The Armistice of Mudros was signed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies of World War I on 30 October 1918. Thus, the British troops occupied Maras, Adana, Antep and Urfa based on the 7th article of the Mondros Armistice, afterwards they left the region to the French troops in accordance with Syrian Treaty they signed. Although the Cilician Society, which was established in Istanbul, declared the injustice of the French occupation and called upon the people to resist, the Sivas Congress was the main force that mobilized the people. The Pozantı Congress also played an important role in the liberation struggle of the southern regions, in particular Adana. During the defense of Adana, the efforts of both the people of Adana and the National Forces gave positive results. French troops withdrew from Adana on 5 January 1922 in accordance with Ankara Treaty they signed with Turkey on 20 October 1921. Thus, this date was celebrated as the independence day of Adana annually. The independence day of Adana, which was celebrated gloiously annually, also was celebrated in İstanbul and Ankara people’s houses. The celebrations created a visual feast in Adana and big investments made into Adana thanks to these celebrations. Thus, these investments contributed to the modernization of the city in time. This article has been prepared based on the documents of the Prime Ministry Republican Archives, from the available numbers of the local newspapers of Adana such as Türk Sözü, Yeni Adana, Seyhan and the national newspapers such as Ulus, Aksam, Vakit, Tanin and Son Posta.