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Gevşek Kum Zemine Oturan Radyelerin Taşıma Gücü ve Oturmasına Kazık İlavesinin ve Uzunluğunun Etkisinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 399 - 407, 30.04.2021


Temeller, çok sayıda inşaat projesinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Yapısal yüklerin yüzeysel temellerle güvenli bir şekilde taşınamadığı durumlarda, kazıklar veya kazıklı temeller kullanılır. Bu çalışmada radye ve kazıklı radye temellerin taşıma gücü ve oturmasının belirlenmesi incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla bir deney düzeneği oluşturuldu; model radye ve model kazıklı radye temeller üzerine yükleme deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, pahalı ve zaman alıcı saha denemeleri yapmadan, kumlu zeminlere gömülü kazıkların taşıma kapasitesinin ön değerlendirmesi ve oturması için bir referans görevi görebilir.


  • Terzaghi K. and Peck, R.B., 1948. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley and Sons, USA.
  • Janbu, N., 1976. Static bearing capacity of friction piles, In Sechste Europa Eische Konferenz fuer Boden Mechanik und Grundbau, 1.
  • Meyerhof, G.G., 1963. Some recent research on the bearing capacity of foundations, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1(1), 16-26.
  • Vesic, A.S., 1963. Bearing capacity of deep foundation in sand, Highway Research Record, National Academy of Sciences, 39, 113-151.
  • Coyle, H.M. and Castello, R.R., 1981. New design correlations for piles in sand, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 107.
  • Burland, J.B., Broms, B.B. and De Mello, V.F.B., 1977. Behaviour of foundations and structures, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokio, 2, 495-546.
  • Padfield, C.J. and Sharrock, M.J., 1983. Settlement of Structures on Clay Soil, Construction Industry Research and Information Institute, Special Publication 27, London.
  • Hansbo S. and Jendeby, L., 1983. Case Study of Two Alternative Foundation Principle; Conventional Friction piling and Creep Piling, Vag-och Vatten by garen, 7-8, 29-31.
  • Cooke, R.W., 1986. Piled Raft Foundations on Stiff Clays, Geotechnique, 35, 2, 169-203.
  • Elwakil, A.Z. and Azzam, W. R., 2016. Experimental and numerical study of piled raft system, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55(1), 547–560.
  • Al-Mosawi, M.J., Fattah, M.Y. and Al-Zayadi, A. A. O., 2011. Experimental Observations on the Behavior of a Piled Raft Foundation, Journal of Engineering, 17(4), 1–11.
  • Horikoshi, K., Matsumoto, T., Hashizume, Y., Watanabe, T. and Fukuyama, H., 2003. Performance of piled raft foundations subjected to static horizontal loads,” International Journal of Physical Modeling in Geotechnics,3, 37–50.
  • Lee S.H. and Chung, C.K., 2005. An experimental study of the interaction of vertically loaded pile groups in sand, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 42, 1485–93.
  • Bajad, S.P. and Sahu, R. B., 2008. An experimental study on the behavior of vertically loaded piled raft on soft clay, The 12th Intl. Conf. Of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 84–90.
  • Fioravante, V. Giretti, D. and Jamiolkowski, M., 2008. Physical modeling of raft on settlement reducing piles, In: From Research to Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, 206–39.
  • Phung, D.L., 2010. Piled raft –a cost-effective foundation method for high-rises, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS&AGSSEA, 41(3), 1–12.
  • Russo, G. and Viggiani, C., 1998. Factors controlling soil-structure interaction for piled rafts, In: Darmstadt Geotechnics, Darmstadt: Darmstadt University of Technology, 297–322.
  • Viggiani, C., 2001. Analysis and design of piled foundations, 1st Arrigo Croce Lecture, Rivista Italiana de Geot, 47–75.
  • Randolph, M.F., Jamiolkowski, M.B. and Zdravkovic, L., 2004. Load carrying capacity of foundations, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering—the Skempton Conference. London: Thomas Telford Limited, 207–40.
  • Sanctis, L.D. and Mandolini, A., 2006. Bearing capacity of piled rafts on soft clay Soils, International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(12).
  • Sanctis, L.D. and Russo, G., 2008. Analysis and performance of piled rafts designed using innovative criteria, International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134(8).
  • Ponomarev, A.B., Akbulyakova, E.N. and Ofrichter, Y.V., 2020. Prediction of bearing capacity of driven piles in semi-rocky soils, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57(2).
  • Gotman, N.Z. and Alekhin, V.S., 2020. Calculation of the ultimate resistance of the pile basis in pile groups, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57(1).
  • Nguyen, D.D.C., Jo, S.B. and Kim, D.S., 2013. Design method of piled-raft foundations under vertical load considering interaction effects, Computers and Geotechnics, 47, 16-27.
  • Briaud, J.L. and Jeanjean, P., 1994. Load settlement curve method for spread footings on sand, ASCE, 2, 1774-1804.
  • Debeer, E.E., 1970. Experimental determination of the shape factors and the bearing capacity factors of sand, Geotechnique, 20, 4, 387-411.
  • Trautmann, C.H. and Kulhawy, F.H., 1998. Uplift load-displacement behavior of spread foundations, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 114, 2, 168-183.
  • ASTM D-854, 2006. Standard test methods for specific gravity of soil solids by water pycnometer, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D3080M-11, 2011. Standard test method for direct shear test of soils under consolidated drained conditions, ASTM International, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D4253-16, 2016. Standard test methods for maximum index density and unit weight of soils using a vibratory table, ASTM International, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D-6913, 2017. Standard test methods for particle-size distribution (gradation) of soils using sieve analysis, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken.

Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 399 - 407, 30.04.2021


FFoundations are important parts of many construction projects. Piles or piled foundations are used in the cases where the structural loads cannot be carried safely with the shallow foundations. In this study, it is aimed to investigate and compare the bearing capacity and sitting settlement of rafts and piled raft foundations. For this purpose, a test setup was formed and loading tests were carried out on a model raft and a model piled foundation. The results can serve as a reference for the preliminary assessment of bearing capacity and settlement of driven piles embedded in sandy soils without conducting expensive and time-consuming field trials.


  • Terzaghi K. and Peck, R.B., 1948. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley and Sons, USA.
  • Janbu, N., 1976. Static bearing capacity of friction piles, In Sechste Europa Eische Konferenz fuer Boden Mechanik und Grundbau, 1.
  • Meyerhof, G.G., 1963. Some recent research on the bearing capacity of foundations, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1(1), 16-26.
  • Vesic, A.S., 1963. Bearing capacity of deep foundation in sand, Highway Research Record, National Academy of Sciences, 39, 113-151.
  • Coyle, H.M. and Castello, R.R., 1981. New design correlations for piles in sand, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 107.
  • Burland, J.B., Broms, B.B. and De Mello, V.F.B., 1977. Behaviour of foundations and structures, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokio, 2, 495-546.
  • Padfield, C.J. and Sharrock, M.J., 1983. Settlement of Structures on Clay Soil, Construction Industry Research and Information Institute, Special Publication 27, London.
  • Hansbo S. and Jendeby, L., 1983. Case Study of Two Alternative Foundation Principle; Conventional Friction piling and Creep Piling, Vag-och Vatten by garen, 7-8, 29-31.
  • Cooke, R.W., 1986. Piled Raft Foundations on Stiff Clays, Geotechnique, 35, 2, 169-203.
  • Elwakil, A.Z. and Azzam, W. R., 2016. Experimental and numerical study of piled raft system, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55(1), 547–560.
  • Al-Mosawi, M.J., Fattah, M.Y. and Al-Zayadi, A. A. O., 2011. Experimental Observations on the Behavior of a Piled Raft Foundation, Journal of Engineering, 17(4), 1–11.
  • Horikoshi, K., Matsumoto, T., Hashizume, Y., Watanabe, T. and Fukuyama, H., 2003. Performance of piled raft foundations subjected to static horizontal loads,” International Journal of Physical Modeling in Geotechnics,3, 37–50.
  • Lee S.H. and Chung, C.K., 2005. An experimental study of the interaction of vertically loaded pile groups in sand, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 42, 1485–93.
  • Bajad, S.P. and Sahu, R. B., 2008. An experimental study on the behavior of vertically loaded piled raft on soft clay, The 12th Intl. Conf. Of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 84–90.
  • Fioravante, V. Giretti, D. and Jamiolkowski, M., 2008. Physical modeling of raft on settlement reducing piles, In: From Research to Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, 206–39.
  • Phung, D.L., 2010. Piled raft –a cost-effective foundation method for high-rises, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS&AGSSEA, 41(3), 1–12.
  • Russo, G. and Viggiani, C., 1998. Factors controlling soil-structure interaction for piled rafts, In: Darmstadt Geotechnics, Darmstadt: Darmstadt University of Technology, 297–322.
  • Viggiani, C., 2001. Analysis and design of piled foundations, 1st Arrigo Croce Lecture, Rivista Italiana de Geot, 47–75.
  • Randolph, M.F., Jamiolkowski, M.B. and Zdravkovic, L., 2004. Load carrying capacity of foundations, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering—the Skempton Conference. London: Thomas Telford Limited, 207–40.
  • Sanctis, L.D. and Mandolini, A., 2006. Bearing capacity of piled rafts on soft clay Soils, International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(12).
  • Sanctis, L.D. and Russo, G., 2008. Analysis and performance of piled rafts designed using innovative criteria, International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134(8).
  • Ponomarev, A.B., Akbulyakova, E.N. and Ofrichter, Y.V., 2020. Prediction of bearing capacity of driven piles in semi-rocky soils, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57(2).
  • Gotman, N.Z. and Alekhin, V.S., 2020. Calculation of the ultimate resistance of the pile basis in pile groups, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57(1).
  • Nguyen, D.D.C., Jo, S.B. and Kim, D.S., 2013. Design method of piled-raft foundations under vertical load considering interaction effects, Computers and Geotechnics, 47, 16-27.
  • Briaud, J.L. and Jeanjean, P., 1994. Load settlement curve method for spread footings on sand, ASCE, 2, 1774-1804.
  • Debeer, E.E., 1970. Experimental determination of the shape factors and the bearing capacity factors of sand, Geotechnique, 20, 4, 387-411.
  • Trautmann, C.H. and Kulhawy, F.H., 1998. Uplift load-displacement behavior of spread foundations, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 114, 2, 168-183.
  • ASTM D-854, 2006. Standard test methods for specific gravity of soil solids by water pycnometer, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D3080M-11, 2011. Standard test method for direct shear test of soils under consolidated drained conditions, ASTM International, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D4253-16, 2016. Standard test methods for maximum index density and unit weight of soils using a vibratory table, ASTM International, West Conshohocken.
  • ASTM D-6913, 2017. Standard test methods for particle-size distribution (gradation) of soils using sieve analysis, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Bayram Ateş 0000-0002-1251-7053

Erol Şadoğlu 0000-0003-3757-5126

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateş, B., & Şadoğlu, E. (2021). Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(2), 399-407.
AMA Ateş B, Şadoğlu E. Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Nisan 2021;21(2):399-407. doi:10.35414/akufemubid.863095
Chicago Ateş, Bayram, ve Erol Şadoğlu. “Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 21, sy. 2 (Nisan 2021): 399-407.
EndNote Ateş B, Şadoğlu E (01 Nisan 2021) Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 21 2 399–407.
IEEE B. Ateş ve E. Şadoğlu, “Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 2, ss. 399–407, 2021, doi: 10.35414/akufemubid.863095.
ISNAD Ateş, Bayram - Şadoğlu, Erol. “Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 21/2 (Nisan 2021), 399-407.
JAMA Ateş B, Şadoğlu E. Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;21:399–407.
MLA Ateş, Bayram ve Erol Şadoğlu. “Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 399-07, doi:10.35414/akufemubid.863095.
Vancouver Ateş B, Şadoğlu E. Experimental Investigation of Pile Addition and Length on Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Rafts on Loose Sandy Soil. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;21(2):399-407.

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