Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 45 - 56, 22.06.2020


In this study was to review of the use of cryptocurrencies as payment
methods in tourism enterprises on the consumer's purchase intention, In this
context, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the level of
perception of the business using cryptocurrency, the benefit of the consumer in
purchasing products or services with cryptocurrency, the confidence in the
payment system with cryptocurrency and the functionality of cryptocurrency
dimensions on the consumer's intention.In this context, a survey of 270
cryptocurrency users was conducted via Facebook and Twitter from social media
networks. The analysis found a significant and positive relationship between
the intentions of cryptocurrency users to purchase the tourism product with
cryptocurrency and the trust in the method of payment with cryptocurrency, the
level of perception of tourism enterprises using cryptocurrency, the benefit of
the tourism product without buying the cryptocurrency and the functionality of
the cryptocurrency used. Cryptocurrency users have been shown to be willing to
purchase the tourism product with cryptocurrency.


  • Aksoy, E. (2018), Bitcoin: Paradan Sonraki En Büyük İcat. İstanbul: Abaküs Yayınları.
  • Amendah, E. (2008), "The Emergence Of a Retail Payment System In The 21st Century: M-PAYMENT", Doktora Tezi, West Lafayette, Hindistan: Purdue University.
  • Antonopoulos, A. (2010), Mastering Bitcoin. Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.
  • Atlam, H. ve Wills, G. (2018), "Technical Aspects of Blockchain and IoT". Advances in Computers.Volume 15, 1-39.
  • Barha, Y. (2018), Bitcoin Kabul Eden Türk Alışveriş Siteleri. Koinmedya: Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2019.
  • Bjerg, O. (2016), "How is Bitcoin Money?" . Theory, Culture & Society, 33 (1), 53-72.
  • Blau, B. (2017), "Price Dynamics and Speculative Trading in Bitcoin." Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 41, 493-499.
  • Boireau, O. (2018), "Securing The Blockchain Against Hackers." Network Security, 20018 (1), 8-11.
  • Borovska, Y. ve Yılmaz, H. (2018),"Is Tourism Industry Ready for Crypto Currency: a Case of Eskişehir." The 11th Tourism Outlook Conference Heritage Tourism Beyond Borders and Civilizations (s. 147-159). Eskişehir: Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications No. 3837.
  • Böhme, R., Christin, N., Edelman, B. ve Moore, T. (2015),"Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance." Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 29 (2), 213-238.
  • Brito, J. ve Castillo, A. (2013). BITCOIN: A Primer for Policymakers. Virginia: Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
  • Crosby, M., Nachiappan, Pattanayak , P., Verma, S. ve Kalyanaraman, V. (2016), "BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin." Applied Innovation Review, Issue 2, 6-19.
  • DataLight. (2019), Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2019
  • Dwyer, G. (2015), "The Economics of Bitcoin and Similar Private Digital Currencies." Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 17, 81-91.
  • Efanov, D. ve Roschin, P. (2018), "The All-Pervasiveness of the Blockchain Technology." Procedia Computer Science, Volume 123, 116-121.
  • Franco, P. (2015), Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering and Economics. Wiley.
  • Gandal, H. ve Halaburda, H. (2014), "Competition in the Cryptocurrency Market." Bank Of Canada Working Paper 2014-33, 1-29.
  • Grinberg, R. (2012), "Bitcoin: An Innovative Alternative Digital Currency." Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal, 159 (2012), 160-207.
  • Gupta, M. (2017), Blockchain For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Güven, V. ve Şahinöz, E. (2018), Blokzincir Kripto Paralar Bitcoin: Satoshi Dünyayı Değiştiriyor. İstanbul: Kronik Kitap.
  • Hasso, T., Pelster, M. ve Breitmayer, B. (2019), "Who Trades Cryptocurrencies, How Do They Trade It, And How Do They Perform? Evidence From Brokerage Accounts." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 23, 1-23.
  • He, Q., Xu, Y., Liu, Z., He, J., Sun, Y. ve Zhang, R. (2018), "A Privacy-Preserving Internet of Things Device Management Scheme Based on Blockchain." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14 (11), 1-12.
  • Hileman, G. ve Rauchs, M. (2017), Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.
  • Iansiti, M. ve Lakhani, K. (2017), "The Truth About Blockchain." Harvard Business Review, 4-11.
  • Ikeda, K. (2018), "Security and Privacy of Blockchain and Quantum Computation." Advances in Computers, Volume 111, 199-228.
  • İslamoğlu, H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2016), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • Kim, S. (2018), "Blockchain for a Trust Network Among Intelligent Vehicles." Advances in Computers, Volume 111, 43-68.
  • Leung, D. & Dickinger, A. (2017), “Use Of Bitcoin in Online Travel Product Shopping: The European Perspective”, (Ed.) Roland Schegg ve Brigitte Stangl, In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Springer, Switzerland :Springer International Publishing.
  • Lielacher, A. (2019), How Many People Use Bitcoin in 2019? Bitcoin Market Journal: Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2019.
  • Makhdoom, I., Abolhasan, M., Abbas, H. ve Ni, W. (2019), "Blockchain's Adoption in IoT: The Challenges, And a Way Forward. "Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 125, 251-279.
  • Mansfield-Devine, S. (2017), "Beyond Bitcoin: Using Blockchain Technology to Provide Assurance in the Commercial World." Computer Fraud & Security, 2017 (5), 14-18.
  • Min, H. (2019), "Blockchain Technology for Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience." Business Horizons, 62 (1), 35-45.
  • Moreau, E. (2019), 13 Major Retailers and Services That Accept Bitcoin. Lifewire: Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2019
  • Muzammal, M., Qu, Q. ve Nasrulin, B. (2019). "Renovating Blockchain With Distributed Databases: An Open Source System." Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 90, 105-117.
  • Önder, I. ve Treiblmaier, H. (2018),"Blockchain and tourism: Three Research Propositions." Annals of Tourism Research, 180-182.
  • Presthus, W. ve O’Malley, N. O. (2017), "Motivations and Barriers for End-User Adoption of Bitcoin as Digital Currency." Procedia Computer Science, Volume 121, 89-97.
  • Redshaw, T. (2017). "Bitcoin Beyond Ambivalence; Popular Rationalization and Feenberg’s Technical Politics." Thesis Eleven , 138 (1), 46-64.
  • Reyna, A., Martín, C., Chen, J., Soler, E. ve Díaz, M. (2018), "On Blockchain and its Integration With IoT. Challenges and Opportunities." Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 88, 173-190.
  • Scott, B. (2016), "How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance." UNRISD Working Paper, 1-18.
  • Swan, M. (2018), "Blockchain for Business: Next-Generation Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Systems." Advances in Computers, 121-162.
  • Underwood, S. (2016), "Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin." Communications of the ACM, 59 (11),15-17.
  • Vigna, P. ve Casey, M. (2017), Kriptopara Çağı: Bitcoin ve Dijital Paranın Küresel Ekonomik Sisteme Meydan Okuması. Ankara: Buzdağı Yayınevi.
  • Yahanpath, N. ve Wilton, Z. (2014), "Virtual Money Betting On Bitcoin." University of Auckland Business Review, 17 (1), 37-43.
  • Yermack, D. (2015), “Is Bitcoin A Real Currency?”, An Economic Appraisal. Handbook Of Digital Currency. 2015. 31-43.
  • Ying, W., Jia, S. ve Du, W. (2018), "Digital Enablement of Blockchain: Evidence from HNA Group." International Journal of Information Management, Volume 39, 1-4.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 45 - 56, 22.06.2020


Bu çalışmada kripto
paraların turizm işletmelerinde ödeme yöntemi olarak kullanılmasının tüketicide
oluşturacağı satın alma niyeti araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda tüketicilerin
kripto para kullanan işletmeyi algılama düzeyi, kripto para ile ürün veya
hizmet alımında tüketicinin sağlayacağı fayda, kripto para ile yapılan ödeme
sistemine duyulan güven ve kullanılacak kripto paranın işlevselliği alt
boyutlarının tüketici satın alma tercihi üzerindeki etkisinin belirlenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda sosyal medya ağlarından Facebook ve Twitter
üzerinden 270 kripto para kullanıcısına anket yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler
sonucunda kripto para kullanıcılarının turizm ürününü kripto para ile satın
alma niyetleri ile kripto para ile yapılan ödeme yöntemine duyulan güven,
kripto para kullanan turizm işletmelerini algılama düzeyleri, turizm ürününü
kripto para ile satın almadan elde edeceği fayda ve kullanılan kripto paranın
işlevselliği arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Kripto
para kullanıcılarının turizm ürününü kripto para ile satın almaya istekli
oldukları görülmüştür. 


  • Aksoy, E. (2018), Bitcoin: Paradan Sonraki En Büyük İcat. İstanbul: Abaküs Yayınları.
  • Amendah, E. (2008), "The Emergence Of a Retail Payment System In The 21st Century: M-PAYMENT", Doktora Tezi, West Lafayette, Hindistan: Purdue University.
  • Antonopoulos, A. (2010), Mastering Bitcoin. Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.
  • Atlam, H. ve Wills, G. (2018), "Technical Aspects of Blockchain and IoT". Advances in Computers.Volume 15, 1-39.
  • Barha, Y. (2018), Bitcoin Kabul Eden Türk Alışveriş Siteleri. Koinmedya: Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2019.
  • Bjerg, O. (2016), "How is Bitcoin Money?" . Theory, Culture & Society, 33 (1), 53-72.
  • Blau, B. (2017), "Price Dynamics and Speculative Trading in Bitcoin." Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 41, 493-499.
  • Boireau, O. (2018), "Securing The Blockchain Against Hackers." Network Security, 20018 (1), 8-11.
  • Borovska, Y. ve Yılmaz, H. (2018),"Is Tourism Industry Ready for Crypto Currency: a Case of Eskişehir." The 11th Tourism Outlook Conference Heritage Tourism Beyond Borders and Civilizations (s. 147-159). Eskişehir: Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publications No. 3837.
  • Böhme, R., Christin, N., Edelman, B. ve Moore, T. (2015),"Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance." Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 29 (2), 213-238.
  • Brito, J. ve Castillo, A. (2013). BITCOIN: A Primer for Policymakers. Virginia: Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
  • Crosby, M., Nachiappan, Pattanayak , P., Verma, S. ve Kalyanaraman, V. (2016), "BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin." Applied Innovation Review, Issue 2, 6-19.
  • DataLight. (2019), Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2019
  • Dwyer, G. (2015), "The Economics of Bitcoin and Similar Private Digital Currencies." Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 17, 81-91.
  • Efanov, D. ve Roschin, P. (2018), "The All-Pervasiveness of the Blockchain Technology." Procedia Computer Science, Volume 123, 116-121.
  • Franco, P. (2015), Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering and Economics. Wiley.
  • Gandal, H. ve Halaburda, H. (2014), "Competition in the Cryptocurrency Market." Bank Of Canada Working Paper 2014-33, 1-29.
  • Grinberg, R. (2012), "Bitcoin: An Innovative Alternative Digital Currency." Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal, 159 (2012), 160-207.
  • Gupta, M. (2017), Blockchain For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Güven, V. ve Şahinöz, E. (2018), Blokzincir Kripto Paralar Bitcoin: Satoshi Dünyayı Değiştiriyor. İstanbul: Kronik Kitap.
  • Hasso, T., Pelster, M. ve Breitmayer, B. (2019), "Who Trades Cryptocurrencies, How Do They Trade It, And How Do They Perform? Evidence From Brokerage Accounts." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 23, 1-23.
  • He, Q., Xu, Y., Liu, Z., He, J., Sun, Y. ve Zhang, R. (2018), "A Privacy-Preserving Internet of Things Device Management Scheme Based on Blockchain." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14 (11), 1-12.
  • Hileman, G. ve Rauchs, M. (2017), Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.
  • Iansiti, M. ve Lakhani, K. (2017), "The Truth About Blockchain." Harvard Business Review, 4-11.
  • Ikeda, K. (2018), "Security and Privacy of Blockchain and Quantum Computation." Advances in Computers, Volume 111, 199-228.
  • İslamoğlu, H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2016), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • Kim, S. (2018), "Blockchain for a Trust Network Among Intelligent Vehicles." Advances in Computers, Volume 111, 43-68.
  • Leung, D. & Dickinger, A. (2017), “Use Of Bitcoin in Online Travel Product Shopping: The European Perspective”, (Ed.) Roland Schegg ve Brigitte Stangl, In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Springer, Switzerland :Springer International Publishing.
  • Lielacher, A. (2019), How Many People Use Bitcoin in 2019? Bitcoin Market Journal: Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2019.
  • Makhdoom, I., Abolhasan, M., Abbas, H. ve Ni, W. (2019), "Blockchain's Adoption in IoT: The Challenges, And a Way Forward. "Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 125, 251-279.
  • Mansfield-Devine, S. (2017), "Beyond Bitcoin: Using Blockchain Technology to Provide Assurance in the Commercial World." Computer Fraud & Security, 2017 (5), 14-18.
  • Min, H. (2019), "Blockchain Technology for Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience." Business Horizons, 62 (1), 35-45.
  • Moreau, E. (2019), 13 Major Retailers and Services That Accept Bitcoin. Lifewire: Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2019
  • Muzammal, M., Qu, Q. ve Nasrulin, B. (2019). "Renovating Blockchain With Distributed Databases: An Open Source System." Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 90, 105-117.
  • Önder, I. ve Treiblmaier, H. (2018),"Blockchain and tourism: Three Research Propositions." Annals of Tourism Research, 180-182.
  • Presthus, W. ve O’Malley, N. O. (2017), "Motivations and Barriers for End-User Adoption of Bitcoin as Digital Currency." Procedia Computer Science, Volume 121, 89-97.
  • Redshaw, T. (2017). "Bitcoin Beyond Ambivalence; Popular Rationalization and Feenberg’s Technical Politics." Thesis Eleven , 138 (1), 46-64.
  • Reyna, A., Martín, C., Chen, J., Soler, E. ve Díaz, M. (2018), "On Blockchain and its Integration With IoT. Challenges and Opportunities." Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 88, 173-190.
  • Scott, B. (2016), "How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance." UNRISD Working Paper, 1-18.
  • Swan, M. (2018), "Blockchain for Business: Next-Generation Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Systems." Advances in Computers, 121-162.
  • Underwood, S. (2016), "Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin." Communications of the ACM, 59 (11),15-17.
  • Vigna, P. ve Casey, M. (2017), Kriptopara Çağı: Bitcoin ve Dijital Paranın Küresel Ekonomik Sisteme Meydan Okuması. Ankara: Buzdağı Yayınevi.
  • Yahanpath, N. ve Wilton, Z. (2014), "Virtual Money Betting On Bitcoin." University of Auckland Business Review, 17 (1), 37-43.
  • Yermack, D. (2015), “Is Bitcoin A Real Currency?”, An Economic Appraisal. Handbook Of Digital Currency. 2015. 31-43.
  • Ying, W., Jia, S. ve Du, W. (2018), "Digital Enablement of Blockchain: Evidence from HNA Group." International Journal of Information Management, Volume 39, 1-4.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Cihan Seçilmiş 0000-0001-6781-0997

Mustafa Çağatay Kızıltaş 0000-0003-2194-6041

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2019
Kabul Tarihi 5 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Seçilmiş, C., & Kızıltaş, M. Ç. (2020). TURİZM İŞLETMELERİNDE ÖDEME YÖNTEMİ OLARAK KRİPTO PARA KULLANIMININ TÜKETİCİ TERCİHLERİNE ETKİSİ. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 45-56.