol. Soc. Trans., 11, 591–592.
  • Llop, E., Pinho, P., Matosa, P., Pereirab, M.J. and Branquinhoa, C., 2012. The use of lichen functional groups as indicators of air quality in a Mediterranean urban environment. Ecological Indicators, 13, 215–221.
  • Loppi, S., Ivanov, D. and Boccardi, R., 2002. Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and air pollution in the town of Siena (Central Italy). Environmental Pollution, 116, 123–128.
  • Munzi, S., Pirintsos, S.A. and Loppi, S., 2009. Chlorophyll degradation and inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis in the lichen Xanthoria parietina under nitrogen stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72, 281–285.
  • Nimis, P.L., Lazzarin, G., Lazzarin, A. and Skert, N., 2000. Biomonitoring of trace elements with lichens in Veneto (NE Italy). Sci Total Environ, 255, 97–111.
  • Öztetik, E. and Çiçek, A., 2011. Effects of urban air pollutants on elemental accumulation and identification of oxidative stress biomarkers in the transplanted lichen Pseudoevernia furfuracea. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(7), 1629–1636.
  • Oran, S. and Öztürk, Ş., 2012. Epiphytic lichen diversity on Quercus cerris and Q. frainetto in the Marmara region (Turkey). Turk J Bot, 36, 175–190.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, Ş. and Aslan, A., 1997. Distribution of epiphytic lichens and sulphur dioxide (SO2) pollution in the city of Bursa. Tr.J. of Botany, 21, 211–215.
  • Öztürk, M.Z., 2010. Comparative climate of Uludağ (Zirve) and Bursa Meteorology Stations. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 55, 13–24.
  • Öztürk, Ş. and Güvenç, Ş., 2010. The distribution of epiphytic lichens on Uludag fir (Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach subsp. bornmuelleriana (Mattf.) Coode & Cullen) forests along an altitudinal gradient (Mt. Uludag, Bursa, Turkey). Ekoloji, 19(74), 131–138.
  • Paoli, L. and Loppi, S., 2008. A biological method to monitor early effects of the air pollution caused by the industrial exploitation of geothermal energy. Environmental Pollution, 155, 383–388
  • Paoli, L., Pisani, T., Munzi, S., Gaggi, C. and Loppi, S., 2010. Influence of sun irradiance and water availability on lichen photosynthetic pigments during a Mediterranean summer. Biologia, 65, 776–783.
  • Paoli, L., Pisani, T., Guttova, A., Sardella, G. and Loppi, S., 2011. Physiological and chemical response of lichens transplanted in and around an industrial area of south Italy: relationship with the lichen diversity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 650–657.
  • Pinho, P., Augusto, S., Branquinho, C., Bio, A., Pereira, M.J., Soares, A. and Catarino, F., 2004. Mapping lichen diversity as a first step for air quality assessment. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 49, 377–389.
  • Pirintsos, S., Paoli, L., Loppi, S. and Kotzabasis, K., 2011. Photosynthetic performance of lichen transplants as early indicator of climatic stress along an altitudinal gradient in the arid Mediterranean area. Climatic Change, 107, 305–328.
  • Ra, H.S.Y., Geiser, L.H. and Crang, R.F.E., 2005. Effects of season and low-level air pollution on physiology and element content of lichens from the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Sci. Total Environ., 343(1-3), 155–167.
  • Riddell, J., Padgett, P.E. and Nash III, T.H., 2012. Physiological responses of lichens to factorial fumigations with nitric acid and ozone. Environmental Pollution, 170, 202–210.
  • Rustichelli, C., Visioli, G., Kostecka, D., Vurro, E., di Toppi, L.S. and Marmiroli, N., 2008. Proteomic analysis in the lichen Physcia adscendens exposed to cadmium stres. Environmental Pollution, 156, 1121–1127.
  • Seed, L., Wolseley, P., Gosling, L., Davies, L. and Power, S.A., 2013. Modelling relationships between lichen bioindicators, air quality and climate on a national scale: Results from the UK OPAL air survey. Environmental Pollution, 182, 437–447.
  • Shukla, V. and Upreti, D.K., 2007. Physiological response of the lichen Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl., to the urban environment of Pauri and Srinagar (Garhwal), Himalayas, India. Environmental Pollution, 150, 295–299.
  • Shukla, V. and Upreti, D.K., 2008. Effect of metallic pollutants on the physiology of lichen, Pyxine subcinerea Stirton in Garhwal Himalayas. Environ Monit Assess., 141, 237–243.
  • Taşdemir, Y., 2002. Air Pollution Caused by Sulfur Dioxide in Bursa. Ekoloji Çevre dergisi, 11(42), 12–15.
  • Tretiach, M., Piccotto, M. and Baruffo, L., 2007. Effects of ambient NOx on chlorophyll a fluorescence in transplanted Flavoparmelia caperata. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(8), 2978–2984.
  • TSMS, 2018. Climate data of Bursa province (Period of 1926-2016). Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), Ankara.
  • van Herk, C.M., 2001. Bark pH and susceptibility to toxic air pollutants as independent causes of changes in epiphytic lichen composition in space and time. Lichenologist, 33(5), 419–441.
  • van Herk, C.M., Aptroot, A. and van Dobben, H.F., 2002. Long-term monitoring in the Netherlands suggests that lichens respond to global warming. Lichenologist, 34(2), 141–154.
  • von Arb, C., Mueller, C., Ammann, K. and Brunold, C., 1990. Lichen physiology and air pollution II. Statistical analysis of the correlation between SO2, NO2, NO and O3 and chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis, sulphate uptake and protein synthesis of Parmelia sulcata Taylor. New Phytol., 115, 431–437.
  • Yıldız, A., Aksoy, A., Tug, G.N., Islek, C. and Demirezen, D., 2008. Biomonitoring of heavy metals by Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf in Ankara (Turkey). J Atmos Chem., 60, 71–81.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 33 - 43, 30.04.2018



  • Anonymous, 2011. Environmental indicators 2010, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, General Directorate of Environmen Impact Assessment, Permitting and Inspection, Department of Environmental Inventroy and Information Management, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2012. Provincial road traffic and travel information 2008–2012. Annual average daily traffic value and transport information according to provincial road traffic zone, Traffic Safety Department Presidency, Transportation Studies Branch Manager, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2013. Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) (TurkStat, Turkey’s Statistical Yearbook, 2013) Ayrault, S., Clochiatti, R., Carrot, F., Daudin, L. and Bennett, J.P., 2007. Factors to consider for trace element deposition biomonitoring surveys with lichen transplants. Science of the Total Environment, 372, 717–727.
  • Bowman, B.P., Snell, T.W., and Cochrone, B.J., 1990. Isolation and purification of glutathione S-transferase from Brachionus plicatilis and B. calyciflorus (Rotifera). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part B), 95, 619–629.
  • Bradford, M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of micrograms quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72, 248–254.
  • Carreras, H.A., Gudino, G.L. and Pignata, M.L., 1998. Comparative biomonitoring of atmospheric quality in five zones of Cordoba city (Argentina) employing the transplanted lichen Usnea sp. Environmental Pollution, 103, 317-325.
  • Carreras, H.A. and Pignata, M.L., 2001. Comparison among air pollutants, meteorological conditions and some chemical parameters in the transplanted lichen Usnea amblyoclada. Environmental Pollution, 111, 45–52.
  • Conti, M.E. and Cecchetti, G., 2001. Biological monitoring: lichens as bioindicators of air pollution assessment – a review. Environmental Pollution, 114, 471–92.
  • Fernandez-Salegui, A.B., Calatayud, A., Terron, A. and Barreno, E.M., 2006. Chlorophyll a fluorescence in transplants of Parmelia sulcata Taylor near a power station (La Robla, León, Spain). The Lichenologist, 38(5), 457–468.
  • Ferrat, L., Barelli, M.G., Martini, C.P. and Romeo, M., 2003. Mercury and non-protein thiol compounds in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part C), 134, 147–155.
  • Frati, L., Caprasecca, E., Santoni, S., Gaggi, C., Guttova, A., Gaudino, S., Pati, A., Rosamilia, S., Pirintsos, S.A. and Loppi, S., 2006. Effects of NO2 and NH3 from road traffic on epiphytic lichens. Environmental Pollution, 142, 58–64.
  • Garty, J., Karary, Y. and Harel, J., 1992. Effect of low pH, heavy metals and anions on chlorophyll degradation in the lichen Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl. Environ. Exp. Bot., 32, 229–241.
  • Garty, J., Tamir, O., Hassid, I., Eshel, A., Cohen, Y., Karnieli, A. and Orlovsky, L., 2001. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll integrity, and spectral reflectance in lichens exposed to air pollution. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30, 884–893.
  • Gauslaa, Y., Kopperud, C. and Solhaund, K.A., 1996. Optimal quantum yield of photosystem II and chlorophyll degradation of Lobaria pulmonaria in relation to pH. Lichenologist, 28, 267–278.
  • Gilbert, N.L., Woodhouse, S., Stieb, D.M. and Brook, J.R., 2003. Ambient nitrogen dioxide and distance from a major highway. Science of the Total Environment, 312, 43–46.
  • Gilbert, N.L., Goldberg, M.S., Brook, J.R. and Jerrett, M., 2007. The influence of highway traffic on ambient nitrogen dioxide concentrations beyond the immediate vicinity of highways. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2670–2673.
  • Giordani, P., Brunialti, G. and Alleteo, D., 2002. Effects of atmospheric pollution on lichen biodiversity (LB) in a Mediterranean region (Liguria, northwest Italy). Environmental Pollution, 118, 53–64.
  • Giordani, P., 2007. Is the diversity of epiphytic lichens a reliable indicator of air pollution? A case study from Italy. Environmental Pollution, 146, 317–323.
  • Giordano, S., Adamo, P., Sorbo, S. and Vingiani, S., 2005. Atmospheric trace metal pollution in the Naples urban area based on results from moss and lichen bags. Environmental Pollution, 136, 431–42.
  • Gombert, S., Asta, J. and Seaward, M.R.D., 2003. Correlation between the nitrogen concentration of two epiphytic lichens and the traffic density in an urban area. Environmental Pollution, 123, 281–290.
  • Habig, H.W., Pabst, J.M. and Jakoby, W.B., 1974. Glutathione S-Transferase: The first enzymatic step in mercapturic acid formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 249, 7130–7139.
  • Haffner, E., Lomsky, B., Hynek, V., Hallgren, J.E., Batı, F. and Pfanz, H., 2001. Air pollution and lichen physiology. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 131, 185–201.
  • Jeffrey, S.W. and Humprey, G.F., 1975. New spectrophometric equations for determining chlorophyll a, b, c1, and c2 in higher plants, algae and natural populations. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen, 167, 191–194.
  • Karaer, F., 2011. The environment status report of TR41 region. Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency (BEBKA).
  • Laurentin, A. and Edwards, C.A., 2003. A microtiter modification of the Anthrone-Sulphuric acid colorimetric assay for glucose-based carbohydrates. Analytical Biochemistry, 315, 143–145.
  • Lackovic, A., Guttova, A., Backor, M., Pisut, P. and Pisut, I., 2013. Response of Evernia prunastri to urban environmental conditions in Central Europe after the decrease of air pollution. The Lichenologist, 45(1), 89–100.
  • Lichtenthaler, H.K. and Wellburn, A.R., 1985. Determination of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf in different solvents. Biol. Soc. Trans., 11, 591–592.
  • Llop, E., Pinho, P., Matosa, P., Pereirab, M.J. and Branquinhoa, C., 2012. The use of lichen functional groups as indicators of air quality in a Mediterranean urban environment. Ecological Indicators, 13, 215–221.
  • Loppi, S., Ivanov, D. and Boccardi, R., 2002. Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and air pollution in the town of Siena (Central Italy). Environmental Pollution, 116, 123–128.
  • Munzi, S., Pirintsos, S.A. and Loppi, S., 2009. Chlorophyll degradation and inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis in the lichen Xanthoria parietina under nitrogen stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72, 281–285.
  • Nimis, P.L., Lazzarin, G., Lazzarin, A. and Skert, N., 2000. Biomonitoring of trace elements with lichens in Veneto (NE Italy). Sci Total Environ, 255, 97–111.
  • Öztetik, E. and Çiçek, A., 2011. Effects of urban air pollutants on elemental accumulation and identification of oxidative stress biomarkers in the transplanted lichen Pseudoevernia furfuracea. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(7), 1629–1636.
  • Oran, S. and Öztürk, Ş., 2012. Epiphytic lichen diversity on Quercus cerris and Q. frainetto in the Marmara region (Turkey). Turk J Bot, 36, 175–190.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, Ş. and Aslan, A., 1997. Distribution of epiphytic lichens and sulphur dioxide (SO2) pollution in the city of Bursa. Tr.J. of Botany, 21, 211–215.
  • Öztürk, M.Z., 2010. Comparative climate of Uludağ (Zirve) and Bursa Meteorology Stations. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 55, 13–24.
  • Öztürk, Ş. and Güvenç, Ş., 2010. The distribution of epiphytic lichens on Uludag fir (Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach subsp. bornmuelleriana (Mattf.) Coode & Cullen) forests along an altitudinal gradient (Mt. Uludag, Bursa, Turkey). Ekoloji, 19(74), 131–138.
  • Paoli, L. and Loppi, S., 2008. A biological method to monitor early effects of the air pollution caused by the industrial exploitation of geothermal energy. Environmental Pollution, 155, 383–388
  • Paoli, L., Pisani, T., Munzi, S., Gaggi, C. and Loppi, S., 2010. Influence of sun irradiance and water availability on lichen photosynthetic pigments during a Mediterranean summer. Biologia, 65, 776–783.
  • Paoli, L., Pisani, T., Guttova, A., Sardella, G. and Loppi, S., 2011. Physiological and chemical response of lichens transplanted in and around an industrial area of south Italy: relationship with the lichen diversity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 650–657.
  • Pinho, P., Augusto, S., Branquinho, C., Bio, A., Pereira, M.J., Soares, A. and Catarino, F., 2004. Mapping lichen diversity as a first step for air quality assessment. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 49, 377–389.
  • Pirintsos, S., Paoli, L., Loppi, S. and Kotzabasis, K., 2011. Photosynthetic performance of lichen transplants as early indicator of climatic stress along an altitudinal gradient in the arid Mediterranean area. Climatic Change, 107, 305–328.
  • Ra, H.S.Y., Geiser, L.H. and Crang, R.F.E., 2005. Effects of season and low-level air pollution on physiology and element content of lichens from the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Sci. Total Environ., 343(1-3), 155–167.
  • Riddell, J., Padgett, P.E. and Nash III, T.H., 2012. Physiological responses of lichens to factorial fumigations with nitric acid and ozone. Environmental Pollution, 170, 202–210.
  • Rustichelli, C., Visioli, G., Kostecka, D., Vurro, E., di Toppi, L.S. and Marmiroli, N., 2008. Proteomic analysis in the lichen Physcia adscendens exposed to cadmium stres. Environmental Pollution, 156, 1121–1127.
  • Seed, L., Wolseley, P., Gosling, L., Davies, L. and Power, S.A., 2013. Modelling relationships between lichen bioindicators, air quality and climate on a national scale: Results from the UK OPAL air survey. Environmental Pollution, 182, 437–447.
  • Shukla, V. and Upreti, D.K., 2007. Physiological response of the lichen Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl., to the urban environment of Pauri and Srinagar (Garhwal), Himalayas, India. Environmental Pollution, 150, 295–299.
  • Shukla, V. and Upreti, D.K., 2008. Effect of metallic pollutants on the physiology of lichen, Pyxine subcinerea Stirton in Garhwal Himalayas. Environ Monit Assess., 141, 237–243.
  • Taşdemir, Y., 2002. Air Pollution Caused by Sulfur Dioxide in Bursa. Ekoloji Çevre dergisi, 11(42), 12–15.
  • Tretiach, M., Piccotto, M. and Baruffo, L., 2007. Effects of ambient NOx on chlorophyll a fluorescence in transplanted Flavoparmelia caperata. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(8), 2978–2984.
  • TSMS, 2018. Climate data of Bursa province (Period of 1926-2016). Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), Ankara.
  • van Herk, C.M., 2001. Bark pH and susceptibility to toxic air pollutants as independent causes of changes in epiphytic lichen composition in space and time. Lichenologist, 33(5), 419–441.
  • van Herk, C.M., Aptroot, A. and van Dobben, H.F., 2002. Long-term monitoring in the Netherlands suggests that lichens respond to global warming. Lichenologist, 34(2), 141–154.
  • von Arb, C., Mueller, C., Ammann, K. and Brunold, C., 1990. Lichen physiology and air pollution II. Statistical analysis of the correlation between SO2, NO2, NO and O3 and chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis, sulphate uptake and protein synthesis of Parmelia sulcata Taylor. New Phytol., 115, 431–437.
  • Yıldız, A., Aksoy, A., Tug, G.N., Islek, C. and Demirezen, D., 2008. Biomonitoring of heavy metals by Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf in Ankara (Turkey). J Atmos Chem., 60, 71–81.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Şaban Güvenç

Gamze Yıldız Bu kişi benim

Egemen Dere Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güvenç, Ş., Yıldız, G., & Dere, E. (2018). Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(1), 33-43.
AMA Güvenç Ş, Yıldız G, Dere E. Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Nisan 2018;18(1):33-43.
Chicago Güvenç, Şaban, Gamze Yıldız, ve Egemen Dere. “Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 18, sy. 1 (Nisan 2018): 33-43.
EndNote Güvenç Ş, Yıldız G, Dere E (01 Nisan 2018) Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 18 1 33–43.
IEEE Ş. Güvenç, G. Yıldız, ve E. Dere, “Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey)”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 1, ss. 33–43, 2018.
ISNAD Güvenç, Şaban vd. “Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 18/1 (Nisan 2018), 33-43.
JAMA Güvenç Ş, Yıldız G, Dere E. Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;18:33–43.
MLA Güvenç, Şaban vd. “Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 33-43.
Vancouver Güvenç Ş, Yıldız G, Dere E. Physiological Responses Of Epiphytic Lichens To The Urban And Rural Environment In The City Of Bursa (Turkey). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;18(1):33-4.

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